!F:;:5pi"??l," "jgfxg tjttwi J-?' ; - ''PMf't V"1-"5'1- s$ THE WASHINGTON LD The Herald has the largest morning home circulation, and prints all the news of the world, with many exclusive features. Cloud) and much colder to dav ; to-morrow probablj fair. Temperatures jenerday Max imum, 62; minimum, 45 WASHINGTON. D. C. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1913.-TWELVE PAGES. ONE CENT. NO. 2336 RAPID MARCHING ORDER FOR INAUGURAL PARADE "Should Be Capital of Capitals" AMBASSADOR BRYCE'S TRIBUTE TO CITY "Washington Is Favored by Nature" INSURANCE REPORTS WARN AGAINST STOCK SELLING HI REQUIRED IS 1 20 STEPS TO President to Start Reviewing from His Stand at 2 : 45 o'CIock. PROGRAMME ANNOUNCED The official programme for the In augural parade was Issued jesterdaj aft ernoon b the War Department. Tne Presidential part will leave the White House at 10 a, m tj the north west sate The escort to the President elect, upon Die appearance of the car riage of the lresldent and President-elect, will salute andlmmedlatelv resume carry saliers, form column of platoons to the left, and cloe upon the staff of the srand marshal, preceding the Presldcitiil carriages. The Insignia of marshals and nnrehal aids will be as follows The chief of staff nd the adjutant eneral.red sash, other members of the grand Tnarbhal s ttaff white sash, mtr-hals of grand divisions red and white sash, commanders of hrl gades, blue and white sash, all start ont- ers, except those of the grind marshal blue ah The sah "ihall be worn from the right shoulder to the left sub t the conclusion of the inaugural address, -u cording to the ord rs offt- lallv announced, the President will be receded at the speakers; sfind l tilt grand mnihal and staff, the two csrort mg t oop. the imrshal of the Mr t giind diwMfn inti staff and b the first bri gade Iirst grand diilnn The e-c rung olumn will proceed north Irom the anfmnee In tViA I'anitn Cri,itn1 th. ni ! wet in B btrcet. south in Hist street o the Peace Monument thence uoith pet in Pennsvlvania Venue to fifteenth Mreet Northwest theme north in Fif teenth btreet to Pennsvlvania enue, thence to the Court of Honor lew Purmlr fit . tr. Tht grand marshal and staff will enter the Court of Honor and the staff will frrni on the south side of Pennrlvaiiia Avenue, facing north, with the left near the northwest gate of the White Moose CTOiintl'T i lien the Presidential tarnagf. lnv 1-tssed into the White Hou. grounds he command r of th. es, orl will tondtitl tit txctulnt PI it. W. t south of th. Whit House grounds to l.ccutivc Plate 1 ast fa ni, north in column of fours 1r Presldinlial tarrlaces will proceed nt.i the Curt of Ho rnte tin W hlte Houst grounds b the nt rtln cite Tie inaugural para le will ! revttnt-d th President from his stand on the t nh slav of the i ojrt of Honor it;ii m l mounted staffs tstorts and igdliizMluus where numbers will per- i t are ordered to form ill plitotms or wclvc to sixteen hies front Milltirv foot organizations will niart h in tloetl olumns of Mil divisions in douhk lanlt n th not less thin sixteen nor more than tventv tiles front txtluslle of guldts The guide will be left through the en tire 1 tie of m in li The left guide of . i h subdivision will lie rtsH.niUi for lireetions an.l dlst tn ts The dirt ct ion w 1 l indicated l a line oi giten intl white p. nnants placed along the lne of march two to even bio. k at ibout the height of the ee The tlis tance between platoons and comp-inies w II be x pices b. tween companies of tun or more platoons 1J pares between InttaMons 15 paces between regiments paces between brigades is pices b tweei illusions im paces Plni Passing President's "Innri. The entire march will be in quick time with cadence of 1M steps per minute In passing the Presidents reviewing stand each band will plaj. marching In 4t itk time The parade will be renewed b the gtand marshal from i point on the sontn side of Pennsylvania enut, at Twenti Iirst Street Northwest Thf formation of tin parade as out limd in the official programme issued i esterdai is not subject to furtht r re