Newspaper Page Text
NEW AID IN FINAL DRIYE FOR S?FFRAGE ?""""-~m~""" m Roosevelt, Farmers an<T La bor Leaders Ai-vcxate En franchisement of Women. ? Anal concentrated drive for wo man suffrage from quarters outside regular suffrace tore?? I* beine made la the*e laat thre? days before tb? proposed con? tltution?X amendment comes to ? ?rote. Thursday. -Pasa tbe Federal suffrace amend ment" _ the order to Concrea? from organised farmers, political leader?, patriotic war workers and labor chief?. "Work and use your influence In be half ot the Federal coa?titutioi?.1 amendment permitting women to vote." I? the wording of a letter to all N?w Tork Congressmen from tbe Federation of Lal or of New Tork. ?igned by A. ?. lates, secretary treasurer. And this is only one of tb? bebest? from the American Fed eration of Labor, pledged to further the amendment. t Hew Party a?aajenteaaeBt. The newly formed National party of Prohibitionist?, Socialista and Progres sives, is ?ending a letter to every member of Congre??, signed by John Spargo, urging tbem to work and rote for tbe measure. , The National Council of Women, the largest body of women In :he United State?, with a membership of 7.0OO.O0O. ?ends to every Congregara?? a copy of it? recent resolution, urging the Preei dent and Congres? to expedite the passage of suffrage to women. I?adera of tbe National Woman's party tonight are predicting certain victory Thursday. Miss Alice Paul, national chairman and recent hunger striker, says: "We cannot believe Prealdent WlP ?on wilt so fall to read tbe signs of the tiroes as to permit democracy to loae a battle in this country. The Republican? are pledged to do more than their share. The responsibility ts upon the Democrat? and President WiUon, as tbe leader of his party." Tele?;????? Pee? Ia. ? battery of tele-rams urging the pasa?ge of the Federal suffrage amendment and suggesting the chances of ratification by the several states has been received by Mrs. Car rie. Chapman Catt. president of the National American Woman Suffrage Association, from State governors.. Uov. Whitman has already spoken for New York. Gov. Lister 1? sure the Washington legislature will ratify the amendment if it is passed by Con gress. Uov. Stewart, of Montana, ?ires: "I liope Federal amendment ??ill pass. Montana favors woman ?tiffrage." I-Yom Wyoming came the following: "After forty-nine yesxs of experience with woman suffrage. Wyoming en thusiastically and unqualifiedly may reconimend the adoption by the na tion of the Federal woman suffrage amendment.*' Gov. Gunter, of Col orado, wires: "I think it a just and wise move to extend the right of suf frage to the women of the nation." The governor- of Kansas, Arthur Cap per, teatine? that: "I hope Congress will pass the Federal suffrace amend ment." Governor Boyle says Nevada's people "want to see suffrage established na tion-wide a? part of the Follerai Con stitution," "Idaho ia in favor of na tional enfranchisement of our wom en." Oregon'? governor. Jame? Withy combe, wire? that he is a strong ad vocate of* the Federal suffrage amend ynent. ?, The Utah legislature by unanimous vote recommended tbe adoption of an amendment to the national Constitu tion granting woman suffrace. "I very earnestly hope that Con gre?? will pass the suffrage amend ment at once. Justice demands thia action; and no possible ?rood can come from further delay." wrote Former President Roosevelt. 