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ias-J-vt-,'" -Ttt v .": i -?"? it""-vl 1- f'-pr " " """ JiJ J -- vjaj ) MUZZLE Loading Cannon a niwv p i a- WORK in TRENCHES MUZZLE LOADING cannon, declared obsolete a half century or more ago by armament eperts. have re turned in Europe, alone with the hand grenade and armor, also believed of a past age until the world war developed in all It fury. French and Russian soldiers are very frankly and openly wearing steel helmets to ward off bullets and the hand grenade has been one of the most ef fective of trench weapons. Now the British are equipping their trenches in Flanders and France with hundreds of muzzle-loading annon, fnuiid to be the ideal weapon for trench warfare But it is only in that the weapon is loaded through the muzzle and r"t through the breech, that the new weapon resembles the ordnance of a cen t ir ago. Otherwise, it is the most mod f n of weapons invisible to the enemy, i ipid fire and automatically aimed Tho c nners are protected by a steel canopv 'J rt gan is aimed and fired through a P -is-cone. The barrel of the gun follows tif- range finder, so that when the gun ner sights an obiective. the gun is trained and aimed automatically at the object The shell, which weighs 2S0 pounds, is dronped down the muzzle of the gun It ba a cartndse on the end which strikes a Fpike m the bottom of the cun. dis charging the shell immediatelv Bv an inebrious loading device, fr- shells e-e dropped into the muzzle of tc gun and fe old shells ejected with sreat rapiditv Tva pew muzzle-loading cannon is the pi-ndnct of a hitherto unknown inventor r ,-ried Stokes, who had haunted th rr't'.-h war office for eleven vears prior t t"e war. He had nver even received n -irmg. With th coming of war bovv er r the war office was reorganized. Tff i blood was injected and Stokes" .t., dug out from the mustv pigeon y r,)f 12 which thev had reposed tor .n e tovernmert set aside - plot of i.t .und for Stokes and the tnentor ,-no-i demonstrated the efficacy of his gun F'oks wa given a substantial sum of tennev bv the British government, and 'm, 'n his own laboratorv. he is busy wr'King out plan? to improve hi- devire. w c . it is predicted bv the official1 is d- -etireci to revolutionize trench warfare SAND Is Frozen Then CUT Away v'LKY ronrf lvjhle nciiie-nng ciif- rrul llty has been met a' ) overcome by the builders of New York's ad- i'tion..l subways. One of the problems f . d bv the engineei - wa caused bv 1 ir-- hodies of quicksand far below sur i ,r Removal of this quicksand threat ened tho collapse of Urge sections of fc'-itorv. So the engineer- borrowed an id .i from Europe and froze ihe t-and in old world mines, when bis 'w t nnN of quicksand are encountered in a ra't, p. pes .ire driven in a circle around tv 'h ift and cold brine rirculatc-d thrush them until the quicksai.d is. T-r.v. n solid T'len the -halt i- rut t v '-. in-hi and the -ides nailed up '-r i id ft- method been empoed in Ainer r . tm the -iihwa' b'iildei a no i. i . n v tH, principle should not be aj ; . ! in uhwiv constructor It a, v h "t re s.j, cess BACK to FIRST Principles in Motor boat Construction Ac -1 tre -r-il . ' ele ha- Ufu d. "-locti iied ih.- time in motor t.nat i u t ion The nr- water TjfT on re. oid"l lelis u.-. v.-r" i-i-iiowd-o i' '"- jirime 1 boa's which h'o .-''! i.-e.) bv the aties of Afru i nd th- Sou'h .-ei Th-ie i- now in ' rmtnv.-ioii another hnv built ftom a s'Hhie l-i. and it l- acknowledged to be ffc finest displacement motorhoat built The Vr.-uia was constructed by the finois British motorhoat engineer. S E S-i ind-rs. of Cowes It wis, built from n Mngle mahogany log that had lain at tho i.i.-ndon docks for twenty ears. Foi Kracf and lightness the I rsula has no rival Another record breiking motorhoat ha i 1. 1 been finished hv Saunders It is a s xfeen-foot yacht tender and cost more t-ar $1,200. The builder's price for on -ntctmp the hull and installing the n ,-Mnr was $700 The enmne. gear, pro r M. r ird silencer were purchas-ed si r irately. !'or the hull of the motor-tender, there fl.- . three thicknesses of selected thin red crdar planking, with a laer of oiled silk between, the whole being sewn together wh copper wire, no rivets being used Tl s makes a iory t-trong. light, resilient c ift hut the work has to be carried out w ' ce'reme care, each wire hole being rir .-.i.ert 0ff before drilling, and grooves rut h.Mwf.n alternate holes to make the ture tl . h with the planking. Farmers Use Phone .