OCR Interpretation

The Washington herald. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1906-1939, July 14, 1918, Image 8

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1918-07-14/ed-1/seq-8/

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Soldiers and Sailors' Civil
Belief Act Provides Need
ed Protection.
By -eil??? Braaaer.
A. ?TV ??hint ton Herald Corre?pondenti
E '-What shall I do about my lite In
aurarne policy and it? premiums'.'' 1?
;*a question many drafted men have
.-been asking.
Th? answer is?if certain thing? ?lo
cat bar it?let ? nel? Sam laic? up the
pallcy for you. if you ar? unabla to
k?Mp up the premiums.
The Soldiers and Sailors' Keli?f Act,
, aften referred to a? th? moratunu.n
act. give? libara) relief to th? soldier
with an insurance policy or laember
?talp ia a tvUereal iusui ?uice ersaniza
Vtion. provided.
Tbe StipalatI???.
First?The Su??, ?roe? aot exceed
a W?oond?Th? contract was mad?
aad premiums paid thereon prior
to September 1. HIT.
Third?the policy do?? not become
void if th? insured is in military
-Fourth?Th? policy doe? not re
quire for men. I ? ipilitary service
th? payment of an increased prem
If th? soldier or Sailor policy
holder can meet the?? restriction:-.
h? snakes out an ?-pphcation to the
War Riak Inaurane? Bureau, and
ehe government then take? car? of
- The law ?ay? no ?uch policy ?hall
b? forfeited for tbe nonpayment of
?seanltrm during the period of ?uch
military service, or during one year
altar th? expiration of ?uch period.
A copy or th? soldier's applica
tion give? to th? inaurane? company
or fraternal organisation, and a
duplicata to th? War Riak Insurance
Bureau. Each month the secretary
?f th? treasury turns over to these
canceras bonds to secure th? pay
mtnti of the unpaid premiums. To
iasUmmfy th? government against
loa?, it holds a flrst lien on th?
policy thus protected.
Ia Kramt af Death.
In the ?vent of the death of the
insured person,-th? amount of unpaid
prroaiusos, plus the interest provided
far in the policy. Is deducted and the
balance paid to the beneficiarie?.
If the Insured does not within a
year after the expiration of hla serv
ice pay up all past doe premiums with
interest, the policy will lapse.
Tha policy holder, in his application
fer th? benefit? of the set. signs an
agreement that he will reimburse the
government witl-'n a year after the
-war end? for all the premium? It pays
fo.? him, plus a per cent interest. If
h? fail? to do ?o. the government is
reiraburaed out ot the cash surrender
value of the policy. The policy-holder
ia protected by a watchful govern
ment: th? insurance company I? pro
taci**! by government bond?; the gov
?rnntent is protected by flrst lien on
"Within 129 days after enlistment ?r
draft each soldier or sailor may pro
car? Insurance from the government
Mself at much lower rates than foni
th? inaurane? companies.
H on Sarcasm Seen
h Acts ?a Poland
Stockholm. July 13.?In reply to a
request for th? payment of money re
avivad by the Germans in forced
"?sana from the city, the municipal
authorities of Warsaw wer? told to
see the "Polish" minister of finance.
Aa the entire financial administration
ia in the hands of Germany, this fine
hit of Hun sarcasm i? taken by the
Pole? to mean that Poland must pay
Oermany's war expenses in Poland.
Mrs. Marshall Field Is In Manches
ter, Max?., for the summer.
Henry wfilte is mftktng ? ?hort
visit to White Sulphur Hprings. Va.
Mi?. M. C Wentworth is spending
th? ?ummer at Jackson. N. H.
Mis? Ella Schultx is visiting friends
tn Chester, Pa.
Mrs. Frank P. I^etch I? at Stony
man Camp. Va., for a short visit.
Major Robert G. Paxron, I". S. ?..
as at White Sulphur Spring?, V?., for
? short visit.
Miss Mildred Bromwoll returned
y?-at?rdny iron Klkins, West Vir
MHs f.'.'..<n Bruce 'ae arrived In
"vgaahin^toa ytsterday from Klkins.
