Newspaper Page Text
oOUninUgD Fom3 PAGE0 Yom ESs1es, in Columbia road. The resgt Mim Johnson, presided. After the business of the evening. MiA Neal, a feld secretary of the Souther Industrial Educational Asociation, - ad dressed the chapter on her work amor the nountamnes, She has traveled e: teUdVeiy among them, visiting the scheolis and their homes in very remo reide., and from intimate acquaintanc she ted in a very delightful fashion o her own part In the great work which belg carried on among these peop through industrial schools, and of th great advantage to our country throng the training of thee people. Miss Montague gave some humorol reeltatioma, after which Mr. Reed. of th Laitan Bureau, gave a very interestir talk on the Navajo Indians, among who he has spent much time. After the singing of "America," a 0 clal hour with refreshments followed. The Bachelors held their fifth annu dance of the season at Mrs. Dyer's. 15 R street. on Saturday evening. Ab',y ninety couples were present. Among tI guests were Mr. V. C. Buck, Miss P. WI limemn Mr. J. E. Pennybacker. Ml Henrietta Cissel. Mr. W. R. Carbo. Mi Aulse Low. Mr. V. P. Boudren. Mi Murphy. Mr. L. G. Brubaker, Miss Maria Feley, Mr. F. J. Friss, Miss V. Wilsoi H. r. Cash. Miss Mabel Lewis, Mr. J H. Laird. Mr. John VanVlett. Mi Helen Boardman, Mr. E. C. Laughli mism Edna Reagie. D. C. Reagan, Mi Bemile Holigan, Mr. S. W. Welborne, Mi Lousie Younger, Mr. B. E. Bradford. Mr B. E. Bradford. Mr. 0. M. Jones. Mu Marie Lucas. Mr. B. L. Rauber. Min Margaret Rauber. Mr. L E. Burlingam Miss Mary Ballinger. Mr. R. G. Misl Miss M. W. Estes, Mr. R. I, Watkin Miss E. Holbrook. Mr. Douglas Fishe Mime Erma Rutherford, Mr. K. M. Pardo Miss Dorothy Darling. Mr. S. H. Clay bourns. Miss Lillian Nichol. Mr. J. E Dents, Miss A. Black. Mr. W. N. Denharr Miss G. C. Kline. Mr. C. M. Connor, Min Katherine Slattery, Mr. Paul Ardeese Miss Thelma Brennan. Mr. D. J. Nielsoi Miss Anita Hawkins. Mr. E. C. Ardeese Jr.. Miss Henrietta Berens, Mr. F. V Berens. Miss Peggy Fred. Mr. E. 3 Green. Miss Dorothy Lusby. Mr. R. I Schlegel, Miss E. Caldwell. Mr. J. H. I c Cauley, Miss Hattie V. Dewey. Mr. J. A Bond, Miss B. Dore. Mr. E. McCormicl Miss Marie McDonald. Mr. R. MeDonal Miss Helen Cady, Mr. E. McNally. Mh Katherine McDonald, Mr. F. P. Harbi: Miss Ethel Bagnan. Mr. T. W. Spragu Miss Ellen McConchte. Mr. It. C. Welci Miss H. M. Hester. Mr. H1. S. Wykol Miss Margaret Hartin. Mr. W. B. Arm Ftrong. Miss McDonald. Mr. F. S. Meek Miss M. Sweenev. Mr. Carl W'eber, NUi Isabel Hartin. Mr. F. L. Hlarlisty. MIP Mae Smith. Mr. J. H. Clark. M E. F Punterney. Mr. R. G. Nashal. Miss Mla paret Donavan, Mr. C. N. Winbigle. M: E. Johnen. Mr. J. If. Haye. Miss Mi dred McGe. Mr J.. M Hill]. iss Dorc thy Muth. Mr. L_ M. Nop. Miss S. . Merchant. Mr. A. H. Bak'r. Miss Fsthe Oormley. Mr. J. F. Kelly. Miss Viol Oliver. Mr. Owen Howenstein. 'Mi.- FIe Kenealy. Mr. A. G. Hall. Miss Maria Aten. Mr. L. S. Helm. Mrs. I. S. Heh ir. L. F. Wrenn. Mrs. L. F. Wrenn. M 11111 F St. INTRODUCING Ivy Models -that are particularly adapted to your needs. Mine. Barnard IV Expert Fitter, COSEy Will Be in Attendance .IT CUNa. Mon. and Tues. Another "Poor I The most popular c All St Columbia From $15 to $300 TRIAL FREE -n your own bome, We are gi. to have you try any Grafonola lk yourself in your own borne, whei you can experience the full plea use of it, and where you can decic whether you want to keep It or no Cas ein tomorrow -select ti farafonola you want and let sd it to your home Free e Juelg F #J 1239 , MRS. J. BORDEN HARRIMAN. prom and Washington. who is a member e I of the Easter bazaar for the Nation ciation. 