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Many Trade Rumors at Big Meeting?Tampa Still Wants Griff men?Racing TRADE RUMORS FILL THE AIR National Commission Mt-?et r ing Is Postponed Be*cause of Johnst-Hi's Tartness. i.'lncinnatl. Ohio, Jan. T.?Th. lue of th. National Baseball Commis sion, scheduled for today, wa? pott poned until tomorrow because of th? inability of Prealdent Ban Johnson, of the American League, to arrive In time from Chicago. The weather re tarded Johnson t arrival. ? Maar trade, ar. eapected to be -nade during th? naaion here. The ?ommlaalon Itself ha? not much Im portant butines? on hand. Garry .JSernnann will be re-elected chairman. "war time clause, in playing con* tracta, some modifications and re vision of the world series ?nd other Jaost season series recepits will un doubtedly be acted on. ? . Branch Rickey, ot the Cardinal?. .and hi? new manacer. Jack Hen "drlcka, today stated they refused to Lat Roger Hornaby so to the Cub. at ?y price. Rickey stated he believes haa a chance for the 1918 pennant ? would not tell any of hi? ?tara It la ?aid that Prealdent Weeghman. of the Cuba, will now go after Heinle Uoti, the Red Innelder, but there U Tittle likelihood of Groh leaving Cia ' tannati ?^Despite rumors about strained rela pons between them. Prealdent Tener, of th. National League.,?nd Prealdent Dreyfus, of the Piratea, breakfasted together at tbe Si ? too. Manager Bexdek. of the Pirate*. lame along with Dreyfu? and expect? to corral aoroe playera Ebbet?, of ^.Brooklyn, la after som. pitchers. The St. Louis Browns are after ?tufty Melania, of the Athletics, and M they land the Philadelphia first baseman they will play George Sister ""TH the outfield. BUSINESS TO I PLAY EASTERN Capitol Hill Tossers Make . Debut in the Scholastic League at *?" Today. Eastern High's quint will make Ita tBiti-tl bow In the high school series this afternoon when it meet.* Business ia the T. M. C. A. gym, and If it can hold the Stenographers to a low score will prove an interesting competitor Ia the aeries. *. roach Battersby. of the LJght Blue and White, has only had * short time to work his charges, but hopes, with the boys he haa working, to make a creditable showing. He haa Capt. Willie Thomas to build a team around. an?i the dimunitive captain ia one of the beat baaket shooters the Capitol Hi*, boys have had in many moons. 1 r" Eastern can show equal strength -with Business, thia year will prove one of the most interesting series In the history of the floor game, as a *Vrio' of the teams are pretty evenly .matched and the contests will bo worth going far to witness. Business in its first game last week ?gainst Tech did not have to extend ttaelf to any degree, as the Manual arYainers were inexperienced and showed the lack of coaching. Whilo the Stenographers, on the other hand, displayed good teamwork and were guarding their men at all times, and ?with a little more accuracy in shoot *-tag baskets would have run up a much terger acore. Kastern will be compelled to play at Top speed to make a good showing ?gainst Business, and if they succeed hi holding the Rhode Island Avenue quint in check it will greatly balance the league. Pratt Won't Withdraw Suit Against Phil Ball St. Louis. Mo., Jan. ".?Derrill Pratt. tvecond baseman for the St. Louis Americans, today said he had no in tention of withdrawine his suit ? ??inet Phil Bail, president of the club, for alleged derogatory state ments regarding Pratt In a newspa per Interview. It was learned today that the New York Americans have given notice they will not buy Pratt from St. Louis until the suit Is set tled. Braves and Yankees Play in Spartanburg "iTSpertanburg, S. C, Jan. 7.?Walter JC. HapKOOd. business manager of ttm Boston Nationals, today perfected "arrangements for a game to be play "?? In Spartanburg on April ? between {he Boston team and the New York at merle, ? ? A sufficient gu?rante, for the game was furnished by local busi ?ess men. Th? two teams will be en mete horn, from tbelr spring train lug at Miami, Fla., and Macon, Ga. *- BILL AGAINST RACING. ?Vouid Abolish Pari-Mutuels and the Kentucky State Commission. Liatxlngton. K?-.. Jan. T.?? bill. to bgallze boxing will be preavented ?t me coming session of th? Kentucky Bgislature. Ther. will alao be an ?Tort made to have a board of con trol of State athletic? foj men. Bill? lo abolish the pari-mutue!? and the atta te Racing Commission are also ?atpected to corn? up. However, rac gtg ?apportera St) ?anguine of the fetter bill'? defeat. Net?