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8." "ft, Spr iJpi?.'" ffiffw M-gsr5 -& i- ; THE WASHINGTON HERALD The Herald has the largest Rinrnmr home circulation, and Fair, slightly warmer to-day; to-morrow fair, warmer. Temperatures yesterdaj Max imum, 34, minimum, 27. rprintr all the news of the world each day, in -addition to many exclusive features '" WASHINGTON. D. C, TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 1913.-FOURTEENPAGES. ONE CENT. NO. 2292. &$ ?TfT!'P4c-' spg ' GUESTANDWIFE Attempts to Kill Boarder Who Shoots Him Dead After He Fires on Spouse. FALLS OVER HER BODY Tragedy hi Takoma Park Home. Robert L. Thomas Gives Self Up to the Police. Roomie Stevens, fifty jears old, carpenter and night watchman, and Robert L. Thomas twenty-six ears old, electrician and boarder at the Steens home, at 33 Cedar Street, Takoma Park, battled with rcolvers in the kitchen of the house last night because Stevens believed his wife, Mrs. Eveljn Stevens, forty-five jears old, loed the boarder, Thomas, and when the smoke cleared awaj Stevens was ljing dead across the body of his wife, who had a bullet hole through her abdomen, and Thomas was stanching the flow of blood from a wound in the face Warned bv "Wife. Thomas had been warned that hl life was In danger bv Steens wife and his son. Le Hoy Stevens, nineteen vears old. a painter, and Thomas had a .32 caliber revolver, with a shell in every cnamDer. hidden in his hip pocket -when the hus band, standing not ten feet away, opened fire point blank with a JS caliber bull dog revolver, sending a bullet into Thomas right cheek and causing htm to whirl from his chair and spin acrosj the kitchen to fall in a corner. Believing Thomas had been killed. Steens turned to his wile, who had dropped her kitchen utensils and fled in a panic into tho pantry. Stevens step ped to the pantry door and saw Mrs. Stevens cowering In a corner with her niece. Miss Ivj Coleman Both women were speechless with terror, but held out their hands In mute appeal for mercy. Stevens leveled his weapon and fired, tho bullet entering his wlfes left side and lodging near the spine. She fell head long and lay at full leng'h in the pantry doorwav. Thomas, unconscious but for a second, was daggering to his feet, tugging- at the revolver in his hip pocket, as Stev ens turned awav from the wife he be lieved to be dying Husband and boarder faced each other for onl a fraction of a second, and then Thomas fired, pulling the trigger three times while Stevens fired once Stevens missed aim ind fell llfele-s across the bodj of his wife a bullet having entered hi mouth ind passed through his brain "Run for vour life," shouted Thomas to Miss Cole man, believing Stevens was not dead Wnlk. to nrtig storr. But Miss Coleman did not run She h.iw that Stevens was in his death throes Mie watched the husband s last convul lon and thin helped Thomas drag the lifeless body olT Sir1. Stevens Thomas ordered men boarders to summon a phy sician, nottf) the police and "call an imbulance and then he earned Mrs. Stev ens Into a reRr vard While boarders carried Mrs Stevens upstairs to her bed, Thomas left the house and walked to a corner drugstore where a clerk cauterized the wound In hi, cheek Policeman J T. Kenned), of the Tenth rreclnct, reached the hoube in a few minutes and then went to the drugstore, where Thomas w is arrested on charge of murdei A patrol wagon remdved Mrs Stev ens to Garfield Hospital Thomas rode beside her Tlie woman sat up with out aid and talked to Thomas Later Thomas quoted Mrs Stevens as saying, en route to the hospital 'You have ended twentv vears of threats unhapplness. and quarre's I married mv husband after he threat ened to kill me and he had been threat ening me and quarreling eTer since " Mrs. Stevens was carried to a ward and a cursory examination made. She showed no symptoms that the bullet had penetrated the Intestines Phvsicians round tho leid entered her left side be tween the hip bone and the lower rlb3 Thev lelieve the bullet coursed the mus cular laver of the side and back and lodged near the backbone The location of the bullet will not be learned until an X-ray photograph is made to-dav Mrs Stevens did not lose consciousness and seemed to suffer little pain. Physi cians declined to venture an opinion concerning Mr Stevens chances of re eov erv . nullel In Ills Llurl.. Thomas also icceived attention from the hospital phvsicians. The found that a bullet had struck him in the right cheek, glanced on the cheek bone and through the fiesh The lead