OCR Interpretation

The Washington herald. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1906-1939, March 12, 1916, Image 11

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1916-03-12/ed-1/seq-11/

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Seven and Quarter Cents a
Pound for Metal Causes Pro
fessionals to Get Busy.
New York Central Reports Purchase
if 1.000 Box Cars from American
Car Foundry Company.
New York. March 11.-Wall Street
abandoned hope today of a clean-up in
Mexico and turned its attention
again to Verdun. It got a momentary
thrill out of the reported sinking of
a Norwegian vessel by a German sub
marine, but as the Americans on board
all appeared to be able to swim, the
thrill was brief.
The market did practically nothing
and In no stock was there a movement
that was decisive. The close was dull.
Lead, the metal, advanced to 7 1-4
cents a pound today, which is the
highest price on record. A new high
record price for anything new means
something in view of the generally
high level that has prevailed in re
cent months. This price for lead nat
urally caused professionals to pick up
-tocks of the National Lead Co., or
the St. Joe, and of the Hecla Com
pany. The Hecla Company is selling
at a little over $4 a share. It was In
the neighborhood of $2 a share two
months ago.
The official report of the American
Railway Association places the net
shortage of freight cars on lines In
the l-nited Mtates and Canada at 20,551
'"pared with a surplus of 21.495 on
February 1.
Orders 1.09 Bea Cars.
York Central let it he known
today that it had ordered 1.000 box
.ars from the American Car Foundry
'ompany. Erie has received permis
-un to issue $2,004,000 of bonds, a
I+rge part of which will he devoted
ii purchase of cars.
ne or the old-fashioned pools in Steel
'non has been organized. The osten
b1"' purpose is to hold the- stock ready.
or man weeks the stock has been ac
)mulated. The company has spent and
'rppropriated for expenditure the equiva
nr of $1" a share on the common stock
.t of ea:nings since organization. Its
. ment ea-nln are at the rate of $.-),
sa or above 40 per cent on the
.mme Iticik Hankers believe the mar
I : of the stock should be brought
o lit' with the arning capacity and
t la- 1, so as order- are on hand for
'ar ahead.
C" ,in; of i'rucihle Stee! today was
n- i' the :eport 0aid to have come
n an offie.- of the rompany that or
S-e i \n hand not only from foreign
. m n'- but from tb I tilted States
nment Thse latter are considered
c, It', .n , iew of th. Mexican
.p ments.
Nat.,~rr fatis.
") .\n. It.- tubs .. .. It'"2=. i
Am. A-r t T ii et
H .: & 1. a
~. fa r ' i'+ ; , '6 '61
- n |_In . Ia 4 0
\m I .mi. %
f r i . . S -
T & T- e . V
n nl., en _e'1 7Y. . M'
Y F ,m..r. & Ohio .
1t,. .. 44{
le r > r i-' e & Irs 4' .
M i Ntm . sta (ian - -. 4- ' It.
.1 , - ra, .i .. .-. ,'
ui'ip~mh 't i ks tl ....,.+.
' t.r rih R. i'. .. ... 50. ^" :
.. n. t- . Fti . . . . 9
. North. Mi , .. S'. . 4
9 al ere e-c "a r . (opper. '.
toGagrhleim~ Espt . -!t
" Ii. \\. -rc... '. W
' r3ti'ii 1"t'rs' . . .44a "3e !n
-rr \. IH l te ... ya- F . c.'.
. i Rih. & Tire -._. 14. tt -
".1 es i e C i . *6s.
a Ena. & C i
sal tYead 69.
ef YAe & estern. ~".5 W
.-an & e W ..m... ' '', J
-1 P nynia. .t . r
Press. uteei (*ar
'i \' I Il. ilcel. . ..
* i tuir tts Rit,
rI i- I o. 4.m Pa r e .. tt. e, a.
' r I n ea n .. . 4~
n,'eea Mnd $2' bS .5.
i- Wahaab ee . . .. Tr .pu . '4
Wt ie g.M a-id ......'
Wr ighese . . ..6d
NE v Wh ..O..... .... E1 Y.
3 '-k utaeb il.-3.asti n 31 nt i-~ .
2 and ". ter ies, Wdnenas. '- w. re Cme.
T~ttd,,, .2".and ie'i't'u1 itil ill 9 5
Ti.-mt~sduin te 'i- ws ire i53oe
-ui> s.,naa'~~li~ Tlehr 0e
san ra onsitteustialeolstass.~ed t5e b
u-l-e t tese let' i th eo 4s 4 44% ss
ts'i-rr el niEt fs,. rd % 0% 1o ad
'tO. at, n sli: t-ts'- % ""Be~
to si monhs agle am-s
- elop a~es.......r-....;..
-t iing*i~tden......%......
f~tilin, eerdai............
