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rTg'' ":';if,sir,"r" rutfefsftf " i- "" " X" V' THE WASHINGTON HERALD. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9," 1913. WILSON DECLINES TO AIDSUFFRAGE President Will Not Recom. mend "Votes for Wom en" Amendment "RED LIGHT" CRUSADE Fair Suffragists Make Tour of In spection in Disorderly House Dis trict Will Fight EnL ' Fresident "Wilson refused to urge equal suffrage legislation upon Congress in a definite statement to elchty-clght euffra rists who called on him yesterday after- soon In high hope of obtaining promise of his support for the Federal amend ment to enfranchise women. Disappoint ment among the suffragists was as keen as the President's positive denial was un expected. In explanation of his refusal, the Pres ident said he was not at liberty to urge policies upon Congress which had not had the organic consideration of those for whom be stood as spokesman. Dr. Anna Howard Shaw, president of the National American Woman Suffrage Association, spoke for the suffragists, whose number included representatives from every State. She asked the Presi dent to fend a special message to Con cress, urging submission of a Federal amendment enfranchising women or, to Include such recommendation In another message, or to use the administration s influence to secure the establishment of a suffrage committee in the House of Representatives. Has Itecommendril Committee. Upon the President's decided refusal to take any step In support of their "cause," Dr. Shaw appealed to him to name the person to whom the women can turn for a spokesman. The President made paraphrased application of the story of John Alden, telling the deputation inai he believed them capable of speaking lor themseltes. While President Wilson sought to Im- Dress UDOn his visitors that he did not consider himself at liberty to obtrude his Drlvate convictions upon Congress, he In formed them that ho had recommended the creation of a suffrage committee In the House to a member of the House Rules Committee, who had asked for his opinion ' Investigation of the Washlrgton "red light" district was made by a band of suffragists in the afternoon. These women explained after their tour among the dis orderly houtes that fringe the House Odice Building, the Capitol, the Postotllce Department, and those that lie almost within the thadow of the White House, that they were "deeply horrified with what they saw." Committee to Flsht Cill. "The business of the nation Is carried on In the midst pf 'white slae' traffic." said Mrs. Thomas W. Hepburn, presi dent of the Connecticut Women's Suf frage Association, who was one of the leaders of the tour. "The fact that such conditions can exist In the Immedi ate neighborhood of the White House and Capitol Is Inconceivable. We hope for the sake of the reputation of the National Capital, that the 'secret caucus tf the Houso will allow the Kenon bill, whic'i would abolish the segregated dis trict, to be debated on the floor and passed ' The leaders of the woman's deputation that conducted the investigation, of the tenderloin were Mrs. Hepburn, Mrs. Jes sie Hardy Stubbs, of Illinois, Mrs. Irv ing Moller, of Washington, who will lead the fight for the passage of the Kenyon "red light" bill. Miss Elsie Hill, and Mm Dora Stevens, of Ohio. The women started out upon their tour at S:30 o'clock In the afternoon; Inspected nrsr. uiosc disorderly houses near the Municipal Building, and ended their Investigations at the House Office uuiming. The committee on the elimination of commercialized vice from Federal ter ritory was organized by the women Im mediately after their personal search for facts Upon this commltUe aro Mrs. Hooker. Mrs. Moller, Mrs. Hep burn Miss Hill. Miss Stevens, and Miss barali Farr. Mrs. Moller said that the first step in the correction of the social evil lies In r-lntlni- the TeCUUr hOUSeS. "We are providing a market for 'white slaves' here in wasningiuii. she bald. "And 1 find It Impossible to live where such conditions exist without voicing a public protest. PREDICTS TWO CANALS ACROSS THE ISTHMUS Beah Hunting Was Ripping; Oh Peak, Yes, Old Top Returning Traveler Brings Tall One from Lofty Peaks