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GRAND JURY BRINGS IN FIVE INDICTMENTS United Sute? Court. S??nn in Alexandria. Hear* Many Cate?. Iti HOt.VLD BUREAU. I. X. a^tiajat * Sol. Alexandria. Va.. Jaa. T.-A grand ?aary Id Us? Unitevi Statu Cotn-t tor th. Eaitern district o( Virginia. Judge Edmund Waddlll pr??iding. returned tru. Ml? to Are Indictment? pr??ent?d aa follows: Bra Baker. setting; up a bawdy houae within flv? mile, of military camp; H. V. Rood, uainc canceled posta?? t-Unta?? la payment of posta?-?: Jame? It Pace, embeuling a parcel post pack age while In the malls; C. ?. ROM, striking another while oa a gov ernment reaertatlon: Georg. Peter?, transport in? Hquor In violation of the Reed amtwtrlment Jfrmee Malcolm Elliott and Charles J. Price, charged with falling to register for tit. draft, wer. ordered to register, and acquitted. Albert FLtrher. alao charged with failing te register, wa? relesaed on hi? per aonal recognisance In the ?urn of OO? for the next term of court- and a noil? pro. tra? entered In th? <??*? af Emrreftt Rector, charged with fall lag to register. Court ?djourned un til 11 o'clock tomorrow morning. Thoae summoned on th? grand jury ar? aa follow?: Martin E. Greene. George W. Boots, ?r. ; S. H. Lunt, ?. ?L. Monroe. W. a. Connelly, fore man: A. Bats, Joaeph M. Armstrong. John 8. Gllroy, James Luckett, Ed wsnd Poster, J. R. Bddlngton, R. N. Ru?t. Arthur Kerby, Clarence M. Oorhtvm, M. C. Tancey, Ward Spi er. J. C. Harrt?. Norman Barry. C. W. Heckler. John Griffln. O. S. Guy. Stavrkey Harem. W. H. Ford. . Those ?ummoned on th? petit jury arc: George Robinson. J. J. Kelley. D. E. Robey, Joseph B. Ewald. Charle. Dean. J. A. Faggborn, Thomas Chauncey. WlUtam Wool]?, John ? Duncan. Jeu. Morris. Joaeph Duri eoo. R H. Motley. William T. Hol low??? C. P. Hick?, W. O. Plckett. C. A. Sale. Wyatt Milla. M. I. Blayde?. ? D. Helm. William Eng land. Robert E. Miller. ?. T. George. H. M. Hunt. Prank A. Holaon, Henry K. Franklin. James W. Johnson. H. A- Bowen. Barney E. Meyer?, Armla tead Lewis and Joaeph & HalL St. Mary** Academy reopened elaase.? Thuraday and reports for th? month wer. giv.n out today. Pupil? making the highest average? In December follow: Fourth year high ?chool, Dorothy Knight ?I: third year. Agnes Franey, Harrison burg, Va.. 89; second year, B. Hub bard. Washington. SS; Lucy Trip lets Washington. 85: first year. Del phine AcerbonI, Milleton, Conn., K: Kathleen Quinn, Si; Josephine Ram age. 96. Second year, commercial. Viv?a? Webster. Lorton, Va.. 98; flr*t year, Edna McCauley. Del Ray, Alexan dria County, 9i; Blanche Gardiner Waldorf. Md, 96; flrit year Bill. Heflin. ?S. Eighth grada- Martha Le?. North Pork) Va.. IS; Agnes Jenkins, tt: Mventh grade. Lillian Simpson, 17: ?Ixth grade. Mavrjoii. Hurl.y, Waah mgton. SOz fifth grade. Dorothy Harrington, t?; fourth grade, Agne? Masa, North Braddock. Alexandria County, tl: third grade, France? G?..???_ 90; aecoad grade, Leo stwtin! and Agne? Kelly, tt each. pma*m Je C Barter, chairman of ?fta local legal advisory board, has dtawSt-oated th? following persons to ' uhjstut th? registrant? in filling oat ,??. Questionnaire, tomorrow: L? 1 ft IsailllJ. F. P. Rustell. C ? Tay it-j^-B-ai-ke, B. J. Fleming. R W. Pitts unti C R Swtn, the laat named two Vn at Judge Barley', office. "Hluaa for Wednesd.y are: John a?*. Johntvon. Judge J. ?. M. Norton, ?al}. Taylor, ?. ? Greenaway. C. H. *?aa-rahan. B. Btoutenborgh, 3? y.ars Ha. a former retddent of thi? city, died January 2 In Pittsburgh. Pa., where he had mad? hit home for sev eral year? past. Th? body waa brought here and taken to Domaine'? mortuary chapel and preparad for burial. The deceased waa a son ot Jam?. ? Stoutenburgh. Mr?. Nannie J. Freue. ?? years old. wife of J. W. Frees?, died last night at her residence, SZt North Pitt street. The body waa ?hipped to night to China Grove, N. C. for burial The public school? of thi? city ra spen ed today after the annual Christmas holidays. Manv Alexandrians will attend the Billy Sunday revival ?vervi??, during their progreu In Waahina-ton. Gardner L. Booth? delivered aa ?d dreas tonight tn the Richmond The ater in th? Intereat of tho sal? of war thrift stamp?. War Workers' Bureau Expands to Meet Needs Expansion of th* Federal Employ ment Bureau to meet Increasing de mand? for government labor on war work waa announced yuterday. J. B. Dentmore, of Montana, ?olid tor of the Labor Department, ha? been named director