9 Ir 1. e 0 b I 0 S p. al a a a V. H. Schultz, MIs's Meehan, Mr. H. W. Schultz.,Miss Zuberano, Mr, FranklinI Knock , Miss Ida Gannon, Mr. S. S. Cole-I sman, Mis s E.. Paul, Mr. E. A. Murphy,v Miss Florence Poston Mr. Paul E. Clem-I ent, Miss E. Zuberano, Mr. D. Y. Engell, Miss Ana Cole. Mr. W. J. Monran, Mine r 'Mildred floover, Mr. 1). J. McMann, Miss IIIsabel ('ain, Mr. R. Cornell. Miss Blanche ti Emme rt. Mr. Jack Lewis, Miss C. R. -Tyeer, Mr. W. C. Hamnmett, Miss Kath-. e."rine Jones, Mfr. George Morrisey, Missj Loretta Miller. Mr. Thomas F. Maher, Mliss Edna Wilcox, Mr. H. W. Sill, Miss V. Steele, Mr. J. Whit. Hammett, Miss Virginia Brinkley. M.%r. C. E. Moore, Miss Berni- McWilliams, Mir. Paul F. Moore.,' Mis. M<Cormick. Mr. Cogan Hammett, Miss Margaret Hleltman, Mr. H1. S. Hug-1 i&ins. Mliss Mairgaret Brown, Mr. Francis Thomas, Miss Marian Brown, Mr. W. E. Foster. Misq Ilazol Priest, Mr, W. A. founigan. M8iss Gertrude Ruppert, Mr. D. W\ .W\hy te, Miss Frances Quigley, Mr. A. .1. Phillips . Miss Agatha Wells, Mr. J. E. Burk,, 'Miss Jane Ramey, Mr. R. W. Hlopkins. Miss Gussie Saur, Mr. Bob Rosen. Mis s Marian Quiley, Mr. H1. F. .Jordan. MYiss sher,QMr A. Anthony, Miss N. E. Worthingtoln.4 Pre-Lenten Hospitalities. 1 Representative and Mrs. Wfilaz Bor-I land gave a dlinner Wednesday evening for the Plostmaster General and Mrs. Burleson.* The other guests were Repre-I sertative and Mrs. Frank Wheeler Mon-I dell, Representative John J. Fitzgerald, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Folk, Lieut. andI Mrs. Francis Blaisdel, and Mrs. John B.4 Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Beale R. Howard enter tained at dinner at the chevy Chase Club in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur John Shipment of lutterfly" f all Columbia Records, yles of Graf onolas n. iao o ac p.1thSt inent society matron, of New York F the aecutiy. commife in Charge J Amrican Woman Sufrage Asso 7arr. the latter formerly Miss Editl Koon. The other guests were Mr. Justic dicReynolds, Representative and Mrs. In '. Copley, Gen. and Mrs. George Barnett Dr. and Mrs. Walter Wells, Mr. and Mrs Rudolph Kauffmann. Mr. and Mrs. Thorn La W. Lockwood. Mrs. Frederick E. Cba pin, Mrs. E. R. Waters. Mrs. D. B. Mer 7yman. Mrs. Sidney C. Neals, Miss Mar B. Adams, Mr. William E. Fowler, Mr 4erbert C. Hengstler. Mr. Henry Meem nd Mr. F. A Richardson. Maj. and Mrs. Charles H. Drake wer iosts at dinner in compliment to Mis Emily Kutz. taking their guests later to he theater. Pink and yellow tulip formed the centerpiece and the place :ards and favors were valentines. Thet yther guests were Col. and Mrs. Charlei W. Kuts, Mirs Blanchard Scott, Mis !ary Littell. Miss Ruth Littell, Miss Hel n Welsh. Miss Floy Barnhardt, Maj Buckey, Capt. Woodbury. Capt. Doig [Jeut. Fletcher, Lieut. Frank, and Mr Paul Ernest. Jr. Gen. and Mrs. William M. Black enter taned at dinner at the Army and Nav: -lub, when their guests were Representa Live and Mrs. John Jacob Rogers, th Asistant Secretary of War and Mrs. In graham, Gen. and Mrs. William A. Mann 3en. George 0. Squier, Col. and Mrs eorge F. Downey. Col. and Mrs. Charle W. Fenton. CoL and Mrs. George W Read, Maj. and Mrs. Ernest D. Peck hfrs. Chauncey Humphrey, of New York the house guest of Gen. and Mrs. Black Miss Squires, and Mr. George Bond Coch