wa. later found lodged In the will or the kitchen The wound in Thomas' cheek is ebout three inches long and two inches lielow the right cxtreinitv of the right eve Had it entered the eye phlcians ta. de-cth probablv would have been Instantaneous. Thomas ultered little from the wound .uid walked from the hospital unaided He was removed to the Tenth precinct station and locked in a cell Vttornev James F. Kelly was retained is counsel by Thomas. After investigat ing the shooting and interviewing, hlsl llent, Kellj said "Mr Thomas killed Kellv in self defense. There is no ques tion of the fact. Thomas had been wound ed bv Stevens ind would have been killed If Stevens had used a little better aim fter Stevens had shot his wife and was gain advancing on Thomas with a pistol lKiinted at Thomas' head. Thomas shot and shot to save his vm life. The tes timony of everv witness proves this to lie a fact bevond the question of a doubt. I expect Thomas' acquittal Thomas came to Washington from his home in Thomas ville, Divldson County, about twentv miles from Greensboro, N. ", six years ago and studied for one 5 ear at the Bliss Electrical School be fore going to work as an electrician. Thomas has been a boarder at the Stev ens home about a jear, and for eight een months has been in the employ of the Webster Electric Company, 717 Ninth Street Northwest Stevens had Continued on. l'ane Seven. IMPEACHED BY SENATE, JLDGU KOBERT W. AIlClinsI,D. ARCHBALD GUILTY OF WW Impeached Judge Removed from Office and Disqualified by Senate. THIRD IN HISTORY Jurist Convicted on Five of Thirteen Articles Submitted by House Managers. .Robert W Archibald, of Scranton. Pa.. Judge of the United States Circuit Court, detailed to service in the L'nlted itates Commerce Court, was found cuilty of "high crimes and misdemean ors in office ' yesterday afternoon b the United States Senate, sitting as a court In Impeachment. He was convicted on rive or t!' thirteen articles of Impeach ment reported by the House By a unan imous vote of the Senate he was re moved from office, and bj a v ote of 39 to K he was 'forever disqualified from holding and enjoving an office of trust. honor and profit under tne inuea States Judge Archbald is the ninth lederal official to be impeached by the United states Senate since the adoption or the Federal Constitution Of the other eight two were found guilt) Thtte were John Pickering, tnitect States district Judge JW3-1 and West II Humphrev, i Iso a 1 ederal judge, whom the Senate lemowd from office In ISC The sentence imposed on Judge Arch-b-ild was contained In a resolution offer ee1 bj Senator James A O Gorman of New lork It was in tne loiiowmg form ' Ordered, that the respondent le re moved from the office he i ow hoids and be forever disqualified from holding and enjoying anv office of honor, trust, or piofit under the United States A motion was made bv Sen Uor Oliver ot Pennsylvania to divide the resolution, giving Senators an opportunity to vote separate!) on the quesUon of removal from office and the extreme penalt) of disqualification In addition to removal, which the Constitution fixes as the maxi mum penalt) No I)lrntlnc Vote. No roll vtis called on the question of removal from office The vote was viva voce and no dissenting voice was raied On the question of adding disqualification to the removal, imposing the extreme penaltj, a roll call was demanded by Senator La Follette of Wisconsin, and the vote resulted as follows A) es Republicans Borah. Bourne, Brlstow Brown, Clspp Crawford. Cum mins, Dixon. Gronna Kenvon I a Fol lette. Page and Pomdexter Democrats Ashurst. Brian Chamberlain. Clarke (Ark ), Culberson Fletcher Gore Hitch cock Johnson Kern Mirttn Martlne, Ncwlands. O Gorman. Owen Perky, Pomerene Reed, Snivel' Simmons Smith ( riz ) Smith (Md ), stone Swanson, Tillman- and Williams Total S Nas Republicans Brandegee, Burn ham Burton. Catron, Clark (W')O.), Crane Cullom Curtis, du Pont GUlin ger, Jones I.ippitt I-odge. McCumber, McLean, Nelson, Oliver, Penrose. Per t rs. Richardson. Root banders smoot, Continued on Pnce J'. ELEVEN-YEAR-OLD BOY SHOOTS DOWN MOTHER Monaco, Pa., Youth, Angered When Refused Money for Candy, Kills Widowed Parent. Monaca, Pa.. Jan 11 Because his mother refused to give him 5 cents tor candv, Leros Higgins, eleven, to da) shot and killed his mother. Mrs Mary Higgins thirt) -five, a wiaow, in tne bed room of their home In Monaca Heights He used a single-barrel shotgun After killing his mother, and. in order to make It appetr, aceotdirg to the authorities, that