ligion Provision is made, howeier, for unassigned or belated organizations 'uch organizations will be formed in column facing south on First Street J- ast with head of the column at B Stieet southwest, and will follow the second grand division in the parade In case ol arrival after the rear of tht set ond grand division has passed into thi Capi tol grounds a belated organization will not Ie permitted to enter the parade The War Department has prepared an inaugural map showing the route of the rarade and the points where the various organizations that are to form the pro cession will be stationed prior to the organization of the parade Copies of the map will be furnished the aids of the different division commanders who are to see that the organizations fall in line at the proper time and place TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY POLICEMEN WILL HANDLE CROWS VIEWING FIREWORKS Maj Sjli ester informed Isiac Gans, chairman of the fireworks committee, that he will have policemen stationed at his command to take care of the crowd at the Elipse at night Mr Gans has divided the i:iipse into sections and has appointed a committee for each sec tion The streets leading to the fire works displav will be roped or and tn -hargc of subcommittees from the fire works committee, each of which will be In charge of a chiirman The fireworks will be checked off bj a committee composed of S J Prescott liuls C Wllon Frank Gillen. S R N'or mnt. John Snrugtie, John Kreh, Trink "ebrlng and James Cahill Col John Clem will have charge of the tents and paraphernalia Kverv thing to make the d'splav a success has been done, and the committee has worked assiduouslv during th last three months and now hopes to see its honest efforts realized Chairman GanR has received word from the Consolidated Plreworks Companj that the fireworks are shipped The president of the rompanv will he In charge of the displa, assisted by went -Ave expert men. CEREMONIES OF JIABCH 4. The following are In cere nuinln of the daj- covered by the orders of MJ. Gen. I eonnrd Wood, grand marwlial of the ra rinlei 1 .acrobl and formation of the grand marahiil'i ataff. the ea eort to the Prealdent-eleet and the eaeort to the lee Preatdent plcet, at SlSO a. m. 2 Paeort from the White House to the Capitol at 10 a. m. 3 Formation of the oirt-of-door ceremonjea at the Capitol and aaaemhls- of all trnopa and nrganUatlona partfrlpallng la the parade, at liSS p. m. 4 Review of the parade lis the President, at 2i4n p. m. TO ENTER CITY BYSIDESTREETS "Gen." Jones' "Hikers" Split with Suffragists Here. REACH CAPITAL TO-DAY Letter to President-elect Wilion Turned Over to Washington Headquarters by Order of Executive Board. PLANS FOR RECEPTION OF SUFFRAGE "HIKERS." Pilgrims start from Bladcns burjr at a m. Arrne in Washington at 11 30 o'clock entering ltj bj nai of Brentwood Koad. to Rhode Island Avmue. to North Capitol Street, to F; street1 'to First .Street, to Pennsilianla Avenue, to Fif teenth -treet to F Street, to suf fngt headquarters at ICO F M r 1 1 Luncheon at Caf. It. piil.li.nie with "I n ilr speaking ..utsid" the afe l.al suffragists headed hi band will meet pilgrims at Dis trict line and escort them into the ritv fter r-sting the pilgrims will address suffrage meetings at headquarters and at the various hotels iir irwin nxunotH. Ma 'ensburg Md Ft 1 -T - The Army of the Hudson rt pudlatcd hv the Con gressional Cfinmittee m charge of suf- fra, k in Washington t night I ib h d its tents i lgl t miles from tho Nation s Capital To morrow it will de scend uiwin the citv with a view of taking .t b stt rm but, i n separ-ite organiza tion no longer aorklng In co operation with the Natl nal mtncan Woman Suf frage .s social ion In responst to a demand bj the execu tive board of the national organization. Gen Rosalie Jones to nlgtt turned over to Miss Alice Piul secretin of the Congreional Committee, the message, the presentation of which to President elect V. ilson was the obj ct of the .50 mile hike bj the pilgrims Holds l Plana. ntl, t" add Insult to injurs. Miss Paul after