Newspaper Page Text
rqg??gyy1"f'' v f,?.;''3ei'l!J'?!"' THE WASHINGTON HERALD, SATURDAY, JANUARY 11. 1913: Old Dutch SPECIALS TO-DAY Lean rork Chops, lb 16c Freeh rork Shoulders, lb, 14c Smokrd Picnic Shoulders I lb- ' 122C . I Cornrd Shoulders, lb 12I2C ,' J Ham. Smoked, Small, and ' Lean. lb, 17c '' I Slice J Hrrakfaat llacon, lb, 20c Scrapple, Philadelphia Mle, Home-made, lb. Moll)- Brand Sauaace. Ture Pork and Pure Spleea, lb, 20c Compound, n l.ard Subatl tute, lb. l.ard, pure, open krllle ren dered, lb, 12V2C Selected Kkrs, doi, 23c .Mtllbrook Eek. extra se lected and craded for 1 Tielchl nnd alse; In aealed . (Klo frei f'.iitrr, le i .'- fer Che.. lb, ' ZOq :. - ". J iinic'firad .l.i." Tea- . .. 11c Walnut Kernrla, lb, , 25c ornar Mackerel, eac-b. ' 5c Blue nell Tomatoes, each, I 10c M0110C..CJ- Pen, can. j 10c KXTIIA SPECIAL: White Potatoes, peek, 18c J'anrj- I.anre Ahlt Florida Lettuce, per bend. 6c lellovr f;iobr Onion J,i-pCCaV. 4C Old Dutch Market, Inc. P.TO La. Air. X. XV. 8th and K Ma. S. E. Slat and M St. IV. W. 7th Que Sta. Jf. XV. 1111 II St. N. E. 1633 North Capitol St. ! 30 Ga. Alt. IV. XV. i TltST. 14th St. X. XV. I Ttb A B Sta. X. E. 1778 V Street X. V. 3113 14t- St. X. XV. I TheMirkelo! IheMarkelof j., Economies Cleanliness YEATMAN'S DRUG STORE :'fP7th & H Sts. N.E, TORRE "".15 Meats and provi sions. Home dressed Poultry a. specialty. ; Otn Vatas la Tht Bcnld'a ta.000 UouasU Christian! Pharmacy, (SrhiffmaA & Goldsmith). 7th and M Sts. X. XV. Phone X. 2394. ' Gne Voles in The Herald'. $3,000 Contest. Largest MorningCirculation. m Economies Cleanliness 1H P tas LEADER TABOOS NEGLIGEE BALL Mrs. Preston Gibson Favors Simplicity in Gowns to Be Worn at Inaugural Dance. WILSON PICKS ESCORT Fund for Ceremonies Steadily Growing;, Contributions Now Totaling; $78,115. Mrs. Preston Gibson, wife of Preston Gibson, the playwright and cotillion leader, and herself a noted social leader, declared yesterday against the proposed negligee Inaugural ball. Mrs. Gibson said that she believed In the principles of Jeffersonlan simplicity, but it should be the simplicity of moderation. "The decollette of too many smart af fairs which bring a blush of shame to the cheek of conservative American womanhood as well as the high stiff col lars and long sleeves of our country sisters should alike he avoided at the inaugural ball. I would suggest that some of tho delightful gowns of previous administrations be copied. Of course, the gowns should be modernized, but I think the medium ground can be reached." Appointment of two large committees, reception and door, probably 'will be made to-day by the chairmen, respec tively. Dr. Thomas Nelson Page and Ben S. Minor. Mr. Minor stated last night that he would get his committee together as soon as possible after its personnel is .uMlshcd. The precedents established at previous balls, he said, probably will be closely followed. He has named William C Marrow, vice chairman, and Hugh E. Roland secretary of his com mittee. He will have thirty or more rids, and each of the aids will have ten assistants so that his committee will total nearly 4 persons. Mr. Minor said that he intended not to appoint tho aids to represent the individual States of the Union, as has been done in the past, but to appoint Washington men, who he believes will be more competent because of their knowledge of local people and conditions. The President and his party will enter the Pension Ofllce, if precedent