Newspaper Page Text
1 i "V. V -v.--- . -,, i - ' ! - .. r ivrr ;. -. rCr.r, --fl1' 'XI '.-' Whf :: ? p , ,- t,t it r." i . . . i -"-: - j w . . r - - 7--in-w. , .- H gz;'v7.'ysK w' v ymm f - :su -- , ' ? i.2. t? Y-- l o " ', "ii.-k r . 3' Av -ijf- THE WASHINGTON HERALD. TUESD&Y FEBRUARJ iSli. 2 ESBaasBS9!eSCS3SS919t9SSKSSSE:S9BSfl(B ? r NEW BLOCKS FOR MEMORIALSHAFT Three Western States to Place Tablets In the Washing ton Monument. DEDICATION ON APRIL 30 TO'APPEAB IN SHAW WAY.- Late 'Justice Brown Eulogized at An nual Meeting at Theodore W. Noyes Residence. The Washington National Monument Society held Its annual meeting at the residence of Theodore W. Noyes, 1730 New Hampshire avenue, yesterday aft ernoon. H. E. F. Mncfariand presiding. In ilw absence of Judge 'William A. Maury. Amons the members present were. Herbert Putoam, Brie. Gen. John K. Wilson. P. B. McGulre. Dr. Charles D. Walcolt. Aldls B. Browne. F. I. Harvey; Theodore "W. Noyes. R. Ross Perry. Bishop Alfred Harding, and Dr. Francis 1L GanneU. U. S. N., retired. After the leading of the minutes of the last meeting, the chairman formally announce the death of justice Henry B. Brown, firs! ice president of tho cocicty. It. .Ross Ferry read a memorial acdres. oulogUins the memory of Justice Brown and reviewing the great services rendered "by him to Washington and the country At large. It was ordered that a. copy of the address he sent to Mrs. Brown with th society's expression of sympathy. The States of Colorado, Washington, and Idaho, according to a report made by Secretary Harvey, had provided by acts of their legislatures for memorial blocks In the Washington Monument. lie also stated that the Colorado stone, a block of black Jule marble, was already In place. In the shaft and had been In serted at the 90-foot landing. Dedication April 30. It was decided to take steps to arrange for a formal dedication of these me morial stones, preferably April 30. the 123th anniversary of the Inauguration of Washington as President. A committee was appointed to conrer with the Secre tary ( f War and Representatives of Con gress of the States interested with re gard to the arrangements. The election of officers which was to have been held ) esterday was postponed until a later date, as was the election of a successor to Justice Brown. After the meeting Jlr. oyes entertained the mem. bers of the society .together with several nunarea otner guests invited to meet them at luncheon. Players Group of Drama League Present Comedy Tonight. George Bernard Shaw's satirical com edy, "Press Cuttings." will he produced for the first time here by the Players Group of the Washington Center of the Drama League ot America, tonight ''at the House of Play, OS ,M street southwest When Bernard ,Shaw began to write this play he evidently decided to "go the limit" He caricatured persons of high degree In the civil and military establishments of the British. When it finally came to the dramatic censor's hands the ban was put on It later tho censor lifted the ban on condition that "Gen. Mitchinor" should be re named "Gen. Bones" and "Balsqulth" should be changed to "Mr, Johnson.1 JPress Cuttings" is to be preceded by the curtain raiser, "Before Sunrise," by Bessle Hat ton, a dimunltlve drama pic ture of English domesticity of the early Victorian period. DROVE SLEEP FROM HER EYES r t Dr. Bell Radrnm Pidheer ' PROPOSED NEW CANCER METHOD Letter of 1903 Revealed FA1EWELL ADDKBM 1IAB The Gem of American Verse Was Written After Midnight in Washington. When the Army of the Potomac was In camp In the Old Dominion during the month of December, ISO. Julia Ward Howe Was a visitor at the headquarters of Gen. George B. McClellan. Passing the entire day among the soldiers this gifted woman was greatly Impressed by the fact that the "boys In blue" were all singing "John Brown's Body." Naturally this native or Boston was Washington Scientist First to Suggest Imbedding of Ra dium in Bodily Tissue. Washington physicians are wondering If Dr. Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone and former president of the National Geographic Society, was not the first person to suggest the imbedding of radium in bodily tissue as a curative agent for deep-seated cancers. They have discovered a copy of "Science." of July SL 1308. in which Is a letter written by Dr. Bell to Dr. Z. T. Sowers, of Washington, dated July a. 1903, which they believe to contain the first suggestion for the application of radium In the way that the most recent experiments In the world's scientific cent ers have proved most beneficial. The letter also appeared in the Scientific American of September U, IMS. The letter written in Baddeck. Nova Socla. nearly eleven years ago. follows: Dear Dr. Sowers: I understand from you that the Roentgen X-rays and the rays emitted by radium, have been found to have a marked curative effect tpon external cancers, but that the ef fects upon deep-seated cancers have thus tar proved unsatisfactory. It has oc -lY&LunLiiy una iimuvc Ajk jjuoluu ...mi . . .. ... greatly -distressed by the inelegant words 5.J ' " on'frf.n r?rUle m r ,: T h- om John Bira Isfsctory natur-i of these latter ex. and whlldlnr about the ramo she. con- Pn.en, " fr0.r? .tbo fa "" " rays nave been applied externally, thus WILL BE BDELED TODAY. Fnneral ben Ices for Arthur W. Croksley nt 3 p'CIock. Arthur W. Crossley, sixty-five ears old, who died suddenly of heart disease Sunday afternoon at his home. 131 Co lumbia road northwest, will be buried in Glenwood Cemetery this afternoon. Fu neral services will be held at 3 o'clock In the chapel of J. R. Wright under taker, 1SS7 Tenth street northwest Rev. Dr. W. R. Wedderspoon, pastor of the Foundry M. E. Church, of which Cross lej was a member, will officiate. Crossley was a. native or Danville, Pa., but for tUe past fourteen years lived In Washington. He was. an examiner in the U. S. Patent Office. Prior to com ing to Washington he was a member of the firm of Wright Brown & Crossley. patent at tomes?. Boston. He was a Mason. He was a member or Larayette Masonic Lodge, this city. Three daughters, lllscs Dorothea, Helen and Grate, survhe him. and while riding about the camp she con ceived the Idea of giving this famous tune a new lyric. When she returned to the Nation's Capital that evening the new lyric was uppermost in her mind. but she decided to retire for the night and pen the poem In the morning. But the thought of the song drove sleep from her eyes, so sho arose and wrote the gem of American verse which- bears, her name. On her return to Boston a few days later she submitted her poem to James T. Fields, editor of the Atlantic Monthly. He suggested tho title: "The Battle Hymn ot the Republic" and under this title the verses were published in the February number ot that magazine in ISC Grander words were never incor porated in any battle hymn. "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" and all the other old favorites are in The Herald's collec tion of "Songs That Never Grow Old." Read the display announcement In an other column and the distribution plan which Is printed on the coupon. Clip the coupon today. "The Herald Song Book" on sale at the following places: F. G. Smith Piano Company, 1217 street northwest: House & Herrmann. Seventh and I streets: Charles M. Stieff. Pianos. lOOS-1010 F street north west: Adams' News Depot Ninth and G streets northwest: Roland Wallace, S3 Ninth street northwest: Adams' Depot Mount Pleasant branch, 5T4S Fourteenth street northwest: W. B. Holtzclaw, 1TC Pennslvan!a avenue northwest and E. J. Ervin. Fourteenth and Harvard streets northwest SEA SAFETY MEETING BEP0RT. "FIRST LADIES' " GOWNS SEEN. Drrc or Witra of Former Prrnl Irnta on Uxhlhltlnn. Considerable interest Is being mani fested by athingtonians In the exhibi tion at the old National Museum of rercmonial gonna worn b "first ladies of the land" The oldest of the eleven gonns on displa Is the one worn by Martha Washington, while the latest