194-Year-Old Ship In Denmark's Fleet ''opetihagen, Jan. 7.?Constance is JIM years old. Constance has seen ten -"Danish kings come and go. Constance is a wooden sailing vessel and soon will celebrate her 200th anniversary of service. Constance wa? well named. The Danish sailing fleet, despite the ravag?e of the submarine, still has sixteen wooden vessels each more than 100 years old. These vessels aver age 414 registered tona In March, 1916, there were only four of these vessels more than 1,080 tons, but purchases abroad since that time have now increased the number of wooden vessels to twenty-five which are over 1,000 tons. War Department Shifts Location of Bureaos Establ?bment of the war council In lb? War Department and It? aaslcn ment to the quarters formerly occu pied by the Judge advocate general and appointment divisions haa resulted In striking changes In the location of various bureau?. Theae two divisions ?re now In the old office? of tbe Ord nance Bureau, which haa been trans ferred to the new frame building near Henry Park. The old Geological Sur rey building on F ?treet. near Four teenth ?treet, is being used t? the temporary home of the administration laion of the Ordnace Bureau, while Henry bandings are beine prepared its occupancy. Army Engineers Reject Pork Barrel Projects Dedarliia; for the atmen ecomony In public expenditure?, the army en* sincera reported unfavorably to Con mtj yesterday on the following pro jects: Deepening of Oalveston, Tex., har bor. Dredging the present channel should be continued, however. Deepening Great Lake channel? to make poaavlble the operation of any veaael which can navigate through the enlarged Wetland Canal. Improvement? of Nehalem River, Ore.. Tuaaloo River, Oa., and further improvement of Calooshatchee River, Florida. PRESIDENT AND WIFE GOLF DN ICY LINKS ?Slippery Roads Prevent Motorcycle Guards' Attendance. President and atra. Wilson played ! golf yesterday on Icy link? in freeting ? brea**?. Their heavy golf ?hoes pro | tected them to ?ome extent from tbe ?now and Ice. I Road condition? on the way to the I Unk? wer? ?o bad that motorcycle ' guard? could not follow the White ? House ear. : Yesterday was the first time the President. ha? golfed in two week?. ! Pressure of business had engaged his ?attention closely. ? Golf> was precluded. ORATORIO SECTION GIVES THE MESSIAH" Notable Audience Hears Chorus of 225 Voices. More than I.OOO local society people turned out last night to witness the presentation of Handel's "The Mes siah," under the auspices ef the Oratorio Section ' of Washington. every available space in th. vast audi torium of th? Central High School being filled. The production wa? featured with a chorus of SS voice* under the direc tion of Sydney Lloyd Wrtghtson. Both the musical director and the entire chorus of well-known local vocali??? gave their services gratuitously in the preparation of this work. -?After the actual working expenses of the or ganization have been deducted, the proceeds of the collection, amounting to a considerable sum, will be donated to the Red Cross. Tbe list of patronesses of the affai, included the following: Mra Wood row Wilson. Mrs. Thomas R. Mar shall. Mrs. Robert La-nslng, Mrs. New ton D. Baker. Mrs. Albert S. Burle ?on, Mrs. Franklin K. Lane, Mrs. David F. Houston. Mrs. William C. Redfleld. Mra Charles Henry Butler, Mrs. Calder?n Carnale. Mrs. Frank O. Carpenter. Mra. Stephen B. Elklns, Mrs. E. B. Granden. Mrs. A. G. Hens ley. Mra. Rudolph Kauttmann, Mra. George W. McLanahan, Mr?. James Parmelee. Mrs. Jame? Brown Scott, Mra. Willard ?. BrowruTon. Mr?. W. a Culbertson. Mrs. Frederic A. De lano, Mrs. A. P. Gardner. Mrs. Eugene Hale, Mr?. Adolph Caspar Miller. Mrs. Frank Lyon Polk. Mrs. Buckner Randolph. Mts. Matthew T. Scott and Mrs. Charles Wood. ARMOUR ANSWERED BY HENEY'S DENIAL Investigator Asserts He Never Said U. S. Would Become Packer. Francia J. Heney. investigating the high cost of living for the Federal Trade Commission, yesterday re plied to J. ogden Armour's statement that Mr. Heney used unfair methods, and denied that he or any of the commissioners had said the govern? ment would take over the packing plants. "Mr. Armour wen knows," said Mr. Heney, "that I did not at any time make any statement which could be tortured Into even an intimation that tbe United State? is planning to have receivers take over and run tbe pack ing business.' "Moreover, no member of the coma mission made any such statement in my presence or hearing." Mr. Heney added that he ne+er had said he intended to prosecute tbe packers. WINDOW SHATTERED DY MANHOLE COVER - Diners in Panic When Plate Glass Front I? Wrecked. Persons dining; at the Olobe Res taurant. Thirteenth and E streets northwest. last night were thrown Into a panic when the large plate glas? ?