somebody else fired the shot, the ho T-sinnried the gun. then went outside and fired through the walls of the house. The boy was taken into custody After telling several different stories about the killing, the boy admitted he shot his mother, the authorities allege. The bo qualified his alleged confession bv declaring the. shooting was accidental The police, however, are working on the theorv that the shooting was deliberate. It is "said that some time ago Mrs Hig gins conferred with District Attorney Graham in reference to some disposition she could make of the bo), telling the district attorney that he frequently threatened to kill her, and she was afraid of him. The bov's father died even weeks ajfO. zij.2jr -T gfj FOND HOPES OF wmmtsKS President-elect for First Time Announces Plan to Favor Progressives. TALKS BEFORE ELECTORS Trust Imposed by People Shows that Old Ideas Hare Gone by the Board, He Says. Princeton, N J . Jan. 11 In a speech to the Presidential electors of New Jer sey, delivered at a banquet In Trenton just prior to the casting ot the electoral vote for Wilson and Marshall, President elect Wilson to-das made It plain that he Intends to surround himself as Presi dent with progressives, and onlj pro gressives This Is the first time the President elect has declared himtelf on the sub ject The reactionaries, therefore will find little solace In his administration of the next four vears The speeeh was vvildl) cheered and applauded by the guests, who Included also the Democratic legislators, members of the State com mittee, ind State officials The banquet took place at the Hotel Sterling Gov Wilson said, in part "Some men have been slow to observe, but the majority of us have seen that the t,eople of the United States have taken a definite choice. I happen to be ono cf the instruments through whom that choice is expressed, and that choice is for the long future The people of the United States have turned their faces in a definite direction and any party nv man, who does not go with them In that direction, thej will reject and thev ought to reject "Therefore, in looking forward to the responsibilities that I am about to as sume, I feel first, last and all the time, that I am acting In a representative ca pacity. I am bidden to interpret as well as I can the purposes of the people of the United states and to act so far as my choice determines, the action only through the lnstrumentalltv of persons who also represent that choice 3fnnt Kct fur People. I have no liberty In the miller. I have given bonds. Mv saered honor is! Involved, and nothing more could be Involved Therefore. I shall not he acting as a partisan when I pick out progres sives, and only progressives I shall be acting as a representative of the people of this great countrv nd therefore. It is a matter of supreme pleasure to me to find In everv direction as I turn about from one group of men to an other that men s minds and men s con sciences, and men's purposes aro yielding to that great Impulse that now moves the whole iieople of the United States. "I do not foresee any sericus division of counsel in be Democratic party as i national body. On the contrary, I find every evidence of solidarity. I see everv -where evidence that rrrn who have not hitherto viclded their judgment to the movement of the age are now about to jield their Judgment I will not say their will Thev do not seem to be irt ing under compulsion, they are beginning to vleld their Judgment to the common judgment of the nation. I find in dis cussing questions of bus ness roTiTrirv to the impression which prevails In some editorial rooms that in speaking to men of butdness I am speaking to men whoso vis on Is swinging around to the path which the nation has marked out for Itself ' I fel, mvself no bitterness about -in thing that has happened Thcie are gentkmtn who I fear have entertained bitter feeling whom I would lv tco and grasp hands with at the end of the journes The lresldcntlal ele tors, after casting their vote in the Senile chamber, paid a lleasant compliment to llu Prxsldent- r.ect bv selecting his oousm, Kitznilllam Mcvlasters Wood row, of niumoi C, as messencer to convey tin vote to Washington oung W nod row Is a . at Prlnciton I'nlvcrsltv. JAMES HERE TO-DAY TO DEFEND MYLIUS Editor of Paper that Published Alleged Libel Against jXing Says Article Was True. New lork. Jan 11 That the storv of i morganatle marriage between King George of England and Miss Elizabeth Culme-Seymour in IK" was true was the declaration made to-dav bv