OCR Interpretation

The Washington herald. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1906-1939, April 02, 1916, Image 28

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1916-04-02/ed-1/seq-28/

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NA HARTLEY and her chum,
Mary Burnett., were walking in
Central Park. They hadn't gone
there to admire the heautie' of
nature, but because they wanted
to talk. And they liked to be in
the air; they felt that they could
think more clearly.
"Something's "imply GOT to
turn up soon,' said Mona. "We
haven't had any luck at all lately,
Mary. And or money is getting too low for
comfort, it, seen'- to me'
"I know it !" aid Mary. "You're not a bit
more worried than I am, my d-ar' One thing
after another that looked promwiing. ha, cone
"I think I know why. too', said Mona. " I-e
become a fatali-t -ince'we joined forces. Mary.
And we'e tried to plan too arefulv Before.
when "e trusted to luck, eserything went spl-n
"You may be right," said Mfary. thoughtfully.
"It's certainly true that we did trust to luck!
We just tuok what fortune brought us!"
"We're bound to do things that way, too,"
said Mona. "You and I believe that we're justified,
after the way the world treated i and our
friends when we tried to -arn an honeet living
we 'e planned nur campaign and these unscrupu,
lou men hall ri ' the ei-'t of it.
"But what I %was going to say wa that most
pople woildn't admit that it was ePr right to
u-11. to mi ead people. as wecertainlv hate done
,metim -, \N-. -ie're izning t- d- that sirt
i-f 'h'i".''i iL t e\;e to maik'- .'r plansi~
che th w s a o~ h. r irl,- miirhr ii ; lr
a lu'ii' d . .m zth t. tm rn .i.L'Le ca ne
\ d as V- that h, , _I I '-'
and eltered fr 'ir th. 'I r f
7 In1 ,a I htad-I Mar,
"Le,*- -it ]ow-n a- L i e c '-cro
tin happened \ -ax-ai -i
and a -;ngx rean j ;,, n-d
ori--- to go V , ube ho h
the lawn. z ng thr..meh thli.
%an'ed ... s'aar ' e rhni t he na, a
guye e n rnn;t:-1rir- paIr-linlg
taV a .. a u-an mp -d. a 1i. ' ha,
se-n n n. am - h -meM
name ( n n ni'
was ir,,n---uheth-er tier'- iu 'a.iUne innt I'
rnlyh. a 'im e i~ te .\n . ti e.: 'd dhin,
mne.n i' k.ep' th1eirn ta Lite, - hs ~he i.n n
mi a n - X k- i t, !, e ti 1- 1% a i iLTIh
nanl. - in nI i f e.r . -t
h- fai- - r-er sh- n r
wIt h it J - I -t r
that wa, rni I- Io - l fri in- %%
nnd farv -at i f,-, it
I rant. - .e "nL uX n
iLL te en, -' \ -
- dith--n h --
w-i b , i 'L iu*00 I hil~ n't
'' Ther7 -ih d- .'. rl hi a I
am. *.;-a .,rn' 'Iih
r id .At ' at lit. she
iredn- htr inl 1 I a - L
c rie e das Tdi lo a 1an a. it
m~~in o e h!.d o1 -and! - Ln-t :are
'tarv. - a uh rte it dLwn at LTL
I A LttP . h.. llr:ied, . n hl r y
si-tr'lIed a, " M na n.- 1 E m ne er di
H r - nIa h I t' [ t aIN S
h -, J -h tei- t , t . i
n a ' : ' al ori ar.iit he I c anI ii a ai ne
ave me from thi- annoianne,
I he LX a ,br nk 'aI th nt--he hI ap
h 1 i - IirT.e at last 1Mona andl \I:a
Y s el L aLM' .\b'L t.L'Ll w t- an ,
h m The li r .te tn if ther" Xan'it a;n
I" gt Lntittl e i mt Lof him -and I r" hil.
d id I ib :,,n " \\'! I k him Ip,
lelst I , u. ,h tI ,r nl-h tr..unI.'