of the Himalayas Savage Fellows Attacked 'Em. New York, Dec. S. Here's a tail one from the towering Peaks of the Hima layas, as told by ono Frederic 8. Bowen, of Boston, lute merchant and sportsman. who arrived here today on the steamer Lapland of the Red Star Line after five years in India. Among the narrator's favorite pastimes while in India was the pursuit of the small but husky Himalayan black bear. On his last trip to the great mountains, accompanied by two British army officers and a native guide, some remarkable things happened at an altitude of 15,000 feet. "Wo were having bally bad luck," be ban Mr. Bowen, whose long sojourn amid the Britishers has lent a new touch to his original Bostonese accent. "No game, you know, shortage of food, and all that sort of thing. Then we ran smack Into a cluster of hlllmen, savage fellows, who didn't like our looks, but were most eager 10 gei our guns ana equipment. "We gave them a bit of a battle, hut. being outnumbered, decided to retreat. Our guide said he knew where there was a ripping old cave where we could hide until tno party of hlllmen irnt tired of looking for us and went on about their business, y know. We clambered down a lot nf nH. pices over a zigzag trail In the dead of nigni ana round the cave. My friends and I entered and were shocked to hear ioua growi and find ourselves at tacked by a savage female black bear and her vicious young cud. W nueeeeded in killing 'them both handily, thus replenishing our larder considerably. We lay closo to the cave for two days, when In walked old father bear. "The hlllmen were in our neighbor hood by that time and we did not dare shoot So we Invited the bear in, as It were, and sat perfectly sun. e came In, looked us over and then sniffed at the hides and pieces of meat that toll him what had become of his wife and little ones, y" know. "H amwared Quite frantic with grief. and I was on the point of feeling very sorry for the old chap when suddenly he turned on me and attempted to bite off my leg. Pity turned to hate, as It were, and drawing my hunting knife 1 slashed the old chap viciously in tho throat. He closed with me and would hae done considerable damage but for a timely thrust of the knife In his heart. "We lived on bear meat for a week and got beastly sick of eating It eating It half raw as we did. You see we could not build a fire, but we cut the meat In small pieces and singled It a little with matches before chewing it. "At last our guide reported the hlll men gone and we made our way to our base camp and fed up on canned goods and copious cups of tea." Hniin III nmnnaa LEAVESJAPITAL W.MI.1UUJ raUM I'AtiE ONE. the postmaster at Princeton, asking tor nis removal. Inspectors were sent to Princeton to Investigate the charge. They were sur prised at the Princeton postofflce to see at least a bushel of letters a day going to the Ferris family. An in estigation was started, resulting later In a raid on Ferris' place. It Is said "Mary Louise," alias "Susan Meyers," made a mysterious escape by disap pearing through a trap door. Later she was brought to Washington by her father and placed In the care of a "friend." It Is believed by the police that the $1,000 in money and the dozen or more expensive rings found In the girl's possession were obtained from in nocent young men, farmers and moun taineers, who paid court to her by mall, and sent valuable presents to her Princeton address. Thus her story about saving the money she made by sewing and selling eggs that she might go to Manila, P. I., to live In happiness with a sister. Is dis credited. After seeing it all but Impossible to prevent extradition. Mary Louise changed almost in a flash from "an In nocent little inexperienced girl," as she styled herself in an interview, to a woman of the world. Turning upon De tective Burlingame in United States Com missioner Ilitt's office, she shook her fist in his face and said: 'You dirty beast. Had It not been for the police of Washington I could have got through." Then she admitted she was "Mary Louise Ferris," that her age was twenty-two, and not seventeen, as she claimed when arrested. Rear Admiral Peary, in Address to Ohio Society, Also Tells of Arctic