(s~c'. 1cm3m
F mii's '-ab2%
'f Witys-.er.and....................'.I
New York. March IL-8Omlg e the crb today
wea, stre and at., with sost fthe activis!
centered in the tadustritl groue.
Bid. Aked.
Baltim ore Tub ..........................
Bold. Coed. M k......................... 111
Butt. -k N. Y.............................
Canada Cop............................... . 1%
Coades Oil ................................. 2
ramp h. E....................... . .....
Emsnakr T..................................
hirer Natinal Cp.................. .....
Hnaake -Barker ............................. 4
Haaea Toibacc ........................... 2
Houston Oil ............................... %
Inte nt. R b............................. . 4
Int. S. Pump, w 1........................
t ke Torpedo ........................... 9a 1
Lehigh f'. Sle............................
Mojave Tingatsn ..........................
N. Y . Tra s ................................. 16
Nor. Sec. 'stun ......................... 5
Oti Elevator .. 64
Cnit. C. Atrm . W. 1 ........................ 04 6
W ab. P. T.. w. I.. ..................... 9
Y akaon (ol ................. "2.
ran. I'a, &" . 5J' 103y
ee de. i'aar. a. ._ . _ ..... . . 17 1S
High. Low (Close
Aetna Fr i .... ..... ....... . 7 a ^3
Rtte Cop. Zinc ...... % 11 11'.
('evoet Mot.. .....149 147 146
Chean'e Snuar...4...P'4 56' 651
Mn'aim. Cop............. 17'. .'" . 1 y
a . M . . . . .... .... 6'. Pn 5
M id ale Ste ! .......... ... 6% 19
f'eric. ,tot...............~ a t
e Rd. w. I. ......... ... . R' 1A
Mid..]. Steel 50, w. i .... ._. 90's 99 9
New Trek, March 11.-Foiiwing peah,.] oC
. egaalsanty today, ctton weakened. There w.as
't mnach featunre tno tine dealingst. Late itn thel
.v the tcitoan oft prie wet taker tn, 'mat te
that thne ste r gent cotvering oft he'igs 61pot
ntechanfts hadi been comtpltel.
The .aal amoutnt of the. ,oi le ,n .innl.~ard
nting dear..- at the end '.f thre winh ret~ort
-J at 15.m bale'. nwniatnt 1ith 166 Weal
Y the G areek . o. dlnk ti . . ..... . *t 'Ja, d , a
talief that tine ncmaananecwyks capnet nwold be
Spat st Lieerponl was dull toilar at a dea'lie
.'f point ona the h.na -ft 7.591 tn snd-nrnlaatd.
Pnntnner in the I~ngdl.n. mukct ,,rae inl'eL but
stan.y net 6n .chaa .. . a a...... . . . pf nt anI
noar mounths aid !a3Ls pinta Inc.. on diatant,
.nerts. pa t here . . . ....t and 10 pints
itte tat 4Z ther .ere . o sale..
P oet r M t ...e f . the d ..e .. 14,6 hair. n14a
paal ettb u. . . . a year mg.
PWelsbd by 7. L. Carpenter k OtN
"lien. C'o.v. l'a.,
Janay-Fe ar .......... . ........ .1:% 7 17 %
M axim M ur....................... . 67 e 7.6
Miaslertee-... .- a .60"
_ ,nne .. . .75a50 7 .9901'
Pedv-er-ss a . ...... ..... . 7. .. 74 O b
E r d. ew 7....... .... 79% , 7. %
Midl nte 7te 5 e.teed... CFI.. . . l
New York
Open. agk. ene,. (loss. as
January........ 14 49 1i46 it- 17.16
Match.....c .fatr the dealing. Lei the
Ma.........L 1.. '490 n
J.v- th ato f pr_ e " tan " o n dnte
mbe.ns had be n ... ...npl.ted.
New Otlenan.
a e. coige INw 35ose0 ble
ah..e o... n i a d to La
.'.tie ta h 'mr 0ei pot ou b
esmbr. . . 11l 1:.99
SotatLi by W. D. tbbe a A l
nd Arked.
Angla.AUnetanan "'.
Atnadtc Refining tn adva of....., To
Itnincy. Pipe Line................... 1500
Sneatnental Oil Cus% . o.nt., lwrod.... is7tan
eo tos ;. pt herea was ID. A re et and..... 10 point
.dlen at1at il C her f w.. ..ale ..,
allnd it p a.. y .....
Indiana 'y p. .Ca....... 1%
Nat ryna r Ttanart Co...........
O nah -A! r. . ................ .e . "
I v n e.. .... ... ....... ... ....o....