** T-trfm-ui Dead. ?Atlantic City. N. J, Jan. 3.? .??vid Rolland, who created and ?a? prealdent of the Aqueduct Race track, at New Tork. died at hi? tome here thl* morning surrounded ?y hi? family. He waa a native >f Liverpool. England. Five chil lara rarvive him. He had been a ?eiid.nt h?r? for eighteen yeara Rolland acted aa stakeholder In th? gorld championrhlp battle between ntashnmons and Jeffries. May Follow Cap. Charley Hlxgina. of the Fniveraity of Chica-ro football team. at? enrolled in th. hospital corpa, the ?aroon? next fall may hav? to tot wet the ?ystem used by Michigan last faar. Michigan gridder? ?elected their ?plain Just before several of their ?TB ??t*-?? New Hav?*?. Haven I. considering a likely r the rhataa-lotathip bout In aid of tke Red Ctom. lMctlcut city ha? had abund-, rtenee ht handling big crowd? . Tal. football was?-?. rrORNSBY FOR ?CUM. Cincinoatl. Jan. T. ? Roger Harnsbr, Bt. Louis ?hortstop. 1? on tb? verge of becoming a mem ber of th? Chicago Cub?, accord ing to a ?tatement made bar? thi? evening by- Charle? Weegh man, pre?ldent of th? Cub?. Weeghman wa? In earnest con ference her? today with President ? Branch Rickey, of the Cardinal?. Weeghman declared the only hitch to the deal at preaent la the queation of player? involved. LAST OF TEAM IS ON MARKET Famous Athletic Club of Four Years Ago Is Now Scattered. -H Stuffy Mt-InnU, atar first baseman, I? the only player that remain? on the Athletics' roster of the invincible baseball machine that Conni? Mack had welded- together some year? ago. And rumor haa if. that Mcl/ini? 1? on the market. When the Boston Brave? smothered the Athletic? in the world aerie?, four years ago, and tore asund t what had up to that time been f.n Invincible playing machine. Com le Mack began to dispose of his stars. One by one he let the player? go and in disposing of them he secured some top-notch prices. In all the manager of the Athletics secured $17?S,J00 in disposing of hi? ?tars. Hia latest "disposal sale" turned over Wal lie gchang, catcher: Amos Strunk, outfielder; Joe Bui-th. pitcher, to the Boston Red Sox for 180,000. The three pitchers, who were the mainstays of the club?Jack Coombs, Chief Bender and Eddie Plank?he re leased outright. Coombs has been pitching good ball for the Dodger?; Bender i-s making a "come back*' with the Phillies, and pitched good ball dur ing the latter part of last season. Plank went to the Federal League and showed some of h_s old time form. Last season he announced he had re tired. Eddie Collins, ' second baseman of the great ball machine, went to tbe White Sox for $50aO>. Jack Barry and Home Run Biker, shortstop and third basemen, re ??pectively, went to the Red Sox and Yankee.?. Barry was sold for $8,500 while Mack got $37,500 for Bakers' release. ?m Of the other player? Eddie Mur phy, outfielder, went to the White Sox for $6,000, Rube Oldring, out fielder, was sold to the Yankees for $5,000 but the money was later re turned to New York; Jimmy Walsh, outfielder was ?old to the Yankees for $2,500, while Bob Shawkey, pitcher, and Herbert Pennock, an other twlrler, were disposed of for $2.500 each to the Yankees and Red ? Sox, respectively. ? Connie then began to mold an other baseball machine together. Up to date he has been unsuccessful, 't^nishii-g last every year since the 'pennant winning aggregation was , wrecked. MICHIGAN AGGIES TO PLAY INDIANA ELEVEN Indianapolis. Ind., Jan. ".?A game between the Indiapa I'nlversity and Michigan Aggie el vens next fall is as sured. The game will be played at j Bloomington on a date to be fixed later. i Willie Hoppe May Become Cue Instructor in ?Army Baltimore. Jan. 7.?WHHe Hoppe, the world's greatest billiardist. may become a billiard instructor in th? army. "'The government I? Installing bil liard and pool tables at all of the army camps, not only to amuse but Instruct the Sammies," says Willie. "The ordinary layman would not believe that billiards could be used as a means of developing the pre cision and accuracy of the Sammies' eyesight, but such is the case. I recently made an interesting experi ment when I tried trapshooting and found my ability to shoot straight was over fifty per cent better than that of the ordinary novice at the game." NEW ORLEANS ENTRIES. FIRST HAI-B-f-Uimin?; par?, _*0: 4-jear old? and a?.ard; a? furlong? Adalid. 11); fathom. U3:, Bert William?, 111; Lucile ?.. 10?; Ciro Nome. I?; 'Mart-, it?: Caon Bridge (imp). 112; Th. Norman. 