of the bureau. Charles T. Clayton, of Maryland, and Robert Watton. of limi Imiti ??. were named assistant director?. Mr. Watson will vacate tbe office of chief clerk of the Labor Department, being succeeded by Samael J. Gom pers, of New York. Tb. bumu i? now piscina- an ?ver ?ge of ?.00? w?r worker? ? month. U.S.WORKERS'RIMAI) DREARS ALL RECORDS Mor? Than 200 Apply for Positions ia a Single Day. AH record* ct the bureau were broken when more than 200 people ap plied for position? at the new office of the I'nited Stater Employment Service, l?l? Pennsylvania aveno?, ya?t?rd?y. Thr?. l.rge room? are now occupied. one by the men'? dtvialon. In charge of ? M. Kline, acting director; an other By the woman'? division, with Mr?, arac? Portor Hopkins acting tuperintendent, and the third by typ ing and stenography classes to train applicants' for government service. Applicant? wlU be classified aa. ?killed worker? and mechanic?, clerical and professional workers, hotel and res taurant help and unskilled and farm labor. Th? District office ha? placed approximately S.OOO worker? ?ino? its creation In July. Army and Navy News ate.? Servie. Olmata la tha City Under an Interpretation of th? Re serve Corp. law by th. Judge Ad vocate General, an officer In the Reserve Corp. cannot be transferred from on? section of the army to an other unie?? hl? first commission Is cancelled and a new commission given. Referring to this "Inelsstlcity" In the recommendation to the Chief of Staff, th. Judge Advocate General said "Both a? ? matter of law and policy, th? department should rely lea? upon the reserve officer and ?hould resort Instead to commissions In the additional force? under the Selective Service act." Commander C. P. Nelson has been ordered to duty at wa by the Navy department. Juat what duty he ha? been aulgned to is not known. Only the fact that aa officer ha? been given "sea duty" or "shore duty" is announced by the Navy Depart ment once a weak. Ueut. L. I- Babltt, IT. S. N.. and Lieut. ?. ? Cecil, on shore duty for ?ome time, have bun assigned to duty at sea. Commander S. E. Mo?es, V. 8. N.. ha? been ordered to duty on shore. Capt Charles A. Morrow, TT. S. ?.. haa been ordered to Washington. He will report to the Quartermaster Gen eral for assignment for duty. Capt. Henry M. M-Adco. of the Quartermaster Reserve Corpa, haa been ordered to this city for duty with the Council of National Defense. In the purchasing and manufacturing office, und ?* the Quartermaster Gen eral. Capt. Patrick McDonald, of the Quartermaster General Reserve Corps, ha? been ordered to proceed here for assignment to duty In the office of the Quartermaster General. Maj. Albert J.? 0<*hsner, of the Medi cal Reserve Corp?, haa been ordered to Washington. He will report to MsJ. Oen. William C. Gorga?, aurgon gen eral of the army, for assignment to duty. Maj. Casey A Wood. Medical Re serve Corp?, also has been ordered to report here to the surgeon general for assignment to duty. Lieut. Col. Blon J. Arnold, of the Signal Corps, ha? been ordered here to report to Maj. Gen. George O. Squier, head of the Signal Corp? of the army, for duty. SUSPECT HAS EXPLOSIVES. Watertown. N. T., Jan. 7.?Wires and chemicals, said to be sufficient to damage local munition plants, were found today in the possession of Anthony Pelts, an Austrian. He was arrested for publicly consigning ?The United States to Hell." MARRIAGE LICENSES. WHITE. Mi.-hael J. Murpfc?, at. and In-rid Olaoo, 2r. Rev T. E. IXvia WUHam O. Djw. M. and Oopeland H. Bow latt, 3S. Ser. J. R. Irlt?., Cut-?-. O. Lewi?, It. aad Maty E Slack. 1?. Br?. W. J. Tynan. Charta? A. Flv-nn. 31. and Ethel E. Bord. JJ. Baa. O. O. Bacon. Lieut- Jonathan Luca?, jr.. ?, and Jean Mapas. W. Ber. T. E. Da-i. Bdwin Weaver, ?. and Beati. Ma?. ?. Ber. J. H. Jeff-iea. Ooain F. Barth, 35. aad Harriet E. Dent, TA Met. C. K Buck Joaeph D. VleMaJ?n. 19. aad Letrda A. Brooke. ?. Be?, ti. B. Aatxaadw. Joaeph P. ?latter-, 21, and Acne. Phillip, it. Bav. J. A. Cbwaii. 8t*Uioa Maaarakaa. ?9. and Retina Oreen ao*T. m Bar. J. Alesopoulouv Ahh-b Froet. jr., 22. and Panni. P. Baker. Be?. J. E. Brina Gwes* T. Left, 22. aad Etiaabath A. Aheaia. S. Bot. J. E. Britta Charla. V. Belt. S, aad Edna Baile?. TA R.? G. J. Humphrey?. Wilfiam E. Sopber. S. aad Edith M. Vaiigtan. 9. uer. A. EL Barrowa, That Rookie from the 13th Squad. r By P. L. Crosby ?*-? JTrte ?THeft OAY Me and the li_?t- got [TO TACKIN6 AN' He 5AYS ?