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pfr,m9jwfi r 8 THE WASHINGTON HERALD. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1914. Stallings' Braves Now leading in the National League Pennant Race SEATS FREE FOR ' ( MEN ONLY $6.00 Pants at $1.75 a Leg or $3.50 a Pair These pants are guaranteed to give the same wear and "satisfaction as any $5 and $6 pants on the market. .We can sell for this low price because we Luy materials in large quantities and do all the work on our premises. Don't buy a pair of pants until you have seen ours. WWe'll gladly give you samples for com parison with goods in pants that cost you $5 and $6. The Washington Pants Co, 810 E Street (Near Ninth) L. LEVINE r'-r 3 nil wwiiiiioii HI In I IpH HS 11011 B Hill ihblti H GIANTS TO WIN, SAYS CALLAHAN White Sox Leader Predicts McGraw's Club Will Again Grab the Flag. OTHER SPORTING GOSSIP CUTS START SKID WHEN BIO RUBE BLOWS Brooklyn Dodgers Hand New York Club Great Setback by Landing Game by 6 to 2 Count THE INFIELD HAS IMPROVED Brooklyn .Sept. 2. The Dodgers played havoc -with Marquard's deliveries today and Brooklyn von over the. Giants, to 2. This defeat and the double defeat of iPhlladalphla by Boston takes away -the lead from the Giants and the Braves share the dory of first place In the National League race. A noteworthy feature In the came at Brooklyn was the vast Improvement In form of the Dodgers lnflelders. The Dod gers started their destructive work early. In the first inning Daubert reach- las second on a double and scored on Myers hot single. Score: New York ABHOA!BncUra Anodgraas,cf. 4 0 0 0 DorVe.31.. Hunuurf . , HoU'BonJf. Gnatb. .. MrrHr.ln fptiTi r .Marqnartji. .chsner.p... Thorpe?-.... 4 3 13 s o i o qiijBui .... 4 112 MKitiOI. .. 4 d l l D Cttljb .. iiMixinj. v a i v i. I ! 1 1 C 4 711 1 1G 3 0 4 I AB H O A E 4 2 10 0 4 213 0 0 4 2 0 0 0 4 2 2 0 0 2 0 12 8 4 113 0 4 12 4 0 2 0 T 1 0 2 10 2 0 10 10 0 Ffeffex.D...., 2 1 0 ( C 0 0 1 H ToUlt .31 H 27 12 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 1 V. rails. .34 8 21 IT 1 liartad (or Sehauer Is the errrnth. J"rwTart ..000000110-2 BrooMjn. 21012000 x- Bans Doyle. Grant, Danbert, Myers (Z). Catahaw, Gets, Pfeffex. Left ca baaee New Tort. 6: Brook lyn, 4. First base cm balls Off 31arquard. 1; off Ffeffer, 1. Struck oat By Marquard. 1, by Sehauer. 1; by 8chnpp, 1; by Pfeffer. 4. Three-base, hita Vytrv Doyle. Two-base UU Merkle. Dillon. Daa bert. Gets, 'Wheat (2). Sacrifice hits MeCarty. ECan. Wad pitch Mansard. Cnuam Messrs. (foisley ssd Euon. Time of same 1 hour and 42 minutes. BUFFALO LANDS ONE. Buffalo, Sept. 2. Buffalo beat the Brooklyn Feds In the first contest of to day's double-header by a score of 3 to L Darkness halted the second game In the . twelfth Inning, with the score tied at 6 to S. The Buffeds scored their runs In the first game by hitting Bluejacket In the first three Innings. The locals got a three-run lead on Brooklyn in the sec- , ond same by pounding Doc Lafltte. ores: . Pint game E. H. E. 00000010 0-I 4 1 .. - 11100000 x-3 C 1 rfea Bluejacket, CharpeD, and Land; Moore Blair. Umpire Meesra. Brennan and Man- -Bccond same R. H. E. -Brooklyn- 00001004000 0-5 12 3 BoSSalo.-. 021001001000-5 11 0 Batterlea Lafltte, Schulz, Land, and CaappeU; Lerise. Erapp, and Brown. Umpires Messrs. Breo csa and Maxmaaaao. ARMY AND NAVY GAME FOR PHILADELPHIA Wnt Point. N. V, Sept. i The Army and Navy football a-mme trill be played In Philadel phia. The Army officials today Indicated that rather than have tbe "game called off they would yield to the Navy's ultimatum, "Philadelphia or nowhere. NINTH CLUB LANDS OPENING OF SERIES RED SOX BREAK EVEN IN A DOUBLE-HEADER Boston Club Captures Night-cap from St. Louts Browns, but Lose Opening Game. LAST CONTEST SIX INNINGS WASHBURN DEFEATS "F0TTRELL Narragansett Pier, Sept. 2. Watson M. "Washburn, of New Tork. by defeating j "Ella. FottreU, of California, In three out of four sets, won the Point Judith Coun try Club championship at Karragansett Pier. FottreU. who was beaten at New port by Williams, and who recently won -the State championship of Rhode. Island at the Agawam Hunt Club, was the fa vorite) over the New Yorker, despite the fact that the latter had reached tbe finals of the Southampton tournament and previously had won two successive Point Judith Club championships. The score was 6-3, 6-2, 3-6. 