Newspaper Page Text
' jr&" " THE "WASHINGTON HERALD The Herald has the largest morning home circulation, and prints all the news of the world each day, in addition to many exclusive features Rain to-day; colder at night To-morrow fair, colder. Temperature estcrda Maxi mum, 04; minimum, 41. XO. 2290. WASHINGTON. D. 0.. SUNDAY. JANUARY 12. 1913. -FORTY-TWO PAGES aot boys- and girls' magazine FIVE CENTS. SAYSWILSQN President-elect Condemns Ex isting Business Methods in Chicago Speech. MONEY BARONS HEAR HIS WORDS IN SILENCE Millionaires Receive Tongue Lashing from Governor. Future Up to Them. Would Remove Suspicion Tthich Places Upright Men at Disadvantage from Public Mind Regrets Lack of Faith in Government. Imago Jan II "The honest business inen In this c-ountrj haven't got ha nee sii,i President-elect Wilson hts speech before 500 member"! pf ommercial Club and their guests here tonight The C.Minror bemoaned the uequal eonditions that surrounds busi ness in nrica lie -"aid th it compet1 Hon had cntirelj eliminated in some lields and that the Independent business men were unable to get a foothold We niu.t "see to it that business is s t free of ever feature of monopolv, ' e adde-1 And then ifter a short piuse, e na I nmhc vou do not applaud Indeed anions his auditors were prae t Il all of the bis bu&mess men of ' tc so including beef pact ir railroad offi iaq and bank director moiig the-m were J Ogden rmour, io - V Swift K J Karling president "f tlu Milwaukee Railroad John V Tar well n iiltimillionaire s SI Telton. i reside it of the Great estern F" W Hflano president of the Wabash Marvin llusnett president of the Northwestern, 1'vrus Mn'ormlck head of the Harvester J rust James A Patten, the wheat king. orge M Rcvnolds president of the ontinental and Commercial National Lank Julius Itosenwald and John S Uunnells president i.r tne Pullmin Corn pan The President ele t pioceeded to read a i istic lector, to these gentlemen that " ned their applause I P fo llnslnrss Men. I m not here to tell on what T am - ing t i do hi said The business f tuie of thii countr does not elepend pon the government of the United states it depends upon business men of th ountrj The business men have dc- ted their thought to exploiting the -e- r s or merira but verj few have ' ted their thought to husbanding the r sour es of the c iintrv 1 ntil the do ome of the problems that f IO l s lie uifti ult .if solution The i,o.rn- i t at Washington lias.been suspicious tbo who 1 aif approached it for i -,hth in f irt st rth.rves. water reserves I nun lal reserves. They have I okrii wit'i viipmon upon applicint Tlie thing that lias to be this The raw at. rlil of this st be at the iliosaI r I nlted states upon th take ll i -nness out of aker I want matters now th il t said Hi. o remo e suspiei n land perfctlv honest u nl d rould pick out are at a disad antage ui tint- countrv because business ndltious aie net trusted b the peopl s a whole That Is unfair lo ou or to nln.l that business toil, lies Th wo M not belie in tli I nited states nk and lile of our people do not ! t it men of everv kind ir upon iilitv nit onl in their access to s. urcesof the countr, but as to th 1 f i he countr ila 111! ( hn li is lrlied in this country that (he ) o r imn has i less chance to get Justi e hafi the n h man God forbid that that Miould he gcnerall true Hut so long as t at Is true the belief constitutes a i re itcning fact 1 hat lieen told h some gentlemen v th wliom I hae dealt In politics that I am not treating them falrl because I merstand their iuotl-s ind the generil t ibhr does not understand thMr nio- t ves The belief of the people that jon not icting upon high motives Is the Continued on Third Pnsc MEXICAN FEDERALS MOVE AGAINST REBELS Large Force Sent to Juchitepec, Where Fighting Has Been in Progress Several Days. Mineo ( its. Jan II The I ederal gov ernment to da sCnt a large detachment r troops to the defense of the town of I.. .itnnM . ... , . Uhr&l.t,e"ruV"K0. '"reflBlit-, ,7,; nnroere':r"T".r.JTJ?" ""' federals has s J ne repels i Immtji. fli..,,- n.-.!