be longed to Mrs. Taft The gowns exhibited are those worn 1 Martha Washington, Dolly Madison. Mrs Maria Monroe Gouverncur. daugh ter of l'ret-ldent Monroe: Mrs. Tyler, Mrs. "Polk. Harriet I,ane Johnson. Mrs. Grant llrs. Haves. Mrs. Benjamin Harrison, Mrs McKinley and Mrs. Taft A gown worn by Mrs. Jackson is to be added. Handed to President by Member of American Delegation. President Wilson yesterday received from the American delegation to the International Conference on Safety of Life at Sea, held In London Its report The report Is unaccompanied by rec- orrmendatlons. having to pass through healthy tissues of various, depths In order to reach the cancerous matter. "The Crooks tube, from which tho Roentgen rays are emitted Is. of course, too bulky to be admitted into tne middle cf the mass of cancer, but there Is no reason why a liny fragment of radium sealed up in a fine class tube should not be inserted Into the very heart of the cancer, thus acting directly upon the dlsased material. Would It not be worth v-hlle making experiments along this line" Dr. Sowers replied as follows: "Dear Dr. Bell: The suggestion which you make in regard to the application of me raaium rays to the substance of deep seated cancer I regard as very valuable. If such experiments should be made, I have no doubt they would prove success ful In many cases where we now have failures." When the letters were called to the at tention of Dr. Bell by physicians here re cently be modestly declined to claim that his was the first suggestion. He added, however, that should an Investigation, BSMBSBsHfcBBBBBBB-HBBBBaBBBBBBBBBl S3 ,sBalHielB3B Oaly Observance) of Washing-ton's Birthday tn Senate. The .farewell address, of President George WashlngtonCwas read, tn the Senate yesterday by Senator Swanson. or Virginia. The reading of this ad dress, a tradition of the Senate, waa the sole observance of the birthday anniversary of Washington? A ball rot a Quorum brought In" fifty-eight Sen ators. "There are some of us who believe the men who founded "the American republlo were guided Uy a hand that was not human," said Vice President Marshall, In announcing the reading of the address. "Of all those whd loom largo In the Valhalla ot the Ameri can republic there Is none of such stu pendous Importance as George Washing ton, first President of the united States.' BRITAIN'S ATrmJDE W TflLLS BEFENBED Exemption for America's Ship Would Be Fracture of Country' Word, Henry White Declare-. ADDRESSES STUDENTS Of G. W. U. "There can be no doubt that the rords 'all nations' Included the United Ststes," declared Henry 'Vv.lte. former American Ambassador to Great Britain, In refer ring to that part of the. treaty between I Miss Helen Bones and MIsa Alex-) the United States and Great Britain ander, a White House guest, listened to the reading or tne address. The gal leries were crowded, an unusual num ber of richly-dressed women attending the session. WOMEN OF SOUTH " . TAKING UP SUFFRAGE ALEXANDER URAUAM BELL. prove this to be tho case nothing would please him more. While medical men here have not made an exhaustive search to find if Dr. Bell waa the originator of the "Imbedding in tissue" Idea, they believe .that actual work along this line did not occur until three or four years later. They cite an article, written by Dr. William II. DIef fenbach. of New York, in the Medical Record of December 1 1913, in which the early steps In the employment of radium as a curative agent are described. Dr. DIeffenbach tells of securing a tube of radium bromido of 1.500,000 activity in 1902 and of additions being made to this amount later. In 1906, he says, solutions f 2,000 activity of radium were dissolved In gelatine, the object being to use an animal product as a vehicle for dissem inating radium within tissues by means ot Injections. The physician, one of the pioneers In this line, falls to state exactly when the actual Imbedding of the radium Itself first took place. vvwie they have not been able to find