{'rans Oi ktt .u ac ........12
J'uair-A In.... .... ...........^
Souathern I'npe m~ nil(Y _e. c
ontihwe'ter. Prnsnml'a !.tle .-e
ra1tandund ail of ('alifnrtna.
tandard o f b r.... .. ..
ita diand Ot sf K .ese .. ..1 .e. ba
Sitanards 0,1 of Reattnka .......r 11
Svtandard (i1 'J Nn'lra*k ..... Ton :,
Stanadl O!n of New. Jaen......
,ntansd.ed rl of New York .
Jtandard . ' of hio........ 11. ' 1. .
Manrn & !Tch Ito . ........ . .
uiosn Tank. lne r,. . .a
Vat..n. .l (a. ....... . . 7 !9
J. .aahingt.. ( C ........... . ..4 - 1
nnnzg, M.rr: 11 The bannn rawer inl
O an the noata. Saa., 1f the ahort. .1n 9 onan
g emrslv I see.n n t:.e in ,1 d n order t.,
,set te,,la. s en icnlire,es .Hefnl to eves tn thi~r
rrnitoat at order In nt' an their r'aine Ienunin nato
srnnal me., today. Mang of .he ,ntd' sasat
r n'alatots have seitad fromn Un tll nt the ir'af
.wa.. weat. 'Tho who sra.lane nn a rr.
airnt. u t . e. . tee n to .t doing at the n
Mt..... o.e.t a ll. .... e. slnl al to n t ha.,.
Jeen k.nn n da, g.... .t.hat .ain . 1o
caonditines, on shir-F. jats. amnnenat nainee t were
patntraea.ca ansi held. tret nleadin; nt the ex
If the e01mm ieninoea. in wheat at Mlontreal late
Play and today is navnftra te dros. e ran
aittosat wOO at a ntndatili. Montreal reported
sales of 7519.000 (etalacl, of Mlanitoba enoJl and rynni
that the grain would bae noaaa,. into ,evrels ian tine
eery nar. futnn,, and rent a- Grlieat lBritaian &,pi
It., allies.
The taria. oa. :. Ihi:a1an today we :. .o
_'%, and the markt closed arouncd the belr~na
lAegs. It wa. a a . eening tp, s t
kally I be en .a . atarday. and itestnn
bnting ntai olont unkown I
n1" at 1 a O alni S acraf non t.., mrd
5t(niahea ani and. aP ipn.i..o.
Pnnsyilvhanlla oflrdedeladangnh ll
aPranre, Oin ths& a G ntnae.Teseleas I
Pairi Pt a . .....t .te t ln a.. skr. T
an>utfhert n l'nmsyrk ear is m~eiwt ir
Pthrnied byin .. .Hlb e
(StweAterr Penn. Hgn.lov.anen
...d ....i Id'aa n.aa~n'
Jtndard......f.Ka....... SPait~aI(o
tandard.i ailSt New Y
Vsenm... .T. . .n3 it 12 5
May. . . ..07 .Bidi.~ Ased
=.= iil niaa .55XI sf sa t t . a t..1
64ZI.Alpettoeeaeo akls. inwoe
awa11ing: efon connet1.6 Snata Aneca
C-mannMarete han l. roee in
isllon thethae. Many eni f the awhrwa
grLaio esenn.hebyngd odrt
Only 323 Shares of Stock
Change Hands-Par Value
of Bonds Sold $15,500.
Mexican Properties Expected to Show
Substantial Rise-War Stocks
Likely to Boom.
"losing an extremely light week in trad
Ing on the local exchange, yesterday's
session showed only three issues-one of
bonds and two of stocks-in the trade
record. The general tone, however, was
tirmer. The record for the week shows
sales of only 323 shares of stock and
bonds of a par Calue of $15.mt4.
l.anston was firmer yesterday, with
sales at 70 and the asking price at close
! point better. Traction 5s moved up
to 1063+, an advance of 3-4. while Rail
way preferred registered a gain of 1-4 to
Long Side of Steel Popular.
Interest in repotts of a strong coterie
of financial powers co-operating on the
long side of steel seems to play in Im
portant part in New York market gos
sip. The belief is expressed that a num
her of issues. and among them several
Mexican properties. are in fbr a sub
stantial rise, and traders left for the
seek-end with the expectation of retur.
ing to watch the rise start tomorrow,
barring serious complications of an In
ternational character. Steel, Reading.
Southern Pacific, I'nion Pacific. Mexican
Petroleum. Anaconda and 'tah are is
sues for whlch participation In the up
turn are nost confidently expected.
War Stocks Way Boom.
lllders of war stocks expect to tla
an Immediate benefit from the Mexican
expeditionary campaign. It Is consldered
improbable, however. that any large or
ders will be the immediate result, though
unquestionably, if the operations should
develop a s: ale and scoise demanding the
use of xolunte.rs. big ordnance aml
equipinent orders would have to be
rushed through.
Export Trade Increases.