- i - 'it. n. itr. wl -lie folind
- t1 o - \ - V Th r a I artnw t "Janes
-L raft Ha rt- h I lhere'- i t--n namled
f - . 1" and - u-r'1 1l o , a l mal r d i n
H. ilong, tL all -irt, Lf Ltib ! 1-air game'"
ll'v-hj :" cri-d M oun. "Our liiuk has
t-nr7- '
I oind oit :t little nor'' aboulit larras
f.0j 5nre it ,-nid -af. tol --I- a plan for
L'tmgiL anyv part LL.i th bil' aain't -society
-him. What ih.s findl LLLL uni LLnth e
Sand the- --- .' H. e L'L ,ue1ptible tL
I'LL uLt not L, I~n hNl and Holbronk Imd
Hle wa" spi .-i Mtna 'Iaul. les'istan-e
bi.~u it to tie minItL of makmiLiln. him hL'.
A'--m' s+ lLL Chm 'i'utnothnz ,triking'-anid
nai~ 'aid MILLLL *Stali trikl, are wselt
ch for sonie LotherV i'ut I 'athier think Mr.
.lrie, Sehool-raft H1 rra-ford i' L'Linr tLL ts'
t.- ettle pretty th.LLrLLLighly, Mlary! I '-ho'ibt
"-at" to think. thou h, that wi' wer' to meet nIL'
firmt defeat at hi - han tds"'
"LSo ShoUld I." said Mary briefr. "Use been
St dying him. I thinkl -,omethinr sasoring of
a real romtanee-enmtinht .Ltud LL ain naiI'~ite
iswhat he wo'iuld luke ie''t L I beliew. he want,
tLL be thrilled. I sisipeit Ihl.L tmfost of the women
wLho hase given him hii idea' have lbeen thL
plai d. "asy "ninlg type ViL else whiners. lHke that
p.L.r Lcreaturie who wu-.- li.'terinZ himL tbhe tir-t
time we saw him."
LI shoiLlln't wondel.r." SaiLd Mona. "What he
need. is .a woman Lof real character."
"Ys-and I think a womiian Lof that sort
cIuL~L have' held him Xery easily,, any time. If
she'd be'en interested enouigh in him to take' the
triutle tLL do it Motna- -I he'Linl tL see a war -
lI'Lyo remi.iebr that beat'fht doLCtor you wei're,
talIking aibount a few nXo-ks. agLL. The one' who
guiarantte.'s t.,L chiangee S Lur wXhLI appe-arance?"
Re Ibt wX" don't Lwant to dLL anything lik,
thqt W'et never lone anything that made it
necessary foe '1s tLL I disguiiiL, an~d we're not
going to no" a is we .
"Not the wayV you mean, no. It isn't disguise
I'm thinking Lfit'ts a sort of transformation of
our intere-I ch~(laraceter! You set'. I expect to
atrille toL L" a X-t'rtaini imp ~resi-on ini 'Mr.
Jiimmi a nuad., and I have an idea yomm amty
by George Brons<
doctor friend ran ielp You're a beauty as it is,
and I'm not so Id lookine- - but w- need more
oh, pep' slang does cmie in handy
"I suppoae I'm stupid." said Mona. "but I
wish you'd ,xpla in jist hat oi mean'"
"i %%ill. We're ;:oing to Aght this campaign
out along romantic linle. Wll--rea rinanice
ielongs almost exelutjsiselv to Suithern rae's. I
think we'll r-i orsiean sisterr'"
"Loely laughet'id Mona. "Oh, I 'ec now
We're going to %%ork in close hartuony this time.
I suip>se?"