113; Thrill. IB: Tan ti?. ??; "Glorine. ??; "Haati? Cor?, 1*. Kan eligible: Billy ?.. 117; 'Medica?, IOS: Amber. 1?: Ma. ifurraj. Iti. SBCOND BAC1*-Tb? Junior Pune; WS: ?Tear?,?-: air fm-l?aje. **roducer (top). 11?: Part?an (tap). KB; Po?matter. IH; BnenbaM. KB; Billy NeatlcliouM. ICO; 11?i?aa Polir MO' ????**?**. U?; B. C. B?eh. IM: Mias P?_- Mi? OobaJ1t ?ua, 10?; Helmiclc MB; Orneo. IOS Alan eligible: Amalea? (lmp.1. N. THIRD HACB-Prme. mat; tveer-otda ani nparard: air fui lussa 447hirl?g Dun, 111; far hide, 108; Harry I?, 1? Buchanan Brady (bap.), ?: ??caie D.w. KB; loht?, 10); Petrogr?. a?. Maraaaana 104. l'Olimi RArR Handicap; pu?a. ?Ton. S??ai-ak? ?ad uparaid; on? mil?. Woodstone. IN: Larlj Botha, 107 ; Tokay, ss); Boh ?? natii? t?*: "??hi. 10?; Harry Bh?w, ???; Bert?, 104; Kentucky Boy. ? FIFTH RAOB-Claimin??; 4-?arold? and up ward; one and one-ouarter mil?. , Mikifula, 115: 8a?n Huck. 110: Brian Boni, 106; Mir?, 10*; I?ab. Cochran. 101; Bequira?. 101, King Ham nun*. Ill; a?Iio. II?; Paw. IK; OonflasraUon. 103; Bu? Around. H?; Little Bisser. ?. Ahn eligible: Gold folor. Md, SIXTH BACB-aau-ns; pun??, *M; S-je?i olds and upward; owe mile and aeavnty jarda Kobe. Ill; Dr. Samuel. 1?: Sharp Pro? (?ip 1 I?; Paddy Dear. It?; "Fairr Lesend, ??; ???? ai. Loeiae. s?; Intran?r. Ill; Old Broom. 1?; Bond (imp). 1?; -Broom Sweep 110; ?Mari an?. ?G: ??uor Lou. ?. Alao ?tiidble: g?y, IU; Dr. Tuck, :?; Jack Snipe. 108 -Kuloaw. ML ?Apr??ti_ allowance claimed. HAVANA ENTRIES. PlUST BAIT?-Six fvi?n?>: J-yr?--olda? claiming ; pune, ?400. Twin-gia. Ml; Ckmakiltj. IK; "Ukulele. 1_: Loxon, Mi; "Count Boraa, "*?: tmrnmrm Prince?, U?; Rockawaj. lit. SaVajND BACE-Six fork?_; 4-year-old? : eitmime: P??, MOO. ???????, IS; Thirat, t?; II Bey, ?M; "bright BSSId, K45; Victrota, ??; lady Bowena. MS; Oakwood Boy. IB. THIBD BACE-Fl? and one-??? furlong?; S-year-old? ?td upward: cUiming; puree 1400 ???tty Baby. M; Dr. Nicken. ?; Adella, MS; Qnin, MT; Du F??a. M!; Deckhand. NT; Ban jan. SB; Paulare. Mi: Prohibition. 1?; r_?a_, 11?: Mmmatl. M?: R-Ue ODaj, 111. POCBTH ??vCK-PWe and one half firrion??. ?re-?arold? and i.p-mrd : pnrae. $*?. Uixai. MS: Bonier. Ill; Onar. Ill; Golden Li?t, 111 King Stalwart. IU; World?? Wonder. HI; Gran ado. 113. ?-FTH ???--??? farle?a?: 3-J?Mfe ?nd ? npward: c-lrarag: pnrae. MOI. ??I?? Go??, ??' ?Neaill? ?. KM: early Sight, KM; Baptoa. MT: Encore 110; Big? Joe, Ul. SIXTH UiTO?, aril? and ?ttj yarda: I rear .old? and nr? ard: rlarmlng; purae. MO?. ?Marie ??. ?4: 'Dee Thru?!,, ?J; -Pro?eitio?. *? ?Samuel B. Meier. MX: TIig? Ji- MS; Oet Mi; PTinot I-blliathorpe, m. ???fwerrr?? ?How?,.? a???? -? TAMPA STILL AFTER GRIFF Old Fox Is Sure He Will Retunr to Augusta for Spring Training. Bid Fox Griffith It well ?atl?n.-d thst th? ?rational? will return to Auguata. Oa., for ?prlng training. Prealdent Alfred T. Heath, of the Auguata Club, haa closed out with the Old Fox for the use of th? South Atlantic ball park and club rooms, the only hitch being the hotel accommodations. President Heath ye?terd?y wired Old Fox that he was confident that he can find accommodation for a squad of forty and Griff Is practically settled upon returning to the town of "floodt and tires." Even If Heath is unable to take cafro of the National? Griffith will not go wanting for ? piece to train, a? Tam pa. Kla., is earnestly pleading to the National?' boa? to abandon the Georgia camp for the Florida town. C. H. Darington, who I? acting for bual atue men of Tampa, paid the Old Fox another visit yesterday and put forth a flattering offer. Although the Old Fox wa? tempted to except this offer, he held back from giving Darington a definite answer until next week when Pressent Heath, of the Auguata club, will positively know the ?landing of Augusta lp reference to the return of the Nationals. "Baseballs and bats are useless toys" waa the dictum pronounced by the Italian authorities in placing la ban on the importation of these article? by the "Sammies" In Italy. This was the first re-bound or Jolt that Clark C. Griffith'.? bat and ball fund has felt since its organl xtlon, as Griff has not only been furnishing the boys In the various cantonments and army and navy stations in this country with ath letic supplies, but has been sending special allotments to khaki klan over there. In a letter to Secretary Tum multy. Griff offered to donate all the bats and balls that tke Sam mies in Italy can use, providing the government will see that they are delivered. Thomas N. Page, the American Ambassador at Rome has already been petitioned to obtain an exem^lon on baseball equip ment ?a the military authorittea contend the game I? necessary to maintain the health of the boys in uniform. In speaking of this new ban on athletic -upjily.