OCR Interpretation

The Washington herald. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1906-1939, April 26, 1918, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1918-04-26/ed-1/seq-3/

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Buy Liberty Bonds
Keep Him Smiling!
Then fall in line with the thousands
of others who wear
Styleplus Clothes
$21 and $25
and you will wear the smile that won't
come off. You will enjoy wearing
these reliable, stylish clothes because
the price is moderate and they are
unquestionably the greatest clothes
value to be found anywhere. Single
or double breasted; plains or fancies,
the picking is good.
Manhattan Shirt?
?in all the newest colorings
and weaves; some with collars
t? match. Prices $2.00 and
Monito Hosiery.
?lisies and silks; plain and
fancy, 25c, 35c, 50c and 75c.
?all th? known makes and
all the popular grades. Start
ing at 50c for the single gar
ments; $1.00 for the union.
?hoe and hat daparemnts the once-over. It will be worth
your while.
602 and 604 Ninth St. N. W.
R. W. Babson Sayt Proper Distribu
bo? Will Solve Problem.
Baltimore. MA. April 5.?An In
crease of twenty per cent in the avail
able labor supply will be gained
? h rough the elimination of the labor
turnover In thla country, Roger W.
Babeen, chief of the inquiry and ed
ucation division of the Department of
Labor, told the Baltimore Advertis
ing Club in an address last night.
The number of workers In the
G ni ted State? la ample to meet war
needs, if it Is properly distributed, he
' The granting of half-fares by th?
Director-General of Railroads to men
transported from one sector to an
other for labor purposes, wss adve
? atad by the speaker. Such a step,
he declared, would greatly facilitate
the work of labor distribution.
la support of his assertion that
there is an adequate aupply or avail
able; labor, Babson read reports rt
i eived by the employment service.
showing idle workmen and empty
houses in many sections of the
-?t'T BOND6
Kusine as gave way to pleaaur** at last
night's quarterly mer tin* of the Fed
erai Kmployea' G mon held In i*>i li
ta ? Temple. and the occasion w a *
inasta one of fan and frolic
l?ancln*. diversions and *et ac
quali? tod feat urea mad? up the pro
?pa?, which was enlivened by excel
lent music under the direction of
W. at. Lynch. Scorea of recently ar
med help-re of I.'ncte Sam were there
and special provision was made for
1 heir welcome and entertainment.
!>unti* lulls in the music Informal
discussions were held.
John MacBrien told a number or
?nod storl*>s and scored several tellina;
points, while appealing for subscrip
tions to the liberty loan.
Young Negress Tried
For Murder of Child
teafornia Henry, a young negrees. <?
on trial In Judge Stafford's court on
a charge of murder In the second de
gree for the alleged killing of her In
fant child last winter, when she in
accused of leaving it out in the snow
near Brook la nd. D. C, causing 11 *
death from exposure.
A coroner's Jury found the cause of
death to be massive pneumonia, and
the young mother was Indicted Mib*>e
nuently for the offense. She is be
ing defended by H. L. Tl*nor, while
wintern E. I>ah>. assistant T*nlt-d
mates a ttorney. Is conducting the
Latent Casualty List
From Gen. Pershing
The War llrpnrtrarat yesterday
raade pabilo the f?llenlas; list at!
raaaalties la the Assrrleaa Exaedl
tloasrj Ferres t
Llaat. Laareaee 8. Ayer.
Pvt. Krank MrCall.
DIEU OF aolMlv
Sera-t. Eatll Srager.
I?? t. Clareare S. Eataa.
I'd. Galaepae Mallaarl.
Pvt. Kraak Alekae.
Pvt. Harare G. Mrlirrninnf.
G? t. Sassari Raarh.
Pvt. Charlea H. Cleaa-h. para?
Pvt. Elsser B. Johasen. srarlrt
"Pvt. Alhert Kell), aaraaseala.
Pvt. Harvey A. .VfrPeafc, (taea
Pvt. Gears' Maare, aparadle Iti*.
Pvt. Earl Barton Rathharn, pnru
Pit. Elsarr Geera-r Zaecblaa:, paea
Llrat. Jasara Calder VHrejanrdl.
tars). Daalel J. Sraaloa.
Pvt. Jlonald H. Frasler.
Pvt. fiebert Saaamaaa.
WOIXOED ???????,?,
Cara? Cari A. .lohnunn. Ir.
Pvt. nmrr A. Gedkla.
Pvt. Jaha ft. Sljnavnas.
