Ram to-diy and probably to
morrow, warmer to-morrow
Temperatures yesterdaj Max
imum, 4S, minimum, 28
The Herald has the largest
morning home circulation, and
prints all the news of the world
each day, in addition to many
exclusive features
XO. 2289.
Woodrow Wilson's Life of George Washington, Now Running in Serial Form in The Herald,
Attracting Great Attention-It Is, Forceful, Vivid, Lucid, Entertaining, Historical
Says Unscrupulous Persons
Could Wreck Country if
They Controlled Money.
Confesses There Was Plan on Foot
to Mutualue Insurance
That the c untrv would be wrecked if
the presei t concentrated wialth fell into
the 1 anda of bad men was the asscr
tion of George I Baker V all Street i
leading magnate In his testimons before
the Pujo Moncj Trust Investigating
committee jestcrdaj He finally defined
a bad n an as 01 e ambitious and
rupulous n Irresponsil le man
said could neer wreck the cuuntrv be
cause he ciuld n it manage the vast
1 nes of b lsiness if be came into ion
Bakers startling assertion was the re
Milt of I ntermjer s luestionlng whether
n his opinion a Mone Trust oxi ts
I ntermjer defined a Mones Trust a
an established idenlltj of a com
munitv of interests between a few lead
r of finance which has created and
1 eld together f ich stockholdings inter
locking directorates, and other forms
if domination over banks trust compa
tic riilroals public service corpora
tion and Indhidual corporations and
which his resulted In a vast growing
stem of concentration of moncv and
redit in the hands of these few men
Do ou think this concentration has
pone far enougl-"- asked Intermver
les I think it has replied Baker
I wouldnt want it to go much fur
He added -ifter further questioning
tl at the present situation might lie
i rmed uncomfortable to a great nation
Another clement besides philanthropv
i ight hae induced Morgan to take
er the Tqultable life Insurai ee Com
pun according to Bakers admission
He stated after long questioning that
there was a plan on foot to mutuallze
this eompanv and in tills eent Morgan
could have sold all the stock which he
pur hased and still retain tl e control
of the corporation Baker expressed his
belief that this was not Morgan s 'olc
cihjs t In taking over the companj
(all. Jlorcnn Chief
Saker characterized J P Morgan as
the general ot Wall Street and i-aid
that he was one of Morgan s chief lieu
tenants 1 iring the time of the panic
Mnce tl at time there has been no et
rule of leadership he said altnough
Morgan influence has largely been dom
mating Personalis Baker said he re
arded Morgan as a man without a peer
within Will btreet
I-aving aside our modestv said
1 itTnucr cannot ou admit that jou
are still ihe chief 1 eutenant of Mor
T woi t confers to that replied
Baker and his counsel former Senator
s-pooner added The witness is not
obliged to incriminate himself
If a man lost the coi fldence of Morgan
S. Co he would still be able to establish
credit. Baker maintained He was asked
1 I nfrmser to cite in instance during
the last ten sears where Morgan or one
if eigit subsidiary firms connected with
tl e Morgan had not been interested in
evers transaction where more than J10
MM) was lnolved
I can t name an) right now replied
I aker but I should think there ought
to be some
Baker announced thit he would submit
I ntermjer s request for the record of all
1 ool svndicates for stock promotion to
the directors of tl e First 'National Bank
and the First Securit Companv of New
Tork next Wednesday Interim r
agreed to permit tl is delaj
I feel that ou have no right to make,
this request as it is a priate matter
laid Baker Ms attornejs take this
same lew However if so i desire that
this information should be furnished 1
feel It tm duts to first consult all of
the directors before taking an action
llorcnn Holdings l t.ono OOO
Baker stated that F T Stotesl urv of
t e I P Morgan Company had hell
oiitrol of the Philadelphia Shipbuilding
owpans as voting trustee
In commenting on the strength of the
1 irst National Bank of New Tork Baker
mated tl at a J 00 CO defalcation ten or
fifteen jears ago was charged off to
profit and los and the sum easib
made up b increasing the valuation of
bonds listed 1k?1ow normal
That did not keep us from pajlng our
dividends tl at sar added Baker
He testified that Morgan holdings in
the I irst National Bink represented
JHWiuii) in 14 OOO shires of stock valued
at Jl ono per share or ten times par
W hen questioned as tc the generositv
of Morgan s motive in taking over th
nqultahle Insurance Companv Baker
Hated that It w is pro bono publico
llrposlta Over SI0OO0OO00
The average deposits of the Hm Na
toial Bank Fald Baker are $100 OOO 000
if which JSCGCOO Is contributed bv 143
depositors for corporations Baker again
protesteu against anv i ublicitj of as
Don t sou think asked Cntermjer
that publicit) of accounts, would pre
vent officers and directors of banks f om
borrowing the banVs money"-
I have no opinion on that said the
Baker said that tl e stock of tl e Chase
National Bink was turned over to the
First National Bank at a price ranging
between K00 and $300 a share He said
that this bank had bold over 23 000 shares
to in offcer of his companj which rep
lesented the control.
