Newspaper Page Text
, ; -cb. v HERALD THE The Herald has tho largest morning home circulation, and prints all tie new of the world, with many -cadastre features. Generally fair and colder today.- Tomorrow fair and cold. . Yesterday's temperature: Max imum, 55; minimum, 40. WASHINGTON, D. C. MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1913. ONE CENT.. NO. 2620 WASHINGTON JJ DISTRICT'S COST T0U1ISHEAVY Chairman of House Commit tee Issiies Statement with Market BilL FAILS TO TELL FACTS la Prorating Local Expense to States, Part Paid by Washington Is Not Shown. By joi;imi r. AMV Almost simultaneously with the Intro duction of an ex parte report on his bill to revoke the charter or the Wash lncton Market Company. Chairman Johnson, of the House District Commit tee, on Saturdaj caused to be distributed among the membership of the House an elaborate tabulation, purporting to show how much the cltlrens of each State con tributed to the support of the District government in 1911-12. The tabulation was placed in the hands of members in anticipation of the open Ins flsht against the present form of cot eminent in the District, which will be made in the House today when John son's market company bill and several other District measures probably will be brought up The tabulation In misleading, aot through what It says, bat beeanie f what It falls to say. Mr. Johnson oc cupies a quasi-Judicial position of pub lic trust as chairman of a legislative committee In -view of past perform ances and pronouncements, the tabu lation Is rather a happy disappoint ment. Ilia view and ttneata nl aml Invariably are manifestly prej udiced when the District l concerned. This was demonstrated again Saturday in his report on the market company bill. Directed by the committee to submit with the bill a favorable report, containing a statement of facts .is viewed by tre committee, he embraced the opportunity to launch into a diatrile expressive of his own views. Inferences, suspicions and de ductions. "tstrment Dodgra Fsrli, The tabulation which the District chair man has placed in the hands of the mem bers, purports to prorate to the popula tion of the various States the J6.197.-W3 contributed from the Federal treasurj as the one-half share of 'he United States in the District budget of J911-12. The table is so presented as to make It appear that the total appropriation for that year was the J6,197.t05 re ferred lo. No mention la made neclfl rally ( the fact that In addition to the 2308 act down as the DlstrlePa contribution, the taxpayer here -matched the e,l!rr?-W3 ctven by the a-everanient with n like anm. To the casual reader, or to one not conversant with the half-and-half provision of the organic act of 1&7S. It would appear that the United States government is meeting: the entire expenses of the Dis trict government. The expenditures are grouped under ten headnlgs as follows Schools, SI 59S,35o, streets and sewers. $sGC,47:, police, $310.144 . improvements and repairs S1.154.S92, salaries and health. S415.S46. interest and sinking fund. J4S7.7M. lighting, S2S2.497. Are department. SS33.735, charities and corrections, S69S -216. and miscellaneous, J160 3W Each Item Is prorated to the several States and to the District of Columbia or a population basis, and a second series of totals made up to how what each State contribues tin alL Thus. New York is set down a the largest contributor, being given credit for S614. 103. Nevada is the smallest, with a con tribution of $3.1.17, according to Mr. Johnson, who claims for his own State (Kenucky) credit for a contribution of 5154.501 Inxatlnn Baal Wrong;. The argument la not new, nor Is It any more sound, economically, than CONTINUED 0 PAGE THItEE SUES HER FOE $5 80 HEART BALM Aged Lover Wants to Recover Money (jlrcn Fair One. VIneland. N. J. Dec. 7.-Hyman Wachter wants S5.S0 from Mrs Mertr-a Wlckler as a balm for his broken heart. Wachter Is slxtj vears old and Mrs. Wickler forty. The day he cast his eyes on Mrs. Wickler it was love at tlrnt sight, and when he found she had a husband in Russia he advanced S3 to send for a divorce. Soon after. Mrs. Wickler"s love cooled, he sas, and now he is suing lier for breach of promise and the recovery of S3.S0, of which S3 Is for the divorce pal-err, 30 cents for postage, and SO cents for theater tickets. READS UPSIDE DOWN. Lad V rites and Draws Same Way Becanae of Injarlea. Detroit. Dec 7 An injury received by Joseph W. Darling, of this cit, when he was two and one-half years old, fol lowed by four years of sickness, resulted In a peculiar twist of his mental faculties which causes him to read, write and draw upside down, according to instructors in the local school for cripples, which the lad. who Is now nine years old, attends. The boy's teachers claim that they are