exact data on the subject physicians In the office of the Surgeon General of tho War Department are of the opinion that Dr. Bell's suggestion was the first of Its kind to be made. Mrs. Dodge for "Antis" Denies Ida Husted Harpers Charges President of the National Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage Says It Is Not Working with Liquor People in Montana. Mrs. Estelle W. Ions Says They Have Been Misrepresented in Regard to Movement. "Women of the South have been mis represented in regard to equal suffrage." This statement was made yesterday afternoon by Mrs. Estelle Wllloughby Ions, of IS!: Calvert street northwest a leader of the Southern Suffrage League. "We hope soon to have a large mem bership." she said, "and are especially J eager to have every Southern woman In Washington who Is Interested In equal suffrage Join our club. There hag been an erroneous notion abroad that Southern women are not pro gressive. This charge Is nothing less than an Indictment of Southern wom en's Intelligence, which we resent. "The president of the Alabama asso ciation. Mrs. Patty Ruffner Jacobs, told the truth as a delegate to the suffrage convention here last fall when she said that all Southern States are realizing that the vote Is the only honorable way of obtaining recogni tion for women." After a short stay In Washington, Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont, of New York, left for New York yesterday afternoon to attend to suffrage matters there. "The Congressional Union Is the strongest and most active suffrage or ganization." she said. "I have been watching Its work, and the more I see of Its methods the more I like them. I have decided to work with them In future." Mrs. Belmont recently sent her check for 15.000 to the union and ac cepted a place on Its executive committee. Mrs. Belmont came here to establish her own headquarters for suffrage work and will In future divide her time between Washington and New York. FUNERAL FOR MAJ. FLETCHER. Mrs. Arthur M. Dodge, president of the National Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage, In a statement re ceived at local headquarters of the anti suffrage society .esterday, denies In un- Those received at the White House qualified terms the assertion made by were Representative J. W. Alexander. ; Mrs. Ida Husted Harper, of this cltv . and chairman of the delegation; E. T. ( published broadcast that the antl-suf-Chamberlain, Commissioner of Navlga-i frage association Is working with the tion; Capt. Commandant E. P. Kcr tholf. Revenue-Cutter Service. Rear Admiral W. L. Catts. U. S. N.: Capt. George F. Cooper. 1. S. N.; Alfred Gil bert Smith. Capt William II G. Bui lard. U. S. N. and George Uhler, Su pervising Inspector General of the Steamboat Inspection Service The memorandum left with President Wilson Is merely a preliminary report showing how the conference was form ed and how It performed Its work. A formal report of the conference, stat ing the Americans' contention and the policies recommended for future con ferences will be made later. VETERAN MERCHANT DEAD. The handle of a new cane for men re ("mbles a golf stick and contains recep tacles for cigarettes and matches. ONE DOSE RELIEVES STOMACH DISTRESS A gnawing or burning sensation In region of stomach, accompanied by a feeling of utter helplessness, both of body and mind, an obstinate and trou blesome dry cough and frequent head aches, or nausea, are unmistakable signs of indigestion, and the very first dose ot Phospho-Pepsln will surely give 3 ou relief. It is almost like magic, so quick is its action. Phospho-Pepsln helps the stomach digest the food you eat; It stops fer mentation, absorbs gases, neutralizes excess acid and routs that feeling of dis ress. It is a scientific combination of essential elements which act on the digestive tract only and give to It the natural stimulation necessary for 1 oalth and happiness. Phospho-Pep sln tones the delicate muscular struc tures of the diets:. ve