an. Maj. and Mrs. William C. Harllee en tertained at dinner at the Chevy Chas Zlub in honor of Mrs. Harllee's uncl and aunt, the Solicitor of the State De partment and Mrs. Cone Johnson. Th, ther guests were the Commissioner o [ndian Affairs and Mrs. Cato Sells. Com rnissioner and Mrs. Oliver F. Newmai nd their house guest..Mrs. Dan Murphy :f Texas; Mrs. Owen D. Chahoon, Mr rheodore Kluttz. and Mr. Whitehea, KMutts. Maj. and Mrs. Robert H. C. Kelton en tertained at dinner at the Army and Nav :lub, their guests including Gen. Josepl E. Kuhn, Mrs. John C. Kelton. Mrs 3eorge E. Wills, Maj. J. M. R. Taylor Dr. and Mrs. Harvey W. Wiley, Maj rhales L. Ames. Maj. and Mrs. Ernest ID 3cott. Maj. and Mrs. Alexander Miller .rs. Charles R. Emrich. Maj. and Mrs 3tanley Embick, and Capt. and Mrs. WaI ,er K. Wilson. Col. and Mrs. Jay E. Hoffer entertaine4 Lt dinner at the Chevy Chase Club, whel heir guests were Gen. George 0. Bquler 70a. and Mrs. Downey, Col. and Mrs Earts. Col. and Mrs. Cruikshank, Maj tnd Mrs. Barnhardt, Maj. Winship, Con nander and Mrs. Galbraith, Mr. an< wra. Hampton Gary, Mr. and Mrs. Wadd: ood. Mr. and Mrs. Reeve Lewis, Mrs ohn W. Wright and Mrs. Julius Conrad Mr. and Mrs. Auhton G. Clapham were iosts at dinner in honor of Mrs. Clapi ,amn's brother. Dr. John H. Dunnington >f New York. their house guest. Thi >ther guests were Miss Jane Gregory tias Mattie Marschall Curd. Miss Marl urns, Miss Jeanette Cowan. Miss Rutl 4iller, Paymaster Smith Hempatone, Mr lyvanus Stokes. Mr. Sinclair, Mr. Bal ard Moors. Mr. Henry McGavack, and hr. Janney. Capt. and Mrs. Ralph H. Goldthwait< nd Mrs. McEwan Pruyn entertained a linner at the Chevy Chase Club. havina as their guests Col. and Mrs. Samuel '1 allen, Maj. and Mrs. T. C. Lyster. Maj ad Mrs. Harold W. Jones. Maj. A. W Williams. Lieut. and Mrs. WIlliam Henr: Rolcombe, Miss Dorothy Laubach, Mis !tbei Allen, Miss Mary Temple. Mrs Rorace Macfarland, Dr. Larkin, Mr. Le evre, Lieut. Corby, ULt Beitium, ani br. Douglag Boyalock. Miss Margaret Brown Wa hostess at pretty tea at the Cordova. At the tei able, which was Adorned with yellos sring flowers, were Mrs. William Benson. Mr.. John A. Lejeune and Mis Wattles. Others assisting were Miss El lie Lejeunne, Miss Fanny Chamnberlaik kiss Gibonl ad Miss Elisabeth Gibson uiss Strong, from Long Island, the hous guest of the Misses Gibson, and Mrs Paraz Idary. Rteprsentative and Mrs. John A. Ps le entertained at dinner, at the Arm: and Navy Club, having as their guest Repreundwand Mrs. Jewett Shouse :oand adMrs. JIarvey ~Tomb, Mis Page, Miss RIcards, Miss Maude Rich ads, Paymaster Lamar. Mr. William E Pwter ad Mr. Louis Weld. Mrs. Omcr Callaway, wife of Repress. lative Callaway, ot Texas, entertained a a ta at. her apartsat gt the nanscoed e ena W, a enmrnwen.. nR ...a tive Canway s returs from CoIgmi ] at the end of tMm $ion. ThC assist-li lng Mrs. Callaway included Mrs. Jam"ijt h laydss. Mrs. WgnaM R. Smith, Mrs. I James young. Mrs. George T. Porter, Mrs. Jame" Swayne, of Fort Worth; Texas; Mre, Edward Parson Hail, Mir Mary D. 