* Pl78B, HOw'j IT >rtx/ ???t ???e?? CONC in t=?? THe or Fleets' tAainin?- ?schock, ?" weu, ? sayj- n's THIS wav, loot, ? ???7 Neve? 6\ve it a thou?; ht ") 75? OH*IKNOW tto W0?LP MAKC A /?TU ? ?. ? 6 OfFICCR JPR?*Mfc M0MCNT5 IN A l*?OOKIE_f LIFE ? T?lLrN6 THe ?Slf-H- AU. ????t YOUKSCi-F /.*?-/*/ ??lip Gaz??no. ?, ?nd Caronalia Marcelli??.. 1?. In. 4*. P. Thorn??. ?Mi?? Papa?, ?. tod Urao. P. Robort?. It. Bar. H. P. pown?. Donald A. Maitll, 'I. ?nd Joli? R Irb?. & Rcr. E. K. Hardin. Earl. R. Barbaart. X. aad Mtld?d S ???t. 3a. Her. ?. ?. Rai????. I III "If ? Jan?a E. Butler, 3, and r?14? Da?. _. Re?. 8. P. W. Di?w. , Edward WhlM?. 3. and Bctaa ?. Kin?. 1? Ht?,. 3. LawaoQ. Will!. Annatronff. ??, aad Martha I.inooln, *f ato?. J. _. Waldrtn. WaJter Waren. 2?. ?nd >i?tid? I Johnaon. ? ?tr. J. T. Barrer. Olaraooa Bixaon, ?, and Am?4te Jackavo. ? Bar. T. Taylor. Bob?t ? Duraon. M. aad Una ? Slianklln, a. K.T. (*. A. D? Vail,I,? Jasara MnrraA. SB, and Sadi? E. Gra?. n R>?. W. D Batti?. BIRTHS REPORTED. WHITE. TlKxnu and Bo?? rara?, airi Km*mit-1 ?. ami Marion O. Hlger, _ul. Harry B. and Edna W. Oonaha. I?>. Samuel B. aad Bra M. Beaw<?. girl. COI>">BED. Emest O. and Atifuata Dickeraon, giri Arthur and Anna Baker, boy. Bennett M. and Qsmaia. Biaooe. a??' KINKY ' HAIR kad-toa * asas C*.v 1 ??BU*.?---.: a. earn I ?-**?? I wriiiiiaaiiim Pa>-waaa -iffc-y w-?, co*tm ?a aappr, toi tew It b-t rr-wa M ;;ir ..;.ti M,j,.it..*? a__w? to? _.r* it Ioc?.?, t ? tan i_ in a. IVm't let Berna fake Xink Renovar <??? yoa. Toa real!? c.n't straighten stout hairxtrit.]iti?ni.*e?r;J lon?-_ That'iwh*t EXELENTO ??S2i dosa rcrr-ivcsd-radrjl?, feaditherootJ of the hjur ardmaVp? it erow Ion-', ?mfr and silky. Guara?.teid_?sw?oeI im. Prie?25c by mailonri.'cctptof Ft__nraor coin. AGENT* WANTED EVCKYWHEWC ?______? *?* eeHw-etorw CXttSNTO MIOICINC CO Ml? AMI * - -*? -r> ? Am??.-?, ?to. ?_- r - THE3@|H ERALD Published every day In th? year by The -??/??hlnKton Herald Com pany at 426-429 Eleventh ?treet, Washington, D. C Telephone Exchange ? Call Main ISOO. (For claaslfled advertisement? ask for Branch 1). Member Audit Bureau of Circula tion. CLASSIFIED RATES ONE CENT A WORD 'Minili:? m Charge, 15c.) Wanted Help. Wanted Situ?t ione. Wanted Roona and Board.. For Bent Boon?.a Wanted RiseeUaneonv. For Sale Miscellaneoua. Loat and Found. Automobiles.. ?? Other Ciana I flea fi oaa_ 1 Una .?.15 -renta - timas w Uli in a week.?.1] centi 3 time? within a weak.10 cent? ? time? COoaeaitirelr.t cent? 30ormora times cooa-cotirelT.? centi 1 cent a Ud? extra for ciaaeifled Mack-faee type aad rats. FOR EIGHT REPRESENTATIVES THE ?. C. BECKWITH SPECIAL AQENCT. New York Office.-?..Trihone Bid?. Chi-ito Office.Tribe?a Bid?. Detroit Omce.49 Ford Bid?. St Lottie Office.Third National Bank Bldg. DEATH RECORD. WHITE. 11.or?- X. Cook. TO ytara. 8t. Elb-ah-tk'?. David Ia-?an. SZ. 512 M at. ne. I-auna S. Pia-ter. 38. Provtdani-e Hoapital. William T. Klli?. 53. Dartela Hoapital. Harr)- H. Harter. 34. 13a* nth at. aa. ? liarle? I. Clement?, 1. 13? Md. ave. ne. Mary H. Parker. T*. 2410 N at- ?w. ? levate Jefferson, 10. Providence Hoapital. lieorge Trowe. 49, 10 Tth ?t. ne. iw-iimie B. lireenleaf ?0. IMS ?Tth pi. ?w. Kliaatarth V. Wilviai. 7?. MI9 O ?t. ae. Sarah P. Scott. 72. :??? O et. nw. John Taylor. ?4. WaehintrUau Aa>liim Hoaiat?L Haniel H. Kane. 53. ??Iter Heed Homital. l'ani M. AltiiiBu. 2 tnontha. 71 Seaton pi nw. COLOREO. Klai? Bniee, ft ytaT?. 171? Seaton at. nw. Harriet laica?. 71. Home for Aw .1 and Infirm, kicbard l'alne. ."2. Kniergencv ll.iepital. Benjamin I.e?i?. W, it-rg-ld II. yml. DIED. BOOTH?On. Sunday. January ?, 1918. at 12:30 a. m., OATH ? KINK, wid ow of Joseph Hooth. Funeral from the residence of her daughter, Mr?. Mamie Beamy, (CS Pennsylvania avenue today, at 8:30 a. m. Relative? and friends Invited. Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. BRI'CE?Entered Into eternal rest on Sunday. January ?;. 1918. at 11 o'clock a. m.. at her r?sidence. 1719 Seaton street northwest. ELSIE BRI'CE, beloved mother of Martha Hill and William Krigg*. grand mother of Kl? .inora Hill Marshall and grandmo! lu-r-ln-law of Ernett Marshall and mother-in-law of Burl E. Hill. Funeral from her late residence to mororw at 2 n. m. Relatives anil friends Invited. DENHAM?On Saturday. January 5. 1918. MARGARET DENHAM. aged as years. Funeral from the residence of her daughter. Mrs. Olive Payne, 918 ? street southeast, at 11 a. m. In- j terment Congressional Cemetery. El ?WARDS?Entered into eternal rest on Sunday. Januarv 6. 