is fol. lowed, by the Fifth Street entrance Mr. Minor and his aids, and other officials of the inaugural committee, including Chairman V. t Eustis. who will wel come the honored guests, will precede the President and his party. Committee Are Announced. Chairman Waddy B. Wood, of the com mittee on street decorations, which met yesterday at the Shorchani. announced as an executive committee Dr. I,. B. Clark Waggaman. W. XV. Stuart. William A. Rogers. Fred V. Murphy. V B. Olmstead, Bedford Brown, and Bruce Atkinson. The following committees were an nounced last night: Auditing James !'. Oyster, chairman: Granville SI. Hunt, vice chairman; Thomas Grant, secretary; ir. P. Baines. C. I. Crissey. A. L. Davis. Joshua Kvans. Jr., William J. Eynon. Walter B. Guy, I.. J. Ijuraan, Charles Llnkins. It. H. McKec. A. J. May. How ard Moran. John Poole. Albert Schultels. Herbert T. Shannon. John F. Slavcn, II. K. Simpson. Jacob Scliarf. K. E. Whitney. Max F.sher. A. V. Hoffman. M. t. Rosenberg. William B. Hardy, and MaJ. B. Taylor. Press Earl Godwin, chairman; Maurice Splaln, tlrst vice chairman; Theodore H. Tiller, second Ice chairman: Fred A. Emery, secretary; John L. Martin, press agent. Pinna for Fireworks. The committee on fireworks met at the New Willard last night, with Chairman Isaac Gans presiding, and discussed plain for a display on the Ellipse on the night of March 4. V. A. Penning, vice chairman, laid before the committee esti mates of tlrework manufacturers, nnd it was decided to have the representa tives of the manufacturers appear In person before the committee. Pick IVr.onnl Body Guard Gov. Wilson lia selected the Essex Troop of Cavalry, of Newark, for personal lKd guard, and has asked that place be made in the parade for 1.C10 Princeton students, who are planning to march on Inauguration Day In compli ment to their former "prexy." The total subscriptions to the inaugural fund reached S7K.115. according to an an nouncement made by Chairman Corcoran Thorn, of the finance committee. New subscriptions were announced as follows: Capital Traction Company. $1.10: Frank Hume. Inc.. I(0; Ellis & Donaldson. SiV); George Howard. I10O: Joeph Gawier's Sons. Jlit: E. A. Sellhausen. J.V): .. N. Meyer. J1W: Fielding Simmons. JW: II. Preston Gatley. Jino: Samuel Maddox, Sino: R. Ross Perry. JlflO; Samuel Ross, The committee on illuminations was yesterday appointed as follows: William F. Gude. chairman: John Dolph. vice chairman: Frank J. Wissner. secretary: J. W. Alicoate. Harry F. Ash Ion. Julius Baumgarten. Robert S. Bel knap. Harry R. Carroll. C. I. Crissey. E. J. Dow ling. John E. Finney, Isaac Cans. Thomas Grant. E. C. Graham. John W. Fox. Charles ". Hancock. John E. Kreh. jr.: E. S. Marlowe. A. C. Mayer, James F. Ojster. John E. Powell. Charles E. Rowe. S. A. Reeves. Leslie Reynolds, Ed ward Schmid. A. U Sinclair. John B. Slaven. S. Spitzer. Joseph D. Sullivan. A. 0. Stein. U SI. Thayer. George O. Wal son. Elliott Woods. John JIartln. F. A. I-ander. C. S. Partridge. Clarence L. Llnz, and W. F. Thomas. Additions to the committee on civic or ganizations were announced as follows: F. C. Handy, C C. Lancaster. George P. Hart. H. W. Fisher. Charles T. Corby, J. 1. Weller. Charles F. Cummings, H. L. Thornton. Additions to the committee on review ing stands were announced as follows William F. Gllmore. B. II. O'Leary, H. D. Digney. J. Calhoun Patterson. Dr. William Tlndail. secretary to the board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia, and