9-7. MINOR LEAGUE RESULTS. ITfTKRNATIOXAI. LEAGUE. ProriJence. (; Montreal, 4. -Kew. S: Jersey City, Buffalo. 4. , ; Bochester, AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. .JUroeapoUa. 6; GereUnd, L second came Mlimeapolia, 4; Qenland, L Kansas City, 7; Inrtftntpntie, S. St. Pad, 1; Oolnmbu. X Jdwaokte, S; LoulariUe, t , T3I-STATE LEAGUE, JLheatows; 5; Banisbun, v. Second game aueotowu, 1; Hairifburg, 1 Wltalntum. 13; Lancaster. S. Trenton, 3; Balding, 34. Saooed game Trenton, I; F jH"r, . JT1TVV YORK STATE LEAGUE. Xrey-Bynaa btlsl. iKay. j: utjoa. i. jJimla, fc, g sn,, rtlf District Champions Capture Game from All-Stars by 4 to 1 Count. "Bugs" Dixon Shows Form. Ninth captured the first game of the series from the All-Stars yesterday by a 4 to 1 count. Ed Kelley started the hurl ing for the "chamaions"' and held the All-Stars to one hit In the three Innings In which he worked. Sweeney took up the burden In the fourth and was batted freely In that session, but the All-Stars could not overcome the early lead estab lished by the Churchmen, "Bugs" Dixon did the hurling for the All-Stars and set the champions down with one blngle. Dixon was in great form after the first Inning, when two bas on balls, a hit batter, and four er rors by his teammates netted the Church men three runs. Woods' error in the sec ond Inning paved the way for the "cham pions' " final tally, as Kelley secured the only hit for the champions In this session. In the fourth and fifth sessions Dixon re tired the Christians by the strike-out route. These clubs will meet in the sec ond game today at Andrews Park at 5:13 p. m. Score: Math. ABBO AEtAn-Stara, ABHOAE Harrtj.ta . 2 0 2 3 lDtznan,3b.... lull i,uuiureci.3. i v a i vi : runrr.aa.. 4 1 0 WoodAlb... 0 0 0 ailaher.rf... 0 0 . 1 0 0 HowanUb.2b v uuninonui. Morpliy: Boston. Sept. 2. The Red Sox divided a double-header with the Browns here to day. The visitors won the first game by a score of 9 to 6. while the Sox grabbed the honors In the second game by a score of 7 to 3. Darkness put a stop to the second contest after six and a half In nings were played. Score: Boston ocottaa LwiaJI . Janrrui.2b. .. Cardnrrb... CadXo. .. G"tSS.P Tnonuac ... Rehir.rl . . Hennaaen.ef. bwansocOb. ABBOAEtSt. Lonla '73 ABBO AE . 3 0 2 3 S 0 3 1 1 0 r 3 3 3 5 t 4 1 3 1 2 1 0 0 1 1 10 10 0 110 0 0 1 4 12 0 IShetlm-rr 5 3 10 llITattJb 4 II 0 0 CiaWaUer.U.. 5 2 3 2 4 (wuuanurf . 4 113 olLraryJb 10 4 0 OUtnaiiK,c .. 3 2 0 2 Ot B'mrirfr.p.. 3 0 2 0 0Wam.n 1110 OJE Walker".... 0 0 0 0 0 Wallace! . 0 0 0 0 OJAjse-w.c... 0 0 0 0 0 Totala .... J3 13 S 11 H Totala.... .SUrU 0 Itan for Jenklni in tbe eiffbth. IBatted for Baumcardner In the eifhtb. St. Louia. 00004010 4-) Boston 0 2 0 0 0 0 Z 1 1-4 Rons Booprr. Breaker. Hoblitxell. Janrrin fa, Latan. Shotten fa. C. Walker. Baomsmrdner. Warn (3. K. Walker. Wallace. Two-bam taita Wffliama. Walker. Speaker. Lewis, Wares, Gainer. Three-base hits WUllami. Jenkins. JanTrtn. Stolen Uwrv C. Walker. Shottrn, Hendnkarn fa. First base on ballsOff Grefig. 4. off Baojccardner 3; off Jamea, 1. Struck out By Gnsx. 3. by Baumsardnrr. L Sacnflce hit WUllama, Sacrisce fly ShotUn. Doa ble play Wares to Leary. Wild ritchraBainciird neT. James. Umpires Messrs. Ihnero and Kcan. SECOND GAME. St. Lmiii. ADHO A ElBoston. Nationals Open Three-game Series Against New Yorks in Gotham Today Comment. a Before boarding a train for the West last night Jimmy Callahan, manager of the Chicago White Sox, was,, asked to give his views regarding the outcome of the sensational National League pennant race. Callahan seldom predicts, and broke one of his iron-clad rules when he replied: "Nobody can tell me that McGraw hasn't the best ball club In the National League. Stallings Boston team, the Cardinals, and Cubs are making things Interesting right now. but I believe that when It Is all over, the Giants will be on top," "Did you