-window was broken by the top of a manhole cover that had been blown off by an accumulation of gas. The cover, according; to the po lice, went off with an explosion that rivaled the famous French ??7??. Terrified women rushed to the street when the clang of the fire department ?ronera waa heard, and excitement reigned until the police arrived from the First precinct and succeeded in movine; the crowd. Sunday night also Washingten lan? were thrown In a frenty when another manhole cover near tha one which ws? thrown off laat night blew off and was lifted about twenty feet In the air. ? know something th at will clearyour stun "When my complexion was resi, rough and pimply, I waa ao ashamed that I never had any rali. I imagined that people avoided me?perhapa they dull But the regular use of Resinol Scalp?with a little Reainol Oint ment just at first?haa given me back my clear, healthy akin. I wish you'd try it!" esin 1 Soap alao clear ?way amradnx? and keep the hair healtky aad attractive. For trial free, "trite to Dept. _-R, Raatao-, BaJri__oc?, Mai. UNION DEPOT NEW QUARTERS OF UNCLE SAM ??a? Government Requisitions Space in Station for War Purposes, s It became known yeaterday that In addition to taking over the control of ?II the railroad?*? throughout the country, the government ha? a?? absorbed all tbe available space In Union Station, Its latest ?enl?vement In thi? direction, being the complet? occupancy by the aviation section of the Signal Corp? of the Immense gymnasium at th? east end of the building. Of late this portion of the structure ha? been utilised by Compa??a? H, S. and W, of the Home Defense ? League Rlflea for drllllnc pui%~ses. I the two laat-nsmed companies being I composed exclusively of employe? of I the Wishington Railroad Terminal ? Company, which has had full charge ! of all the railway lines operating from j this city up to the tlm? Uncle Sara assumed his pasltion ?t the throttle. ! Theee three companies c^mblifed j embrace a memberehlp of nearly ?00. ! and hav? been notified that the gov i ernment will t?k? po?ea?lon of their ] former drill room on J?nu?ry 10. I In conaequence of these conditions. 1 Company ? haa been assigned to the Dunbar High School in which to hold ! Its drills in future, while the other two companies have not yet settled upon any definite place. 1 . M. ?'. *. Age-ted. The railroad branch of the T. at. C. A. haa also been compelled to yield a goodly portion of it? space to the need? of the government, tb? reading room, library, billiard room, card committee room besides the big gymnasium alluded to being ab sorbed by the equipment division of the Quartern??ter*? Corpa, leaving only the main office, bathroom, bed?, locker rom ?nd a small auditorium room for the institution, which has been fitted up to answer the purpose of reading room, library and bil liard room combined. Only th? superintendent's office, engineer's department and auditor's office of the Washington Terminal Company is left Intact on the up per floors of Union Station, every inch of available space there beine taken up in Uncle Sam's round-up of quarters for war preparation. For some time the cenerai engineer ing corps of the army has ben In pos session of the premise? at Fifteenth and U streets northwest, owned ?nd occupied by the M. A. Winter Com pany, and baa alao taken over