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News and Views of Interest to the Women Readers of The Herald LOCUX ?-VMEION ociet Im Washington Dr. Mllenko Veanltch. .tb? head of tha Serbian Mlt?ron, dined Informally last evening with the Third Assistant Secretary of Stata and atra. Breckin ridaje Long. The other member? ot tbe mis?on had dinner at the Shore ham where they are ?topping and wer? entertained afterward? at a theater party by Lieut Hainilton FI?h Armstrong. Yeaterday Dr. Vea?itch w?a eatertam?d at luncheon by Mr. and Mr? Albert B. Ruddock. Dr. Sin?, Losanitch. Mia? Helen Loxaniteh and Lieut. Arma tronar were In the party. Tbe other members of the mission lunched at the Serbian Legation. G? the party were, among others, Mr. Hinkovltch. Mr. Grfkovitch and other member? of th? ?oath Slavonic coun .11, Alexandre V. Oeorgevltch and Mr. Simltch of the I?ga?on staff. Mr. V'odorovltch. Dr. Maroschttch and Col. Trlbichevitch. Today Dr. Veanitch will address the Houae of Representative? at 12:34 o'clock. At 4 o lock be will call at the White Houae to pay hia re?pects to Mrs. Wilson. Oen. Rachltch will be entertained at luncheon today by Mr. ?nd Mrs. Ruddock. The mission will leave Waahington at the end of the week to go to Pittsburgh. Tbe Minister of the Netherlands and Mme. van Rappard were the honor guest? at the dinner which the Min ister of Switzerland and Mme. Sutxer gave taat evening. There were cov ers for fourteen. Mra Thomas V. Walsh entertained at a dinner of six covers last evening and later entertained her guests In a box at the National Theater. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Wallace and Mia? Salile Beecher returned to Waah ington yeeterday afternoon from Ta ? orna. Waih.. where they have been for aererai month?. Mi?? PollV Brook, of New York. I? visiting Mi?? Ellen Bruce Lee. Mr?. J. Watt? Kearney and Mia? Elisabeth Kearney, of Charlottcs ville. Va, are spending aeveral daya at the Shorebam. Mia? Kearney i? a frequent visit??m here as the guest of Mis.? Ellen Brace Lee and Miss Mildred Bromwell. Miss Mildred Bromwell. Miss ? ?lady? Ffoulke Smith and Miss Elisabeth Baker Kemp will all leave Washington Thursday to resume their studies at the Foxcroft School in Middleburg. Va. Frederick B. Jennings, who spent several day? in Washington, hsa re turned to New Tork. A daughter wss born Sunday to Lieut. Marshall Field. 3d. and Mrs. Field at their residence. In New York. It 1? their second child. Th? first, Marshall Field. 4th. Is about 18 months old. Lieut. Field, ?? ? ved Saturday from Ten?, where he is stationed. Mrs. Field was Miss Evelyn Marshall, daughter of Mr.?. Charles A. Marshall. Maj. and Mr?. J. T. Stewart hav gone to New York and are stopping at the Astor for several days. Capt. Cornili}? W. Shut', aide ?le ?-a ?ip to the chief of the Villtary Miasion. ha? gone to New ^ ork and i? at the Blltmore. Comrr.ander de Blanpre. naval at tache of the French Embassy, la ?pending a, tew daya in New York. Mr?. Herri? R. Re? entertained at luncheon yesterdav In compliment to Mr?. ? ? Stotesbury. of Philadel phia. Mr and Mrs. Stotesbury are staying at the Shoreham. Senator and Mi-?. Francis a? War ren arrived in ? i: hlngton Sunday, and will be with Mrs. Henry B. Brown at the Dresden until their ap.rtment at 2034 Connecticut avenue, now renteu to Mr. and Mra. Todrl Ford, is ready for occupancy. Mr?. John Walker Holcombe and Mia? Eugeni,. Holcombe have cards jut for a series of Informal at-home.? in Thursday?. January 10, 17 an8 24 'rom 4 to 7 o'clock. The former governor of Wyoming. lohn E. Osborne. who waa First Aa aiatant Secretary of Sute during Pres ident Wilson'? Ant ??.min?tratlon. and Mrs. Osborne arc stopping at the Willard. They will Be In Washington ?bout ten day?. Mrs. Jante? H. Turner entertained infermaily at tea yeaterday afternoon at -the Washington Club. In ?ompli ment to her houae true?t, Mr?. George Lewi?, ot Watertown. W_.. who pass ed tha week-end with Mr. and Mra. Joseph E. Davies. Miss Catherine Harlow. