Newspaper Page Text
Opm 45A. M...5..1 F.. m ToOur Regular Splendid Assortment at the Price Hive Been Added The Latest Novelties in Serge and Ulmi DRESSES Of many of these there are but one of a kind, odd and sample dresses. Satin dresses beautifully embroidered in colors or in one tone. Serge dresses, also embroidered. Dark navy', with lighter embroid ery in Grecian and other design bordering hem, combinations of navy and silver or steel color, with silk collar and little tie to match. One or two trimmed with metal bandings. others trimmed with braid or wool embroideries; another style is made of serge, coatee effect, and has a large cape collar. Still another style is a long coat dress with deep collar and long revers in front. Still others in full-pleated effects. All sizes for women and misses. Kann's.-Second Floor. WOMAN IS ACCUSED AS TRAFFIC POLICEMEN HABITUAL PROSECUTOR RECEIVE INSTRUCTIONS Held for Court Whe'i Neighbor Brings Maj. Pullman Demonstrates New Sem Counter-Charge. aphore at Meeting. ft ml to The Washington, HWa&M. A monster traffic meeting of the mem Reading, Pa. Oct. 8.-Mrs. Ellen Howe, bers of the Metropolitan police force con 'f Oakbrook, a suburb of this city, was nected with the handling of traficl in the accused of being an habitual prosecutor District was held in the auditorium of the in a chafge of assault ad battery District Building last night. Maj. Pull brought by Mrs. George J. Mange, of man presided, and the meeting was at Reading tended by more than B0 men, Including Alderman Focht, before whom she was the captains. lieutenants and sergeants of arraigned, said that a cursiory examin.a- all precincts, tion of the records showed that Mrs. The primary purpose of the meeing Howe was prosecutor in twenty-five was to instruct the members of the fbrce cases, in nIneteen of which the county in the use of the new spheroidal lense paid the Cost- t tmiPhsrd which will be immediately In Mrs. Howe's8 husband took the stand talled at all heavy traffic points. against his wife and testified that she Maj Pullman gave the men a iruthand had had him arrested several times on lecture in handling trafc conditions various complaints. His wife is said to through th 1isplay of , reel of eantion have appeared before every alderman pictures taken for the advantag f the Reading in pwr ing ier sopiants. New York City foret Mrs. Howe was arraigned after Mrs. Several other moving-picture reels wee Menge had been discharged by the alder- shown portraying the equipment and man. when Mrs. Howe brought action tranigo the ewYor eC t oc against her alleging assault and battery. training of the New York City force. The testimony at that bearing showed Traffic meetings will he held from time that Mrs. Howe was the aggressor, and Ito time at stated periods with a view to Mrs. Menge brought counter-proceed - instructing the force on conditions as Ing. they exist in our own and other cities. Alderman Focht held Mrs. Howe for court. WEDDERSPOON DELIVERS u FINAL LOCAL SERMON, "JUST TELL THEM iiatMSRO Rev. Dr. William R. Wedderspoon last night preached his farewell sermon in Foundry Methodist Episcopal Church. He TO SEE ME," SA S will leave this week for Chicago, where TO AN IN Nhe will take charge of the largest and ,richest church in that city. Dr. Wedderspoon's theme last night was "The Unfading Crown." His ser mon was addressed particularly to the If Anybody Wants to Know What members of the Bolgiano and Haywood Bible Classes of the church, becaue of I Think of Dreco. Has Suf- the serious illness of F. W. BoIgIano. teacher of the former. and the departure fered With Catf Bad of Mrs. Benjamin Haywood, leader of the latter class. Stomach Trouble Dr. Wedderspoon has served six years in Washington, having come here from For Years. the New Jersey Conference, before which time he had been in Scotland, where he was born. If anybody wants to know what IO wa sd