-m report just issued shovs that r--f i. th of the telephones operated by a 'ic.'ng company are located in farm ' - The spread of the telephone in -i--' five years has been surprisingly ' but hardly outstrips the use of elec 'cal appliances in the home, in the fac- ' op the farm in fact, in nearly every -oc of life. WIRELESS Chain Now Extends (mu I TWO-THIRDS Around WORLD Ufc" THE Marioni t Tf . triejraph terKe now extends nearly two-thirds of the way a,ound t'.e c!i i.e r.. in another e it will be po.-sible to relay a message the entire 2.i. n li .- of the earths circumference The distance covered will be much Iirr. a i he -utions are not situated on the same parallel of latitude. Nine stations will l.e crip!ofd in circling the earth The latest station in thi worldwide chain to be opened is the great station at Funabashi. ne,n Yokohama The next to be opened will be at Singapore on the Malav pecm-uU frnm Singapore messages will be transmitted to a station to be erected at Bangalore, rapnal ot the province of Mysore. India. Aden, on the south ernmost tip o; Arahii. will then receive and send the message to the last link in the rhj n to be formed. Alexandria. Egvpt Alexandria will send messages east to Aden and wet to the great station now in the use of the British government at ( arti mon. ale- 1 he rariurion station has been in operation some time. At the beginning of the war it was taken over hv the British government, which uses It almost exclusively Kir -ommunication with Petrograd The new Funaha'hi station l already in communication with Vladivostok. Rus--.a on the west and Koko head, Oahu island. Hawaii, eastward, so that it is possible to re;av me-ages irom the Marconi station at Belmar. N J . to Vladivostok, via the Bol nas hav plant, uear San Francisco and the Koko head station, although under ordman e ireum-tancee the .Marconi people use wires for transcontinental service In America The stations :n San Francisco. Hawaii and Japan are among the most powerful in the world The transmitting apparatus at each station is equipped with thirteen towers, each i 00 feet high The hae 300-kiIowatt transmitters, which are three times as powerful as iki-i- ued at the Savwlle station in sending messages to Nauen, Oermani. ..O.'io miU- .lihotis.n ii i.- n.ore than 'loo miles farther from Savvllle to Nauen than from Haw-in '.- Japan, n- i ote powerful apparatus was installed in the Pacific stations fo- ihe purpo.-e ot fl:r n Ming fmm the start most of the difficulties due to the so cal'cd atmospheric lOiiVion" " While the station at Sayville is only in operation at certain periods wh n ond'tion are favorable, the stations on the Pacific can be operated during eer minute of the twenty-four hours The 300-kilowatt transmitter is r- pahle of making ns.-i f, it over almost any electrical disturbance. Double-Headed Locomotives Supply French TRENCHES THAT Fr' ,i-r a lo T France i. ion- ago prepared ing war i v i nced bv the rei er,t deuer to ., of 100 dou- t ia-i, ended crsin'-. baiii n America, to he u.-i-d on ihe temp rit lines of rails runni.'E from tne jegular rulwajs to the trenche. The locomoi if. are narrow -cauge of the Perhot fne They are mo mted on two bodies, or pivotal ttucks s" that S'lddec "irns and sharp curv. in ih" tiack 'an b ne-otiated at top speed The loromo'.io- are douhle-harreled throiishou' The'e are four boilers and ti'o r.ieroxe- h th" 'ab" in the cen-ie- ? arr.te -ets of ivrs are used, de- cndine on which w the engine is Motion Picture 1 sYJK? .- :js- zzoxoMG-Piaraszi cap !T will soon be possible for the tired business man to see a motion picture show on his way home from work. The stenographer and the shop girl will be given an opportunity to see Charley Chaplin's latest capers on their way down town in the morning. A boon to suburbanites has been invented which threatens to reduce considerably the popularity of the daily paper and the Six Best Sellers as "time killers" to and from work The invention is a motion ricture car. in which films may be shown to an audience comfortably seated in an Inclined auditorium. The cars should prove ex-oeed-ngly attractive to commuters They can be hooked up with either steam or electrical cars, as the platforms are of standard sire, permitting standard coupling devices. The motion picture car is the invention of Antonl Truchan, of Flint, Mich. Mr. Truchan has applied for and received a patent on his Idea. The cars can be made to seat from 75 to 100 persons comfortably The film reel operator