receiving tlu message fiom the hands of Gen Jones said that the pil grims on their arrival In Washington to morrow would he escorted through sd streets to suffrage headquarters. She in timated that the hike had done more In jurv than good to the suffrage cause, and that the appearance of the pilgrims clad In their marching costumes in the Capital streets vvas looked upon with dis favor bv the suffragists In Washington Df spite this. Gen Jones will hold to her original pi in and march up Penn svlvania Avenue Miss Paul also said that the pilgrims would be entertained at a luncheon in the Cafe Republlque in Washington but that the other members of the party would not he welcomed Gen Jones n plied that if all were not welcomed none would attend Twelve miles through a tea of mud was the distance the suffrage pilgrims under Gen Rosalie Jones hiked ' to-tlav To monow morning a short jaunt of eight miles, and the long Journej will be The arniv to night however, is an annj without a purpose Wflth one fell swoop, as thev sav In books, the National merican Woman Suffrage Association snatched from the pilgrims all the lau rels of the long hike. Bv action of the executive tioard it wis xoted that the message which the army Is cirri ing to Presldent-el-ct Wilson and which fur nished the reason for the march from New Tork be turned over to the Con gressional committee which is in charge of the Washington pageint upon the nr rixal of the hikers In Washington The Congressional commlttre in Its well known manner then will proceed to carry ofT all the honor and glor The first Intimation the hikers had of the lugubrious ending of their SOO-mlle trip was when 'Gen ' Jones received a telegram this morning from SIar Ware Dennett, corresponding secretary of the national association The message briefly advised the commander-in-chief of the hikers of the board s action, and directed her to turn the message over to the Congressional committee. I'onnrll In nrickrard. Gen " Jones called a council of war in a brlekxard along the road and told v-hat had happened A loud note of pro test arose from the fbotsore hikers, who had covered some lit) miles of alleged Continued on Pace Two. Committee of 1 00 Has Bound less Scope for Its Activity, Says Britain's Envoy. "CAPITAL OF CAPITALS.' "Wo should make this a Capi tal of Capitals, Washington to overtop the capitals of the States as the nation overtops the State" 'All that Is tlnest In American conception, all tnat Is largest and brightest In American thought, should bo represented here In the Capital of a great nation' 'Washington Is the most fa xorcd bv nature, of the capitals of the world" "A beiutiful park should con nect W ashlngton and Baltimore " "ou should make the man from Maine and Arkansas and Kljrida feel that Washington be longs to hnn, ' The government should pur chase strips along both sides of the Potomac, quarrilng in the Virginia palisades should be stopped, and a national boule xard should be constructed there' "T-and along Rock Creek should be owned bv the govern ment for fifteen miles, and a beautiful national park should nestle there (From address of Ambassador James Bri cr ) "Washington the most beautiful Cap ital Citj of the world. ore beautiful than th capitals of old, a plate of pil grimage, and tine of renown among na tions, this is lour opportuniti and jour duti ' so declared the British Ambas sador, James Hrice before the commit tee of l(i at the h imbcr of Commerce, wllch gathered at the home of -thur JcfTrei Pars, ns, 1704 Kightcenth street Northwest list night Justice Stafford of the District Su preme Court, who Introduced Ambassa dor Brjce, said that Washington is the smbol of a great nation and that to serxe its highest purpose the citi must be a work of art, not 1 looe gathering of various works but on harmonious work He pa'd a warm tribute to the ipeaker he was to Introduce for show ing such sincere Interest In tne b'ght future of America's Capital Mr Bnce told the committee that there is a. boundless scope for their -til Its. that out National Capital could te WILL HE PLAY