Fdward Hol- ton James, editor of the Uberator. who came here to secure the release of Ed ward F Mvlius. author of the srory. lrom Ellis Island where he is held by the Lnlted States Immigration author! ties Mr James, who claims that Mvlius is held because he served a'vear in prison in Fngland for libel said he would go to Washington late tonight and lay facts before the Department of Com merce and Labor, which he believes will effect Mvlius release "The storv of the marriage of King George, then Prince of Wales to Miss Culme-bevmour is true, declared James, who Is a son of Prof William James, of Harvard "I Investigated the facts per sonalis, and if I had been convinced that the IJlierator was In error I would havu published a retraction At an rate, Mylius was illegall convicted because his accuser. King George, did not appear in court against him ' Secretarv of Commerce and I-ilxir Nagel jestcrdav received a telegram from Edward H James stating that the latter will arrive In Washington to-day to give testimunv in the case of Kdward F Mvlius Mvlius, who irrivcd in this country about ten dajs ago, was detained at Ellis Island for examination, and the board there reported that he bad been convicted in England, his native coun trv. of libel, a crime Involving moral turpitude, and. therefore, under the im migration laws, was an undesirable alien, and should be debarred. Mylius .appealed to Secretarv Nagel. who has the final say In the case, and James, who lives in Paris, cabled that he would like tp be heard before final action was taken In the case. Csnrevltch tnnr Kelnpse. St- Petersburg. Jan 11 Toe Czarevitch has had a relapsejatter his convalescence had progressed far enough to allow His Joining the Christmas festivities at the Asarcka Selo Palace and is again con fined to his b-d The boj'fl grandmother, the Dowjger Empress, U also abed with lumbago V j NEW BATHTUB FOR TAFT IS 8 FEET LONG-AND 4 FEET WIDE FOR THE NEW HOTEL TAFT NewHaven, Conn Jan 11 To furnish a suite for President Taft, the'Taft ho tel to-day gave an order for a special bathtub, eight feet long, four feet wide, and four feet deep. The suite which President Taft will occupy was chosen because It contained the largest bath room In the hotel, but the bathtub It. contained was decidedly too sman, ana it will be hauled out to make room for the Taft tank Thu suite which the ex-President will occupj when he comes here to fill the lole of "Prof." Taft. of Yale, fills the entire front ot the sixth floor of the ho tel It consists ot nine rooms including sis: sleeping apartments, a studj. recep tion room, and dining-room Tho President will come here next week to attend a meeting of the lalo corporation, and will then look over his lojms. although the new bathtub will pot be sent from the factory here until April 1 lie has sent word that after the In I'uguratlon of President Wilson, March 4. he will go South for a short rest. He will make his home at the Hotel Taft till fall, when he will lease a house In New Haven for perhaps two vears. The Kent lectures in law, which he will glvt, a ill not begin till next fall. All SEW VOTESARE CAST Electors of Forty-eight- States Meet in Capitals and Announce Ballots. CANVASS RETURNS FEB. 12 Pennsylvania Breaks Tradition and Goes for Roosveelt and Johnson. ELECTORAL VOTE. Wilson ind Marshull (Dent ) Hoosevelt and Johnson (Pro ) Taft and Butler (Rep) . New York Jan 11 Presidential elec tors In all the States met to da) at the various Slate eapitols ard formal!) an nounced the votes of their respective States for President and Vice President of the United states, and chose their of cial messengers to earn the voles to Washington, where the) will be delivered to tho President pro tem of the Senate. The Tcturns wlU be canvassed February 3i in jo'nL session of the Senate and HDouse when Woodrow Wilson will be lormatlv declared elected President of Ihe I lilted States. Ohio for the first lime in sixtv wars iast a solid vote for Ihe Dmocratic natlunil ticket The twent)-four vous of the state went to Wilson and Marshall The Ust previous Demoeratic Pr stdent It voted for was Fnnklln Pierce In lv5I- Ice Presidcnt-elcet Marshall, at In dianapolis In thanking the fifteen elec tors of Indiana for the vote the) cast foi him and President-elect Wilson, pledged himself anew to help carrv out the provisions of the platform adopted at thi Baltimore convention ( linnet- for Dispute. I assure )ou there will be no dis pute in the iwominh national adminis tration for I do not intend to oppose President Wilson