is stationed in the rear of the car just above the last tier of seats. The screen, of course, is thrown across the space where the front door ordinarily would be. In between are the seats, the floor sloping gently downward to enable everyone to see the pictures plainly. A peculiar arrangement of Mr. Truchan's car is that the windows, too. are on a sloping line; so that between pictures the spectators may look out without Inconvenience and a perfect circulation of fresh air is assured. Is Reintroduced Into British -., s sr i 1 headed The locomotives look as if the rear part of two small ones had been joined together Each boiler barrel has a separate set of tubes and Is supported on saddles placed immediately over the center pins of the bogies An outside' shell, between the two trucks, and supported on plate frames riveted to the saddle, carries the two fireboxes The inside of these is made of copper, tho tubes are of brass and the boiler shell of steel. Switzerland announces Its readiness to receive sick and wounded prisoners of all belligerent countries, in accordance with the pope's proposal. Car Is Latest tflopTtUM. tf t r ,-, wsmmw' at. Al. " . x imm w- The barrel r,f the pun is about fftern feet tnnn and restt on two pedestals (D and E). v hirh arc damped down to the bottom of a deep trenrh. The shell (G) has a larqc cartridge (U) attached, avd n )ust dropped into the muzzle. As tt reaches the barrel thii rartrtdgp strikci a spike (Cl. trhirh explodes it mstan taneouslu. A steel shield (K) protects the gunners from shrapnel. Boats Stronger Than the Crews T HE cruising radius of the latest German submarine cruisers is said to be limited only by the endurance of the crew. Fitted with Diesel engines, burning about ten tons of oil for everv thousand miles, the SOO-ton submersi bles have an oil storage capacity of fifty tons, which would carry the craft S,00u miles, the distance probably covered by the submarines that made the journey from Germanv around the north of Scotland and through the Mediterra nean to the Dardanelles The oil capacity of the submersible can be greatly increased, however, by carrying many tons of oil in tho water ballast tanks Human endurance, however, will not stand an indefinite stay on a submarine, especially when quarters are more than ordinarilv cramped by the carrying of extra stores There is, too, a continuous oozing of oil from the bulkheads and doors throughout the ship, and this, cou pled with the incessant pounding of the engines at close quarters, taxes the en durance of the most hardened navigator of the undersea waters Why Used to Figure Power WHEN Bolton and Watt first placed their steam engine on the world's market, they arbitrarily declared the drawing power of p horse to he 33.000 foot-pounds, or the ability to lift 33,000 pounds a ml-iUte. Power was represented in termB of horse-power be cause the steam engine was designed to take the place of horses. The unit has been used every since and probably will endure long after horses have disap peared from the face of the globe. The following are the various values of horse-power: 33,000 foot-pounds per minute, 550 foot-pounds per second, 2,565 thermal units per hour, 42.75 ther mal units per minute. The horse-power of a boiler depends on its capacity for evaporation. The evaporation of 30 pounds of water from 100 degrees Fahrenheit into steam at 70 pounds gauge pressure equals 34 1-2 pounds and at 212 degrees Fahrenheit is equivalent to a horse-power. Tune-Deafness DE;FECT of the GREAT T HE defect In many persons known I as "tune-aeainess, or tne inabil ity to carry or distinguish a tune, is not an indication of lack of artistic or poetic character. The fault Is with the nerves. Musical appreciation extends to a great extent on the exercise of mental and physical faculties, and the delight in music calls.for an alert sympathy between the nerves and the cerebral faculties, without which connection there is defi nite musical lack, although the nerves perform their ordinary function of com municating sound to the mind. Among the notable cases of "tune deafness" among the great were Presi dent Grant, Queen Catherine of Russia Otrwluul RADIUM Cures X-Rav DISEASE X-Ray DISEASE In EARLY Stage EPITHELIOMA, the dread and curse of the Roentgenologist, has been found, in its early stages, amenable to radium cure, so that a distinct step in the advancement of Roentgen-ray science has been achieved. Epithelioma is skin can cer caused by the X-ray and has been