- .."I" "" -- -.... ut'v.....u,ia -c.riai oaj s apo, the first attack being made on the town f JctzIngo Since that time there has been heavj fighting between that town ind Juchitepec. where the rebels were Mt reported assaulting the town Ramos Martinez government peace "tnmissioner reports Tmilo Zapata at the head of R () well-armed and dis- pnneq reuels in the State of Puehla I nut .apata and his forces have been tak ing no ictlve part In the fighting or raiding that has been going on there ie entlj M Martinez declares that Gen Zapata is readj to make pea e and will Mssist the government In pursu't of the rebels The statement however re "ll "t little redone at the capital Rebels In the s,Utepec dlstrn t in the state of Mei o recentlv caught a mail arner and tut off Ids ears Five mule I drivers who were taken prisoners bj the i-ame oand of rebels were .(impelled top i raw lots to determine which one of toem s),ouH be shot The others were permitted to go and were s, nt on their waj on foot The railroad strike which began sev ral weeks ago. continues, with the sit uation practkallv unchanged Prices Of foodstuffs lire Incroa.lno ! daily and there Is no prospect of a set-i p,cnsl,1K etitlrelj with dieting, medl tlemcnt of the strike clnes. and exercises. Manv prominent Solid Iraln lo Vtlintl. Florida t-pecial, Coast Line b P ni All-steel ctectrlc-llchled Pullman dally. H New "iork A LIST OF DEAD MAY EXCEED THIRTY IN STEAMBOAT TRAGEDY Mobile. AU . Jan 11 latest reports from the scene of the explosion of the river steamboat Jamei T Staples on River are lhat the H"t of dead will exceed tlilrt. OnB tug from Mobile, with a crew ct divers and salvage apparatus, reached the scene of the disaster late this even ing, and the work of taking out the remaining bodies will be commenced at da light The list of known dead has lion reached twentv-three. and ten of ihe seriouslj Injured are In the hospital here WITNESSES TELL OF REALTYVALUES Richard H. Goldsborough, an Expert, on Stand in In surance Probe. MAY RtCALL MR. JORDAN Commissioner Judson Asks Witness About Montrose Hotel Transaction. TJeal estate transactions in Washing ton form ticklish subject for conver satfon and vesterdaj a question from Commissioner Judson asked of Richard H Goldsborough as to the recent pur chase of the Montrose Hotel by Eld rldge K Jordan, threw the Insurance quiz of the House District Committee Into even worse turmoil than the In vestigatlon of the sale of the Southern Building has ever been capable of I precipitated hot words threw the torn mittee off the track of the argument beini- pursued at the time and ma result 1b a further probe into the sale of the propertj in question It was the resentment of Attorne Charles A Douglas of counsel for the Insurance companies, th-it precipitated the battle of words The question of the District Commissioner was as to whether the S51 per foot said to have been paid for the Montrose Hotel prop ertj had not been prlncipallj In "paper" ther than cash, and this querj was characterized hj Mr Douglas as a scurrilous one and unfair to Mr. ordan Ills motion that it be stricken rom the record went unheeded by the ommlttee allies on Increase. The value of Washington real estate .as the matter In question, and Mr Goldborough was on the stand as an ex pert witness He was most comp Ixnen- tir in Ins sketch of the growth of values in this eitv He said that Wash ington 8 growth In propertj values had far outdistanced her increase In popula tion and that the Increaso In financial v slues had gone ahead of the Increase In population from 't to i per tent Tills led up to the mu h-mooted ques tion of tin value of the Southern IJuild Inc an I tie witness named S. per foot as a fair Iisure for that pU-ie of land omiiii--ioiier Judson then entered the I robe with his question of the transac tion in the l mtrose Hotel prupert He asked Do von not know that when the Mont-ro-e Hotel properlv sold for S.l i square toot that the amount of ( ish paid was onK 513 4 ind that the-e was a mort gie I. ft up.. n th propcrt or JIiCjIO' In other words do vou not know that of thit .1 paid for the Montrose prop it thit JIT hi was left on mortgage, ami nil K paid in cash and that this was in fait prartlcallv a margin trinsaetion" Or looking at it in an other wav did n t Mr Jnrdin ijraetl ciillv bu ast option on this propert for SI-4.n as ifit went up he might make what he .oiild, while if It went down or stived down he could lose l.ut S13.- Thr id.