- the Old Fox said: "It does not seem reasonable to me. You may as well take the spaghetti \ away from the Italian as to at tempt to take a bat and ball away from an American with real red bloiad in hi.? veins. This trouble will no doubt be straightened out In a; day or two ?nd then we stand ready to rush on a big supply." Clark Griffith received word yes terday from Mike Menoskey, the promising young outfielder who al ternated with Horace Milan in the. left garden last season, that he had reported to Camp Grant and really believed that he will like the life. Mike wan one of the first of the local player.? to answer the call. W. & J. and Notre Dame May Play in Chicago Washington, Pa.? Jan. ".?It is prob-' able that the second annual football K?me between Washington and Jef- j ferson and Notre Dame on October 3t> ' will be played In Chicago. The con- I teat was booked under a two-year agreement entered into a year ago be tween the in ?tit ut ion s for reciprocal games, the first of which was play ed at College Field in November. It was specified in the contracts that the return contest of 1918 would be played either at South Bend or Chicago, at the option of the Notre Dame man agement. New Tiger Enlistt. Little flock. Ark.. Jan. 7 ? H. S. . Ellison, first baseman, who was pur chased by the . Detroit American League club from the St. Paul club laat fall, has enlisted in the aviation service. Ellison finished last season with the Tigers. H?RLERS MAY FEEL PRESSURE Doom of Spitball May Drive Several Pitchers from the Game. The passing of the spitball In the American Association presages one of the most revolutionary moves seen In the two major leagues since the foul strike rule wa? made. It I? th? first step taken by an' baseball organization, major or minor, against the molet delivery, al though for ?av?rai year? magnate? have discussed its abolition. It ?cerna reasonable, now that a league of the standing of the association, has taken drastic action against It that the ?pit ball la doomed to oblivion. The main argument? against the spitball are not directed against It so much as they have been, against other freak deliveries which have developed from It? u?e. The emery ball, the shine ball and a number of other deliveries which have carried pitcher? along for a sea son or two are merely ramifications of the spltter. Several pitchers have casrled pieces of slippery elm when they went on the mound to produce a slippery saliva which would slip more easily out of the hand. Some, it ia claimed, have used licorice, tobacco and other artificial salivary stimulants. The shine ball, which some Amer ican League manager? declare was the reason for Eddie Cicotte'? phe nomenal success last year, I? pro duced in this manner. One of the objections to the spit ball is that It is hard for fielders to hardie on account of Its slippery surface. The effect of removing the ?pitter from baseball probably would re lieve ?everal high-class pitchers from their present births. There are a few who rely on the spltter a? Butt chief ?rticle of trade ?nd without It would be worthleas. Dave Danforth, of the White Sox; Jeff Tesreau. of the--Giants; (-pve leskle, Russell, of the Yanks.? are among the pitchers who might be affected. Many others would be deprived of a trick which is almo-t as good to some pitchers as the actual uae of the spitball. the pretension of using It by covering the ball with the hands and bringing It to the mouth. This put.? a batter on h'3 guard against a aiuti.all and lie ?v likely to be off his when the pltther throws something elee. TOME MEET TO BE HELD MAY 18 Baltimore, Jan. 7.?Notice haa been received from Tome School. Port De posit, Md., that the annual track and field meet will be held on Saturday. May 18. Last season Tome athletes landed their own meVt. but as the school acted aa host the trophy waa award ed to Central High School, of Wash ington. The Port Deposit lad? car ried off the meet with 43 points, while the Senators registered ??