know that tbe Braves won both games of a double-header from the Phillies, that Brooklyn beat the Giants and that Boston la leading the league tonight?" Callahan was asked. "Well, what of It?" he retorted, "the season isn't over, and there still remains Plenty of time for the Giants to 'come back.' I think they wilt" There was no excuse for the Grlffmen losing tbe final game of the series to the White Sox yesterday. The Nationals played stupid baseball. Failure to run out hits, a couple of blun ders on the part of "Rlppy" Williams, to gether with other plays which hinted of "Ivory" all worked to the advantago of the visitors. Walter Johnson did his share to win. both In the box and with tbe stick. He deserved a better fate Jacques Fournler. the young man who suddenly jumped Into the Hall of Fame last Monday when he connected wr.h Walter Johnson's shoots for two home runs in one game, failed to bother the big pitcher yesterday. Fournler drew a couple of walks, fanned, and popped to Smith. He managed to get a life In the eighth when Mitchell dropped tals fly ball. The Boston Braves passed McGraw's Giants in the fight for the National League pennant by winning a double header from the Phillies yesterday. Stallings recently made the boast that once his club reached the top It would never be stopped. It remains to be seen If this prediction comes true. Speaking of the Braves reminds us that Billy Martin. Georgetown's former star athlete joined the club In Philadel phia yesterday and stands a fair chance tp ge't Into the line up before the season comes to a close. Pretty soft for Martin. He will come In for a slice of the world's series coin If Boston should win. and If not. Is sure to get a share of the inter-city coin between the Braves and Red Sox. as these clubs are bound to get together in the event of the Braves failing to grab the gonfalon. The Nationals open a three game series atalnst Frank Chance's New Yorks to day. Harry Harper will more than likely start In the box for the Grlffmen. By the loss of yesterday's double bill the Phllll's dropped to the cellar pool tlon In the National League. p The Detroit Tigers pulled up closer to the Grlffmen yesterday by trouncing the New Torks. Only nine points now separate these clubs. WILLIAM FEET. 4 MANY BOOTEES "WILL BE WITH RICHMOND CHAMPS Richmond, Vs., Sept. 2 The Tietorlens Alco dob, of thla city. Is making- preparations for the comlnc atamea In Was'tUsfrtoa Saturday In tbe bis; Inter-dty se ries. The American Locomotive Company has chartered special trala which Trill leave Richmond some time Saturday morning; to convey tbe many rooters which TtiU make the visit with tbe "Southern Champions.' The team Is due to arrive In Washington oa Friday about noon and will practice at the American League Park so as to be In the best of condition for tbe frames Saturday.. The Alco club Is confident ef landing; the series and are making every ef fort to secure both guaei Saturday. BRAVES ARE AT T0P.0FLADDER Boston Club Moves Into First Place by Trimming Phillies in Double Bill. Philadelphia, Sept. i By winning two games from the Philadelphia Nationals today and the New York Giants losing to Brooklyn, the Boston Braves went Into first place in the National League race for tbe pennant. The scores were 7 to 5 and II to 3. The Phillies outhit Boston. 13 to 11. in the first game, but Rudolph kept his hits scattered. Magee and Cravath hitting for home runs with no one on. Rtxey. Marshall and Baumgardner twirled for the Phillies, but poor fielding by tbe Phillies and timely hitting on the part of Boston gave the Braves a victory. FINAL CONTEST ENDS IN DRAW Nationals and White Sox Bat tle Ten Exciting Inpings. Score Is 4 to 4. GANDIL'S HIT IS TIMELY Chicle's Three-bagger in Ninth Inning Snatches Victory Out of Chicago's Grasp. By WILLIAM PEET. Extra-Inning combats seem to be a habit with the Nationals these days, for another one was pulled off yesterday when the White Sox raid farewell to the Capital of the United States for the 1311 season. Both sides had scored four runs after toiling ten sizzling hot Innings, and this Is the nearest