Trips. "This country will see two canals, I believe, across the Isthmus," said Rear Admiral Robert E. Perry, In his address before the Ohio Society of the District of Columbia, at its meeting at Rauscher's last night. Admiral Peary devoted the last part of his address to explaining the condi tions that h encounterea and overcame in his conquest of the north pole. His sJccess in ihe artlc. he said, could be attributed to the fact that his party adopted the kind of clothing used by the Ljulmos. made from the skins of the animals that 11 e In these regions. This fcrm of clothing, lie said, had been de veloped through generations of struggle with the cold. Tho cold of the arctic regions which la about 107 degrees below freezing point. Admiral Peary declared. Is no more disa greeable, provided a man is properly clothed and fed, than that of New York or Boston. Work in the arctic is by no means finished, he asserted, for there are rezlons surrounding the poles about which nothing Is known and where dis coveries of startling results can be made. In speaking of these unknown regions. Admiral Peary advocated the establish ment ot a station at the South Pole for meteorological observations. nun on New Jersey Bank. Bayonne. N. J.. Dec S. A crowd of deposlters besieged the First National Bank today when a placard posted on 'ha door gave notice that It was in the hands of the government. The bank directors had offered to raise $700,000 to keep It open, but Bank Examiner C. H. Chapman rejected the plan. Iloclcrfeller Gets Free Sticks. Cleveland, Dec 8. A few days ago an agent of John D. Rockefeller announced that the oil king wanted to buy second iiand bricks to pave his barnyard at Forest HIlL Today he got bricks by percel post from St. Paul, Omaha. Min neapolis, and Chicago. "If they keep on coming, I won't have to buy any," re marked John D. Sirs. James C. Cantrlll Dead. Mrs. James Campbell Cantrlll. wife of Representative Cantrlll. of Kentucky, died at her home in Georgetown, Ky yesterday, after an illness of six months. Tuberculosis was the cause. Members of the Kentucky delegation in Congress will be. represented at tho funeral,- SAYS NEEDLE POISONING IS DUE TO DEGENEBACY MANY JOIN NATIONAL UNION. Local Branch Initiate Class of ISO at Rifles Armory. Five thousand members of the District cabinet of the National Union partici pated last night In the class Initiation of ICO new members at the National Rifles Armory. Henry C. Smale, former presi dent of the union; D. A. Helpman, super intendent of the field, and Vice Presi dent F. E. Ferguson were the speakers of the evening. Prior to the lnltlon, the members and candidates formed In line and parad ed to the Raleigh, where they were re viewed by the speakers. The Initiation was the largest ever held In the District, and the degrees were confered by the National Union Club degree team. Mr. Smale urged the local club to co-operate with the Grand Army whenever the op portunity presented Itself. MOVEMENT LAUNCHED FOR NEW EASTERN HIGH Degeneracy Is responsible for the num erous cases of needle poisoning women that has been reported to the police of New York, according to At torney General McReynolds. While the agents of the Department of Justice are Investigating reports that an organized band of white slavers are op- crating by this method, the Attorney Gen eral stated yesterday that he felt the work was done by degenerates rather than illegal traffickers In women. "It strikes me that this Is the work of those who are mentally Irresponsible,' he said. ITALIAN LEGISLATORS IN DUEL. One I Wounded In tho Ann and Both Are Arrested. Rome, Dec 8. Slgnor Gambarotta, i member of tho Italian Chamber of Depu ties, was wounded In the arm today In a sword duel with Slgnor Detilice, a fel low-member of the Chamber. The quarrel grew out of a discussion in Parliament. In spite of the promi nence of the principals they were arrested. TWO MEN SHOT FEOM AMBUSH. Ganc Attempted Murder Itesnlt Fend, Police Believe. New York. Dec S. While walking to their homes in Grand street, Williams burg, Charles Benedict and James Kelley today were shot from ambush. Both were taken to the hospital In serious condition. On acount of the reti cence of the