* Polytechnic Institute came home third In point scoring, with S points, (and City College, its ancient rival, last, with a lone tally. Copeland land ing third In the running high jump. O'DOWD EXPECTS TO JOIN DRAFT ARMY Chicago. Jan. ".?Mike O'Dowd. new middle-weight champion, expect? to be sent to Camp Dodge very ?hortly. Mike's number has been called, he's filled out his questionnaire, has not claimed exemption and Is awaitin orders. Meanwhile O'Dowd Is afraid to ac cept any matches for fear he will be told to report* within a few day.?. Mike has been hounding the draft of ficials at St. Paul for Information as to when he Is likely to pe ordered to Join the selects, but the best he can get 1* that "maybe you'll be called next week, maybe not until next month." ENGINEERS ARE CAMPED AT LAUREL RACE TRACK ?-aurei. Md., Jan. 7.-The War De partment hete today took formal possession of th? racing plant of th? Maryland State Fair Associa tion, better known In the thorough bred world aa Laurel Park. Army engineer? are now camped in the enclosure and the appearance of the garden spot of Maryland rac ing circles reminds one more of a cantonment Col. Mat Wlsm. the general manager ot the plant, re futed the government check of 120. 000 for the rental. HIGH-PRICED LEAGUE STARS Success and Failure Ha\? Run a Dead Heat in Baseball History. The investment of President Weegh man. of the Chicago Cubs. In Alex ander and,Killlfer should prove a pay ing one. Buying good player? to strengthen clubs has often psld, ?nd paid well. j Brooklyn was one of the first clubs ? to try the experiment in a wholesale way. In the American Association, from IMS to 1M6, the St. Loul? Browns captured the flag whenever they pleaaed. Their nine waa invincible Brooklyn, growing Jealous of the suc cess of the St. Louis team, offered Von der Ahe, who then owned the Browne, a big sum for the release ot his two great pitchers, Routs snd Ca ruthers, and hie great catcher. Doc Bushong. Von de Ahe would never tell how much he received for the release of these three men, but out of the pur chase money he built a block of stone fronts that were called after the players. That deal proved a lucky one for ,Charley Byrne, who then owned the Brooklyn club, for with the thre? St. Louis players he captured the Ameri can Association pennant for Brooklyn in 1890 and the National League flag in IS?). Those who know Weeghman best hope that he will be a? lucky with his deal as was Byrne with hi? twen ty-eight years ago. It bas been claimed that It does not pay to expend big money for the re lease of players. To prove whether it does or not these figures on the most importent deals of that sort are given: Player or player?. Price paid. Result. Alexander and Kll llfer .llOCt.OOO In doubt. Shang, Strunk and 60.000 In doubt. Bush . Tris Speaker. ?'?.???> In doubt. Eddie Collins. d?,??? Success. Krank Baker. 30.000 Success. Caruthera, Fcutr ??,000 Only fair. and Bushong? :?,oco Success. Joe Tinker. 25,000 Never red. J. Marty O'Toole.. 22,500 Failure. Russell Hia. k burne . ??O.OOO Only fair. Larry Chappelle... 1\000 Failure. Shot ten and La van . ?G.,000 In doubt. Lefty Russell. 12,000 Only fair. Rube Marquard... 12,000 Success. Frit? Malsel. 12.000 Only fslr. Hal Chase. W.O00 Success. Cy Seymour. 10.000 Success. M. J. Kelly. 10.000 Success. John Clarkson. 10,000 Succ?s?. Spike .shannon. 10.000 Failure. Sailor Brown. 10,000 Failure. John B. McLean.. 10,000 Failure. It will be noticed by the above that in most cases it pays to go out and purchase the release of great player?, no matter what price .you have to pay for them. Guisto Applies For Officer's Commission Cleveland. Jan. "?Louis Ouisto. former first baseman of the Cleveland Indians, who was caught in the army draft and has been in training' at Camp Lewis in Washington, has put in an application for examination for an officer's commission. OLD PLAYERS FADING FAST Only Fifteen of Three Hun dred and Thirty of 1906 Now in Fast Company. What Is the average tenure of the ballplayers in the bla; leaguea? The reader who asked this ques tion caused us to go back over the records for a few years and we found something interesting and en lightening on the subject. Somewhere under W years would be the answer, just at what point would be difficult to determine. There are players who have gone on for a score of years, but playera ef the Anaon-Wakner-Lajoie type are ?caree. There have bee n h u nd reda who have lasted only a season or two, but it i? aafe to Kay the aver age ballplayer Is good for somewhere between eight and ten years. It Ii interesting right along this sam. line of thought to go through a record book of ten or twelve years ago and find Just what percentage of the players In active service then will be ready to report at the 1918 training campe. The result la astonishing even to tbe most ardent followers of the game. It seems scarcely possible that out of 330 mej. drawing salaries in the American and National League?