How manj corporations are jou In
ttrested in as a voting trustee or di
rector' asked I. ntermjer
Too raanj replied Baker He added
that there were eights eight corporations
on which he or members of the First
Nitlonal Bank which he controls served
as directors or trustees In thlrtv seven
corporations he or a member of his
companj Is joint!) Interested with J P
Morgan or a member of his firm
But jou have made nie out to lie such
1 director concluded Baker that I
would like to ei lain that I never be
came a voting trustee or a director In
nnj corporation by mj own desire or at
xny own solicitation
Danburj Conn., Jan 10.-ohn Hart.
a railroad man ot this cltj has gone, to
bed to hibernate for the remainder of
the winter
Hart believes the winter should be. de
voted to continuous rest. He will not
leave his bed until Candlemas Daj and
then whether he remains up will be
guided by the ground hog's example.
Hart has followed trie practice for five
winters. He says It does him a lot of
good When he arises in the spring ne
Is very weak, but after a short time
his strength returns During his hlber
na,Uon his wife and familj attend to his
Roddenberry Makes a Futile
Attempt to Reduce It to
$1 a Month.
Georgia Members Throw All Sorti of
Obstacles in Way of the
Pension Bill
it wax brought out in dtbate in the
House vesterdas that James L Daven
port I nlted States Commissioner of
I ensions has been drawing a pension
of $16 a month from the government
&luce Julj IS. 1G
Vttention was directed to the fact by
Bepresentative Iloddenberrj of Georgia,
who bitterly opposed the pending omnl
bus pension bill Mr Roddenberrj of
fered an amendment to the measure re
ducing Commissioner Davenport s pen
sion to St i month
The amendment was defeated l an
overwhelming vote The Georgia mein
ber made a humorous speech on the
Davenport pension declaring that the
commissioner had been granted it i n
the ground that he was suffering from
a. wasting disease
If he had that disease in 1SS4 he
would Inve been a human skeleton lis
this time shouted Mr Roddenberrj
But look it him If vou have seen
him jou know that he Is the picture
of health
Pension With III. ViiUr
Mr Roddenberrv charged Mr Daven
port enlisted in a W lscmain .regiment
near the close of tte. war when the
government was pajlng hhjrh I aunties.
The Georgian usisted that the altruistic
idea of the pnsion svstem was entlrelv
overlooked when a man was paid a
gratuitv of SIS a month w I o it the sam
time received a salarv of $ 000 a jear
as i government ffi ial
Representative Roddenberrv assisted bv
Representative Tribble also of Georgia,
and Representat v e. Moon of Tennessee
conducted a filibuster against the pen
slon bill thro ighout the daj Tl e charge
was inide tl at Mr Moon who Is cl air
man of the post office committee was
peevish because earlier the House had
refused to take up the post off! e ipi ro
priation bill Mr Moon ins sted upon
a reort being read upon -aeli of the
si c r more cases in the pension bill
while Messrs Roddenberrv and Tribble
the Georgia twins threw all sorts of
legislative obstacles n th wiv of the
Repiesentative Roddenl err presented
n mndment prohibit i g pensioners
from attending White House receptions
in swallow tall coats This was ruled
0 it of cder on the ground that it was
Muck to I-minister
The iens on bill was in tl e hands ot
1 s friends and those ir charge of It in
listed that it should be paed or put
on tl e wav of its pasae before ad
Journ nent hen the usual hour of ad
Journment was reached members scowled
at tho Georgia twins but ti no p ir
pose Mes r Roddenberrv and Tribble
stuel to tl filibuster manfullv and kept
the House in session until after i
o clock
Debate laving been ehausted at thit
loir under the rules Bepresentative
Kushel of Missouri who vias in charge
of th bill moved thit the measure be
passed Bv that time less than loa mem
ben were In their seats Mr Rodden
berrs roe majestically from his seat
ind made the point of no quorum
Those interested In pensions groaned
As most of the me-nbers had left for
their homes the House was forced to
adjourn, with tie pension I ill still ljing
on the calendar
rjek. L Mrn llnlloon
London Jan 10 A German balloon
marked Kite Station lriedrichshafcn.