men the police believe the shooting resulted from a gang feud. Twenty Ifart In Car Crash. New York, Dec 8. Twenty persons were Injured today and many Christmas shop pers were thrown Into a panic-In a trol ley car collision at Twenty-third street and Sixth avenue, une car was derailed and Jammed against an elevated railroad pillar. One victim was pinned between the car and the pillar and It was ten minutes before policemen with axes re leased him. TODAY'S SELECTIONS. BY NEW YORK TELEGRAPH. Charleston. First race Sir Caledore, Tomboy, Cliff Maid. Second race Flatbush, Lura, Huda's Brother. Third race Trade Mark, EI MahdL Bulgar. Fourth race Charlestonian. Camp eon, Bravo Cnnarder. Fifth race Briar Path, Robert Bradley, Right Easy. Sixth race Merry Lad, Over the Sands, Master Jim. Jnares. First race Zulu, Frazzle, Bright stone. Second race Vested Rights, Luther, Jlmmls GI1L Third raco-Glpsy Lore, Chrlsto phlne. Paw. Fourth race Arb, Mimorioso, CoL Marcbmont Fifth race Gemmcll, Mack B. Eu- banks, Orlmar'Lad. Sixth race Sigurd, Calelbumplan, Citizens of East Washington Hear Dr. Davidson and Others Speak. A movement In which Dr. William M. Davidson, retiring superintendent of pub lic schools, participated was launched last night for a new Eastern High School at a meeting In the assembly room of the school. The meeting was attended by citizens of East Washington who are deeply Interested In this project. Dr. Davidson recalled his first visit to the Eastern High School and the favor able Impression it created upon him. He referred to the Inadequacy of the present buildings to accommodate the number ot pupils who wish to attend. He pointed out that Washington. In proportion to its population, has more public school pupils than any other city of Its size or larger In the country. He declared that It was with great reluctance and deep regret that he was leaving Washington. Henry P. Blair, president of the board of education, urged the erection of a new high school to supplant the present one. He said he believed that it the proper fa cilities were offered the enrollment would be increased to $00 or 1.000 pupils. Mr. Blair stated that he believed there was a splendid chance of Congress appro priating the SIjO.OOO which has been re quested for the purpose of purchasing the site for the new buildings. Others who spoke were Dr. Wlllard S. Small, principal of the Eastern High School; D. C. Roper, First Assistant Post master General; D. A. Edwards, president of the Federation of Citizens' Associa tions, and M. F. O'Donohuc Representative Smith, of Idaho, who was prevented from making a speech be cause of official business, stated in a let ter that was read before the meeting that he would support the appropriation both in and out of Congress. ORPHANCHILDREN MADE SUBJECTS CONTINUED FROM TAQB ONE. laboratories. Only by knowing- the se crets of both can we protect children ns well as animals. "We are in this work for the protection of all helpless creatures, both human and dumb, who are today. In our own country, absolutely at the mercy of a class of medical men that Is accountable to no law but Its own. "I have heard it stated that medical men experiment only on poor people whose lives are worth nothing. Explains Good to Be Accomplished Speaking of the good to be accom plished by the congress. Its president, Edward H. Clement, of Boston, Mass., said: "This congress has brought together a strong body of people, strong In the hope of regulating vivisection in the United States of America. For my part I would like to see It abolished, but of course strict restriction, so to speak, will satisfy us for the present. The anti-vlvlsectlon movement has taken- great noia in Eng land, and Is winning strong and wonder ful support In the United States. "Most of the vivisection practiced .to day Is perfectly barren work and incurs useless torture. Every practitioner of vivisection should be known to author! ties, and his efforts closely watched for Illegal and Inhuman practices. "There can be no doubt but that human vivisection, so far as experimenting with serum, serms. and vaccines are con cerned. Is extensively employed on the quiet In hospitals all over the world. The evidences