nnable to change his faculties to a nor mal condition. The injury affected the boy's spine and neck, and he Is said to be permanently injured. BOYS AND GIRLS, PARENTS AND TEACHERS, Be Sure and Preserve the First Installment of Twenty Thousand Miles In the Path of Napoleon which appeared yesterday in The Herald, in addition to its educational value it will be of great help as refer ence in the Essay Contest, which will be announced in a few days. ff REPORTER CALLS'' GOVERNOR-EDITOR Glynn Receires Rbuke ia His Official Capacity from One of His News gatherers. Albany, N. T., Dec. -7 Gov. Glynn yesterday received a sharp rebuke for being late reaching the executive offices In the Capitol. The most severe "call down'' he has had since he became the head of the State government came from a. reporter. When he arrived at his office at 11.30 o'clock he found the follow ing note: "Martin H. Glynn. Editor, the Times Union. "Dear Chief: Concerning your com plaint that my copy from the Capitol has been late several times recently, and in consequence stories have mussed the noon editions, all I can say is that It Is the fault of the governor, who Is In the habit of getting around late. Can't you take up this matter editorially and rebuke the governor? Very truly yours, "JOHN STUART." Mr Gljnn said the suggestion was "well received" and he believed some thing should be done about It Few persons who heard of the gov ernor's "call down," however, appre ciated Its full Import. For Tears Mr. Glynn has been a terror to late sleeping reporters. One of the Inexorable rules of his newspaper office Is that a reporter who arrived five minutes after S 30 o'clock Is suspended for, that day without pay. Mr Stuart, who turned the tables on his "chief" today, has suffered from that rule many times. OBSERVERSLEAVE Statement Expected After Commissioners Reach South American Republic DETAILS NOT SETTLED Latins Do Not Relish United States Supervisors at Elections to Be Held Next Monday. The special commissioners selected by Secretary of State Br an to act as ob servers of the forthcoming elections In the Dominican Republic left Washington at 3 o'clock je&terday afternoon. They will proceed via Key West, Havana, and Santiago de Cuba, whence the gunboat Nashville will conve) them to Santo Domingo CIt In the part were Hugh Gibson, until recently secretary of the Legation at Havana: J. H. Stabler, attached to the Latin-American Division of the State Department, and Fred Sterling, m.til reJ cently chief of the Near Eastern Division cf the State Department, who has had experience In Latin-American countries. Gibson and Stabler speak Spanish, and are familiar with the political customs prevailing In the Southern republics. 3Iay Issue Mntement. It is expected that upon the arrival of the commissioners in Santo Domingo Cit, or perhaps before that time, there will be a statement of policy Issued by Secretary Br an The Secretary will see President Wilson today, and it Is expected that the result of the conference will be to determine a considerable num ber of details as to the procedure in Santo Domingo which have not yet been settled The present indications are that the United States will take as much of a hand In the forthcoming elections, to be held a week from today as is practicable in the short time remaining, and without stepping too heavil) on the toes of the Dominican goernment. becretary Urjan feels that he is bound, to a considerable extent, by assurances Minister bulltvan made the rebels of last summer, and is therefore Inclined to go as far as Is prac ticable In attempting to insure the fair ness of the elections. The Dominican government, on the other hand. Is not 50 enthusiastic about the State Department program AUTO SKIDS; STRIKES POLE. Machine Badly Damaged fli It Ilnua Iron Shaft. An automobile, bearing D C license No. 4771, and operated by an unidentified man, while turning Into an alley on the west side of Connecticut av cnue northwest, be tween California street and Woming ave nue, yesterday afternoon during the rain skidded and ran into an electric light pole The pole was bent and the machine badly damaged. GIRL OF MYSTERY IN COURT TODAY Attorney for Mary Louise Ferris Expects Her Release Today. Habeas corpus proceedings for the re lease of Mary Louise Ferris, the "girl of mystery," held at the House of De tention by the police for "investigation," will be fought out today before Justice Barnard In Circuit Court No. L There are but two possible termina tions In this case, freedom for the girl that she might go her way unmolested or deliverance to the Indiana authorities to explain whether or not she had any thing to do with a fake matrimonial bureau which Martin Ferris, and his wife, said to be her adopted parents, aro alleged to have operated in