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jsgrjt?s?s. '-T-3jjjpvpg? , fQm "? VJl ... THE WASHINGTON HERALD, TUESDAY DECEMBER 9. 1913. AT- THE, THEATERS LAST NIGHT- THE BELASCO. "floucnt anil Paid For.' he spectacle of a pretty and virtuous woman holding her self-respect abovo tverythlng else she possesses Is always en appealing sight, and one which wins our applause whether we meet It in life cr watch it across the footlights, which accounts for the enthusiastic reception given the return engagement of George Broadhurst's American domestic drama, "Bought and Paid For." at the Belasco Theater last night When a successful New Tork financier, one Robert Stafford, confesses his love for a little telephone girl of more than the average refinement, and declares to her that he Is confident of winning her love after their marriage, since she Is not sure of It before, one feels sure that ho can, and is In so May surprised that he does. The g.rl is given every luxury -I nealth and position, but her happiness Is marred bv her, Tvnicm for wine. Returning home one night maudlin and brutalized by drink he de mands absolute, possession of her. as of nis otner chattels "bought and paid lor." In a revulsion of delicato pride and self respect the young wife refuses to be de rraded, and is conquc-ed by force. The following morning when he comes to her, penitent and ashamed, she asks him to promise to forsake the one barrier to meir happiness, which promise he refuses to make with the result that the girl leaves mm as empty-handed as she came, going back to earning her living In a de partment store at $7 per week. In the end they are reunited, partially inrough the power of love and loneli ness, and partially by the Intervention of mo gin 8 sister and brother-in-law, who have suffered material loss through the separation, and thus one passes through a domestic tangle of great dramatic in tensity to a most happy and satisfying denouement. Aside from Its problematic appeal "Bought and raid For' has a persistent comedy element, which is delightfully refreshing, nicely balancing the tense ness of the more serious situations. Miss Helen Macbeth has this season the role of Virginia Blaine, the telephone girl, a characterization which she achieved last evening with that direct ness and simplicity which are the ear marks of technical smoothness and the chief elements of winsomeness and charm. She was convincing in her stand for the maintenance of her self-respect, and deserves especial praise for the sup pressed intensltv with which she handled the melodramatic parting scene of the third act. Frank Mils Impersonated Robert Stam ford, the millionaire husband and occa sional drunkard, with consistency and irlllty, winning ones pity for his one weakness and admiration for his strength of character, which made it possible for him to eventuall) overcome it The persistent comedy element was made irresistible by Francis X. Coulan, as James Glllev, the pin-head stripping clerk, aid Marion Lord, the older and less refined sister of Mrs. Robert Staf ford Both were admirable, as were also Marie Hard!, as milady's French maid. and Makoto Inokjchl as Oku, a Japa nese servant, each introducing a variety of strongly differentiated modern char acter tvpes William A Brady has set the present production of the Broadhurst serio-comic play with the same lavlshness which environed it when it was presented here at the Belasco Theater last season, with lulia Dean in the heroine part. JULIA CHANDLER MANZ. POLI'S. "Hit- tnuntr Ihairmnn." George Ade's quaint and unctious humor appears at Its ver best in "The Countv Chairman No other current comedy has treated with so sweet and deft a toucli the lighter aspects of Ameri can lllage life and no other has ap proached it in the human truth of its picture Of rural politic The play calls for more than ordinarv skill from a large cast of actors, as the least tendenc to exaggeration In an of the characters spoils the peculiar charm of Mr Ade s realism By the Host exacting standards the Poll production merits the highest praise. The plajcrs have seized upon the juicy parts cxpertlv and with relish, and. as Mr