of this can be found In the reports of medical and other learned so cieties whicn the general puoiic seiaora reads. "For every triumph of a serum there has been scores of failures at a cost of human and other life. Many Interesting delegates are here from foreign countries. Among them is Miss Llnd at Hageby. of London England, who recently conducted a fa mous libel case for the purpose ot ven- tlllatlnir the subject of vivisection. Speaking of this case last nignt, ane said: "This trial, at which I acted as my own lawyer. lasted sixteen days. stirred all England. Although I lost the case technically. I expected to do so. and It bared the cold fscts to every one who could read the newspapers In England. Newspapers can accomplish much good In this work." CONSERVATIONISTS' AIMS DEFENDED BY PINCHOT SAYS ENGLISH LANGUAGE IS THE BEST FOR SONG Robeo- So Just to Prove It, Mile. Teyte Sings Several Pieces at Press Club Reception. Observed of all observers at tho Na tional Press Club's "ladles day" recep tion yesterday afternoon, Maggie Teytc Prima donna of the Chicago-Philadelphia Grand Opera Company, paid her hosts the double compliment of declaring that their language Is the language of song" and proving it by singing several pfeces in English. "They tell you that English Is not the language for song," said Miss Teyte. "They tell you that foreign languages are musical; and tnat tne English lan guage is Incapable of high, aristlc musi cal expression. Nothing could be fur ther from the truth." 'Of course almost every well-known opera is written In Italian. French, or German. And most of the European teachers or singing are ot thoso nation alities. All this has kept the English language In the background. This wrong. English is tne real ianguago for song." The affair at-the club yesterday was ar ranged to give the women friends ot Its members an opportunity to wmper good byes to the present home before the club enters Its new quarters In the Riggs Building. When Mile Teyte was told this was a "farewell performance" she added Tostl's "Good-bye" to the generous program she had already rendered. Dr. E. I Hilton Under Knife. Suffering from an acute attack of appendicitis. Dr. E. L. Mason, of the Portner, was operated on at Garfield Hospital yesterday afternoon. While his condition Is serious, bis attending physicians are confident he will re cover. The operation was performed by Dr. Albert Stavely. his personal friend, asslsted'by Dra. Wellington and Frank Leech. Slncle Tnx Clnb Meets. John J. Murphy, tenement house commissioner of New York City, and Mrs. Alice Thacker Post, wife of the Assistant Secretary of the Interior, ad dressed the meeting of the Woman's Single Tax Club at the Public Library last night. Countess to Get Divorce. London. Dec 8. Countess do, la Ward today was granted restitution t her con jugal rights Im Divorce Court, her hus band.' Earl de la Ward, making no de fense. This Is the preliminary step to a Former U. S. Official Makes Outline of Propaganda of National Association. general outline of the propaganda of the National Conservation Association, In refutation of the recent charge that "the conservationists lack a constructive program" was made yesterday by Glfford Pinchot. Mr. Pinchot said that the asso ciation intended to keep on agitating time limit water right franchises until results are obtained. The National Conservation Associa tion will continue to strive for legisla tion opening' the public waterpowers to prompt and beneficial use," said Mr. Pinchot. "That has been one of its chief alms ever since It was organized, and It will not give up the fight until it gets results. The association holds that wa- terpower franchises should be granted for fifty years. Irrevocable for the flrst thirty years so as to provide reasonable security and attractiveness of Investment, but revocable thereafter at the will of the government. "The association will continue Ms work for the opening ot the coal fields of Alaska, both to domestic use and to development, on a larger scale. In the Interest of citizens of Alaska and of the nation. Nor will It relax its efforts to ward legislation to prevent tho pollution of Interstate and navigable streams. Regulation of the use of the grazing lands of the public domain Is an essen tial step In reducing the cost of living. News. Nuggets from Telegraph and Cable Springfield, Mass.. Dec 8. The Indian summer of 1313 In central and Western Massachusetts has been so long and of such a decided character that the farm ers of Ware are harvesting an extra' hay crop. Union HUL N. 3h Dec . Simultaneous trouble on their phones, each trying to get the other, delayed only a few min utes news of the simultaneous deaths of Archibald Boyle, forty, here, and Arthur Boyle, his nephew. In New York, New York, Dec 8. 