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Sunday Bitterly A rraigns Inhuman Practices of the Hun WEATHER REPORT Fair today; ?now at night or tomor row; slightly w-rmer tomorrow. ERALD THE WASHINGTON HERALD is not a party newspaper It it out to help the government vvm the war. NO. 4093. WASHINGTON, D. C. WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 9. 1918. TWO CENTS. WILSON MAKES PEACE LESS REMOTE FOR ALLIES GERMANY'S LAST CHANCE SAYS "BILLY," REFERRING TO PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Revivalist Says Central Powera Are "Gone" Uniese They Snatch Present Oppor tunity to End World War. B7 ARTHUR JOYCE. Billy Sunday wound up a great sermon at the Tabernacle last night with one of the most inspiring patriotic "digressions" he has ever nade in any of his campaigns. He pictured to an audience of approximately 14,000 persons, who crowded every available inch of space in the big wooden building op posite Union Station, the cruelties of Germany in the Belgian Invasion, the horrible murder of Armenian men and women and children by the Turks, the persecution of Servia and Rumania and Poland, the sinking of the Lusitania, "with its martyred men and defenseless women and children." ?.Idler. Cheer Evangelia?. Then he leaned over the plnttorm ? nd shouted to the (rent gathering. "What grave is deep enough to bury the German assassin? of wo men and children, the despoilers of women ?nd children?those pirates of the sea th?t sent the Lusitani? to the bottom of the ocean where their skeletons now cry eut for vsm g?ancer* Billy banged hi? fist on the wood en pulpit, the perspiration flowed from his face and he ?houted with all the physical power he could gather: "It's up to the United State* to wipe out this nation, in the n.m? of God: Germany h?? her only ?-?ance now. President Wilson pointed oat the way In hi? address to Conerei? today. And if she d?>??n-t take it. ?he? GONE! GONE:" Ther? were about tiOO ?oldiers lined up in the front rows with t?at big audience of 14,000 and they Md a loud cberlng that wouldn't be interrupted. Billy tried to urtk. IS? couldn't. The crowd cheered ?ard shouted and hurrahed. It cheered again ami for the third time the ailence of a few seconds wa? Interrupted while?athe vast au dlenc? applauded and shouted. It wa? a remarkable sigbt. "It I had nothing else ?gainst Germany,'* continued BlUy. "I'd hate ? her for having locked arms with th? ?_?tardly Turkish nation that COSTINCI*:? ON PAGt NIXE. SAYS U. S. MUST GIYE UP ROADS Kr?llschnitt* Makes Plea for Restoration of Pri vate Ownership. Government ownership of the rail? roads is absolutely unnecessary, ac cording to Julius Kruttschnitt. Testi fying yeeterday before the Senate Committee on Interstate Commerce, th? chairman of the Southern Paci fic'* board of directors asserted that the government can reap all the bene fit? and avoid all the liabilities of railroad ownership by leaving the roar?? to their preaent owner? after tbe war. lie stipulated two conditions on which tbe roads could, under private control, do ?a well ?a they could po* ?ibly do under government ownership. Th??e were, unification Into a single ?ystem by government direction and elimination by the government of th? antlpoollng ?ectlon of the ?ntltruat law?. ?it AM? Raw??. With these step? taken, he ??Id. th? government could command a, high degree of efficiency, but ?till leave the roa??? and their pronta to their own ers. He aded that tb? government tou?. if deemed advisable, control or regniate railroad flnanees. Tb? war. Kruttschnitt testified. ?saved off bankruptcy for many read?. Increased trame due to tbe war enabled tbe road? to meet higher wage demands and higher equipment cost? than they had ever faced. senators Pomerene and Cummins aaked questions to bring out tbe effect ?f valuing the roads on a stock basis. Senator Cummin? figured that by ? veraging the stock value of the roads for tbe last three yeara th? gov ernment would have to guarantee th? Campanie? 175O.000.OCO annually. Under th? President? plan ot guaranteeing ? three-year average earning, annual ly, tb? roads will get st lea?t ?60.0??, e? each year. Kruttschnitt objected vigorously to tba suggestion that ?lock value? might be used a? a basis for compensation. H? declarad th? ?lock value? have no relation what ever to the real valuation of tb? raa road properties. 