Roberts said in his curtain srwech, (mplunentlns the management It Is ei traordinar that so tine a general effect should be reached with a few rehearsals. The performance of Theodore Roberts as Jim Hackler is in Itself sufficient to draw to Poll's Theater this week ever seeker for what is truly notable In the plaers" art In addition the character ork of Richard Buhler, Stanley James, William D Corbett, C XV. Vance. Louise Kent. Helen Tracj, and Gertrude Bond hill is cf more than usual interest. Miss Jewel, too, contributing her sweet per Fonalit) in the role of the heroine. ACADEMY. "llir Mu-pherd of the Hill,." The simple love storv of the mountains of Missouri "The Shepherd of the Hills," Ironi Harold Bell Wrights novel of that name, is repeated with quaint charm In i delightful and wholesome manner at tin cademv Ibis vvck The shepherd is a cjltured stranger v ho comes Into th hilis. glad to escape from the on.tniionalities to which he hi hn accustomed He accepts the oc rupatioi of sliceptcnder but soon be-rtinn-K s'lrpbcd of a human flock, the If You Hear the Wonderful Recital of MAGGIE TEYTE at the Columbia Theater this afternoon, be sure to note the beautiful Grand Pianoforte used. Mme. Teyte always uses this "Stradivarius of pianos-." We are the exclusive representatives for Washington and Baltimore. Terms if desired. Percy S. Foster Piano Co. 1330 G Street big-hearted mountaineers end their fam ilies. Among' his devoted followers are Old Matt and Young Mat, the gianU of the hills; Sammy Lane, glorious In the beauty of young womanhod, and poor Fete, a child of nature. Kay Brown, as Preach! n' Bill, has a part that calls for real acting, and he responds to the call in more than ade quate shape. Despite the roughness of his character, his striking philosophy Is thoroughly enjoyed. It Is Preachln" Bill who kills Wash Glbbs, the leader of the lawless element In the community, but he does it In self-defense and In doing so brings relief to the people of the Orarks. Miss Jean Ward, as Sammy Lane, Is the heroine and her sympathetic portrayal Is convincing. Harry Nelson In the title role, gives a finished, well-balanced por trajal. The stage settings are realistic, the beauty of the Ozark mountain region lending itself to the effective stage pictures. NEW NATIONAL. Conn ii In ''Broadway Jones." Whether as Broadway Jones or In any other disguise George M. Cohan is "ail to the mustard" Walking or talking, sitting or standing up, drunk or sober this, of course, applicable only to what ever role he ma assume In the depths of despair or on the top wave of hilarity, author or actor, or both In one, he Is an unfailing source of enjoyment to all who come under the spell of his genial humor. It's as contagious as the measles, you cannot escape it. In truth, he may soliloquize: "I lauga and the world laughs with me, I weep, and It laughs still more." At the National Theater last night, where his latest creation. "Broadway Jones," had Its first produc tion In this city, an audience wnicn crowded the house laughed and shouted and aDDlauded from the moment when Jones enters In a highly lneDriate con ditlon. to the last when he leaves witn the girl he loves tucked under his arm. There Is an excuse of a plot in "uroaa- way Jones." It Is all about a young fellow who has run through one fortune and finds himself "dead broke," even t" the point of engaging himself to a ricn w 'dow old enough to be his grandmother, wnen another fortune comes to him in the shape of a chewing gum factory and business worth any amount of monev. The trust has been trying for years to gather In this business which Jones' undo has bequeathed to mm ana ju at the moment when Jones Is down It the dumps the trust's agent comes with an offer of more than a million. Of course, Jones agrees to make the deal, but is saved from consummating it by his friend. Robert Wallace, who tells him that the plant Is worth a great deal mere. Josle Richards, who has really been the business manager of the coit. cern, appeals to Jones not to sell at all. because to do so would throw hundreds of people out of emplojment and rum the whole town Jones heeds tier plead ing, falls