was picked up to dav four miles off
Vldrburgli on the coast of Suffolk bj
a steamship which arrived in the
There is nothing In tl e I asket of the
balloon except Instruments and a coil
of wire It Is believed that the balloon
was a captve one used in the Zeppelin
Hear of Nejtro Consplrnej
Havana Jan 10 The government to
dav received a message from Santa
Clara province to the effect that a negro
consplracj of extraordinary scope had
been discovered The information came
to the Cuban government In a long code
Durhns of ConnanRlit Better
Montreal Jan 10 The condition of the
Duchess of Connaught who Is suffering
from peritonitis was said bj her phj
siciins to night to be much better fol
lowing a daj that brought steadj lm
LlilioIdM I oclury Law
New Vork Jan 10. The constitutionality
of the law rohibiting the working of
women and children In factories for more
than Jiftj four hours a week was upheld
bj Justice Blackmar In the Sunrem.
Court In Brookljn This decision strikes
)low nt the abuses practiced In tli
canning and candj Industries
' verv baturdav and Sundas Good to
muni until 9 a, m train Monday All
trains both wajs Including the Royal
nvSSoAvI mm IwjauU .iilMBsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssBVe'tr' 7Wv1t ' V0
OSk RsrlP-'Sfr?it (Ja?Q vlftflLlllllllllllllllllllllllllllV.'s '-'.mmmmW Am. .- o?t'dA
ssoM nc.ywf -iss ....jjj-mfcjcft Jt wu V 3 .v VBlsssW' V) t. Tt3i3jt. 1 I
Amundsen, Discoverer of the
Pole, Given Royal Welcome Here,
Pitys Warm Tribute to Predecessors
Famous Explorer in First Public Lecture in America Before
National Geographic Society, Details Thrilling Dash to
Pole, Before Audience of 2,000 Persons.
Paving eloquent and unstinted tribute to the great work -iccompli'-Iied bv tbosc who preceded him
in their quest for the south pole and mentioning paraticuhrlv the names of (.apt St-ott ind Capt bliack
clton ind concluding with the statement that he a proud to be permitted to stand on the imc plat
lorni lroni which the dicoerer 01 the north pole dnnral I'earv, had addressed the atioml Geo
graaphic ocietv Capt Raold niumlci dthered his hrst public lecture in menca before an audience
01 2 000 persons
I ullv nn hour hetorc the tune set tor the lecture the luditornun hi crowded with "senators md
Representaties members ot the Cabinet justices of the buprenic Court arnn ind m officer-. Ing'i
government omcials- cientit business men financiers, artits societ people and workingmcn who
awaited the arrival of the famous explorer
v llecrlvrn Great Ovation j
"Irene," for Three Years Pupil at
Misses' School, Arrested for Mas
querading in Female Attire
ictor Colo
eighteen jears
deilared that
wear trousers
Jan 10 After living for
as a girl stern law has
Irene Movialiau must
Dressed in daintj lln
gcrie and a hobble skirt he was ar
rested to daj in La Junta bv the Sheriff
who because of his masculine appear
ance decided he beheld a boj in girl s
clothing The fcherlff was right, and Just
there he put one over on woman s in
tuition for the past three vears Irene
1 as spent In the ictor School for Girls
and he got awaj with it
Irene who Is past sweet sixteen bj
two summers was on his waj to visit
his father In Bisbec Ariz, when he met
Nemesij in the form of the Sheriff who
took him flnerj and all to the town
lockup to satlsfj his suspicion
Mrs Moynahan when told that Her
da ightcr Irene must in the future I e a
sou said that she had alwajs passed
him off as a girl becaus she was so
disappointed In having two sons. But
she put on the grand finale bj declaring
that her husband did not know the sex
of Iren He had been taught sowing
crocheting cooking and the other things
girls learn and the one thing that
puzzles the Sheriff who solved the mjs
terj is whether or not Irene knew who
be was The girl boj professed the most
utter amazement and indignation at his
arrest and said he knew of nothing
wrong lie had done But the Sheriff
still has him In the lockup and sajs he
will not open the door until he has had
la talk with the proprietors of that girls
The mother s statement that the father
did not know what kind of cjiild Irene
was Is borne out bj the dlscoverj of a
letter carried bj Irene In his silver
mesh bag which dangled from a white
kid glove The letter was addressed to
the father at Blsbee and stated that the
mother was sending a son to him as
a New lear s gift.