organs, excites a normal How of the gastric juices and Is In Itself a digestive of great po tence, and unless your case is very severe, a single package will give you lasting relief. Phospho-Pepsln Is In -handy tablet form, easy to take and contains no opiates or habit-forming drugs, neither Is It a false excitant which produces only temporary results. Phospho-Pepsln Is sold by all first-class druggists, such as James O Donnell. Fnnei-nl for Angelo Cahlsellt to Be Held Tomorrow. Angelo Ghiselli, pioneer Washington merchant, who mado clothes for several Presidents, and who died at his home. 17X Pennsylvania avenue northwest last night will be hurled In Rock Creek Cemetery tomorrow. Mr. Ghiselli. who came to this city from Italy fifty-five years ago, was a member of National Lodge, No. H, F. A. A. M.. and the Royal Arch Masons. He was the oldest member o the Universal Fraternal Italian Society of Washington. He leaves two sons and two daughters, Frank E. Ghiselli. assistant cashier of Vie Commercial National Bank; Albert V. A. Ghiselli. Mrs. George W. Colden stroth, and Mrs. Vincent Giovanncttl. liquor people In Montana. Mrs. Dodge says that as unlimited publicity was given Mrs. Harper's "unfounded charges," the public is entitled to know nnd hear the other side. "Justice and fairness demands It" Ti t. statement of Mrs. Dodge was as fellows: "The suffragists, repeating In new form the oft disproved charge that tho National Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage co-operates with the liquor Interests, have published the re port that this organization is now work ing with the liquor people In Montana. They base their accusation on the fact that Miss Clara K. Markeson, while In Butte, Mont, .as the official representa tive of the national asoclation, called on the assistant editor ot the National Forum, a publication devoted to liquor Interests, and demanded that he cease at once and entirely the publication of articles written by me. taken from The Protest or Issued as our leaflets. 3II Martrson'a Malt Explained. "In other words, they claim that their assertion Is proved by the fact that Miss Markeson was sent across the continent for tho express nuroose of telllne- he Montana liquor people that this organiza tion would in no way identify itself with mem and their activities' "Miss Markeson was tent to Montana. Mie did announce that under no ilr cumstances would this organization make the light against suffrage with the help of the liquor men hhe spoke for ine .auonai Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage, which would not per mit Itself to be stigmatized by even the appearance of such a co-operation as the suffragists charge, t-he did this because the national association asserted then, as it asserts now, its right to choose the agencies with whom it shall work and to refuse to bo championed by un desirable persons or groups of persons." Veteran of Army to Br Honored by I.oal Lt-irtnn. Funeral services for MaJ William Fletcher. U. S A . retired, who died Sunday afternoon at his residence, SJZ) Hlllver place, at the age of eighty-four, will he held tomorrow- afternoon at the familv residence, at Z o'clock. Interment will be private. The funeral will be In charge of the Loval Legion, of which MaJ. Fletcher was a member. MaJ. Fletcher was bom In New York In 1SH. In IStS. he enlisted In Company C. of the Ohio Infantry, and remained In active army service until 1SST, when he retired " which provides that all nations shall use the Panama Canal on equal terms. In his speech on diplomacy delivered at the winter convocation of the George Wash ington University yesterday morning. "Nobody not In touch with diplomatic affairs could realize." said Mr. White, "what a deplorable thing It was to know that this country was going back on its word. I would do anything that could be done with propriety for the resuscita tion of our merchant marine, but I do not believe In violating our pledged word." . " Mr. White as secretary of the