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Complete Billy Sunday Cai ipaignNews and Views SUNDAY PARTY INGREETING TO MINISTERS Evangelist Presents Staff After Acfvising Clergymen on Filling Churches. The object of the meeting yester day in the F?rst Coiia?as??tlona 1 Church waa to ha?? BUly Sunday and the rnembers of hi? p?rty formally meet th? minister? and prominent laymen associated tn the rerlval wor?, and to hear from the Sunday campaigners fait w?it they plan to do In the eight weeks' evangelistic campaign to win "Wa????ton for Chriat. ' The Rev. Dr. J?me? I??an Gordon, pastor th? church, presided at the gather*-?- and Introduced Billy. Me paid hia-h tribute to tbe noted even - genet and hia wort and predicted a ? wonderful campaign" for Wa?bl_ff ton. Billy didn't aay much. But what he did say. carried the proverbial sun ti?y "ponch." ?? spoke of tbe need for more "pep" in the churches and especially did he empi?sise the value of good ?inaine. Billy urged the min ister? to get their congregation? to staging ?nd declared that "wherever yon find a religious awakening in the .?hun-h, you'll find a lot of music ?t??ed in.'* "Some people eeem to think that a chair I? put up in front for their per so??1 amusement." said Billy. 'Not at all! There'? too much of that m the church. I?t the congregati?*???, do the singing. If they don't know bow, teach 'em" ? ?<???a?-.? Sta*. The official ?t~n* of the Sunday I party wa? lined up alongside the evange?rt and Billy introduced them Individually to the ministers and lay men. He motioned Bret tp Ml?? France? Miller, who la In charge of campaign work amrns the business women. Miss Mil'tr will direct the noandsy luncheon meeting? ?t the Kirst Congregational Church. She la ih? oldest attache of the Sunday party, m point of ?ervlce. Follow In? the luncheo-is f'.iee days a week. Miss Miller speaks to the business? women each day. Mra William Asher was then In troduced. She will direct the evan gelistic work araov l ?ilness women in the various government depart irte?is, the shops, stores and hospi tala. Mrs. Asher will hold noonday ?nestings in the various establish ments during lunch hour, when ahe will tnl??. ? the Cospel message. Body eskpbur.ed the proposed worK or the choirs In helping to lead men and women to Christ, He praised? Washington for it? "wonderful ?duff ers" and declared that he couldn't recasi a city in which the choir or I Kaniiattona had been ao well drilled aa "right here In Washington." Rody ?pake of the influence of good music in evangelistic work. Beside lead in?* the choirs and making the offi ciai announcements on the Tabernacle platform. Rody conducts revival meetings among the high school boy? fammmeta Bible Ctummem. Miss Grace Saxe explained her plan to conduct Bible classes, for the study of the Bible? on the Tabernacle piat to?n. following the afternoon revTVai | meeting? She will conduct these | classe? also In one of the bi? hotels ! and at some of the women's- clubs of Washington. Work among the girl? of tbe col I leges and higher schools of Washing ton waa explained by Miss Horence Kinney. who will direct this activity L of the campaign. Dr. Isaac Ward, one of the "live wire", members of the official Sunday party, emphasized the value of reli gion In business and knocked to smith ereens the old theory that "religion and bugine??, won't mix." He told of the scores of factories and industrial establishments throughout the coun try that won't employ any bot Chris tian men and women and declared that the noon-day meeting? fer men in the. ?no*? and factories, of which he has direct charge, have done much to solva the problem of the relation* between capital and labor. This particular branch of the Sun day party revival work la une of the moat successful of the Sunday revival interests. And Dr. Ward la conceded to be better equipped for it than ?ny other man in tbe country. Ma ?..?? Welcome. Miss Alice Miriam Gamlin explained the^Workinff of her campaign among the boys and girl?. Miss Gamlin has had remarkable ?ucees? in thi? line, both in thia country an?_ abroad. She gets "close to" the boys and girl? and her meeJJnga after ?chool hour? ?re always thronged with pupils from the various grammar school?. "..I" Peterson we? next Introduced. And he got a good "hand." He's the omo!al Tabernacle custodian?the man on the Job who looks after- the com fort of the big Tabernacl visitors. And he does it well. George Ashley Brewster wa? fffren a good ?end-off. He-? tbe chief pian ist at th? Tabernacle?and he's SOME player. Then Billy Introduced. Ma Sunday and tbere was loud cheering. Mra *4-nday spoke briefly of the bop?? of Billy and herself and the entire party for "the most wonderful rerivai in tbe country? history and. she urfftsd the co-operatidb of every force to "put over" the campaign In great shape. Favorite Revival Hymn. I Want To See fern, Dont Te?? 1. Taereii On.loved ????o Hut tot ? ?? ami, ??'