John Moody Is qluoted as declaring that
the United States export trade, despite
rts phenomenal rcord of last year, should
reinter a new high-water mtrk ter 1t1.
Copper Btlse Experted.
Copper authorities believe that, despite
fluctuations, the price to over a pmriod
of ears will rise ::) Dents or nmore.
Idle tars %how Shortage.
Idle ears in the I'nited states and ('an
ala chow a net shorta s of \lrcI h I
of 2a.1., as omlpared with a net surplus
of ::,4i on February 1.
Furnished by W. B. tIbbe & Co.
C'a. iT., rtion ' , 5!,100 at
ainF1ewun>, Rath 141. L aC .
Lan on. 3r . S .3 at i
Bir. Aded.
trmtn eMatea rgttrrd "_"........
tn nil tlates cioan.p e .
1 lited SO:a. regiatered 50...........is., le%
iaied Mtates, cou.si .. ..
t nitaI !,cras rO.,t'm,1 4- ...1.u .
trts Mte r d ii 4, .......... 11
Diarlet ~f (oh r . .......'. . . .
Georgetown Gas Cert I nd. Is........... 10%
lieorgetiow Gas 5,................. 11,
W a*rington lsa 3m ....... .... 1
Columbia Gas & lectr 5.............. 76
Columbta Gas & Fiectric Deb. a ...
.nsiase, & lotomae guarantOl
i.cr. & Ittomac ".e..
i;+ A 'aUur-sn }as. .."r .n
iletrji rlitan . .
Waahm4atsm R Itailar &. Er!cri- .
Pet mae" Ele- trig runs i. .as,
otorm..- Liectro tight i .. 5
Chesapcake & lisoma T.. i-I -
Americ-an T.ler,.ine & T.lr is~
Amrriran TeO. h Telex. 4':. _... "
.American Grail rphonr 1,t C...
Weahingt- Ma.kst 69, t9 ............ 95 .
Washington Market 5, 147 ............ 6 .
Wasington Market Cold Storag s.... 9t 1
Nrfolk & \ asiin.n 'teamboat s
tiggs Realty lli.. 5-.... . .
Ri .g Realty IbM n 5,......
apral Trtimi ... . ., 4
Walhingtmn Ralilwa "y & Edimsrie oam .
wtashingt'e taiwas A It- trie pf g Ur.
Nifei k W..hingt".n steaimb.at C. 15
W~ahiimitna li ..
American Ta.& eg
Tnsirar-1. & Tnlza.... ...
Mtuirenthsier L.icolcp.... . ... -..i 6
l~t.mst. Musaoppm.-..... ...........6.i
Ameican ....... .................... i
, Spital ........................ ...........
lcolm nbia ................................... 2
Com nercial ................................i
District .... ................... ..
ar & hic ............... 210 Zi'
Federal ... ................
1.1.r cn i........... .
Merolitnm . . .1 '
Natioinal nanik ofi Wim-ingtn.m ..
Amicn it .10 & Tuo-t.. . C 1.
Natinual ,sng, & Trot..
tonmon Tirim .. . . . .
Wasington Loan & Trust.......r
Hncme -amog............ -..
Rlank of i'ommecrce & Maringas.......
E..at Washinogton 5avings Bank......12%
Isecurity Saumog, & -.ammeremt Bank. laj
Arlington .......... .
ICrcoran . ...........................
National I.ira.n........
C'mormbta ........................... . 4m% 6.
FRat Estare .. ... . . ..... .. -9 5
Chiapon,-arks Ca..........o
D~istrlit of Croliumbia Paper Mfg. Co.. 125
tamerican uraphitlophon om,~........... ii
\amer-' , Graphlophone 9if-.............. to3
Merchants Tramnsfer & Storage....... 1 ai
4ecunty torage.......,......-.. 1842
Wasingtoni Marke........................ .
'Ex dimdend.
Qrncatins giren below ace for Iargs Iots of gonrrd
i-rketable gnads caly. Jobbers pnrees are highter.
Loewer grads may be sold for less. Fancy gaoda
rmnmand higher prices.
EGG.S-Frkesh, per dos., 21; do'., Southern. 5).
RU'rT-Best 'rints, arew, ler lb.. is; do., tub
per lb., .M: process. 2': under grade. creameri.
R~a20; .tors-packed,. 1h21.
LARD-Tub, puee lb.. 11a12; dno., copound, 10%:
wttnnosed oil, per an. 3.75.
CHEESE-New Teudi new, per lb.. IS: fiat, per
Ib.. It; Swiss domsuec. per lb.. U; do.. foreaga.
LIVE POU7LTRY-Hlens. lb.. l7%a*18; rooatera, lib.,
II: upring ducks. ner lb.. lSaD; chickens. per lb.,
13am;: turkeys, per lb.. 21..