n. think of Dreco Just tell them to see me On Tuesday night members of Foundry think w re s am r t hem at home Church will hold a reception for Dr. or write ma, I tam right here at home.'Wd" rpo and present him with a said F. C. Tate, of 108 Eighth street tokednderrpoo an d northwest, a well known citizen in that tokenoftheirregard locauty. .oal suffered dreadfully with indigestion 1EREY PAP S COIHED. and stomach troible." continued Mr. Tate. "and had a general nervous break- Moeaiug Cost of Paper One of the down. Nothing I ate agreed with me and Causes of Merger. I slept very poorly. Catarrh troubled me very much as there seemed to be a Plainfleld. N. J., Oct. .-Announcement dripping from the back of my nose Into as made in the CourierrNews and Daily my throat. which kept me constantly Press today of the consolidation of the Itying to char it ip. When I arose in two newspapers, beginning with the la the mornings my nose and head would* eucof Monday. b all stopped up and it required some ounting coat of white Paper Is time to get it coughed up. I really think one of the causes of the consolidatOr. this dripping from my nose is what got my stomach in %uch bad condition, for It seemed the linIng of my stomach wasi all Irritated and inflamed. At times even a glass of water seemed to sour and form gas. I hardly knew what it T t was to eat a good hearty meal, for fear A T of the after results. Always after eating I suffered those heavy, dull pains, and be relieved. "This condition had been running on flor - Mc a long time, and I had spent a small BeuL5lg oMat fortune on different medicines, and WihFrsUi cd case, or I ws growng woresell hef-_ erger._ tim inte ofbeter.whmein wae Curithr-Newcs andal ~ hd ben radig I thedaiy p Press todasey In the connelidation it gthe the dffernt satemnts fpesona wo nl esapsyuh begn eaing tos fromtakng rec ad wileI ws sf- et fomsuntig cido whih paerors felt ike t wold bethroing oe ro the bloodsaof they comsol tof tieswasgitng o bd ad o ytslBackahe and ac ig Youu relive socthiso ou bttled tof reac . thmmyeyu eiv or oes e cae, maf ei tor ng o ,tefrde oingwoe all the boy- rbu ates tiemed inteo elp e. Whendaothn you e akce, sip wihebacache d " tasdi tbee readin inthved di pamrsd andiern the kdnergo is badn-o theedtodayeno sathatnt ofa iens betterlymnyo have rhuabwne..e atine tos ha re eie ha ch beimaya dayt cluhdy , a wll -k dm n whnnl utorften frigejstio s soeyucaidethey thaIjut Igt sodesi wtherld n yfo r toie elt lie it dwnudb to rwn oefo the taood andejo toskrlifwoo thee ticmes driof amneal abaoutr t. muc t .may ona- parhed gh gy.Wenyurkdny tion. wav g aineobd i weighto try gt onclu g et frcog youl mustreliev omethingb, aso ouh a bottle wofr co w them lout forounrev our bowls; t e-a Yo ma eieei r s tdo e oving al inhe body's ros wat belse sTemedtrr iel eymhbte, for bthda otineo aeback oachew dach hadayour d efc un emorningsmch he oe I. o sels: yiu sthe ac h ourh , faonu st eekart the mriin Int mythred, hadIs ama. an he the atherf gse bado hars todyn to csa, y thatnete have beeumatie tfingeg. Ths rne cla hape sthanl have mye iranyda. ody stiulat lmeiment kidnyels on My dtgeatio s Io myee, beteta Dig sr. ne aerad ac. ten yo ase od ensit dow lto the tabl -n no toseek irulie tor hee timgsbdring ai me bou wil 'chs and ond h eugh. esiae." s aist ayfri Ibie cosl a good, fo retb egyla ewin edi l the gsm eai a m at egewnte e . This iafan ons aa et ar, t e drg ito my threaha. ismue arn te aci etfi graps an andg Ie e no e mrsdb a-v lesso jice cobnd ith iha , n ap tytg o isr y hr1 t has ben s o gortin, o lV SIX EM BY GER MA NEAR C( comum se the work of rescue. Admiral Knight, Yard, has given orders that all survivor here. Those aboard the Kansan are b A wireless has been received froi is returning under forced draught with ersdijk and Knudsen. Her command4 and 2 o'clock. U-BOAT CENTER Admiral Knight has made every a need of medical