Washington has come to beating the Windy City club during the present series. By mutual agreement the game started half an hour early and came to a close when the clock struck tire. In order to allow both clubs to catch early trains. Griff conceived the Idea of the quick get-a-way, and now he Is probably sorry tor it. Walter Johnson was sent against the Callahan troupers for the third time dur ing the series. The "Big Train" was out to win and pitched great balL Only five safe blows were registered by the enemy. but, unfortunately, two of these were bunched In the opener, and two more In the eighth, giving the White Sox enough runs to win any ordinary game. Joe Benz opposed Johnson, and Benz was wallopped only in spots. Tbe Grlff men snatched a tally In the fourth with out the aid of a base hit, and going into the ninth bopelersly beaten, rushed threo markers over the plate, knotting the count before Benz could catch his breath. For pure and unadulterated excitement yesterday's battle was the best seen on I the local ball yard In many a day. Chick Parker-Bridget & Co. Store Hours 8 to 6 D-B Says: Men, who buy now at the Nation ally; Known Store receive the benefit of "be- tween-season" values.. ($ Final price reductions bring "savings ' to fore sighted men on P-B Summer Suits Outing Trous ers Odd Trousers TECK Oxfords Shirts, &c Mothers find the lowest prices of the season In the Boys Shop. Buying . for the future investment worth while. at the P-B reduced prices is an Mktiggeo The Avenae'at Ninth Scores Boston AB H O A EThiladelpcia AB H o A E Gandil's smoking triple made possible the ? - ? i i i drawn i o Moran.rf.rf. Whitted a.. Cather.If. ... . ... Schmidt J... Smiths). ... S 1 e I 1 s i e i o 2 0 11 5 J T 1 I .!! !- HLobertJ C Becker Jf OlJIitreJb . ojCratithjt 0 Rtrne.2i 0l'akert,cf .. 0 Mirtin-M I Ooadr.c... I 0 I 0 e'KUMcr.C .... t nndclrh.n... 4 0 0 4 Huier.P ConnotlrJf- 3 1 1 (XMarvhall.p.... 1 OUbert.rf.... 3 10 1 O.'lrrlin.Zb J ! namclner.p. 0 Totals J7 US K OBeed 1 IBuroif 1 I Totals r lirrw : Batted for Marshall in the cfth. tBattrd for Banm;ardnrr In the ninth. Boston 0 I 0 0 ! 0 0 1 1-T rhUadtlnhla.. . .. I 0 I 1 1 10 I t-i nnss-Morss. Whined. Schmidt fa. Couth. Ma raarille, Cocnonr. Lohnt. Marre. Cravath. Paskrrt. Irrlan. Two-bae hits Schmidt. Paskert, IreUn. Mcran. Three-baao hit Whitted. Horn runs Ma C. CraTati. SacrttV hita-Cather. Whitted. Doa ble rlaj Maaa t Maranrille. Stolen baae Lobert. Struck out Br Rudolph. S: br Rixer. 1 br Bama cartnrr. 2. First base on balls Off Rodolrn. 2: off Rixer. !: off Marshall. L Cmrirre Messrs. Klem and Emtlit. SECOND GAME. 2 0 GroTinnetti.o 2 0 M Broome.3b 2 0 CBroomeJb Shoo ker.rf.. Bwenejjf.p.. KeUej.p.lf... 1 0 2 0 2 0 1 9 : l o o 0 0 0 0 10 Totals... Ninth.. . . All-Stars .. -17 1 IS C 1 Dlkon,p 3 0 1 3 0 2 0 2 0 2 2 10 0 1 10 0 0 0 2 0 2 10 2 12 0 0 2 1 8 0 1 2 10 2 1 Totala 19 4 IS 5 8 3 1 0 0 I 0 0 0 10-1 Bans Deznan, Hams, Grorannetti. C Broome, ctnoemaaer. run base br errors Ninth. 4; An Btars.1. Left on bases Ail-Stars. 4. First bass on balls 03 Dixon. 1; off Sueener. L Innings PKcneo uj n.eiier, j; or BvKeener. 2. Hits made Off Keller. I: off Bweener, 3. Strack out Br Keller. 2; by Bweenej, I; by Dixon. 7. SacrUee hit Konntree. btolen bases Harris. Giorannetti. Shoemaker Doable pier Harris to Bountree to C Broome, lilt by pitcher Br Dixon, Bonntree. wad Uteh-Diion. Passed ball Murphy. Dmpjra rrona ree. -lime oi came 1 nour ana 5 ttusntea. DAVENPORT SHOWS F0BM. St. touts. Sept. i Despite the fact that they perpetrated five errors, the St Louis Federals won today's game from Kansas City, 4 to X Davenport's ditching when danger threatened raved the locals from defeat St Louis counted the -winning run in the eighth Inning, when w. Miller walked, Klrby was hit and. Miller scored en Crandall's single. Score: K.H. E. Kansas City 01000110 0-3 7 2 St Lotus 00003001 X t 5 3 Batteries CnBop, Hennings and Easterly; Daren- pore ana clmoo. umpire Mr. Mccormick. HOOFEDS WIN ONE. Chicago, Sept I. Mosely pitched excel lent ball for the Hoofeds today and de feated Tinker's men. 2 to 9. Vandergrlft's single, a sacrifice, and Mckechnle's dou ble gave Indianapolis one In the fourth, and Scheer"s home-run over the right field fence counted the visitors' second tally. The locals filled the bases In the fourth, but Uoseley fanned two and Beck grounded out to Carr. This was the only chance Chicago .had to score. Score: K.U.A Indianapolis 2000000 0-2 I 1 Chicafo .......... 