G2REEN G;Omufs- Beans. er bi,. *.la4.00; hert.,
s-e- crate, l.'saC.C ; Brussel. c' i ipeto, 1-i 1t., Ita7;
:abbage, per bbl., IDasS; do., new, lper Las., l~ta
LIA: cannta_.e wneh. s- eannn.me.. .....ts
.t.5; eelser, per crate, 4.00.4.%; do., piorida.
crate. 1.752.1 : cucelmrs. per bas.. 2.604.0.; cymb
have. ter rets, 1.752.; eggpl.ats, per erste, 2.00s
2.0; kale. per bbl., 1.00 .23; lettuce. Fl.rida. per
bas~ . x.;C a, oni.n-. pe~r sek . ".1.7.M:; parwips,
per bas, eM; peppers, meta, LIfU150; poper., ba.
7~S; statrw,> anci. 3,AW. 10; artota. hbl. 2.00=2.60;
yama, Per bbL,; squash, per bbL, 1.k
1.75; rhubarb, per dam.. 5.1.40; spinarh, per.bbL.
.03.5o; tomatoes, Florida. per crate. 1.50a2.75; tur
ails, Per bbl., 1.11.00; do.. per on. n40.
VRUITS-Appies, per bb... lla0.4;0: cranbes'rts
per bbl., .10.00.; du.. per boa. 1.75ae2; grap.
fruit. per boa. 2.76J3.00; lmon, per box. 4.014.A0;
eranI., 4.s.M4: ersge, Fla., per cra, 110a5;
pliesppleu, per crate, 5.55.4*
LIVE 8'1CK -Veal rapes, prime, per lb., 10%a11;
Ual:; do., medium. per lb.. 10,10%.
LIVE 8'04'K-Vel calve. mtme. per lb., 11;
do., medio. 1.. 10a10%: spring Iamba. Per 1b. .
DitYJHED G;(101)1 Dressed hop,. small. per 11..
Llall%; do., medium, per lb.. 19010%.
HAY. STRA %. AND CORN lor. best tlmotf.
per too, 1.. mixed, per tow. 1.14015.60; strea. Par
te, 11.113.00; wheat *trsw. per too, 9.M; ores,
new. pee bbl.. 4,.
8B1DS-Iloser. red. per Ilb.. '"It; do.. asime.
Per Ilb.. 16a1; do , timothy. per bis., 3.75a. b6;
red-top. per lb., 1!.12: orchard grea, per bus..
2.5250: blue goaa. Ier hus., 1.30: cow iea. per
bushel, 1 en2.Z5: se~o bes, per hu-., .7F: alfalsa
clover, per Il., seed potatoes, w-r bbl.. 4.10.
Baltimore. Macrh .-btaltimore Tube and PooIe
Fngineering (impbny were the attrong feature
of the market tslt, both iamue amaing under
bri.k inruiiry.
Tube common al rhnen in 1:412. rn nronttlht gam)
of 6 point.. and lithu Ss ptirnt f its ret.
high reosired firm ont of town
Bid. Aaimed.
Mfaryland 4. , t9'!........... . ... ..... nl'. .....
City is, 11. _ . ..r
41,n. Gas it. I . . 1930. .. . 1%' :
C. I. E. L. & P'. V. V. 4es. 195.... ..... 8
BANs.4 AND TIt'ST oi PANIft.
l ti.im o Th it..... ............ ....... . .. 1a
'elrct Rank .. .... 15 .
itoi. & Merh Itank . ... .. . .
71erc.ntil. Tr. A It .
Nit llank f it:ilt i orM . .
N el 1 .'riile KS
\ thern a'e ,,, . x,\ .. .
Alo ntic IIt ' , 1 . . 90p 4
S-mthorn Ra&war Ma + a .... .... 7V.
M1bile. It. e t L., ............... ... 99
Florda & Southern is . ................. 'A 7i
Italeigh5s & ...to 5 . ......... 1 . .
hio,. do Wed (;I ld . ..... .... :r8
tree Roilw.t., ..
Ana ia A rl'otmar 5, .... ... _. F'a
N. N. & i t ...... _..
NoIfdk Ra'V A I.ight ls. %r v -
'nitedI Iail, Fdg. 's ,.
44nitr' It, Ito-cs.. 6 9g
Wan: ie n. a 'tm.L lo i n p''( r e F
A\run-le; :'o. a e . ~m . . . 41
1I 1 ti rr e I 1.< . (. . ._ ...
r 'i u, r 't... . I . . .. 1 t
rledrn Gar. ri ....... .
I '' _ r -.1 , Ii d d . . . . . . . . . .... . v a
i.drti iG s., coin
I sm. ('oal I, . .
('ne bdateI ('cot ..... .
Elkh, ier ' 1 orn. . .m .