the branch postoffice building on the ad joining corner, owned by the ?ami corporation, leaving the latter only It? main office in the Winter building and limited quarter? tn the rear of th? poatoffic? with which to conduct its buaineaa. George H. Wiiulow, secretary of the Railroad division of the T. M. C ?.. affected by the absorption of it? quar ters in Union Station, laat night an nounced that bis institution la accom modating fully 200 railroad employe? with sleeping quarters, and that he did not think they would be disturbed. BERLIN GAGS PRESS OONTIXC?D FROM PAO? ON* "Tha other reaso-. for haste, la tbe continually increasing lack of ton nage. . A? tbe entente Is very depen dent on tbe aea for it? forwftrding. the freight space intended for the civil population must be added to thoaa transport?. Waitlac fer ?merle?. "In one of tbe future issues it might be mentioned that tbe present situa tion in Russia ha? tbe appearance of being caused by the entente with the view to her (Russia's) continuing for a time?perhapa until the actual par ticipation by the Americana. How lone that will be remains to be seen. It I? of consequence to set forth the opinion that a new offensive will speedily take place as amounting to a conviction. "In referring to the Skagerak battle, it Is of the utmost Importance to use the greatest energy In freeing the neutrale from the pretended* Eng lish suprentacy of the sea." Bar? D.? Flesh Ads. The regulations go to the veriest details in saying; what the German paper? may or may not print For example: "Advertisements In which doc flesh Is offered for sale are not al lowed. Their acceptance is forbid den.*? -* Some of the regulations, which cover a two month?? period follow in?; the entry of the United State? in the war last spring, follow: "Newa about excesses and unreal in Pr?gue may not be published. "The publication and discussion of the resolutions adopted In a strike meeting of the Leipzig union? and of a telegram sent to the Im perial chancellor are not permissi ble. "There Is no objection to the re printing: of the manifesto of the In dependent Socialist party In case It is adversely commented upon, even without Irritating sharpness. "In the Interest of a victorious car rying through of the war, which is en dangered by every stoppage of work, expressions of the press which rec ommend a strike or express themselves otherwise tn favor of a strike are for bidden. "Utterances which are directed against strikes are Indeed not subject to censorship, but It Is supposed there by that they are kept free from Im moderate sharpness which could of fer material for Irritating the people. **Offer? of food from the occupied Eastern war ?one may not be pub lished- The acceptance of such adver tisement? is forbidden. "It 1? deatred that the great enemy flying m?chine loase? ?? the month of May may be strongly emphasised by large heading? or in some other particular manner." In Its Informal and unofficial dis- j closure, th? State Department re-1 marks: ? "These Instructions offer a very suc- j etnet proof that the German prese can not and certainly does not reflect the attitude of the German people a? a whole," 700 CLERKS' DESKS MOVED. Between 700 and 800 clerk? will be affected by the moving of the income tax divlaion from its pres ent quarter? Ib the Treasury to Convention Hall, which commenced yeaterday. The work devolving on this divlaion baa been greatly aug mented in the last few months, and additional help I? added dally. MARINES GIVE CONCERT. An orchestral concert wa? given yeeterday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Marine Barrack? by the Ma rine Band, with William H. Santel mann aa leader. The program waa featured by Symphony 41, "Jupiter," from Mosart, Read These Price? Then Be Thankful You're in the U. S. A. Butter Is selling In Berlin at t-.