In love with her, and all goes welL As usual. Mr Cohan has surrounded himself with a company, every one of whore members fits Into the respective parts like the proverbial paper on the wall Ada GUman, as Mrs. GIrard. the wealth, superannuated widow. Is In looks and action a regular "scream George Parsons Is admirable as Robert Wallace. Edith Luckett, who is always sure of a hearty welcome In the city of her birth, where she also entered upon her "stage tarer, save a ery attractive Interpretation to the part of Josle, the level-headed little business manager. Mrs. Helen F. Cohan Is a most lovable Mrs Spottswood, and finds a splendid counterpart In Jerrj J. Cohan in the rolo of Judge Spottswood Mary Murphy as Clara Spottswood. sweet sixteen and very frnd of chocolates and Ice cream soda, made quite a hit and Daniels Burns, as bam, w as a typical boy In knickerbockers, who is sure he has brains and its not afraid to avow it M J Sullivan h capital as Rankin. Jones' servant Clar ence Heritage as Peter Pembroke Fletcher Harvey as Grover Wallace, and John Fenton as Hlgglns. who knows he has a "rotten" temper, complete the cast GAYETY. Golden Crook. Barltftqnrrs. An excellent performance b an all-star cast was the verdict of the first nlghters who greeted tha Golden Crook Bur Iesquers at the opening of their week's engagement at the Gaiety last night. From the headllners down to the mem bers of the chours the cast Is one of ex ceptional abilit It would be a difficult task to determine who contributes the most to the performance. Frank A Burt and Frank Dodson. in the title roles, are two comedians who are never at a loss to provoke a hearty laugh The most of the fun Is the result of their efforts. Maude Rockwell, be sides possessing a winning personality, has a voice far above the average heard in burlesque houses, and was forced to repond to a number of well merited en- chores. Florence ernon and Marie Golden contribute their full share toward making the show a "winner." An olio equal to many bills presented at the higher-priced vaudeville houses is presented in addition to the regular performance Jack Strouse. Flora Ver non, MaUde Rockwell, Frank Dodson. and the Hippodrome Four all scored heavily In their specialties. The scenery of the production Is by far the most elaborate seen at the Gayety this season The chorus is unusually large. Is well drilled, and displays man fetching gowns to good advantage. There are several members in it with voices and ability meriting a part In the show. The how Is a decided relief, coming as It does after a long string of the usual cut-and-drled burlesque. From the time the curtain rises until Its final fall the performance Is one continuous change of scenery, gowns, and principals. It Is full of catchy songs, pleasing person alities, and plenty of wholesome fun. B. F. KEITH'S. neflned Vaudeville. Two packed houses yesterday and last night .at B. F. Keith's vaudeville castle handed down the popular erdlct to Jack Wilson, assisted by Ada Lane and Jack Boyle, in a side-splitting twenty-minute "lmpromtu revue," as they call it The popular comedian, however, was closely pursued for first honors, for seven other good acts complete a bill par excellence. It's a tosj-up for second choice between B. A. Rolfe's presentation of Ralph Lynn In "The Purple Lady," a condensed musi cal comedy, and Miss Louisa Galloway and company In a comedy of home life, entitled "The Little Mother" From where wo sat Miss Galloway's splendid portrayal of a parent with an everlasting refusal to believe her son's guilt, made a distinct Impression. John A. Butler, as the son, gives Miss Gallo way excellent support. Ralph Lynn, the star of the Rolfe offering. Is a laugh producer of the first rank The act Is well staged. DeLasso brothers, gjmnasts. perform many thrillers ' on the horizontal bars and were accorded merited applause. Ger trude Vanderbllt and George Moore lived up to their reputations as dandy dancers and singers. Josephine Dunfee, a charm ing prima donna, has a beautiful voice of wide range. Alberta Moore and Myrtle Toung, two clever joung girls, who open tne dim, know how to entertain In the way