attention. From the t of this city by her unexpected appears and was picked up by the United State the harbor until she put to sea, the lanc crowded with messages passing back al Station and Washington. Admiral Austin M. Knight and R4 the destroyer flotilla, have kept the 1 thing that came to their ears regarding the two admirals received specific insti emergencies. It was freely commented upon that stroyer anchored here was kept under i this had any significance or not would night. Certain it is that none predicted of neuiral shipping so soon. TROOP SHIP It was the general belief she woul, the St. Lawrence, there to intercept, if nadian contingents to the front. This 1 that a submarine of similar letter at against troop ships when the British w the Dardanelles. Thus it was with surprise and ast the tiny man-of-war had only delayed mile limit beiore she began her warfar Late tonight naval Officials admittedf the destroyers sent to sea were not on a mission of mercy alone. Their decks were cleared for action and each com mander had strict instructions to deter mine that the utmost neutrality had been maintained. Even late tonight there was no official word that any of the attacks were perpetrated inside the three-mile limit, but the curious line of the coast here gives rise to the gravest apprehen sion. Withia Vlvestile Radius. The ships went to the bottom, it is be lieved, within a radius of five miles. It is believed this circle of activity cen tered ten miles south of the Nantucket ghtship. From all along the coast came word of mysterious messages being relayed be tween the French and British warships rushing to this vicinity. None has given an inkling of her whereabouts, but with in twenty-four hours a cordon of battle gray steel will be thrown about the waters for miles up and down the coast. These patrolling vessels, scattered be tween Trinidad and Halifax. have been converging on the waters of Narragan sett Bay since they were apprised by wireless yesterday of the U-5's auda cious appearance. Lau this afternoon a lookout in the tower of the United States coast guard station at Prices Neck saw what he be lieved to be the pilot of the approaching fleet. The vessel was identified as the French cruiser Conde. This Information was immediately con veyed by Capt. Chauncey Kenyon. com manding the station. to the commanding admirals. They decided, however. that the destroyer flotilla needed no re-en forcements at the present time. The largest United States naval vessel in the harbor now is the scout cruiser Birm ingham. flagship of the destroyer flotilla. Despite the boast of Capt. Rose that the U-63 had fuel and provisions aboard to last for a three-months' cruise, local sub marine officers believe the vessel was ready to descend upon her prey and then make a quick dash for home. When the news of the intercepting of the Kansan had been conveyed to him. Admiral Knight went directly to his office in the War College. He remained there all forenoon. "We work all the time," was his answer to the newspaper men, who sug gested that it was unusual that he should be at his desk on Sunday instead of remaining at home. "Sundays and holidays are all the same to us." he added. Ordered to Sea. Without recalling the men on shore Admiral Gleaves ordered the Fifth, Sixth and Seventh divisions to sea. Lying in a long gray line at the wharf just oppo site the landing and in the lee of the Goat Neck torpedo station, men were seen running to and fro along the decks. all set on getting away as quickly as possible. In ten minutes black smoke was belching from their funnels. In ex actly twenty minutes after Admiral Gleaves had given his order the de stroyer Jarvis slipped her cables and slid into the Inner harbor. Lieut. . P. Da vid was in charge. For the first hundred feet she drolled lazily along, but quickly picked up speed and was soon racing for the break in the land that