191?, at ? ?. m., ALICE B.. beloved wife of J. W. Edward*?, aged 54 year?. Funeral from her late residence. ? Thirty-fourth and Ash streets. | Mount Rainier. Md.. tomorrow al 2 p. m. Relatives and friends in vited to attend. Interment at Olenwood Cemetery. (Fairfax County, V?.. papers please copy.) EGERTON?On Saturday. January 5, 1918. at the D. S. Naval Hospital. Philadelphia. Pa., of illness con tracted in line of duty in Prance. Chief Electrician J. GEORGE I EGERTON. II. S. N. R. F.. eldest ' son of Graham and Julia D. Egerton, In the 2Sth year of his age. Funeral ?ervlce? from the chapel of W. R. Speare Company. 12US H street northwest, Tuesday. Janu ary 8, 1918, at 11 o'clock a. m. In terment at Arlington National Cemetery. FRIEL?On Sunday. January 6. 191S. at 10:40 a. m., at his residence, 1745 Willard street northwest JOHN A. FRIEL. beloved hus band of the late Nellie F. Ftiel. Funeral tomorrow from St. Paul's Church, at 9 a. ra. OERMEROTH?On Januarv ?. 191S. ?t 12:30 p. m.. at his residence. LTO F street northwest, HENRY O.ERMEROTH. beloved husband of Dora Gcrmeroth and brother of Mrs. Mary John.-un and Mrs. Anna Beatty. Funeral from Deal's undertaking establishment at 11 a. m. tomor row. HARTNETT?Suddenly, on Sundav, January 6, 191S. at his resilience. ?U F street northwest. JOHN C, beloved husband of the late -Marv A. Hartnett. Funeral from Zurhorst's parlors today at $:30 a. m., thence to St. Patrick's Church, where requiem mass will ba ?mng at 9 a. m. for the repose of his soul. Interment t private) at Mount Olivet Ceme tery. DIED. GRAYSON-Departed thle life. Sun day. January ?, 191?, at 11:30 p. m.. at the residence of hi? devoted aon, William Grayeon. (H9 Florida ave nue northwest, in hla 83d year, GEORGE GRAYSON. the devoted husband of the late Merlati Gray ?jon. He leave? to mourn their losa four sons and two daughters, George, jr.; Henry, Lewie and William. Mary and Nola. Funeral today at 8 p. m.? from the above re.-idt.nee. Interment W#? neaday, January 9, in family ceme tery. Independent Hill. Prince William County, Va. Relatives and friends invited. HAYHOK-On Sunday, January ?. 11-18, at 7:W p. m.? ELLEN, be loved wife of George. Ha.wfto*' Funeral from her late residence. 36HO Eleventh street northwest, to day at 2 p. m. Relatives and friend? invited. Interment ipri vatej at Rock Creek Cemetery. ??.??-?? January 7, 1918. at Walter Keed Hoapital. Capt. DANIEL HIGBEE KANE. Quartermaster Reserve Corps. husband of Beryl Keith Kane and aon of the late Admiral Theodore F. Kant. Hurial at Marion. Maes. 'San Fran Ltsco papera please copy, ? KEARNEY?On D-ecember 21, 1917. at I>enver, Culo.. JOSEPH LAW RENCE, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kearney, brother of J. C. Kearnev ?nd Hit M. C. Gasney. Funeral "from George Wist*, under taker.- 15W0 M street, today. Mass at Holy Trinity Church :tt I a m Funeral jji ivate. Interment at Mount Olivet Cemetery. KKNT-On Wednesday. January ?, 191S, at the home of tur aon. A. W. Kent. in Havana. Cuba. -'ARRIE E. widow of the late Kev. Aleumder Kent, aeed 75 year*. Funeral services at Havana. LOGAN?On Saturday. January 5. IM*, at 11 p. m.. DAVID LO? AN, beloved husband of Nora h Logan (nee Gnrtrell.) Funeral fi,<n. his lat?- residence. 012 M street northeast, today at ? p. in. NOR Riti?On Sunday. January ?, 191?. at \2:X? p. in., at her residence, 4i* F atreet southwest, MARY J.. be loved wife of C. R. Norris. Funeral from St; Dominic's Church. Tuesday, January 8 at i* a- m- in terment in Mount Olivet Cemetery. Relatives and friends invited to attend. Kindly omit flowers. MORRIS?On Sunday, January ?. 1918, at her residence. 1ZM L street northwest, LAURA J.. widow of the late William Judson Morris. Funeral service at her late residence, today at 5 o'clock p. m. Interment Lebanon, Ohio? NOSKE?On Sunday. January ?. MS. at her residence. 3404 Baker street, BiVntwood, Md.. NAOMI T. NOSKE, daughter of Charles W. and Pauline A. Noske, aged 17 years. Funeral tomorrow at 2 p. m. Rela tives and friends i ? ? il ed. I nfer Tnent Prospect Hill Cemetery. PARKER?On January 5, 191S, MARY ?.. beloved mother of W. H. Parker, at the residence of her son, 2-110 North Capitol street. Funeral from her lat<- residence this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment at Oak Hill Cemetery. (Medina, ?. Y., paper please copy.) PR1NTZ?On Sunday, Januarv 6. 