100 Persons Lose Lives la Steamship Colusi?n Shanghai. Jan. I-Tb? China Mer ci??-?' Navigation Company a ateam _M? Poochi wa? sunk in colHaton an Saturday with th? same com pany? ?bip. Hain-??lang, on the lower Yaagtac Klang. It la tiUmttad that law Hvcs were lost, includine th? captain, chief officer and s?i un?* en gineer Th? Poochi realstered 1,?? ?m_ era??. ., ? Money Collected Shown m Figures Total collection? at the three re vival meetings last Sunday?tha openln? day of the Billy Sunday campala ??aggregated tl.S51.8u. They were divided aa follow?: Marnine .I 7-0.1? Afternoon . -H?* evening . iUZt Total -.-a.t-0.* There wa? collected at the tab ernacle dedicatory ?ervlce. on the evenni*- of December 31, a total ot 1386.?. Thl? brine? the total col lection?? exclusive ot ycaterday*? meetings, to 0.937.71. ALLIES SWAT FOE IN WEST; ITALY STIFFENS Local Reverses Suffered by Teutons in France as Guns Boom in South. I-ondon. Jan. S.? The German? today suffered two local reverse?, one in tb. Cambrai and one in the Verd?n tvector of the We?tern front. The German, aaaault in the Verd?n region centered about Bethin-Court. on the left bank of the Meuse. The French war office report aaaerta that "the French Are broke up the effort. Inflicting losses on the enemy." Wtatt of Rourenllle? Petain'a troops mad? successful incursion Into the Ger man Une? and returned without kisses. Elsewhere the artillery of both sld?e showed activity, but there were no Infantry action? worthy of note. On Sunday, according to th. Parla bulletin. French pilots brought Sown six German airplanes. Saturday night French squadrons carried out raid? on th? enemy'? airdrome? and factories at Ludwigehafen. Rorabach. Metieres. Fiibourg-en-Brt*gau and Neubrelsach, Inflicting considerable damage, and returning to their line? safely. ?rtlllery Active. Heavy artillery engagements along the whole northern Italian front are reported In the official communiques today. The flrtng in some place? ha? reached a pitch of intensity rarely observed except before infantry operation?, and It la not unlikely that the Italian? and their French allies are prepariti?; for a new counter stroke. The Berlin statement emphasises the violence of the bombardment of the Austro-German position? on Mont. Asolone and north of Vidor, on th? upper Piave, while Borne mention* intense actions la th? ?astern tector of the Allago plateau ?nd In th? region of Monte Tomb? and Monfehera. wher? Oen. Fay olle's French troops won their bril liant success two days aso. Th. Italian report ?tate?, however, that ?now and bad weather continu? to hold activity to a minimum. '.?a. Lite Killed. Paris announced tonight th? death of Oen. Lite, commanding the French artillery on the Italian front. He waa killed In action, presumably on the Northern front. . The activity of British airmen on the Italian front 1? reflected In an official announcement today reporting the bringing down laat week of tea Austro-German plane?. Tbe British lost only one machine In aerial en gagement? with the enemy. FRENCH HOOVERIZE 'SMOKES.' _ Parla. Jan. t.?French tobacco and cigarette, are now obtainable In Parla only once each week, and even then daring the ?pace of but about thirty minutes. During that half hour tha tobacconist shop? preaent about the ?am. appearance a? did the coal and wood yards during the fuel famine laat winter. It take? from three to a half dozen policemen for each ?bop to keep waiting smokers orderly while tbe weekly ?apply I? being dealt out, and to pacify those that are ?till In line when th? "no more tobacco" tlgn la bung oat "BILLY'* IN HIGH SPEED Evangelist in His Famous > I "Shouting" Pose. , L??. SHIPBUILDERS GETULS.-OAN Government Provides $1, 500,000 to Build Homes for War Fleet Workers. A million and one-half dollars will be advanced to the Newport N'e?i Drydock St Shipbuilding Company to boo?? its laborers. Th? Senat? Commerce Committee I wa* told yeeterday by Homer Fergu son, Pr?sident of the company, that j the overcrowded condition? of hi* | workmen's homes had caused delay. Senator Martin, of Virginia, said Congres? will provide the money need ed. Mr. Ferguson said that not morel than two and one-half tons of raer- ' chant marine would be turned out in | H18. mete?d of the 5.000.000 to S.O00. 