Society and Personals. Women's Clubs and Fraternal Organizations. Churches What Is Doing in the Religious World. WASHINGTON. D. C. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1914. I OP' Jl ,T Z2Z.S - --- jSBssP ' " " mS' Society plaits for a Stfcerrv dfyvistmas Br M AHV MARSHALL. S HRISTMAS Day of all days of the year is a day that remains ctfose crated to the most intimate sort of family festivities. Of course, -' there are always to be found society folk who would make it a day merry with much public entertaining, dances, large dinner parties and such high festivits-. But so long as there are children in our famjlies and so long as we retain vivid recollections of our own childhood Christmas days, we pre fer the stay-at-home Christmas Day Leading up to the day and for the week that comes between that holiday and New Year's we may indulge in all sorts of social gayeties that take us a long, long way from the Christmas traditions of childhood. But for Christ mas Day itself there is no getting away from the fact that the stay-at-home day is the best. And society folk of Washington seem to be agreed upon this point Prac tically without exception the official families are planning to spend the day "quietly at home" quietly so far as outsiders know, but the merry, merry Christmas Day in the bosom of one's family, of course, need not be dull just because it is an intimate sort of day. In fact there is a certain sort oi joyousness and hilarity that seems to be the peculiar product of the intimate family gathering. Not for many, many weeks has the White House seen any festivity of any sort, and the small party planned by the family of the President for Christmas Day is the largest gathering to be seen around the White House board for many months. The presence of Mrs. Sayre in Washington this week is sufficient proof of the rumor, unconfirmed officially, that she will spend the festive day with her father. The Secretary of the Treasury and Mrs. McAdoo will also dine at the White House on Christmas Day. But there is little of festivity at the White House this year. The Christ mas decorations will be exceedingly simple and, but for the usual wreaths at the stately windows of the Executive Mansion, there is little indication of the approach of the great day. a The Vice President and Mrs. Marshall left yesterday for Arizona where they will spend Christmas day with the parents of Mrs. Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. William E. Kimsey. They will rerflain away from Washington until i-fter New Year's Day. The Christmas festivities of the family of the Secretary of State will also take place in the State of Arizona, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Jen ings Bryan, jr., at Tucson. But the Secretary himself will not be present He will remain at the Bryan residence in Calumet place, while Mrsy Bryan will go West, remaining with tier son through January. The Secretary of War and Mrs. Garrison will spend the day at Atlantic City, where, by the way, many prominent Washington folk trill gcrfor a bit of change and quiet. In the home of the Attorney Gen eral there will be a delightful family sort of Christmas celebration. Thomas Watt Gregory', jf-, will be home from Laurenceville, N. J, where he goes to school and Joseph Nallc Gregory, another son of the Attorney General, will arrive at home early this week from his school in Virginia. Gay Christmas doings are in prepa ration at the home of the Postmaster General, in F street, for Miss Lucy and Miss Sydney have many holiday secrets brewing and, though Mrs. Burleson has planned to have but a small dinner party, there will be MISS AGNES OXIORMAN. who made her debut with her lister, Miw Anna O'Gorman, last Thursday. aLLm "- aH I Christmas merriness a plenty about that board. r If the presence of three energetic i sons home from school could give I cause for Christmas merrymaking j then surely in the home of the Secre- I tary of the Navy there ought to be a goodly share of holiday spirit. But the Daii'c!- i.i'N, like the Bniiesor., will keep the family party very small! and of an intimate nature. In their home in Wyoming avenue the Lanes will welcome their only son, Eranklin K. Lane, who i to be THE LARGES1 WAIST DEPARTMENT IN THE CITY -&webcm& 1106 G STREET THE HOUSE OF FASHION Thousands of Beautiful Xmas Blouses Endless Variety Displayed on Open Tables for Easy Selection Crepe De Chines, Satins, Laces, Chiffons Values $3 to $12.50 $1.98, $2.98, $3.95 $5, $7.95 Dainty Lingerie Waist, $1 , $1.98, and $2.98 $5 Silk Underskirts, $1.98 and $2.98 Black American Fox Sets $35 Sets at $22.50 $50 Sets at $35 $100 Hudson Seal Coats, $65 Extra Special Suit Reductions $25 and $40 Suits Now $13.75, $18, and $25 $45 and $55 Suits Now $29.50 and $35 A Sale of the Season s Smartest Coats Handsome Models $18, $25, and $40 Values $10, $15, $19.95, and $25 Afternoon and Street Dresses VI? $25. $10 and $15 $40 and $50 Afternoon and Evening Dresses $25 and $35 WO Models in Trimmed Winter Hats home from Andover for the holidays. In the home of the Secretary of Agri culture there is every reason for a very festive occasion, for the juniors of the Houston family arc stilt of an age to delight with all credulity in the simple joys of Santa Md Christ mas tree. Mrs. Houston is already 'aying deep and mysterious plan- for the day and from now till Friday there will be much excitement and curiosity in the nursery of the Houston home in P street. Early this week Humphrey F. Red field, son of the Secretary of Com merce. i coming home from Amherst, and the family of the Secretary is looking forward to a day of old-fashioned merrymaking. Xo definite