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????QpH^Jiaae , ? '?|~?-jrv??a"ii''?>iaa . BE PATWOTIC?_M Btrwap-pw effioeat?y. When yon have fin ?bed reading .your copy of n>e Washi_gto_ Herald, hard it to gome person who hag not t> sn one Make each copy d_ doable duty in wartime and help ?are paper. NO. 43,36 ONE CKN'T '? -".????!?? ..? ?.barb?. UA?l '-??-^ l El?vrwb?. Tw. Cea??. NEW FRANCO-YANK SHOVE NEAR RHEIMS SIGNIHCANT; ECONOMIC GAIN IN DRIVES Pershing's Force Evidently Distributed All Along Front Line. AIMING AT ST. QUENTIN Armies Converge ir Three Directions on This Vital Point. FALL OF LILLE WILL FOLLOW Breaking of Hindenburg Line Will Render Industrial City Un tenable to Hun?. The new? of keenest and mo?t slat niftcant interest to the army ?taff here is that which reveals that there ia a forward movement of Fr?nch and American?, evidently in great force, toward? the Southern end of tabe Hindenburg line. Thi? offensive developed in a alngl? night and at a place between Conde end Rheima. where It wa? supposed for the past ten day? that the Ger mans warre already prepared to fall back on the Hindenburg line. It now ts evident that when the French and Americana drove the Ger man? over the Marne near Dorm?n? and Possy in July, heavy German force? remained until Saturday, when they wee attacked by the French and ' the Americans. Incidentally it demonstra t<? that Gen. Pershing has distributed his ag gregate forces all along the Une. either in the front ranks alone or fighting shoulder to shoulder with the French and English, instead of con centrare, them, a? alleged, for an all-Amcican drive at some new point. Army officers pointed out yesterday that there was only one new point and that Pershing not only Ida substantial force there hut rushed up re-lnforcements from near at hand to the assistance of the French and American? who began the thrust be tween Conde and Rheims. , AI??y? the Americane. It la alway? the American? now, ?ay the officers here with rerdonable IBM?, when a new tiling is to be done, ?ince the beginning of tbe ] preeent counter offensive. There Is of course the understand- ' Ing that the new offensive was order- j ed by Gen. Foch to link up that part I of the Pershing and Trench army in the Rheims sector with the advanc ing allies and Americans who are heading off the Hindenburg line with the ultimate view of concentratin, on St. Quentin. The scheme of the general battle now therefore Is: First?The Just developed assault on th? German army holding the Rheims ?ection of the Hindenburg , line. Second?The American and French advance over the Aisne towards Laon; Thlrd-The French and English, whose wins? are Joined, pushing on towards La Fere; Fourth?The British and Canadians forging ahead a;ain?t Douai and Cambrai, having crossed the Pomme and in part the Canal du Nord: Fifth?The extreme northern activi ties of the British and American? In the old Ypres sector. Tknast at S?. Qaeatla. The main objective of the whole movement is the breaking of the ?trongest and vital part of the Hin denburg line et St. Quentin. The fall of Lilis is the immediate objec tive of the British operating south of Cambrai and north of that city in the Ypres sector. The continued advance of the British and Ameri cans menacing Lille may make it untenable by that plan alone, but staff officers say that it? capture will be Inevitable If the Hinden burg lin? i? broken at St. Quentin. Gen. Foch Is using both plan?; that 1?. th? British are being sent for ward via Cambrai and Douai, a-d ac the ?ame time the laat accounts ?how that the Brttiah ar? moving southeast to connect with the French and Americans pushing on via La Fere to take St. Q entin In flank. Th? Immediate operation which will hold the stage for the next ten day? Is tbe signal misterstrok? of Gen. Foch in novlng thr ? great ar mies converging on St. Quentin. It? fall will paralyze the transportation system of the Germans and force not only a retreat, but a rout, be cause if the Germans stand at St. Quentin aad fight to retain it. when they les? the allies will be In posi tion to follow the retreat Incessant BAKER MAY STAY OVER INDEFINITELY U S Seeds Representative of High Authority in War Council. "The American army is in France. Wherever the headquarters of th? American army may be. there is the headquarters of the War Depart ment. Secretary Baker's .