the cause of the loss of fingers, hands and even the lives of Roentgen-ray experts. At a recent meeting of the British Med ical Association, the Roentgenologist sec tion was notable for the large number of disfigured hands, arms and faces. In some cases epithelioma has spread to the chin and chest. Skin grafting, freezing and other desperate measures have been used in vain to arrest the course of the dread disease. It Is now firmly established, however, that radium rays will cure the malady in Its early stages and relief has been ob tained, even when the disease had ran a couple of years Tho effect of radium on long standing cancers, however, is nil. It seems almost a paradox of radiology that the accepted use of a heavy gamma radiation from a Roentgen tube will cause a diseased condition of the skin, wbicn a similar radiation from a tube of radium will cure The output of the Roentgen-ray tube is almost wholly composed of hard, penetrating, irritating gamma rays. The radium discharges the beta ray in great quantity, as well as the gamma ray. It is the beta ray that has been proved beyond question to be the efficient curatie power, and it is only the secondary betas gen erated by the gamma when striking any resisting substances, that gives it its value in the Roentgen-ray tube work. Hence, a surface lesion of morbid cell growth, be It hyperkeratosis or basal cell, is cured by tho large output of soft beta radiation of radium. It is not possible that. If it were pos sible to gauge the output of the Roentgen rav tube in power enough to generate the curative beta rays by impact on the su perficial disease, it could be cured, as well as by radium, but in so doing it would be necessarv to discharge energy enough of the hard gamma variety to be highly injurious to the deeper tissue of the vessels, muscle and skeleton. SPEED of Auto Seen at Glance A COMBINATION license tag holder and speed indicator for automobiles has been patented by a trio of Easton. Pa. inventors The deice is in the form of a square board, to the top of which tho license tag is attached. At fhe bottom of the board is a speed indi cator and pointer, the different speeds being indicated by different zones in or der to make it more eas to lead Sweden A Richards. Eben H. Van Em burgh and Claytor Zeller are the pat entees Speed of ten miles an hour and under is indicated by one color, fifteen to tv.enty-fle miles by another and more than thlrtv miles by a third hue of the indicator. Tho pointer i3 regulated by a goxernor and spring, to keep it steady. The combi nation tag holder and speed indicator is primarily for the benefit of city and coun try police officials, who mav see by a glance whether the machine is running faster than the prescribed speed limits. Machine DRIES YOUR HANDS U IVCLE SAM has abolished the band towel in some of his Washington de partments and In its place has in stalled electric hand driers. The devico looks like a rectangular box with the face front knocked out. It is about as high as a cabinet phonograph. The aperture is Just large enough to accommodate two hands. An electric heating and blowing device forces a stream of warm, dry air Into the opening, the flow being led into the lower chamber of the box. Girl employees in the departments in which the electrical driers are installed, with truly feminine resourcefulness, haw converted the driers into hand beautifying accessories. They rub their hands with cold cream and let the electro-towel do the rest. and Dean Stanley. The latter, although he was the first person to introduce Bach's passionate music Into the re ligious service of the English church, often declared that "he had not a note of music in his head." Queen Catherine, famous for the relentless warfare she waged on Frederick the Great, used to tay she would give tho world to be able to appreciate and lovef music, declaring that for her "music was noiss and noth ing but noise." President Grant's attitude towards music Is ably summoned up in his famous remark: "I can distinguish but two tunes one is 'Yankee Doodle' and the other Isn't." o t y, .Vs-r I o Highly Charged Drinks Declared to Be Dangerous EFFERVESCENT drinks are becoming more and more popular, but no- comes a part of the medical profes sion to tell us they are more unhealthful than light wines and beers. Cider and un fermented juices of fruits are declared far superior to both, when physiological cor rectness is considered. The chief fault with the effervescent drink seems to be that one