- in 1906 only fifteen played ball in 1917. and four of these probably will not be seen In 1918. And that In the space of only twelve years. Of the American League puchera of 1906 who Included Waddell. Mal l?n, Joes, Chesbro and others, only three?Bender, Plank and Coomos? ? were able to pitch successfully laat , year, and Plank retired in the middle I of the season. One other. Donovan, managed a big league club. Of the National League pitchers of 1906 Reulbach and Ames were the only ones who saw service in 1917 and Reulbach pitoh-?c very lit tle at Boston and haa been given his unconditional release. Ma the w son was still active In baseba-t. as manager of the Reds. Not a catcher of the 1906 tr?>op was In the harness eleven yeais later, except Gibson, who Jid a little reliet work at New Tork. Of the lnfleldera six remain of the 1906 ci?owd, providiri.r Lajote j is counted, for .Larry after a year's ? .sojourn in the minors is certain to I wear a big league uniform next season. The others are Wagner, who only played part of the sea-1 son; LtOhert, who was In less than twenty games at New York; Ever-?, ? who was out of the game a great! part of the season; Turner, who played in a utility role with CWti - ? land, and Chase. The latter W?*sj the only regular of the outfit. In the outfield we find five ?-till ' in the game. Strange to say the | great Tyrua Raymond Cobb is among them and Is still the ?.ext est of all ballplayers. The other.?? are Sam Crawford, who has about reached the end of the road. Hinc.i- j man. Schulte, who had an unaaii?*- ' factory season last year and Slier- ? wood Magee. who has been rele.i--.-j j by Boston. Others actively In the game who were "up there" in 1906 are Fielder Jones, manager of the Brown.-, and j Bob Wallace, who will be back in the big tent next year, probably as a ? coach. This la a striking picture of the j length of time a big leaguer may ? hope to remain in fast company. | Host of them are gone and all. with the exception of Cobb. are j fading. Twelve years means great deal to a ballplayer. BAYONET TEAMS NOW FORMED AT HARVARD Cambridge, Mass., Jan. 7.?Harvard adopted a war-time sport today when it was announced that candidates for a university bayonet team will be called out tomorrow and that the team will not be informal, and con teat* with other colleges will be wel comed. Jules I-es La bay, former of ficer In the French army, will coach the team. ?You; that Dad Won't Need His Golf Clubs By BRIGGS ??? &M Sa?? o?-1= THE CLVi4_ HC-D Ar't) '/?Se TmE HtST co? ?*? WHIP And ? ?-* cam ?de The ewe He*\o For A H'JT CPaCKf ??o*p'5 a^iv/e-?, s m MOCefcy ,F VA wawt a ?.wet?. T6o6r.A?j _6T A COUPLA "DADO ????6?JS . THEV MA?e iWElL *r?ue?iejf?i-?i ?\Mfi> eUt^'__TH**aJ_' aattmiem? 8??5?*??__?> of GoiM<3 HOfxe AfjD HIDIM OUR 6?L~ CUTFlf. (he is itjf. veA?_ ">7 )3d^^ CO-OPBRATING with the Government in the elimination of was'e, Parker-Bridget an nounce ONE DELIVERY oj mer chandise EACH DAY. -fashions in Overccats TTi.ERE'S a ??ereaee m P-B Styk?? ? new ideas in Trench Coat*, belt ?tyle?. Great Coat*. Ulster? and other modelt. Please know that we are telling overcoats today at prices leu than they'd cost to make now on next season's price of material*. Particular attention i* called to the warm? without-weighl Coats at $20. Also the Fur lined and Montagnac Coats. P-3 overcoat prices. $18, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 to 200.00 --"specialized" Suits Each P-B Suit Model is made for a cer"-" tain type of man?your type. The weaves and the colorings are figured on the same basis. Extra value Suits at $18, 20, 25, 30, 35 The Avenue at Ninth BASILUS LANDS FEATURE RACE Captures Frontier Handicap at New Orleans?Favor ites Again Bowled Over. New ?? leans, Jan. 7.?Favorit??; ju.-t cannot get into m. ?iiinuu striA ??? the Fair <J round?*. Th?* put'li? cfeotec entries were bowled ovr in >ueh rapid ? sucfi-sioii her?- t?K?a> the patron.-, are fact jumping on tl?.? tone?PrtcwiI bird.-. Not one lavorile lot into the| money in the six t Th?? Frontier 1 .:,n<ii. ap for ?'?-> ?_?_* olds and up at on?- in.;? was cmpt?re4 ? by Basilua. while Valais t;?? >?*???imi , and Ruford third. Harry Shnw, th? favorite, ran a poor race and w?? ? n.v.r a contender, whil? ?I J. I.illn*. the second choi-ce. was well back in the field. I-odt ,<t;.r started tlf dumping of; tbe favorites by cmptm ine ?be opti.? ing number, while -Has r?