-atay In France Is regarded a? indefinite." Thl? comment by a high official last night bear? out the reports ?bout the War Department when it aerarne known that Secretary Baker w_? to a-ail for his seond vljit to Fi?nce. On hi? last trip it was a surprise that he returned to the "nited State? so early, but It was ?fterward? learned that he had "ound over there some matters ?hich could better be dealt with By Ils presence at home rath.r than ?broad. On this trip, the Secretary'? stay _ Indennlte. This Is plain from ??ay order? that have been given ? the War Department, and from :he f?c that <he United State?, in Jie later-allied council and in the ?onference? that mu?t folio? the orwaid movement of the allied roop?. mu?t be represented by a lurerior off! -lai who nas not the imitation? o? an -.Ulcer In con-iaand <f troop?. Every Yard of Ground Won Means Lighter Burden for U. S. RESOURCES AVAILABLE Falsity in Hun Claim That Surrendered Land Is Waste.? WILL RELEASE COAL SHIPS Capture of Lens and Other Mineral Deposits Will Bring Relief to France, ? ' Every yard of the -allied troops advance on . the . Western front, es pecially to and beyond the Hinden burg line, make? lighter th? burden of the United Statea ln the war. While no capital has higher hopes of an early disaster to the German war machine than Waah'incton, the economic victories that are being registered almost daily by the re covery of terrain from German oc cupation are of paramount Interest to h<gh officials. Chairman Edward ? Hurley, of the United States Shipping Board. rinds a telling victory almost daily in the progresa of American. British and French troops. The lines as they envelop a town or a district! ?pell more to him than to the patriotic cltisen who see? in the ad vance merely the demonstration of the courage and ?uperiority of the allied troop? and the master strategy of Foch. The German high command, which made the supreme effort and sacri fice at the reckles? expenditure of live? to gain the territory which 1? now being ?ullenly evacuated, now put? .forward the false claim that the reconquered territory, and that lying Just beyond the present Ger man line, ia ?o withered by the flame of battle and barren of re source as to be of no valu? to themielve? or the allies. Harlry see? Relief. Chairman Hurley, faced by the stu pendous task of lindi? shipping tot transport the army of ?.OOMWe ??en cans to France, to support that army j and to supply food ?nd munition? to . the allie?, find? new and needed I strength for the alii?? in almost every I foot of reconquered ter? tory, no mat- j ter harr the Huns have laid It waste. ' The ( ture of Lens, if it has not already been accomplished, i? only a matter of a few days, nnd that will bring the coal-bearing lands of that territory ? ithin the allied lines. That means the release of ?htppjng now employed to transport coal from Wales to France. There is no doubt that the Ger mans will make every effort to In flict the greatest damage possible to the coal mines which they have been operating for their own benefit, but the coal deposits cannot be destroyed. Rich Coal aad Ore Fields. Kot far back of t',.e Hindenburg line, and in the direction pointed by the wedges now being hammered home hy the allied'troop.?*, lie rich coal and ore fields, natural centers of war industry and of railway communication. If these too. a? ?eems probable, fall Into the hand? of the allied troop? ln tbe present drive, one of the greatest problems of the war will have been solved for the allies and Its burden thrown upon the German high com mand. Man-power has not been tbe one great problem of the war, and the aid of America's strength in wealth and resources was felt in the war Ion?? before sh?? had put a single division tn the field. Now -the situation Is rapidly chang ing. America is furnishing the men power needed for the fighting force?; the submarines are gradually being conquered; France can releaae from her fighting lines men to dig for coal and Iron, to man war Industries and to till the fields, and the tonnage that ha? been supplying the necessary raw materials will be released for the longer routes of tnde that will bring ample supplies of food and war mate rial from remoter countries open only to the allies, and/Will permit the United States to husband her re sources fer her own fighting forces and for the people at home. ? ? The taking of Lille will be the mas ter stroke of this all important eco nomic side of the present campaign, and by Chairman Hurley and other high officials In Washington will be regarded as irrest and final a victory ? as the great military disaster to Ger I many, which it will bring nearer than ever before. AMERICAN CONSUL SAFE AT STOCKHOLM Arrives There from Moscow After Dangerous Trip. Copenhagen, via I_indon. Sept. 4 After a trip of hardships and constan. danger to their lives the members of th? .