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Hrst Night ai Theaters \?tl^avl?-Tke Klvlera ?? ?? dainty a lady a? ha? been ??-tn hwa In many a moon. "Th. RlYlara Girl." wtlUed ?croa? the ?tas? of th. National Theater last ?venina; aad captivated Washington com pletely. She la prattT, witty, well dreaaed. aad lively with mutlc with th. ?nap and sparkle of the Riviera ltielf, and upon this fr?m? of mar velous melody Is hung a charming romane? of Monte Cerio, enlivened my many amusing momenta Wild? Bennett, a poor tinging girl, i? beloved by Arthur Burckley, th. ?on of Loul? Caaavant, a proud and haughty nobleman. Fearlnaj disinheritance If he marrie? ? ?Ing ina; girl. Mr. Burckley arranged h?r union with Carl Gantvoort, an Im peeunloua noble, in order thst Misa Javamnett might ?ecure a divorce, reupon her title will make her ^^HUa to enter hi? noble family. Bi? plan miscarried, for the sup posed poverty-stricken Gantvoort turn? out to be in reality a prlne? of th??. royal blood, who from th? Uva-t ha? loved Mis? Bennett, ?nd ak? in turn love? him. Too simply had to laugh and enjoy yourself with th? fine company of lovely woman and gay men In "The Riviera Girl.'' Tfcey sang, danced, ?aad chattered most engagingly every mom-n t of their time before the foot lights, and their effort? carried the pretty pi? y to a triumphant conci u aa*n. Wild? Bennett wa? very much to-be admired In the title role. She haa? an engaging manner and tinga tha number? ?Hotted to her with rare ?Tace. Charmins "Ju?t a Voice to Cavil Me Dear.'' rang out in all Ita beauty and never seemed to let ?the eohoe. die. and "Gypey, Bring Tour Piddle." ws? another An? number .fer Miss Bennett. At Monte C?rlo alao wa? a quaint person rimed Sam Hardy, from Fish burs. III., with his pretty little wife. Juliette Day. Aa everybody knows. Sum Ilirdy 1? a natursl born cut-up. and Mit? Day was just as delightfui laat night a? she was In "upstairs and Down." Their song. "Let's Build a Little Bungalow In Quogue" went ?*b*g" last night. Carl Gantvoort mad? "Half a Married Man" par ticularly effective, and J. Clarence Harvey scored in "There'll Never Be Another Girl Like Daisy." Marjorie ttley and two choru? boyt danced lely. then there wa? Frank igton. Eugene Lockhart and Cain adding lnterett to the The choru.? of "The Riviera Girl" la? ?rood to look upon. They had endless ^^Bges of costume and brilliant "dancing interludes. Their most de -aallttfv.1 moments, however, were due to Julian Mitchell, who??? Ingenious head wa? evident. The costuming ?????enta a veritable kaleidoscope of color and harmony, while Josepn Urben ha? quite outdone himself in th. beauty and artistry of the three settings which he ha? provided for this pretty cousin to "Mis. Spring th-ae." Emmerich Kaiman'? ?core embrace? everything from syncopated rag to ?rrand opera orchestration, and it re ceive! full value laat night at the hands of the large symphony or chestra and capable company. There ha? been ? lavleh expenditure of a-tonev in order to provide an enter tainment that will delight, and we data-over the result? of ?uch a policy In every feature of the performance; hut one must ?ee "The Riviera Girl" .to realize the great outlay of money. energy and brain? which has been necessary to perfect It. It 1? ?? captl ?vatinj- as a Straus*, waltz! -Van're <a Lave.*? "When a musical comedy back for***? ?ecoad call during the ?tree season it is fair to presume that it is because people liked It the first time and want it some more. -Ton're in Love," to be ?een at the Belasro Theater thl? week, paid PUT CREAM IN NOSE AND STOP CATARRH Tefl? How to Omtn dog-fed Nogtrik aad End Head-Cold? Tee feel fln? in a few momenta. Tour cold In head or catarrh will be gone. Tonr clogged nottrll? will oren. The air passages of your head will clear atad you can breathe freely. No mor. headache; no hawking, snuf fling, mucous discharges or dryness: ae struggling for breath at night. Tell your druggist you want a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm. Apply a HU?. of this fragrant, antiseptic cream tn your nostrils, let It penetrate through every air pasesge of the head: aooth? and heal the swollen. Inflamed