Princeton, Ind. Attorney Matthew E. O'Brien, repre senting the young woman, said last night he felt confident of obtaining her release today. If successful. Miss Ferris expects to leave as soon .as she can make arrangements for the Philippine Islands, to live with a sister, whom she considers dearer to her than her foster parents. Miss Ferris says her parents, are dead, and since childhood she was reared by Martin Ferris and his wife. Her father was a Methodist preacher, she said. . At tse House of Detention yesterday Miss Ferris spent a quiet day. She is very nervous and does not eat heavily and takes food only when she feels It necessan to maintain her strength. Still firm in her denials of any connec tion with the fake matrimonial bureau her foster parents are alleged to have con ducted. Miss Ferris claims she Is being persecuted bj the police in holding her. SANTO DOMINGO iKlSsmw -a TmMNfilStliiinBsWtR 'y. ? :rrnVz. HERALD'S CHRISTMAS EDITION Next Sunday, The Herald will outdo its splendid edition of jesterday, and issue a colored Christmas section, in addition to the many attract he features now running. The paper will speak for itself. THE BEST WRITERS IN THE UNITED STATES Will furnish fiction, humorous, historical and serious articles,, while the illustrations will be by persons of national reputation Don't forget that next Sunday is the ChriMma edition of THE SUNDAY HERALD.' PELLAGRA VICTIM DIES. trcond Case In Pennaylvnnla Medi cal Itrcorda Provea Fatal. Lancaster, Pa., Dec. 7 J. Raymond Shaub. manager of a Lancaster County drug firm, died toda in a local hospital of pellfgra. This Is the second death from this dfsease so far as known in Pennlvanla, the other occurring about three weeks ago in a Chester, Pa., hos pital. Strange to say, the Chester w Oman's home was only a few miles from Mr Shaub's home, but so far as known they never came In contact Pellegra Is-a typical Southern disease, and all efforts of the local. State, and national health authorities have failed to find the source of Infection Shaub has been afflicted for a number of years, get ting worse each attack. WOMAN OF 95 DOTES ON HER OLD CLAY PIPE "When My Tooth Gits to AchinV' She Says, "I Jnst Got to SmoL. j Make It Stop." Fort Smith, Ark, "Dec. 7 She was old, diminutive, stoop-shouldered, and wrin kled, and she gazed wistfully at the throngs of travelers going to the trains as she sat In the Texas and Pacific sta tion in the afternoon. Whenever a man passed breathing clouds of smoke from his pipe or cigar she raised her head and sniffed In seeming eager anticipation for a whiff of the odor. Finally she could stand It no longer. and she fumbled about In her little bag and pulled out a service stained clay pipe. A glow of saUsf action came over her face as her shaking fingers, holding a lighted match, hovered over the bowl of the pipe. "Yes, I'm traveling quite a piece, and I'm getting so tired of waiting for the train." she said, as Mrs. Mae Wright. the day matron, question her. "I came with my daughter rrom up near vvaco. My daughter don't like to have roe smoke, but when my tooth gits to achln' I Jest got to smoke to make It stop. I've been smokln' off and on nigh onto eighty j ears now. I've got about three teeth left. "Yes, I am getting along In years. I was ninety-five last week. I get along pretty spry, though, and I weigh only seventy-eight pounds. "GrandchlldrenT Lawsee, yes. I don't know how many I've got. You see, I had so many children and they all got scattered so I don't know where some of them are. I've had twenty children, but only five of them are living." She was Mrs. Mary Mays and was on her way to Santo, Tex. INDIAN AIDS AGED TEACHERS. Gives Land for Home for Veteran and Unemployed Pedagogues. Muskogee, Okla.. Dec. 7. Mrs. J. A. Wood, a Cherokee Indian woman, has donated 200 acres of land on Brushy Mountain, eight miles southeast of Mus kogee, as a site for a club colony for school teachers who are out of employ ment or have broken down In the service. Mrs. Wood proposes that teachers who are In active. work shall contribute small amounts annually to build a clubhouse in which the teachers may live. Good OrsteawWeather. Trr half neck steamed at Harvay's. Ovsters are very good nowv Adr. STEADY! - SENATE'S ITEMS SHOWVARIETY Razors, Mustang Liniment, Gargling Oil and Floss Pit lows in List MARSHALL AUTO COSTLY Cost $50 to Convey Wilson to and from Capitol March A Vice President Half Fare. Raior, grapefruit knives, spools oi red tape, horseshoes. 