plans for dinner guests have been announc ed as yet, but it is likely that there will be a small dinner party to which a few intimate friends will be invited. At their home in T street the Wil sons will spend a quiet day. Miss Agnes ilson will be at homc.but her three married brothers, who are living in Pennsylvania, Mr. HurIi Wilson, Mr. Adam Wilson, and Mr. Thomas Wilson, will not he in Washington this Christmas as they were last year. The usual quiet family Christmas dinner is planned at the home of the Speaker in Massachusetts avenue, and on this day, when the juniors of the family arc always the guests of honor. ! Miss Genevieve and Mr. Bennett Clark will be the centers of interest. Xfiss Dorothea Owen and Miss francisc Williams, two ot the win ter's attractive debutantes, have insti tuted a departure in the dress of those who assist at afternoon functions. CONTINrED OX PAGE TWO. Delightful Xmas Gifts Elgin Watches Fully guaranteed In every re spect 20-year gold eases. It you're going- to buy any kind of watch for a Christmas gift come to us. and .we'll save you money. At $8.50, and up to $100, we have lines of reliable timepieces. Every price is the lowest you'll find. A. L1SNER. HOURS, 9 to 6. G STREET. Jewelry Bought of the same firms who supply the various jewelry shops, and guaranteed by the dealers, makers, and the Palais Royal. Are these not all the assurances you need ask? ufw fl yi Vvf y Suitably Boxed Real Diamonds Set in 14-Karat Gold and Pure Platinum The Palais Royal method is to sell Diamond Rings not keep them. The jewelry store plan is to keep them the year around. The Lavallieres. Finger Rings, and Scarfpins of real diamonds and other precious stones are priced to sell them before Christmas. If not a judge yourself bring one who is and you will then fully understand. Lavallieres, $16.50 to $41.98 At $16.56 is a i ombinatiun of pearls and one diamond. At $11. 9S is a dainty gold lavalliere. set with three diamonds w sizes and bril liancy tu irak" 4l.ts a bargain price. At ihe many other prices are equall) astonishing values. PINS, $11.00 to $21.00 The diamonds in thesa pins arc of remarkable hrtlliancy; set in infinite variety of new and at tractive styles, assuring t satis factory select i"n for "htm" or for "her. ' Finger Rings, $17.98 to $75. The least expensive at $17.38 in clude rinjrs with pearl renter. 5 rn hies and - diamonds'. Also at I17.M are i inn? with rlusten of Z sap phire? ami l diamonds. At $7" are rings with A diamond in renier and i cluster ot 14 .-mailer diamonds. Extra $1.98 and $2.98 14 -Karal Gold lavallieres. set with pearls and chips of real diamonds. 14-Karat Gold Lavallieres Set with Real Diamonds and other Precious Stones. At $16.50 is a dainty Lavalliere, a combination of pearls and one diamond, set in 1 4-karat gold. At $41 .98 is a dainty Gold Lavalliere. set with three diamonds of sizes and bril liancy to make $41.98 a bargain price. At the many other prices are equally astonishing values. Snitably Boied Free Free Initial Engraved Extra 89c Solid Gold Cuff Links. Tie Clasps. Signet Scarfpins, 15 Inrh x e c k Chains. Keauty Pins, Bar Tins, Etc Street floor center of store. $3.00 Solid Gold Cuff Link. sot with real chip CI QC diamond JX.UO $4.00 Solid Gold Birthstoae Rings. Tiffany CO Kf settings p.UV Gold Coal $3.50 $5.00 Men's Solid Chains, plain and engraved designs. . . $2.00 Solid Gold Tii Clasps $1.50 Ji.OO Solid Gold Signet Rings. tV::.OT $1.00 $5.90 Solid Gold Bracelets. hand-engraved and ffO tif plain designs 0.JV J3.50 Solid Goiri Lavallieres. with amethyst, rubv fi- on and sapphire retting. T1,0" $3.00 Baby Pins and Buttons, with Chain. si 1 Qfi Three In set JA.70 $l.o0 Solid Gold Ear Tins, plain and engraved designs 75c Child's Solid Gold Set Rings 3c Solid Gold Beauty AAJk Scarfpins, $1.00 50t Pins, two on card Su.OO Solid Gold with diamond, onyx and pearl .-ttintt-. . $3.50 Opera Glasses The famous Lemaire Classes, in leather cases. Samples worth $7.50 to $20.00 at $5.98 to $17.50. Street Floor, Center of Store. BAGS Cold Mesh. Gold iillt-d and seamless mesh, guaranteed noi to tarnish or break. $"..oo to $lu.uO tor usual $:.".' to $15 bags. $10 Watches, $5 The maker's samples of Cold filled Watches, guaranteed 10 years. For the youth's first watch what better Christmas present? Evening Hair Ornaments, $1.00 to $20.00 The display In the electric lighted showcase center of the tirst floor is alone worth coming to see A Tiffany display it is with the exception that the gold, is not gold, the platinum is not platinum the dtamonda B. j nc in ne ilhi in nie Huuu mini oy muauy in evening aress. ., rlnml.imh.r Uln.uil Dina ..111,... ..- . I. ilia Ul t . , .. - are not diamonds Crescent Combs of studded with Butterflies, deml-amber diamonds S.-..03 te 10.00 works of art and tz.oo Hinged Pins, ablaxe with dia monds (3JSO na to (13.00 Hair L'amls, fit for the diadem of a queen si .oh to Hair Bands of gold and pearls. 1.33 te SS.00 Braid Pins, ornamented with diamonds and other precious tones fues te 103 Jet Jewelry The newest and largest collection in Washington Is here, including Combs, Braid Pins, and Bandeaux at 50c to $10.00. Chains to 51 Inches In length at 50c to Jfi.00. Crosses. Hearts, and Lockets. lie to $5.00. PARISIAN $1.00 to $5.00 Samp''!', one of a kind pieces facsimiles of the most expensive. "Oriental Pearls" Facsimiles of the real, and Inde structible. Superb specimens of Oriental Pearl Necklaces are here at $2.9$ to $10.00. Inspection of these Necklaces la urged by connoisseurs. On exhibi tion on street floor, center of store. The Palais Royal Were $7.50 to $15 Now $3.50 A. Lisner - G Street. SAKS Jewelry Co. 70S 7th St.