MARBLES? t PRESIDENT-ELECT CHALLENGED, 4- TO SHOOT FOR "KNUCKS"! Trenton N J Feb r rrcident-flect llw,ii will not bp obllcert to confine hfs ' clliration of his frdom from public office to a baiuHrrine Non ' Iarv of the IlotPl t Andrew p. New- Tork learn ir C tliat the Ir fident clrt 1b to be i pn ite citizen fop three dai before in-BUgm-itlon, ha (hallened him to i came of marble I will shnot nu 'rtnc for knuck after i-chool sd Mr Lar. In a letter rceied b Air Uilfcn thi- mornlnK Aecomprfiilni; the 1 ttr wis a box con tntmnR tlfteen marbles if the brown cla irift. known as marble hps If otj accejt the match will ou play for keep.-' the i'riident elett a ai-ket Mr l.eir has not propo.fd th- term? aid tie President elect, laugh inc llr Wilson thn earehed hw mail ind produced another Itrtur "Amonk the other important news of the da he ob-ered U a letter from a Mr Gil more HavmK read In the pub lic press of m proposal to turn a hand pprinjr, Mr Gllmore writer 1 am not a hettinp man, but am willing to wager a whole doughnut to a hol in another, that jou cant do It on hate vour limitations. l'ea don't be rash "HARDTOMEASURE TEACHERS' EFFICIENCY" Washington School Head Discustes Merits of Instructors at Philadelphia. Special to The Waalunstcn Hrra'd. Philadelphia, Pa. Feb 27 William M Davidson, superintendent of Washington schools in a brilliant speech before the National Kducational t'onferenct this ifternoon, declared that measuring the e filcicnsj of the teachers was a problem that would not be solved In many months. He said It was obvious that as the tree Is to be Judged by Its fruits, so is the teacher to bo Judged bv the" effects he o- she produces in the pupils of his class "When we note the absence of a given effect it is alnajs explained bv the ref erence to the absent e of some qualltj in the teacher The teicher who is success ful H producing the subtler effects upon the mind and character of the pupil, a good critic would probablj concede to be a better teacher, than he who was suc cessful merely In producing the more superficial though more outstanding ef fects." BALKAN WAB. OVER. St. Petersburg, Feb 27 The report cur rent to-day In manv capitals of conti nental Hurope that Turkej has finally expressed a willingness to surrender Adrlancple to the Balkan allies. Is con firmed here The Bulgarian council Is said to be dis cussing -the Turkish proposal Russia has declined to Indorse Bulgaria's claims for a war Indemnltj. British avsl Constructor Dies. London Feb 27 Sir William H V hite. former chief constructor of the British navj, and who held the honor of introducing the first Dreadnought Into tho fleet, died -suddenly to-night at a hospital, where ho had been conveyed after having been stricken in his office. K.13" to California. Via Washington Sunset Route. March It April 14 IVri-onalll conducted tourist sleeping cars without change, dailv ex cept Sundaj. Berth, to A. J. Poston. .. SOS F and 700 lith SU. naBBBBBafeL'- -&Baal BaaaP".' taH MMfeaattawlBal HHEK aal -(BHtWaH allaaaKHasBaB BvAbH MIIXSSIOR BI11CE. n ade renowned throughout the world for Its beautv ard tlegance Nnlt Wi I.lbrral. ' s well said bv mv predecessor, wc should make this a Capital of Capitals," said the Ambassador, 'a Capital of the whole nation as each Slate lias its cap ital W ikhington to overtop the capltuls of those Mates representing all that Is finest in Amerl an conception all that is largest and brightest in merican thought reirtFenting in ideal what the Capital of a great nation should be 'Nature has been most favorable to Washington Then ar. hills enclosing a little spice on all sides Hnd making a b. autiful level amphitheater hills trow ne I with woods and in main places giving much more striking t fft ts than we tan have in the soft ami ch ilk and sandi h lis which sarround I ondon Be sides these hills nnd running like a sll ier thread between them Is jour ad mirable rive The Potomac has two kind f lea iti. the beauti of the super stream r inning between 1 old heliehts crownri with wood and the beautv of the lake spr,ad out below the citj