Two More In Swindle "et
Chicago Jan 30 Edward B McArdlc
a lawjer and W J Humes a book
salesman of Chicago, were arrested to
dav on Indictments charging particpa
tlon In the edition de luxe book swindle
for which other Indictments have been
returned in New 'iork. The charge is
that thej defrauded Harry M Livings
ton oC Saratoga Springs out of ?XX.
hortls after s oiloik Dr Henrv Can
i ett prefident of the National Geo
graphic boclitv mounted the platform
and with a few remarks introduced Capt
Muundsen win received I genuine ov i
ticn Mll Iv embarrassed bv the great
r -ceptlon the eplorcr anxlouslj awaited
lor the appl tuse to subside when he at
once launched into his subject explain
Ing the objects of the expedition which
he said, had been purelv of a scientific
character such as research into marl
time geographical and topographical
questions m R otl er problems stud
led bj the expedit on was that of the
t de phenomena although studied ex
teisivelj it sill baffles Uenee The
luminous phenomena the aurori Inire
al s commonlj called northern lights
whose intermittent manifestations have
neier been fulls explained was another
lissterj which Cape, mundcn s ex
p-ditlon studied
ItoIIoi for Iwn Iran
Telling of the sailing ot the expedition
m indsen who is a tjplcal Norseman
standing six feet high with a I roml
nent Roman nose and smooth face said
that thej left Norwaj ugust lslC
ind that thej tarried ninetj seven Ls
klmo dogs from i.reenlmd and provisions
enough to last for two jears He said
I the first iort touched was Madeira
where everj thing was made reads for
the trip The pictures thrown on the
sereen showed the member of the ex
peditlon on the Fram the ship In which
the expedition sailed the cabin and
the dogs
Referring to the dogs Cipt, mundsen
said that prophets in Norwav had pre
dicted that none of his Ksklmo dogs
would cross the equator Replying to
this the explorer said in a humorous
was that the expedit on left Norwaj
with ninetj seven dogs and that when
It arrived at the Bav of hales, there
were US dogs U hiie passing through
the warm regions the deck of the ship
was covered with canvas to protet the
dogs from the heat
An albatross hunt was shown and also
Capt. Nclsen of the I-ram and two of
his officers taking observations The ex
peditlon arrived at the Bav ot Whales
Januarj U 19U and on Januarj 2S their
hou.se which thej had erected was reads
to receive for storage the provisions of
the expedition which divided Into a
shore and a ship partj
The shore partj started out February
10 with eighteen dogs on their trip south
ward In which thej encountered Ice bar
riers more than 100 feet high Depots
were established on the trip at which
provisions were stored March 4 the ex
peditlon reached SI degrees of southern
latitude and March 7 thej reach 82 de
Capt. Amundsen .gave a graphic del
Continued on Pnte Four.