1000 ton? predicted. He ?aid If (0 per | cent of the wooden ship* were found satisfactory the country would be lucky. The good wooden shipbuild er* an all ?tad, he declared. In Newport News th? army, said the witness, has u?ed up the housing '?clllUe "The people we ?re trying to serve are r?al]y absorbing our facilities." said he. "In one house eighteen people are Irving on one floor.'' Mr. Ferguson ?aid he had been try ing for four month? to get something done, and bad asked help of the Navy Department. War Department and BhippltuG Board. Agents of the Coun cil of National Defense are Investi gating. Ferguson referred to what he ?aid was "putting a citisen in the rather ridiculous position ot trying to co ordinate t?t government," AMERICA AND ALLIES JOINED Karl H. von Wiegand Says President Wilson Holds the Reins. By KARL H. VON WIEGAND. New York. Jan. 8 ?"The key to the temple of world peace He? In the hands ot President Wilson. The President of the United States, only he. can unlock that door to the clamoring world. "The sooner that is realised by the powers that be in Gen?any, tb? sooner that it is realized also by the entente?the sooner will tortured hu manity march through that door." These were the parting word? ' of Maxlmllllan Harden, the famous Ger man champion of democracy, to me when I bade him farewell. He haa reiterated that statement In the last number of bis Zukunft. Hardens political far-sightedness has been again proven by tbe Presi dent's sudden and unexpected raes ?age to Congress which comes at what probably is the nrost criticai period In the war. The President's document, so far the most historic utterance of tb? war. bad two primary object??the effect In Russia to resist German de mands, and the effect within Ganmany and the other central powers. All else wa* secondary. "*** The significance lies in the fact that America and the aille? have become united In war ?Ima at th? moment that the remarkable unity In Oer many and the central powers threat ens to break up in discord over their war aim?. WILSON PEACE OFFER LIKELY TO SPLIT DIET - Section of Reichstag Believes in Views Expressed by President. Opinion differs as to whether th? President's statements of our war aim* will weaken or ?trengthen the w?r party In Germany. Tbe ?ituation In the Reichstag, which the Presi dent now admits ss the tree expr?s ?Ion of German opinion, la a? follow? PiD~t"-?r*tUBeDt rartics ?od teat? Nat-waal Liberale.?. <? Cater iCatholicai. ? Social Uea-ocnte.-. ?? Total. --- Outritlit ouoation - Ilidepende't SocUliata. ? Unaa?i?vve<l Coeaenatl??.. * Ratta1*? Part?. I Foan. *? I>-aj????i??e. ? Other anali (action!. * Total ?ote?. *? MtjcrttT .-" Th? government majority can al ways call for and get many vote? from the unaaalgned column, notably from th? conservstive?. It 1? generally predicted that th? Prealdent'? apo . h. following that of Lloyd Georg, ?nd the Ruaaian deba cle, will drive the Soci?! Democrat! definitely away from tha government. Thl?. the p?rty of Philip Scheide mann, ha? already denounced the *n nexstionlst effort? of the government at Breat-Lttovsk. ??react, af Ja.k.r?. It I? alao predicted that the de fections of this party, large and in fluential though it 1?. can be made up from th? others. Moat observer? believe that the tem porary effect of the President'? word* ?till be to strengthen the L-jdendorrr Tlrpitx-Crown Princ? faction? *m the KeichMAvg and that they ?till be ?ble ta) per?.????? mer? Utas lit of the member? to favor a contiruattoa of the war rattan- titan. yteM all' Sat?. President Wilson demands. But th?ir majority wilt be alim. The growth of liberalism In German:, haa I bean tremendously stimulated, the ne gotiation of peace term?, after Brett Lltovak, ia probably definitely out or the present government hand?, and the time will soon com?, observer? be lieve, when the centrists in consider* able numbers will join the Socialist defection. ., This would rnesn that there will be one more big German drive before real peace can come. At laat report? from Berlin the Reichstag was not in session. The re cent 'criait." in which the resigna tion of Ludendorff wa? reported and in which the chancellor wa? compelled to explain the Breat-Lltovak incident, occurred in the main committee of the Relchateg upon which ?II parties arc represent?! during a recesa The last authoritative ?xptetsion of the Reichstag's will toward? peace wat the retolution of July 19, in which