vaude ville natrons want to be entertained Ed die Lovr and Jannette Wilbur show their prowess on the filing rings. The I'athe moving pictures depict recent events COSMOS. After one performance yesterday after noon, "Woodland Memories.' advertised as the chief feature of the Cosmos bill this week, was replaced for last night's performances with the Rough Riders Band, with Its martial and classic music and patriotic tableaus. It will be re placed for the remainder of the week with a musical comed. "Fun On the Briny Deep." by a company of ten, most of them girls. Dougla. Douglas and their dog open the bill with a novel acrobatic act, and Garden and Gerrish make good in an of fering of songs, dances, and comedy In terpolations, while the bulling give high-class offering with their banjos The hit of the bill, however. Is the clever little corned v. with a dramatic thrill. Dinner for Four, ' which Is presented bj William Lampe and his company CASINO. The nine Spanish War veterans who compose the Hough Riders' Band made a telling hit jesterday at all tne per formances at the Casino with their martial and classical music and their pa triotic tableau. "The Spirit of T6." W II son and Bondy have a good comedy I acrobatic act Marlon and Hoore have a plonologuel that Is both laughable for Its comedj and en lovable for Its musical features. Walter Milton proved himself a doctor for the "blues with his anecdotes and I parodies Jack Hendley and company I present an amusing farce. The added I feature last night, the surprise party. nlso created merriment and made some folk happy with its gifts The added feature tonight and tomor-l row night will be tho Country Store, Thursdaj night, the prize dancing con tests, Friday night, the amateurs, and Friday afternoon at 4 o clock, the chil dren's Christmas Store CLINIC AUXILIARY MEETS. Mrs. John Hayes Ifnmmnnd Presides at eslon nf DonrU. Mrs. John Hays Hammond )esterdaj presided at a meeting of tho Board of Women's Clinic Auxiliary, 716 Thir teenth street northwest. The formal opening of the clinic will be held to morrow. Mrs. Hammond hopes that the big cities of the country will see the peculiar needs for which this clinic is designed and that they will pattern after the Washington Institution The report of Dr. Elnora Folkmar, the superintendent, shows that the clinic has cared for 106 patients In the ten weeks of Its existence. Other re ports showed that the Institution has taken In $1,600 In memberships, has received $300 In Rifts, and has pledges of J100 more. Mrs Hammond pre sented the board with a gavel carved from the wood of a cedar which stood before her home on Lookout Hill, Gloucester, MaBs. GUNMAN SUSPECT HELD. Police ThlnU (itorgp Davis, a fgrro, Held Up Grocers. Believed to be tho man who held up and roDbed two grocers last week, the police estcrday arrested George Davis, negro, twenty-two years old. giving his address at Z3S',4 Eleventh street north west. Davis was taken In custody by Sergt Bean and Policemen Sweeney, Holmes, and O'Dea. of the Eighth precinct. Samuel McDevitt. of 1(C0 GIrard street northwest, held np In his store Thurs day night and robbed of $73 In cash and J15 In checks, went to tho Eighth precinct station and identified Davis as the man who robbed him Solomon Desklns, who was held up at bis store Saturday night at Eighth and L streets northeast, and robbed of $17. also Identified Davis as the man who took his money. Davis; who Is being held for "investl gaUon," denies any knowledge of the two hold-up jobs. BISCEIMINATION IS CHARGED. After several hours of debate, the Cen tred Labor Union last night voted to In vestigate the rates of the Potomac Elec tric Power Company as the result of the claim that that company discriminates In Its charges. This acUon was taken upon motion of John Lorch, president of the engineers' union. Mr. Lorch declared that the electric light company furnishes some contractors with light at a rate of 1 3-10 per kilowatt hour, while to the ordinary consumer the rate Is 13 cents. Mr. Lorch did not cite the names of any of the alleged favored companies. Finally the matter was referred to the committee on legislation with instructions