Dalruioco i'm", ... .
ElIkh'rn lep6
\1 A A T -
I,.. \t, l a': u.
P'enn. 4. I . .. _
.aatlpa lef . - .i
Im l'!or. Ret.
drg l o. h oh of'l . . 6 s
' rg .. . - .ri :hg .
S er 1: 'd1 ,
I etO'b
tr I.
r a\ I . - n nc ' d p
r I l r ,i a .) r,^ v. . I". n.es fo s:
,4 4O 1..,
T\\ ti,. . I ,I.
b a 4,^*~ bOh, -G - n a
1 ' '
I t -
nT ntI -;
Th . \l, eb. ,9'
robal.4 ad \-r
(4AT' 1: ,"- 1 h, ,el n~ r n Ir I
N w : t . 4 I\ f .\T \\ea'.r: , yt.>,i
f.. 1 7 : N.
rod f I ",N. 2 lm, u0,,r.
l w. .r rin and \ln t .he
R11N lFirm b ,tI .I riu. N~ " ,I,.,
al ra. '> . r : w .. 2 . l.,- . ,o
drm!.~~ noar. o
s . ... ,t.* N . 3 ktb -ale'9,r
tn .i'i.,. " ! . I E'1,, t S took n'n.ig.
((.\Ti-fjp , ,N . 2 tite.
tori.. 1. N. .4 .ih te. 47..
..h'ogtI; N. :,I N' .0'r. te
noth i.g
Fire Insurance Compai
the. st atof:t Irmhe. -
hit lsntk.
I-nl of tate mort age,.s ir
and bot,] nitm:ket
notoriot dtte and atenred.
N.Iit tni . clam.
ca reqired by tar
tcarie, 101nts, exttrs, i
I omiiosiong, brokitrage, et
t asital stock......
Amount of risk seetumed
of bairnels trcnsacted
ricar 1915.4...
inces suirfaed tdm or th
Morey reecrvd duirtmt the
Eorended durng tbhe 'ear
futeiedl and i swon
o.lar, 1916. eat.
ory Pubhe, Malkee
o rire D~ec 2. 1919
Manager for the District
1410-1412 (
ruons N. Son,.
Raltimore. Mlarch 11.--DHIt ED POULTRY-I
hirken:. ,tr alht, )ourg. Ib. 14: do., mlued
'oung' and cId, fer lb., 11.19; do., old roosters. l
lb.. 12: duc-k. rhojic, fat. ter lb.. 194: caie...
7 lbs.. 2.m: do. medium,. aSr; do.. small. 21a21;
use.e, choie nearby. 16.17.
LIVE P'tTftY.'hick.na. old hens. I Ib.. and
mer, per lb.. 11.19: do., old hen.. smaller. lb., 14a19:
toster. Ib.. 2; dn., w inter. 2 It. and oer, 2a.;
do., youtng. large per Ib., 2:a22 do. ,mall, par lb..
IT: diko, Munacorv, 2 lb.., 1ia18; do., puddle. 3
lb.. and over. 19a2); Indian runner,. 17.18; pigeon.,
pair. 25a2; g innea fowl. l'b lb.. anad near. 75; do.,
amaller. 60; gne. Mtarland and 'irgima. 155a4;
Western and ,uthern, 13.16
BUTT'Efl-4amer fancy,. or lb.. ra38; choice.
Eli: pod. '7am; print., 37a. blnka.. X26: ladles.
21V?; Mar'! ad and I'ety ana rolls. 2a22; OhA..
!ITI. Z '. ' - ,atWe Vi gI a rol., 21a2,: stort
el a, dain inrn SnaE: .roeas butter
FA \ l d, 1,,, .iania and Wettr,
tir-t' .2 N, igii. 2 ber
.RFE lT,-- A1N11 VE 1;FT.xlIAN AtpleA.
arby. I'. ", I ar ke-. ir bbl.. I : 7': do Newn
Yrk S ate tvxierk , tar bh! , 2 7r . )o: d,.. We ,rni .
larland and t, ., t.aix pa,. al per bI . 1.'a
275; .an. Flirilda g:een, per ba.ket, 2.mW2.fD.
do. Florid. war ,. iaxho 1.5.25 ., Florida.
loall, per l.ne. !",t .'A: albage. New York
.tate. Il. or . 20 aT0; P rid. , new.
per laiket. 1.25,1 ..: 1lm . YInk a-I 1irida. pr
crate .0Z.: ;nr I'Tr . :e" crate, Y1 i a2510:
n'.,,nb.'. lo-rida. ro b'n..ke' 001 3 '1' -in't-..