Pvt. Napeleea St. Charles.
' Pvt. Knarr ?. ?Hilaran.
?in Milli SLIGHTLY.
Berat. Geera-e F. Delaa.
?'ars*. Till Saaiarl Barklaaham.
tara. Fred D. < hrlatlaaeea.
farp? Edward P. Jovrr.
Pvt. Bari W. Burroni.
Pvt. Walter F. Berry.
Pvt. ? altrr B. Blrhlaad.
Pvt. Evrrett E. Brlatsw.
Pvt. .In? ? ?. ? .irl.lt.
Pvt. Charlea F. Gaadaaw.
Pvt. Rar GalHeksea.
Pvt. Waafh Haddad.
Pvt. Harry A. Kaar.
Pvt. Lreaard V. Let.all.
Pvt. Tbeedere Raad Md nkr.
Pvt. Steve Melaaak.
Pvt. Arthar R. Mealda.
I'vt. ? llliam J. Mallaaey.
I'vt. Harry A. Marray.
I'vt. Aadrew J. >rtt.
I'vt. Gearce M. Pnwrrs.
Pvt. Jaha K. Seltrlrd.
Pvt. Patrick M. Staatea.
Pit. Jesse ?. ? Ina.
G?. C. Betting, of await**, has been
appointed district representative of
the Fuel Administration for the State
of Washington. He will hare head
quarters In Seattle.
Liberty Bond Today?
"Shoe Cobbling Promoted to a
Modern Industry.^
10-Minute Shoe Repairing
808 14th Street N. W.
Near H
Main 6780
Branch: ?
521 Sth St N.W. Near F
New York. April 25.?Mr?. Leila
Calloway. 24, recently of Richmond,
Va, was found dead late today In
the home of her uncle. Richard Cal
loway, of Brooklyn, whom ?he was
visiting;. Calloway declared ahe had
hanged herself In the cellar, prob
ably on Wednesday. She had ob
tained a divorce In Richmond, he
said, and had been followed north
by hf>r husband, who ?ought a
Head of Seventh Precinct
Shows "Bob" and Gets
First Honors.
Capt. W. F. Falvejr, of the Sev
enth Precinct, captured first place
in the event for Metropolitan police,
with his mount Bob. at the National
Capital Horse Show, at Arlington
Park, yesterday afternoon.
Fifteen horses war? put through
their paces by the mounted police
men. F. B. Owens took second prise
with his bay gelding Crevice.
The attendance yesterday after
noon was somewhat improved over
former days and officials had hopes
the meeting at the newly construct
ed horse show grounds would be a
Many Fuse Taoroua-abreas.
Some of the beat thoroughbred?
from Virginia and the nearby ?tate?
are competing for prises at the new
track and officials used ?very effort
to bring the highest class horses to
the show ring.
The events yesterday attracted
arge entries, and much interest
was manifested, especially In Class
44, for horses owned by local resi
dents. The cup presented by Mrs.
Robert N. Thompson was won by
Crakette. owned by MaJ. Allen
Potts. Temptation, owned by Miss
Anna Hamlln, was second, with
Gallantry, owned by Col. Robert N.
Thompson, third.
Class 1?Suitable to sire army
horses or hunters: < Won by The
Crack, chestnut stallion, owned by
Mrs. Allen Potts; Rex MacDonald,
owned by K. V. Othlalmen, FOrest
Glen, Md., second.
Class 11?Heavy harnee? horse?:
Won by The Whip, owned by Miss
Constance Vauclatn. Rosemont, Pa.;
Micah, owned by William H. Moore,
New Tork City, second.
Class 68?Horse suitable to be
hunters, who have never won a blue I
ribbon: Won by Speculation, owned
by E. L. Redmon. Mlddleburg, Va.:
Lindale. owned by Johnson Russell,
Mlddleburg, Va., second.; Maskee.
owned by the Homewod stable,
Class !7?Ponies In harness: cup
presented by Miss Evelyn Prescott:
Won by Seaton Easter, owned by
William H. Moore, New York City:
Golden Bantam, owned -by the
Sharnbrook stable, second.
-The Whip" la Ta?ara?.
Class 18?Tandem, park or road:
Won by Supreme Polonlus and The
Whip, owned by Mlas Constane?
Urged by Many to Go to
Upper House, Awaits
Wifely Counsel.
Speaker Clark, besought by sena
tors, representatives, suffragists ana
political friands to resign and acept
the senatorship left varant by the
death of Senator stone, delayed his
d? cisi?n last night until today.