to Investigate and to call upon either Congress or the Public Utilities Commis sion to conduct a rigid Investigation. Six to Join Chamber at Commerce. The membership committee of the 'Washington Chamber of Commerce, at the meeting held at noon yesterday, elected six members Judson C Wel- llver. TV. F. Smith, C. B. Lyddane, G Thomas Dunlou. George Pumphrer. and MORE POOLS FAVORED. Mld-Clty Cltlsens' Body llntlflrs Rn, nlutlnu for SwJmmlnK Place,. The Mld.Cltv Citizens' Association last night at Its regular meeting, ratified the resolution calling for the location of swimming pools In different parts of the city, and the correlation of recreation bodies. The resolution was ratlaed by unanimous vote. Herbert J Brown, of the Tax Reform League, appeared at the meeting and ex plained the motives of the reform Ieacue. William F. Peabodv. of the Street Safety Association, spoke on street safety In the wistnct He compared the death rate of cities In this country with European cities, and advised mere stringent traffic rules for this city. A. J. Driscoll, presl dent of the association, presided. CHASE OUT ON BAIL; HEARING POSTPONED Accused Embezzler of Y. M. C. A. Fundi Discusses Case with Attorney Laskey, Released on SiMO ball. Charles N. Chase, financial secretary of the Y. M. C A. accused of having embezzled funds of the association, will appear in the I'nlted States branch of Police Court on Tuesday, December 16. to answer to the charge. A preliminary hearing was scheduled for yesterday, but upon request of John E. Laskey, counsel for the defense, a postponement was granted. Laskey ex plained to Assistant District Attorney Ralph Given he had just been retained as counsel and desired more time to consider the case On a cash bond, furnished by Georre W. Ray, of Georgetown, Chase was re leased. Secretaries C L. Johnson and M. Chesley. of the Y M. C A . have shown a friendly attitude toward Chase nnd jesterday discussed the case with Attorney Laskey. In the meantime the force of auditors emrloyed to examine Chase's books ex pect to complete their work this after noon Upon his release Chase denied himself to newspaper men and went Immediately to his home. Del Ray Mrrrhnnt nlbed. Charged with shipping uninspected meat and foodstuffs Into the State of Virginia from the District Jacob Classman, forty years old. a merchant of Del Ray. Va was arrested at Cen ter Market yesterday hy Detective Jake Berman : CLOSE DtlM AT 6 I M, Buy Gift Make up your mind to give SAVING UNDERSELLING PRICES. YOU i 1 . n This Handsome Mahogany Finish P Including $4.50 Set of Reversible Velour Cushions H A sensible Xmas gift; ma- K liogany finish frame Morris V Chair, complete with regular $4.60 set of reversible eIour cushions, Tkie Pv9It Th!e Cvi llld Muws ssSsW t9 bAQWl Cabinet Oak JSL $19.50 PX II .a. (s. s'ls.HH a X)f w JrArSn ni HsHsHsV a!... A . fV f vimxte In AaMaii flair n i ' -- II anavin? inHL rnuuess t mwm -rrrF" i III Stand Der A f $3-Bh1 Si O Ih M y ki Laths' Colo-KE&SSffifl 1 III VH H H I 1 mm !iw3J nial Desk' hkcHIHHHfl 1 BsslsssV - m ml If I lb iJTlWri WL iTffiiij-.. cut ; in golden m pf MH M II I jfFrM1 oak; drop-lidf 1 ""TT ' 1 W 1 1 1 A Very Fret- 'ggggSgjtk and pigeon-i II An ideal gift for the 3 HHf Oak Princess Sitfg&3Bia Special value. Ifl , 8j5bm man. Cabinet Oak Shav-1 ' "r Dresser, like fft J-1''--St- yhc s a m c llr11" iSl i ing Stand, with French-1 . -cut, with large Sfc-fJTMk Desk in Early! fl i , . , I Q French - plate '- -3 aKBj webK ' I tfl plate mirror and com- f mirror and P, Englishorl I partment for all shaving dustproof 1 j1 L Fumed Oak.JI'' 'jl MP requisites drawers. f " 50c extra. ii This $27.00 Genuine Imperial Leather f J 7C This Exact $12.50 Claw-Foot B?d PaDvenf ort for '" Boston Leather Couch This handsome Davenport has deep box couch interior and can Ft be opened up to a full double bed. Shown in oak; upholstered in gen- - . r- i-j r i tn m isssw i I uine Imperial leather.