?m?clear, pra-cioo? 2. Wben I'm wea-ry and faint Ha ? al-wey* near, WH* Uh joy ?? my 3. Bo -ly ao-geto keep wateh o'?r a* thro' the nigat, And ?ace morning He 4. H* ? Mr?? than ? ? J or m? to me, And Hi* Wi-tt-iog. (aU 5. T-?t?.'* a -??ice tur my toil ttat H? dot* prs-pa-?. Andito bean - ty by ?fa? - tor m tow; Ut? I can Tvt-w On ta? mam for my -e* Hi ?? t???? Sed: Aad H? comfort? my .???rt.ipeaaiiii? word? of che??. la m ??* iif ??? ?? t ? ilntt Tnj -?ral de-ft-fht: 0 aay beert, bow it ta*?* ffi* (tear Uce to **: et atl, ?tosa I ?a - tor that man-aio? fair, h?%A ?aavaavaa. _? MyBav-MT ? M> toi and ton?;. et hvaa'-lal tai a >#^ff-ff*#^f f ili??1, ??if?j?? r? ? h ? J*~ J ) T~l ?** IJ ? i i ?M,dea't yonf...... I? fa*?, liei bt-agbt land, 0 I want to tee Je g I ? ?oa ? ya?T }fi\f il ? gig" g M F- .-I H ? -t "I Want to See Je*u?, Don't Tou?" will very likely be one of tbe moat popular of the Sunday reviv?l hymn? which will feature the taber nacle service*. Rody. the Sunday chorister, expect? to introduce tt to the big audiences, possibly tonight It was popular in other campaigns and It 1? expected to "make a big hit" In Washington. ' ' ? Devil Can't Do It, But Al Peterson Can Knock Wind Out of Evangelist Scene?Billy Sunday's dressing room .in the Tabernacle. Time?After any of his evening ser mons. Cast of characters?Billy. Al Peter son, custodian of the Tabernacle and Billy's official "rubber." Over in the corner of tbe room a bathtub. Directly above it a shower. To the left of the tub a dressing table, two rocker? ?nd ? straignt-back chair. In the center of the room a stove, and along the right side of the room as you go in, an ordinary cot with a one-inch pad. Then a linen sheet From the celling hangs an electric light. On tbe floor near th? tub, a bath mat. That's all. No pictures or decora tions or anything of that sort. Oh, yes?an American flag. Outside the room a narrow entrance and above it a sign "Private." Enter Billy at the close of an even ing sermon. Guided by "Ma" Sun day, the evangelist enters the room and walks directly across to "Pete." The latter Is Peterson. Billy always calls him "Pete." lata the Bathtab. "Pete" takes off Billy's clothes, shoes, etc.. and leads him to the tub. The water is already in the tub. Just the proper temperature. In Jumps Billy, and "Pete" gets busy with the soap and rubber sponge. Billy shouts when he's got enough and then "pete" turns on the shower. A stream of tepid water flows first. Then the water gets colder and Anally it's on full force and it's COLD?b-r-rr! "Pete" Is given the tip when Billy's had a sufficiency and the water Is choked off.' Then "Pete" get? the towels and rubs and rubs until? Billy's, akin fairly glistens. Billy dry. "Pete" leads him to the rubbing board. Then "Pete" get real busy. He starts at Billy's neck and goes right down to his feet?Billy all the while lying flat on his neck and trying hard to talk whenever "Pete" gives him a chance and lets go his stranglehold on the neck of the "boss." "Say," says Billy. "That"?an other choke from "Pet."?meeting waa gT* "?"Pete" chokes 'im again ?"wasn't itr -I tuli ypi?. Pete, th"?a third choke?"people of Wash?"?BUly gives up in despair. "Fete" Just keeps on that choking business un til Billy is almost red in the face. Then "Pete" ?tarts on Billy's chest and the evangelist gets a chaince at last to talk with those in the room. Usually there ar? e?v* rHe>a<k,v.?rter? ^j ?or Rodeheaver Records which will be sung at the BILLY SUNDAY REVIVAL MEETINGS F. G.Smith Piano Co. 1217 F Street eral persons in the drea*tng-room arxious to get a "close up" of Billy. But tbe evangelist doean't mind. Not a bit of It! He givea 'em all the glad hand and talks about things genersly?whenever "Pete" loosen? up on that continual rub with wltch haset ?illy Ako.t All laa. "Pet?" never lift? hi? eye? from Billy, and doesn't tske bis hands off the evangelist until he s pretty nearly got Billy "all In." In the hand? of "Pete," Billy Is down and out for tbe count. He may maul the devil all over the Tabernacle plat form, but when "Pete" gets busy with that rubbing and pounding well, Billy is almost ready to