Weat Virgil?;?.
Mrs. AI.-TSirle- Williams Bidd'e,
who has '. ' -n visiting In Waihlnsi"?,
?ett yeste-day tor her home st Ra??
aar. Pa.
Mr. -r.'' Hu. George I'-n-phiey?, of
Enaiewo .!. X. J . arrived yesterday
far a ?horc visit ?sith their daughtee.
Misa Marcia Humphreys.
. Mhvs Peggy Tha y er and Mies Polly
Thayer arrived in Waahington yester
day from llavei ford. Pa
"?= Barney of Watertown X. T.
Is in Wsshinaton as the guest of Mia
. Charles Hartley.
Miss Mary E. Ledeyer Wood is
l??ving for a month? stay In Blacks
burs, Va.
Mra. Fred Dennet left Washington
ytsSUrday for New Tork.
Miss Ella Schuli? has left Washing
ton for ?Chester Ps... ?her? ?he will
?Otad th? summer with friends.
Mrs. Arthur Graham is stopping at
the Sits Carlton, in Xew York.
-Mrs. Willard Saulsbury Is at Poland
Spun??, M .?
. ? F C. Emerson Is visiting Thomas
**}ooD?r in the latter'? home in Chesa
peake Bearh. Maryland.
Representative Madden, of Illinois.
ha? ron? to Chicago.
M. ?. Vara, of the Council of "NTa
tiarnal Defense whe haa been out of
th? city on business returned yester
**?? Tock. July 12.?Tha following
WaabingtooUr? are registered at lo
cal hotel?: * V?a Cbrtlaad, W. H.
Cox; Lon*acre J. B. Fitspatricl: ;
Grand, ?. R. McDerraott. R. Rav. R.
.O. Dodky. C. A. Whipple, J. F. Phll
Ifos; Martha Washington, Mrs. H. F.
"ftaaflekl. ?ira. R Taylor. Mrs. ?. a
Dacy; Coarti nan tal. C. D. SmalUng. M.
H. Heise; Flandars. A. N*. Taylor, M.
f?. Banus: Btrsalin, D. M. Barclay;
Herald ?tqaara, P. J. Bennett. A. C.
J^-Mt-guaoa; Bt, Jamais, W. J. L??t?r;
Latham, A. K. nrtiaismut?,
9. Kann Sons ? ?So., s. G. Spitxer.
?hoes. 432 Fourth Ave.. 13th flot?-.?,
Palais R i -al. t?. <;. rherry. men's
furnlshiiis -joodf ai Flftr, Ave. Hot I
Albei? Wooenanrl * Uiihrop. F. ?.
Tfceodward. bou.? and magasines, ?i*
Four ih ???.. Witti Contuaolal.
Put that Home in
Save! Save! Put Your Money in Real Estate!
You've got more money today to spend than you
ever had before, and you're spending it, too! But are you
spending it wisely? Are you putting it where it will
bring returns threefold?
Here's a proposition that can't be duplicated any
where. Something tangible, something worth while. Put
your money in real estate?the fundamental ''principle"
underlying all fortunes. Don't forget that a day is com
ing when you'll need those dollars you're throwing
away so prodigally now.
Many a "big" man today owes his present position
of prominence and wealth to the fact that he bought
REAL ESTATE when he was young?bought it a little
at a time?bought it when it was selling cheap.
Colmar Manor offers the safest, sanest, thriftiest op
portunity to save you have had presented you. Don't
hesitate on details. Don't stop tc consider whether you
can "afford" it. You know you can. You know you're
not making the most of your good position and your ex
cess income. Cut out a few luxuries and buv REAL ES
TATE?buy COLMAR MANOR LOTS, think of it?
you can buy a lot for $59 and pay for it on easy in
Investigate now.