00000000 0-0 1 Batteries Mnselr and Barlden; Lanza and WQ aon. Umpires-Messrs. Croat and Anderson. BAIL PLAYEB WEDS. Boston. Sept 2. Derrlll Pratt second baseman ot 'the St Louis American League team, was married last night to Miss Leontlne Bamsaur. of St Peters burg. Fla. The pair met during; the spring training trip of the Et Louis wn Austin-3b. .. Warefb .. C.WiIker.lf.. Allnamajl.. Learr.Ib. ... Jenkina.c Mltchell.p . K Walker jr. Hich,p. .. Totals... .V- Unit. . Boston B n O A E 3 2 2 0 0 4 2 4 2 0 4 2 0 0 0 4 2 10 0 4 17 10 10 110 2 10 0 0 1 1 S 0 0 3 2 12 1 ..aun e i 4 1 0 S OIHcoper.rf. . J l o o o' 3 13 1 0! . 3 13 1 OlLrwlaJf 3 12 1 HHobbr.lh . .. 3 0 10 OUanfTinJb.... 3 17 0 ORardnerb... 3 0 2 0 OlCirrtian.c .., 2 0 0 1 1 Bedlentp.... 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 tj Totals.. .. .3 8 5 Tl o o : - 2 1i Game called on account of darkceaa. Bans Austin. LaTsn. Shottrn. Hooper. Scott Speaker O. IlobUtzelll Gardner, Carricin. TVo hit Scott. Three-base hita Hooper. Speaker. Gardner. Fir hue on balls-Off Mitchell. 3. Strack out-Br Bedient. 2: br Mitchell. L Sacrinco fly Carrizan. umpires Mesara, Dineen and Ecan. AFTER SEPTEMBER GAMES. The General Land Office baseball team would like to arrange games with any fast team for the month of September, games to be played on the east diamond, of the White Lot, on Tuesdays and Fri days after t:3D p m. or on other dia monds any other day In the week. Ad dress J. L. Evans, 213 Fourth street southeast or phone Lincoln 150$. CLAIMS FORFEIT GAME. 0 0 0 0-3 1 3 0 I-T KING COLE POUNDED BY DETROIT TIGERS Hughey Jennings Crew Hammer New York Yankee Hurler and Capture Game, 6 to 5. New York, Sept 2. The Tanks today were not a little surprised when the Tigers pounced on the redoubtable King Cole In the sixth Inning, scoring four runs and tying the score. Another run In the seventh by Detroit proved to be the win ning count, Detroit winning, 6 to 6. Up to the sixth Inning things looked favorable for the Tanks, they having hammered Mains for five tallies, but when Cavet took his stand In Detroit's mound, the tide turned. The Tanks' artillery was quieted, and that of the Tigers took on increased activity. Score: Detroit ABHOAElKev Tork ABHOAE a i -i ai di mi (uai -r. . i n Vttt2b. 12 2 2 0 HsmellJL".'.. S 3 3 0 0 Crawfordjf.. Veacbjf JIorlartTjb.. Ktanaza.e.... Heflman.... Bakers...... Maln.p....... Htzht Caret.p. 4 -2 3 2 1 0 Cook.rf. w vutre-H 0 10 iauen.lD .. t-ccx.paiiEn.aa Nona kerjc Boone,2n...... 211 0 01 0 3 S 0 13 2 0 0 0 0 0 lio WColtn. V V 1 V 10 0 0 0 0 2 0 4 3 10 0 4 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 17 0 0 4 0 4 0 0 4 13 3 0 4 0 S 3 0 3 0 0 S 0 l o e o o Arasoot Totala......51inil"i Totala J 12 27 II U 'Ran for Stanaca In too aerrath. IBatted for Main In the sixth. Batted for Cole la the. ninth. Detroit......... .X 0OI1O410O-4 New Tork. 10103000 0-S Baas-Boab. Vltt (9. Cobb, Teach. BeOman. Mael (3). EartxeO. Cook. Left on baseah'ew York, t; Detroit. 8. First baas on boBa-Off Cbte. L Strncaioat-By Caret I; by Cola. X. Two-base hits Bama, Cook, Mnurn. Eacrinre flj Crawford. Stolen base-MalaeL Cook. Umpires-Messrs. HUde brand and O'LonchUh. Tuna of suae 1 bear and 55 xoinutea Muggsy McGraw has tossed away the Philadelphia war map to study that of Boston, In consideration of the serious i ai lags The United States Marlnei Corp team claimed a victory over the U. S. S. Dol phin when that outfit failed to put In appearance yesterday in Its scheduled game at the old Eastern League grounds. Manager Jones is out with a sweeping dell to all sixteen-year-old teams and games can be arranged by addressing care of Marine Barracks. Boston . Whitted.. ConnoQrlf.. Gilbert rf . Schmidtjb.. Kmitnjb. .. Maranv 'e.m. Gowdy.e .. James p .. Cather.rf Whihiu.c -DeTore" ... A ElPhiladtlphU t 0!U)b-rUh. .. ABHOAEIfhiladIj a 2 1 3 I 4 4 2 4 1 O 0 5 2 11 3 0 1 S t 1 3 2 2 4 3 0 3 1 1 1 0 2 1 0 C 2 CIBeckerJf 0 O'Masre lb .... 