P nird, or "rate. Vana. - ra ''-ut F " . . per
. 2 r';. .: hnrlera.hl :earh. , per bo, .75a
2.)1; ka.r N rf)ik. ,o. I -'a75; latture, Florida.
e- 1.. Tnkee. a:-'i xna. V'e.tern Mar,
land l ',1 -"nnri'vania. reline. pers Ma 7%a.5
'l.. W\ xxr,. pr irolh -ark, 150a2.5: rrange,
Flor.-j.a. er I., a, t. size 21 .25; pea, Florid,.
lee haNote, '1. .'i5: wIper.. I'lorid., per crate.
191.200: nxach, Norfidk per bbt. .00a2 4)
Ixa11,. I1-roida White ha, t 200.2.25; tray
Kerrie. l1'T'da, rrfrigerato-,. per qt , 20k25; d
r ~t iran rat,.er q' . 15.1 tnmat.e
Ib .: I.,, faier. rie. per erate. 1.O2.253; d
Fiorirda, rh-ic. per qt ,; ttnp. nativ
,w r ox , 5a
1".. ~ ~ ~ ~ R i a-rp \ :1-T ,1 mar-i wa.n
\a . * 1h1 .n e: .
r i n . I
1i.'.. I xr laid *g'. 1ld fairy and aere
11 O.."1 up a fill fme, W 'ie qoe I, free
ta i , ~ .e s t". 2 I[ r el a-. .. 7. ' ter
-andariT r -e. r.rp-. 51 : r rant. We
, ra - w.e. t * '0 . r 76
L. ' i:V a. f, r %.' er d,,
earer, d"' - tagg.
rnlrd *s i d..re ta..
-'s tra , ;-r . -ir. Ta . d
1,tl-.x ' o T Y 1-r3' k Hed, do eke
4!. 1t, I1 n .. d i IO-d 5i
1 n .' p '1': & . i u
" . , . "'1.i menr"
alSa. l ronrwre
- fane2x Waontsn
ir a r. ds. ale.-. ?2a2.
r n . e on , gt
1--th .' - r - 4 "rd an-1 " neer ':
f~rt: uI,., ' .' ex
n - t . fa,! _ . r o hrA c 7 .
t r \\. I ' t ,I. .n. Drets
nd, Y. 1"".
*0 , .. .n"! re !, . nr TL. Oh~lc.
.5.3' " 1 t . - -a d.k. eater." 1h
I. \1 - tr. ^, - fair to enra .
Bankers Life Company,
of Der. Moine,. lure n. on the 31:tt day
of Ie.rember. I01', .a reqired under
the Olatrict of 4 alumhtla "ode.
amended June M:11,. 11102. and august
1. "1111:
T .. Y. or.
- g
n..,. ' . r. rr no -..
It ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ x ;,lm or r .Lnn
A 1
' wiT ,, i. ._C
A e., I 1. a I , ' ', .t
'to ne ,.! n _ . e
not GHTl-wLIMI-(11 OTED
1 outhern Building. Tel. Main 691a.
It fMNI)It N Il r
AT o M iwa ke , i.,
M.19 , nd At us I ',1 .1. T' I
T . T
t n o. 'iITlt.k I(TD
y hafd Miwukf W
otITT oir T. T!
.x ec...x.. 7 .
.. ........210.
. .....'... 104.717 7" 8
..ea.'1.... 6 29
year 115... . . 1. 7 12
n...cret1 :::
plO, AI,
xx..-I) .I...1a - t
Mi nrt. e
St. N. W.
:$$$zszz:s::::::szz muAri
IaS. Geea ISu. at.en, per MI
ni.ghing 11 t 12 nd.. ; do.. do.. f to I
pounds 5.na.rS: do.. do., 0 ound. 4.47: do.,
do.. 7 irunds. 3.E 3,5; do.. do., S tin 9 pounda.
t7Z3.TS; da.'i, tall: mall ad N.. , L3.
('hk'go. \Sla'c 1L.-HOGE-9R ceipts. 13.014 ead:
eek. ie under eaterda a avers; bow. 9*.m.%.
tight. 9.5f19.90; Mizd, 11.sses.1; haes, 9.gess ;
rough. 25a6.; piga, 8.M!a.3
cArLEc.-..a 3. head ,,sad7 .a.e.. ,
steer. 7.0a.90. stokrn and fe.es. C .AN; om
and heier. Li0st.60: eitea, F i:.Ii .
SHEFP-Receipta. 3.00 bead; steads; wetheam
S i.5- Iambs. 9.7Iall.16
Ph I *.arhi. \Iarih 11 -WHEAT- Ibmant -s
.1,i an he m.rket .,'-d fIrn at the late advanne
It,. t4. e r lots, t. 'rwet ' eI aor: Nn 2 r-e
i mi \Mar- !..11at 2: No 2 Rout em W.
.iat:9 .team.r Nn. rd-d. L:MLI: No 3 red.