\mer:can and Italian legations , In Russia have at lasl arrived In I Stockholm. Krank Lee.'who wa? American vice ! consul at Moscow, told the corre j spondents ?p his arrival that the Bol iheviki authorities did their utmost I to delay the departure of the lega ? tlon staff.? anil that they tefuaed to releas, the British and French con fu??. The American con?ul general, he ?aid. refused to leave before the British and French consuls were re leased and he Is still In Moscow. The train carrying the lesatlon and consular officials and ,!M)0 refugees from Moscow was stopped at Petro grad on August _j and the passen gers were imprisoned for four days. While held captives th?y heard wild disturbances. marked by consta?t ?hot?, in the streets. According to Lee. the Clecho-Slo vaks are popular with the Russian masse?. The power of the Bolsheviki. on the other hand, is steadily decltn iets. The attempt ? form an entire new Red army failed completely. Lee a .'?erta. 35 KILLED ON MT.YERNO? AS TORPEDO HITS Toll Taken Among Crew as U-Boat Attacks Former German Liner. J. HAM LEWIS ABOARD Great American Transport Puts Back Into Port Un der Own Power. Thirty-five persons, prlnelpally mem bers of the flreroom crew of the Mt. Vernon, formerly th? German llner Kronprlnie??in Cecile; were killed | when tne ?hip was struck by a tor- | pedo Thursday last 200 mile? off the French coast, it was announced yes tetrday by the Navy Department. The offclal announcement ?tales that Senator .lame Hamilton Lewis, of llllont?. wa? one of the passengers and Is among those reported safely landed. Hearty Vaterland** Capacity. The Mt. Veinon Is one of the great German ?hip? taken over by the i'nited States and haa been used as ? a transport. She was on her return to the United State? when ?truck. The estimate of her carrying capacity I as a, troop ship pieces it as near that of thi old Vaterland. The new? that bo many of the ?hip's complement had been killed was a great surpri.e to the navy officials ras tne first ra'ports indicated that there were no casualties. The belief that there were no fataMtle?^ however. wa? based principali?/ on' the fact that the Mt. Vernon wa? able to pi.t back Into port under her own ?team and at a fourteen knot clip, which was an indication that she had no? been hit in a vital part so far as her motive power wa? concerned ? he official dispatch, however, states that "the torpedo struck the ship on the starboard side, flooding No. 4 fre roem, but the extent of the tlarnago i? not stated." Naval expert? say that even grant ing that ?he wa? hit hard at the place stated, being a great vessel, she had sufficient flotatio?! left nnd engines forward that i.oul-1 account for her evident dash away from the submarine. There Is nothing, how ever, from officisi sources to ?how whether she was pursued ?nd ?hc.Ued oi whether the convoy came to thej rescue and drove ?? the enemy. It is believed. notwithstanding the fact that the Navy Uepartme'it does not | give the extent of the damage, that the Mt. Vernon's wounds are_not so serious as to prevent her froni* taking her place ?gr.ln at an early dale with the transport fleet. -Mark ruin netlMa There Is only fa tbeorv to explain rtow the ?uhmarlne Could have ap proached the Mt. Vernon clos-3 enoi'ghl to have launched the torpedo. Some ? official? believe that ?he trusted to her trreat ?peed and to her very' large | armed guard, probably ?3, to ?ave her under any and all circumstances. I The fact? given out by the Navy Department are however eo meager that there Is only a choice between I theories. The important consideration | is that the ship was not only not sunk, but that all the evidence is that she may undergo Quick repairing in a foreign port. First With Senater ?.henni Thi? I'nited States transport I? the first of the big United Sutes ship? to be hit while a Senator o. other dis tinguished o Hela I was on hoard. When she was obliged to return to the I'nited States upon the declara tion of war she had on board among her passeniteis Representative Rich ard Bartholdt. of Miaso'iri. The Mount Vernon h?s an Interest ing history. As the Kronprinzessin Cecelle she vas a well-known liner plying between American snd Eng lish and French port?. On her last attempted trip to Cherbourg and Plymouth she was caught at sea by the declaration of war against Germany. She had on board a con signment of bold bars and coin val ued at tl.000.2CO0. for account In Eu rope. The agents of the ?hip in Ger mana ?ent her a code message which apparently referred only to a mem ber of the family of the captain of the vessel. Jt wa? understood, how ever, and the ship turned back. Sh? was