5.0GO pounds of tlm othy hay, oats, meal and bran, straw, arnica, gargling oil, mustang liniment, and asafetlda are, among the items for which expenditure was made out of the contingent fund of the Senate for the period since the Democratic party took control last March, up to the end of the last fiscal vear.s This Information Is disclosed In the re port of James M. Baker, Secretary of the Senate, which has just been sent to the Public Printer. Another surprising ex. pendlture at first glance Is SZ728 for Woodcock. The shock carried by this Item was somewhat abated by the dis closure that the expenditure was for the services of Amos Woodcock as clerk to Senator Jackson. The mustang liniment, and horseshoes. and the hay were for the Senate stables In which are kept the horses to draw the Senate messenger wagon. Just what the grapefruit knives were used for was not explained. Among the other expenditures was $15.13 for floss pillows and numerous Items for bags of salt for the Senators' bathroom, mineral waters, tkxlcabs to convey Sena tors from night sessions to their homes, and numerous Items lor dinners furnished to the Senate pages, detained at the Capitol by late sessions of. the Senate. Fifty Dollars Hound Trip. In the bill of a local druggist were Items for a:perln. Jamaica ginger, bromo seltxer, horehound drops, quinine pills, adhesive plaster, and a pond Illy. The livery man who furnished a landau with four horses to convey President Wil son from the White House to and from the Capitol for Inauguration was paid ZA, while the service performed for Vice President Marshall on tho same occasion cost the Senate 5. Vice President Marshall's automobile drew heavily on the contingent fund. His chauffeur is paid at the rate of 11,000 a year. The first month the Vice Presi dent was in office the Secretary of the Senate paid a bill of S21130 for supplies for the automobile; In April It cost JCT4S more, while in June three different firms presented bills aggregating about tizs for supplies. ' Hen Lara Bis Firm. Maiden Rock, Wis, Dec. 7. Mrs. Mary Collets of Spring Valley, has a hen that Is trying to make the eggs flt the price. One day hut week she laid an egg meas uring 6 1-! by S Inches in circumference, and the next day one s 1-4 by ( Inches, FIFTY RESCUED FROM FTRE. Ulnae In rarlory Endangers San- day "Work era. XeW York. D 7 FtftV frlrl anrf .. were rescued from death shortly after noon today by firemen during a blaze at Houston and Mercer streets. All were employes of the Gutmann Novelty Com pany. Which OCCTinlMt fh fifth flnAt rt a ten-story frame building a block west of uroaaway. The fire started on the sixth floor, and Chief XenVOn rSnnnrtu1 nn tti nnri alarm. 1-lfteen engines pumped water In to me Durning Duuding. The firemen carried and guided all the occupants down the fire escapes to safety. Only one man was overcome by smoke A high wind threatened for some time to spread the fire. HUNGER-THIRST STRIKE FREES MRS. PANKHURST Militant Takes from Jail to Hospital Suffering from Pleurisy Women Sacrifice Jewels for "Came." London. Dec 7 After three das in the nxeter Jail, during which time she had maintained a continuous hunger and thirst strike, Mrs. Pankhurst was re leased late tonight and taken to a private hospital. A medical certificate declares her to be suffering from pleurisy. News of her liberation reached London while a big meeting of protest against her imprisonment was being held. The an nouncement was received with cheers lasting several minutes. Subscriptions amounting to JOO.000 were collected at the meeting today, many women sacrificing their jewelery to aid the cause. MONTGOMERY WARD PNEUMONIA VICTIM Multimillionaire, Originator of Mail Order Business, Rose fron 25-Cents- a-Day Apprenticeship. Chicago, Dec 7. Montgomery Ward, multimillionaire merchant, and origina tor of mall order houses, died today at his home in Highland Park. He was sev enty years old. Mr. Ward rose from ap prentice In a stave factory at a salary of 25 cents a day to the presidency of the JiO.000.000 concern which bears his name. Pneumonia was the immediate cause of Mr. Ward's death, although he had been In poor health as the result of a fall sometime ago. all Is Auto-proof. Bancroft, S. Dale, Dec 7. While W. M. Mason was motoring near Bancroft, a calf Jumped In front of the auto when the machine was running at high speed. The calf was knocked down, and when the car was stopped the animal was found tightly wedged beneath it The auto was raised, when the calf scrambled to its feet and a few minutes later was grazing beside the road as it it was a common, everyday occurrence for It to be run over by an auto. Barton Holmes Cmlalog Philippines. Today 3: JO. Columbia Theater. SSo to SI. Adr. SAYRES IN LONDON, GUESTS OF PAGES White House Bridal Couple Attend Services at Westauflster Abbey with-Ambasador aad Faauly. London. Dec 7. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bowes Sayre arrived at Paddlngton Station.' London, shortly before dawn today, after an all-night Journey from Plymouth. The Sayres remained In their compartment until S o'clock, at which time Ambassador Page arrived at the station, greeted the bridal couple, and escorted them to his residence. No. 6 Groavenor Square After enjoying a hearty breakfast with the Page family, the Sayres at tended the services at Westminster Abbey. Later In the day Mr. Sayre said that he and Mrs. bayre bad enjoyed the trip on the George Washington, and that neither had been affected In the slight est by the rough weather the liner en-) countered. "Our entertainment aboard the George Washington was the most courteous possible." said Mr. Sayre. "We were given carte blanche to every forbidden nook and corner of the ves sel. Wo were taken through the en gine rooms, the steerage, and kitchens, and were welcomed on the bridge and in the wheel house We could not possibly have had a better time. Mrs. Sayro and I have both been In London before, anc are very fond of the city. We probably shall make a lengthy stay here" LIHLE TO BACK F Democratic House Probers, in Report, Declare Most of Charges Intangible. M'DERMOTT CRITICISED Dealings with Liquor Dealers and George Homing Are Declared "Acts of Grate Impropriety." The Democratic members of the spe cial committee of the House appointed last July to Investigate the Mulhall lobby charges has completed Its report, which wlU be submitted In the House some time next week. While the report Is lengthy and exhausUve in Its review of the hear ings, it tails to find anything tangible In CoL Mulhall s allegations against the probity of members of the House of Rep resentatives, except as regards Repre sentative James T. McDermott (Demo crat), of Illinois. Even In the case of go to the length of re"vjn.mndins acUcaJPr,cceJllng on htr voyage. LttLirtximui e cnaracier. The lobbying activities of the National Association of Manufacturers are charac terlxed as reprehensible, and surprise Is expressed that law-abiding citizens who comprise the rank and file of the associa tion should have countenanced such method". In regard to Representative McDermott. the committee says "Tour committee is of the opinion that the most serious question of propriety af fecting Mr. McDermott is not in connec tion with the X. A. M.. or the other mat ters above related, but grows out of his acts and dealings with the Liquor Deal ers' Association of the District of Colum bia and with George Horning, one of the pawnbrokers to which allusion has been made" "Tie report then recites In detail the testimony of L H McMlchae! that Mc Dermott said he had received 17.500 for fighting the a,ntI-loan hark legislation, and that the deal wa-i arranged at a New York conference. The report also sets forth the admission of McDermott that he had borrowed sums from pawnbrokers and still owed Horning $1,000, and his denial that he received thl or any other sum for opposing the loan shark legislation. Drallncs rrltli Ifarrv. Then the committee grtes a synopsis of the testimony concerning McDtrmott'a borrowing SM0 from Hugh Harve. a representative of the liquor dealers, while the Washington excise bill was pending Ihls loan the Representative did not re- pay, Dut ne denied that it anected nis stand en the excise legislation which the liquor dealers were fighting. "Your committee can go no further than ascertain and report to the House the facts as It finds them," sas the re port. "We cannot read the heart and CONT1NTJED ON PAGE THBLE. TOLL OF TEXAS FLOOD MAY REACH 150 LIVES Swollen Rivers Leave Death and Suf fering in Wake in Mad Race to Gulf. WORKMEN REPORTED DROWNED Galveston, Tex, Dec 7 With the flood waters of Brazos and Colorado rivers en veloping every obstacle, the last lap of the daedly race to the Gulf was entered this afternoon, and fhe scenes of horror were shifted from Bryan and earno to Wharton and Eagle Lake, where the same stories of death and misery are re ported. Victoria and Richmond are the two principal cities yet to be visited by flood waters, and persons at these places are fleeing to higher land. Flood waters struck Wharton and Eagle Lake this morning. Fifteen are .reported to have lost their lives In these cities. and many others are believed to be dead. The housetops are crowded with persons and no rescue boats are to be had, all being- engaged In the districts further up stream. Several other bodies hare been found near Bryan and Hearne. The known dead at present number-ninety-one. More than a score have been miss ing for several days and it Is estimated that the toll of the flood will reach 150. Horseshoe Bend was overwhelmed at dusk and Wo persons are lrr trees.. Calls for help cannot be heeded before morn ing. Ninety persons in the gin house at Wharton are singing and praying: An unconfirmed report says SO negroes and Mexican workmen were drowned below Eagle Lake this afternoon. The flood waters win reach the Gulf sometime tomorrow or Tuesday and crews will be stationed to recover such dead as have not been round. Thi estimated dam age to date U SW.C0O.0Ou. Railroads and fanners tre the largest losers. 