His final step may rest with Mrs.
Clark, In whose political judgment the
Speaker has great confidence. She ar
rived In Washington from New York
last evening.
Belief grew through the day that
Clark would accept. The fact that he
did not Immediately decline was point
ed to by friends as Indicating that his
decision wll be based largely on l.ls
view of the political consequences.
Weed frsjee Aeeeptaaee?
Senator Reed strongly urged accept
snce of the Upper House position.
Reed said frankly that with factional
politics in Missouri it might prove
dffftcult for the Democrat? to elect
any other man next fall than Clark.
Another political factor studied by
Clark and his friend? waa 'he prob
able make-up of the next House. If
It were to be Republican. Clark would
not be re-elected Speaker.
Acting Minority Leader Gillett
called on Clark yesterday to assure
him that If the Speaker wished to ac
cept the appointment, the Republicans
would not attempt to wrest control
of the present House.
This would mean that If Clark
accepted. Democratic Leader Kitch
en almost certainly would become
speaker. Representatives Garren.
of Tennessee: Crisp, of Georgia, and
Dlxon, of Indiane are also men
Control of the House now Is In
the hands of Independent?; there
are 215 Democrats, 210 Republicans,
six independents, and four vacan
cies. Independents always have
been friendly to Clark. Dp to the
Urne of Glllett's assurance. Demo
crats had been anxious whether this
support could be thrown to any
other man but Clark.
Vauclaln, Rosemont, Pa.; second en
try owned by William H. Moore.
New York City.
Class 83?Hunt teams' cup. pre
sented by Mrs. Helen Buchanan
Jones: Won by an entry owned by
James K. Msddux, Warrenton, Va
I'll Do the Fighting
r My Friend
The Hour Has Come!
our iMame Lioes
Not Appear on the HONOR ROLL
Subscriptions for large and small
amounts received on the monthly pay- ;
ment basis. Interest on deferred pay
ments at 4% per cent.
Home Savings Bank
Under U. S. Treasury Supervision.
7th Street and Mass. Ave. ?. W.
714 14th St N. W, 436,7f& S. W. 6th and H St.. ?. E.
Boy a Liberty Bond Here This Morning?and Join the Afternoon Parade ?
This Morning's Specials':
A Remarkable Group of Extraordinary Values Offered from
9.1S A. M.toi.OQP. M. '
To $35 Womea's Suits, $19.50
Odd and one-of-a-kind model? from our regu
lar S25 and J29.50 line?; also a number of novelty
suits that were ?15. Made of tweeds, checks,
serges snd gabardines. Not all size?. Third
To $65 Womea's Sob, $43.5?
Suits far sport wear, street wear and general
utility: newest styles In conservativa and semi
conservative modela; also suits for extra sis?
figures, and several allk aulta. Third fleer.
To $45 Women'. Sob, $33.5?
Highly dealrable styles of serge, trlcotine. gab
ardine, mixtures, etc.; some have short ooats. belt?,
etc.; othera have veatees; many with ripple and
flaring peplum for miases; all silk lined.
Third Fleer.
To $35 Womea's Sou?, $23.5.
Many late arrival? of (25 sport and plain tai
lored suits?mostly In mannish mixture? and
tweeds: In all the wanted materials: full silk lined;
all sixes. Tktrd Fleer.
Long KinofKM, Special, $1.98
Of serpentine crepe, challle, Swiss and ?ecco
silk. Attractive models in colors and floral de
signs. Taira Flew.
HeatherblooB Petticoat?. $1.75
? small lot of petticoats of genuine heather
bloom, with attractive pleated, tucked and shirred
flounces. Third Fleer.
Bifie Borke Pajamas, $1.50
One-piec4- pajamas, made of pink batiste; V
neck, with flat band of blue. Third Fleer.
Untrimmed Hats, Special. 75c
About 22 dozen hats in the smartest small
shape? of spring. A variety of atyles and colora.
*frond Fleer.
Sample Flowers, Special. 33c
A new lot Ju?t received. Comprises all the
most wanted styles and colors. See???'
Children's Aproas at 50c
Bungalow apron? of percale. In dainty light
patterns, with collar of contrasting colors. Sizes
4 to 14 years. Third Flo??.
Women's Ribbed Vests, 35c
Regular and extra sizes, with low neck, plain
and bodice styles; some with fancy yoke; 29c and
49c values: 3 for II. Street riser.