0 lfOnh rf. . 1 0!lrrlin.a 3 OtPaskertcf ... 1 1 0?BurnA.o ... 8 OIRixrrp ... 0 0IMlttisoo.p . 0(Re-dt -tHUlair: .... . a a: 12 it I Totala Bitted for Gowdr in sixth TBattrd fee Rixer in second. IBaUed for Mattison in ninth. Boston S4300080 0-12 Philadelphia IOO1OO00I-3 Rons Mcran (2). Whitted (2). CooooIlT ID. Gil bert, Schmidt. Maranrille. Gowdr. James (2). Lobert. Irelan. Paskrrt. Two-bast hita Maran- Tille. Cither. Schmidt Three-bai hit-ConnoIlT. ABHOAE S 1 2 0 O 4 0 t 0 0 4 110 3 0 3 11 Ills: 4 2 4 0 0 ... 3 1 3 5 0 .. 4 0 8 3 0 .00080 ... 0 0 0 0 0 . 2 0 0 0 0 . . 10 0 8 0 .. 1 1 0 0 0 ...ilr i? "3 SHOT GUNSatlowpiices 1 Smokeless Shells (Remington U. M. C.) S2 a 100 Nublack Shells 40a a Box, $1.50 a Hundred MAD TOMS, 50c a Doz. BLOOD WORMS, 20c a Doz. Full Line of Fishing Tackle at Cut Prices battle Jacques Fournler. the slugging Frenchman, went hitless. and Breton's sensational fielding put several crimps on Washington's winning aspira tions. Smith Replaces Morcan, Griff benched Ray Morgan for weak hitting, substituting Wally Smith, the At lanta "fence buster." Smith started a bunch of trouble In the final half of the tenth with a tno-bagger. but bis team mates could not finish the job. Callahan's gang Jumped on Johnson from the start and threatened to tear him limb from limb. Demmitt and Weaver singled, and the bases were full When Collins' grounder to the box was not fielded In time to force Demmitt at third. Fournler popped to Smith, but Schalk filed to Mitchell, and Demmitt raced home on the out. The Nationals tied the score In the fourth, by means of a base on balls. Breton's fumble, a steal, wild pitch, and sacrifice fly. Johnson held the visitors safe until the eighth, when the game was apparently salted away. After Bens had fanned Johnson's pais to Demmitt proved fatal for Dem mitt stole second and went to thlro when Weaver's high fly fell tafe the eluding Gandil who had rushed half way across the diamond to make the catch. Collins thumped a double to left scoring Demmitt and Weaver. Johnson then settled down and retired the side. Grlflineit Tin the Score. Washington's half of the ninth open ed auspiciously for the Nationals. John son started with a single to lft. The; Pirates crowa groaned wnen Moeller and Fos ter died In turn At this stage Grift sent .Ainsmun to run lor Johrson. ana 927 D Street Bet. 9th & 10th ATLAS PHONE MAIN 5S40 Open Till 9 P.M. Sat. Till 11 P. M. C0MFLETE STATISTICS OF THE MAJOR LEAGUES. Tt'EiTERDAY'S RESULTS. American. Washington, 4. Chicago, t (Called end of tenth inning.) Detroit. . New York, 5 St- Louis. Boston. 6. Boston. T. SL Louis. 3. NaifonaL Boston. 7: Phillies. S. Boston. II. Phillies. 3 Brooklyn. S. New York. 2. Cincinnati. 4. Chicago. X Pittsburgh. 4. St. Louis. L Pittsburgh. 1. St. Louis 1 (caUet, end eleventh Inning ) GA3IKS SCHEIIULED TODAY. I Boston at Philadelphia. Washington at New Tork. i New York at Brooklyn. Athletics at Boston ' Chicago at Cincinnati. t Pltsburgh at St Louia STANDI YG OF T1IF. CLUBS. Won. Lost. Pet. I Won. Lost. Pet Atheltlcs S3 Boutin G 51 M Boston 70 50 .55 1 New York 63 51 jSl Washington 61 V, .511, St. Louis '. 64 55 523 Detroit a 61 5 j Chicago 63 5S .in Chicatro " S3 -4m Brooklyn 54 C H New York 5ft 67 -lili Cincinnati 55 $4 41 St Louis 5 67 455 Pittsburgh 53 62 4J Cleveland - 33 SS .HI. Phillies 53 63 451 PITTSBURGH HANDS CARDINALS SETBACK St. Home ran. iretsn. paennce niu-nineo. Mnitn i the. catcher crossed the plate when .uC t-,.,-..... ... ...... -"" ""-1 m ian snot ont Br James. 1. br Mattison. 8. Bifes on balls Off James, 2. off Tlncap, I: off Blxer. 