'Tm a hero." said Morris Carman when Policeman Schaefer caught him running from a tenement house. 'There's a fire. I saved a baby.' Schaefer'a fingers were burned by a hot Iron under Morris coat. London, Dec 8. The British public has subscribed half of 53,000 required to buy back for the nation a collection of Brown ing lovo letters sold to an auctioneer. Syracuse, Dec 8. Because Syracuse -University co-eds danced the tango at the Havenhall Dormitory ball last week seventy-five of them have been ordered not to attend dances at all, and during the next two weeks to be In their rooms by 10 o'clock each night Philadelphia, Dec 8. Declaring that they had wheeled their three little girls nearly 1.300 miles In baby carriages, Mil ton IJpdrgraff and his wife arrived in this city last night after a four-month Journey from Nebraska. Chicago, Dec 8. Profits from the sale of newspapers on the streets of Milwaukee enabled Philip Elsonborg of that city to begin a course of study at a medical school In this city. Altogether he has saved enough to Insure his education. Elsonborg will continue to ply his profes sion as a news nustler. Boston. Dec 8. "Dakota Dan," who fought unsuccessfully for seven years to establish his Identity as heir to the Russell estate, will take boarders as a means of livelihood, St. Louis. Dec 8.-Gaby Deslys said today that If she marries she will marry an American, "becauso they are nothing but big babies. The Englishman is too serious, and the Frenchman sou can never trust." London, Dec S. The prospect of a strike of 100.000 employes of the British postofflce during the Christmas season increases dally. A national committee of the employes" unions will meet this week to decide the question. Cambridge. Mass., Dec S. A profes sorship of Latin-American history and economics has Just been endowed at Harvard. The course to be given will be for undergraduates, and Is designed to familiarize students with the Importance of American Interests In the Latin-American republics. Philadelphia. Dec. 8 Demonstrations of various machines and materials used In road building and moving pictures showing different conditions of streets and roads were features of the tenth an nual convention of the American Road Builders' Association whhh began here today. HOTE GOTHAI ft Hotel ofrefTned celegance, located in Newark's social centre Easily accessible to theatre . and. shoppinct 1 Sngtc roonsjaWr htrtsj-2gfe3? Single rooms with ba&s 3eo599, Doable rooms wish bazhs 32?fo8?? Wetherbee tfWood Fifth Ave fffiflffhSt, new york: city Make Your Dollar Produce More in a New York City Hotel $2 $3 Two Specialties rjJ A pleasant room with private bath, 1 OV PER DAY facing large open court. I CNct M nam. bot coa bnadrtd si eW.) I An excellent room with private bath, ,J PER DAY facing street, SoiiuSern-exposure. . Uvot one saco. on agnqr-teTca cc raeaj Also attractive rooms without bath from $2.00. most moderate The Restaurant prices ate v& Wffm Pa Location 600 ROOMS 400 BATHS One minute from 5 ofthe Ingest ijepamnent stores. Ffre mmntu walk from 19 prinapj tnestres. Wknm a block of the Fifth Arc shopping dtttrict. Every use of ttinsportsnon puses the door. Fifth Avenue Bus hues and pnadpal surface fines. The Hudson Tubes acton the street. Elevated Railroad Stirion across the street. Subway Station three rnfmitrt away. Grand Central Sutioa. within seven mnrntn, Pennsylvania Railroad Station just one block away. For anoaicax one aald aik no more. The Hotel EVERYTHING NEW AND MODERN. A FIVE MILLION DOLLAR HOTEL. EQUIPPEDTO SATISFY THE MOST EXACTING TASTE. THE HOTEL MARTINIQUE "THE HOUSE