Pink Union Suits. 59c
Women'? Ribbed Suits, with low nrck and tight
knee: also white suits, tight knee and ambrella
atylea; in regular and extra sices.
Street nw.
ttMrea's Sock at 29c
Plain colors end white, with fane ? tops. In* at
tractive styl?.?. sl?<? 4H to ??*. SSc and ?9c val
ues, street ?
$1.85 Pore. Rockers, $1.45
A4so desirable to use when sew ina;; are of ma
ple with woven rattan seats. ? ???p? ??leei.
75c Women's Hose at 35c
AJso a limited number of 85c (trade*?; second*
of sTrk boot hose, in blark. white and a few colora
?tree* Fleer.
Women's Silt Hose, $1.35
Par? 811k and Pull Fashioned Hose, ia black.
white, tan. brown, silver, light grays, gold and
champagne: all perfect. street Fleer.
$5.75 Rags, Special at $3.95
Perfect Axminster Ruga, In about 20 patterns
from which to ?elect; sizes 36x63 inches.
Second Fleer.
$3.25 Ruts, Today, at $1.98
Quantity limited; just 110 Axmineter Rug? In
IS patterns; all new and perfect. Seeead Fleer.
Boys' Long-Pant? Suits, $10
"Has" first long pants suit of durable cheviots
and tweeds; the latest spring models, in sis?? IS
to It years; 315 value?, et $10. Street Fes??.
To $25 Men's Stritt, $17.50
Men's and Toung Men'? Suits, of all wool, par?
worsted, blue end gray serge; snappy and con
servative models; sizes 35 to 44 and stout sis?? 18
to 46; alteration? limited to trousers and sleeve
length. Street Fleer.
Meas Sim Fiber Socks, 39c
Or I pair for $1; mostly black, with relnforeed
heel? and toes; SOc grada, spedai at 39c or S for
$1. Street n?M.
Mea's Haadkerckiefs, $1.45 Box
AU Pure Linen Initial Handkerchiefs. In a va
riety of ?tylee. with 4-inch hem; eash 25c. or box
of ? for SI.46. ?tree? FKet.
Women* 'Kerchiefs, Each, 121/??
15c and l$c value. Handkerchiefs of batista
and cotton; larg? assortment in white and colors.
Special at 12 He each. Street TT
Mea's 'Kerchiefs. Boa, 59c
Stall's Initial Cotton Handkerchiefs,
h hem: tOo value. Special at 59c box.
Fact Curtain Nets, 25c
Aleo heavy curtain marquisette: some with pat
tern contara: other? with drawn work or wid?
band borders; 35c grade.
$1.10 Khaki Tan, Hank. 95c
Extra heavy khaki yarn of the famous ?
Brand make. Special for the half-day at 95c
To $1.50 Watch Chaias at 50c ?
Men's and boys' chains, gold-filled, guaranteed as
for 10 to 20 years. Samples?limited quantity. ?
Mreet Ft???. aj
$1 Bathroom SheWes at 59c ?
Glass ?helve? with nickel-plated bracket?. ?
Regular 31.00 valu?. Special at 69c. _
Double boiler?, heavy, ?heat
dal for half-day only, at tl-39.
$2.19 "Wear-Erer" KerrJes, $1.49
Aluminum Windsor or stewing kettle?, with
cover? Special for half-dsy at S1.4?. "Wear
Ever" make. F.artk Fleer.
50c lachea Bowl Sets at 25c
Set of three (3) blue-bend bowl?, factory sec
onds Regular at 50c set. Fearta r%m?r.
$1.98 Screea Doors, $1.39
Screen door? In all sizes, strongly constructed
Fixture? not Included at thla price.
$10 Of Cook Stores, $6.98
Three-burner wickle?? blue-flame oil
?tore?. Special for half-day. 16 9V
<?'?' k
15c Package Grass Seed. 9c
Lawn grasa seed. Begulsr 15c packages. Spa
dai at tr. ? ?
$1.50 Casserole at 98c
Brown and whit? casserole, in nickel-plated
frame. Special for half-day at tSc
$25 Dmaer Sets. $19.98
Set consists of 100 pieces, with beautiful bor
der decorations. Special. 119 9t. F.artk FImt. fj
Tolet Paper, 7 RoBc, 25c ?
Regwler 5c rolL Mock op today. Not more ?
thee 14 roll? to a purchaser. No phone orders. _
Pwarta Wtmmm. ?