Matthias ErU-Berger, the centrist leader, forced the first enunciation of the "no annexations and no indem nitiet" policy. It -waa upon the con formity to thi? expression that Chan cellor Von Hertllng was recently ques tioned. The ?awrtlon of Hertllng. claiming to be the only German chancellor ever responsible to the Reichstag, has al ways been open to suspicion here. TWENTY TAKEN IN RAID HERE Policeman, Just Appointed to Force, Engineers Ar rests in Pool Room. One of Washington? newest police man, Thomas F. Heide, a member of the polle? force for five dsys ?nd who has not yet worn the uniform of the force, played the leading part In a raid by the police laat night on the quarter* of "The Ninth Street Social Club," 610s Ninth street northwest, which netted two patrol loads of ?1 leged samester- and caused the ar rest of Edgar Franklin Hackley, 92? Eighth street northwest, charged with gaming on hi? premises. V Hackley is president of the club, which hss been raided several times before, the police declare. He has been arrested and charged with the same offenae three times, it is ?aid. All others taken In the raid were released by the police and wilt be used aa wit nesses. Collateral waa set at MOO for Hackley and he was released. The cate will be called tomor row morning. In addition to Heide. Sergeant Bean. Detectives Oilfoyle and Simpson and the lieu tenant In charge ot the First pre cinct took part In the raid. Six members of the club, the po lice ?ay. w?a? caught playing a gam? of "Black Jack" when they were arrested. Heide, whose tether I* a mounted policeman In the suburban ?ection of the city, became a member of the force January 3. He obtained mem bership in the raided club and, after gathering ?ufficlent proof that gamb ling waa permitted, natde preparation for the raid. No attempt was made to eacape by any of those in the pool room. it German ?Bblliga. Botton. Mas?.. J?n. 8 ? Clem-na Haa?. ? prominent German and a friend of Count von Bernstorff. for mer German Ambassador to the United State?, wa? today ordered in terned. PRESIDENT'S SURPRISE ADDRESS TO CONGRESS DELINEATES MILD MEASURES FOR CONCLUDING WAR The Fourteen Cotidrtions The President prMfsird the fol lowing a- aeecaaary tlf nU ef world peace ? l?Open r.ifitii? ef peace v-ith eet private tateraatleaal ander \(Melale freed o at af the ?eaa la aeaee ar wir except aa they ma? be cleeed by lat-e-raatleaal aetlaa. ci\ ai af all eco non* le bar rier? aad eat aalUB Meat af equality ef trade condition? ? aaoBc aattaaa .?? tenting ?? arare aad aaaoi .?tin*, ikra -rl*.??? far l(? BBntateaaaec. *? ??uaranfeea far ihr rr?iw< ???? ut rat point eaaalateat ?-lib do ?aritlr oafety. 1? Impartial ?.|?.(???? el all ? o remiel claim? baaed apea the prlaelple that tbr praplra coe ?erned hire equal w rieht with the latereat of the go?, eraa-eat. ?8? Kiaraatiea af all ateaala ? terri tory -aad opportunity fer llu ?I?'* pelltleal aavelapaaeat. 7?Ktaraatloa ef Brlftlim wlth oat nny atteaipt fa her ?n terrigno. 8---??? Preach ferri tory fe he freed aad rratercd. aad rcparatlaa far the tablas af Alaacc-Larralae. a? Krad ju-1 me a ? of I tal?'? f ree ller? alone ?-Icari*, ree?*?; alna ble llaea af nationality. la? Freeat opportunity far ??)???? ? ou developa_eat af the pee plea af Aaatria-Hnagary. 11?K.acantloa af Ramini?. Serbia aad IteBtcaefvrro, with a ceca? to the aea far Serbia, aad later natftaaal gaaraatee? af eeeaeaate aad politicai lD?irpearica--c aad irrrltortal lategrlty af tba ?al ba ? starr? 12??riur? io?.frrii?i? far Tarkey*? portion af the tMteaaaa Kaaplrc. hat with ether jaatloBjIttle? ?a der f urkUa rale a .?.arra ac cori! y af life aad apport aalt y for aataaoeaoaa de* clepa-rat. with the Dardo ari tr? perma siceli.* apeaed ta all aatleaa. 1.*? ft-atabllahaieat of a a I adrara dcat Poll?? state. lacladlas terrltorlea tahahlted by Indie nti tabi j Poliah population?, with free acce?? ta the sea aad pa lificai aad economic Indepen dence aad tcrrltarial integrity Kuarantred by lateraatloaal ceveaaaf. 