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Harlow, was heastess at a luncheon yeaterday, en tert?Inlng in compliment to Miw Mil dred Cromwell. Evans Browne has gone to New York for a few days. The President and Mrs. Wilson have signified their intention of at ti?-ing th? Charity- Ball for the ben efit of the Children'? Hospital, which will be given at the Willard op Sat urday evening. The box holders for Uve ball ara the Brasilien Ambassa dor and Mme. da Gima, Senator and Mrs. James Wadsworth. the Third Assistant Secretary of State and Mra Breckinridge Long, Rear Admiral and Mra. Willard Brownson. Mrs. Elkln?. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Stotesbury, Mme. Christian Hauge, Mrs. Delos W. Blod gctt, Mra Marshall Field. Mrs. James McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Edaon Brad ley. Mr*. William McC. Ritter, Mra William Thorns. Mis? Matti?. Mr. and Mra. Bernard Baruch, CoL and Mrs. Robert M. Thompson. Mr. and Mra Thomas F. Logan, and William B. Fowler. \ Mrs. Henry Jervey. who luis been visiting in New York and at West Point, will arrive in Washington today to Join Brigadier General Jervey, re cently ordered to duty with the Gen eral staff. They wilt be with Mrs. Ben Bradford at her reeldem-e at the ??orner of Columbia road and' Twen tieth atreet. Gen. Jervey was in com mand at Washington barrack.? for a time before hie promotion to the rank of brigadier general, and has since been at one of the campa In New York. Mrs. Jervey has been at Gar den City, _. I., to be near him. Among those who are spending the holidays In -?outhcrn California are Mrs. M. E. Ingalls and W. A. Kilns and wife, as guests of the Hotel Mary Innd, Pasadena. ? Mrs Post Wheeler, who is now at Amherst. Va., visiting her father, will come to Washington this wek to stay with Senator and Mrs. Ollie James. Mr. anil Mrs. Wheeler are in this country for a month or more, en route from Tokyo to Stockholm. Mr. Wheel er having been transferred from the American Embassy to Japan and made counselor of the American uef u-ation to Sweden. Mrs. Whe*?r ? real lie Ermine Rivea) has recently pub lished a new book. "The Longhene'? Turning. Mrs. J. Eakin Gadsbv will be at home informally the remaining Thurs days in January. Mrs. Edward Douglas White will not receive on Mondays during the season because of mourning in l^he family. The organization of women inter ested in equipping the men of the army with knitted comforta decided at the meeting held laat Saturday at the residence of Mrs. Henry Dimock to call the society the Army Emergency Committee in stead of the Army Service League A general purchasing committee 1? to be formed to buy the wool which can be obtained at a much better price when bought in lartr- quan tities. All branches, includine; en gineer, cavalry, artillery. ??a, ?ri? work independently of each ather but will report once a month to the general committee. Mrs. Junius MaeMurray has ( f fered the use of a room in her resi dence. 2228 Massachusetts avenue, for the storage of the wool which can he obtained there by the various branches every Thursday afternoon after 2:20 o'clock. Mrs. Charles Carroll Walcutt was appointed sec retary of the general committee succeeding Mrs. Charles P. Ruse, who leaves Washington shortly for the South. Any organization of persons who Children Cry for Fletcher's CASTORIA The Kind Toa Have ?always Bought, and which has been ia use for orer thirty yean, haa borne the signature of ^ff ? and has been made tinder his per t^?LjCj6??