'Jarvm, Mime Woolley and a number of young ladies from Texas whq are attouiowmCobolin Washington. Col. and Mrs. WEiliam 3L Cruitha=k entertained at dinner at the Army and Navy Club, when their guests were Gen. and Mr. Henry P. McCain. CoL and Mrs. Charles W. Kats, Cbl. and Mrs. George B. Duncan. CoL and Mrs. Jay E. Hoffer. Naj. and Mrs. John McA. Palmer, Maj. sad Mrs. James A. Wooaruff, Maj. George HF. Jamersoa. Capt. and Mrs. James j. Loving. Capt. George B. Comly, Mr. and Mrs. Waddy Wood. Mrs. Emery T. Smith and Miss Ethel MacMurray. Maj. and Mrs. Denis Nolan were hosts at dinner at the Army and Navy Club. their guests including Maj. and Mrs. Wil liam Mitcheo, Maj. and Mrs. King. Maj. and Mrs. Henry B. Clark. Maj. and Mrs. Prank S. CoChe,. MaJ. William Kelly. Capt. and Mrs. Harry Cootes., Capt. and1 Mrs. Themas M. Spaulding. Ueut. and Mrs. Alexander Sharp. Mr. and Mrs. Vic tor Kauffnafn. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Campbell Gref and Miss Loulse Sharp. Comnimader and Mrs. Ralph Koch gave a dinner at the Army and Navy Club, when their guests were CoMmander and Mrs. James 0. Richardson. Commander and Mrs. Robinson. Mrs. James Proctor Morton, Miss Fenet, of Paris, Tex.; Corn minder Charles Belknap and Lleut. G. V. Stewart. Mim Betty Applebaum, of Atlantic t City, assIsted by Mr. William Stein and & Miss Jane Favelson, of this city, gave a I delightful surprise Valentine party in 1 honor of Mrs. Edward E. Applebaum at i her home in the Hampton, in Eighteenth a street. on Wednesday evening. a A Dutch supper was served In the din ing-room and Valentines were distributed among the guests. Those present were Miss Anna Morris, Miss Sadye Goldman. Miss Sara Flax. Miss Esther Oscar, Miss Pauline Coriover. Mr. and Mrs. M. Cor dover. Mr. and Mrs. A. Cordover and son. Miss Annap erskin. Miss Anna Kas, Miss Anna Sile, Miss Belle Cordover, Mr. David Berman. Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Garfinkle, Mr. William Rosenthal. Mr.I Nathan Goodman. Mr. H. Hirshman, Mr. I Sidney Kauffman. Mr. Jack Cohen, and Mr. Ed Buckoff. Representative and Mrs. Thomas B. E Dunn were hosts at a dinner in the red e room at the Willard. The table, which t was an elongated oval, represented a < sunken W en with a fountain playing in the mi&t of growing tulips, Japanese lilies, azaleas and blooming bottle brush 1 bushes. The guests wnre Senator and Mrs. Pomerene. Sens'or and Mrs. Pittman, Senator James. Mrs. Claude A. Swanson, I Senator-elect McKellar. Representative 9 and Mrs. James R. Mann, Representative Fitzgerald, Representative and Mrs. Hu bert Dent, Representative and Mrs. 1 Dempsey, Representative Sandford. Rep resentative and Mrs. Rowe. Representa-J tive Keiss. Representative andMs Snell, Representative and Mrs. Mott, Representative and Mrs. Snyder, Repre sentative and Mrs. Britten. Representa tive and Mrs. Ward. Repre.sentative f Chandler. Representative Gould. Repre sentative and Mrs. Fairchild, Representa tive McKinley, Representative and Mrs. Winslo9. Representative and Mrs. Ham liton, Representative and Mrs. Magee, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus S. Day, Mrs. James W. Husted, Miss Mattis, Dr. and Mrs. David Jayne Hill. Judge and Mrs. Charles C. McChord, Dr. and Mrs. Francis S. Nash. Dr. and Mrs. William C. Borden, Judge and Mrs. Howry, Mr. and Mrs. William Corcoran, Mr. and irs. John Millholland. Mr. and Mrs. William M. Collier. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Hutch Inson, Mrs. Logan Tucker, Mrs. T. le Witt Talmage. Mrs. Francois Berger Mo ran. Miss Lansing. Miss Temple. Mrs. Marvin, Mrs. Angelo, of New York, and Miss Lacey. At-Homes. Mrs. Charles Carroll Walcutt will be at home this afternoon. i Mrs. Samuel Pannill Ficklin will re ceive Tuesday for the last time this sea son. Mrs. Reeve Lewis will be at home Thursday, February 22. Mrs. E. D. Huntley and Miss Eliza beth F. Pierce will receive Friday at the Portner. Mra Edward Loftus will be at home informally tomorrow at the Dresden. Mrs. Earl . Brown, wife of MaJ. Brown. will receive on Thursday for the last time this season. Mrs. W. H. Orme and Mrs. Rawlins Hume will at home on Tuesday Mrs. George W. Norris. of 2201 R street. will receive on Friday. Mrs. Charles K. Noones will be at home on Tuesday. Mrs. Thomas W. Sidwell has postponed her at-home days until after March 1. Neighborhood House Benefit. The board of trustees of Neighborhood House are being congratulated on having secured the services of Fritz Kreisler for; a recital at Poll's Theater on Friday afternoon, February 23, at 4:30 o'clock. I This Is the annual benefit to raise money for carrying on the regular work of the settlement, including the kindergarten. the boys' club, and other activities of Neighborhood House. Patroneases for the concert are Mrs.! Newton D. Baker. Mrs. Paul Bartlett. Mrs. Delos A. Blodgett, -Mrs. Edson1 Bradley, Mine. Ekengren, Mrs. Marshall M Remo - frc The low seu by 3. Kr- en a ~n ? ce,,Pe burgh * Bre., Phlm Royal, n-st The Southeagst aq.r emerf ilk sad I se Reae Drug 0o., 8th ad Q sta me, InhghPanee, 8th and V .a a p uh-s==' Phamas. 8th and Enst CsetL lisetanlDe psoe, s E st. se.. Y.lmas's ,hmq th ad H st e P 5a & Phannacy 4th ad H t a P. A. Pharmacy, 3rd and E s.a ma PalkMa st. an5 Pla. ass, a md... th adUia.. 0. J. Genby, Nruth asste st. and H. I. ss. AB afsik's sams. K. V. Ph.e U U st, mu. Da.& a,. h-----a ad 0 .. .. a0ms pDrg, _. es . 3rdad u -ae PI51d Mrg Jobs . Gibbeas. min Wit,. Mrs. Mare"s Xm.=11 MM C0111 112H--nnck.-MS. DatU X. 11A, N . B. Mora,. Mrs. Theodore W. Xe fra. William x. Ritter. Mrs. Jeph a hropp, Mrs. Tho-s F. Welsh, M larold Walker. and Mrs. Charles DmAgh an Wood. Fashionable Horse Show. Among those who have mA entrd a the Indoor horse show of the Wash igton Riding and 'Huntlub to be hell londay and Tuesday at the clubhosm 'wenty-second and P streets northwest re Col. Robert N. Thompson. Mrs. Iar nderson. Mrs. Axel Wichfeld, Mr. Will Lm Littauer, Mrs. W. Sinclair Bowen fr. H. T. Newcomb, Miss Louise Me anahan. Miss Anna Hamlin. Commasn er J. H. Reid, Miss Ruth Tanner. UIs idythe Howard. 'Maj. Luts Wahl. Mi leorge Oakley Totten, jr.,- Miss Ethe (aeMurray, Mrs. F. L. Pleadwell, Mr )ennis A. Upson, Miss Mattle Stevens fr. Abner Drury. Mr. W. F. Downey, Jr. Ir. J. A. Jones, Mr.- J. A. Haynes, Mr . E. Rados, Mr. John J. Duff, Mr. H. E ackson, Mr. E. N. Palmer, Mr. J. P )onald. Mr. Mark Turner. Society Notes. Miss Caroline Nash has gone to Phils elphia to be the house guest of Misi anita M. Sanders and Miss Estelle D anders. The Misses Sanders have re rned homdifrom a visit ts Miss Nash nd will entertain at a costume dinnei i her honor Tuesday evening. Miss Nasi rill be the house guest next week of Mis fary Stewart Wurts, daughter of Mr nd Mrs. Charles Stewart Wurts, of Phil delphia. Mrs. Leon Adler has returned ti er home after some weeks spent wit] elatives In New York. A dance will be given by Tbe mem *.re of the 'own and Country Clut 'ebruary 21, at Rauscher's. Miss Edith Ullman. of Bufalo, I he guest of Mrs. M. Stern. Miss Marguerite M. Wells, of Minne ota; Miss Mabel Caldwell Willard. o toston, and Miss Mary Elizabeth Pidg on. of Winchester, Va., are guests a he headquarters of the National Ameri an Woman Suffrage Association. Mrs. Goldheim has returned to he ome in Baltimore after a -visit ti Vashington. Mr. A. Kirstein, of Bangor, Ma.. he eturned to his home after a shot