-l is b ing sc urriious and pratthallj Ir e ill this . tse by th uraiue omianies nn Itrcnlled. highl improper Hi .lord Mr Douglas then turntd on the Com mi"iomi to ask if hi oul.l prove the truth of the statements he hid Just made rid when Commissioner Ji dson admitted that he could not swear to their ic curac Mr Douglas made a motion that thej be stricken from the reionl argu ing th-it as it had been i hjpothetlcal question ind that as the Commi-sioni r did not intend to back. It up later. It tad no place in the Investigation fl r the pabsage of arms between Mr Douglas and Commissioner Jud son Mr Ooldsborough was allowed to prmeel w'th his testimonv and James II Taj lor an attornev for the Fernando Wood estate took the stand to compare tin valum of the Southern Hul'dlng and the ChambcrHii Hotel near the South ern Building The hotel propertv he i-aid was held to be worth atxiut J3J or fis Din. ne sain, ue regarded the prop eriv at Klfti-enth and II Streets as much more valuahl" tl an that one block fur- hir north In Vifteenth street t-evoral qu stions as to th value of 1 ind In New lork ld to some Ironical queries as to the cost of the same In Calcutta and other out-of-the way places. but the Inquirv lluallj gi t back to bed rock and as usual stttled on the Prlie " ,. .. .. I tne aouiiiern ituiiuuiK Representative Proutv evident! - ''''K the . tcst.n.on recentlv given to -. -rr.. !.,. .- s...s. -.. ... esi ' "- ss.u.m-111 llu lain; in the list thiee arc! a half vears had tin dergone an increase of A per cent wanted to know of Mr Goldsborough If he could think of an Instance In which nnj Washington propert had enjoyed that rate of increase No " answered Mr Goldshorough "At what do vou value the s,outriern Building propertj " Kiftj dollars a foot "And the Phoieham Hotel propertj'' The same " 'What about the corner of the south eist side of Fifteenth and II Streets'" I consider it worth J10 a foot less" said the witness He added that the I nion Trust Companj corner had been bought for much less several jears ago HE REDUCED 57 POUNDS Method of Flrsli Iteduetlon Proves iKtonlMblnsIr Successful. Johnstown, Pi. Jan 11 Investiga tion has fulls established that Hon II T Stetler of this cltj. lias reduced his weight rift -seven pounds in an In crediblv short time bv wearlnjf a sim ple. Invisible device, weighing less than unce jiiis wnen worn as directed. acts as an infallible flesh reducer .11 men men nave adopted this easj means and it I reddclng superfluous flesh, tated the Inventor. Prof H J Burns f 17 West Tlilrtv -eighth Street. N i rk. is sending these out fits on free trial to all who write him AU. Women to j 59 WORK TO RE 55 53 Schedule Elaborate Entertainments The Wilson and Marshall League Assumes Obliga tion of Supplying One half of Campaign Fund forUseFour Years Hence. Demo ratlc women made a full an nouncement of their plans jesterdaj for king the social ftatures of W oodrow Wilsons inauguration memorable audi for making preparations and creating a ir chest against his campaign for re-election four jears hence This an nouncement was made by the officers of District organization of the South ern Wil"on and Marshall League ie league, whlih did a great deal of valuable campaign work last fall. In tends to Ive-gin a campaign of widespread education in fundamental Democratic principles among the people of the coun trj. and h svstemath collection of money from ill possible sources following completion of their elaborate social gramme during Inauguration week Officers of the District lodv saj they ill contribute at least one-half of the Demoe-ittlc campaign fund In ISIS which, thej sir. means that they must collect about J !