14?t.encrai a??eriatlea of aatlaaa aader ?pecllc ??.minti for naa taal saaraatrr? of political la deaeadearc end tcrrltarial In tegrity te iurte aad Baiali State? allhe. With But Hour's Notice of Executive's Visit. Members Hurry to Hear Speech Stating Peace Terms. RUSSIAN PRINCIPLliS j\DOPTED I Nation's Chief Indorse? Lloyd George'? Dekla ration* and Widens Avenue to Treaty of Amity Between Belligerents. President Wilson announced yesterday to all the world those thing* for which America fight?, and the conditions upon which the will dat cuss peace. Appearing with scarcely an hour's notice before the two house? of Congress, he read a message outlining in concrete details the princi ples for which the United States entered the war, and the guarantee? which roust be given before she lays down her arms. Fourteen numbered paragraphs in the body of his epochal addrett set forth his terms. Fixe? War* Duration Upon their acceptance or rejec tion by the central powers hangs the question as to how long the war will last. .America. Prisaient Wilson gave warning, watt fight to ? the very end that the aims he out ? tines at? wvn. ? Indorsing the ?oy?" Ceorg?*| speech of last week before labor ' 1 unionists. President Wilson went much further than the British premier to meet the demands of ' the liberals in all countries. In twenty-two minutes of the most dramatic .-peajting heard ; since he appeared before Con- ! gress to declare war. the President I seized again the guiding reins of . allied diplomacy in the war. ?Barrir? Milk Ra.aia. Piacine America sqtisrelv behind ? Ituf-sia, Pretident Wilton- gave I notice to all nation* that the fu ? ture peace of the vv..ild must rest u pon f u u nd a ? ions n e ve- r b? f o r? marked out in diploma-.' Not* v-nl>. 1?? declared, ?rust theie *?# justice and fair *?* ti in*; in th? world* with the rights of all na tion.?-, lar*:? and fctnii!. t??- fet-p?.. ?d. but th? pit llena li ?? tu of pub? li? ity shall j4ev tonate. i-U> -ipo? ?U ?a^rtattnaataav and ia th? -nte-rco-irse of toverni?*i?nU *?.r.muned m ?il cire? ?.??* ?M (.om all part? of th? Hty. routed nul of committa* meeting? and ??-??-?? jr-??aff*r*.tcea. m?ml>?r?t of tb? two doniti csthet??j in (N -leSt -.hsmbtr 01 th*? Ho ?* Th? new? that Th? President v?a? to peak broujelit a lai.?.'?" und cun*?:antl> in treas ? ? ? crowd to lh?; *-:a'la: ?es. Mr Onl Sprinc-RK*. the Brit ish Ambassador, was tit? In-? eye? <upant of th?? ?rt-plom?-j?-. gallei1 M**mbtn of tbe Serbian mission. yuddenly intt. ? upi-*-d in their pi ?-p arauons to address the A-use, 1 ins.-red to hear the ep-secb. When ihrousb a portal to aat 5i??? of the speaker * toiuuir a doorkeeper shouted "The Pr*?>dent of the t nit?*d State*. a husb of ? spfitinry descended upon the aa?* .-embiape ? Bai Ome mhrr Ksea. Quick h the ?lim. well-vr<x>med form or tbe Pi^&fc?ent came tniouch tb? lank*- of tbe ?laid Senators and Rep noNTIM EI> ON PAGE SIX Hun Military Heads Must Go Before Peace Is Possible, Say U. S. Officials Two step? mu? be taken by the German people before peace negotia tions can be itarted. Through a responsible majority tn tiie Reich.-tag they must affirmatively declare for the principles set forth in the latest statement of American and allied war aims, enounced yes terday by President Wilson. They must retire from public life men like Luden dor IT, brains of the military party in Germany, who has directed th? statesmanship of the Teutonic empire towards the heights of cqpquest and world dominion. Speaks for Alile?. This represent.?? as neatly as possible the opinion tn Washington?ani,ng of ficials, members of Congress and metnbeis of the Diplomatic Corps? following: the leading by President Wilson before Congres? yesterday of what is regarded as the most Import ant and sweeping statement of war nims enunciated bv any .statesman Eince the world conflict b?gaji. The forces of public opinion in Germany upon which President Wilson relies to bring about a re sponsive and responsible govern ment and to overthrow the military $5 FOR ??VttT THERE, EVERYWHERE Fiscal Revival for War Rushed by Mail Man in Auto. "I'll give you 13 for 111": Come up here ?nd get It. men' You haven't gone to Europe. You csn't go to Eu rope! Do something else! Lend the government your money. Buy ? War Savings Stamp and you'll get $5 for Kll" This invitation greeted thousand? yeeterday afternoon ?t Fifteenth and G streets northwest. Ernes 1? Grcer. a msil carrier, did most of the talking. Herbert A. Clark and Greer yester day Inaugurated the postoBlice cam paign for the ?ale of stamps, using a department automobile that will tour the downtown district dall'*. Despite the cold, scores stopped ?