tay with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frani Mr. and Mrs. M. Felbeimer have re urned after a stay of several week n Nashville, Tenn.. with Mr. and Mri onas. Mrs. James Fafford will leave Wash ngton at the end of the month for PaIr teach. Her daughter, Miss Gladys Sat ord will go to California to visit he micle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Vheeler, Mis. Wheeler and the Misse ,heeler spent last winter in Washingtor Mr. F. E. Foer, of New York. spen few days in the city last week wit riends. The monthly meeting of the Junto emple Society will be held this eve in4 in the vestry of the Fighth Stree emple. Memlers and friends ar ordially invited. Mr. Arthur Gabriel, of New Yorl as returned to his home after i hort stay with relatives in town. Mrs. G. Erlebacher has returne fter a short stay in New York. T'le Solicitor General and Mrs. Joh V. Davis hase as their house guest Mis assel, of West Virginia. sister of Mrs JaisI. Mrs. Victor Kauffmann has deferre or visit to Boston and will not lear ashi: gton until the middle of March. Miss Miriam Franc, of the Universit if Pennsylvania, is spending a shor ime wi!h her parents, Mr. and Mri 1. Franc. Mr. S. Ilyman, of Boston. spent hort time in town last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sanders have re urned to their home after a shot tay in New York. Miss Elizabeth Smith. of Philade >hia, is the house guest of Mr. an irs. A. T. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Fishel are spend ng several days In New York. Mr. M. Behrend. of Germantowr 'a., has returned to his home after tay of a few days in Washington. Mis Eleanor Selinger. who has bee pending some time in Kansas Cit3 s now in New York to attend t edding of Miss Amy Cohen. cf tha ity. to Mr. Runkel. Miss Selinger wi eturn to Washington this week. Miss Katherine Verran has returne 'rom a visit to the Pacitic Coast and otk r points. Mliss Laura Verran has gon o Pasadena. Cal.. to spend sever nonths. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Strasburger an dr. and Mrs. H. Kinnlir. spent last wee ,t the Hotel St. Charles. Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Tannebanum. of Cit rinnati, spent severiLl days in tow ast week. The Washington Branch of the Si1 erhood gave a most delightful "Kal ee Kaitch" on Wednesday afternon n the vestry of the Eighth Strec emple, After the business had bee * CONTINUED OIN PAGE TEN4. ANDO es Superfluous Hair m under the arms. neck and sleeveless gowns de ad a smooth white ski. es Drug Stores, Geideaberg's, a.m.. re and eli the folewing drugglstes C. W. Henry, 2M anid N sta. nw. E. W. Whiteside, 19U Pa.. ave. Dv. W. F. Mattingly Pharmao. 14th ad L sta ew. John C. Haley Pharmacr, Hth ad Vt. aim, av. Gilman Drug 4tes, E! Pa. eve, am. Robert L. McGumire, fth and U eta sw. Keon. Pharmaty, nai cr. 7th st. and la ae am. J. French Simpsn, noth side 7th and 1. L. ave. Bruaier Phara-se. -i. cor. 7th and 3. 1. ee. The Empire Phanaer, 7th sed N siM, am. J. [Le.i KrIck. 173B Ps. aim. me. B. I. Quigley, Phar--. U, ist eM seae. H. W. Smtith Phear. 2ma. eed Pa. avesay. Brscse Phaqa. 9th and 36 s am. F. P. Weller Phatmed. 36th ssMas am. Cas. E. GItem Pham, 14th arke :d. se. m..s. 1.