leads to the Atlantic. At inteivals of a minute or two the other destroyers followed in her wake. First came the Drayton, commanded by Lieut. D. W. Bagley. As this vanished the Ericsson. flagship of the Sixth divi sop, broke away and headed for the ocean under the guidance of Lieut. Com mander W. 8. Muller. Others to go were the O'Brien, Lieut. Commander C. E. Courtney; the Penham, Liut. Commander J. B. Gay; the Casein, Leut. Commander W. N. Vernon; the Balch, Lieut. Commander David Hanra han; the McCall, Lieut. Commsnder L. M. Stewart; the Porter, Lieut. Commander W. K. Wortman; the Fanning, Ijeut. Comander C. M. Austin; the Paulding, Liut. Commander Douglas Howard; the Winslow. Lieut. Commander It. E. Nich ols; the Aylwin, Lieut. Commander John C. Fremont; the Cushing, Lieut. Com mander B. A. Kittinger; the Cummins, Liut. Commander G. F. Beal and Con yngham, bLeut. Commander Alfre W. Johnson. The mother ship-the lat to get away -sailed out of the harbor at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Each of the destroyers is capable of making thirty knots an hour. and It was thought they rea.ched the scene about 4 o'clock, Trouble Not5 ExpeeteL. Rear Admiral Gleavee would not admit he had met such an imposing foros in expectation of trouble. "We want It made plain," he said, "that the destroyer divisions are seat out to save life. That i the duty of every sailor, in the navy end out. We'd seand help just as it a. sninnsine did not even figure in the. matter." He was asked pointedly why so .meny destroyers wees .sent out. "'here are two reesens and two ealy," he remd "The firet Is that lndam-. ar the weether Is very thiceot 3a an Msaid and that the sMais to be more erS les e etsarelt The other is that I thse~ te wodg~ god ractie ar the semesse c~ N U-BOAT )AST OF U. S. M.Im m o0, commandant of the Newport Navy I picked up by navy boats be brought ting taken to Boston. a the destroyer Brayton saying she sixty-eight survivors of the Bloom rs expect to reach dock between I OF INTEREST. rrangement to take care of those in 3oment the U-S3 startled the natives nce in Narrangansett Bay yesterday E i submarine D-2 to be escorted into wires and wireless instruments were r id forth between the Newport Naval I ar Admiral Albert Gleaves, chief of 4 avy Department informed of every the German visitor. It is presumed uctions as to their course in certain 1 for the first time known, every de- j uill steam during the night. Whether not be admitted by naval officers to the U-53 would cut across the lanes i AS PREY. I head for Halifax and the mouth of possible, the troop ships carrying Ca ielief was predicated upon by the fact d number was active in operations F ere trying to force their way through anishment that naval officers learned < until she was safely past the three I against enemy vessels. ounding land and fading from sight the text flash came from the lightship. "Have taken aboard twenty survivors )f the crew of steamship Strathdene.'' The message was unsigned and contain d no further information. It was be leved to be from the destroyer Balch. Eight destroyers still remained in the avy yard basin late tonight. iERNED LINERS MAY SEEK U-BOAT CONVOY Rumors were current in Washington ast night that the German submarine i [-53 may attempt to convoy some of the i big Teuton liners, now interned at I Hoboken, Boston and other ports, alohg o the Atlantic coast. These boats are free to clear any time I provided they have the proper clearance 1 papers, but to avoid the possibility of 1 their departure without this formality i revenue cutters and cruisers have them constantly under guard. Some officials of the navy are inclined o believe that the U-boat will get sup plies and assistance from friendly soures I In this country, and there is a general reeling that the operations will not be confined to merchantmen, but may soon record disaster to some of the English cruisers Which have been steaming be yond the three-mile limits. All the offcial reports received here indicate that the Germans. are adhering strictly to the pledge given by Ambass lor von Bernstorff In a note in the Lust- 1 tania case on September 1. 