-S per pound, sugar at M cent? per pound, ham and bacon at t2.ll per pound and Ivory ?oap at five bar? for tl.l?. Thl? Information wa? received by the United^ State? Food Administra tion from a responsible person, who personally had* charge of hi? own apartment In Berlin, aa to food price? current In that city previous to hi? return to thl? country about Octo ber 1. These price? are from four to five time? a? high a? those now obtain ing in the United States. CHAMBER TO HOLD ANNUAL ELECTION Prominent Men Candidate* for Di rectorate at Meeting Tonight. The board of director? of the Wa?h ington Chamber of Commerce will be elected tonight at the annual meeting of the organization at Rautchcr's. Earl Oodwln and Frank W. Wood Held, both newspaper ftien, are ln ctyded on the nomination Hat, which Is headed by John Barrett, director of the Pan American Union; Fuel Ad minlatrator John L? Weaver and more than, two ?core other prominent men of Washington. One woman, Ml?? Mary (?/Tool?, for the first time In the history of the chamber will be on the list of nomi nee! for a directorate. A president and two vice presidents will be voted for. It I* thought prob able that A. 1-eftwlch Sinclair, pres ent occupant of the chair of the presi dent, will be re-elected to a second term. ?TALKS ON PALESTINE. "Th. Development of Jewish Colt onies in Palestine" was the subject of an address by Ittamar ben Avi laat nicht In the veitry rooms of the Eighth Street Temple, under the auspices ot the Washington Zionist Circle. Dr. H. M Ami, of the British Em bassy, also discussed the recon struction of Palestine from a ?den tine standpoint. Yesterday Champ Clark, Speaker of the House of Repr?sentative?, announced that he was In full ac cord with the Zionist movement, and offered hi? aid In establishing a Jewish state In Palestine. NEW YORK TO PLAGE BAN ON ALL LtrXORIBS Essentials Only Will Be Car ried by Roads Until Coal Shortage Is Relieved. New Tork, Jan. 7.?New Yorker? to night were faced with the question of abandoning non-essential? a? the re sult of the shortage of coal. Imme diate and pressing needs have been cared for In a number of respect?, but the coal supplies reaching the city were described by Harry T. Peter?, chairman of the mayor's fuel commit tee and head ?f the local Federal Con servation Board, a. only "protection." ? number of industrie? have been compelled to ?hut down aa the result of the fallur? of their normal fuel re ceipts and the workmen have been sent home. Hospital supplies are low, churches are unable to open their doors and what loom? aa serious 1? the one-day supply of fire houees. Some government work has been af fected by the famine and the ship ping situation ha? not been materially relieved. As the result of strenuous effort? a number of trans-Atlantic ves sels were cleared. The majority, how ever, are held with full cargoes aboard awaiting bunker coal. Say New Eas-laad Favored. New York officiale were aroused when they discovered that priority orders In favor of New England were taking a great quantity of the coal arriving here. Messages were sent to Fuel Administrator Oarfleld and Secretary McAdoo ask ing that there be sufficient lifting of these orders to relieve the situa tion here. "New York Is on the map." Mr. Peters declared. "Our present sup plies ?re only protective? We are not asking for any advantage over other sections of the country but we do went to know If we are get ting our fair share of the coal dis tribution." Officials In Washington were ask ed tonight to furrrish a list of what Is considered non-essentials and It Is planned to lop off many of them. The Injunction against light nights is being pfsctlrally. unanimously obeyed and the few remaining cases of violations are being eliminated. France WS. Recogsite Ukranian Government Pari*. Jan. 7.?The French govern ment intend? ?oon to recognise