mucous membrane, and relief comes awsttantly.? It la Ju*t what every cold and ca tarrh sufferer needs. Don't *tay ?tuff ert-up and miserable.?Adr._ Scientific Optimism - Some wit ?dataed op timism as "not caring what happens just so it doesn't happen to me." That lend of optitniam is not possible in the world Any more. Nor is the op timism which says "peace, peace when there is do pesce." The ends of the world ?re too close to each other, tbe universal problem ia too compi??, all men are too interdependent These very conditions have made necessary a great world newspaper such as The Christian Science Monitor. From its own news bureaus all over the world to its subscribers in every corner of the ((lobe it tells the news of the great con flict, exposes the causes and presents the remedy. It has do doubt about tbe result. Have yoa ever seen a copy of this remark-able paper? The QiriataaUa Science Monitor, published in Boston, -arrives in Wash ington each morning and in distributed by mail or through newsdealers. Sample copies will be -(?-?ally sent upon request Tavt Oriatias Sows ! Wiit.ttia.D.C Wathington a vUlt ?arty In th? fall, and ?om? of Rudolph Frlml't ?wing Ins melodi?-* hav? been haunting Waahington ever ?lnc?. Perhaps the moat familiar la th? one bearing the name of the p-ay, which come? la early la th? program and la care fully and firmly fixed In the ear? of the audience by repetition. "Love land" and "Be Sure It'? Light" are other tua.? that will cling. "I'm Only Dreaming" 1? a delightful air and ? ?on? worth while. Thl? la th? on? whose effect 1? heightened by the novel scenic device In the ?econd act. by which the ?Inger awing? dreamily over th? head? of the au dience on a derrick attached to the mast of a steamer. Thia ateamer deck letting 1? oa? of the prettiest and moat real of the kind that haa yet been deviled. Judging by th? style of th? hand some first-act ?cene the credit for both artistic setting* belong? to Joaeph Urban, though hla name la not given In the printed program. The book of the play haa a plenty of humor of the tried and true variety, baaed chiefly on th? fertile toll of matrimony, cynically viewed. The ?tory 1? about a young couple whose marriage contract provided that there must be no billing and cooing for the term of a year, aad what came of It after three day? ?t sea. Otto Harbaoh la responsible for the book ?nd Edward Clark for the comparatively clever lyric?. Of the caat. Marl? Flynn aing? charmingly a? Georgiana, th? lov ing but distant bride. May ThorBp ?on dances prettily as Dorothy, an other bride whose loving 1? unfet tered. Mra Gardner Cran?, a fa miliar friend of the vaudeville cir cuits, does clever work In the part of the matron whose hard matri monial experience? dictate the ?tern restriction? placed on her nelce's marital venture. The principal mal? part? are taken by Clarence Nordstrom. Carl Mc Cullough and Al Roberta. C. Bal four Lloyd and Gilbert Will? do a good eccentric sailor dance. Jack Willlara? and Fern Watkina exhibit good singing voices In the opening number of the second act. Pell'a?-r-a-aea Lav. Ia T.aa?. "When Love I? Toung." a military musical comedy In two act?, wa? well presented last evening by th? foli Musical Comedy Player?. Thi? com pany ia steadily Improving each week, as was clearly shown by the generous applause by the large audience pre.- ! ent. The plot was good aad delightfully executed, showing the trials and tribulations of a pair of young lovers before they finally overcome the ob jections of & determined and ambi tious mother, who want? her daugh ter to marry millions Instead of fol lowing the dictate, of her heart and a contrary uncle, who refuse? to ren der assistance to his pecuniar*' nephew. The musical numbers were very pleasing, especially the "Hello, Hello" song by the entire cast, and "I Don't Know Why I Kissed Tou." by Mis? Toung and Mr. Lynn, the latter being repeatedly encored. The principal?. Including Miss Louise Mink as Eileen McLean, Miss Eulalia Toung a? Madge Blake. Mis? Sarah Edwards as Mr?. McLean, Miss Lil lian Grossman as Grace Henderson. Jack Squire.? as Tony Allen. Billy Lynn aa "Chick" Sewell. Clarence