hi said This was the lust lime -Ince 1W3 that Indiana cast Its lHtnnl vole for a Democrat for President The electors of Mar)land met at An il ipolis in the old senate chamber where George Washington resigned his commis sion us commander In-t hi f of the ion tlnental arm and fist their eight volts for Wilson and Marshal The four nepubiican Presidenta! elec tors of Utah cast their votes for Presi il nt Taft for President and Noeholas Mumo Butler of Columbia Inlversit) ork. for ice-President Prior ti the meeting the electors announced that thev favored Governor Hadley of Mis souri for ice-President, hut later de elded to honor President Butler Mrs Margaret Jone Wicher will be the mes senger !'rniisltnnlft for Hull Moose. An addition to Woodron Wilson's cel lectlon of luikv thlrteens was made b) the thirteen electors of Kentucky when the) met to-da, the thirteenth, to vote for Messrs Wilson and Marshall Resolutions declaring for a continua tion of the Progressive part) and call ing for a national convention were adopt ed b) the thirt) -eight Penns)lvania elec tors, who voted for Roosevelt and John son This was the first tjme In more than lift) vears that the electoral vote of the State went lor candidates othr than regular Republicans In concluding the meeting, the electors sang "My Country. Tls of Thee." The four electors of Vermont cast thaj vote of the State lor rresiaent tan ror President, and Nicholas Murra) Butler for Vice President The meeting of the five electors at Prov ldence K. I , was opened with a prayer bv the Rev John C Vlchert. The vote went to Wilson and Marshall U. S. HASPORTUNITY TOSAVE$1,500,000 Former Representative Albert F. Daw son Leads Iowa Delegation to the Capital. It Isnt often that the government has ah opportunit) to sav e $1 :W,0 or more through the appropriation of ISOOOtVand former Representative Albert F. Dawson, of the Second Iowa district, has come to Washingtcn from his home in Davenport to explain to the 'appropriations commit tee how It can be done Mr Dawson Is ono of a delegation from the tri-cities of Davenport. Iowa, and Rock Island and MOllne. Ill The other members of the delegation are Irving C. Norwood, for merly of this clt) and now secretary of the Greater Davenport committee and tho Davenport Commercial Club, Walter Rosenfleld. of Rock Island, a member ot the Illinois and Michigan canal commis sion, and William A. Meese. a prominent attorne) of Moljne. Havana With Tbroush Service in Key West -Atlantic Coast i.ines Florldi Sneeial " K 20 n m 4 Ltd trains .lailj. 1IVS New York Ave. nw. DISTRICT HAY. Insurance Probers' Questions Indicate Probable Nature of Mayes Report' MAY HIT ORGANIC ACT More Experts Called to Testify to the Value of the Property on Which Sonthern Building Stands. What may be taken as a more or less authentic indication that the report of Scott Maves, expert accountant em plojed by the special Investigating com mittee qf the District committee to probe Into District affairs, will show that the District stands indebted ito the United Statts for moneys paid out against lirlnclpnl and interest on the 16S District bonds e,une out In the cross-examination of witnesses before ttie Insurante Investigation yesterday Two members of the special commit ter of the House District Committee In vestigating local -insurance companies also are members of me special com mittee which probed or is probing into the financial relations between the Dis trict and the United States since 1578. Representatives Redflefd of New York and Berger of Wisconsin are these mem bers Virtual!), the only known feature of the District Investigation upon which no report has been offered, is that being conducted, supposedly under the indirect supervision of the chairman of the com mlttee. b) Scott Mayes Mr Ma)es has leen at work, supposed!), for many months, but his movements have been more or less enshrouded In mystery, and no direct Intimation as to his find ings have come forth Two flnrnttoiiii Lppermost. In the cross examination of witnesses In the Insurance investigation jesterday, Representatives Redfiekl and Berger were much interested in the opinion of real estate experts Introduced by the edfi use as to the probable effect upon real estate values in Washington If two things should happen, viz A decision by Congress that the District Is indebted to the Lnlted States to the extent of millions of dollars and should be re quired to pa) that debt quickl) suiting In an Increase of taxes, and. secondly If the organic act should 1 repealed nnd the District