an ardent believer In woman's suffrage, yesterday addressed a letter to Chairman Eustis, of the in augural committee, requesting the ap pointment of wemen to the committee. The letter Is as follows: "In view of the broadening scope of woman's activities In all matters that tend to civic betterment, as well as In those which have generally been re garded as her special province. It would be worthy of the demonstration of which you are the leading representative to recognize that fact by appointing a number of women on the Inaugural com mittee, of which you nrc tho head. I would suggest at least file. "Irrespective of the toclological aspect of this proposition is Its appropriateness, in view of the fact that In nine States of the 1'nion women are vested with full political powers and as such exert those powers In the election of the Presi dent and Vice President of the United States. In whose honor the function you control Is projected. "In addition to the credit, this would be to you as an act of Justice and pro priety, would be the distinction and hon or which would be conferred upon you as the first chairman of a Presidential Inaugural committee to Institute that fair and gracious policy.' BaaaaaaaaaaaKTiilllllllllH aaaaaaaaaaaaaStJP aaaaaaaaaB BBBBBB&;' aBBBBBBBBRpt j bvbvbvjP . t BBBBBBP:- - '-- r M "bybyP' I Ma KasLvf -"' 4fckaBT BVJBVJBajaBBKtjBBaVjBr MIlS. I'llESTOX GinSOX. TAFT MAY NOMINATE COMMISSIONERS TO-DAY Appointment of Judge De Lacy to Sue. ceed Himself Also Expected to Be Sent to the Senate. Nominations of two District Commis sioners and a judge of the Juvenile Court are to be sent to the Senate by Presi dent Taft either to-day or In the very near future, according to report! current yesterday. Commissioner Rudolph, It was said, would be nominated to suceed hlmseir, and a Democrat, probably l. J. Calla han or James F. Oyster, would be se lected as his associate in facing the Senate for continuation. Judge William H. De I.acy. it is understood, is to hav the nomination for Judge of the Juvenile Court. Nominations for all three offices. It is said, probably will be denied confirmation by the benate. A protest against the appointment of Judge Do I.acy to succeed himself as Judge of the Juvenile Court has been Hied with the Dtpartment of Justice by the Daughters of America, an auxil lary of the Junior Order of American Mechanics, it was stated last night by ollicials of the slaughters. A copy of the rrotcst was filed also with the Senate Committee en the Judiciary, to which the nomination of Judge Ic Lacy, made by President Taft. will be ferred. It is alleged .n the protest that Judge De I.acy's conduct of the olfice lias given an "uplift to the young persons brought Into his court, officials of tho Daughters of America stated last night. RECEIVES $69,045 IN RENTALS. 1 nelr snm Derives Mini Part frfoi Plir Block.. Imle Sam during 1912 received $?.- 04...93 in rentals from his property in the District. Secretary of Treasury Mac- Veagh yesterday advised Congress of the collection of that amount from I-ederal property rented to private industries. Nearly three-fourths of this amount. $J7,0.9J was derived from the Ave blocks extend'ng from Pennsylvania Avenue to B Streets between Fourteenth and r if- tecnth Streets Northwest. Even this figure, however, is not as large as the amount received in 1911. when the gov ernment collected Sfi3.fC3.rr from the same property. The