1918, CATHERINE E., widow of Janes Prints, aged 77 years. Funeral from her late residence. 722 Ninth street northeast, today at 2 P. m. Interment private. SCOTT?On Sunday. January ?. W8. at 12:30 p. m.. SARAH P.. beloved widow of the late John Scott. Funeral from her late residence. 303t O street northwest, today nt .1 p. m. Relatives and friends in vited. Interment (private) Glecr wood Cemetery, THIS WEEK'S PROGRAM AT WASHINGTONS LEADING MOTION PICTURE HOUSES Week Ending January 12, 1918. Loews' Columbia Moore's Garden. Moore's Strand. Moore'a Plaza. Crandall's. Crandall's Savoy_ Crandall's Avenue Grand. Crandall's Apollo. Crandall's Knickerbocker. CrahdaU'e American.... Leader Theater. Monday. Pa?,la. Frederick I? -Mr?. Ila??'. _ Defen.e." atina Goodrlrh "Her Secad Hn.baad." Fiorane* Reed la ?Today." ?Va- s. Hart la "The Primal Lare.' Dona-la? Falrbnnka? n? "Re?ralas far tt? ?Ma' M?ra.erltr 4 lark Im **???'? M???M aman Vlvlaa Marti. I. "Molly -ntaa atae*n Kcx Beach'? Sensa tl.??l "The Aaetlaa Bloc?* Tuesday. Same ?? Mandar. ?4?? e a? Mondar. Same ?? Monday. ?ame a? M?a?ay. Iforsaa Taimada?* I? "T?a.- Secret af the Mana Country." Mae Mar.h la "The Cinderella Mea*? Datarte? Kalrbank? la ?Reachlnc far the Wav ?, Hart Ib *T?? Ml?t Un.? Viaria? Mart?n la "The Tr?Ih-laator.'1 Vli___a Fe-t?a' ta ?Stolen H.a.r.? I'arlrle Blaekwrell I? "The l..od-for _M_Ime" Llaa Cavai?nrl _? ???are De ?^t?t? Mat_n?rlte Clel ia -Bah?? Bargia." ?aaae a? Mondar Wednesday. '??4? ?? Tiiradar. I? Badie * Herbert la "The Maa \Ml?out a Conntrr." ?"?me a* Turala;. Wintern Ituuell la "Me?? T.rk l.uek." ?aaae a? Tarada-. Same a? ?ame a? Taeaday Allee Joyce la "The Fettered Woman WIIHam ?. Hart la' "The Narrow Trala**" Rame ?? ???-??? Thursday. Vlvlaa Marti. In? ?The Fair Barbaria? Friday. Same a? Tharaday. f?ame a? Wednesday. tiraee Valentia? imi Jame? Morrlxon lai "llahbllaa- Tonmic? " *??? a? Wednesday. Sante a? Wednesday. Kltty fiordo, la "Diamond, aad FearI?*? El*le Fer_n?on la "The R?? ?f Jennie < u.klng llarold r,o?-kwo?d la "The Sr?u?re De ceiver" Clara Klmball Yonn* ?Shirley Kay- : Dorothy Kelly aa? Manta*-? Love la The ____gS__fj Same a? \\ II Same a? Thnraday. Same a? Thni-??y. Knrl. William? In "la the llalaaaee." "kitty ?orden la "Dlntnond? and Penrl?." Harold I.ockwood la "The Najaare De ce I ver*?_ Alice .lo?ce la "The Fettered 4\ ninna** Fatty Arbuckle la "A Country Her?" Lina 4'nvalierl la "The Ktern.l Tem-atre??" Same a? Tharaday Harald Lock??od la ?The Squure De ceiver" Sa*?e a? Thursday Saturday. Same a? Friday. Rath < llfford la "The Savane." Same a? Friday. S?mr ?a Friday. Same a? Friday. Harry ?lorey h ?Who ?.ora There f Harold Look?o.d la "The Sqvnre De* eelve?*" ?nd ?eyateae Com edy ?Lo?t?a ?link?? Vlvlaa Martin In ?Molly Kntanalcd" Fatty A r hack Ir In ?A Canntry Hero" Emily Stevcna la "Outwitted" Pauline Frederick In ?The Hungry Heart" Same a? Friday DIED. BTROTHBR?On Sunday. January ?, 1918, at her daughter's residence, Mrs. A. J. Byrne. IM? Third street northwest. ?OPHRONIA ELIZA BETH, beloved wife of the late Daniel W. Btrother. Kuneral from h?r daughter'? real dene tomorrow at I p. m. Rela tive* and friend* Invitad to at tend. Interment (privat?), at Glen wood Cemetery. TROW?On Sunday. January *. 1H1 at >:15 p. m., at his reaidenc?. 10 Seventh street northeast,GKOROE, ' beloved husband of the lata Katie Trow. Funeral ?ervlce? at Oeler*? under taking establishment it I -, a tomorrow. Service? conducted by the Son? of St. George, to be held ?t the ?rave in Rock Creek Ceme tery. Kindly omit dower?. WADE?On Sunday, January ?, lili KANNIB M. WADE, widow ?1 John W. Wade, aged 88 year?. Funeral from her late residence, 1146 Eighth ?treat northwest. In WII-80N?On Monday. January t, ferment Oak Hill Cemetery. H18, ELIZABETH V. C, widow or Rer. Jacob D. Wilson, in tbe HOth year of her ?ae. Feiend? ?nd relative? may view the deceased at the chapel, 7-0 Eleventh atreet ?outheact. Funeral (private) tomorrow at I t p. m. WHITE?Died auddenly, January T. 1*18, at hi? late residence. <C1 Third street northwest CHARLES E. WHITE, at-ed 7?. Notice of funeral hereafter. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOSEPH GAWLER'S SONS / TILI.MOX? a*?cv ttT??LItNIO 1t5* Ml,IN 5512 5??3^&???? LADy 1730-32 PA y?mS?^S^UInAa,'*',AN't AviNui mm tnjn^m chapo! Eatabliatud 1*T1 Pbooe Cui. Ita. THE S. H. HI-fF? CO. W. B. r. BINES. Man?,?'. Hoc-elite PuD?ral Parlora. ?an roruTEKNTU ht. n. w. JOHN!?.. WRIGHT CO.._ 1337 10th St. N. W. Phone N. 47 Al TllMOBILK SERVICE. t FUNERAL DESIGNS. _ GEO. C SHiUTER BiCft IXI-BESSIVE FLORAL EUBLCM9 PhoD, M. Il MODERATE PRICKS. ?1*11-01 Prat.