OCR Interpretation

The Washington herald. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1906-1939, April 21, 1917, Image 5

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1917-04-21/ed-1/seq-5/

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g ...i ee as00 exieta ta aov
Ma, ase jM _11r 0:0, fmetewae
- esume e lmtesair assuie asa*
11ur ees e eaisman Ar10 pn
td. -
- . a lh am air
e" passad to be gaey te 1a m
it ,M e- o to b s 001 r-hFar
1 st- WMM4, AMR 0 to May
b- .t1.. -a -Glmao Me
Ebsta csaiee wth Pesidet Calla
hen ad other toegbus at the ooyr7
__ the det s e the. e t
the !ame seml.""t*L
Three asa to e tohe ed Csee
ae preset aiefrmation. ""'""**"
Gall, moveath and Z.
stees assee es enreaned thirty ane
bg 2h& nsBight and are awaiting an
=.yAL== ify CapeL Filth and T
sesaene, to mew erw-s1-t.o unit and ex
padts to here K cometed net week
Th e . eeyesrd at the court oeo
hae roughed its pawes and now bas an
ImArcter. reverls other churches and
b d. tam- are feet enrollng uambersm
eT when they reedte their paers et
erganbatiea they will be asiued an in
Testefday's contributors are:
Vise Presdeat Marshal. U; Mrs.
Jeas R. (Mary Harrison) McKee. $60;
Rev. Dr. Thomas a. Lee. U5: Howard
mrey. $N; Lesli E. Prince. 10; H. B.
seusowak. S10; John D. La Mater. for
,dagter. Marjorie. $1 per mouth; John
Q. Crai. B; Dr. Lucy B. Motos. B; John
D.rr. BRobert W. Lewis. 1; Mrs. E.
MCJgg. an,; A friend, $140; Dr. L W.
Dennison. $n0; D. J. Kaufman. Inc.. 1114
payable 3 per month; M. Pasternak. 3S:
Edward !. Coltday. $10; C. Engel'. Sen.
E; Jiba Ella Moore. B; C. T. Jewell. P1;
Mr. ad1 Mrs. D.. 3M: Mrs. W. T. Seward.
1; 0. T. Cleoson. 12; Beatrice A. Lar
der. $10; A.. 31; W., 31; B. T. Holdes. B;
Mrs. R. T. Holden. B-.
- South Washington Citisea' Assoiatiea.
5; Dr. William R. Shannon, 10; Mr.
Reed Snoot. U; Mrs. Charle B. Howry.
; Underwood Typewriter Co., 30; 1.
Thomoea 3010; Mabel Kipp Lewis. 31;
Mrs. L. H. Verran. 310; Miss Clara PUm
and Miss Clara Heibert. ; Mfir Anna
Jacobsen. $; B. L McKmht. 110: A. T.
Punkewaky. 16; Ina M. awrence. 31; Mr.
ant Mrs. R. B. Handy. Jr.. 32; Jesse
Shoup. U:'J. M. Loveless. B; Katherine
T. Cowling, $5: Eva Hess. 5; Mary Stew
art. B; Caroline K. Rice. $.
. F. W. Bolgiano. $110; Jules Deraonet.
0 per year: Mrs. Jules Demonet. US per
3- ar; Mar Helen Demomet. U per year;
Charles Demonet. 325 per year; Dr.
D'Arcy Magee. 1+; D. J. Calahan, U.
Miss E. A. Moore. 130; Mir P. L Jack
son. 11.
R. 0. DuBois, 140; John L Has, $S.
Nutskell News
Willi -W. Kendrick.' aged 2 . B T
treet anortheest. was arrested ye :de
efternoon charged with perating eau
temobile while drunk, collidi. a on
Pennsylvania avenue northwest, I istween
Third and 4 1-2 streets, with the c Triage
of Mrs. Robert Thompson. 1107 7 y.
04Mr street northwest. Both the anmo
ab and the carriage were slightly dam
The automobile of Edward Dorsey.
aged 25. 100 Sixth street, was slightly
damaged yesterday afternoon while in r
street northwest, between Ninth and
tenth streets. The damage was occa
soned by a collision with a street car of
the Washington Railway and Electric
Mrs. W. E. Timber, 1l E street north
West, yesterday reported to the pollee
that while in a Ninth street car she lost
her black leather pocketbook. The
purse contained $t in bills, three yards
et lace and two smaller pocketbooks.
William Daniels, colored, aged 34. Fort
Myeg, Va.. while riding his motorcycle
to M street northwest, near Wisconsin
avenue, yesterday afternoon collided with
a car of the Washington Railway and
Electric Company.
A Washingt.n Railway and Electric
Company car and the automobile of
Prank Broughton. Seventeenth street
and Park road, collided yesterday after
bioon at Fourteenth and B streets south
west. The collision resulted in slight
damage to Loth vehicles.
Joseph Murray. aged 28, 2215 6 street
Northwest. was struck over the head yes
tbrday shortly before noon with a pistol.
He was treated at the Emergency Hoe
pltal. John Schafer. of the same ad
ess was artested charged with assault.
Park benches valued at $S were stolen
thereday night from the playgrounds at
Thirty-fourth - street send Vaha, place
"Metu" in misdng. "Metu" is a
Suable Pekinese terrier, the property of
n F. Laurens 1131 Sixteenth street
erthwest. The dog strayed from the
home yesterday morning., "Metu" wore
a aellw w!${ its name engraved upon it.
uer baeee of hap valued at U were
aelea from the .table of John Penn,
rear of 1$N Soath Capitol street, some
Rme Therelay nit