required to bear the entire burden of taxation To the reader s Interpretation of the stenographts report of the examination upon these points will be left the deel slon as to whether the interrogators In dicated the possession of advance Infor mation on these points or whether they referred to them merely as possibilities The examination on these points follows: Mr Berger Suppose the organic act should be abolished and vou would have to pa) vour own taxes how about the value of propert) then Mr Girdiner Well, we would pay the taxes, that Is all "VVonld VfTcct Rmldrncr Properts. Mr Brger Do )ou think property would grow at this same ratio Mr Girdiner As to business propert I do not know Mr Berger. If It would have a great deal of effect But it would affect residence propert) If I am not mistaken that Is. the wealthy residence propert) Mr Redlield Suppose It should be d termimd too that the District of Co lumbia was largelv Indebted to tho I Mates a debt which It might be called upon to p) within the next few virs and for that reason there would be i large enhanced burden on the books How wool! that affect the values of propertv Mr Gardiner It is rather hard to say what effect It would have Vlr itcddcld buppoxe that both ot those things vvcie possible to happen 1 otll that the District might be called upon to pav Its own taxes, and might he celled upon, also to pav the burden of an .ictumulated debt which it has 1 eretofcre not assumed, and that thoe both came into effect as a burden upon the District, within the next three or four viars would that affect the value of real propertv Mr Gardiner It would for a period I do not believe, however, the increase in taxation, the half-and-half being wiped cut would have a material effect on the value of District real estate Mr Berger 1 am very glad to hear that v Refers to Question. little later in the afternoon session, while Kldridgc B. Jordan was on the stand, Mr Berger said "Mr Jordan. I understand vou are a kind of Napoleon of Washington finance, and )ou would be Just the person to answer a few pertinent questions" 'I will be verv glad to answer any questions," replied Jordan smllingl). Thereupon Mr Berger assured him that he believed his Judgment was good "You believe It is rlgiit we the peo ple of tlie countr) at large) should pay half )our taxes" asked Berger I do" I do not blame ) ou at all from your point of view " "You said I had good judgment," re turned Mr Jordan, still smiling. The entire afternoon session was given over to the examination of real estate experts called b) the defense in an. ef fort to prove that the $2,000000 valuation placed upon the Southern property and building by the three appraisers appoint ed b the Insurance Deartment was not excessive. The prosecution's witnesses valued the property nt between $30 and SSe Returns to Answer vspemlons. Mr. Jordan returned to the stand after his examination Frida) to answer what he considered aspersions against his tes timony and to prove that the purchase cf the Montrose Hotel propert, nt Four teenth and II Streets, was a bona fide transaction in which the actual consid eration was $jl a foct Mr. Jordan said that of the $173,000 paid for that prop erty $3O,C00 was paid in two installments to secure the deal and the balance, se cured by the property was to be paid within five jear A. S. Gardiner, a real estate broker, valued the land upon which tse South ern Building stands at $15, if -vacant, and believes the present Improvement en hances the value of the property by $5 a foot. Testifying as to the business value of property in the vicinity of Fif teenth and It Streets. Mr. Gardiner, un der questions by Charles A. Douglas, said that J. H. Email &. Sons.. the florists, bad vacated premises which were valued at $Ki a foot and moved to the corner in question. I ' SUFFRAGETTE MABSHAT,. ssHIVq issHP1jHi?W sssWiF?'-- W&&J olfVlsHi rMMsnKRiBsi lint. ItlCirATtD COKE BURLESON, Wife of Lieut. Burleson, of the Third Field Artlllerv. now at Fort Myer. Va. She has been appointed grand marshal of the suffragette parade to be held In Washington. March 3. RESTORESPOILS Rider to Postal Bill Offered by Hoosier Representative Strikes at Postmasters. 