*? and Careful Anto Deliver-- Sente.. _U_ Appropriate Floral Token. Artia-a- iu??aalia laetpentiv? Gude Bro*. Co., 1214 F Street. tolo to: very eer-we. HELP WANTED?MALL W.lMKh VVH?TK AND Ct.LOUK? ?ABE inni-? truck??, ?.75 err dav. USShj -taa> tiruar. ADAMS EXPBEKrj I'll, Secon*. and ??- -.- or. V\ A ? i 1.11 TW <> IHMIn ?????-??? rl.EBK? ! Api I- BE? KKB'S ?????.?. HM Tth at. I!? ! ?VAi\rre?~c?i?iP?^^ and laborers for work on Key Bridge across Potomac River. Apply Field Office, foot of 35th street. WANTED 50 BOYS WaANTED Because of the demand for The Herald and the difficulty in securing adequate help in Wash ington, the following route agents of The Herald need boys to de liver the paper mornings. There's big pay in it for a few hours* work. Adults will find proposition interesting if they can spare time. See any of the following: DOWNS. 1515 Pa. ave. se. TEMPS. ?. ?.. 1018 K st. ne. ?ncoln 5605. Col. 4861. PITTS. C. M. 2624 University PI; Col. 6126-w. CC*URTNEY. D. 8 G st. ?? Lincoln 758. LOWE. C. ?.. 2627 13th st. nw. Ph. Col. 3267. DUMBERTH. D. F.. 1226 31 st *t. nw. W. 560. LEHMAN, R. O., 807 H st. nw. ORCHARD. JOHN. The Loudoun. 314 E. Capitol st. L 1335-w. SEATTON. W. P.. 1928 New Hampshire ave. ?. 1942. SMITH. H. C, 803 C st. sw. M. 1576. WHITMARSH. 124 W st. nw. N. 9529. WANTED ? BOYS WHO AT tend public or hiph school to work cvcninKs; can earn $15 weekly; healthy -work and splen did surroundings. Apply Mr. SEE, Western Union Tel. Co, 1401 F st. nw._ _ MEN AND BOYS WITH MOTOR cycles or bicycles; excellent sal ary ; permanent employment ; splen did surroundings and chance for advancement. Apply Mr. SEE, 1401 F st. nw. AN Opi't-KTI'MTk' WITH THE G?.??>-_ vania Railroail Comronv for car repairmen, frtiirtit band-??, machinieta, hil-vrs, freitht tir?'? men, .hite and coWcd labor?*?, and mra lor varimi? ithi-r occupation. Aprly 409 N. J. aae?. ?p. Waahintton, or auntbaaat corner Cal ?ert and tVnt.r ?t?. Baltimore, or with the K. T* I?. A tt. I- R... Brooke av... Norfolk. Va._ _ _ WANTED--? RI GH ? BOY TO work in editorial department of The Washington Herald. Apply CITY EDITOR._ MACHINISTS, BOILKRMAKEHS. MACH??S lati' helper?, boHi-T-makcT?' bc-tper-, clerke, m-H-crBrr boya, be ?rea-te and r.nil porter?-. whit*, und rvilored labcrera. Appi* Boom 30?, G? i on ftuti-in. _ HELP ?TINTED?FEMALE. HIGH ??'????? -.IRL. WITH KNOWI-BMfll of siiorthand (Pltmrtn or Graham) and type writing. Opportunity for ambif?oua girl to get exwriertct? In real ?state office. Good Mlary; rapid ?d?.Ut*->7*m?jt. WILLIAM F. MATTBSON, Sil Colorado Bid* Phot... Main \m._ WaXTED-^AI'AB?JC WHITE GIRL TO AS ?iit In car? of children of aehool ss* and in npeUirs hguaW-rork; no rooking or laundry; a good position with ??tiafartory wage* to c-omi? tent applicant- Heat ref-rroc-?-e mi tared. Phrme Colurohia TT. -_ _ orni* WANTED FOB real ESTATE ?G floe; experience nnn^oeaaary ; muet have knowl edge of ahorthand and tvpewriting : good aalary and opportunity for advancement- BOX ST. Harald office._ NEAT COLORED GIRLS FOU WAlTRES?**-3 in Amerioin plan cafe; moat be ?i-m?*?. TTTF n-RinnroN, ?? ????????? ??t. nw. Help W.-ted-M?.? ud Fem_U WANi-D^iFTY MALE ok ft male ?oliciton. -igtest opportvini ty of the KiKD for hustler?. See MR. TALBOT at The Washington Herald between 9 and 12 o'clock Wednesday, Thursday and Friday FOR RENT-APARTMENTS. Firit aid to the apartment seek er will be from tbe ?mall ad col umn? of The Washington Herald Watch tbe announcements of dis play- advertiser? ajso. FOR RENT?FURNISHED ROOMS ?*n? uni ?t .\4v.-yva__ ?booKB?T?kt room; ?li am non- lor am paran. 0t tat ?wo; nrinu? faaaDy: tim ma ot pac?r; mar am bae. CoL tat. WAJfTED?ROOMS AND BOARD Vt ANTt_>-RO?)-?e ASO KB f?a\ bntlmTT and atatirr; furniab?*?, at inferaI'h11, la quiet bone near Ilih at ear tea. BOX K. Mera Ut off?m*. REAL ESTATE. CABIN JOHN PARK. ATTBACTIVE .??G???? HOMES. J. B. TOMUNSON. Bt SO. BUM. ?. ? IT WILL PAT TOU To Investirete at Once The?? Henutifal Greater Capitol Heifhts Lob Only $20 Each $1 Cash $1 Month TAKE ? ST. G??. GET OFF (lit ST. N. E. OVE CAR FARE, ? TICK?TS. tie. OFFICES: Main Office, ??? M. T. Ave. ?. *(*,-. On Ground?, ?lit and r* fit?. N. B. OWN TOI'R OWN HOME?IT PATS O. B. ZANTZ1NOER. 901 N. T. Ave. Careful Investments Of mont} In Kim Dwd? of Tra? (FI?I Mori. mata) ao Waah?a?u, D. C, Real "?Uta urmtt fit? tbe fsll intenm pr??ed a?S tb? ??un al ?II tb< ra-lroflt? dt?, ita?n?t? et ?bt rarrfeai loo???? ??? ?altu? ot* oc?e ???ari?!?, aad tba? ?t. M a-btaet to taxation. W? ??? bee? an? ??full? Iina?i1 ? mmkit,? t?n? te?ar?ero for oui client, tor ??? ??n . qamn _ ? ??trarr. lainOEf?. 