.1.,4 :. rjected A. t1?"at 3,.; r) d B. L
"ORN-he market wa quiet. ,nth ample tE,
'ag at ine late dochne. We tiote .er lots fr
oeat trade. as to location: No. 2 de~e. 'Ay
"I've banked i
for over 50 ye
-remarked one of of
He had CONFIDENCE in j
"There can be no frici
and to confidence without
Having unwaveringly folk
conservative policy, this bank I
itors a moment's uneasiness as t
Foreign Exchange Bou g
Made Throughout
Transfers, Le
Accounts of Indi,
Wi . 11AM *J. FL .\T H EI. \ ice I'.N de
.T SH.llI 1:\ X Nt. Jr., te lt - 11.
DI R l
Ci . C '-2 - r 1' P~ozer
Th mea 1' Hde Wtlta,1 H
.tame. M. Jo.t.r Cton Cthr 1
W1i;lim J. Flat er athtester \
Jonhn R. Mel Lan R.'tot C' \
Milton F. A'les J er- l'aut
Riggs Nati
Resources Ove
The Zinc Concei
Capital $:
Par Value $1 0-Full P
The Zinc Concentrating Compl
patents, rights and contracts relatin:
netic Separation of Zinc. Iron-Sulp
developed by actual use commerc
scientists and metallurgists to be o
ments in the treatment of zinc. iron
those ores, with the oil flotation pi
L. N. GODFREY. - -
-T :;ur,. L. N '- 1
D. L. GOFF. - - i
M. B. RYAN, - - -
The afrair- of the. Uompa.r; si;
wtill insuire the ,- ottinuanc. of thea
TIhe Zinn concentrating 4 oans
the IEtherington-Singer Non-ixidizin;
2'.parator. Thes'e iatenlts control,1
only .ne givlig antitsfactory result,
p~hirle ore. Tis: process- i, rou
metallie vatlu's at the lowest operati
In order to furnish the Comnpany
incresig butiness we have purchat
bid. rable portion of which has aires
and the fri. nds of the management
We offer the unsold portion at $
Applicationsa to tint this stock
Markets wIll he made by the Compal
Prospectus ant det iil'hi informiat
W; Gtmer yker, 7a1: No. 3 ".Dow, }t %:
No 4 ,alloe. r3a73; . pa.. S 70 p.mud- 7L
OAT1- The marit was dull sad enebangWd. "
quote: No. 2 -hite. II',W .tuadard 'bt i .,
W: No. 3 white. 4,%W4 NO. 4 white. Mtaa(-.
.sagdle oats. 4eaa. punte osta. gadrit.
U. S. Treasury Statement.
The condition of the T'ntted States
Treasury at the close of iu'n.., . -t. -
day Was:
Jet halance in general fund. t11141.F1;
total receipts, $1,4 .6. .ioa " .
The deficit this fiscal year i s6.6 Si1
against a deficit of 8.'..:4 1.fl last year
exelusive of Panara Canal and puhlie
debt transactions
Revrnue receipts this flsea! ear. up
to the close of businees on March
$452 6.S1.1; revenue rect :pts et the I..
of business on March 10. 191 54'" r12x
Ordinary disburerment, th1. fiscal ye.
up to the close of hutiress on March
&50729,14; ordinary dishurenements -t
the close of bustriee- on Ma-h 1 I.
513 .344 .92.
with Riggs
ir good friends.
his Bank, and, as Rambler has
adship without confidence,
>wed, from its birth, a sound.
as never occasioned its depos
o matters left in its care.
ht and Sold, Collections
the World, Cable
tters of Credit
riduals, Firms and
>ns Invited
"VIA: T t emBien
ri MNT.ToN F ATT.- \ . Pres idenL
AR Y HAYNY> ;4 -.t Caeher.
Prota rent, ,zcrmnr Ruffle
'rw (rn rn l7 ';rnvur
t abre Jr
14 Vi n 3 N : al
onal Bank
ton, D. C.
r $14,000,000
itrating Company
aid and Non-Assessable
mny has purchased and own, all the
g to the "Campbell System of Mag.
hide Ores." This process has been
ally until today it i< admitted by
ne of the most important deveclp
sulphide ores, ranking. in relation.fo
oces .
- Presidert and Director
-Treasurer and~ Director
- Directer
-& - Diecter
- - - - - Director
bie anati ment
S' f ndamema:l ratMe -m n
.: i.ter and 1e Campbell 7.in. -Ir.
to the teroce., of yr~n.ro,. cul.
m:- the - iihen kn~n' :- ery of
ntg cost
wih additi.oni~ en;-: j'a ruurr byt
i'd a large~ blok. e'~ cr.
idy been placed wit nIr uet- mnes
3.75 per share (Par Value $10).
in the New York and FRoso- "urb
Ion tan he had upon arr n a~n to

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