*-.d bought stamps. Th? auto will be at the same corner tomorrow aft ernoon. Stamps sold through th? City Post office in December totalled M.7?*l.?. Thi? does not include late sal?? by substation* and other ?gents. Aid of. the Bricklayer?' Union will m? asked by Charles W. Darr at a i-aste now running affairs are al I ready at work. It was to grive itu ? pctus to them as much as anything | else, officials believe, that led the | President to go before Congre. I yesterda> He took the action, it became defl t ritt-]>? known, on the of ? Col E. M. House, recently repre | sent in? the United States at the ? interallied war conference at Paris and I-ondon. Col. House arrived here secretly Saturday niRht. and at | once went to the White House. ? where he went Into conference ! with the Preaident. Officials ?.lose ? to the administration declared last ! night that almost immediately the | President began draft lag the mes ' sage which he read before Con ci ess. It was completed late lion |day nipht at which time the Presi ? dent cent for Cornelius Ford, the Public Printer, to whom he la trusted the manuscript of the mes sage with implict insti uctione not to permit any information to leak out concerning its contents or the fact that it had been prepared. ? special force of trusted printers at the Government Printing Office handled ft. meeting of the union loi.i_,ht at S o'clock at ?t.; G street northwest. Fraternal orders have pledged sup port to the campaign, said ?Chairman Hathaway. of th? fraternal commit tee yeaterday. 8 Pro-Germans Dropped From Payrolls of U. S. Ancon, Canal Zone. Jan. S.? ? ig ht G ? lied States ci t igen s, employed by the Panama Canal, have been dis charge?! for profession of pro-Ger man sympathies. All are of German or Austrian descent, six were ?bo abroad and two were natives of the United States, one from Kentucky and the other from Ohio. _ MINISTER TO SAIL JAN. 15. Amsterdam. Jan. f.?Augustus Phillips, appointed Minister of the Netherlands at Washington In suc cession to Chevalier v?n Rappard. will leave for the United Stat-s on January IS. U. S. NEWS PRINT URGED. Government control ?f rie??-? print paper was ?iif.-u?aed yesterday in th? Senate ? bill allowing pooling or the Industry under gi?dan.-c of th? Federal Trade Coat?nlssion . ws? up. The bill ?aa inUad4io?d last aeaaken by Senator Smith. _< Arizon?. Further, to safeguard the event from an;, advance leaks, the PrttsU: dent did not ?dviae the Vice Preti-' ?dent, or Speaker Clark until 11.*? ?o'clock of his intention to sddrest t*t?s two lioua?s in joint session ?t l-.-C. ?In the meantime, he and Mr?. tfiUoa I had pia: cd golf ?Il morning in th? melting ?now .nd ?lush. Never ha? any event in recent hi?? tory developed with t-uch dramatie force ?nd suddenness. At to th. precise reasons precipitating it. or aa to the precise information IB po? aesslon of either the President or Cet Houae that brought it about official? j tn position to know refuaed to com ment. It 1? regarded a? doubtful I whether c-vei; Secretary of State Lava? 1 sing bed been given advance inform?-? tion as to ?hat was coming But the impreasion left on Congre?, lase night ia that ?omething haa develop ed in the undercurrent of exeneng?*? and gossip that attend sll war? t. convince the President that the Oer man people are at the point of thro. - ing aside the leadership of the war lords and taking the matter of pese? advancea into their own hand? POINTS OF W?LSOH i SHOWN BY APPLAUSE Congress Emphasizes Approval of Peace Message in Demonstrations. - The applause of Sejatoi ? ?nd reacnlativea. rising ?nd falling ?? President Wilson detailed the ' teen terms of pesce, empha?iren Sere hap? even more th?n the .riflccut-i of the President'* voice, the rtr-ngi. ef feeling behind the several term.. "Open covenants of peace." brvttta-h' long and vigorou? handclapping. ?'Freedom of the ae-ajf ?revoked more enlhuaiaara. "Removal or economie barrier?." nfet. comparatively, a chilly i?t?-ep?ie*n. "Reduct.on ?vf aimantent?,'? ?et th., ?aiherti-g cheerio*- trldly. "Evacuation of Russian territor-.'? warm applajse. "Re*tor?tion of Belgium.*? ?till wanner applause ??Kuntoe Lorraine ? ? ? right?*. ' brought the crescendo lo It? height, with nearly every member on tit. floor rltans to hi? feel and cheer.-ia heartlly. - "Rumania, ?erbia ?nd alo.tenear. evacuata-??.' alight I- more. "Turkish ? ? ? Dardanelkat.'? - t-tiM cheering, -^