decrtase In revenue from these five blocks is explained by the fact that a large amount of space rented in 1S11 to private tenants was utilized tho past vear b' governmental department The next largest revenue-bearing block Is that Just in the rear of the post-ofl which net S3.3I0 for the vear. as against ST.Ti3 during 1311 This, block, which lies between C and Little II Streets am! Eleventh and Twelfth Streets Northwest, was purchased ! the government for an annex to the Post-office Department The remalnd-r of the,93 was d ried from the block Ijing between E nnd F and Eighteenth and Nineteenth Streets Northwest. This brought a rental of Si.0W.D3. The collection of Him entire amount was done through the office of the Chief Clerk of the Treasury without additional expense to th" government. ARRAIGNS "COAL BARONS." "Mother" .lone. Make Hitter Talk Before I.nrse I.nlinr Audience. "Mother" Jones, white-haired minister, arraigned the "coal barons" of West Virginia in a bitter talk to a large labor audience at National Rifles Armory Ia--t n'ght. Mother Jones came to Washington di rect from the seat of trouble in the West Virginia mines. She came to bring th case of the miners Itefore Congress and make arrangements for a Federal inves tigation of conditions, which bhe de scribed as "appalling in their bru tality." Representative W. II. Wilson presided at the meeting. He was introduced by John B. Colpoys. secretary of the Cen tral Labor Union. Mr. Wilson stated that Federal examination of the charges had been requested from the House, and a hearing is expected to lie granted next week. NOT FOR MRS. SCOTT. llrr Friend Sny llline Were In tended for Some- One- EUe. Hisses heard at the convention of the Woman's National Democratic League Thursday night were not for Sirs. Mat thew T. Scott, president general of the Daughters of the American Revolution who nominated Sirs. Steven B. Ayres for the presidency, it was stated last night by Sirs. Scott and several of her friends. Sirs. Scott and her friends claimed that the hisses were intended to be a rebuke to members of the league, said to have treated Sirs. Scott with discour tesy when she took the floor to nomi nate Sirs. Ayres. Slost of the delegates from other cit ies have returned to their homes. The executive board of the league, which met at the New Willard Thursday night and organized, will hold another meet ing at 10 o'clock on Saturday morning. January 1?, at the New Willard and perfect plans for the work of the league. Clara II lit t and Kennrrley Kumford. To-morrow night. :I5, National Theater. MARRIAGE LICENSES. John V Mathenr. Zi. of Karuaa C: and J alia F. Erara, 3, of Amngton, Va. . juonifrr-raerr. John W. no-wahorrr. 3. of KrtnkfoM. w. Va., and Jrveiiui ! SiilffltHt. 13. of Hurlvrurt- v Rr. R. U Kttltt Harris E. WiUUmhira. 2L and Ltm !. T,M IS. both of Richmond, Va. Km. J. J. Mulr. Louis Xlrannan. a. and Maude Hobba. 21 IUt Jaisct M. McCanler. The Oldrat Remedr Knows Is a sldlitz DOWtler. All mivslrlan nr. crtbe It for all trouble of the stomach, liver, and bowe'a. You can now buy a cood-taatine seldlitz Dowdr. it u miiui IlofTs LeinoQ SeldllU. Abdllinam M "THE ODEBI OP TAILS WATBB&" Its Dcllcloui Taste Its Persistent Effervescence Its Great Digestive Value render it (whether taken aloie or mixed) a most Refreshing and Wholesome Drink ABE MAETJN SAYS: What's become o' th' olc-tinic housekeeper that alius had a Jeru salem chcrrv tree in a t'mater can settin' on