embassy at London, in tne itDsence or John Hay, who had been recalled to become Secre tary of State, opened the negotiations for the repeal 6f the Clayton-Bulwer treaty, which was later supplanted by the Hay-Pauncefote treaty, containing the provision regarding the use of the canaL One of the reasons that Great Britain permitted the repeal of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty, pointed out Mr. White, was that the canal should be open to all nations on equal terms. Mr. White praised President Wilson for the stand he has taken on the Panama Canal tolls question. He touched upon the value of early training for diplomats, and said that young men sent abroad In minor posi tions and trained early would find It a distinct advantage. "The joung men. nald Mr. White, 'should learn to ride, dance, and shoot so that when Invited out they will get lot of Inside information when parties are off their guard. Valuable Information la obtained In this way, often from vanwiskv Viii stall 111 fmm man nwiiiviii wwt utjuuss iiuiii (ti.ti i Admiral Charles R. btockton. president ' of the university, wished the candidates success. Dean Ruediger, of the Teachers' Col lege, presented Miss Florence Virginia Morrison Corson, of Maryland, for the degree of bachelor of arts and teacher's diploma. Dean Gregory, of the law school. presented Harvey Cleveland Blckel. of Pennsvlvanla. and James Ora Tolbert. of Iowa, for the degree of bach elor of laws, and Arthur John Krause. of the District of Columbia, for the de gree of doctor of philosophy, and aked that the degree of master of sciences be conferred on Olaf Mandt Hustevdt of Iowa. In absentia, which was done tTTfffftaiKiTiiil NEWNESS IN WASH FABRICS Come and see what's new In Wash Fabrics. These few Items show the trend of fashion: New Silk and Cotton Crepe de Chine, 0-in. wide In different color groundwork with small de signs that suggest the Orient; also Silk-stripe Crepes, white or tinted grounds with DollyJViT Varden designs, II values.3P Special, a yd w New Embroidered Batistes In butterfly and athr nlaln As signs. 40-ln. wide and all the new colors of light blue, la render, white, amlstr- others. yd. .Special, value at5IC New Plain Crepes and Voiles In all the colors known: also stripes, checks, flowers, and plaids In different color combinations: the majority are 40-ln. wider) IT Special alue .'la' at yd "V Main Floor 8th St Rotunda Wash Goods. r COMMERCE HIT BY TARIFF. I Government Statistics Miott Exports and Imports Have Decreased. The foreign commerce of the United States has decreased measureably since the Democratic tariff law became effect ive, according to a report of the De partment of Commerce yesterday. Statistics show that Imports in January. lSlt amounted to S14.9.K3. against !.- C3,CS for January. 1312. January. 1911, exports were Jja,7.517, against tXT.OSZ,- 930 In January Of the total Imi urts during Januar), 1911. 6U.9 per cent entered free ot duty, compared with Sa per cent In January, 19U. For the seven months ended Jan uary, 1911. OS per cent of Imports entered free, compared with E5.7 per cent for the similar period in 1913. Buy Now Big Deduction in Prices on Gis or Electric Standards With Tubing Complete CA. INDIANS MAKE PETITION. Delegation ot Sioux Asks More Rights and Privileges. A delegation of Sioux Indians from the Rosebud agency were received in special conference esterday by Indian Commissioner Cato Sells. The Indians petitioned for additional tehoo'.s. Indian courts. Increased power for their police and other rights and privileges wheieby they may competo with the white man. Five of the delegates were college mn, but all were garbed In full tribal cos tume, "Chief of Chiefs." son ot the late Hollow Bear, presented the case for his people. "JEWELRY SWINDLE" NETS CROOK $1,000 F. R. Hillyard. Jeweler. Robbed of Diamonds by Clever. Stranger with Old Trick. The time-worn "Jewelry swindle" v worked on F. Rj Hillyard. ot Un Seventh street northwest yesterday to the