=== =. am. 11th & Gr. am. s ed ea ea a 0 a a e e al 18 4 Ready with a goodly sup . case, Blankts an Both Fine Bed and Table ihnea tcipation of a great deand fron. t' open their doors in welcome to the . a xss Bleeme Cot"=n sboea, over- 0 rimg cast seamed centers, &f mm1. Tftft Blesellme Cottem Obe*%s extra. heavy seamed center, Me eash. ' g 1sti Fle Biserebed Cotton Sheet, no seams, Wide hems. ae aeh. si80 Heavy Pemuet Iae. cet ten Sheets. no better made, 64A each. - Biikeine-eeered CNmOrts, cotton filled. smili designs, S1.M eseh. * likeline-evered Cemfoers, cotton'T filled, good range of patterns. 72z78 nae Smk eeeenre CeM forts, stitched; very light and warm, ga4de eaeh. 3 Lorne Double-bert Woolmop Shm-. kets. Pink and blue borders. U pair. Extra-large. Heavy Weelfap Dle-| kets, very soft and warm. 01.0 pair. * 407 White and Gray ed B lanketa* pink and blue borders. *i pair. Larme Weelmap Blankets. white and!: gray fancy borders. 61.75 pair. Heavy. Clesely-wevem Creebet Bed Spreads. Marseilles patterns. big 1 values. 40.0 each. Fie White Spreads, satin finish' with Bolster Shams to match. ex- 5 tra large. all cut corners and scal- I oped edge. unusual value. one t less than regular; 64.5 to 2 87A. t1 CHINAWARE At Feir"ef=l Redeettoms. $12.5 Di: Ses, $16.. l0-piece Dinner Sets. beautifully decorated. 4 elegant spray decora tIons to select from Fine American g porcelain, full service for 12 per Ssons I00-piece Seta. regularly $10.50. at................. * - * 100-piece Sets, regu r larly $15.00. at......... $12.5 r ,00-piece Sets. regu larly $21.75, at......... * 100-piece Sets. regu t larly $23.00, at......... 00 100-piece Sets, regu larly $18.50. at......... $15 r g 4:-piece Sets. regu t larly $4.40. at............ 42-piece Sets, regu larly $5.25, at ............ Upholstery I Draperies. Lace Curtains and Rt sale tomorrow at less than actual va NEW MARQUISETTE. Regular 2De Qality 18e Yard. Jiat arri a new lot o? ieY Meroernsd haisoeztehed with tap edge and oen w itch border, for chamiber or living room cul' A .RT DOILIES. 3be Set. L"re rmand Meft Dolies. 4 plate "ad 4 tm! br doilie to a -et: pr..d on ew bsket sese cloth. in bird and norl combiatown. DRAPERY SILK. 4e a Yard. nnE ualilt, ,ik for )aMp shades. brokeaOse etc., cho"e of blue. ro, geen, gold. L IL DR AS at 45e a Yard Madra. tae center with gr.ed bkdr se all-ter doriA effecu. in blie. greet. r-, and brown t LINEN TAFFETA CRETONNES. 30e Yard. Vaimes, 50e i0 ee Yard. Extra besy quality Linen Tafreta ino jra dengn ton toen ookr-d Lackgriound. for furna - ture cosering or dpnries. 9x12 WOOL AND FIBER RUGS, 416.26n. In-net nlter agured desgna; a hey .. n -oable qa.Jti. xU12 AXMINSTER RUGS, 421.7%. Values to $42.13. , Heavy qua-hty beamless A.uister Rus. El; rauv kai- e1 re I 'rah. Germee, and *o'ther well-knowne vaaties. on beautoful moed.J bon sd one-tioal deign. $1.50 STAIR AND HALL CARPET. $1.00 Yard. -Cdeeation veivet (taret in new color and e deottns. LACE CURTAIN% at $1.43 Pair. M .0 ialitv net Curtait in the -e quare mesh fiutid h 2-nchbm d iso edaw 4 to 6 1re of . Pattern; choice of whit* r Palais RoTal--&eeemd li., . Th, ::The New Sp U the Itereat ia 'T% g Hundreds of charming dresses, coo colors will await g visitors, who will workmanship and. SPRI - ~Whether of sern 74 frocks are delightfi * Women are leal ment Store has be * ., prices than they eo New serge dreu 'dresses from $10.01 Plain, neat dres are priced at 82.00. This seao'so U them pleated effect of ornamnentation. For as little as * to young or older From 812.66 to * fovelty suits, inli fancy checks, wool the new high colot * Expecially good The entire prie< * 619.50. U SPlF - *' An inexpensive * gold or the new s * and belted.,1 is 1A Several other : mpire styles, wtd * A new wool we C. . 