th' window sill? It's hanllv worth while t' take a basket t' market any more un less you're out o' turnips. GET P0RT0 RICAN RECORDS. President Tranamlla to I'oiisrrti Iteport of Secretary of Wr, President Taft transmitted to Congress yesterday a report of the Secretary of War enumerating the franchises granted during the past year by the executive council, of Porto Rico. The franchise embrace concessions granted by the ex ecutlve council to various street railroad: and telephone and telegraph lines. Ex isting law requires the submission of re ports annually of the record of the Port Rlcan executive council The Porto Rican reports shows, among other item. that the executive council granted a permit to the Porto Rlcan Gen eral Telephone Company to operate i telephone sjstem In San Juan. Mayguez. and the eastern end of the Island, nnd that the authority given to the Robblns- I.iplcy Company to construct and operate a pier on the harbor line of San Juan, has been repealed. ELECTORS TO MEET MONDAY. Votrra' Itepre.entnlli c. Will Nnmf Wll.on Next Prrldent. Though the election of Woodrow Wil son Js consider,! to he a thing of the pat by most ieople. the balloting whh h will actually make him President of the United States will take place next Mon dav. when th electors chosen meet In the v."-i"iK State capitals and vote as inttructril The results of the voting will I-- f'nt to Washington hv special messenger and will be canvassed by tho two Houses of Congress, sitting in Joint session. Th's. the final chapter in the election of the Pre.ident and Vue Prtsldent. will begin nt 1 p. in. IVbruary 11 The election of Presidents and Vice Presidents through the means of the electoral ollege has ceased to le con siders! by the public at large as of any great consequence, since It is almost in conceivable that this balloting should fall to follow the popular vote in November. The formality must be gone through with, however, as prescribed by the Con stitution. WEATHER CONDITIONS. U. S. JV-rt- of Aericultur. Weather Ttureaa, Wi.hmpton, Ktxij). Januin , ILV p. m. Therp has hr-p-n crafrat ari-ri runMdrraWe rt in trmiK ralurr from TVtav -raitirant and nnhtast- :. and an piuall)r derided fall to the north ward and west ward, except in the 'oat Stater. In l.!1 Northwestern Htatr trmpcratuirs rancr from rem to IT degrer-t bolrwr rem. Th" Middlo WeM depression 1M more ratward. ttrnded bv rw-Wa! rain Hitnnlav eat th MLufwtppt lliTer. and in the Yt Unit .state. and by mnw In th l'-jer MlW-wlppI and Iwer nun Talle. the iVntral Ri-rkr Mountain nv jrion, and the Smthwe-.t. On Sunday tin weather ill be pcnerailjT fair west of th Mt.tli&ippi ItiTfT. while to the- eastward then will iV anow and i iwit the Northern and rains oter th Sonth- nectiona. will N warmer Saturday from the Ohio Val ley and I-frer lake Iteginn eastward and south ward, fidlowrd by falling tempi-rttiirc Sunday oter interior ilMrkli. It will be- colder Saturday be tween tlV MtiMppi Ilifer and the Itorky Moun tains, and roldi-r Sunday in tlm LTri?r Lake Ite gion and the West Gulf Matr. focnl Tcniprrntorcai. Midnijrht, 3D; 2 a. ra., 3; 4 a. m.. 2&; fi a. m . 30; 8 a, ra . 31; 10 a. m.. X; 12 noon. S; 2 , in , AZ, i p. m.. 43; 6 p. ra.. 41; 8 p. m.. C; 10 p. m.. 42. Highest. 43. lowest. 31 IUIatirr humidity. S s, m.. H; 2 p. m . G9; 8 p. m.. 71: TUinfall 8 p. m. to 8 p. m.l. T: hours of annshlnr, 0, per cent of possible Minsliine. 