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MERRY WIT OF THE HERALD'S CARTOONISTS EVEJ?TT TRUE BY CONDO OH, SX?R<S ????(t ? NO? LlSTeN, <S?RI_1?, I N?5?V?5R SAIO THAT- WHAT ?? -NAY, nat, r**??*cir?*?_,-Twe-Hce- H?s,?=.-Hee rtOtti UST49N, IP Tv**U ?DON'T ??04??*?_ fAtJ Frecklt?e and Hi? Friends NO HOPE FOR FRECKLES. :-: :-: By BIomct OjESTNUT CHARLIE .-: Cost?, \WSU I HM> A PIAMO .?t> ??IAV NO? sm ^ r^Akrw.? of riAnoi; WUV DO tt Ae?oS B6A? THE >?0?3LK??T By BLOSSFK ? OOUT f- Woo utaod). fa TOM SAWYER -AND HUCKLEBERRY FINN Co-medi*-* of Camp Meade ??,,?^??a?^1????t?_ ?hwt?vec-t^. Good g*^ is^biY^dsl^^?d?^ vdthovit a boy I Pathetic Figvet: A Young Man Trying to Enjoy His Morning Skate While the Truant Officer Is Waiting for Hun to Come in By FONT/UNE FOX. basks d *m*]aeat, eufunei. that we ?raaaVrr tk??e t?. lad?. They ?h?w w?a- Br Panu?oa of tie Rut? of Samuel L. Clemen? and the Mai? Twain Com pan?. ?iopyrijrht. ?1?. br the Mark T??in Oo-ran? ?atabal ?alea? far the algaal t??p?.** -?-????:-?---.-? (Copyright l*?ll~. by The Wh.-el.-r S: RregMgLCg^ SLEEP OVER SQUIRREL FOOD IT'S A WONDER BENNY DIDN'T ?ASK FOR A TOOTHPICK. TOO. By AHERN ho*-*. Hfe-a-r ?-jut?. ?_->?4-??| ?who usev? tu oov?ttu?? ?*? She?? IMI??m tue n J.h. A new maid from the country had been engaged, and her mistress, who ?red tat a 1?? house, waa showing Mary Ellen round tbe vano?? rooms SUM instructing ber In her ???ties. At laat they reached the beat room, where the valuable picture? were awat "Now." ?aid the lady to tbe serv-; ant, aa tbey pa??ed before tan ??-, ??aJT. row of masculine portraits, "yon muat be very careful when dust ing tn eue. They are all old ma?ter?." Mary's law fell and an awe?track j look cam? over her face. "I??r'. mum!" ?be gasped, "who'd ?ver 'ar? thought that y??*? been marri??, all the?? times?" ?arrie, ?f Tamth. A little girl remarked to her mamma I.?? ?are The Klag. The story ot the rival bootmakers which appeared recently 1? matched by another which concerns two rival sauaagemakera. They lived on oppo site side? of a certain street, and one day one of them placed over his shop the legend: "We sell sausages to th? gentry and nobility of the county." The next day, over the way, ap peared the, sign: "Wa ?ell sausages to the gentry and nobility of the whole country." , Kot to be outdone, the rival put up what be evidently regarded a? a final statement, namely: , "We sell sausages to the King." Next day there appeared over the door*'of the aecond sausagen?_er the | simple expression of lo*??lty: "God save the King." ???las at Home. A Jersey man of a benevolent tarn r?? going to bed, "I am not afraid of ? of mind ?encountered a small boy in the dark." > tie neighborhood who gave evidence ??No. of coure?> not,"* replied her' of having emerged from a severe bat mamma. ! tie. r waa a little afraid once when I ' **I am sorry." said ehe man, *?'to aee weat into tbe pantry to get j cu Ut." 11 tat you. have a black eye, Sammy." ?What .?era, voo mtrm'ut e,r~* I -aa*a?-?..??? ???-? ???? : ~ftaet were you afraid of ? wa? afraid I couldn't Hod tb? Wlvereupon Sammy retorted: '?afo-j a? home and be ?orr-y for your G own Uttl? boy?b?'? got two. ^THAHK^Wv-aJ ft*- QWT- tSoSH, AHO I'M DNleJo FOR ? ??a?e Bur i*VE 4CUT it<j?t Wueire nr> Nw AT **%! one. op Tm. eoY5 kaer THttH iMe ornee. ??-HT Amo I -*v_p -at* For *lo*> - TAK_ oate ???,??? ?na know Tue nFFfREMce I DOMV SOr-r-OSU <Mt- LiTTLC W-U?. YtOVM) K1U. f*.B G?a. HAVE To ?e. ?WICK ABOUT ?>?V34,x>i>'.,_ tooK.?,* AMO I ?SAVED THESE AU TOR 10U