^7~??t eon---- supervision since ite infantfy. ? tftMc*-7X *<<<ce\44iC Allow no one to deceive you la thi. ?ill Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-*good " are but ?xp**ri*i-?ents that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children?Experience against Experiment. What is CASf ORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drope and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Iti? age is its guarantee. For more than thirty yean it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea ; alla-ring Feverishnese arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. Tbe Oiiidren's Panacea?The Mcfther'? Fpend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS ?Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years Th? Kind You Have Alwavs Bought ? i.veJIk twt c?WTi-u? oe>me>M..Y, rte CL e DKX'S HAPPY GOOD NIGHT. Harry and I were ?o absorbed in? talking about* th? outcome ot hia election and the calm contentment that had settled on his household that we stopped dancing and aat down on a divan in a secluded corner?. We did not stay long uninterrupt ed, for presently Dick discovered ua and aaked me to dance with him. "Ara you sure you are able?'' G asked. "Well. I think I am, my dem-, but of course I'll never know until I try.** We took only one torn around the library when I ?aw Dick'? face change. We were ?loae to a sofa and I sat down' suddenly. Dick'? breath was comfag in quick short (?spa. "Don't let them ?ee me." he whis? pered pantlngly. I moved, over aa though I was fix ing the lamp that stood on the^rther side of him. He quickly recovered. but I ^could see that he was very much discouraged. "I will never be more than half a man again." he said wistfully, and he laid a detaining hand on my arm. "Of ctxrse you will, dear," I said, "but yoa must not try to do too much all at once. Do you feel well enough to alt here without me for a while? Jim 1? oeminjt now to aak me to dance with him. and I won't say anything to him about how you feel it you don't want me to." "Go ahead." laid Dick, "I'm ?II right.'? \ "Now, well have ? little real danc ing," ?aid Jim to me a? we started off. "WVH ?how this bunch how to turn some tricks." hsve completed garments and wish to forward then?, through th? Army Emergency League to any special men or group of men, if they will send the garments to Mra Mat-Mur ray -any Thursday afternoon be tween 2:30 and 5 o'clock, the comi mlttee will aee that the article? reach the persons designated. Mrs. Baker, wife of the Secretary of War. who ia an accomplished musician, is einging as messo so prano solof?? with the choir of All Sou!?' I'nitarian Church during this month and next. Mrs. James E. Mulcare. division president of the District of Columbia, 17. D. C, has appointed Mrs. R. D. Sheperd. director of the District War Relief Work, to co-operate with the V. D. C. committee, composed of Mrs. Thrash, of North Carolina: Mrs. Woodbuty, of Kentucky; Miss I'rts | ton. of Virginia: Mra. Beai, or Ar kanaaa: Mrs. Stone, of Texas, and Mrs. Clay, of California. These directors will serve during the period of the war. The first won will be the endowment of beds In the hnspitala in France. One bed has already been established In the memory of Jefferson Davis. "The stars incline, but do not compel." HOROSCOPE ________ , \ Tue??*?. Jmmmmrj 8. 1918. .?according to astrology th? sun rule?, strongly for good this day, whU,e Mercury, Uranus and Venus j are nivprif. Fair luck should attend all who seek employment or promotion ; when the .?un in in beneflc as it ts today. Politicians have an especially promising sway and should make the most of it. All who desire fa vors or appointments should suc ceed in queste for place under this sway. There Is supposed to be especial appreciation for gifts bestowed when the stars are posited as they are this day. Women should be especially care ful today In their dealings with men. Love affairs are likely to be disappointing. ? They who deal with women in business, also would be ter be cau tious as the planets bode ill for all transactions with them. Exposures of abuses and corrup tion In public