th? Independence of the Ukraine, It wa? announced today by Le Matin. Franc, already haa given recognition to the government of Finland. Th. decision now to recognise Ukrainian Indepen dence Indicate? that th? French government ha? definitely adopted tbe policy of ?upportlng every ?tabi, government In Ruasla?. who?, co operation will Insure th? future peace of the Rutsian federation and remedy present chaotic condition?. D. C. CANTONMENT FOR II. S. GUARDS -Houses in Potomac Park for Sol dier* Guarding Utilities. It wa? announced yesterday by Brie. Oen. J. Mel. Carter, chief of the mili tia bureau of the War Department, that immediate construction of a suit able cantonment to house the United State? guards ha? been authorised by his office for Potomac Park, Juat east of the railroad embankment, on the site of the camp used by the Separate Battalion when stationed there. The United States Guard? assigned to duty at this point comprise a unit of the li.?OO men now being enlisted throughout the country for ?ervlc. In protecting public utilities, and la being rapidly recruited ?t varioua ?ection?. Guarding of bridges and railroad tun nel? will be feature? of It? operation?. The new battalion in process ef for mation .for thia point will Include 21 officer? and MX) men. Maj. Gen. Wil liam M. Mann, commanding the East ern Department at New York, will have the ?election of the commanding officer. In lieu of tent?, suitable wooden houses will be provided for those about to take their place?. REFUNDS CONCERT MONEY. Money which had been paid by holder? of season ticket? for the Boston Symphony Orchestra cod cri.- is now being refunded by Mrs. Katie WlUon-Greene, all con certs. Including the one billed for thia evening, having been concelled. The Department of Justice ha? de clared Dr. Karl Muck, conductor of the orchestra, and twenty-two of it? member? to be Germen subject?, prohibited by the President ? enemy alien proclamation from entering the District. .Egyptian DEITir Gganawmai* Car\%fi ^ Utmost m ?? Endet ENGINEERS TO HAVE PERMANENT HOME More than fifty technical engineer ing expert? ?t the regular aeral monthly meeting of the American As sociation of Engineers, Washington Chapter, held last night in the Stock Exchange Hal! of tbe Htbb? building, passed a resolution calling for the ea tabllahment of permanent quarters for the organisation, and another au thorising the publication of an? magasine before tbe next meeting January 21. A. P. Connor, secretary.. was deal?. nated editor and publisher of t?? magasine. A committee appointed 14 ?elect quarters for the orgaiiiratios consists of J. C. l?brke. R. F. BenaeJ and A. Ren?en. G. L Howard, in a abort ?drtra?, pointed out th?t the membership of th? association should continue to arrow. a? the government need ef technical engineers and experta Increased ?,??? the progr?s? of the war. We Are No Stronger Than Our Fighting Blood Physic*. Fit??? Our SeW Relia??. The great world struggle will be won by stamina. Courage without physical fitness Is absolutely worth less. That is why our great army is made up only of men who are with out the slightest physical defect. But there le a constant warfare closer home, that you are vitally in terested in. It is the warfare of dis ease against your health, a struggle that ia always going on, and one for which you muet always keep your system prepared. And your blood supply is the for tress upon which you must depend. If it is kept pure and free from any weakening; influence, the germs of disease cannot find lodgment, but ?we promptly expelled, snd good health is assured. But you should take no chanc *? with this mainstay of defense. Im purities are liable to creep into blood and so weaken your systi that It is unable to resist even t he most ordinary ailments. This means the beginning of the atta' h. ? * ? will result in the undermining of your, health. 