OF TAYLOR" Ettahlished I6M6 Broadway, 32nd and 33rd Streets New York JOHN D. AIDS BED CH0SS. Bi)i 50,000 Christmas Stamps In Antl-Tnlerclol Fight. New York. Dec 8. Amons the large purchases of Ited Cross stamps an nounced today at the headquarters ot the New York Tuberculosis Committee was one by John D. Rockefeller for DO.000. costlns SJOO. Indications are that there will be a larger sale ot the stamps man ever before. It Is probable that tho total number of stamps sold before Christmas will reach 50,000.000, ,, divorce. SHREWD THIEVES MAKE HAUL. One Whiten Jeveler' 'Window While Olber Hobs Store. New York, Dec. S. "While Solomon Goldman, a lewelcr. was at the DanK today havine a check certified, a man with a pail of whitening mixture and a ras covered the display window and the door of the store. Meanwhile a confederate, who could not be seen from tho street because ot the mixture on the glass, rifled the store of J3.00O worth of jewelry, thero being no clerk present. Harrison Heads Texas 1'nclHc. New York, Dec. 8. Fairfax Harrison, recently elected president of the South ern Railway Company to succeed the late "William Flnley. today was elecM president of the Cincinnati, New Orleans and Texas Pacific Hallway Company. KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLES DISAPPEAR Chronic Sufferer Always Find Relief from Few Dotes. If you are bothered with backache or rheumatism, havo disagreeable. annoying bladder or urinary disorders to contend with or ouner -wun any other of the many miseries tnat come from weak kidneys, here is a guaran teed remedy you can depend upon. It is a nosltlve fact that Croxono promptly overcomes such disorders. It soaks right In. cleans out the stopped up kidneys and makes them filter and sift out the poisonous waste matter from the blood. It neutralizes and dissolves the uric acid that lodges the joints and muscles, causing rheumatism: soothes and heals me delicate linings of the bladder. More than a few doses ot Croxone are seldom required to relieve even the obstinate, long-standing cases. You will And Croxone entirely aii fercnt from all other remedies. It is so prepared that It la practically Im possible -to take' it without results. An original package costs but a trifle, and your druggist is authorized to return the purchase price 'it Croxone falls to give the desired results the very first time. LANSBURGH FURNITURE CO., 512 NINTH STREET GIFT FURNITURE, &C. KVekytIrms So thorough in construction and so good in quality that you'll never have cause to regret giving it. Start the payments after the first of January. MT Open Saturday Night, Dec 13, and Dec 20 till 9 o'Clock. "9 Library and Living Room Furniture Made of fumed oak, with the best Spanish leather. Davenports $50 sort $35 $75 sort $45 $85 sort $55 $100 sort $62 Settees $20 sort $14.50 $25 sort $15.50 $35 sort $1730 $50 sort $3230 Armchairs and Rockers $15 sort $9.90 $18 sort $1230 $20 sort $1330 $25 sort $15.00 $12 MUSIC CABINET, $7.75 isiiWii Of highly polished ma hogany. A handsome gift to the wife or daughter. This $32.50 Secretary$24 rB3E ffll II 1(1 1 Made of golden oak, early English, oak or mahogany. "GIFT" RUGS BIG UNDERPRICIIMGS What is more rensible to give than a rug? If such appeal to you, you'll find our rug department on the second floor offers a splendid as sortment from which to choose. S3 Oriental lion mostly Kaxaka and Dashestana, IsAjkai a4fc lira from 4x0 to SxS feet Trhlch are now marked 63S 1S fill 27x54 Axminster Rugs 13.50 value cut to. ... as.25 3ox72 Axminster Bugs J5.50 value cut to. ........ ,..... ....... 3J5 6x9 Axminster Rues J1S.00 value cut to..............,.,..-...$ii3o 9x11 Axminster Hugs $33.00 value cut to. ..................... ..$23.73 27x54 Wilton Ruffs J 6.00 value cut to...........,..,..............i-C 36x61 Wilton Bus J10.00 value cut to v.... 7.30 4.6x6.6 Wilton Buss 112.00 value cut to...., s&so 3x1! Wilton Bucs J60.00 value cut to .. 14ZS0 6x9 Brussels Bugs $12.00 value cut to ..... STJC 8.3x10.6 Brussels Bugs $18.00 value cut to -...... (1330 9x1! Brussels Bugs $32.50 value cut to 118.75 ALL $5 CARPET SWEEPERS GIT TO $3.25 Lansburgh Furniture Co .5.2 ninths. .. .A- ifct'9l jt4Mq3teu'...flriM -feg !...