institutions are prog nosticated by the seers and some of these will be made by women. February is read as a favorable month for Russian affairs. This month bring??? fortunate con ditions for all countries under Gemini.. Saturn close to the Ascendant of the King of Spain is not good for bis health or the welfare of his peo ple. The Pope of Rome has the sun in parallel to Saturn and this planet having afflicted the Moon at the time of his birth, he Is likely to suf fer ill health or even a serious Ill ness. An invention by a woman will be much discussed before tbe end of the year. Persons whose birthdate it is may have some grief or disappointment in the domestic circle, but financial affairs should be prosperous. Those who are employes should prosper. Children born on this day may be careless, wayward and vain. These subjects of Capricorn usually suc ceed best when employed, although they have brilliant minds. (C-opyTiglit. 1118.) Teacher Since 1865 Retires at Yonkers New- York, Jan. 7.?There lives up In Yonkers a dear young lady of 70 odd years, who. after serving her country and her community for fifty two years of constant effort as a pub lic school teacher, has decided to re tire and give some of the old young women a show. When she began her service in- 1SHT, the armies of the North were just returning from their four-year ?trug ?le In the cause of freedom. Now, at the close of her ?ubile career, she Is watching day by day the thousands upon thousands of her young country men sailing across tho seas to battle in the greatest war the world has ever known?to fight for civilisation and true democracy. Miss Margaret Bate is the name of the little lady whose activities date back to the mid-Victorian period. Her boys and girls have gone forth for half a century to tight life's battles. With becoming pride she tells of some of "her boys'* who hare gone Into the world and conquered. Vice President Brennen, of the Yon kers Board of Education, who was one of her pupils, says: "I believe Miss Bate has the l.ngest continuous teaching record in the State. We are more than regretful to lose her. We aliali miss her almost aa much as aha will miss her charges." When a newly whitened celling be came water-stained and spotted one woman climbed a stepladder and first rubbed the yellow apota with a block of magnesia, then, with a powder pus, applied ordinary toilet powder, which saved a paperhancer'a bill. "Seems to me you are a bit con ceited." was my comment, and then I gave myself up to the ?rhythm ot mude and motion. We danced a while, bat by 11 o'clock the crowd seemed to be tired and very soon ?forward they left. Poor old Dick wa? too weary to bother about anything but to Set to bed. Re did say. however, that h? had had a splendid time and that he thought w. had the flne*t bunch of /rienda In town. Just a* he was leaving me he said. "I wonder who those two other wom en were that Joha sterling was mixed uri With. Who would have thought that dignified, quiet John Sterling had had such an experience In hi? life. It waa a queer ?tory, waan't It, Mar gie ?" "Not any queerer I ?hould ?ay, Dick, than might be told ?bout moat of ua." I answered. Dick wa? ?tient a moment and then ha came over to me and took Up one ot the brid? of h?lr I wa? making, preparatory to re tiring. As he did this his face came next to mine In the glas?. He smiled at me and holding up the braid ?aid, "If I keep on getting gray at the temples and you still insist that your hair shall be Its present bronse color, peo ple will one of these days be taking me for your father, Margie." "Rather they will say I am a red headed stepchild." "I don't think lhat you can s?y that I am treating you like a red-hended stepchild now, Margie." "Even If you do, Dick; I'll hav? to acknowledge I'd be very lonely with out my stepfather.