calls for an other, in ever pyramiding stle The scientific explanation of this Is that tje slight stinging or pricking ot tho palate caused by the highly charged drink pro duces immediately an increased flow of saliva. The salivary glands are no more susceptible to perpetual stimulation than any other, and after each period of ex citement one of depression follows. Thus, while tho effervescent quaff may for tho moment effectually quench the thirst, it Is not long before tne thirst is back, stronger than ever. Another fault laid at the doors of tha effervescent drink is that it is generally charged with carbonic acid. Now the stomach, especially when it is empty, al ways contains a quantity of carbonic acid for purposes nature knows best. When to this natural supply is added the amount in the effervescent drinks, nature is over supplied and the general system suffers. Certain physicians, in deploring tha vogue of the effervescent drinking liquid, hopefully assert that it is merely a fad and that soon we will return to the mora wholesome natural drinks of our fore fathers. MUSIC Softens Fear of KNIFE DO ou prefer to have your appendix removed to the lilting tune of "Cali fornia and You," or to the mora sombre strains of 'The Rosary"? Or per haps, according to vour unneutrality. vou vould like to go under the knife with "Tipperary" or "Germany Over AH" ring ing in vour ears It's the newest adjunct to surgery, music in connection with operations And tho anesthetic is not permitted to interfere with your enjoyment of our favorite selec tion, for the music continues until you are wafted off to sweet unconsciousness on the wings of the ether sponge Dr Ma Thorek. surgeon-in-chief of th American hospital. New York city was the first to employ music as a first .ud to surgery A vaudevill" player Marie Aller ton of the sisters' team of that name, was about to have her appendix removed, but was extremely nervous Dr Thorek. be lieving nervousness a deleterious condition just before an operation, induced the ac tress to sing, all the nures and attend ants joining in the chorus Miss Allerton chose to face the knife with 'Moonlight on the Rhine" on her lips At the third stanza she" succumbed to the effects of the anesthetic, skillfully administered, and passed off to unconsciousness, with a smila on her face. The operation was emtnentlv success ful, much of the credit for whirli was laid to the music by Dr Thorek VOLCANOES Now Harnessed VOLCANOES are being harnessed in Italy Steam Is generated and from the steam electricitv And the novel part of the affair is that the power issues from the volcano in the shape of steam, but it is too full of impurities to be very eftective in its original form So fresh water steam is generated by means of tho escaping steam Borings of thirty or forty feet yield an unfailing supply of steam at pressures up -o more than three atmospheres, and of temperatures up to more than 700 Fahren heit The steam is found in Tuscany, near the village of Volterra. in a volcanic he: springs region. The steam has been wasteful!? used In small engines of an old. noncondensing type, but in recent experiments the heat of the springs on account of tho impuri ties contained Is made to generate steam from fresh water, and this is employed in low-pressure turbines for driving electrio generators The large area to be served with electric energy from the earth's owr heat, if present expectations are realized, will include the neighboring cities of Vol terra. Siena and Leghorn. One-Millionth Inch Measured by Device AN instrument .so delicate that it vvill measure one-millionth of an inch has been invented by a British scientist. Prof C W Chamberlain, president and head of the physics departing of Denison miversity. Some idea of how small one millionth of an inch is may be gained by comprehending, if possible, the size of tho head of an ordinary pin viewed from a dis tance of 227 miles Professor Chamberlain calls his instru ment a compound interferometer. It Is 400 times as powerful as the most perfect compound microscope. Cost of Sugar Beets A recent investigation into the cost of sugar beet growing in England showed that the expense incurred by the farmer tn growing an acre of sugar beets was approximately $40, representing a cost per ton of beets of $4.15. The charge for loading and transportation brought the cost of the beets delivered At tha factory up to $5.1 0 a ton. rx. $1.1-' --j sJV t y j. i , irtA v, i-.-'ga Tj v-, '.Sw .- , v ,-T! x r ssi