Into an Immense silver expanse "I know of no great citj In Kurnpe that has anv where nea' s 11 h beiutiful tcenery so eloe to It as his Washington in Rock Crek Park, int' In many of the woods REACHESSENATE Belated Document Contains 900 Pages of Testi mony. SMITH WAS CHAIRMAN Senator to Keep en Investigating as Long as There Is Trouble and Money. After six montrs of Intermittent in restigition during which heir!ns were conducted In rami) pirls of the I nlted States ind liter examining nearlj IV) witnesses, senator William Alden Smith of MI higan jesterdaj presented to the-i-enate ' nges of testimonv taken bv a subcommittee of the Foreign Rela tions Committee, authorizing an inquiry as to whether merictn interests are i ngaged in inciting reliclllon hi Cuba and Mexico Though Senator "Smith innounrcd that this compendious document iv-is his re port, is chairmin of the subcommittee. th book contains not a single conclu sion, recommendation or anj thing else to indicate what the committee believes it has accomplished or whit the vou minous testimonv shows There is no suggestion of what the committee be lieves should be done about thn Mexico situation or anj Indication that the com mittee is In favor of doing anvt ling Perusal of tho document indicates that Senator Smith, who conducted the inves tigation into tho Titanic disaster, and Senator Fall of New Mexico, who has a local Interest In the Mexican situation, were tho only members of the commit tee who took in active part in Its work. The other members w-ere Senators Mr Cumber of North Dakota Borah of Idaho. Shivelv of Indiann. and Hitch cock of Nebraska Though, the. resolution authorizing the Investigation In-tructed the committee to make its report last December, the docu ment made public hv Senator Smith j es terdai is the first thing which has ap peared under the authoritj of the com mittee ccording to disclosures made here last night, the Michigan Senator has made secret plans to , go to Mexico in person as scon as Congress adjourns on Mirch 4 He Intends, It Is understood, to Investi gate the entire Mexican situation, includ ing the present government of Mexico and the persons now at the head of it -Will Continue Work. It is understood here that Senator Smith Intends to keep up his investiga tion of things Mexican as long ns unrest continues In thit countrj. and he Is supplied with funds bv the United States Senate. There is little tn the document, how ever, to Indicate that anj Americans, as individuals, or through corporations, con tributed to the financing of the Madero or Orozco revolutions The Midero revo lution, according to the testlmonj, was paid for chieflv out of tho funds in the possession of the Mndero familj. This money was deposited for the most part In banks In the United States, and drawn upon from these hanks for the purchase of arms, ammunition, and olier supplies north of the Rio Gnnde The Orozco revolution was financed chieflv hi- th" sale of bands of the revolution in the, State of Chihuahua, the revenues of the Great American University, National Park, and Boule vards Are Suggested. that strett h along the Potomac on the north and south Hides ' 'N'or Is the Citi of Washington less clmrmlng when jou come to the mat ter of streets 1 know of no city in which the trees seem to be so much a part of the citj' as Washington Nothing can be more chtrmlng than the views up and dowtj the avenues which glie charming sylvan views and all this is so bv reason of the taste and forethought of those who have administered tho government f the city and who have planted different kinds of trees "London and Berlin and Paris are crowded and jou are not jet crowded. iou have still elbow room here to do whit jou want You have another great advantage in not having nny great manu factories or factories With all these ad vantages before ou In Washington and with the bottomless purse of ITncle Sim behind 1011 with nil those things in hand, unit might jou not make of Washington" 'It ins the part of wisdom bj the founders to plant tht Capitol in a place where there was alreadj no