0. Temrrrature same date last year Highest, 3T; lowet, 6. Temperatures In Other Cltlea. Temperatures in other dtica, togrther with tha mount of rainfall for the twenty-four hours ended at I p. m. yesterday, are u follows: A'hfTille. X. C AUuiU. Ga 40 AlUntlc Citr, N. J lilsmircx. X. I ok -I Ilofitoci, Miw K Itufflln. X. V 3S Chicago. Ill a Cincinnati, Ohio Chejeniie. V)n SI narrnnort. Iowa St IVnrer. Colo 3 ll-s Moinm. Imra 3 Ihlluth. Olinn 1 alTetr.n. T C llek-n-l. Mnut - Indunapntis, Ind 26 Jartaotrrtne. Ha W Kamu Citr. Mo Little nork. Ark M I.OK Angeles, Cal St Marquette. Slim - Memphis. Term SI New Orleans. La R .New York. N. V 3 North Platte. Xebr i! Omaha. Xe-br St rhUaJctphla. I' U rittabunr. Pa Portland. Sir a Portland, elrrc 12 Bait Lake Citr. Utah X St. Louis, Mo .. 3S St. rani. Minn 22 Hart Ftancism. Cal 50 HrrinsftfM. Ill SI Tacotna. Wajh.......... Tampa. FU 7 Toledo. Ohio SI Vlclsburg. Mlis ti tir yU'riB I T HYATTSVILLE SPEED LAWS GO BY BOARD "Trap" for AutoiiU Thine of Pl ud Bailiff It "Fired" New Regu lations Planned. The town council of Hyattavllle, Md. does not like the unsavory notoriety It has experienced In enforcing Its pres ent automobile laws. As a result, the council met last night and repealed the wrhole automoblln law and "fired" the bailiff. The council Is going to get up a new set of laws, which the members say will tint be so hard on Washington autolsts who wish to pass through thi little town. One thing they are going to do li to omit the fee system, which, accord Ing to O. A. Greager, a member of the council, has caused much persecution, because of the reward in case of convic tion. Charles A. Barr, the bailiff, has been overactive, in the council's opinion, and as a consevjuene-e they are going to get an oRlclal who will not be "unreasonable" with the law. Hyattsvllle la going to provide for policeman with a motorcycle to arrest speeders from the Capital under the new law which the city attorney has been Instructed to draw up. Between now and then, Washington autolsts can go through the little Maryland town as fast as they like. There won't be anybody to arrest them, and there won t be any seed law to violate. This action of the council was brought about by 11. Ralph Ilurton, a Washing ton attorney, who appeared and made complaint against bis arrest on January I by tho town bailiff. After hearing a speech lasting one hour, the council de cided against their bailiff and remitted the $lf, fine which had be-en assessed against Mr. Ilurton by the local Justli of the peace This is the first victory obtained ov nie Maryland automobile law by Capi tal autnlst. and it l believed to be a good omen for the future. In draw ing up the new law an attempt will be made to permit a higher speed limit In outlying districts Hyattsvllle citizens believe, according to o. A Greager. that more latitude should be allowed automo- bilt.t. THE SPECIAL AWARD IS BRINGING THE VOTES The Advocates latest special award, a I7.A Conover Baby Grand Piano, is the goal toward which thousands have set the.r faces. This superb instrument has been pur chased from Percy Foster, the piano merchant. IS) G Street Northwest, and will be given to the person casting the most votes in T'le Herald's Merchants and Manufacturers' Contest be tween the dates of Decemlier :, 1:U. and January li 1313. The extra eompetltlon l open lo everv Ixxlc You do ne-t have to lie a contest ant to win. The onlv condition are that all votes shall be cast for a registered contestant, and mui