(Not claw feet). Full-size Solid Oak- T " 7 1 ' frame Couch; best sanitary PJ M f n g M I " .s , . spring construction ; uphol- PA ssssssssn B WWWWKJJLjtXu JoIT JtfJ JM m 1J stered in genuine Boston ktsflr n MSiVwrrttwMmlmflmm leather. ra wlwm'lSX&Fs' SJ52zS8Sz$cM2&2i&iMr mmWSHBSs3SmWmwmiBMtBBm mwBzzsx-iz Tgggs jlllr Bb9BIssSBVKmHwHBVSHBVJsHBMy THE OPEN FORUM A Great Nnvr Absolutely Aeceuarr. To the Editor Henceforth the Carib bean will be tho storm center of world politics as the Mediterranean has been of the European, and as England has been the dominating power In the Medi terranean for her political life, so must the United States be In the, Caribbean for her own. And the Panama Canal will be the pivot of the struggle. Involved In it oil. In greater degree than ever be fore, will be the Monroe doctrine. In the numerous cases arising out of the Monroe doctrine Is the danger of their application and Its burden upon Ameri ca. Every day new dangers -are seen. But the Monroe doctrine cannot be abandoned. It Is as vital today as it wan at Its hlrth a century ago. It must be maintained. The continued owner- shin of the Panama Canal calls ior u; demands It The Panama Canal Is the strategical point of Its maintenance and of American Drestige. The canal must therefore, remain American. To that end a treat navr Is absolutely necessary. Auxiliary Is a great aerial fleet The protection of the Panama Canal depends upon it The Canal Zone should be covered with aviation stations with air ships abounding. Congress snould look to their establishment encourage avia tion, and -make the protection of the Canal Zone secure through their agency. Certainly, aerial navigation would bo of Inestimable value for offensive aestruc tlve operations against hostile fleets. The fortification of the canal will do incqm- plete without a great aerial fleet for scouting and reconnaissance as well as destructive operations. And back of It all a great navy Is absolutely necessary. ANDREW JORDAN GREEN. (eats for Motormcn. To the Editor. Permit a plea In jour valuable paper on behalf of our faith ful -nntnrmn nf thin citv. I am sure they suffer from tired feet and aching ! backs for tho lack of seats which could bo obtained at a comparative small cost I noticed In a sister city folding stools. easy to adjust, for standing or sitting. for these faithful men. In this respect lis rot our progress along the lines cf humanltarlanlsm retrograding? The antiquated horse cars provided seats for the drivers. IL D. GORDON. Summer Resort Has Hit Fire. Long Branch, N. J, Dec. 8 Fire broke out In the West End Cottages, a popular summer report, this afternoon and the building was gutted. Loss JM,000 HUB FURNITURE CO. Furniture sensible gifts of Furniture, and Morris Chair , . 1 Children Cry Tho Kind Ton Have Always in use lor over no years, - ana nas rccn matte under bis pes ltf-'JT-, sonal supervision since its infancy. CCCcAttiZ; Allow no one to deceive yau. In this. All Counterfeits. Imitations Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of i Infants and ChUdren Experience against Expertnanats What is CASTORIA Castoria is s harmless snbstitote for Castor On Pare Boric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotio substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverlshness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use ior the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colic, all Teething' Troubles and. Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep' The Children's Panacea The Slather's Friend j GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS pBears the The Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years 5 thi cnmuia ceamurr. new Tone crrr. Dr Timothy Dwlght, once president of Tale, Is living at eighty-five In New Haven, Conn. Now Pay make your purchases here CAN START YOUR PAYMENTS This Exact Boston Leather Turkish Rocker $13J A luxurious Turkish Rocker, like cut; ery roomy, with broad arms; upholstered in genuine Boston leather; all-steel sanitary spring seat. An ideal gift piece. ' . I for Fletcher's Bought, and which has tieGa nas Dome the ngaatare ex and ' Jost-as-eood" are bHt Signature of An imTiai- printed In Newport. R. I., in 17SL sold for SS3 In Boston the other day. SATURDAY AT P. M. Next Year! at our GENUINE MONEY- NEXT YEAR. If&iaaMlsi - $$) This Exact $6 Ladies' Colonial Desk Peter Latlerner.