1. off Mitllson. L WUd pttch Mittlscn Time of rsme 1 honr snd 55 minute" Attendance Umrares MeaFrs. Klem, and Emslie ZIM OBJECTS TO FINES. Cincinnati. Sept. 1 It required a lot of persuading to keep Heinle Zimmerman In the series between the Chicago Cubs and the Reds yesterday. This wax dsv dav for the members of the Chicago club, and when Zimmerman J ordered to run for him. received his check there was a deficit of third, but never saw the single through Blaekburne. Mitchell walked and Gandil came across with one of his old time drives a vic ious triple to the comer of the left field fence. Milan and Mitchell both crossed the plate and Ch'ck in attempting to stretch the blow Into a home run. was! ness after snuiiea out. jar uenuey was In the box when the visitors came to bat In the tenth Come to Life and Trim Louis Club One Game of Double Bill. St. Louis. Sept. I The Pirates came to life today and defeated the Cardinals in the first game. 4 to 1. and held the score to a run tie in the second battle. which was stopped on account of dark- eleven Inninfs had been played. VAUGHN BLOWS UP AND REDS LAND ONE e The run off Adams came in the fourth ana , , .-.. ., .. ., ,A 1...I. . .,. vi ,.. ...-- . nen Jiagre wameu. ioie snunu dim Washington's half of this chapter Smith opened with a double S150, which was four fines inflicted on him by the National League and by Ihe club. One hundred dollars of this money was taken cut as a result of his fight with Evers et al. on the ball field, and the rest was deducted for his being put out of a game In the ninth Inning the following day by Umpire Klem. and Shanks was Shanks stole plate as Bride filed to Demmitt and tihen Bre ton threw out Morgan the last named batting for Bentley. Umpire Connolly called the game. The Score: THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN " a I . . i ... II I V THF si7PBn?:NFr:A HOLE ABOUT A I To KNOW THC VALUE. OF IT N V SO ME WIS eUY fOO I- J j-t, A NE.VM ONEy I - 6ar4a.,CVrttM&a WASHINGTON'. Moeller. rf. Foster. 3b Milan, cf Mitrhell. If , GandO. lb Smith, rb .. MeBride. u Willlims. e. Johnson, p Bentler. p Ainsmitli....... Morxanf Shanks: Totala CHICAGO. Demmitt. If J Wearer, sa. S Collins, ef 5 Foamier, lb........ 3 Schslr, c 4 Majer, c 0 Roth, rf 4 Blaekburne. 2b 4 Breton. 3b 4 Bent, p 4 The Score. ab n a bb sb sb so ro A scored on Miller's single Doak'was in vincible for elht innings, but in the ninth with two out Coleman single, scoring Viox with the tvln rwn. In the firt Ic"lgame Perritt wabbled in the sixth and the Pirates put three runs oer. Score. AB n O A E 4 I fl e .51048 4 2 4 0 3 2 J 1 4 1 S 1 0 3 12 8 8 !11M .117 8 0 4 0 0 8 0 St Ixtojs Xaih a .. DoLn.lf . J Miller.M. WUHn.rf. . Cruise cf , neckJb U incn.e rrmtt.p Roh'con p AB H O A E Pittsi-ireh .12 14 8 Carer If I ot omn rt 1 OlKelljcf 0 Sioi.3 8 ' Ko.-e lb . 0 O'Wserer s 4 lIMrCirthtb . 0 fliColnninx 1 OMcvullan.p . 4 0 1! 4 1 2 3 2 1 3 C 1 3 1 0 3 0 0 3 0 8 2 0! 0 0 0 1 0 0 Cincinnati Club Captures First Game of Twelve Starts from Chicago Cubs by 4 to 3 Score. Cincinnati. Sept i After pltchtni shut-out ball for five innings. Vaughn Wew up in the sixth, and before the round ended the Reds had rolled up four runs and beat the Cubs. 4 to 3 It was the Reds first win over 0"Day's tribe la twelve starts Chicago made one ia th th-st inning on Leach's single, a sacrifice. and Zimmerman"s two-bagger They scored two more in the sixth on a couple ( singles and Archer's triple. Score. ChlCIJO Leaco 1 ilacti rf uer lb Zim 'man 3b . Wtflums rf nrestihanb Cornden, . rcher c Varhn.p. Ha'rhnes p. Kniiflr- Johns-ooef.. AB H O A EXraemctM 12 0 o- KUluer.lI 3 I O'Herroe.ia J 1 o-Twomhlrif 1 3 CINieboSJb. 0 0 Wfirohb. 1 8 Sin.meH.rf 0 3 VGrahanUb J 1 8ICTark.e 3 1 CTlndine-n . 1 0 2 O'Schneider.n. 0 C 0 H 0 0 V Totala.... 8 0 01 ABHO Al 114 0 3 8 11 4 110 n:.i 2 2 3 4 3 0 10 3 0 T 1 . 2 1 T 1 2 0 11 tied .j8 sri" I 1 1 01 o el 1 1 Drncen J I Totals 30 sr U 1 0 1 'Batted for Terntt in eishth .. Pittsbnrsh 0 0 0 0 0 J I 0 0 0, i St. Loots . Totals 33 7 27 S 1 0 1 I Totals ....J5 10 21 II fl "Batted for Schnlte in the aerenta. tBived for Yanghn m the eishth. Chicar UIMlllM Cincinnati .. A 8 0 0 0 8 4 x-4 Ross Leach. Zimmerman, Bresnahan. Ktlcltr.' Twombler. Clark. Yindtna:. TVo-base hits Zlmeare- 8 0 0 0 0 01 1 man Bnroihan Three-base hita Archer. Nienan. 394835343081 AB It H BB SB SB SO ro A Rons Msgre. Kelly. Krner. Warner (2). Thre ; hit Cruise Bases m bal.sOff Pemtt Strnck out Br Pemtt. 4 bv McQuillan. 