114,400 ARE. AFFECTED Amendment Would Remove Protection of Classified Service from Many Government Employes. lir joskpii p. ivmv. An amendment' to the post-offlce ap propriation bill, offered jesterda) by Representative Cullop. Democrat, of In dlam. was adopted b) a vote of W to 18, If enacted Into law. will have the ef fect of removing the protection of the civil service- from ltt,W postal em ployes. ' The adoptlti.of the amendment wawas offered in a case where a life"hurg the first retaliatory move Indicated In the House for the recent action of Pres ident Taft In placing under the civil service the remaining utPTU fourth class postmaster. The amendment includes all fourth class postmasters. "o.OOJ In number, all assistant postmasters first and second class offices. S.400 number, and approximate!) G000 clerks and letter carriers In first and second class offices The amendment has several stages to pass through before it ibecomes a law and It Is virtually certain that It will not become law this seslon The bill with all pending amendments first must be adoptc d b) the committee of the whole House, then again bv the House, and then It must go to the Senate If that body permits the 'ection to stand, and it tinallv goes to the White House, li Is assured of 1 veto as long as Brest dent Taft remains there If it is sent back again during the extra session. the new administration will be forced Into tlie undesirable necessity of declaring emphatlcall) for or against the civil service and Its contingent efficiency standard at the vcrv outset of its course. May "Nor Force luor. In view of rhe embarrassment which would result for the new president, it i-j highl) improbable that the Demo crats vvill force the l-sue It is possible that when Hie bill returns to tho rlouse from the committee of the whole, the obnoxious clause will bfi knocked out at tlie behest ot the leaders and ad ministration spokesmen A significant feature of the vote ves- terda) was that no Republican voted on the question, evident") In the belief that the amendment would be knocked out before the bill leaves the House. Because of the class of emp!o)es lilt at In the bill, the enactment of this hostile provision would be a terrific blow against the efficlenc) of the Post-office Department. "I have not seen the amendment and cannot be sure from what I have heard whether the letter carriers are Included in the measure or not." said First ssist ant Postmaster General Charles P Grandfield last night ' The enactment of the amendment Into law, however. whether the letter carriers are included or not, would be a olow to the depart ment Ileiiulrc revhulenl Training:. Of the o'erks and assi4ant post masters included lri the amendment, as I understand it. fully SO per cent are men of whom are required a technical training and experience Most of them are engaged in distribution or work of a similar nature Investigation In the de partment has shown that It takes a new man about five ears to attain his high est degree of efficlenc), that Is, he may be expected to Improve steadllv for the tln.t five years of his service In other words, they have to be trained in the department, and the course consumes five )ears "These men are not picked up in the streets and thrown into Every assistant postmaster and supervisory of ficer we have has practtcallv growa up In the service. The debate In the House over the amendment drew the lines between the spoilsmen and tho civil service-advocates on the Democratic side. Representative Hamlll of New Jersey took up the cud gels in behalf of the civil service In a short speech He said: I think that any measure mat wouia be a blow at the Civil Service ought to be spumed bv the members of this House. I know that in taking a position wherebv assistant postmasters could be removed. I would be doing something which, from the point of view or patron?S age. would be very benenciai to raj sell. I believe, however, that since we nave established Civil Service and recognized life tenure, this House would make a mistake of this time If It passed .any legislation that would menace or imperil tho continuance of that meritorious and experience-proved s stem." FOR HIS ASSAULT ONfcGRANT Jury Finds Negro Guilty and Recommends Sentence to Death. RECORD FOR DISTRICT No Defease Offered at Trial Verdict Ccnaeaded bv Prominent Gti zens of WasJMBjtoB. ' COMMENT ON VEBDICT. "The authorities are to be. high ly commended for their prompt ac tion "I. II. Droop, president of Board of Trade. "' am not, generally, in favor of the death penalty, but tills particular case ,ls of so atrocious a character, that I heartily Jom mend the Jury fo- Its verdict." D. A. Kdwards, president of th Federation of Citizens" Associa tions. "Death was the only possible penalt)." S Sowerbutts. secretary of the Northeast Citizens' As sociations. "Justice demanded the death penalty The Jury