Washington's Suburb Supreme
Colmar Manor is situated on the Washington-Baltimore boulevard in Maryland,
just across the District line. It paralles the broad highway that brings more traffic into
the city than all the other roads combined. It is within four and a half miles of the
Capitol Building. Easily reached by trolleys. Take any car on New York avenue to
Fifteenth and H streets northeast, and transfer to a Hyattsville car. It means a ride of
less than 30 minutes.
Colmar Manor affords you an opportunity to own lots in a beautiful location that
absolutely assures increased value. It ? is high and dry and healthy. It is an unprec
edented opportunity. These lots in Colmar Manor are selling with unheard-of rapidity
?nearly half of them have been purchased by thrifty people already. Colmar Manor
has every advantage one could ask for and is truly the suburb supreme of Washington.
Looking Toward Washington. Colmar Manor on the Left.
COLMAR MANOR?View Showing Cutting of Streets.
Room 43, Metzerott Bldg.,
1110 F St. N. W? Washington, D. C.
?-'??s.s-s. ..... ,...-.'.'.?.-,'. a
Kindly mail me, without cost, maps,
illustrations, views and full information re
garding the $59 lots in COLMAR MANOR.
x\ ame ????.?>_?_?_b?m?c*>-..?? . ^,... .> ?>>- ?;
City and State,
Who's Who in Colmar Manor
Th? Colmar Manor property was purchased and subdivided into lots by the J. W.
Holloway Co., one of America's most experienced and reliable corporations in the field
of real estate development. They are aggressive; they are thoroughly substantial. Their
business is to locate cities that are rapidly expanding and buy up large holdings of land
adjacent to them and cut these holdings up into lots. We have successfully developed
suburbs in Atlanta, Ga.; Wilmington, Del.; Baltimore, Md., and other cities. We have
come to Washington because we realize -that the National Capital is growing faster and
expanding farther than any other city in America. For a year we have been investigat
ing property in and about Washington. We have thoroughly studied the situation here,
the trend of development and the real estate activities. We were finally convinced that
the site of Colmar Manor is the one logical property to develop. It took time to acquire
it; it took more money to purchase it than would have bought other larger tracts, but
Colmar Manor has an assured future, and we could see it. We paid the "price, and now
we offer it to you.
No More Than Two Lots to a Person
No More Than Four Lots to a Family
The Important Thing to Remember Is
One-Half of These Lots Have Already Been Sold
Free Auto Service from ia front of our F Street Office Direct to COLMAR MANOR and Return,
Every Hour M the Hour AD This Week.
On Sunday the auto service runs only from 15th and H Streets N. E. to the property?end
if you wait until Sunday some other lucky purchaser is going to have in his possession the
lots you want. Be among those who are "oa the job" and avoid nest Sunday's rush. It'll really
take less of your actual time, and the result will be to your -complete satisfaction.
Colmar Manor Real Estate Dept. '
1110 F St. Room 43, Metzerott Bldg. Phone Franklin 898
$5 Down and
Only$l a Week
Makes you a real estate owner
---a sharer in the prosperity of
It Tells You How You Can
Share in Washington's Growth
You have your unrestricted choice of lots in this sub
division. There are no selected locations held up; there
are no reservations for any purpose whatever. Every block
will be divided into building lots. Streets are being cut
through and graded. Property is restricted to desirable
people. A warranty deed goes with every lot. The title
will be perfect, and even the taxes will be paid. You can
build on it; you can sell it; you can do what you please
with it.
DOWN AND $1.00
YOU on the ROAD
Our plan of easy payments?$5.00 down and only
a dollar weekly?enables you to become a real estate
owner without having the actual cash to swing the deal.
Most of the Jots are selling at $59.00, but there ?ve a few
which, because of their extreme desirability and excep
tional location, we are compelled to price at higher figure?.
Should you select any of these lots, proportionate terms and
conditions will apply.
Room 43, Metzerott Bldg.,
1110 F St. N. W., Washington, D. C.
mmmmm ?.??.. ?_?.? ?:?*?.. ?. ._... ? ? ?
Gentlemen :
I am interested in your COLMAR MANOR proposition
enough to inspect the property.day (forenoon
full general information, with maps and plats for my ex
amination, please.

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