be turned n not later than ft p. m . January 1.1 The Conover liaby Grand is on exhibi tion at contest headquarters. Til Thir teenth Street Northwest. Kverybody knowa the supreme position of this piano in tho musical world. It ranks among the miest small Instrument produced. Contestants and their friends are mak:ng things hum. and the race gets closer every day. Remember it is open to everybody, and that votes cast for this special award also go to swell the standing of contestants In the regular contest. innTiiti itKPiiRTi:n. vrnrrs. Clifford and M.rrarrt Wcu-n. Ctrl. Krark and I3ole SuUr. hjr. Jaor-h in! Annie Ixim. Ni Loill P. an.! I3i-re I Kirnr. ho IlcEh P and Ilm'ia I Cnfln. M Charles L. and !lna I'astrrlin. hrn JoM-ph J. and Marnrtt K. (Wler. eirt Jmwiih. K and CathTine I tIow. hiy. Wonton V and Ella Crawford. t.r. '.iotanni and IKvata Itrireza. tart. John F. an-l Annie L llynl. tj Hinr K and Jennie J Pell. Ir VVilliam K. and Mane C. lleran, 1ot. tLoiti:n Kniet II. and nianrho I' I'ratt. her William and Martha Hawtln.. lor William V. and Lulu J. Eierrtt. ror DnvTii HKConn. WHITE. Patnrk I". IVmnellr. 7S sears. C-wt llot-t. In-ane, Alrln Newton. 3. et lloer. lnwine. nor Rowers. , 319 M St. nw. Henrietta Mason. 73. 1CT Jeflenon St. nw. Samuel J. Thomas, d. Tubemilnsls Hospital Itnssell Alley. . Children's Hospital Tharles SI. Manhlnson. C. Ht9 au-too St. nw. Natalie Mender. Ti S P St. If Infant of Jacob and Annie Leetn. 3 dars, Prori. draco Hospital COLO It KP John Hutler. m jears. Preertmen's Ilmrital. Kohert Harris .V. llnspttal. Marr VMlliams. 52. 11 Corcoran SI nsr. Amelia Williams, 32. Washington Aslum Ho-pital Nellie Ooles. 24, Ge-rernment Hospital Insane. Francis Adams. II. 4 11a. Ate Sarah Stooks. 3. .eTilIdrcn'i Hospital. John Sntton. 19.. National Training School for Bors. Porothy ltailcy. $ months, 3ST 9th St. nr. Only One "BROMO 0.urNIrJE,"that b Laxative jjromo Qranine Cures a Coldin One Day, Cnp in 2 Days $A on Box. W 25c CHRISTIAN XANDER'S FAMOUS Wines and Distillates 909 Seventh St. Call up Main 1419 for All Kinds of Printing Supplies. J. W. JORDAN 623 D Street N. W. Wt Olt Veto la Th Iltrtld't & Cbatnt, TAKE ELEVATOR Ladies, Save $2.50 on 2UMO pairs brand new womena' aboea go on sale to-day. These shoes were bought from an overstock and are remarkable values. Worth up to' $5.00. Absolutely per fect In' every way, and guaranteed to wear. Every pair. v CI All leathers, all styles, all sizes. EvenlnK slippers In 14 shades of satin, with French or Cuban heels. Come early. (COLONIAL SAMPLE SHOE SHOP Fourth Floor Washington Loan and Trust Bldg. 9Jh and F. Open Saturday Evenings. We a;lve Herald 123,000 eoatrat Totes. 77ie New EHitt FOtmTKK.NTH AND F. Finish the ride or the promenade to-morrow afternoon with dinner in the Crystal Room. Served Table d'Hote From 5:30 to 8 at S1.25 Per Plate, With Wine You'll find it a most elaborate dinner cooked "to a turn" and served to perfection. Engage your table and it will be ready and waiting for you. G. F. SCHUTT. Proprietor. VVVV X V5 vttVTttTt Vi 1 National Hotel j Pennsylvania Avenue Sixth Street t ytt$tt4-&il-ri-ri"t That Best Light And some of the business houses that use it: Dulin & Martin, 1215 F St. A. J. Howar, 1225 F St. Atkinson's Drugstore, 1107 G St. C. H. Eiseman, 619 7th St. Grand Hotel, 15th and Pa. aie. National Law School, 13th St. Md. Lunch Room, 610 9th St. O'Donnell's Drug Store, F St., near 9th. All will tell you of our good service and that our gas arc gives more illumination and costs less to operate. C. A. Muddiman &Co 616 Twelfth. 