"~es This c-A, ralls for i coinplete change
of tactics, it seems to me. S d---oibl harinr
for uA. We lose one anothrr %erv dearlh. int that
love may turn to hate at a nrment's notie. It
1ill, too, if N. itt Mr. -ininv in linle at thie
-tart--which I'm depe'nding on N ri to d-. Ma e
I work out our plant, but you 'arrY threi oit
and the best plan in the world wotldn't ie any
od tuni thtere as ,line one like Nmi to
eSmen~te it'
" hati my irst mue."' asiked Mona.
, t- P0e l ourti apper.ar'of
1Y Tt f. t t ir i.rt
fe Ito
d ~~~ i I!,i
r.Th.' ' rr h . rp
fI l t i r. \
r i, t t - th rI
thP% intenided r., is, an 1-1%.t it M - s e
da- after thr' had !rt ladid el- t-r rr
:,,rd that Mm M A s '-'d% 1, b6t Hari f -oh..
,,f conr-. ;, O ) ul-h e .int .o t- i . 1
etCt: h had -eIn ant
the park enn t I kinn that ther'. hail bert !
ii tntle-'. ti i1-' retne.
N b, ine %0;-*) h1ad %ill iw 1na etr* -
tran' ftrmnati,n rr wou l bae betn tikey o mI
pi/o' ir xhten. r. afterneno, Ohw I -'.,
taxrab i a p..t iou h:-if a Hlhr fronh
rmpir " ! ih h e . i i, - ih
,n n hih h e m l - fr t otd ;- 11h 1, :
wf day. Shw "..I a little u bIile I'' \uail, i-! n'*
las t ,Iw , i , tjoi n th r rrrt i h I I
It % i f, ith rr rd. H sta rI it
hel i1 Iit' ftni T l . f 1 i h n, Ihi i t .. ' i
attracteI h h r 1 \i ,u pl, fnun h-r tr ti i
ai e that hI ibl .I . t . 1-i.. in h ir forgit
-entd to him Ih pru not ium h-n t_-n i,
had heitn relw,. -e , Ia' himr h l--h sh!
droppe hI- e I a i- ,to,, pe cdI tr r rr' . i. n i
risinig, brthed avatit hhn. Hf-% pr-fuie wePro
her ap11 ' "h pok- nithulit air a-re ut. tIt1
in a wax that prmil her a forigner. nI I-i- d
her the farlt N\it hi-: Ih dlitr .p l th at. r,tti!\
In a mioimttent I,- fol i himl. If m - i I . d
hi'r--i-aril runrribiki-d It He ar nit <hlrd hrpe f-c
i-rch lurk. thut as I, he raked a t'tr' he w- sure
that -he wat.- imtpt'r'ci d 'r ii setiti re to rarept
tell at a nearit'y hot,!. t-'he bltuehedl--hnui iided
to hit' urt-ing.'
" ucnnet imagtiine wh-vt I air sri. ncinten
tinl" h-aid nri rrh. "I itm a little a fralid
-- Pictrr it --1 .thmeii hiri-, far frtn my rutise
I orr.ira butt ri-i tii l'-ish Mith -tudies. at
Vassar !
Buit whetn they pa rtr- hie hail her adrless.
and her permnissirmti iialb
Hlere. Mfona aundl Marx alIei iw-ri si-rtamr wsa
the crisis of tire arlientrire. W\oubl he enll? Or
wvould lie bate a -sobeir -ec'ond thiouighIt that wriuld
warn him that hi". a well kntran i tigUtre, antd
enormouiiily wealth,, triok a certain risk in call
ing oin a girl hi hail net in stur-h a fashirin, andi
of wh lom hie kniw lest. than ntinjei They ned
hate had nto fear-, hiwexer. Jinmmi Hlarrasford
had fatlts entotghi. liut cowa rdier unis not atmong
th'-m. lHe tooik ariliantage of hetr peri,- ionit to
call on thie dlay follotwin g his tirst eniiouter wlith
Afona---and fromt the moment of hils comintg there
criuld he no mistaking hisi purpose to nmake hne
to her.