Lydston as Arthur Stabler, and George Xatanson as Holbrook Allen, delivered their parts In a finished man ner and deserved praise. Considerable credit for the finished production la due to Director Sln ^lr and to Scenic Artist Tuttle. "rae trttnttque settlntjs were a de light to the eye. B. F. Keith'? Keith's leading attraction thia week Is Theodore Kosloft with his Russian ballet. Each number pre sented by this aggregation o? art ista is a choreographic cameo, la a setting; reminiscent of ? an Interior in the Petrograd Winter Palace, the Russian performer? show what dancing means. From tha strange barbaric rhythms of an "Axtec Poem" throbbing with the half-aav ag? ?oui of old Mexico, to the wist ful, complicated harmonie? of Tsch aikowsky*? music, Koeloff showed himaelf a Boaster, of his art. both In technique. and In spirit. The open ing number. "The Romance of Rus sian Winter" was wonderfully done by Yera Fredowa In a strange set ting suggestive of the reflected light from snow. Xatacha Rambova and Maria Maslova also distin guished themselves, respectively. In the "Axtec P?em" and "Claealc Ada gio." A unique feature of the act is th? orchestra's presence on the stage.? ?The One Way Out." with Robert T. Haine?, is a new way of dealing with the old triangle motif. It tells of a British aviator who bridges the gap of death Itself to set his wife'? feet on the path of happlneaa with his friend as her companion. The tremendous climax of th? play cannot be surpassed. Alfred Bergen's excellent baritone voie? and well selcted songs won him heavy applause. The "Mar seillaise" and 'The Battle Hymn of the Republic" were especially well received. As a concluding number, he sang "The Hanging of Danny Deever" with power and feeling. Mr. Bergen wore a service band on his sleeve with three ?tar? on his arm which he said waa* the Christinas gift of his mother who wished him to wear It for her three sons In the ?ervlce. "In about two weeks there'll be another atar on the band." aald Mr. Bergen. Joe Cooke has a vaudeville ?how all hla own and the audience appre ciated it mightily. Pat Rooney has given up his newsstand aad become a lawyer, but be can ?till dance in the inimitable Rooney style. James Diamond and Sibyl Brennen pleased with their amusing patter and sol dier tongs. Mis* Brennen'? bustle stani of gold cloth wa? a real ad dition to the act. Bailey and Cowan showed all the possibilities o( the banjo. Jack C. McLallen and May Carson presented a clever series of modern dances In a gay black and red setting. The Hearst-Pathe pictorial con cluded the performance. Caaaa-a Vaudeville. A merry bill of mude, nonsense, acrobatic? and picture? I? holding the laua-hlng attention of large audience? at the Cosmos Theater thia week and frequent and prolonged applause In dicates the popularity of the show. The headline attraction is a cross between a musical farce and a fash ion ?how. entitled "Ambition.?? It I? presented by Kitty Francia, a rough and-ready comedienne In a burlesque character that wins lot? of laughter. Fifteen girla In the ?how are clad In handsome aad striking costume? and ?ome of them are unusually good Billy "Swede** Hall and Company have an amusing playlet called "The Black Sheep," which afford? scope for Hall's clever protean ability and brings Jennie Colborn and Georgia Mllllt-an Into the limelight The Noi-vells open the program with a fine bit of aerial acrobatica; Beit Smith entertain? with songs and ?Ide talk; Musette sings sweetly and play* the violin, and Stone and McAvoy, both excellent singer?-? win iota ot ap piana? for their songs. A photoplay spectacle, the great T>nrry Lane melodrama, *"**?*? WM?." la a thrilling bit of picture drama and It la ?uppUmented with a funny Ka aanay picture and the Hearst Path? Newa Mow?'? 8?r?ra-kU---Iw?ley.-' Tha uncertalntle? of the preaent transportation facilities of the ' coun try nec?v??ltated th? substitution, at Moore'? strand Theater, yesterday, of ?Today," a film verd?n of the well known play by George Broadhurst, with Florence Reed pictured In the leading role, for "The Little Girl Next Door," the feature which had been advertised. Ml*? Reed's portrayal of the role of Uly Morton, Frank Mills' splendid visualisation of th* opposite part of Fred Morton, the competent acting of an exceptionally well-choaen .support ing cat?