extent of 11,000 worth of diamonds. A well-dressed man walked Into H11I- yard's Jewelry shop, said he wanted to select some diamonds for his wife, picked out several beautiful stones, then asked i Mr. Hill) ard to go with him to his home in Sixth street nortnwcsu .air. iiuiyaro. accompanied him. He was ushered into a parlor, asked to have a seat while the would-be purchaser showed the 'Jewels to his wife In another part cf the house. The stranger disappeared out a rear door and has net been seen since. The swindle was reported to the police Im mediately and the case assigned to the Plainclothes men of the Second precinct and Detectives William Messer and W. O. Embrcy. of the Central office force. TAK0MA PARK CELEBRATES. cArrrAL h.h,cto EARKED SUnrLD3.. IQOO.tCT We Wouldn't Have The Patronage of nearly 32,000 depositors did we not render a service highly satisfactory. No matter what the size tor nature of 3 our account, it will pay you to bank HERE. tZTSAME RATE of Interest paid on both large and small accounts. National Savings and Trust Company, Comer 15th and N. Y. Ave. Torrrr-nonTn teak. NEWSPAPER MAN DIES. Col. A. It. Chase Will Re Bnrlril Tomorrow Afternoon. Cot. A. 1L Chase. Washington news paper correspondent and political writer, died yesterday at his home, 53) A street southeast Funeral services will be held from his home tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. Burial will be private. Besides his widow. Mr. Chase leaves four children. Charles S. and E. H. Chase, both of St Louis; F. A. Chase, of Tama, Iowa, and Mrs. M. V. Richards, of this city. McRc-ynoIds dnposes Inquiry. Representative .Broussard, of Loiil siana, yesterday made public a letter from Attorney General McReynolds. ox presing his objections to a Congres sional Inquiry Into, the discharge of G. Raymond Matthews, of New Orleans, a Department of Justice official accused of bribe taking. He said this might de moralize the departmental service, but ha is willing that Mr. Matthews and Bruce Blelaskl, in charge of the Bu reau of Investigation, should tesUfy be fore the committee. BOARD OF TRADE WILL RECOMMEND PROJECTS Cltlxens' Association ee Drill by Boy Scout. The Takoroa Park Citizens' Association held Its usual Washington Birthday cele btwtlon in the Presbyterian Church on Maple street Takoma Park, last night There was a record attendance. "Wash ington and the Flag" was the subject ot an address by Mrs. Isabel Worrell Ball, past senior vice president of" the National Woman's Relief Corps. Merrill E. Gates, former president of Amherst College, made a patriotic ad dress. The raising of the flag and the military salute by the Takoma Boy Scout Troop No. 3 opened the program. The troop then gave an exhibition drill under the command of Scoutmaster Fred L. Harries. A musical program featured the celebration. Death of Mrs. Virginia L. Darby. Srccitl to The Wuliincloa HertVJ. Rockvllle. Mi, Feb. SL Mrs. Virginia L. Darby, widow of John W. Darby, died today at her home at Gaithcrsburg of bronchial pneumonia. She waa forty eight years old. She Is survived by two daughters. Mlsse Virginia and Eleanors. Mrs. Darby, who was a Miss Dorsey, waa a life-long resident of this county. Canadian labor unions demand the es tablishment of an old age pension sys tem throughout Canada. TIYBURIMEEYEREKEDV Tor Bed, Weak, Watery Eyes and W GRANULATED EYELIDS I Marias Doesn't Saart-SselhssEjsPila Monthly Meeting Thursday Night Will Be Devoted to Discussion of City Improvements. A new Juvenile Court building and the conversion of alleys into minor streets are among the more Important recom mendations embodied In the reports to be submitted at the monthlj mtetlng of the Board of Trade at the New WllUrd Thursday night The- public schools committee will urge an appropriation for nev. bulldlrgs lor tne Central and M Street High Schools, and for a further appropria tion for the purchase of a site and the erection of a sutsble building for the Eastern High School. Wider use of the public