*' Dirk smiled contentedly ?s he kissed me goodnight. (T. Be Continued.! Seventy-five Years Ago I ? ? Hi: rAMF.ROHf. A kind, friend ha? given me ?ome fashion magatine? of the year ot ISC Th?y are full of dainty, -raap-waaMea dames and damsel? in crinoline?, un? can fairly sense the perfume of lav ender ?nd eau de cologne and the crisp rustle of heavy satin? and bro cantes. Tippet*, capote? and pelei inca abound. a? Redingote? were the very latest cry and short gloves and Morocco slip pers were being worn with evening drea* by the truly ?u courant. In another part of the magazine ? find a picture of the then unfinished Capitol with victorias rolling gayly up and down the muddy, rutted road that was \hen Pennsylvania avenue. It Is said that, at this period, .. street between Klghth and Eleventh streets wa? the Connecticut avenue of the time. Just for fun, let's write a few descriptions of the fair maids and dlgnitled ladiee who must have made Washington brighter In those far-oif days. On page ".>, I lind a demure mita ?II accoutred forth for her morning promenade. Her hoopsklrted drei* of heavy dove-gray silk I? figured with I green and mode very plainly, as be fit? a morning frock. A heavy man tle of dark gray velvet 1? edged with a double row of ?Ilk gimp tnrn I ming and ha? a quaint, pointed yoke | made entirely of the gimp, and a ] tiny edge of cream lace peeping out ? around the collar. All very subdued, so far. But Just wait for the bon net. I It's made Juat like a sunbonnet, only | the material la ?livery gray corded . silk. Inside the brim close to my j young lady's rosy cheeks were clus ters of pink rosebuds. Three dread? fully extravagant rose-tinted ostrich ?tips bob around on the top, and gray satin streamers tie under the chin One hears so much about the cut of our present frocks that one would fancy th*t decollete was Invented In the last few years. After perusim; the winter fashions of 1842. I've de cided that we have nothing on great s' randmother. Here is one dark-lock ed, high-colored dsmsel whose bodice of pink satin and seed pearls seem.? dangerously near slipping off her rounded shoulders. The skirt of thi? wonderful evening dress Is of ivory lace over pink satin, the lace skirt terminating in a six-Inch white silk fringe. The shining black braids of the young lady's heir are adorned with roses, and a cleverly twuAed scarf of satin and pearls. A fluffy little Pink ostrich fan and (you won't be lieve thisi ?hort gloves of white kid with a ruche of white silk at the writ!, completed a vision of the '?os Tripping gayly across another page was a yellow-curled maid all dressed up for a party, presumably at Judge Buchanan's E street mansion in a wonderful frock of turquoiec blue gros de Londres. ?T?.V??h,.t bodiCe waK Kra-*-<- ??th ? tucked fichu with a single rose at the breast. Elbow length sleeves termi nated in lace ruffles and tiows of the ?k A festoon of lace and shell pink ribbon descende.? fron, the waist to the bottom of the crinoline skirt. Hoses and lace were twined in the golden curls which fell at each side of the young girl', smiling face. The short white kid gloves are finished with many pointed scallops. Next I came ten?, a stately dow ager with a delightfully satisfied ex pression on her countenance which seemed to indicate that she had Just absortied a tid-blt of brand-new gos sip. Her crinoline of. bla?k satin had three broad stripes of ruchmg-edged velvet running from the waist front to the hem. A capote of black silk velvet was fastened across the breast with silk cord? and loop?. A ?ober bonnet of black velvet was enriched with a drooping purple plume and chin streamers of purple satin. Companioning the a f orean id dame, was a slim, young, brown-haired per son, who looked the very pink t pro priety in an afternoon dress of blue watered silk with 'a close bodice and long, tight sleeve?. Two rows of ten Inch silk ftinge, in .the same shade, decorate the wide hoop ekirt. Her ?Ilk tippet is edged with fringe not quite so deep and fattened with a huge cameo. Her bonnet of blue velvet, adorned with little lavender flowerets and lavender ostrich tips, completes what the fashion writer of the period describee as an "elegant and correct toilette." Perhaps the moet delectable morael In the book is a small ?