('') In the next four ears Plnii ItlK Iteoeptlon. It was at a series of teas held bj Mis Annes the president, and other prom inent members of the league, amon hom were Mrs Ixiuls P Shoemaker, Mrs vj s rCewman. and Mrs John Poole, that the league s plans for a bril liant social week during inauguration ere formulated and decided upon Un til this programme has been carried out the league will confine Itself entirelj to bocial festivities and to the end of getting loroughlv acquainted Mrs. Leonard G Hoffman chairman of the reception committee for g'alawcek. will give a brilliant reception at the rew Willard for members of the league, to meet the newly elected president of the national Democratic organization, Mrs. Ssteven B Ajrcs on Fridav, Januarj 17. Th- sister organizations have been work ing In perfect harmonv. and the recep tion. It is believed will bring members of both organizations nearer to one an other. On the following I'ridaj the league will present Mrs Burleson's plav. "His fcecretarv ' at the New Wlllard The presentation will be followed bj a dance Both events are only In the nature of preliminaries to the medlej of social tests and splendors of Inaugural week. (Itninx to Gnyctlrs. The programme for this week will be crowned and concluded bj a reception to Mrs. W oodrow Wilson and Mrs Mar shall at the W Illard on March 6 Women of the league from all over the South. are expected to attend this reception This reception Is to be given bj the united efforts of the whole Southern League and will be followed bj a dance Mrs Woodruff, president of the Southern League, will personallj con duct this display of true Southern hos pltalitv She will be the guest of the District president, Mrs Armcs, during Inaugural' week. Manj other officers of the league are to be the guests of Mrs Amies during this time Funds for the series of festivities are being collected b Mrs John Poole. treisurer of the District organization and wife of the cashier of the Commer cial National Bank Mr Poole, who Is taklnir a fT-restf deal of Interest In his wife's work, has prepared a simplified1. sjstem of collecting money from the scattered league members, and Is act ing as financial advisor to the local organization Following Inauguration, the womn plan to go In for a thorough studj of olltical science, and all that relates n law-making and administration of this government It Is said that the galleries at th extra session will ! filled dallj with women students of the, MAKING HIS WEEKLY SACRIFICE. 9 Supply $400,000 in 1916 Ss - ELECT PRESIDENT WILSON HEAD OF LEAGUE. 1U&3 -. T!t. ri?ssi. i fiVtv ? Tls.t. i J rf-s") " t-Mk: xyt'Mjx&rrs v i?&r sins. JOIIV POOLB. league, w ho plan to ferret out the deepest, darkest "workings needed to put legislation through Congress Fur ther, at each meeting? members will discuss some public measure and will have present those capable of thor- oughlj explaining It I ndaunted bj the uncertain groplngs that men have Indulged In for thou sands of jears for proper reason and rhyme in kov eminent, the women plan to take up ind master such choke morsels of theorj as the Initiative, referendum, and recall, the doctrine of free trade. protective tariff tariff for revenue onlj, Ihe Burnett Immigration bill, containing the lllltcracj test: the public buildings hills, and land laws, the luterstate ship ment of liquors vvorkingmcn'B compen sation laws, health laws. and. It is said. such others as the maj find lime for. Thcv also intend to follow all pending legislation elnsel This trjing course of stud) Is not be- iHB.H ! .mMffni..LiiiiiM i I Issssssssssssssst ' sH I sssssssssssV lss su..sssssssssssssssssl mm&&Bm ssssssssssE&iHP"1rssssssssssssssssl Mlts. KIlNK I.. WOODItUFF. LEAGUE'S TREASURER. 'sssssssVVsssssssa s' .i' -.'iJssssssTO?.''1 fjfrf SPSsBssssT-" w-tm i .-: 53 Will Make Study of Public Questions, and When Ef ficient Spread Abroad Doctrines of Democracy. Organization Completed. I ing undertaken to th end of preparing for tne ballot the women claim Tnev denj that their organization has anj thing to do with doctrines of equal saf. frage It Is to be undertaken with the view of making eimpalgns of education conducted bj the women in behalf of Democrat c candidates more effective for this and nothing more Thej are noth ing. If not practical It is explained They plan to raise one-half of the money necessarj to conduct the campaign in l'ln In four vTars Measured bj what thev diil in the last camptlgn during the short srace of a few months, thej feel confident that thev will succeed The amount collected for the lampalgn thev Intend to hand over to the cam paign committee Thlr campaign o: education thev "sij. will lie conducted tinder their own auspices ind, bv reason of the searching stuilj to which thev are to Mibmlt the workings of American government for four vears time, thev expect to nave Just as efficient a force of educators In