school buildings for other than public school purposes will be recommended. Approval of Immediate provision for in creasing the water supply will be ashed by the water supply committee and In dorsement of the water supply plan as embodied In the report ot Lieut Co.. W. C. Langfltt will be recommended. The streets nnd avenues committee will recommend the elimination of exist ing alley conditions and the conversion ot the alleys Into thoroughfares. An increase In the number of privates of the police department will be advocated by the public order committee, which also will urge new buildings for the House of Detention and tho Juvenile Court Representative Julius Kahn. ot Cali fornia, will speak on the Importance of State and District NaUonal Guards. One of the features ot the meeUng will be an illustrated lecture on the "Mental DefecUve." This will be divided Into three parts: Dr. William A. Whlto talking on cause and prevention; Dr. D. Percy Hlckling. on treatment and I. A. Fennlng. on the legal ascct Problem of '70" His Topic. Dr. Frank O'Hara, Instructor In polit ical economy, lectured on "The Problem of "76" at McMahon Halt Catholic Uni versity, yesterday afternoon. Dr. O'Hara discussed the great principles at stake during the first decade of the new American republic. f To Care a Cola In One Dit Tiki LAXATIVE BROUO QUININE TtblcM. DraczlstB refund aooty If It falls to cure. E. W. G COVE'S Irurara U oo ttca box. So Hotel Powhatan DANCING On Tuesday evening, February 24, from 1 0 p. m. to 1 a. m. Dance and Supper, One Dollar per person. Special Features and Souvenirs. This will be the last dance of the series until Easter Tuesday, when this popular form of enter tainment resumed on Tuesday and Friday evenings. Hotel Powhatan Pa. Ave., 18th, H Sts. Clifford M. Lewis, Manager MUDDIMAN & Co 616 12th 1204 G L Headquarters for Best Gas and Electric Goods. Ruuu Water Heaters World's Finest Whiskies 35 FOREIGN UD DOMESTIC AT XANDER'S 909 7th EXCURSIONS. CALIFORNIA The Poet's Inspiration lk LOANS H OR NING nelee. v.. ooi4 End o HlshwiT BHdie.) jy .ADtomobuca from sth sad O streets northwest. Cw evrhiv itTTi ii iii nHrpkBv lift alii MI&AgUDirllUBl Ik; NORFOLK AND WASHINGTON STEAMBOAT GO. Modern Steanera I .-VOKTIILAIVD AND SOUTHLAND I Dallv C:4i p m for OLD POINT. NOR FOLK, and all pointa SOUTH. Cltr I Ticlre: Office. 731 15th St. N. W. (Woodwaru Building.) I KENSINGTON I Ctn from lith SL .mi New Icrk Ate. tad Ith St. tin? It mJmjtrt cosctct with Ktsiizxlca Lis U CLtiT Cbtar Lake. SPECIAL NOTICES. YOU CAN DEPEND MILLER'S Four Nights Travel Washington-Sunset Route New York-New Orleans Limited Sunset Limited DAILY All PUlrau Stttl Etnltmttl N Extra Far Personally Conducted Tourist Sleeping Cars, WITHOUT CHANGE. Washington to San Francisco Daily, Operating on Sunset Limited Officts: A. J-Fnaa, Q. A. 5 7 St. 7M Ilia SL EzpoiiUon Lint, San Ftendxa. 1915 on Jllllrr't ScURabisi Buck- n II n If MtVh U IS... INIKSHJ .IK. OBIrnJIilllS wholesome piddle caxei EVERT 1 BllCkWilBjt TIME. Keep a aapplr on hand. CT.U ymr crocera. o consumers aurrlied. B. B. EARNSHAW & BRO.. Wboleaalera. 11th wad M Sts. S. E. DIED. CIIASE-On Monday. February 3. 1914, at his residence, 22) A street southeast. Col. A. H. CHASE, ace eighty-one Services at the house. Wednesday, Feb ruary S3. 3 p. m. Friends invited. Interment private. GHISELU-On Sunday. February ZZ. 1511. at his residences 179! Tennsjltanii avenue northwest, ANGELO. beloted husband of the late- Marie Louise GhlsellL Funeral services from Joseph Gawler'a Sons' chapel. 1730 Pennsjlvanla aenue northwesL Wednesday. February 25. at 5 o'clock p. m. Relames and friends Invited to attend. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. GE0BGE P. ZUEH0RST, XI EAST CAPITOL ST. Eatafctlahcd ISO. CBAS. S. ZCJtHOEST". lb. FUNERAL DESIGNS. FUNERAL FLOWERS Of Inn Dcacrlptico-BodtratalT PrloA . GUDE, rancral Otaxsa.' rttstral Daaltaa. '1 S3 f yp-S'o gga. t&!kAz& v. r3jj ?fejr . .i- .JaW iyk 3S2.; iVAi - j x f- -5'ft.i -..haj