-year-old dam sel dressed up fdr ?ome festivity of the day In an evening dress almost exactly like her mother's crinoline, niching*? and all. The only conces sion made to youth 1? that the dress is of ankle length. Made of heavy white silk It Is panelled down the front with some'half doaen rows of white ruching; Sleeves, bodice and neck are also adorned ta/lth the ruching. 'Bows of shell pink satin ribbon are placed at every criu-cros? of the rucbtng. ? __________ woo?war? f Cotfyrop New York?WaASHINGTON?Pi ?I ? Women Practicing Economy Will Certainly Patronize This January Sale of 68c Undermuslins Our stocks of Undermuslins have always been noted for the economies tKey pre sented and the splendid qualities offered. They were events for the thrifty. Undermuslins that should have been here for the beginning of the sale, but were delayed in transit somewhere on the roads are now placed in the sale, and we know our patrons will appreciate them. The quantities are so great that all demands will be met speedily, we believe. ?> Every garment has been, made to our specifications, by makers whom we know thoroughly, and who operate hygienic, well-lighted factories and have efficient, well paid help. Our entire effort has been put into giving the best pos sible qualities and values for this moderate price of 68c. Gowns at 6?Sc Low neck and short ?leeve Nainsook Gowns, lace or embroidery trimmed, hnished ?A/ith beading and ribbon. ?en Cambric Gowns, high neck and long sleeves, tucked and hernstitched yoke, and heinsWched ruffle trimming. Combinations at 68c Corset Cover and Short Skirt of fine p-insook 1 trimmed with'good embroidery and lace, beading and ribbon Combinations (open drawers) of good nainsook, daintily trimmed vvith lace or embroidery, bead ing and ribbon. Ch?emise at 68c Nainsook Envelope Chemise, effectively trimmed with dainty lace and embroidery, beading and ribbon. Straight Chemise of une cambric, prettily trim med with embroidery, beading and ribbon. Drawers and Bloomers at 68c Cambric Drawers, open style, straight and circu lar models, embroidery trimmed. Soft Nainsook Bloomers, elastic around waistline and bottom of leg. Petticoats at 68c Long Petticoats of cambric, deep tucked flounce with embroidery edging. Short Petticoats of c__nbnc, trimmed with neat embroidery. "Less" Days Get Less Onerous . As They Get More Numerous There it nothing like war tiroes to bring out the real mettle of people, and there is no phase of the present war time which more surely shows "who is who" then does the ob servance of the various "less" days. On a Deefless Tuesday or a wheat. less Wednesday you might .-it in any restaurant, and. if you could hear the various comments of the patrons when reminded that it I? meatless or wheatless or porklee?, you could spot them all with very little difficulty. There is the eternal grouch who, though not necessarily guilty of treason in his heart, is just natural ly "agin* the grovernrnent," and everything. He knows quite well that it is, for instance, "meatless! I day." and so he orders steak. "Meatless day," politely reminds the waiter. "What, again?" bawls the grouch, ? "Well, what do'they expect u? to eat? Meatless, wheatlesg -" He just^ naturally likes to kick. He really doesn't care much about the steak and probably wouldn't have ordered it if It had been any-] thing but meatless day. And the "agitator" Is there. "What's the use of my doing with out what I want when the rich are --?vins banquet? every day ?nd more food Is wasted In the cantonments in a day than In all the