Town of Tecpan Taken Afte
Days' Fight by Small
most serious sltuat-on exists in the
vlcinltj of Acapulco Mexico according
to advifes to th state Department jes
terdaj V ban I of jW rebels under den
balgoda has captured the town ot Tec
pan after defeating a fore of 3 fed
eruls stationed there The fighting con
tinued for two dajs
It is also reported that ''jh Gcronimo
near Acapulco has been sacki 1 V num
ber of res dents of tne town were carried
off and are being held for ransom bv
the lnsurrcctos
Sonora seems likelv to become once
more the scene of disturbance accord
Ing to dispatches from that state to daj
Hands of rel els law again appeared
there, and a repetition of the raids whic
occurred last fall is expected In th,
neighboring stite of Chihuahua there 1
little organized rebellion but mcrl
can nnchmen report that more thar
100 cattle have been killed on their jrop
erties during the last week bj rebels
It Is now believed that nothing short
of a complete upheaval will alter the
course of the present administration in
regard to Mexico While the embassj in
Mexico Citj will continue to file with
the Mexican government notices of the
reservation ot tl e right to claim damages
for losses suffered by American propertj
owners in Mexico and to ask protection
for nil merleans threatened with life
nd propertj It is not expected that
there will b anj resort to more drastic
measures before March 4
The Impression made bv Senor Pedro
Lascuraln Mexican minister of foreign
affairs In his recent talk with President
Taft and officers of the Department of
State was so favorable that the ad
ministration has some hope of better
things in Mexico The department has
accepted for tl"e p esent at least assur
a noes that the Madero government Is
doing its level best to suppress the dls
Winter Itcaorta In the Southland
All open now Including Ashevllle The
Land of the Sks Aiken Augusta. Co
lumbia faummervllle Charleston Savan
nalt, Brunswick riorlda Cuba Nassau
New- Orleans. Convenient train service
via Southern Rallwaj Consult ngents
TC6 loth St. and X"a h St nw
Largest Morning Circulation.
WTilliam Rockefeller will return t
America to submit himself to examina
tion bj the phjslclan appointed by the
Pujo Committee to Inquire as to his
phjslcal fitness to appear before that
body He will leave Nassau to-morrow
for Miami. Ha where the climate will
not affect his throat Onlj one doctor
will be appointed to make the examlna
The committee Is now In telcgiiphlc
communication with a noted throat spe
cialist In regard to him meeting Mr
Rockefeller Mr I ujo refused to giv
the name of the doctor until after his
acceptance of the commission which in
expected o-day It was state 1 that the
question as to whether Mr Rockefeller
was to be exnmined either oralis or in
writing will depend entirely on the re
port of the specialist The examination
l expected to take place in Miami- Mon
daj provided Mr Rockefeller has ar
rived by that time and It is convenient
for the phjslclan to be there by that
Conferences End and the Next
Job Is to Sift Views and
Decide on Programme.
Presidentelect Makes Plain His Dis
pleasure at Speculation as to
Probable Slate.
Inn eioii N J Jan 10 I resident
elcit Wilson has about completed his
conferene s with the Democratic lea lers
i f the ci unlrs and his plan now is to
unravel the tangle of views that have
1 een sul mltted to him and reach a con
cl islon with respect to tl e two Important
subjects uppermost In his mind These
are the personnel of his Cabinet and
the piogrumme to In submitted to the
extra session of Congress This p o
gramme the President will outline in a
special message
Gov W ll"on has not made up his mind
as to a single detail of the Cabinet He
las not given to anv of his visitors anj
Intimation that might lead them to be
!i"vc that be favors one man more than
another for anj particular position It
no time has he taken a pencil iepd writ
ten down even a. tentative slate. The
Governor suis that any speculation pur
porttng'to emlrvite from Mfrlend of the
Governor" or those v ho are In the con
fldence of the Governor is made out of
whole rloth Moreover he loes not pro
pose to drop a Mnt that will give the
slightest inkling to h s plan an I it is
his intention when he has llnallv made
up his Cabinet to announce It all at
It can be stated as a positive fact
that It will not be a purely political
Cabinet Gov W il on has no idei f
using government patronage to pav h s
personal political debts He does not
propose to assemble a Cabinet that wil
be able because of its high standard of
ahilits to carry out his programme of
Txtra sridon Worries
Tl e prognmme for the extra session
is one that has given the I resident elect
a good deal of concern He has 1 eard
m ins conflicting pinions as t whether
the tariff alone should be considered of
whether other pledges set forth In the
Democratic platform should be carried
out at tha time or left over for the
legular session He ind his visitors
hav e made a verv tl o ough discussion of
necessitj for currenev legislation anc
it has been determined to have IegisU
tion on this subject reads for introdtic
tlon at the extra session even if at the
last moment It is deemed best to with
1 old it for the time being Trust Iegi
latlon also has come in for consideration
and tl is Is so elosels Interwoven wit
the tariff and the currencj that it mas
be deemed alvlsable ti add this to the
extra session programme
The Givernor will seek the views of
several other leaders before a deel ion
is reached It mav be siid that the pro
gramme will f far besond the three
subject:, named
Gov Wilson left Princeton at o I to
dav for Chicago where he will speak
to morrow evening at the Commercial
Club He returns to Trenton at S o clock
Mondas morning ti e 13th to take up the
State business
icounters Rough Weather and Crew
Battles with Fire m Hold
During Big Storm
St Jihns Newfoundlanl Jan 10 -The
Vllan mail liner Carthaginian arrived
here from Liverpool at a o clock tils
afternoon covered with ice to the fore
truck Iast Tuesdaj morning at 1
o clock rags waste &c wer found
burning in the hold under the first class
cabin A tremendous sea was running
at the time The fire soon gained such
headwaj that all hands had to be or
dered out to light it V squad of British
bluejackets that had been taken aboard
for the naval reserve training ship St
Johns rendered splendid servce and the
blaze was stopped four hours after its
discoverv The damage can hanllj be
estimated until a survej is held The
cargo was Insured the underwriters be
Ing the Allan Company themselves It
Is understood
The crew reports the worst trip across
the Atlantic in twenty Jears During
the file boats were provisioned and
placed In readiness for lowering bjt it
Is believed thej could not possibly have
11 veil In such a sea
Four ships were called on the Marconi
wireless and these were steaming to the
Carthaginian s latitude and longitude
when the order for assistance was can
celed. The vessel arrived with the hull
Intact and the engines and steering gear
working all right However the ship
when entering iwrt looked like a wreck.