1ML In that memorandum Germany promised to sink no liners without warning and withou, providing for the safety of the passen gers, providing the liner did not try to escape or offer resistance. This pledge was reiterated by the Am bassador last night in conversation with newspaper men. The note that was mailed by Com mander Rose of the U-68 at Newport was received at the German Embassy yes terday. The Ambassador declined to make public its contents. It was de clared offlicially, however, that the letter did not deal in any way with the subject of peace. It is surmised that the letter deals with the purposes of the U-boat campaign and that it contained instructions to the Am bassador regarding representations that are to be made to the American govern ment In this connection. No protection will be given by the United States to vessels after they pass the three-mile limit. As in the case of Deutschland. when the ship is once on the high seas, America's duty is done. It is then up to the allies to protect their transport and troop ships from German submarines. Germany can operate as large a fleet of these undersea boats out side the three-mile limit as she pleases, so far as this country is concerned. Apparently some complaint has been made to the government that the Ger man submarines are violating neutrality by operating within the three-mile limit. Admiral Benson telegraphed last night to ascertain the latitude and longitude of the Nantucket lightship. He ascertained that its latitude is 40.35 and its longitude 50.35. This is sixteen miles from the nearest headlands and well outside of the three-mile limit. B. & 0. ANNOUNCES PERSONNEL CHANGES Spec.i to The wahington HirakL Baltimore, Md., Oct. 8.-Through the an nouncement of the Baltimore and Ohio system, the following changes in the per sonnel of the freight department became effective: C. W. Tomlinson, general Eastern freight agent, at New York, is appointed general traveling freight agent, with headquarters at Cincinnati. Stuart Allien, manager of the Conti nental Line and the Central States Die4 patch, Cincinnati, succeeds Mr. Tomlin son as general Eastern freight agent. T. J1. Walters, divisien freight agent at ?ittaburgh, is promoted to manager of the Continental Idne and the Central States Dispatch. J. C. Kimes is advanced from com merciji freight agent, at Pittsburgh. to succeed Mr. Walters as division freight agent. ETEB REPOITED. Idawemd L sad Mary U. Wsher, bor. Harry and Maud wataam, girl. Gese ad ="hu" EIdm ant, o. Olamam ase ENba Noelamd, gilt. Pred G. and huams Nerais sri. Alisad Pausan Isaad, har. Glainse e itrm irIP. Theums P.m and.te. 3,UzigirL. 1ames 3. ame bmah V. Iamab, gil. assid a me adIsla Twear, bar. wIlliana N. asS 3.2. C. Maa., bar. DEATHS EEPORTED. Jams A. wKaiI, g gags, as= a.m R ital. , Al.U C. Msmm, * y,~ m tb sk. aw. Tuib iahase hbist smia ash i, 5 hemas, 56 Jaeb s. 4 4 s.Ar o s3... a1 1 n A... w.. . 6ing-11 'A- -m Attends M s and Hasn Sadents Addesed I. aehelasioc yoa of Georgetown Dun rsity was formally opened yesterday en Rev. A. J. Dnlon. S. J., the pred ent, amisted by Rev. Herman L Storek. ., and Rev. James A. Dolan, 8. J., 6en co and subdesaem respectively. olo rated sooern high mass at 11 o'cldk in "Nhlgren ChapeL The members of the sculties of the various departments M We students were present: Rev. Paul F. Coniff, S J., presidsnt of ass=a College, addressed the studeats. The osoors of the mass were: Rev. A. . Donlon, celebrant; Rev. Herman L trock. deacon; R.Y James A. Dolan. ubdeason; Rev. George E. wanin. trst sater of oremonies; Edward J. Calla ad. second master of ceremonies; 'homas E. Prendergast