lost for severs days, and It was supposed that ?he had been cap tured by one of the cruisers of th? British North Atlantic squadron. A? a matter of fact, her course would take her near the cruising areas ot British ships ot war. She. however, maneuvered out of eight and took advantage of a fog to dash back reckleasly to the United States coast She loomed out of a fog on? morning off Ber Harbor and was safely within tne three-mile limit of the United States. She w?. watched continually by the British ani French cruisers and so successfully that sh? CONTINTJaCD ON ???? TWO. ? BAKER LANDS OVERSEAS FOR SECOND TIE Secretary of War in France with Members of His Department. VOYAGeITn TRANSPORT Official Mission Includes New Chief of U.S. Air craft Production. ?Secretary of War Newton D Baker has arrived safely tn France, the War Department announced Iftftt night. He waa accompanied by a party of War ?Department officials. The Secretar> a trip, the ?'rond he has made to Europe this year, was made aboard a transport which ear ried the usual quota of United States troops. Th? official announcement foliows 'The Secretary ot War haa ?airtved tn France on official business. News of the safe arrival of Mr. Baker and an official party waa received at the , War" Department today The voyage was made aboard a transport which carried the usual quota of United States troops. The Secretary was a c , companied by Mr John D. Ryan. Sec ond Assistant Secretary o." War -idl lector of aeronautica): MaJ. Gen. W. C O or gas. Surgeon General of the army; F rig. Omn. Frank T. Htnes. chief of the embarkation service, and 1 Lieut. Col. George H. Baird. military aid to the Secretary of War.'" Trip Fi? Kiir?* r H iMportaat. Before Secretary Baker left for Europe he Mated informally that when the personnel of his party be came known tbe importance of the trip would bo disclosed as IT auto matically. The object is accelerated acceleration and high-power expan sion in war munitions and men. It was known ?hat Mr. Edward R. Stettlnius, former Second Assistant Secretary of War and recently re lieved of these duties in order to gt\e his entire time to army -work In France, had precedcii the Secretary abroad. Mr. Stettintus is vested with extraordinary powers over supplies and general service behind the lines. One of the most important mem bers of the Secretary'-i party clearly is John D- Rx*an, who only recently was given almost unlimited author ity over both aircraft production and the practical application of airplanes in war-time. The supply of aircraft for the present million and a half men of Pershing's army and its future four million Is the greatest problem in the way of supply that confronts the War Department. itatcs Plana, ever with the exact knowledge of the production capacity in this country, and he and Mr. Stet tlnius wilt be able to advise Gen. Ptrshing just what may be expected, and when, in the way of the required number of machines for the ultimate American army of from four to five million men. The ?-pesence of On. Hines is almost self-explanatory. There have been from time to time reporta that there was unnecessary congestion at English and French docks. It was understood here last night that if It be possible Gen. Hines will suggest some means Thereby -alien the United Statea be gins to send overseas the finished pro duct of the new draft the record of 285.000 men a month to France will be broken. The War Department, In fact. Is committed to a policy of having on the Western front eighty divisions bv July I. mt. The work of Gen. Hines rill deal with that demand of the General Staff as a problem that must be met. Increaae Hospital Facilities. Similarly, the visit of Gen. Gorgas "has to do with the vast Increase of the army tn the near future and the consequently necessary increase in the hospital facilities. It la likely that Gen. Gorges will select new altes for new hospital buildings rather than enlargement of the existing facilities by multipli cation or beds in any one Institu tion. Tn many cases where the Urlted Stat??? hn ? rented French private bui!Unga the capacity now is at maximum ?se. The greater part of the new con struction work, whether for hos pitals or supply depots, undoubtedly will be in .what are known as the American sectors. The*o sectors, extend from the Swig? border to the sea. Ara. F?r?L Sfr. Ryan went nv, British Down Eight Han Pluci. London. Sept. ft.??? ?ht German piene? wore shot down by the Brit ish yesterday the War Office an nounced tonight. A hostile halloon also destroy*d Three British machines are missing. Thirteen tons of bombs we?