0?, 0? to 110,0??, at ?. 54?. ?nd ? let east Dow amdr (or d?liter?. I?nje lo?e*anrrta triada. WM. H. SAUNDERS t CO.. Southern Bo-di-f, 807 15th St FOR SALE?HOTEL. POR HAU: ?..?-?.\???> HOTFL. ?o uooua att-im .'<e* ntrer tb?*eter-, imi?r ?d at-tire?. Inquire TM???*. McnONAU?. ?M ? ?-omine al*?., ?t'-ranta?. l'a. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. 4\ 1????44 srHE?!,l a~D IHADR?. 4\-|\I?iW -HAUts la?.DE TO ORD??. tin*, <ip?ioe on H. H. Rolle?? J. C. rBEINKERT. !? Il a*, aa. _Pbone U ?'.g._tfxl? MA-V-RBSS*-?. ????? ESSES RENOVATE!> A!4T* KXatAlrE. ?- Pra?pt att?u?n to anbarban unm? CAl'ITOL RIMI V ????? OO., ttV? G u. ?. 111?._ ? AUTOMOBILES. FOR MIE._ ALTO CLEARANCE SALE. H-.lan-n Su.kt > t. _>1T: almnct new and in perfect rof_i1ui<in. Thie cut carri?-? the ?T.ginaJ (uarant<T4f>i end haj ?-De extra tir- ... .H W Hu,!?.-? Ufi? MB, 19)??, in perfect nn-?iaa i al caa.'iit?4?i; paint io good condition ; l?-:ttry ?4io?_, t?rte r*->?. BP H?da-yn Liebt Sia. m?; ia perfect Berhan i._l ?Tenditi.-?; paiat ia O. K., bettery eoo! and tire? food. **> Badana Fonr. Model G 19U; m Al eendi tioo: ?ran le t?ourht fur. . ?aV dandi?r Twiriag l?.: : a'a-oat new, eritb ?.4urk, ?aaeaat, aartra tiaa ??ad fine aet of aast oorere. . 1 21 Natit-mai J2. 19K Tf-.n?a?; car la aia* eaa. d.uoc and a bargain at?. a_t Packard Tucrins. ?913; Di ?a it .*:?.: M and r?-ry ncrntly oTeiiuuled ; bas fina tira? end nife ?-?-at ????t* . TJI M arm ?-. ?p-r*??tter. 1913; a enapi- lootin? art down cut ??.at ?ill mette a btf hit... **aV - Teoatac ?-??: 'a "?<? condi ti.*.; 4 r.v. nl-r-. ?aaa1 tir?**... HI ?-!??? RnadeTer. _M; in Al onoditiie aa to i.iirt. hatt-Ei aiid -tee?. ? In ade?'?'**? to tb?? abore ?e ha'a ?Mbti care for jot. to at. -? fr m. We ??tend direr*'- .-rhind mrr ?-ara. ?*e ??..> thr?/ are th? ? ar?*, >?>_ ?-an da.??od aivs It, .>>n>e to t-e ua. SEMMES MOTOR COMPANY. 613 G St N. W. M. 9790 FOR RIRR. ?GG.? AND CLOSED CARS. IT? MODEL Tri?, 90c. 7tr SI; p? ho_. $].? a?1 $ JC, t?rcf ul whit? chauffeur?. Phone .??wo? _. S__? LINCOLN 51 Ml block?.- ? ? ?It? Proper.?>.........?.?. .1? Hh.ifT???. pat hour......?.?.. ?? **??irinc .M..M? I?? CE.MBA- TAXI C3MPANT, IM? _ ? AITO ArCE??ORIES. Polarine Auto Oil, OC a gallon.OOC Jumbo Jiant Spark OO Plugs, each.OemeC 30x3'/2 Nonskid F? QQ Gibeon, 25 H St. N. W. Tri. Main 1?? ?G?? ? KP AIR.. When tou want your car im paired voti want it done quickly. The ads in this column will be only of reliable concerns. AXT SERVIC-. ANT TllalE. aK? PLACE. Auto? ft any make and as? repaired or rabtult. Portia f.ifd while ?cu wait. Stora??. ROB ROT alACKET, SU -th ?. m. I_??I OB. _tf AUTOGENOUS WELIUNO AND RADlATtjB work. Feeder? repair?.*. ; e?tt?? leiuu???! ; ?arto ?paintn, ??a????? Bri. Co.. mm Ul? Vu ???, on. _M PRICE CAN ??? IT. WKIJJINO Ot ALL maula rjital to arm. k?pert aoto prpalrln?. Price a Aulo Remit Shop, :?_ H. 4?pttoi? N. ?fe*. ? BROKEN CAST IRON Aad Ml rr riK'a- weMfd b- k-.Toeinv.-je prooaa. WELDIT CO.. RO N. J. a*e. nw. Un. Sea. W?? hoi?rt ??? ordt-r) aad r-pair r??fr__erat-ora. FOR SALE?GARAGES. (;tf A OARAdE THAT "WILL OCTLa?T any ?.rage in tbe market in appearance, dnra bililT. and r??". V. T. H. BIEN. It? G ?. nw. Phoee M. Jl?. _ yjxNTEO JO BUT. WE PUT AXD ~8a*LL FCRNITCRB. A tiial ItaDnnt gHERMANS. 114] l_ M. nw.?K415 N. T. ?re. ?w. phope K. 3r*t. tf_ W?lST?ALI. IN ?G? CNl.?TTIR*->"??*TO Biobile, cil? or r?burhen, end pay ?oq biche?? price? for hidM?'. ?rtrtaararn'a, eh???m'e d? carded c?oU.ini, of au doaerir??.???. Add?aa poMAI ot phone. I ?HJ ?_ K. BICI. 11B ~IA ?. nw. M. lit?. _? BHBfc nr ^xr.tii d?scriptTon, bin? OWm-V a> ???_ l0 .?tire bhnuIm Mai? 24?. PCARL-AN'I BOOK 8??G. ? V ?t. ?w. -3??G? WASH. l?KK CO.. Uta ?nd O M. Une Ma at MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. ?ECORDS-VlCTOR, OOLCMBIA, AKD HM' SON-boosht. aolo. ari ??itumafl. RJSCOBD BZOBAKGB, r*- ?. m n?*. n? ?th ?t nw For Your I A*-*con-uii*xUti>on P?cate phone your want ad* to The Herald between 9 and 12 smaniate or between 2 and 5 p. m. The telephone butine? it lighter aad the tervke better during thete hour?. Mai* ?UOO, Brattea. 