and Francis Har ington, soolytes; Richard F. Barrett and Villam J. Burlee, thurifere. A special rogram of music was rendered by the bancel chair of St. Aloyaius' Church un er the direction of Glenn W. Ashley. Following the mass the members of the cuty were guests of Father Danon t luncheon. The following attended: ). W. Baker, Dr. Frank W. Baker. Hon. Eenry S. Boutell, Dr. Shirley W. Bowles. oward Boyd. Dr. William N. Cogan. ames H. Covington, Frank E. Cunning am. Dr. Ryan Devereux, Thomas Nw g, Hugh J. Fegan, J. Spaulding Fian ry. Dr. James A. Flynn, Dr. James A. lannon, Ashley M. Gould. Dr. Charles . Griffith. Armand Gumprecht, Dr. Will am C. Gwynn. George E. Hamilton. John Hamilton, Dr. John D. Hird. William Hughes, James Clinton. Dr. J. Kenna ennings, Dr. George M. Kober, William . Leahy, Dr. Thomas S. Lee. Ernest nt. Dr. Joseph J. McCarthy, Dr. John Madigan, Dr. Patrick S. Madigan, F. Maguire, Robert A. Maurer, Dr. Will Lm 0. Morgan. Dr. Francis M. Munson, 'harles J. Murphy, Dr. William F. O'Don ell. Daniel W. O'Donoghue, Ralph D. uinter. Conrad Reid, Charles E. Roach. >r. William J. Stanton. Hannis Taylor. 'ames A. Toomey and Dr. George T. raughan. 1OOST IN MILK PRICE FARMERS' DECISION en-Cent Milk May Be Result of Union. ipehda t. The Wiakgton Hei. Philadelphia, Oct. 8.-One hour after he Chester County Milk Producers' As ociation had been organised yesterday t the New Century Club, West Chester. nore than 400 members representing a core of towns. decidea to boost the price if milk 2 cents a quart. New price schedules which association eaders believe will make 10-cent milk a eality, will become effective on Deem or 1, and if dealers refuse to treat with he farmers' union and meet its demands, til milk produced by members will be withheld. That the new organization. by boosting ices. will bring about a situation simi ar to that in New York City, where the nilk supply has been reduced to one uarter of its normal volume, was pre Ucted by officials of the association. No move for better prices is to be made mtil December 1, in order to permIt the larymen throughout Pennsylvania, Del ware and New Jersey to recognize the nterstats Milk Producers' Association. WOULD BAR SECTARIAN CONTROL OF SCHOOLS 'Anything Savoring of Influence Will Be Fought." "The part of the churches in the pub icb school question Is to follow a policy >f hands off and to fight all that savors if sectarian influence or control. A nighty enthusiasm for education should >e raised in the minds of church mem >er." said Rev. Dr. John Van Schaick. resident of the Board of Education, in ddressing the members of Hamline M. i, Church last night. Dr. Van Schaick outlined the work and unctions of the different offices in the )ublic school system and asked that effi lency be maintained by a strict obeerv ince of the rights of the other offoes in he system. He stated the duties of citi ens, churches and school officials to the ducational system here. The school buildings of the District rep esent an outlay of $15,000.00o or the cost f the Louisiana Purchase. according to 3r. Van Schalck. who asks co-operation 'or the best use of this money and the 3.061,50.71 appropriated for the mainte iance of the schools during the year. SNEAK-THIEF SNEAKS FROM FAKE REVOLVER ipecial to The Washington Heald. Bloomsburg. Pa., Oct. &-Using a pair >f lineman's pliers, Eugene Christman, of loomeburg. tonight captured Eimer 'An erson, of Toledo, Ohio. a pickpocket. who nistook the shining pliers for a revolver >arrel, Anderson leaped off a trolley car minus is coat after being detected picking ockets. He was found hiding in a partly :ompleted building and surrendered when hrit man "pulled"~ his pliers. [HILDOGETS SICK, CROSS, FEYLRISH IF CONSTI'ATED Calfornia Syrup of Figp" Can't Harm Tender Stomach or Bowels.. A laxative today saves a sick child to norrow. Childrep simply will not take he time from play to