(123 to Baltimore and Return.
Saturdays and Sundajs Ma pennsyl
vanla Railroad Tickets good returning
until Sam Mondas All regular train
exceot Congressional Limited.
Failure oi Efforts to Effect a:
Joint Demobilization Lead
to War Preparations.
Roumanian Attitude Complicates the
Balkan Controversy Allies
Make Threats.
M Ictersburg Jan Ml Having faile 1
in her efforts to effect a joint demoblh
zation with Austria Russia Is making
everj prel arat on for the cventualttj if
war Rush or lers have been issued for
the completion of fortifications under
course of construction foreign armies
have I en forbidden to cross the fron
tier and th? army officers are sending
all their valual les t their homes I'
Is expected that orders will be ssucd
bv the Pussian war minister on Januarv
IL retaining with the colors all soldiers
whose time is about to expire
Indon Jan 10 The task of the po
ers alreadj heavj enoi gh with both
sides firm on the Vdrianople luestion
1 as been further complicated bv the Ro
n cnlans demand for the cession of Bui
garian lerntorv
The Roumanian action is denounced
I ere as simpl) blicvmail and it is po nt
ed out that if Ho mania resorts t e
trune measures Russia would not be lis
j-osi-d to look on unmoved This a.pecr
f the matter makes the situation one o'
extreme langer
though Turkev and Bulgaria eon
tine to I reath dehanec nt ea h oiler
theti sqt al I le s no v cons dere.1 less
important than tl e acti n uf the great
Ik wers. If moral pressure fa Is to 1 reak
down the Turkish ibstlnai v it is sugget-
t nssibilitj of a solution of the prob
len eomlnk from drianopie itself is In
dicated in a llelgrade message to-nlght
stating that the Tu kish garrison has
iffTed to capitulate to the il rvian sen
eral Stepanowltch tie famine tn ken
lnl dbltants. havlnEwm!.lW
I ondon Jan 10 Dr Diner the chief
Bulgarian envoj l-clared to-dav that If
the Turks forniallv break e(f peace nego
tiations to morrow as tht-v have threat
ened to do unless the all d accede t
their lemands t v to n orrom the a"",'s
will break the armistice lmmolatelv
I Dr Daneff said
If the Tirks withdraw after the al is
call anotl er meet ng i f tl e pcac confe'
teno- tomorrow Pulgaria will end th
larmistce on tie fo irth daj therea er
land the Bulgarian traps mcamped ir
jtle Tchatalja lines will in med atelv t
tack the Turks without runner notice
The Balkan allies received informati n
from a reliable siuree In Constantinople
tn-dav that the Turks have alrradv v -
tlated t'e armistice bv attacking a force
of Il Igars near l.ake Derkes. The r
.port states that the Bulgarians lost
1 thlrtv wounded Dr Dineff said to das
that despite the warlike attitude attrib
uted to Roumanla he expected ro tro
ble from that eountrv The report tha'
Roumanla had served notice on the pow
ers that si e would send an arnu int
Bulhirii within forts eight hours unless
her territorial demands were granted
was denied
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