1204 G. rhone Slain U0. We Cite Votes in HcriW's S3.000 Contest. Pennsylvania R. R. Frequent Fast Express Trains Between WASHINGTON And BALTIMORE $1.75 TRIP Tickets gootl for two days. Including date of sale. Special Saturday and Sunday Rate $1.25 Tickets f-ood to return until 9:00 a. m. Monday. All reftular trains except Congressional Limited. BEE HIVE MARKET I-arse Can 'Corn Jj Italslns. 3 for a Citron, pound ! Tomatoes. 3 cans ST. nOSENBl.ATT. Oth nnd St Streets. Phone N. SO. ,. Wa mtn Votaa to Th Herald s CS,oca Lootaat. SCHOOL SUPPLIES f-arcest stock ever carried. Also Laces. Dry Goods. Hosiery mod Embrolderlta. KBS. I. A.MOUDY-. :;0GeoriAe. N. W. We ariva UeraK S35.000 coaleat votaa. from $1.00 to Your Shoes $2.50 There's only one verdict of the new inter Garden and that is it's the hand- somest dining-room in Washington. Every Sunday evening from 6 to 8 a Table d'Hote Din- ner is served at S1.00 per plate, with wine. t A select musical p-. igrammc i given throughout the evening-. J. D. KYNASTON. Manaf-er t H-H-HHK-;- ALFORD'S TYPEWRITTEN LETTERS Brine back replies because each order receives the same personal attention. Irrespective of size. You will And our letters free from dark edRes. broken type, typographical errors. 4c. Von can safely Intrust Impor tant form letters to us. belnc as- ured that they will be carefully edited and delivered on time 2.000 LETTERS, S4.01 ALFORD LETTER COMPANY w -ddremi 607 15th Street N.W. Srrond Floor Ovfr Kord A Gra ham Dairy T.unrh. Opposite U. S. Treasury, rhone Mala 7506. EDUCATIONAL. rnoFESsio.vAi, euccation is account; ncy. 1'iartical work esiertaUy adapted t men empJored ts-rae Nillelin. Call or address. Director ct Education, Y 11. C A., m U L. Wasbirrtoo. "MRSrEMILYFRECH" BARNES BI.Ntil.NG. ELOCUTION. IU EZermth SL DC Linooia U3L SPECIAL NOTICES. I.W I M.'IE.M.'K UK HB.Vl.TH N TlItAl. imns-tTfirtl. X rcr Nk frr AppT f"" mit, SH Colorado Bldjr. Free lecture for -Dtnm Vfdnevli'. at :j p. m. :-if HOT GRIDDLE CAKES Mil LER'S -re delici'sis and holesorae .hen miLLLnv ,,, of MILLER'S SelfIUlsn nlf.rHKin? Biirt.hest. Its economical, bo aeu raisins Aur, muin mm hlrt. BUCkwhe3t oeat than thoea of other rranda ETAt jour cttstt's. No eotwuners surpbed. B. B. EARNSHAW t BRO. Vi-haleaalera, 11th aad M St a. S. C DIED. ,DAJIS Suddenly, on Friday. January 1. 1913. at i:i. p. m., iiArii.Es ci WIN ADAMS tKeeter. only son of of llalvor Nelson and Addle Florence Adams (nee Spelden). aged seven years and thirteen days. Funeral (private) from his late resi dence. 2C South Carolina Avenue Southeast. Saturday. January 11. at 3 p. m.. "Asleep In Jesus, blessed sleep. SWORDS On Wednesday. January . 1913. In New York City. CHARLES LEK SWORDS. Funeral services will bo held at the Oeorue P. Zurhorst funeral parlors. 301 East Capitol Street, on Sunday. January It at 3 p. m. Relatives and friends invited to attend. FITNEBAL DIRECTORS. GEORGE P. ZURHORST, 901 EAST CAriTOL ST. mantlabed 1W7. CHAR. B. ZUBHORST. Mp. J. WILLIAM LEE, Funeral Directs and Emtalmer. Urerj tn eoanectlon. ConmMxi'nal Cbapal and Modem Crnaatorjcm. Modest prlaaa, ta fanaajlTaala An. asr. Telepbons Mala UsX W. R. SPEARE. FCNICBAL DIRECTOR AND EUBALMEX 940 F Street N. W. WASHINGTON". D. C. Phones Main St FRANK A. SPEARE. Manaf r. FUNERAL DESIGNS. FUNERAL FLOWERS Ot EttTT Ueacriclon-ModeraUl Frload, GUDE. Wtamtl DcsltVB, i