Nitna trnid to i-hieck him, to reproachi him i
''Itrt why?"'' he ask''d. "Whyt "houildn't r tell
voni iiu are ba'itfrul? Yiou tire: Why~ srhoutldn't
I till inn that I hatte neler seen anyone ao at
tratti..et tome a- u '
For antswe r \lrrnau piiked tip the hand he had
laid upo.n hecr arma. st'etlint
".Iinst ati old] 'itnet hreirlrrn in my~ famly,"
he said. "I wouildn't rise it fir ahunidred timues
its salue. though. The ick of tht' Harrasfords is
atupposed to go wtithr it. I'm just surperstitious
enotigh to belie. that I'd have a lot of bad luck
if it dlisappearid
Mo.-m clannen her hnnel.
)n Howard, Novelizg
"Oh- and so few of vou Americ'ans heli,..
such thin-,!" she cried. "In my vcountry we are
full of urh ideas as that: Signs w.- bae. and
many such things!"
11it Harrasfiord wias not to i s ensIly
diverted fromtis li pirpse. if, began ince mr
to make ardent ],me, to %in;., and she iebi.t
" .b, Mir. larrisiord " -s, said "I I.. 1ept
love from my if' s, lutng that I fear %u, um, e
me afr:Iiid- -hall I tie able tit reist s,
"Whs tN tr " bie i aid, cage,)rl N.
hut. jus hlb n there was anl interr ptii.,
key t-irn-d tin Ih ioor, and N i rN -as e' :
ixin s -hie wia.- t rasiif, rm ;ti- - andi iit i.
ford, Ihen the intr'dl tissu v' - rs .i ii
her itn f:.' uiis l -itrpri -. If,- had t-,i i lu.
o:.tastei % ith I Mtri uws \larv, ii - i I to
him. w;a- eNi Iwore bautifu l and . i i
" I a d - - I l i k e 'e m l) t h h e t h.. 1 1
Nrid Masry , to hI d. , I tt r
und, r-tand the lan ie '
embanj ilgedl glanet" that ul I in
Marv lisoled i-i Foinlv t the in- i
\ m a if I. war H m I e e n u
Eim :lu ,p
ssirea abs l . I hi'n \l \
v iTh ubich her
la nth
h r f i
Va i
\li r, u
*l u ' i\' i ti
ruh rei
ba h nl - re ib, I -
isa tii Ni 1,:,-I 'f.
fr.i .7,i ;dik. x
n -rr i an lord...alp li~
prif','hi her' i'. r i bi h .m
t-,hiis onwhie night. i fis iair .
i i vhh-arta
ri ll 11' , i u-1
i t u I bzd. bali ... e iti -w
" ir ii ihu wt t be .i.. *s I u ri
,ihlvHarns o s ubhi- i' - l reai is--- 'that- hse hads'
ts'iseshe might. "Youi'Firi-h n IF vii, nt 'r,
af hc - all k his r vin ir s r m-'- i- ii.i nfrti d her
\ii d'sis i i a it w ih- i. to li h had hin.s~
"Ia :n r e t i'i nr '., iss" ie shelsuithl
's o'rr owFiimni s nv',a. 1.. r frs m . . t ' i'
atv all , he uvite ts. - e ' r he aiiun
'StMinl 'she -s, a ti 'i too uni of a 's-ood
as'he rthi gh i kis r hner -.i s , is ifth tio ism
ap ar y si re.urnid. l0- rts . I h i he hIt i een.. a
if n 1 t rds ih v . hsi s andsi 'liiy n I anlthrin
theis elxb- Fit rheus' tHrs'tM-iiake
into ithe tr'ap te' had ,' t fi r is . I'ir si
"St'' i l. i ss e hi-i tsis,' ." I ssai \ F s. " 5 setsa
apar un Iis. rsis betterl . i ok -Ii' h"is It
i dldu t rna e mis,'ser'on sou, \l ns I.i realls inksi
he 'has tho ha si sir e lito l p efs is i t it n st
tstpies-h.i a n sli no si s uas.'t,' 'rs. s- ti w sa i.t"t
In't make s i annys-i d is erence t ' iIs. nhichl o us r
before. andtis tpir'rem i to b er a jaou fh
"Wl~hsat'l is if he. vwill'." si e \lona ~sss~, miakI
iga fac5e.