8. 8. 8., the world's most renown?-?! blood remedy, will keep th?* blood ab solutely pure and free of every trac? of impurity. This great old remedy? which has been in constant us* for more than fifty years, keeps the sys tem in perfect condition by pur.f > ing the blood and cleansing it thorough ly. Write for valuable booklet about the blood supply, sent free- by Swift Specific Co.. A-41. Swift Laborau>ry. Atlanta, Ga.?Adv., Important Special Purchase and Sale of Men's Madewell Underwear Honiht at Aetmally *???"???? Thee t'oet of ?'rodurtlo?. Own ne to minor f_ u 1U, man ufa? tun*. .?> mad? an ?xtr-ordinary prie* oonceaai .an to mi oo thia w?id>rful a_-4_rtZD?rDt--fiT_mb?_r?v about M) fin? G? ion Salta, tn all ai/??? for dm?. -Palaia B-ral-*-*fitrwt ??-??t. , THE SHOPPING VLSmAEHL Ql_\IJT?_?S - CCCR?a STiU? ?, A-LLOfBl, Entire Stock of Girls' Coats at One-half Off Marked Pricea. r-baiea ft m? ooat i? ?to? i? our Qiil dt?? Derart??u A? ?crii?n aMurt roent of larva? at??? and malina? ?o ehonae from in mar? 2 to 14 r?a?. Coatg that Were $4 to $35 Are Now Only Sa to $12.50. Tklrat rimar. Annual January Sale of ^???? C^Oat?llJ?S '-?? "-11 ?~~*? ?t"*?1?- a??? ? ttn? a? _ m _ ,-. _ _ ?_,___ ^** ?mW Dvectitrn? for Knitting the Army and Navy Sleeveless Sweater and Muffler With BUCJLLA Extra-heavy Knittinjj Wonted Art. 7998 (Khaki ?Color) 7098. DIRECTIONS FOR KNITTING SWEATER, hanks Khaki BUCILLA Extra-heavy Knitting Worsted Art, 1 pair B?CI-LLA Knitting Needles, No. 8, exact size of this dot. fix Cast on 72 sts.; k 2, ? 2 for 4 inchc?. Knit plain until sweater measures 25 inches (work should be about 18 inches in width). Knit 24 stitches; bind off 24 stitches for neck, loose. Knit 24 stitches. Knit 7 ridges on each shoulder, cast on 24 stitches (opposite those bound off). Knit plain for 21 inches. Purl 2, knit 2 for 4 inches. Sew up sides, leaving o inches open for armholes. Make 2 rows single crochet around neck and 1 row single crochet around the armholes. -* ? DIRECTIONS FOR KNITTING THE MUFFLER. 4 hanks Khaki BUCILLA Extra-heavy Knitting Worsted Art, 7098. 1 pair BUCILLA Knitting Needles, No. 8, exact size of this dot. f Cast on 44 stitches or II inches. Plain knitting for 68 inches. These instructions are for the "Bucilla" Bear Brand Extra-heavy Khaki Yarn, at $1.10 per hank, or $4.35 pound of four hanks. On sale here. Palala ?.?ral?Art >>e?lew?rk De??. Offering Substantial Savings on Seasonable Merchandise. TTiousartds of yards of Fashionable Dress Goods and Coatings have been marked down for quick selling. S3 50 54-incb Wool Velour, Yard. $2.89 For winter coats, suits and auto skirts, also chil dren's coats and wraps. All late __r.$2.89 $3.50 54-inch Burel la Coatings, Yd., $2.89 In shades of wine. blackrmidniKht, beet root, pold, tan. re seda and mustard. Reduced only for the ?-?rda.ry"Ie?. $2.89 $3.25 54-inch Man nish Coatings, Yard, $2.49 Scotch plaids that are truly wonderful; heavy, closely woven and r?*commended to five splecdtd wear, in brown and t?ray mixtures. Jan uary yarJ.Pr,.C?:....$2.49 $3 54-inch Jersey Sailings at Yard, $2.63 Shades are navy, purple, sro.d, wine. hemlock and bottle preen. The real gen uine 54-inch knit ^.?u,t;.$2.63 $3.75 50-inch Knit ted Suitings, Yard, $2.98 Comes in two de sirable shades. Ox ford gray and mixed blues. $3.50 56-in. Zibe line Coatings, Yard, $2.89 A he??-y. cloeely woven ? o-len goods, with alone s-U.temns: hair) face. All ready for the ?jo on needle ????.?? $2.98 $4.50 48-inch Esktaso Coating, Yard, $2.98 Heavy t e ? ture for ?sold climates. Eskimo Coating is a knitted-back fabric, with a heavy llama wool facing. Comes in navy, brown and white. January "'rdprice.? $2.98 $2.75 54-inch Scotch Suitings. Yd.. $2.18 Good winter color ine!, flaked with silvery threads of glistening c a m e 1 'a hair; in French blue, plum. sage, navy, African brown and *? -? o Oxford.