*, and a painstaking produc tion, ?tamp "Today" a? one of the most ?atlsrytng a-uiou? drama? that hav? recently been tranaferred to the screen. The ?tory of thl? sane and well thought-out ttudy of metropolitan Ufe of the present day progresse* unin terruptedly to a climax that rivet? at tention and unfailingly build? suspense a? a thoroughly agreeable termination of the ?tors? come? ?urprlslngly in the place of the tragedy that the audi ence haa been led to fear. Mia? Reed's Interpretation of the role of the fashionable young society waster la one that will serve to extend her reputation as one of the foremost of the younger emotional actraaae? on our ?tag?. Frank Mill, a? th? young husband who creates success out of failure, doe? equally well, and the production 1? one ot completeness and ?rtlstic quality. "Hla Bad Policy," a plcturized fare "Hla Bad Policy." a picturixed farce, and other abbreviated picture feature? complete an Interesting Mil. Beginning Thursday the attraction at tbe Strand will be "Babbling Tongue*," picturing Grace Valentine and Jame* Morrison. Maere*. G arde a??-Her Secad H. bud.? In "Her Second Hutband," the fea ture ot the program at Moore'* Gar den Theater the first three days of this week. Edna Goodrich bas a more Impressive silent drama In which to demonstrate her ability to register emotion than any of the other recent photoplays assigned her. The ?tory of "Her Second Husband" 1? one which depend? upon it? dra matic qualities almost entirely for ef fect. There ?re. It is true, ?cenes, ?fter the central figure In the plot ha? divorced her husband and secured employment ?? a manikin In a fashionable modiste'?. In which pic torial display rather overshadow? pure drama, but in tha main the ac tion moves unswervingly to the happy denouement, la which the young couple, once married and divorce??, discover that they are really In love and halten to the Justice of the piace to have the matrimonial bond? ?ev ered in anger renewed in bliss. Mis? Goodrich 1? ?tunning in a series of remarkable gowns and acts the part of the discontented young wife with a dignity and poise that add much to the value of the picture. While ?he does not participate in the scenes of most turbulent action, she does, nevertheless, overcome a man In a vicious attempt to overcome her, and b.' contrasting moods emphasises the eft ?ctlveneaa ot a struggle between her dtv ?reed husband and a human hawk ?Waal attempted to make her hi? prey. The ensemble acting and SENATE WILL URGE BOARD OF MUNITIONS New Department to Handle Ordnance to Be Sought at Once. The Penate Military Affair? Commit tee will not wait for the conclusion of It? hearing? upon the War Depart ment, bet?re Introducing It? bill creat ing ? Department of Munition?. Thi? decision wa? made yeaterday. It la probable that the bill will be intro duced within a few day?. Secretary of War Baker took lunch yeaterday with Senator Chamberlain, chairman of th? committee, at tba Capitol. Senator Chamberlain gave the Secretary a copy of tb? bill to read. The day'? hearing wa? taken up by expert? on wool and arioy uniform?. Col. John P. Wood, formerly prealdent ot the National Association of Wool Urowers. said tb? present uniform was quite warm enough for the Mi dler? In thi? country, and If they found it not warm enough ?broad, the ?mi in? atta lia <-uuld be alterad and heavier cloth msde. , I-'. J. l'useti?arth. now president of the association, s?ld in a telegram to the committee that the "wool ?care" waa "unfounded and hysterical:" that there had been sine? April sufficient ? wool in this country to glv? ?oldlers the beat kind of clothing?"and that means wool, not shoddy." Wlnthrop I? Marvin, secretary of th? associa? tion, said conservation of wool waa necessary aa the wool shortsge was now about 100,000.4*00 pounds less than In normal times. Another witness was Walter H. Pollack, a "dollar-s-year" legal ad viser of the Council of National De fense. He was questioned about the commandeering by the government of the Mllbrook