"Y'ill just luis t r t '.- ii fi it ~some
uiny. hsut I think h-'Fl hse's- enri.u s- enoigh. at,
last. tio unit tss hs'ari fr m mes don'I st s-ou"
It tiurned siut tilur 'liars ws i. F -or
wshens Mona tele'phoneds-. thIe no'\ manisiinne. Har
rasford was~ fuill of a psologi ss andi prois 'iined to
call her luter in the dlay. -For the moment, he
told her. sorrowfuslly. he' wvas hedt Iby an import
ant business a5[pointmnvsrt.
"Men's excs'ses as-. .ss ois.inal thousg'h'
Mona. mocknglyte o wa..b ti.s''st i s-.
ition by Hugh C.
new one once in a while! Business! T don't be
iee he ever did a stroke of business in his
whole life!"
And then, in accordance with their prear
ranged plan, she went. in a taxi-cab, to the
house where Mary had taken rorns *he ar
rived just in time to hear the end of Mary's
mntersation with larruaford. me her tele
" e 'nm,in'g ' idl \arr. "Oi, niow we
nI hin . t I hrt Il r-T u n in Mona Ile
,a ,' t 'aitin; fr ine -1 Ul' han. ail he
'aid h't d b n.h~t m r' h e'd n ter U rr% -it.
hat I l all rigil f Il' -
I think h- want ni',
T ' tit. mn if he th'n gIht Ie 'm n
*o I- \I !, l Il ? ) r' il r is . ;I ,
-lak wihmKa l .bc e h an
r in wnmirh -where hie tood with s
so far. 1h, thing fir vou row.. i t' get
'iout, t1i- o gh. l. be m't find o l re,.
I tarra 'fird. H-ainlb, I d n.,-te-l to
i'n' 7 7 - her.
r -
0- \'jr '.1. fI
'' r 1 ' ~ '' TI " 1 :- e 11" rt tie
''H -' ' 7. " i ..,' -m . ar
- I- rf~ - + e : h
Itn, a' . for
know t. t ui
in ' rsen.te * te tp g -hi h.n met ru.
ti phint hit \ra~a -nnri~
,Ihe fa' 1i'''7-. lirnt itprn iua ; a
"1 iw'h yo ie atromughlt soreticlaf the7
tonk no stock In ruch revlat of the - 't
XN ith Maryv, hoser. it wss~ different And -'
th- sight of the ne'lare written on the i'
that (leiro at lat -horted her ie scre.an
". n k '" she er d "-The w;,arning I feare
"You are in dangzer he read, "of
one you Io-e throug ahe tr. 'rv Hf .-,'
your kin. Male him -ear to j
"\h- ' p aril "So yri no;Wl a '
ne aid ro hack to her: Ob--nLy did I r
trit a man!"
" e ro r 'h' 'o say v-t n. .i 1
dig'nantiv I m r.1..t aorg toa a d n
"I hen - rar r e -e \\
an nath to r- tre taa m a' r. n the
of nx 1n n I~
R- rddd at rh ad
a ?ama ttlder' Bef- ' n -~~-t u.
to I. she prickd
und at'hen p'riak r --
-Ia4 r f, I - h .
is ne k antad en r , -
that %-i a t, - -
conli etwen a
"I ,as a a- l a- y nra
n -
- to -i
S n -hr - -~
. .. .
do a
.~f ., aT -
',jid .I I
- - -.
* ".i - '
tal e
a- tat
a -u u 1' - u-I. .
a a a'S . 0 lt . - e
a * '.. . \ .. '. . :
a h I al . . . - Jt '.~ '
- -.--h e
Iadv'1 t--.t ' .*

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