8. by Rcb- I icson. L Stolen tase-Dolan Sacnace hils-Mil- Irr Vlox. Double rials McQuillan to KccetchT to McCarthy. Viox to McCarthy Balk-Pemtt. Hit E by riteher By Pemtt (McCarthy) Time rf came 8 1 hour and 43 nunutee. Umpires Mesara. Rifler trd 21 Hart. SECOND GAME. AB n O A ElPittsburth ABHOAE 0 t- Lmua 0 Xash. 0 0 , Polin.lf . I J MUler.a 8 3 3 0 Totala 3846431739134 Ran for Johnson In ninth. IBatted for Bentley In tents. IRan for Eolith in tenth. Washington 0 0 0 18 8 0 Chicago 10 0 0 0 0 8 Earned runs Washington, 2: Chicago. 3 Firt base br errors Washington, 4; Chicago, 2 Left on bases Washington. 11; Chicago. J Innings pitched By Johnson, i. by Bentley. 1 Hita mads Off Johnson, J: off Bentley. L Three-base hit Gandil. Two-bai hits Smith. Wearer. Collins. Sacrinco sys-Sehatt. WflUama. Double plays Gandil to MeBride. Williams to MeBride. Pissed ball Schalk. Umpires Mesara. Connolly and ChUL Time of game, hour and 30 nunntea FEDERAL LEAGUE. YESTERDAY'S B.ESUI.TS. Indiasapolia, t: Chicago. 0. St. Louis. 4; Kansas City. 3. Buffalo. 3: Brooklyn. L Buffalo. S; Brooklyn. 5. (Called end twelfth; darknesa.1 Ilaltimore-nttaburgh Rain. GAMES TODAY. Baltimore at ritubm-gh. Brooklyn at Buffalo. Indlanapclis at Chicago. Kansas City at St. Louis. STANDING OF THE CLUBS. W. L. P Indianapolis.. s 52 .5&? Chicago. 85 64 JM Kanunort-,.. as ot .naH Buffalo Kansas Clir.. BC W. L. p. si si jnt a a .rrs H 87 WUvra.rf. . 3 Beckjb 4 Snrder.e 4 Poak.p. 3 Prewen 1 C Mlllert. 0 1 1 f 0 3 : i 0 3 1 2 1 2 1 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 I' . 0'Oillin rf 01 Keller cf 0IVx2h .... 01 Warner .ss UMcCarhOb O'LeouardJb .. 01 Colcman.e . . Ot tdama.p O'Hjltt: 4 2 5 1 5 0 5 1 3 1 S 0 3 1 1 0 4 2 4 1 0 0 Double riars Saier to Comden. Nirtoff to Grob ts Graham. Good to Archer First base on balls 04 Vaughn. 2 off Tingling. L Struck out By Vaughn. 2. by Tingllnr 3 Wild ritch Tingling. Sacrirrsj hits Gcrd. Zimmerman. Comden J2. Harare Stolen bases Leach. 2. empires Mesara. TJ, and Byron. ARMY ELEVEN PRACTICES. 8 0 0 . U 9 33 15 1 Totals 36 6 3 la 2l Totals.. Bitted for Doak in the elerenth. Rao for Snyder in th- tenth. IBatted for McCarthy in the ninth. Game called on account of darkness Pittsburgh 0- 0 0 0 0 0 St. Louia 0 8 0 10 0 Runs Marre. Viox. First base Doak. 1; off Adams. L Stmrk out-Br Doak. 10. by i Adams. 4. Stolen bases-McCarthy. Cruise. Mage- ( Coleman. Hit by rttcher-By Adima. Cruise Don Ne play Nash to Magee to Miller urarire Jir Rlgler. Time of game 2 hours and 23 minutes. 0 10 0-1 0 0 0 .0-1 baIl-Off TYest Point. Sept. 'The Army football squad started practice today The arrival here of Lieut. Charles D. Daly, former Harvard and West Point football star. o' was a pleasing incident in pigskin circles. Lieut Daly will act as head coach of tk o I Army squad this fall and will ret right. down to work with the cadets today, when the biggest squad that ever turned out for; foo-ball at the Military Academy -wlrl r pert to him for the opening; practice.? Dallv practice will be the order from now until the opening contest with Stevens on. October 3. FDLTZ DENIES REPORT. New Tork. Sept. 1 David L Fultz. president of the Baseball Players' Fra ternity, has Issued a statement denying reports that an order had been issued prohibiting fraternity members from play ing a post-season series with, the Phila delphia Athletics. Members are at liberty to take their own course In matters such as this, he said. RECALLS 1TNALLY. Brockljau.... ea a;.ji m a local club lodajv Boston. Sept, i H. J. McNally. short stop of the SL Paul club, of the Ameri can Association, who was recalled by the Boston Americans under an optional agreement, signed a contract, with the Formerly Majestic. Ninth and Pa. Are. N w MATINEE TODAY 3ll5 TONIGHT AT StlS "TWO GAY Oil SPORTS" With a Broadway Beauty Chorus of 25. THE HOTTEST SHOW IN TOWN 10 2030 50c WANTED- A salesman of business Integrity and ability to represent the Mutual Life Insurance Company ot New York (1600.000.000 of assets). THOS. P. MORGAN, Jr., Mgr. 423-23 Southern Bnlldlag. Largest and best equipped sales agency"80uth.of New York- - -s i .- . ,v .