*".,.-. ? iToswd ! over m the second nunitx-r at ?; to 1. ! Monokin turned up the winner in the I third number at the Ion?;? st \\.>? af! the day. the books yuotinu s> to 1. j Jabot, after a ebver ride !?> j son, came through in the fifth at 12 ? to 1. while ThanksKiving landed the! final at S to 1. The summaty: ?? RATE Mini,,, ?v*.r-..l-,- ft,?. unA % half ftirlnr.n. !,?!*? fttar, 11'. <^im,>taa). 9 tal t J to 1, efrti. won. In-h ld-%1 ?<% W ?I tr> 1. : t> 1. mota?; Nfw Modei, mi 1-UlpSfl, ? aa X I k? l, **rrn, t. i'd ??\t**\ j 1?9?1-? Harry Biir??'Mif, Lad ? Hmh, Mi Vtm*. Ori*?4<-4_iu??. Km?i*?k??. I...i,mi-i l_*tf : ??5?>-G, Man of Hon?-* sed black Bas? aha ' rae. BBCO-CD ?\?? ? tu?. G , .? ..Ida. Mil f*nrl?-?_g-. Mi??? ??"?-)\ ?S to 1. S tn 1, wen, -ron. *>ur ? ? ? W > '?ni lu??? 15 to 1. < to 1, 3 to 1, '"rotiti Ijwi ry-tuan. ..? iWMksff.? * to L, t?4?. 1. e*?n. thiid. Timr. ) I* ...roniii.-. Jm.e Rii*. l-.l?th ] N I-ady Btteae, Mi <",:-? ?.. Bdtttcr Mscisrta, l'i?.!?. V. and SUjt> Bantur al*?* ran. Bftaif) Bantvr , added ?arter. ? THlKI? ItlTT ??-Mill | I |MI ???? ano _jt-I wild; Six furlongs.. Mein?*'-, lu6 NjMSMRf/l. ? to 1. ? t.? 1 4 to 1. mti I-asesta. "."? (Itwatrt. ? t? 1, 4 t* L ? ??? .. mmtaem??, Roti,. ?19 ?BU-binrO?.'. J* ?a 1, Mu 1. t to ! ? Time, ?'..*..? CatW?r. J.-lin. jr.. ???,? Tit* Majv?,i?eT-<?4r. ? ? ? M . F*.oui. j Murphy, IVtrmua _n<i G???..' hi?? -W? ran. ' Mwm added aUrt?-r. PiH KTH RACE Thre, .--ar ii?. and u-> ; ??ard; one -aite Ba-. W * to 1. ! 2 It ], G?-?, woo: Val*,*. IV ??'???,!'. 23 to 1. 10 to 1. 4 t? 1. arc"tki; Bufo:d. Ml iKcleey?. j 15 to 1. ? to 1. 3 to 1. third Time. G*? 3-i Hsjtt Miaw. Beata, W f-?irar. Oaoow. J. J. ] Li.lia and Royal alao na. FIFTH ??G?-G?;:? %-H.r ^?t? and oi?w?rd. j one and ?-nt**? -?rtoMta. satfe*. Jahot, ?BBS?,, 12 to 1. 5 to I. m to 2. ???: Huroro. 114 ? ??t v) r ? to '. I ?.?? Lit? l. f*rt?Bd: ?aaa**. 107 (W. CoHlmjI. I ta I, I t'> 2. 6 t.. I. thirl : T-m??. II^JJ MiMtm R.4.W?. I'luto, Billet*. | Ten-wtt, I'r'iar. Km?ilinc II. Doneht. ??tasM-v M*^I?*?*??? x.i? ?Seiiro.? t* al?? n?n >1XTH RA-'K G ? ? ?nie and or? H-teetith mMm Th_mk_ii?ine. lOf? ? ? Vu ahur \ 9 to 1. 3 lo 1. 3 to "_ ww- : ter? Kee?e_. 1? (_faMM_-.l. B *0 L ?? '" '. ?*> -? - ? ?ei-ond; i?rderl>. 1?X ,W |>Mw . I t?* U 3 M 1. 3 tn 2. third. Tim??, 1 -M laaok?/ It. ?.? Th'irnwoitd. ?O,n?tT Kin?:. I'? ?.??!. J vial, BmtlkT' J-itiathait. W ?M ????<? *??? I atso t?? Wild Tir im' *?\??-' - HAVANA RESULTS. KIR.- I KAt ? T*s*w -?eat .-1.1?. and Ul"-?mfw: ?tix rurl4>iigs. ???? ftwia. Ili lit?*. ' t?? ?. 1 to 2, out, won: IVaaaa ? ?:?? , uiiaiiiin^). M to 1, 4 to l. 2 to 1. i?et'iit?t, EMssftath Mv NaiuthttT?. W2 ?G??*>.t?. 4 t.? i. *? t.? :-. t t th?id. lin..-. -? ^-^ i-naf, Haas? BaAaa, l'urHe and '.il -ad ??a? i-w Amt,t -!,-> ran SBt'oM? BAt*K Mi?i*V,. ? vr?r-4.1il-: ri?e an-I a half inri? tvs Plrkle PWcy, 1(*1 CP?ai. ?t\?-,., 1 to 3, oui. -???: w???-*? Ann. Ht iB-ll f to 1, S lo 2. *. t.. : ?M-Mw, Tippi- S^hih. 105 flap liai. 2 to !? S ta 5. 1 1" t. tl? H T,me. 1 12 4 j. KiiiK "f "*?*?'*? ???-. amaaa . H?-rd?T and L-iKlator alno rat?, TlMItl? RA"1-; Tliri??* : ?_.t ??,*.* ?M u|?wwnl ; g?. ;tnl a half i M ? L'ai- ( fc?.?!1. ln t<? 1. 4 to 1. 2 to I. ?M?.; Km__? Wu-r>. ? IM i-i.arT!-'. -: t-> 1. I tp m. 1 t.> :. Mea-Jl.J PVaak Pattar??, p** iWi? _fl*i.i . : to 5. 1 t?,2. t to 4. t'un?. Tur?*. l'I :' ? aaa, ?'asTara. ? \'*6<Ond, rarlaaa and ?'apt. Marcha-t-ot al- ? ran. rOlRTH ?? V ? The G?????,-??G?/ Handir-i i ? ??'-.?);- .?.? -tpvaid, ,-?\ ti.,1'?*;?, i-mu. God, I 1(P 'H'-wani'. .'? to I. *'.-n. <?<it. won; I?- tMwl I I? '. I to 5. out, nofOtlt?; l# rnbaV, !? " u,!<nu'?>?, I la ">. 1 t<> ? T-rt?v liii'l 1 -i?". 1 20. Ncn?lo and -rfttrotr al--ran ??? Til RAtE Kimr jear-ohU autl wajm :?' tue t, iU and .e'.cnty yard*. B-AoBk 1*6 ' ?*? ?,? . 1 to 1, t* to 5. 4 tn S. Va?. Jaii limi CTer. 103 iH'imtihrie'i. 4 to I. t? to ?. * to "?. M*..'iid; Batti?* Atoa?. 106 (Bull?. ? to 1. --m?. 1 to 2, third, Tiuif. 1^2 3^5 Rmk ?ill. Ka^er (IW.illHS. <.et Ip, Taul t.ain and Re> al"-? re st XIH ??? ? Ptaar??_r<aMa at>d m-wari onr nule and lift y yarda. Bill Simond?, \\? iMun-'i?'. -> t'* L Mo S, ? to ??. wnn; - 'OC ?lTtofliMl 4 la L ? to T*. 3 to 5. ^ecoaid : Prince ri.iliatbfln'-e. I?* tt'nmmiiya". 8 t?. :> to S, 1 to 3. tirarci. Trm?. 1? 2-5. Wodan. Kneeiet aad Col. Maic-unoat alao ran. Iodiana to Play low?. Bloominglnn. Ind., J?n, 7.?Coach Ewald O. Stiehm. of Indiana Uni versity, announced that he had closed a two-year f.votball rontr.