the Held as the men v-hen 1318 brings the various conllicting thi-orics of government Into the tieldJ again tlrsnnlsrii l.nst Summer. The Womans National Wilson ind Marshall organization was organized bj Mrs Horden Harrlmin list summer In New 'iork Citj, with the sole object In view of helping to elect the Democratic candidate Mrs Harriman had her head quarters with the Democratic National Committee and worked tinder the direc tion of- Chairman McCombs Mrs Harriman remarked at the out set of her labors that the women of the South should be handed together in sectional Interest and energy In their Democratic work She. therelore organ ized the Southern I-eairue of the Na tional Wilson and Marshall organization. nd appointed Mrs. Frank L. Woodruff, of Jackson, Tenn . president The Southern women made an espe cially vigorous campaign Thej" under took to use their Influence toward bring ing all the voters possible to the polls whom gentle persuasion and clear dem onstration could induce to ote for Wil son Thej' also contributed manj dollars to the "war chest" In New York Mr, rnies ppolnted. State I?agues throughout the Southern States were established bj Mrs. Wood ruff Among them she organized the Dis trict of Columbia League, appointing Mrs George A Armes. who had Identi fied herself from the beginning actively with the Democratic women workers In the District as president of the District branch Shortly after her appointment Mrs, Armes had the District bodj on a sound business bisls, and her organization waa tblo to do much practical pre-election work She succeeded In creating a wide srread Interest In the District In tha work, and milled all the best-knor.n women of Democratic propensities In Washington to the support of her organ ization AH business meetings of th. District League have been In Ihe form of social teas, the council board has alwavs been at the tea t ible. and. though the work done bv the women has been highly prac tical, it lies alwavs ueen done ln mi essential. womanly waj From twentj flve charter members the District organ ization has grown until there are about 01 upon Its rolls The membershln n.. Is still growing liest Sen lee In Callfnrl. Standard or tourist letter personally conducted without change dally, except bunday Berth. S3 ashlngton Sunset route. A. J Toston. G. A . SOS F. 70i lath. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBrBBBBBrSsfvS'jiisSSSBBfl' sssssssssssssKiSsssssLV'SiksissssssI ssssssssssssBJiBLsCt k y ' vP'M l.:( VKl sssst-isKssssssssssssssssssssssssssI rhoto ty Natlonil Ptoto Co MPT. ItAOl.Il OILNDSEN.. AMUNDSEN GETS Decoration Presented by Rear Admiral Peary at the Geo graphic Society Banquet 700 APPLAUD EXPLORERS Strong Men Who Conquered Terror of Arctic Grip Hands and Ex j change Compliments. Tor then is neitber eared cot- etste. nerdiT bit bried nor birth When tso itnsiff m1 meet far to fire Though tl er raxce from the cud of the earth Kiptic While 7(0 men and women, guets at the annual dinner of the National Geo graphic Societv. applauded, cheered, and waved handkerchiefs and napkins, two strong men who had attained the ends of the earth met face to face and grip ped hands In an embrace which brought their shoulders together in the largo ballroom of the New Wlllard last night- Fach had accomplished what equally strong and courageous men for centuries back had given up their lives unsuc cessfully to attain, the ends of the earth Rear Admiral Ilobert K. Pearj. who In I'M) nailed the burs and Stripes to the north pole,' presented Capt Kaold rtundsen of Norway, who two years later, reached ths euher extremltr of the Kloie, with the spc'lal gold medal of the National Geographic Society, struck In honor of his brother-explorers at tainment, and a companion piece to unique degree to one with which he nlm self was presented bj the society two jears ago at the soclctj s annual dinner I nliine- IllKllnrtlon. ' mundsen. for vour antarctic ex plorations the National Geographic So cletj has awarded jou this special gold medal mi ilreidv hold the soclctv s other grand prize the Gardner Hubbard gold medal awarded jou for drtviag jour ship througn the Antarctic Sea said Admiral I'earv "This medal Is unique epresi,lng the appreclaton of 170 10 men and women members of the National