take the count. But Billy Just lies on that board and takes It all in. "Pete" is a husky college "grad." and he's Ihere with the rub. He keeps pound ing and rubbing until he's down to Billy's feet. Then he lifts Billy off the board, puts clean clothes on tbe evangelist from the skin out and Billy's ready for the limousine and?home. When Billy quits preaching he's literally "wringing wet" with nerspir SUNDAY MAY | FIGHT BOOZE ! IN MARYLAND! -1? Evangelist Invited to Ad dress Legislature on Prohibition Bill. Billy Sunday was asked yesterday to lake a trip over to Annapolis and address the Maryland legislature, now In session, on State-wide prohi bition. Force? behind the movement to make Maryland "bone dry" ?re re sponsible for the invitation to Billy. The evangelist hasn't yet'decided to accept It. But It Is expected he?wlll? if the legislature want? him to dis cuss the problem. Billy Sunday's persistent antagon ism to the liquor traffic has led those in Maryland who are trying to make the State dry to believe that if he talks on the "boose ?question" before the legislature the effect wilt possibly be passage of the prohibition meas ure. His antagonism to trie boose Inter ests of the country ha? made It? ef-1 feet apparent in many sections. It waa largely through Billy Sunday's efforts In connection with his recent I-os Angeles campaign that the coun ty In which Ixvs Angeles Is situated voted Itself dry. Billy conducted a strenuous "antl-boose campaign" and won hands down. Hopea Ta Be ?? Fanerai. Billy Insists that he will "live long enough to preach the funeral service of the liquor traffic In thia country." He declares that the recent action ot Congress In submitting the pro hibition amendment to the vsrious States is th* "final step*' to "drive back Into the pits of perdition, the dastardly liquor traffic, which has wriggled itself out of the depths of hell." The evangelist insists that he will (o to "almost any limit" to vote out booze. And there Is every' Indlca tioii that if the legislature of Mary land wants Billy to go ?to Annspolis and tell It a "few things" about booze and prohibition, he will go over and preach his famous sermon on ?'Boose." This sermon, Billy say?, has made him more ei_mies and more frienda than any he has ever preached. Maryland now lias local option and it is planned to bring up the pro hibition measure at this session ot the legislature. BILLY AND MA VISIT OTSTIMED F?Uli P?UE ONI. and then aihbled back to hi? chr. The big building was crowded with clerk? and attache? anxious for a linai glimpse at Billy. The evangelist waved a batch of farewells and waa on hia way up Pennsylvania avenue In his/ car. After the visits. Ma Sunday decided to do a little shopping. And Billy went along. They remained at home the real of the afternoon and Billy went to bed early laat night to rest up for today'a two meetings at the tabernacle. atlon. And the hath and massage treatment before he goes bome was recommended by Dr. Howard A. Kelly, of Johns Hopkins, as a pre caution against cold. Billy doesn't look the physical mar vel that he Is. His skin ?a as clear and a? delicate as a child'?. No great muscle? ?stand out In hia body. In fact, he looks much thinner than when he's dressed. He's not an' Apollo?not by a long shot! Put him in tights and he sure couldn't get Into a "Ben-Hur" chorus. But what Billy's got in the way of muscle is sure THERE! He's got a punch that would keel over a mule. And Billy says he's feeling better physically than he did st any time In his evangelistic career. He sure looks it. And he showed It at. those three big meetings on Sunday last Takes G?ood Light and Good Eyes The steadiness of Rayo light ?neither flicker nor flare makes it almost as easy to do delicate, particular tasks by lamplight as daylight.' RAYO LAMPS are as easy to light as a gas jet. You don't take off either the chimney or shade. Merely raise the gallery and touch a match. A Bayo Is easy to re-wick and easy to keep clean. It is artistic and ornamental. If your dealer doesn't carry Bayo Lamps write our nearest station. Aladdin Security Oil guarantees best results from lamps, stores and heaters. STANDARD OIL CO. <N?w .?raer) BALTIMORE. MD. WaaainStoo. D. C Norlolk. Va. Riatavaad. Va. Chariett?. N. C. ClMfiaa-oa. W. Va, ?aviaawatt S. C . - Two Sunday Sermons In Tabernacle Today; Prayer Meeting Night Billy Ktindny will rahunir 1.. day hi? revival service? ?t Ute Tabernacle, opposite Union Sta tini.. H? will preach tt 2 o'clpck t?