Oa Sale Th?s Morning
3,000 Rosebushes,
2 for 25c
Sarong-. hearth? bus?** All th? favdSSle va
rieties, seen as Issrothy PcrklaW.^ewefal Jack.
Crimson Rambler, Paul Nevrwa. American
Beauty, JTJllamey, and many other vanctiea
r?aaua Fleer
To $2 Knitting Bags, $1
31.50 to 32 value Cretonne Knittinc Bags. In
var?o?? style handle? and attractive patterns.
Street ? ?...G
' To $2.98 Tailored Hats, $1
The balance of all hats remaining from our
Wednesday sale marked at this low prie* for half
day only; a good variety of style?* and color.?*.
**eemd Fleer.
To 75c Sample Rowers. 2' -
Just a limited quantity of the want??.! Ms/tea for
thi* season; included are wreaths snd flowers In
all styles and color?.
25c to 39c Quiflt. 12'2c
A special clearance o? quillt? in all th?? beet
pty.ee and colors. Special at 1-H each.
t Washable Suits, 69c
Regular 95c values; made of durable mat^r al
and hi clever modela; elaes S to ? yea???*; limit 4 to
a customer. Third Floor
Bo?.' Khaki tsSSBsn, 59c
Regular SI value genuine khaki cloth knicker?.
In sise? t to It; limit 2 pair? to ? cum ?mer.
Taira Fleer.
Boys' $1.50 Knickers. $1
Made of good quality chevoita. esprimer*? and
tweeds; have imperial patent waist bends; ae rep
taped seam?; sizes 7 to 1?. Third Fleer.
Boys' NorfoBc Stirs, $4.95
about SO suits, mostly with two pairs of lined
pants; worth t?95 to t7.tt: sisas ? to It.
Liberty Blue Jewehy at 59c
And ?p to SB **. Included are broorhef. bar p*n9.
earrings, lavalli?res, necklaces of "l-iberty Flue"
stones. f-lreet Flee*.
Sat? ft-H. Moire Ribbons. 42c
?Oc raine, ?**, lnchea wide, extra heavy quality
in all the waited shade?. astawas Fleer.
12c Dress Shields, 3 Pairs. 25c
Rubber cloth from a well-known manufacturer;
all sisea. Special S pairs for 25c. street Fleer.
Peroxide of Hydrogen, 19c ?
Me botti? with patent cap; large aise. ?pe<-lsl
at It?. Street Fleer. E
25c Box Talcam Powder, 15c
Pound box of violet and corylop*)* Talcum I
Powder. Special at 15c box. Street Ftewr. r
Bargain Basement Specials'',
$5 Silk Drew Shirts, $3.98
Of striped taffeta and satin. In black and eoi'
ors; with novelty pockets, shirred waist-line and
" wloa belts. _Bargala Baaeaeeat.
Crepe de Orne Waists, $1.88
Of good quality crape de chine, in tailored
[ style, with new roll collar: ton? embroidered
fronts; others lacs trimmed; in white, rose, pink,
I etc. Bar?jala Basesaeat.
! To $18.50 Womea's Coats, $14.75
1 Newest styles of poplin, Delhi and serre. In all
? colors and black; all sises, for misses and women.
Bargala Baaesseat.
Womea's Dresses at $11.98
Value? to 118.50, of taffeta silk, crepe de chine
I and foulard silk, in black, nuy and light shades;
, for street and afternoon wear.
I Barcata B?tase at.
Silk and Fiber Hose at 41e
Women'? Ho?e?seconds of ttc grades?in
| black, white and all the wanted shades: size? 8*
to 10. Special, tie. Bargain Basussean)
Vabms to 25c Laces, 9c Tard
A large assortment of heavy torchon edge?,
shadow and machine-made filet edges and inser
tions. Special te yard. Barcal? Bitrani.
i's Hose, 2 for 25c
Womea's Uadennothas, $1 ?
Included are gowns, envelope chemise sad pet- ?
ticoats of good material; prettily trimmed, pink
and white. Barcal? Siiiant |
Cotton Hose, In black and white; made from
specially selected yarns; with double soles and
heel?; sizes 8Vi to 10. Bargala Baa??seat.
Dressing Sacqaes at 59c
Women's Short Dressing Becqu?e, made of Ser
pentine crepe, in neat pattern? Special at Stc
Barcata I
Drapery Materials. 42c Tarsi
Sac value Drapery Materials, la fnll bolts; all
the wanted colors in the lot; with plain or figured ?
center? and double borders. Bargala Baa??aft,

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