empty theIr bow a.s which become clogged up with waste, liver gets sluggish; stomnach sour. Look at the tongue, mother! If coated. ir your child lis listless, cross, feverish. reath bad. restless, doesnt eat heartily. rull of cold or has aore throat or any ,ther children's ailment, give a teaspoon ul of "California Syrup of Figs." then on't worry, because It is perfectly harm tess, and in a few hours all this consti pa~tion poison, sour bile and fermenting rate will gently move out of the bowels. and you have a well. plyful child again. A thorough "Inside cimn"' is ofttimes ll that Is necessary. It should be the irat treatment given in any sickness. Bware of counterfeIt fig syrups.. Ask your druggist for a I0-cent bottie of " sfona Situp of Figs,'' which has fll directions for bebies, children of all ages and fer gwn-aeps plainly printed in the bot~e, Leek esrotully and se that it leis deb the 'Clitorni FIg syu -oiet..g 3V~akaos, '4ya~ Announce a Sale of Serge Dresses for Misses and Women $15.00 Suits for Women and Misses $25.00 Coats for Schoolgirls $10.00 Coats for Women and Mise $15.00 to $50.00 A most comprehensive showing of Georgette Crepe Blouses. Special.................................. 0 0 A Separate Skirt of best grade poplins and serges; any size.......................................... . Sped 0 Sere Drum., Spdal S for 8 to 14 yesars, " m CMA Chr11 2 1116 $1.95 to $5.00 $5.90 $5.00 TAGiE OF BfldIR FISH FASTENS PURSE SHOR~fi Of MERON HOOK AND PUS REACHES 9,000,000 tBS . -"toI@w......... Tom River. N. J., Oct. I.-How a flah returned a last pocket book from the Carcity of Eggs and Milk Also Wor- Tm R v i the strauget story that has*am h this section. noted as it 1 ries Gotham. for Its piscatorial yarn&. Edward Crabbe. Wealthy cranberry ?tnas to 'T% weaertm Nes-d. grower. was fishing Ytrd fro his New York. Oct. a ExPerts wh hv Pier near Beachwood, whe hie fet~ a as, - N age tug at his line. The nh got got ecently made inquiries In the butter and away, but as Crabbe reeled in to rehaii gg ditributing centers declare that facts his lina. he was surprised to see a drip titained tcity WHI be Very ping Pocketbook baing to the hook ihar of hos necssiies hiswintni rabbe was telling rriendis of his straug, ort of those necessities this winter. cch when the pocketbook was Identi ne man said yesterday. in the ofnie of ned by Me. Mary Bchwarta, proprieto :ommissioner Dillon. of the State ds- of the Beachwood laundry, as her prop artment of foods and markets, the erty. 4uantity of butter in cold storage Is more than 9.00,000 pounds below that at this me last year. Eggs in storage are short several hundred thousand ses. too.C A S T O while there is practically no cheese and tondens~d milk has long been exhausted The ailiert who made the atnetim .F O e30 m ad trade Papers will contlnually= urgeFW0 4 V some form of embargo. I A , That Great Britain haa guaranteed to feed Russian troops In Franc.. too. forces, ~ her agents here to double their efforts. W & J. SLOANE ESTABLISHED IN NEW YORK 73 YEARS AGO WILTON RUGS From the Leading Foreign and Domestic Looms Our present large assortment of tiese spleadid Rugs affords an extraordinary selection of designs and colorings. The beautiful Oriental and other artistic efects in which ow Wilton Rugs are woven are especialy suitable for the important rooms of the hose-the Parlor, Living Room, Ibrary, Dining-room apo Main Hal. Sizes 9 ft.x12 ft., $75 All other sizes at corresponding prices 1508 H Street Nw Ma.L2 * H-w to Mes mly Jehn Peele The Sense of Ownership is the inspiration to accumulats. Own a bond-any first-class bond. If yucan spare $20.00 we will len you the balance of $80.00. With this $100.00 you can buy outright a sound investment bond paying about 5 per cent. Every month you can pay $5.00 (or more if you like) until the bond is paid for. Call or write for particulars. The Bank with the Monthly Statement