*? t with the University of Iowa, the K?me next fall to be played at Iowa City November ?J. The date of* the IM? frame has not be? s s< t, but it will be plsyed at B."??ni ington. Beyond tke Aft. Among the well-known bit ?????-1? who are beyond the i-i-litaiy aae are ??ddte Cieoite. I>ode 1'askei-i. ' ?????. Collins. Hal Chaise. 1-r.rry. t?a ritener. Bill KII11f?r, ??avvy ('ra^'ulh, Jaek Coomb?, l?*rry Ch?ene> and *>orge INDIAN CHAMP CAMOUFLAGER First Americans Were No Bush Leaguers at New War Game. Tke 4 himpiti?. Th* Pieper ?.fon ? t ;. bu n bit Tho ?jay he dO'.-n'i g'tH hit, - t ?Ah?*? th** umpire tap.- hi.- roll For twenty "bones" 1-r t-o, Th- player lias a taattre way iff trabbine. ?n b> mgbt and ?jajr Ko Matter what th** angle is Or arfcere th? hr*?ak hihj' g*.. BIT? When it comes to crabbing, with th a-?.?nt (in th** C, When it emgmmm M panning, with the accent on the P. I'M kick in ?itb th? army w h-?n a ?old ?wave dlifts ?1-???. Where ?vet y thing that was or is og ever will he's wrong i. .?asara bad a spi? y r? ? At crabbing with . < lat and ?* p. Or eke th?? nithty /. ni at uni?? K* .-ponds with si I hia i-h And Jawn Muira? ha? oft* ? ?hown A peevishness of vole-*? or ione. When certain umpires bagge4 big goat And sent him ?put f?-r air. BIT? Whin it come?? to ? Tabbing in th?? good old-fashioned wa> . When it com?? to knocking with the accent on the K, My bet is on tbe army when th? teelps begia to Ms? And a fellow has to slush around in rain and wind and snow. Tate ? a m?? fi**?* < b?pl?? Wh? p it r?seme to the camouflait*' championship it U j.ft m ?ell to r*? mt-nilK r that the American Indian Va-S no bush-lea*: uer st this Rame. H?* bede<ked himsel: in a"*sn?ear of gaudy war paint ?nd leathers, but lar all that he had a mrmy of blending h?* coDtour tn defy sny but the keenest eye. We should mf, however, that the ' aiii'-'-flag?- champion of all time ??? ? h. rn ?luajl. Any man who ha? ever walked up to the edge of a ?-?-.?? ?, ; o? ? : ? d by t he dogs, who h? * sto??*i within two feet of tw. ? b/ m twini>-'"i\? birds, who has known al ,?],,?.? paartly wher? ? h? y a-ere to th*? in? Ii and has 1>? ?*n ? ihi-m. ?'an un<k.rstand best to what an art th*1 camouflage game or indiM ?? can be earrtetfl. A ?r-iiaul has the kua?k of blending bims? If so perfectly thai Mtawas. sbafi of :? I,ick telet-?-**on?r ?OultJ ev?-r peek him out. Duela in the tropical countries a l-Mim*. with all lii.-- given and rod calai inc. Is Mso perfectly camoiifli*? ed, far bettor than any paint expert could ever hoj?o to acni???? Tke .?.?t-rifsi Tbe average American soldier on*? talks to may not understand, tn de, for just what ideals or neoe-ssitics this war is all about, but he has ? pretty ?'lour, sane idea of the fighting part of it. Me doesn't underrate the Hun in tbe ??lightest. He is willing to give him credit, via the boi ?vrore up io date, for being a corking go-M tighter. But. on the other band, be can't se* any of thi:- sui-erman stuTT. He has -*vet-n t oo ma ny suppo-ed I y In vinciMa champions on thl.*? side of tbe water b-calen or dropptd for the count. He has seen too many supormaruc cham pions knocked out. too man\ super manic baseball clubs ovei-t-fcrawii. ta tic nie any entry as an unbeaten en tity, pnce the correct punch is applied. This is tbe correct viewpoint?to gc in with ? Aaap i-aawael lai ?? oppo nent, but with not h i ? ? bordering on discouragement ?or fear. You'll also lind th? average Ameri can soldi? r. orhc**r ?nd man. also un ientands well .nnuch his own limita tions aa they stand no*?in lack of picp.ii-nti-.n and Training. But you II rind be js aWlant to make up this deficit by the hardest sort of work, an amount of work that has aston ished Canadians, Knglish and French officers starred around at the different cantonments. And bard work, after all. has a knack of getting there ultimately If tbe proi-er materials are added to work with Tke \ew Reeerd HeMet*. Then* a day when we figured the nu miter of alibis compiled by ball players or golfers established a record ligure. Nothing to it. compared to the num ber and variety of excusas presented by enlisted men in order to obtain a live days' leave. To gat an answer figure ap ail ,the excusea a normal brain can devise, multiply it by fifty. and \ ou w ill then be onl> one-thou sandth of the way correct. For when a f*Jiow wants to ?et away for a few days he feels tbe -call so hard that no aat limit can sup