1. MONET TO LOAN. When you ?rant monrr yo? ?rant it promptly. Deal with re liable concern? advertising in The Herald_ ?ttoNIT ?6 ioAH-mm to Mtjtt 0H ?, jj Mal ?ata?, al? ? ?J trait fnaaa. ?It la t we en*. AU tr.artilla, eeeteete? ait? nal at ?1 ?Barattava??? ?at WM ? hAOKDEBK a OO? ?otTtan haaaam ?T Utt a*, a?. _? TO LOAM O* ?PrauTBD cWl artrllatat alti rrLEi? a b.'THEBTobd. lae. trr-?? at. ? ' ' *-*--*--? _rEMOHAL W'iRinXOltEX-L-AavOeUXU ? XIlEB A DaV teewe lila.1? that r?a au bar et aa- aa M eelt aad If *'a ere ebete a. at. aa? ta. ?aad, catar ?tat. Um -ran m a? bara, ta. a? ?ar aaw aatta. ?aaa. a. aa? at ti Ir la ata hm vaiata, eme iVSTBt OlaD rraat-D, DR. REED SPECIALIST 804 SEVENTEENTH STREET. OVE* 30 TEARS ^G^?6 Narrati? aad Sp-rval Diaaata? of Haa IB? Wotaa*. D????. Bladder TV-aba?, ?tli'l? Batti PaV aoaint. Eruption*. I'lcara, eaa* All 1-nvau Dav eam Cured far tal. br ?ale MeOoea. Charge* Low. Medkt-te FwiiW ?L CONSULTATION FREE. rrlialf- W nltl?? H-?-*>?. lor I ??*??-?? fmm Hour?. ? U- 1. j Mi. Ftp lay?. I? ti. 11 REFRIGERATORS. ICEBOXES. McCRAY REFRIGERATORS. Aad ?'?olla. Ilo.? Ar? I >r??a?l McCRAY REFRIGERATOR CO. We build (to order/ .aad ir-ah* n G??*?????.? ?1 F St. H. W. nUIKUl BSTL sms LOST. LOST -KKATKKMT-r P1X ?? ITB TWO Orcrk le-i. ra art ?riUi a?**at taa-i?aav and feat? dlan. ? ?? Initial? "l?. W. a. aad ?. ? ? at ea bac?. Renard. IS* Eorlid at. an?. Pt-vn. Cl. ?a*. ?_ t?sT-TELJXlW -L?D WHITE AXV.iiBA at ; valued a. gfcfl br ?aras. Kandlr avuti?* Ut Twin, a?., a.. I7?-T H?-i?WX LF.ATUH- ?-l?Kr.TII'i.?C oontauiint cTJaanond noi. haart art na*. ?aa? ?mall Chan?, aad fitar ear uct-eu. Lett, aa Beata-d a, bet.?ea Pa- are. aad C eu Utb ex. and rol-rad?. err ear. B?-lum to VEXIE C AXTLTg, ?S ?Hi ?t- tr. UOsT~ ivaTl'BUAT-H?.Ii I ORAL CAWS* hrraaca. oral wiUi n-airi r i* band. Bfnnl If i.e-cm-d to MKS. CLEXIH.MX, *? Woodier place nw._ EOST-BLACK M?S BAO CONTA fXI ?? aton-y and va?-abi. rac?pt? a?? pea. Paaal ,1??*?>1? -*H. R.vraid. ?7*T ~? CiU? a HAMILTON USV*} araldi: inftaate "af. E. K." Lib-eal *aW**a R-- t ? : :7rfh at. nw. MOVING, PACKING, STORING. MOVING W? t-xmith luge padded ?ana be', -avafn! ??? lo handle rr-or fenda. rACh?EK?-i ef farttt-re. ptanoa, tear. ???-*. e\m%vtXuwnc*o torn ot-ly. SHIPPING tc all part* *rf the I ?TO-RAGE Io? fura-uii-a, punir?, and boa?? bold ivTw-t-jj. KRIEG'S EXPRESS. SAFETY FIRST. ABSOtCTELT FIREPROOF Bran? S. aa* op. Movi?? asi CMTED STATES fcTORAGE OO? at. a?. M. 17-5. tf ?r? B..--I.K far .tar? .... ?. -???, ?. a???. KMITH-S TKAMIPra et ?Toitac.E co- ?ia a. ?iaht pa. ?. turns. _? ?? EDUCATIONAL THE TIME TO START. i. aoooixtanct-c r. a. an* *?. ?* a. ??. B-.ncaa Advn-i. -?*? '-.rporstk-?. Anditans. Err J. SHORTHAND OB ??????????? u tt ?. ? II. S. PRA FTTS-i. ata-b. ?a? An?., ?al a ami ?. PREPARAT? ???. ?7 it Bvoata. lU-? r?i-? for atafle aubaanae L ?!BAI>K SCHiXvl.. IH' ?r B-wii? ? ErtaClaL C<>rBSES-i-b?t fwr. Wrtln?. Biaunraa T?ncluh. P-t'i- M?-aa-nr v'nar acter aal!??. laaa-ii?. I lajrr-?t Privat. Schal ta Wajblrt?---a Iipert lataatr. V U G 1 Pa? Rcbonl. ?avtaaa? Pnav. I.IILv.ft. \,j ? ?.? T.*?..???.?? *I--at. -aavoaa. Cell everin?. bv EL? rrent-u , ?t*n?t_ m- -.?h ?t ?? tue? SPECIAL N0T1CL ???>?a?t ni sr-r-rios l. article \h\ of Hi lam, n -i-r ta hiT'-?-? titra that tb. annoti mertua* of the BtnitbiialaiB af the Ca*a tal Tract: ? Oompaar for tbe rl* .4 A Beard of larrctor. for the aaaain? aa-r aa* th? H.?rliiat at eaeh other ?aaaaaaa ee ava? a? tlutti ?ata-? tat ? llllal ?-?? a? held at ?to .inn at the ?aerar-. Taut* ?it? ?ad li -*r?.u north art. WeaJnnttovi. Il C. ee WEO SEsliAT, Jaatiarr ?. 1*1?. at Ma* octock a. m. The poli? vili ne apm fnat 11 o'doefc a. at- ?. tal 11 o ctoet nasa. H D. CHAMITON, ?veeaa. 52;_L___ THE HERALD AUTO DIRECTORY. AUTO ACCESSORIES. a ?t? tirruEs MATIO>aX KLECTatKAL M PPLT CO-? ISSO Tork ?T-A. Main ?tat E ? 1? 1 ? ? '????G?G???? ?G? ERAL TIRES? ?CD E RAL AUTO SUPPLY CO. ?Tt P.aa-L? a.. T-aa>?a M- ???ai. M. a?. ItaMKHsU.%? et.ward-Waraw torno? etatlox Oahrl.l e-iubtxra 1I1TV. l*?>oi->a-t-at> at, teortb nt*. _ELECTRIC CARS. ? A ? BR-KAII VM-tuaM????? ? ARTRAM ELECTRIC GARAGI?, 11??-?? ?. ?. a.a, tlOT-11 ? ??. Phono. W??? ?At-?tt_ (?ASOLINE CARS. ACaCRN-PATHKiB-DKR? AUBURN AJ?D G????-fDr ? RALES CO. ?1?? ?? P M ?Tfi. KW. Pboar W^l TR MtlWtlL h. a L-BAJtT, ja_ 13a Foun--eiiUi ?t. Pbon? N. MM North ????. O VERLA ITD-WTLLTS-Kltlt.BT? HARPFR-OVERLAND CO. iiit-ie oob?. ?t?._ TtltES. .OlfES-KEtlU? RUBBER TIftB -G" 'hvEAD TTRB58? MARATHO? TIRES. ?Ot and ?1J E at T.L M ltttt. 15?1 i?th at. T.l N. ?ftt. lfalw *mn.