-PsfclO $6.50 54-inch Real BolivU Coa tinti. Yard, $4.69 Shade? ?re hen lock, ?iai. African brown, tage, arreen and myrtle. R<-?dy for the ? ? co needl?-. .Jht.O ? SS and $6 40-mck Chiffon Vciveta, Yard. $4.49 All - .Silk Chiffof. Prrii Velvf ts. In white, golden brown myrtle, plum, dam son, wine. tamp*, sm-^ke, Afr.can. navy and gold: miao tw? ?hades of novelty ?tripe 40-inch ?Chif fon Velvets, in nivy and king's blue. $3 48 to 52-i_eh Broadcloth, Yard, $2.49 Season's m* ?*? * wanted shad?- ?? Burgundy, plum. wi? taria, tobacco, taut-? walnut, win?-, hem look, aage. ni\r? African, light ?ij navy, mid S?r-l.?f. $2.49 $2 54-in. Ladies' Cloth, Yd.. $1.39 In bla? k and navy blu? only All pur*? v. il ?n^ light tn *?t OQ weight . Vi??)? ?-?*Iala Royal?>*? ritmai Kl?s*r. Tuesday Is Bargain Basement Day-An Important Event I 19c Quality Tray Coyer?, 12V_c Fine Quality Tray ? Clotb?; 16x57 lnehe?: made of fine linene, neat ? ly hemstitched. Covers that should sell for ISe. Specially priced at 12Hc. Bararala Finarme???. Women's Union Saht at 39c Women's I'nion Suits, nf line combed yarn; loose and tight knee; ?ome have plain tops, with narrow tape, others have lace insertions and lace-trimmed pant?. Also envelope style. Sizes 34 to 44. Special. S9c. Bararala Baararat. 10c Fancy Voiles, 15c and 19c Values, A table of Voiles, dainty floral designs, stripes, etc; also a few pieces of Shepherd checks. These goods usuaHy sell at 15c and 19c yard. Limited quan tity and excellent values?so be among ?the early shoppers. Special at, yard, ioc. Bararnln Kasernen?. 25c Children's Hose, Pair, 14c Children'? ' Hose; fine and heavy rib; In black only. Mill ends of 25c ?trade, but Imperfections are very slight. Sises 6 to f>*?. Special at 14c. ?arcala Ilaseaae?4. 35c Women's Hose, Pair, 12V2c Women's Full-fashioned Hose; spliced heel, double sole: mill mends of 35c grade. Imperfections ?light; wearing qualities not impaired. Sizes 8'? to 9H. Special, 12%c pair. Bararala Basement. Regular 15c Value Half-Linen Crash, 11 Special at, Yard, 1 1C Half-linen Crash; 16 inches wide; with narrow blue stripe border; very absorbent. Witt wear al most as well as all-linen. Special price at, yard, lie. Barcata llaaraarnt. Extraordinary Purchase and Timely Sale of BED AND CRIB BLANKETS It Would Be Impossible for Us to Go Into the Market Today and Buy Such Quality Blankets at These Lou) Prices Lot consists of over 600 Blan kets. Full-bed sizes, 72 ? 80 inches, 64x430 inches, 62x76 inches and^ crib blankets, 36x48 and 30x40 inches. Desirable pat terns, stich as dark plaids, checks; white wfth pink or blue borders and Ted ,dy Bear. Owl, Etc., designed crib blanket*. $3.49 Vahie Blanket?. 28 Blankets, size 72x80 in.; tn dark, plaid? and checks; heavy. warm and durable;, can be used aa auto rob??*?, coueh throws and bed blankets. Regular 13.49 values. Special.... .$2.79 $1.49 Value Blankets. 200 Blanket Sheets: 72x80 In : ?T?y and tan. with blue or pink borders; wanner, more durable ?and lower In price than the rrp i ler ?heel?. Regular $1.4? 4M OQ value. Special at.We "a1 79c Vahie Crib Blankets. Crib Blankets. S0x40 In?; in Teddy B??ar. Dos:. Ktc. deaig-na on pretty blue and pink ??round.?, nnl.hed with dainty border fn? Regular 7*c value. Spatial ??>? $2.69 Value Blanket?. 42 pairs Bed Blankets, double. 64x80 irfchee, white, with pretty pink or blue borders; blankets that are worth every cent of $2.69. Specially priced JO QQ $1.00 Vahie Blanket. ISO Blanket Sheets: 62x76 In.: gray and white, with blue ?nd pink border?; ?rinmr ?nd will ?five better aervice than the rec ular aheet Regul?r $1.00 7Q,* value. Special at..?. '?'? 98c Value Crib Blankets. Crib Blanket?. 16x48 in.; in dainty shade? of pink and blue, with Teddy bear. owl. etc.. de stra?. Regular ?Se value. TQ.? Special?*/ priced for thi? ?ale ?1TV