Geographic So ciety It carries with it the heartfelt hope that health friends and success mav he with jou alwavs' ' I am deeplj sensible of the great hospitalltj and kindness of the National Geographic Societv replied Capt. mundsen I came here five jears ago as a stranger and went nwa as I felt, as a good and dear friend 1 appreciate verv highly this BoId medal the highest honor this society can IhsIow on mi explorer Hut 1 aUo appreciate, and perhaps more hlghlv. the waj this medal has been presented by the most illustrious polir explorer the world his known I followed Admiral Fearv in his great work as a lov I went with him In 130 when he flirt crossed Greenland 1 went with him In mj thoughts for I was too joung to fellow him otherwise In mj thoughts I have followed him ever sinie I followed him inch bv Inch, vard bj vard, in his last great expedi tion, until he flnallj succeeded In plant ing the Stars and Stripes at the most difficult part of this globe I im deeplj thankful to vou for ill tinned ue- r WILL PROSECUTE HENRY FOR SNUBBING PROBERS United States Attorney Wilson to Place Certificate of Refusal to Answer Question Before Grand Jury. United States Attornej- Clarence It Wilson jesterdaj received from Speaker Clark tho certificate of refusal of George Henrv", of Solomon S. Co, New York bankers, to answer questions asked him by the money probers. Mr. Henrj, it is expected, will be prosecuted in the Dis trict Supreme Court on a charge of mis demeanor. The matter will be placed before the grand jury earlj next week The company with which llenrj Is con nected In New York refused to give to the House Monev Trust committee the names of twentj-four bank officers who profited In a sjndlcate formed tolmarkct stock of the California Petroleum Com panj. The I'nlted States statutes provide that the refusal to answer questions Is a misdemeanor, punishable b both tine and Imprisonment I nlted States Attor- nej" Wilson staled Jesterdaj that he probablj would have onlj one witness appear before the grand Jurj. Chairman Pujo. of the Monej Trust committee. It Is expected that the Indictment wilt be returned the same daj that the matter Is referred to the grand Jurj A parallel case in 1SI is cited when Kverton R Chapman a New Aork broker, was Indicted and convicted bj a jurj In the District Supreme Court for refusing to answer pertinent questions The cae was carried to the I'nlted States Supreme Court, which sustained the lower courts si.,1", lo Columbia, . C. and return via Southern Hallway ac count National Corn Exposition Dates of sale Jan S 5. J7 si, Feb 3. 5. 7 final limit, Feb li. Kxtcnslon of final limit granted Consult agents. 705 15th St. and Mo K SI. nw, PLAN TABLEAUX ASCLIHAXFORf streetpageant! i National Woman Suffrage As-' sociation Announces Itin erary for March 3. CAST OF NOTED WOMEN Mme. Nordica May Portray Central Figure in Spectacle Staged on Treasury Steps. Plans of the National Woman Suffragw e Association for the pageant tho associa tion will stage on the streets of Wash Ington March 3. began to assume defi nite shape yesterday and for the first time the details of the tableaux to be held on the Treasury steps were given out. This part of the programme Is to be the climax of the daja demonstration Much time, money and talent has been spent on its composition and a number of well know stage figures are to ap pear In the cast. Chief; among these probablj- will be Mme Nordica. tha operatic singer, who it Is expected will take the part of Columbia, the central figure In the spectacle It Is also thought that Mrs Otis Skinner, Mrs. Horence Flemmlng Noyes. and Miss Violet Kimble will take prominent parts in tha UOteaux. This part of the demonstration, as has been announced, will take place on the Treasury steps it will commence about the same time Jbat the parade will start up Pennsjlvanla Avenue and will de velops stage by stage until the de nouement will be reached as the parad passes the Treasury. Besides Columbia there will be five other Important characters. They have been chosen as tho five virtues that womanhood alwajs has stood for Justice. Libert j. Charltj. Peace, and Hope and each Is to be enacted by some famous actress Columbia Is the foremost and has the task of assembling the five vir tues Children to