**-*? dropped on var ious German targets. All of the ttrttlsh night hnmhing machines re turned safely. St Louis Man Goes Over There to Get Into Army London. Sept. S.? Charles Armstrong Holme?, of St. Loui?. wa? over tb? age but anxious to fight He is now ln the war. To get in. he accomplished a feat apparently Impossible and probably not done by anyone els? since Amer ica entered the war He should have been ?hot and Imprisoned, or at lea?t deported, but his transparent hon esty anal burning patriotism won all. hearts for him. t The result ?howed that even the military machine has a soul. "Charlee came into my office un washed and unstitven. No collar on. his clothes in lag?. He qutetly an nounced be ?anted to fight." ?a!, ft' recruiting officer. He ?eomed overwhelmed by the ?tu pidity of the recruiting official? ?the ivbuldn't take him. "Why?' I asked. DM.?. *- -.?-?? ^Because I v? no papera What do paper? matter? I want to kill Germane." he explained further im patiently, that being Juat over the ?ge he couldn't enlist at Home. He added: "Every man's duty I? to be in Franc?, so I Ju?t came." He ame as a stowaway. It Is a thrilling ?tory how h? eluded tb? guards on both ?idea of th? At lantic, but it can't b* told for tha present because it would be unwl?? to "tip off" people less patriotic than Helms how ?uch ? ?tunt ia possible. I gave him a ?hlrt snd a collar ar.i took him to th? American authorities. They wer? all Inter ested In his case. bi)t th? rule? of the aef???e of the r?alni act mad? things look black for poor Holme?, who on our advice gav? himself up to th? polle?. ?!? Meut?, rreeedea?. -.?hin th? Brltle- m?gi?trat? heard th? ?tory hat laughed. It w?? the first tira?, official? told me. that a magistrat? had laughed In that court In forty y?ar?. He fined Helme? 100 peun?? ($500) and com mitted him to Jail for ?n Indefinit? period. . ? Then, th? law helng ?atlefled. he told him h? wa? released on parole. Helme?, overjoy?,, rushed to the next recruiting office. When he brought back my ?hlrt and colHr. i walking proudly int0 my office In, I Unel? Sam'* uniform, h? wa? th? ' happle?t ??? I ever law. FRENCH CLOSE IN ON LA FERE; BRITISH NEARER ST. QUENTIN; FOE'S RESISTANCE STIFFENS Teutor. Retreat Slackens as Army Puts Back Against Wall. MONTH FAVORS ALLIES Believe Enemy Is Prepared to Defend Ground Behinjd Lines. ENTENTE ATTACKS CONTINUE Haig Report? British Troops Now in German Area of Defense. As an illustration of what has Inppcned within the last thirty days it should be said that at Villcvoque the Germans are near ly thirty-seven miles to the east o? Amiens. On August 8 they stood east of Corbie, only little more than ten mit?s from that great allied base. As this gioriotn month of the allied triumphal march winds up the British, French and Americans are still hammering forward, but from a clean pursuit the campaign is changing into a new battle, in which the (tag apparently means to defend every foot in a desperate delaying combat. Xew British Osili. ?Inde. The most graphic description of j what Is happening is contained ini HaiK's nicht bulletin: "On the southern Qortion of the battle front our troops have now en tered the area of the defensive sys tem constructed by us prior to the German March offensive. "The enemy Is offering Increased rcsistence along tinse prepared de fer?"? and ?harp fighting has takxn yl?c?-loday at a number of point? But the day again brought the Brit ish new headway. They are "presi mi; forward and have gained ground in the direction of Vermand, Hebe court and Epehy." At Villcveque the British .?re to mxht only Six miles and a quarter west of St Quentin, the central bul wark of the t.errnan?* 'last wall." At St. Emilie they are five and a half milea southwest of Le Catelet. Meanwhile the French have ham mered their way forward in the re gion of Seivais, south of the Oise, nnd there they ere less teian two mile? ?outhwest of ia Fere, another bastion in (fee German main line of ! resistance. Further south, where the French and Americans are driving toward ] Laon. the southern hinge of the new ' German def?n?e line, a hard struggle has ?et in. *fh? German? Ujnched some vicious counter thrusts today, but they wer? ?rushed In the making. Fur to th? north. In Flander?. where the Germen right based on LIlie, h?? been keeping reluctant step with th? retreating: center and left, there were also German coun- j ter attacks today. These, too. broke! down. At other points on that front the British made slight gains. Nineteen thousand prisoner? were ? taken by the British alone In the first week of September. Haig an- ? nounced tonight. rteUel Repertrd ( iplnre?. Relsel, eight miles southweet of Lei Catelet. 