citj and where It was llkcli no great commercial Industries would spring up " 'resent at Meeting. Among those present at the meeting were JUr VVilli.m T It 1.11 Ilaihl Fnirchi I n nan (' lhillis U ll.iuin.mt 1 J lnUiluui Mr. MMd A l IMnce John II Lsracr P M. Ho It. Ii Jimn. IltKUeT JI.re&n E. 11 Tuder Will Uin Tt,hni tv II ToJ.1. It. l IJT b. J Mlls y ), Ooldrcii Iter John n NchK-k jr .ej-tm . Uonhlrj"! Join L. Wesrer I J hiufnun H I Terrvll llecrj I ll' Ofnrse W White Ittjs-ewnuthe Jtmej K blijtfen. Eramon s Smith J MUW Knijoo Cher ItanLtsi. Ja t"El r.irnr Ilibtl vbram -,moji pr Xlitrhell CmU J U Vm John Ilrdi.h J.hn 1 Je Uirh td B tn Prank It N net CM. C.ns-i Trufs dell tTluk W Hlrktt Tl tl - W Noye. ird A Jjimtt Pr HmrrJ "-n ilium K. Alumni In nd Mrs CSurlet W. l.ichutlssi toimrk L. Hartj. Mr Ilcnnrtt Wlltum W llrvle Ihri"iU lit. J lUrrr rvnintt brae I' B-tnrII. Chirt JnMli! ShrtaM J It Mirsull Judsr I S I unit Ileum Alln t sit V s, Werlturiton l.Vn Bn-nn Mr llfrse) J n t ItU. J IImtt riinrinslnni II Itmlrr Ihilanv F. It Sm.. It-i h l"im. sentiT I 11 l"tn EmeenUtno I t.il. ItTTKnuUte xvuiun 1" HerUad. Jenn J W n SmilT ilium I IHlllnsm. t3rle T, Tb.n4i littell - emnh W T ..Ui hn- .rt M.rk Itnnx ImVt 1 Ilrl' n 1 W ll.rrti. John C. Jl l.ith J. I! Mirslull M V It? Jt. l)tr He Thrtnt. J SbhJii b P Mrru William MeK t lutnn Tlemfnl K ,rm. j Xlr .rie. llurlr. lbnn II itl'r Cirt Norten 'jilUl-e st(ronl Pran. t. Otrrenter t. II IltWs. I Vlhrrt Illtrl IV C VlirshlU W Hn..tllil l.ttce N.rtzell TIrm t.riiit fiarles it. Peerr t J Is- vtnll Ir (..lirt Prclrnek l. Hnd 1 illUm tVolff Srcilh tVilli.m l-uiii VjnUe Her iner W V i-r Jmt M J Jinslnn Keisr nutive Imarn Evanv lhin.1 l IUitt IWt .lrh IncUlr I rr llr .nk Sesti.ll ntcrtnt-itiTt, M berr Prprxttiie Jnlhn Khn II P. tstnl. J.nes Rhirrv l.li W I-. I J. Pwit. State government set up in Chihuahua, nnd the profits of the railroad and tele I graph llli s operated b the rebels I The Mlehlgin Senator nurri-sl mt of the witnesses -is to whether the standard oil Comp-inv or the W ier Pit r. e Oil i Compani In t-arti. ular had aided the rev- I I lutiontsts The document made public bv him vesterd-iv does not show that in am case ellhei of the oil companies was iwninti enner ine m nit- t, .n "iitu iriu lut ions "J. HAM" ALMOST GETS U. S. SENAT0RSHIP Second Ballot Gives Him Necessary Votes, but Speaker Rules Otherwise. Sprmglifld 111. reb 27 -lt the nar rowcM mirain ol J Hamilton I.ewis was deprived of the Illinois l.mg term Stnatorship In the state legislature this afternoon Assuming that hut one roll would be called. Republican and Progressive mem bers drifted out of the hall while the roll en shcrt-term Senator was being called. When the vote was announred. Speaker McKlnlev took those in lae t himber "1 their ftet In directing the secretarj of the Sen Ite to call the roll again on long term Senator The rt suit of this ballot was s.ctj she votes for l-wis (Democrat!, one for Sherman (Republican), and f ur for Ber lin (Socialist) Adherrnts of I ew Is urged the Speaker to declare Lewis elected but the speaker, hav lng, had his Jo'.c smiled, and declared "there is no election ' WILDE MONUMENT TOO SHOCKING FOR FRENCH Authorities Send Art Work Back to Robert Ross, Literary Executor. Paris, Feb J7 The lifteen dijs given Robert Ross of It Grosvenor Street, Ijondon. the lltenrj executor of Oscar Wllde, to expurgate the monument erected to thi poet in Pere Iachale Cemeterj have expired, and the monu ment, so the French authorities dec'are. will be sent back lo Ixmdon at Ross' expense The time limit was set bj M Delaunej. prefect of thn Seine, who In a recent letter to Mr Ross explains his reasons for the decision thus "The monument is calculated to offend certain families vvho come to the ceme terj to honor their dead." ho said "A competent committee of mj administra tion asketl that certain modifications Irt made in the monument, but the sculptor, M. Epstein, refused percmptorilj As the aesthetic committee of the prefecture of the Seine has given Its opinion that the monument should not remain as It I