197TAKENFR0M SHIPINFLAMES AS STORM RAGES Steamer Snanee Rescues Pas sengers of the Rio Grande Daring Darkness. HIGH SEA IMPERILS BOATS Wireless Report Ores Few Details, Hurricane Sweping Toward Both Vessels. Norfolk. Dec 7.-WliIIe fire raged In the hold of the steamer Itlo Grande, th steamer Suanee. of the Merchants anc? Miners line, before daybreak this morn ing rescued the Rio Grande's 137 passen gers" In mid-ocean. Tho rescue occurred SB miles north west of Diamond Shoals. The ltiu Grande, after her crew failed to subdue the flames In one of her forward holds, sent a wireless call for assistance. The Suanee. which was within a few miles of the burning ship, picked tha message up and hurried to the burning vessel. She reached the Rio Granda shortly after A o'clock and sent life boats to take oft her passengers. The Rio Grande also had her lifeboats) ready and the "passengers w ere trans ferred safely, out with Borne difficulty. A high southwest wind caused a choppy tea and therewas danger of tha Ufo boats- being crushed against the sides of the two steamers. The rescue accomplished in darkness U regarded here as the moat thrillinx- re corded In some time The excellent dis cipline of the crew of both vess-ls Is be lieved to be responsible for the success ful transfer of the passengers from the burning vessel to the Suanee A Ore Several Days. While only meager details of the firs and rescue have been received here. It is said that the ship evidently had been on tire for several days, but the passengers probably did not know or It until It was decided to send for assistance and trans fer them to another ship. One report received here says th Suanee. after taking off the Rio Granda passengers, stood by the ship and helped to fight the flames. When the tire was under control, the report says, the pas sengers again were transferred to tha Rio Grande and she continued on her oage. Another report says some of the pas sengers are still ,on the Swanmore, but tne mo arande a in no danger and is Tonight warnings -vere sent notifying? the vessels of a severe southwest storm now sweeping the coast. The wind in Norfolk tonight is thirty-sir miles an hour. At Hatteras. It is said to be much greater and increasing In velocity. SNOWSTORM RIDES IN ON WINGS OF HIGH WIND Considerable damage was done last tdgbt by the wind storm which swept over the city. While It could not be compared with the cyclonic wave that tislted Washington three months ago. a number of buildings under construction were Injured and many window panes shattered. Shortly after midnight a brisk snow storm rode in on the wind. The whita flakes swirled and blew around the street lamps and the wind howled down chim neys in the regular and approved winter fashion Several pieces of corrugated iron. ued as roofing on a buildins under construc tion In Fourteenth stret northwest, be tween Columbia road and Irving street, were ripped off and blown across tho street. The combined weight of these pieces would easily reach 500 pounds. A board fence at Ninth and E streets northwest blew over hortly before S o'clock, falling on Mrs E. Roberts, forty fire jears old. of 130 E street southeast She was removed to Emergency Hospital, suffering from seeral slight bruises. A large window on the south side ot the District Building was smashed when It was slammed to with great force by the wind V number of billboards and fences were blown down and roofs partially ripped off. STORM SWEEPING UP COAST. - ohlna Pnt Into Hampton It on da for Shelter. Norfolk, Va.. Dec 7 A big storm is reported sweeping up the oast and sev eral tessels have sought shelter in Hampton Roads. Storm warnings are displaced alons the expected path of the storm and some Xear Is felt for the safety of ves sels whose course Is known to He In the direction of the approaching hurri cane. JOHN D. AIDS OLD WOMAN. Her Home In Auto Dnrln,x Blinding: Snovratnria. Cleveland. Ohio. Dec 7. John D. Rocke feller prevented Miss Frances Twltt, seventy-five years old. from walking home through the blinding snow by persuading her to tide with him In his motor car after the services at Euclid Avenue Bap tist Church. "You're too old to venture into the storm. You bad better come with me In my car." he told her. INSTANTLY POPULAR Washingtonians, as usual, al ways appreciative of big things whether it be politics, commerce, finance, or the newspaper field gave their unqualified approval of the efforts of The Washington Herald in presenting to its readers a story of unusual merit and great educational value. Twenty Thousand Miles In tie Palk of Napolew J