Help. The cast will be large, for each of the virtues will have attendants. Some tilrtr or forty children will take part as the followers of the virtue Hope. The organization and direction of the, pageant or parade Is In the hands of Mrs Glenna S. Tlnnln. She has been assisted by Miss Haiel Mao Kaye. who has charge of the preparation of tv tableaux on the Treasury steps Miss Mac Kaje comes of a family that has long stood for the highest attainments In thj. dramatic world Her father, Steele 1 Mac iTaje, Is numbered with the greatest! theatrical producers, and her brother. Percy Mac JOltc. Is the author of thai magnificent production of "Joan d'Arc" In which Maude A dares appeared somei time ago. and another theatrical produc tion of an equally high character. The headquarters of the National v oman s Suffrage Association. In F Stre-t, was a busy place yestejday There were t. number of Important de velopments in connection with the parade during the day and the leaders now have a prettj- clear Idea, of what the d-mon-stratlon Is going to be. One of the communications of Interest came from Mrs. Gujon Miller, chairman, of the committee that has charge of tha organization of the Quakers or Friends that are to take part Mrs. Miller wrote that she exp ted to bring a number of Quaker families from the settlement of that sect from Annapolis This town boasts the oldest Quaker church in the I nlted States. Itunker Families to Sfnrch. it Is a matter of history that th Quakers arc among the oldest suporters of the suffragistic teachings The church hasalwavs held that women should havo an equal place with the men. and this thej will demonstrate In the parade bv marrhlng bv families. Besides th Quakers that will come from Annapol s and the towns in the vlcinitr a number will come from New York; and Philadel phia to march No insignificant part of the pageant will be the band of "pilgrims" that win march from New York to Washington urd-r the leadership of "General" Itosa lie Jones who recentlj led the valiant band of five up the Hudson Hlver to Al bany to e-trry a message to Gov Sulzer. of New York The" plans of Miss Jones were brought to Vashington and to the headquarters of the association bj- Miss Jones herself vesterdaj- afternoon She will have a, band of at least thlrtv In Washington for th pageant and this company mav be Increased to ino or more Harh of th "pilgrims will be elresed In long robei or brown with a peaked hood cut after the manner of the costumes of the pil grims of old. and like them, -each will carry a long staff. narllinitire Girls Cfiralntr A commur lea t Ion was received vester- dav from Miss Ituth Verlenden of Swarthmore College, sajing that a large delegation will attend from the college The delegation will come In a special car decorated with college flags It will tw made up of both students and alumni Word "tlso was received from Miss A S Hall, of Cincinnati, sajlnir that she Is now organizing a delegation to com from that city that will swell the parado materlallj Mrs. O H P Belmont, of New York; president of the Political Equalltv league, has written that she wll send Miss Elsie McKenzIe and Mls Caroline Keillj to help In the drawing-room milt Irgs that the association will hold ta the homes of Washington sqcUty women, who are interested In the suffragist cause. These women are good speakers and experienced organizers, and are ex pected to be a great help In the cam paign of organization the association will start. Miss Eliza Hardy lard will be one of the speakers In the College League meet ing to be held in the association head quarters Monday nftrrnoon. Miss Lord will talk, on the parallel between the el forts of women for education and their fight for the ballot She ,1s oneof th- oldest college women In this countrv, having graduated In the third' graduating c'ass of Smith College She Is t -founder and the dean of the woman a department of Western Reserve Univer sity. Mrs Stuart Mosbj Coleman, daughter of Col. John Mosbj. of Confederate fame, has written to the Washington workers that she will bring a company of eavnl t women from Virginia. a 1.2.-. Dalllmore and Return, llslllmore anil Okie. Every Saturday and Sundaj- Good to return until Sim train Mondaj. All trains both w-ajA, tacludjo- lav BaraJ Limited.