|? afternoon on "Need of Keviva/" He will preach ?gain at ?:_? o'clock on "Def?n?e of Revivals.'* The meeting? will be for KVKI.VBODY. Tonight will be "Prayer Meet ing Night" at the Tabernacle ?nd those who have been active In the preliminary prayer meeting campaign will be seated in spe cial re?ervations. Sunday Advance Man Leaves for Chicago To Arrange Campaign ! Dr. Jantes E. Walker, ad vu t.? e rep rcaenta-lfve, of the Sunday party. 1? . ? Washington last night for Chi mem to arrange for th? Hun-tHv canin:-ign In that city. Billy and hla patty will go to Chicago folto wing hla revival here. Dr. Walker had charge of all of tha preliminary work in conaectimi with | th? Washington i-ampalgn. And HHIv Sunday himaelf declared that It never*] had been better done In anyaclty in, which he han campaigned. When the ministers of Chicago, five, years ago, decided to Invite Billy Sun day to th? "Windy City," Dr. Walker waa chairman of the invitation com-' miltee. He was then pastor ?f on?-? j of th? larg?i-it I'nited Presbyterian ' church?* in that city. Hla preliminary ! work waa so well done that the Sun- ! day party persuaded him eto go ? "ahead" of the official campaigners. ? "I'd like Tin- Herald to thank the p?*ople of Wat-hiagton for me." said I>r. Walker Just before leaving1, "for the wonderful co-operation they have given roe in my work. I predict for Washington the greatest revival in ita hi.-Hoiy ami one of the greatest in the history of the Sunday party.*' Personal Workers Coached by Expert In the Tabernacle Personal workers met In th? Hun day Tabernacle last night and wer-?. "e*oached'' by Dr. Isaac Ward, who will direct their work during the revival campaign^ Thia feature of the revival wot* Is considered one of Ahe most impor tant phases of the campaign, since It la largely upon the personal work ers that the campaigners depend to help influence men and women to walk the "aawdust trail" for Christ. The personal workers will be scat tered throughout the big attdience at each service and will appeal di rectly to those in the crowd whom they "suspect" can be spiritually "touched" to take their stand openl.v for Christianity by walking the trail and shaking the hand of Billy. , Mend the hole in your sine tub by ?Cutting the rubbers from? your glass jars Into very fine pieces, melting thero and then applying them to the hole with a small stick. Wa *$>? ?Sttoses ?> Sons ? ait? Itttj St5. Table Clotfc? aad ?Nap kiai Reduce?!. Catto? ??-acts aad Cmw RevscM m rnc-t. 77/? L/yV?iV SHOP January Linen and White Sale Continuing Unmatchable Values in High-Class Merchandise $2.50 Bleached Pure Irish Linen Table Damask.-$2.?$ Yard $3.00 Bleached Pure Irish Linen Table Damask. .....$2.7? 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'....... 19c Each 40c "De Luxe" White English Cotton Dress Voile, 39 inches.ZSe Yard 30c Plain and Fancy White or Colored Gabardine.39c Yard 50c New Spring Styles of Colored Voiles, 39 Yard First Showing of Our Own "Zephyr Cloth" A fine plain colored fabric in .rich tones. 36 inches wide; for children's and misses' dresses, waists and rompers. Exclusive ?with us, 39c Yard. Special Prices on Fine Comforts Perfectly made coverings of rich Satin?, Cotton Lined Comfort?, $2.75 to $10.00 Each Silks, Nainsooks, Mulls? Sateens and Silko- *- Lamb's Wool Lined Coinioris, lines, neatly lufted, Ufelit-?<-i?-ht but veiy $5.00 to $35.00 Each ?rarm. Down Killed Cornions. $9.00 to $35.00 Each Army Blankets Practically Weatherproof Heavv, finn woven Blue or Grav Blank? la Fancy Plaid Blanktts?lir;?vy-wci(hi?just Special, $11.00, $ia.oo and $12.75 ?ach. -nomili cotton 10 make them of hr-n.r weave r*~ ? r , ?j ?ty>x8o inches. $6.2_ Pair. We have had made to our special order .' ??____. a hcavv-weight (6 lbs.) Lamb's Wool Com- u Scalloped edge cut corner Spreads with fort in Plain Green or Khaki Sateen, to with- ?ham to match. Double-bed size?cm 4 *eet stand rough army service. Extra large si??, ? inches. 7J*xoo inches. KiRiilarlv. .. 96?& $7-*? 99.J? and Sooo Set Special, $10.00 Each. Reduced to $5?75? *?-75- $7.50 and $8.00 Set Art Needlework Salon Miss Warner teaches yen ho? to Knit Sweaters, Hilmct?, Sork?. M m tier? and <il?o other articles daily 9 to 5:45 P. M. Free. Khaki, Mixtures and the new shades in ball yarns arc now f in stock. ? cete ^^ a Help Your Country and Help Yourself Do Not Let This Day End Without Investing a Part of Your Spare Savings In War Savings Stamps ??and U. S. Thrift Stamps Thi* Space Contributed by A WASHINGTON INDUSTRIAI CORPORATION. War Savings Committee of the District of Columbia