115. 1:......e * a i ne n** STmT. P redness Saie!I ply Of Shets, Pilow I Table -ine--. priced at marked avigs in a e patroas of this tore who will iousands of Inauguratios Viitors. U l~s amem-beay, creet med U speees, exceliest. of good Pat terns. MAeeh. i.- m aEtch Heavy Mdiei es- g ersied Tae - de,3 y..d. I-meh lime Empersed armbh mnmehE ed Tabe Damask excellent pat terns. Se Ymd. h-las Enmpesed lge-made imm a Weft T1111e -D.amks it will out wear any all-linen damask at the price; $1.26 value; $A* ynrd. b-laek Eztre Ftme All-pmse imen Table D.mas. SOA,5 y.d. I-iseh Heavy eecerka*d ma-ime-d Diago napkei, hemmed ready for use. s1.1 dee. -ieh Fie Nereereted Bleased Dem.ak hapkma. closely woven. hemmed ready for use. 01.5 deen. I-Iich All-pure Lime. Damsk Napkia%, Irish bleached. extra tne quality, usual $4.60 value; S2.5* I-Iach Extra-heavy Irish 3tesehed Limes Wet Naphia., gLee de... Px7 Flie Bisached Huk Towels, closely woven, hemmed ends, 22e each. PRIN Heavy DeubSe-thread Turkish U Both Tewel. in colored blocks and stripes. me each, stra-large *ereerlsed Turkish Rath Towels, in wide stripes. Spe cial. see. Izds Bleeched Turkish Both Tow el.a hemmed ends. 21e. COUCH BEDS . Drop-side Couch Beds. 2 ft. 9 in. U ide and L ft. 11 in. long. Made with rong quality metal frame a, d uaranteed link ring. Stands 1 g ches from floor. at els. Mst -I -ess extra. Palais Reyal-Feurth Fler. GLASSWARE Colonial Glass Water i Tumblers, at 6 for........ 12C . Thin-blown Water Tumblers, regularly 6oc; at, dozen................. c a Footed Sherbet or Sundae U Cups, fine clear glass; g regularly &; at... .c Stone Porcelain Slop Jars with covers and pail 4 handles; at............... 49C Rayo Nickel-plated Student Lamp, with center draft burner and white shade, complete tegularly $1.9r at ............ $1.69 Wall Bracket Lampe, complete with brass burner, chim ney and reflector; at..... c "er )epartment: gs, a list of special lots to be on * lues. ROGERS And Other Makes. SILVERWARE Odd lots-but every piece guaranteed from 5 to 10 years. Note prices: 6 TaMepeems .......... 4Sc 6 Tablespoom . . .-. 89c 6 Dessert Speems ........ 79c 6 Oyst Forks .......... 89c 6 Froi Knives .......... 89c 6 Meat Forks ........... 89C 6 Orag Spe ........ 89C Pie Servers ............. 29C Buttr Kaives ........... 25c Sgar Sheb ............ 25C Cream Lade ...........25c U Chids' Sets ............. 39C Sep Lade ..........$1.1, * Cold Meat Forks ........ 2c Paatke Ryai-Street Piee. g ring Stocks: morrew's Sale. g .st and suits In the new styles andg he critical inspection of Mondays be delighted with the fashion and g most of alt, the modest price. NG DRESSES* e, silk or wash fabrics. theme new ml tn their lines and their colorings. ning that the Palale Royal Bace- g ter fashioned frocks f..r moderate Ln buy anywhere else. see from 55.00 to $10.00; new Silk to $15.50.U men of washable gingham that willg sea, including the extra large aises, tING SUITS 4te are short and jaunty, mosrt of m, with cogtrasting buttorw' by wayU 10.00 are smart dark eults, suitable women. The coats are fully lined. $17.50, an interesting showing of ht and dark fabrics, together withU poplin, wool velour, and so on, in is the showing of sports suits. range of suits is from $10.00 to ING COATS* wool poplin coat, in black, iavy, sple green, with wide ripple back S. modela in wool poplin, belted and p catler osiars, at $11.50. lear eat. In high oeels b ealy ___ -.~ .. . - as. * MpiE ~ nna