and Thames River mills In New England. Senators In? slnusted In cross-examination that the commandeering led to the can cellation of private contracta where by the mill benefited largely financially. A brother of Samuel Kaplan, assistant to Charles Kisen man. of the supply committee. Is head of one of these mills, and this fact was emphasised in the ex amination. Today the Senate committee will hear more testimony concerning th? army uniform. Later the depart ment's handling cantonment snd air plane construction will b? Investi gated. photography throughout are excel lent A comedy, "A Marriage Not," and other Interesting short reel? complet? a program of more than ordinary merit. The feature tor Wedneatl?y, Thursday and Friday will be a plc turlxation of Edward Everett Hale's masterpiece, "Tbe Man Without a Country.'* with Florence La Badie and H. K. Herbert loading; the cast. ...i ?/' . ? at eMctry Pickford m m?camA the world ?j-e-er for bar -thg^ifhatocU.??, -and AtSssum. Warn MEM baa mm?ut InMniA? oft Piallatoli ta** ^-n^uiAwa by -??-? ?> far the 1948 PD?ia--?nan B-MDty ?lift IcBaL ? --Ac-liawad only tbe haari. The faog usasi utuywufttm mkaulhu)mmkt\limmle%?<x?cmm, S?e ot ?-?-??, ? ? 7* todbem. Aft Stamm vaio? 90c. TMa ptnel a?d a sample of Potrrpeian BeSAUTY Pcwder sent far only 10c See coupon belo*?. ' Beaut/ PotaVcler adds a ? ?early cJeerness to th? -?kin. Pompeian BEAUTY Powder has a fairy softness and sr-tootb ness, yet it dings and beautifies unusually long. Its delighting fragrance lingers and fascinate?. White, Brunette, and Flesh (the popular sh-sd?). In beautiful purple and gold boote?. 50c at tbe stores. Qparanf-td by the makers of Pompeian NIGHT Cream; Pompeian DAY Cream (vanishing, and an ideal powder foundation-); Pompeian MASSAGE Cream, and Pompeian HAIR biassage, etc Only 10c and this ? brin*; you a 19IS Mary Pic-t?o-d Art Panavi and ?wntpt? ot Pmn.iaaan BKAUTT Po-wdec (Kl-ah oolor ?ant unawa? Whit, or ??) Editors Say What the Rest of Us Think ? All over the South leading newspapers are calling on Congress to pass the Federal suffrage amendment as the best expedient for securing the nation-wide suffrage that all concede is surely coming. Th-ese editorial utterances come from leading papers in every State in the ?South. The Atlanta Constitution has spoken, the Houston Chronicle, the Richmond, Va., Jour nal, the Mobile Item, the Macon, Ga., Tele graph, the Charleston, S. C., Post and a host of others. See What They Say: "It is to be hoped that Congress will supplement the good work it has done in connection with prohibi tion by promptly passing the resolution for submitting woman suffrage."?(News and Observer, Raleigh, N. C.) "Why should there be so much solicitude and alarm for State rights and State sovereignty provoked by the threatened passage of the Anthony amendment while the prohibition amendment is viewed either with un concern or approval? We do not discern the exact dif ference 'twixt tweedledee and tweedledum."?(The Times, Selma, Ala.) "Let no man who is opposed to woman suffrage because of special interests or of tradition-bound intel ligence attempt to hide behind any plea of State rights as a defense for a vote cast against the submission of the Federal Amendment. In this day of world war, * * * it would be puerile for a man to attempt to defend opposition to the Federal Amendment by any twad dle about State rights.* * * It would be fitting that the Legislature of Kentucky should be the first to ratify the Federal Amendment."?(The Herald, Lexington, Ky.) "The extension of suffrage to women throughout the nation upon equal terms with men?which is nearly at hand?will be the crowning glory of American po litical achievement since the republic was founded."? ( The Georgian, Atlanta, Ga.) "The Congress of the United States should at the forthcoming session make provision for submitting to the States for ratification an amendment to the Con stitution conferring suffrage upon women. * * * Tbe time is opportune for the submission of the Amend ment."?( Tennessean and American, Nashville, Tenn.) ? . : ? ? ? National American Woman Suffrage Association National Headquarters, 1626 Rhode Island Avenue