homes In the country In a month? It's the same, oli} story' expect the poor to bear ail the burden." ? And he orders' white bread peremp torily, on Wednesday. And then there is the ?lost pitia ble slave? of all?the gastronomtcal slave. He Just csVn't help It if he craves mince pie or beefsteak, and j quite frequently he wages a mighty I battle between patriotism and stom ach, feeling like a veritable criminal when stomach triumph?. One such person was noted In a restaurant. In company with his wife. He ordered mince pie, and after the waiter departed an argument ensued. "I don't think we should eat mince pie," aay? wlfey. , "Because our boy? over there need the meat," ?he explains, when friend husband wants to know the why and wherefore of her objection. "How many soldiers do you think the meat in that piece of pie would fe.ed?" demanded the slave of the fleshpots. ? "I can't help thinking that when ever I ?at a bit more of anything than I need, I may be taking; It away from some poor fellow over there in the trenches, maybe our own aon?*? > a* '?Sa?V waiter; you can chan?<?| 1 that pie? Make it egg custard. I maybe you're right. I guess we all got to do our bit." ?? - And there is the ultra-patriot who has cut out sugar and wheat and meat altogether. There are' not many of them, it is true, but some have actually gone thl? far. Virtually all the Washington restaurants are co-operating in every way to ?ee that the "lea?" day? are observed. In the home?, however, there still Ken? to be a lack of understanding ?T the im portane? of Individuals adhering to the rule, as weft as public place?. ? Many baker? aad grocers aay that they have quite aa many demanda from housewives on wh? atiesa day aa on other daya. And It is the aame with the markets. Perhaps the house wife figure?, too, -how many soldiers would our two pound? of beesteak feed?" In many cases, though, it proves to be nothing more than forgetfulneae. One marketkeeper stated that many of his customers ordered beef on beef ltss day, but w-hi?a reminded of the day they were quite ready to change their order?. "And what class of women do you find moat enthusiastic for observa??ce of the meatless days?" this markrt -man was asked. "Why. the newlywed?. I think. The older housekeepers have become ac customed to their recular menus and they don't like anything to break in to their established rules. But the younger women seem to take it more seriously In fact. 1 find that the younger men are more careful | buyers in every way; they aeem to be more efficient/" And then he told about the ?-ery pa triotic little bride who thoughtlessly prepared a delicious steak, "country atyle." just like hubby loved it. But when hubby came home and sensed the welcome ?meli? "Huh. didn't expect ?teak tonight: .thought thia was beefleaa day," aays hubby. And what doe??Wifey do' She bursts Into tears?and gives the steak to the dog. Hubby protests, using all sort? of logic, trying to explain that since the steak haa already been purchased and cooked It couldn't possibly do the soldiers any good, and Mr. Hoover would know that It was Just an over sight and: everything. "I couldn't ?eat?a bite of it," sobs wifey, and doggie gets hi?. Sunday and Thursday are Hghtless. Tuesday Is meatless, Wednesday is wheatless aad Saturday wiU be pork lees In future. Only Friday and Mon day are left unmolested. Doubtless they will get theirs In time. People are taking it In various and sundry fashion. Some observe the 'less" days as rigidly as they would ?religious fast days. Others ignore ??.hem altogether and some are indif ferent, abstaining when they think about it But gradually the public is becoming accustomed to airing up things, and if the war huts doubtless the sverage person will no more de mand beef on Tuesday or wheat brea.l on Wedensday than he.would order Stop That Cold At Once CASCARA ? QUININE Th. ?Id family