must request that If the modifications asked for are not made within fifteen dajs the monument will be removed this invitation is not accepted I shall be under the painful necessitj of getting the monument removed at jour risk and expense " The fundamental objection to the mon ument is that It represents the idealized Wilde as llermaphrldlte. The decision of Prefect Delaunej was the climax to the origin it objection raised b M I.e- pIo,e, prefect of police, when he ordetcd the monument covered with a tarpaulin Tlirer Workmen Killed. Berlin, reo z. Three workmen were killed and two fatally hurt In the col lapse of a scaffold at a smelter works at Saargemuend In Alsace-Lorraine to-dav loast I tnc'a "Florida Special." 26th season of V lorlda s finest train: S 20 p m : 4 trains dallj 3 GS. 9 40 p. m, 4 20 a. m. 1406 New Tork Ave. nwt Both Majority and Minority Opinions in Congressional Probe Say that Companies Are Solvent Committee Split Over Its Findings. INGHAM IS COMPLETELY BUSINESS By JOSEPH P. ANUTN. Pointed warnings to stockholders of the First National and Com lrercial Fire Insurance Companies against an unloading of their hold ings at panic prices arc contained in two reports from the subcom mittee of the Houfe District Committee, which has been in estigating the two companies One report states specifically that both companies arc solvent. The other makes it plain that tin-, is the case. This is one of the two particular-, in which the two reports reach ccn the semblance of agreement. The majority report, prepared b Representative S F. ProuU of Iowa and signed by him and Represcntatiei Kcdficbl of Xew York and Merger of Wisconsin, is. from beginning to end, a ccre indictment of the business methods of the companies antl of the underwriting firm of Tuttlc, Wightman S. Dudley, Inc. which controls the underwriting and stock selling of the two concerns. The minontv report of Chairman Johnson, of the committee, i a strong defence of the companies It was written with full knowl edge of the contents of the majority, report. Both reports completely exonerate George . Ingham, District Superintendent of Insurance, from all charges made against him. COMMITTEE RAPS COMPANIES' METHODS Comrm ntinK upon th lem.Iui.on h which tlie rmard of directors of th Cmn mTcnI authorUfd an Increase tn the market alue of treaur stock from 111 to J12. th majont report -av e tannot belifA th it the tKa.rd of director were in an manner justified ' and rerites that the .nulerwritlnc 1ps so far that (last) iear had hen I13l.ft such !fceptl- method- f deallnz with tli grnrral publli ranrn.t meet with the .sanction or appro il of hi' toin mlttee is tho roTHludin&T comment n this transaction neferrinc to th operation, under the celling contract beJd h Tuttle Ightmati DLdtej.. Inc. In the pt.v-.nK of Com menial tVk. the report sas. aft-r "how mff the amount pild In h pur t ha rs and the imotint tint wit out lo the underwriting and promoting firm It will lhu5 he n-ted thit ne-irl in half of the total amount of -urpIJ I aid In I v Mmkholds-nt is i nrplu n pre mium on thetr "tock ultt npti ins was drawn out h Tuttle iphtmai. -v Ltl! After reciting the rlaue m tho ennt'.rt which required the return of funds where piiI Kriberi filled to complete pa ment on .tok th report declares that the underwriting firm has no indUidtnl re spnntbjlit and cm be held icoi in table onl to the etent or the II Gn of eah piid In Commenting on this, the report ("rlHetnr,, Mnnacement. We nnmu believe tint it was cood. prudent minakcmrnt for tht. ompan to inter into fuch a contract without halng at lct rasonabe eeurlt for the return of the funds ii ould ii-iumtanco. re i Hi ire their return fte- dfeliring that no -nticim was h tied it the rnmp3in on mount f dlldends j tid for the -veir 1XI the re port as that in the ear I'M, the losses sustained In the i nderwriting busmen absorbed all the jurpluw i n hand at tl teginning of the jeir an! the profits of th underwriting hu.ines during the ear, and left i tr large deficit In iew of this f,rt all the diidends that wer pill to the btoikliolders