'Childrea playing with matche- lester..
*y afternoon started a bins to the shed
at the rear of 215 13 1-3 street *outhwest.
em net mnma-me gueestg g,
Iasteusse Ram Anse.
O6mr and meembers of crew of Aii.
ria vessels new lying to Antericas
herhera uerm control of asverinmt of
Uemn, wer ordered last might to be
..h...se to the eal bm..sat tests
detrde whether they are eliible
ad en Ampartoen seg. A.ae gem,
etr t labor Lout. P. Pest tonighi
tammdirant ioects at parts
the chas areachored to a-ss
aima piapers to these who smay he
~mnd eutitled to land.
.,bh the segular eose. , n e c ecera er
oems wi be --a.-ne and the ae
elbeards et ingery wti hes.fin
an -v..ad b..Srm The
aml neorm were pissed in the
er the ai asem. sas
- as mee were teimed tmei= ewe
- at t. 11iein
5mee Comt M.
- neeam-ho e
. f sus
MOW twat sti .t
[i tw ta. ____ ra
a< r.._
$M rra..R at
las" dppli.a. . ,.a1.ry. K .0._
1 J.N.a tq.d to stg wawa
memo 1 e..8" asatn.t Sts br tL. -
x/ rf Ooa paaf in. osaM.tt
wt* &%blonde daft A to -big w"001
this d.[.d at bod oObtalmd ps tot rIISt&
dws fast the plamu! Sad any lat..wt
to tse pa..ats, BSnard, noon* and
DawWI app.ar par wt. J.Naa.
.... aMely
ame. s.4Ci-... & -A.te
(aU inar Unsm laose uSm
' gm. AMR *.-rt-~ W "Ainueus
Dte toe ..mwe Etaouim. '
Wm Oe %Smi qpmsm Mary toot
part Iesermese odebrtlg the en
tranes at the Uatt0 Stit. to the war.
Uwwemmere s temias -the Mtar. aia
stripes weas to omee tede,. mad Old
Gilww et.4 is .tvoelaeet 3utidtrf
for the erst thee Is
The rrt ag eated reli~e
a~~eIs 9t. lsUI eommemoewattogth
Intervention of FAwirloa on the utjd4 f
"Treie sad byea rtgt." ad they
drone to the esthedrmt through street.
Are Yo
ring's He
L. ~to buyc
it. It t.
you knc
less that
Sthey be<
tions of
they wil
skin, Ta
this salk
wear at
as there
5~se Wis tar.
f th a t .i U . a r.s
Wlaas !i' Gewe~ sa not Ma.
.t t P... . . r. e.em
av the swast ec
WesStul by (aaneci A. aur Law.
3" nweat. whe beeatt otf
Pau's. too big tlist teem 3aeaba
meo buet, Cbaptar ?U= re. SL24
ke ener fie United at"" n.
wag yo gret that plaettob ado thi
storese - them wrsold notb
*A ~ezas lIhator's automobile ha ti
whesg -an the left .a ad one on tie
right so rwsa that he cigum e two
of ths wi tile obstruetoas on a re:
at the some time.
re--- How
Of I
have Jeust Rece
We anticipated our
this order o. $45,000.00 w
now get the benefit of
45,0o.00 worth of a sinb
akes experience and a kn
w you are right to do thi,
These shoes could not bi
n a much higher figure tl
an bought on today's ma
those in the shoe business
A be worth even more ne
have every size and widt
~nand Mahogany Ca
Ln Colored Calfskin.
offer these at an extra
not delay. Buy as many
are you will not again b,
anything like this price.
i may choose either I-igl
are 4,000 pairs in all to
R uas kissa a ive Je as.
MoUana, the onl weman spekeb
sde rs . a dicse h i..u
st have 1"I
by acte of tas teata me"h="
Erg. C ur ri Chimaa cm p.~Oa i
Niseioaautl Sf i ie wutWsmaI
aeelako.nd oefg th ~s. emaaoa
Ian ursatu a t he et1M na
ied o ur Thouamss
Rasreimtativ. Jeanette Rabh.a of
Montan& the only womn aeaer be
itdes Mra Cati. dbcurned the 4*0..!l
the of amealas the s tate sh e tutlm.
red, Mr
About Sp
ived Four Thou
wants over six months a
orth of these shoes.
our foresight and tremendc
,le make of shoes, and fey
owledge of the shoe mark(
~We anticipated our wai
sold at a fair profit for
ian we are quoting had.
rket. Unless all predic
,, who should know, fail,
ct fall.
h in Black Viking Calf
lfskin and the new
pecial price of $5.85 for
pairs as you can. T he
e able to get such foot
! Shoes or Low Shoes,
select from.
Every Pair So
With This Gum
Dailr and satura
I .. OeM a ..M K4a St1 W a
balance. and a toresen mest u-r
a. (adto e et 0 u the esassmens ae
whit mme 1f~sae ttki " e
ore -kh mi CI. h
Two dea.e eempead at ftrt-e
women maloa of the Purk X mtut
ataf are aow emaried for tmtrauceti to
thet aid work. Dr. WWlia F. HeRm.
of Georletwn Ualverat maiSe fac
tulty. comata claa. at thbe U*3azri
under the awpeias of the asmaesma mad
ring Sho
g Ne
sand Pairs of h
o on these shoes. This iu
ous purchasing power.
ier firms would do it if ti
t combined with the abil
ts on a big scale. You ca
irantee "
813 Peni
I -. --3
- -1
'a. r W a 'a~ -
~a SS ~e ~.~a to as
tdI. a =-t Aw
Se dI. ..a .
t alUna e .,"Pm I.g. Ie
.p. i .r ue *.a atw .
zaS4I - w wpU .....
the last iet aon
I g Sim~cnafr
fen's. throus
the lsolsien n
iytplna. Ave n
n no.%" nticpateyou

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