turna?,?at tahM form??afc, aure. r?ay to ?a?. Ro opi?t?a?no uaplr?a?nt ?fier ef?rt?. Corn cold? ia 34 he??re?Grip aa S day?. Money ban* if ?trail?. ?Set the ?en?n? bos wKh Red ~ Red Top and Mr Hill'? picture ap it 24 Tablet? ?Or 2Sc. ?VAwrDnagaW. quail on toast in Jun*\ and will just take tt sensibly and calmly, doing ' without meat or wheat or pork just ] as he dope without anything else when it is "out of season." TtHELY TIPS?" When ?hole fish air to be cooked for the table one housekeeper has dis covered that it is muoh easier to scale them If they are* dipped ouickly into hot water flrst of all. Then instead of a knife ?he uses a currycomb, finding It much more satisfactory. Mahogany colored boots for walking are meeting a big demand this au tumn. There was a time when it wap difficult to get a mahogany colored boot for women. But they are far more effective with most street clothe? *?:an troots of the regulation tan color, an?) they are meeting with great suc e*_*se. For tke Girl with Wkite Skia. The girl with a milk-white ?-kin and reddish hair selects green tulle for her afternoon dance frock?else she *miaees a great opportunity, when this most becoming color is the rage. From Paquin also cornea s delightful green tulle dance frock with layers and lay ers of green tulle in flounces, each flounce with long points that come at a different place on the skirt snd a green tulle overbodice drawn in under a gold-green sash. The uiiderbodice is cut out in a round decolletage and m sleeveless, the overbodice comes high across the neck at front and back and its sleeves veil the arms. Are You Fat? Just Try This Thousands of overfat people ha\ e j become alim by following thr advice t of doctor? who recommend Mnrmolaf Prescription Tablets, those harmlcKs ! little fat reducers that simplify the dose of the famous Marmol a Prescrip tion. / If too fat. don't wait for th?? doctor's advice. *Jo now to your druggli-t or ?Tite to the Marmol? Co.. ?4 Wood ward Ave.. Detroit. Iftch.? end for 75c procure a Urge case of these tablets. They reduce two. three or foOT pounds a. week without exercise, diet ing or any unpleasant effect what ever. If too fat. try this today.?Adv. ?UIUSEMEp?TS. I LOEWS COLUMBIA (v-otinuoua N-? A. af. to 11 1*. If. Mem., ?ft.. Ne. 15c. KichU. He, lie Sc ?ill?' IM,; PAULINE FREDERICK ii "Mrs. Due? Defe GAYETYSr?r KRF.O llHAl-O ??. SHOW 'SILL" M \T ? V? II I I v?v? ARCADE HI? a.d Park Sterne. Select Dancing Pop-alar Price*?Exquisite Muuc ' TONIGHT-L/VDIES' NIGHT' AMUSEMENTS. IP Ttt-taia ? Maki it at ?? il -kJTU-lL WajaV*. ??(?.-M-. aia? A I *'f j---'. ?U-a-rE-a PV?. THE RIVIERA GIRL Oria-ava] Caat lc'a -- ?^-k.. H?-avr? TAAT.TQOT -tv. ?????. 0*ere **?* l?TVI HOMER -?ATION ?.?. ??. I?l I???: THKATKB I l-l?a>. laa. aft. ??.?*?. P 5*. tl ??. aVaat?. I - ? I ?.trait?, fr..? tk li?,,,. Ul? | aa>?r??p?.ll??a Optra aud g H-.??. ?iiMiu Lj'a^ar-rgs Th? Woo?.ror-i A-t-it-tr H^nisaent-rui ?? MC PI.A1 YOU'RE ? LOVE G?? Ajtbor? Tbf rmV, U:irh Jink?-. fcartinka. :;V,T. Will.? Gillette Fiftk Caaceft Ten Stmr ?Wrie? F_*f Julia Claussen 4:30 Trie Sweduh Contralto Tickrtt."e. ?.?. P. ?c. T. Arthur S?.iL ?-??G? Kl G. H Y DAY ?. F. KEITH'S TIM SviprT?i-A L? iD>w -??* THEODORE KOSLOFF ?ad tlie Pavm^ ? Imprrlnl .(u*-*.lf.n Hell?-* ?L.l Itaa?Wi K.asiofT ? ir**ht?ira ROBT. T. HAINES & CO. Pat H ?.n.i- and MariAfi B-re? S-?*n Other Notabl? Trmtarm. Nest W ??.?*.- Utd-r ^.?-?-?st?-?* iL .<* FWiit'fi Ktiii?-. ??.-. Keats oou. Poli Musical CtMRedy Players S? Sima.?-??Ili Till- ITEST ?G? 'When Love Is Young' A MIUTAKY Ml MIAI, ri iti 12?.. Prinj? : Se SUC. TV- ?U?. _T?i- TtftTrv ?'??. Tbt? *??.- Tar_ VJS 3TRAND?V?. TODAl AMI It 1:|>M>IIA\ FLORENCE REED la -TODAY." ?? GARDEN1; ?.\>?t Tint: Tumi EDNA GOODRICH I. -Hrr Srro?? Hnaaa? MOORE'S PLAZA 4M ?Mk ot. >.!?. LAST TIMI: TODAY. WILLIAM S. HART ?. -thi; I'HiMti ?,?m^ / HERALD CLASSIFIED ADS AL WAYS BRING RESULTS.