for the ear 11- were paid ot t of the Mir phiH that hid be n paid in h the to k holder as p't miunis n their subscrip tions The ofii rrs of the cfmpin Justi fied this proved ure firs.t on the crown 1 tht the wMud to ktp the s-tockhol ! ers satisfied nd seconI on the ground that it I Justified b the custom In other companies 'But we c in li.n.I jtitif a corpori tmii which is deiling with the gem ral publU whoe totkholders are scattered broadcast all over the countr, in thus attempting to deceive them for the pur pose of keeping them satisfied and con tented e-peciall when the prime ob ject in doing- this Is to ecure the con fidence of the public, fo that It ma se cure other and further subscriptions "We lelleft that corporations should deal not onl falrh buteindldlj with their stock holders and to pa a stoekholder a div- itlnued BBr Three. SEND IN YOUR ORDER NOW INAUGURAL PAPERS (IncliKlinq- Suftragist News) The Washington Herald March 2 and 6 Inclusive By Mail, Postage Prepaid. IE ftxniz Foreign Postage 9 ventb 15 Cents Extra UiB T1IK OIII1FR I1I.VK IlELOWl THE WASHINGTON HERALD WASHINGTON, D. C. Send INAUGURAL PAPERS, March 2 to 6, inclusive, to Name Address Inclosed find 17k. EXONERATED; METHODS ARE ATTACKED MINORITY REPORT VINDICATES PARTIES timplete ilmllfatlon of all parties named In th rfsoltit'on dlrvctinc ,th' investigation is aimt-d at In th ralnorltj rtport. "iBnetl bj RfpretM-ntattv e John son, chairman of th commlttre. ami lo uhUti fie namf of Henr George, Jr , who has been absent In Europe because of poor hnalth since th mlrt'Ile of Jai raur. alst Is sned Mr Geors's 5iu nature js affixed in the autborit of a Utter written Mr Iohnon at the time of Mr Georges departure for Europe On unc criticiMn of tho companies intl that, a mild one Is contained In "Mr Johnson s rport Mr Johnson believes t1 it tli expense of organization of the Hret National Hre Insuranco Conpnv 1,118 too RrcaU tI"JSh sijthri-s is laid on max iHiinv- jvtlnel.s Ilrll and Xlrllnnsen. The report attat ks ptilntedly the testi niniii anl motives of Alfred M Best, the star witness akalnt-t the irvurance coni panit- ml declar tint the first local criticisms against t e companies w-e In splre.1 hi the antagonism of Mesffrs. Bell and Mfllnagcn ivho ai t ordlnjr t" Mr Jul n"On represent 'hoard lnsoiranc- onipanies ind "ho are suppofed to 1 hosttli. toward the two ccmpanlen under iniestigation becaue tliei were non ljTril companies one of which, the Com mercial wis t ttlng rates cccrdli lo Mr Johnson the attai k uin. the two compani s was i tiehnente attempt lo put them out of bu-ines. insj ired hi" Messrs Rell an.l fctellwagen. as repre sentee the ' In-snran Trust," and from who hngineer Commissioner Judon was the ictlve Igtllt uperinteinient of Insurance George i" Ingham Is eompIetel exonerate! in the reHri in 1 Col Judson s attitude toward Mr Ingham is caustkaliv censured The Johnson rtport titular. s that testi monv concerning the valuation of Ji. vi placed on the Soi.thern Building prop ertv under the reapprajst-ment was Jus 'titied and recommends against anj re duction in that valuation As to the underwriting loss sustained bv tht Commercial in 131 the Johnson report points to tne testlmonj of mani witnesses that untiervvriting rxturns are subject to a law of averages and that all lomjnnies meet bad spells and heivy losses As In the majorit report Mr John son s vitwb contain a pointed warnins to holders of Urst National and Corn inert ial stock against unloading their hold'ngs at a low figure, through fear thit the companies are Insolvent I rlter Part of Report. Mr Johnson criticises tho majority re port for failing to state speciflcallv that the compinics are solient In connection with this warning Mr Johnson Includes in his report the follow tne letter and iviimng As an evidence of this statement. w here insert a form printed letter, which. Continued on Pace Three. Through Parlor Car tlantle City Leaves Wishlngton via Pennsylvania Railroad, at 10 on a m week diys. ex cept Mnrch 2 and t. arrives Atlantic Clt 3 00 p m Foreign Postage, 15c extra.