fonnd as an American Jury would have to In such a case." John G. McGratn. president of the Parkview Citizens Association. People of this suburb, who were horrified 1.) the details ot the case, expected nothing else." Al fred T. Gage, secretary of the Con necticut Avenue Citizens' Associa tion ' I am clad that it has been jdone so Quickly. A speedy execution of the sentence Is also to be wished for " M. I 'Weller, secretary of the East Washington Citizens As sociation. V record was established in crimlna' legal history In the District Suprem Court yesterday, in that a jury in Justice Stafford s court, before which was tried the case of Nathaniel Green, colored charged with felonious: assault on Mrs Adelaide E Green on Christmas night, brought in a. verdict of guilt), recommending th death penalty within thirtv minutes Th Jury retired at I o clock and thirt) min utes thereafter had agreed on the ver dict which will send Green to the gal lows Nor was this the onl record that was established It was the first case on record in the Dtslrict-jwhere no defense in the balance and where the prisoner stood mute with the death penalty star ing him in the- face Standing on his plea of guiltv. as en tered Januar) - last, when he was ar ra'gned. Green, through his counsel, de clined to take part In the trial. Notlco of a motion in arrest of Judgment was filed by Green's counsel. The motion, tt is understood, will be heard without de lay rienm-d srltli erdlrt. District Attorne) W ilson expressed him self as highly pleased with the verdict and said that the government will prose cute cases of this kind with vigor and determination to stamp out crlms against women The assault took place In the areawuv of Jl. C Street Southeast, lwtween th- hours of 7 and S o clock, and public in dignation ran high when The Herald the following morning carried the news of the atrocious assault When Green was arraigned Justice Stafford refused to accept the plea of guilty, and set th trial for yesterdav assigning Attorne) s George It Macdonald and Benjamin T- Gasklns to conduct the defense. Coun sel for the prisoner took the position that the court wis wltHmit authortty to decline to accept a plea of guilty The) argued tliat there was no lsstia to submit for determination to a Jury, ss Green had admitted his guilt, and. there fore, declined to participate in the trial Justice Stafford overruled the objection to the calling of a Jury, and also to tho swearing in of witnesses offered by thi prosecution Counsel for the pnsoncr decllned to examine an of the Jurors, and also refused to cross-examine any of the witneses Knocked Her ene1es. Assistant Attorne) Proctor made th opening statement for the government, nnd said he xpecttd to ,io that Greer had struc-k Mrs Grant a stunning blow on the left jaw, coming up behind hr. The blow knocked her senseless and she. was dragged b) Green Into an areaway ot premises S15 C Street Southwest 'All that the victim of the assault, remembers was that she was suddenly rendered unconscious, "said the assistant j prosecutor "I-ater, Mrs Grant recalled , of being under the Impression of being In a deep hole struggling with a. man who was endeavoring to- overpower ner. She again relapsed into unconsciousness and knew no more until she found her self seated on the steps In front of the house, where the policeman had placed her t await the arrival ot the am bulance " Mi's Margaretta Van Ness, or 1 , Street Southeast told on the witness I stand of a visit made to her bv Mrs. Grant and of her departure about 7 Continued on Second 1'nur. STEAMER ABYSSINIA, DISABLED OFF GRAND BANKS, BEING TOWED INTO PORT New York. Jan. 11 Finding the steam ship Abjsslnla. of the Hamburg-Ameri can line, reeling aooui in a iiuy raw south of the Grand Banks, with her rudder gone and her shaft broker, the White Star I.lner Cedrlc stood by the strickc.1 vessel for stx hours, flashing ntrir messages for help, until the Armenian, a White Stnr freighter, picked up the calls and came to the rescue. Wireless dispatches received from the captain or the Cedrlc at the White Star offices told of the Abyanla's plight. The Abyssinia carried no passengers, but had aboard a valuable cargo ot 6,00u tons of merchandise. The Cedrlc car ried almost a full complement or pas sengers. The Abyssinia was tossing wildly when the Armenian reached her. An elehtv-mlle gale was blowing. The Cedrifc stood by until the Armenian threw tho Abyssinia a tow nne and wen pro ceeded on her way to New York. The Abvsslnta Is bound for PklladtlptiU. s .