1? unofficially reported In I Brtt!?h hand?. Front dispatch?? also ' state that th? Ctosat Canal ha? been I crossed near St. Simon, e.-ht miles j ?Outhwest of St. Quentin. St. Simon! f?ll to the French yesterday. Added Indication that Ludendorff deem? th? hour ripe for a final stand 1? seen in ht? d?y report, which ?ays: "We are in contact with th? ?nemy on tbe Vcrinand-St. 'Simon Crozat Canal." A Universal Service staff correspon dent with the A mei ? cm? "south of the Alsne confirms tonight what has been ; ?aid in ttieee dispatches for weeka? ?That th? pro?peelhe German stand is to be made backed on the bulwarks Douai. Cambrai, \a Catelet, St. Quen tin. Ia Fere, Laon. The ensuin, week therefore, ha? in ?tore one of three thing??one of the fiercest battle? of the war. In which the German? are resolved to fight to the la?t ditch, principally In th? fore field ot Cambrai. St. Quentin and La Fere, the three bulwark? moat closely menaced; ?*. virtual discontinuance of the silled offensive, with Foch con tenting himself with hl? triumphs ?f this year until he can strike with fresh, full force next spring, or an attack on an entirely new ?cctor a?, for Instance 'he German extreme left. In'such an attack Atnerlcens may again play a leading part. TURKS' PEACE CRY CALLS U. S. ENEMY ?_ Speech Imputed to Talaat Pasha Causes Surprise. Amitenlani. Sept. ?.?"All our en cm?)?, including America, vaili short ly recognise that there |? no sense In continuing the war." Taliat Pasha, the Tur?l?h minister of Interior. I? auoted hy the Vienna Neue Freie Zeitung at tiavtnf made th? ?talenient in an Interview, and aiidins that he was convinced ' fa orable conditions for pesce will arise '.lefore winter." The Turki?h statesman'? alleged declaration In iiself I? regarded here as merely another opening gun In the carefully prepared "pea?e-or-armls tlce-before-wlnter" campaign cf the central powers, but his allusion to America, which he Include? among "our enemies.' has caused a mild sensation In diplomatic circle? be cause of this manifest offense to a nation that ha? displayed euch long buffering patience toward Germany, ?tanchly re?l?tlnj stre ig pressure at bom? ??, a declaration of war. Germans-Massing 2,500,000 Men on Long West Front London. Sept. S.?Th? full ?trength of the German? on the who!? w??t front la estimated by a well-Informed authority at lea? than 2.SOD.000. The enemy ha? ? IM dl? Minn? ?ine? August 8. Thirty-two of the?? divUlons hav? be?Mi u?ed twice; three of them have fought thrice. The average ?trength of a German division Is roughly e? ? Imated at 6,000. When Ihe war broke out and throughout the flr?t year of the conflict. It wa? :9.00o. INDUSTRY LIST FOR PRIORITY RECOMPILED Supersedes Former Classifi cations; Defines Essential and Nonessential Work. The .priorities division of the War lnduMri*-s Ro^rd has compiled a new priorities list it declares to be "the master-key governing the flow of basis industrial elements to the irdustriee e?r-n*ia1 to tb? war pro gram. It supersedes all previous Hating" The new priorities list Is not only to be the guide for priorities In the supply of raw material ar.d in trans portation, hut is alen the basis for the guidance of local boards In ex emption and deferred classifica* in in the new draft, and the governing factor in the distribution ef lai or. capital, faciliti?*.'', material, iranspor tat'on and fuel for th*? Industries. It i? rxrlr-uned that ??** T. ?s fixed In Ibis crtfex. Includes the*e ?ndua rriei* deemed of "In fi n ?le Importance of tks product ?of ..-? ?vH-wr the war and urgency." whi?h. sgrun trans-1 latcd, me* ? ? that the industries list- | ed as "Class 1" will have all the, advantages of priori.? oW?ers in sup-] ply of raw material, in the trans- ; portation of finished products, tn the | deferred ria???? 'fication of labor. In the granting of loajis or pei-rnission j to Increase capital stock or make ; bond issues The other cIt^scs. TT. TTT and IV, it ts said, nre so near together that the line drawn bv the nHoritiea order' Is hardly to be considered, snd they are simply held, as a whole, above non-ei*srntial industries Fanent ??? riasalteatlan?. The real rriority list, the industries coming under the Class I classifica tion, is s.s follows: Aircraft, ammunition, army and navy f ? r sen a Is and navy yard*' ein? ' tonment? and camps?, arms 'small), ; blast furnaces (producing pic iron), chemicals -for war purposes?, coke i (for war pu-poses). domestic consum-j ere (fuel and electric en?!**y for resi-! dential purposes. Incluling apart- ( ment houses and hotels!, explosives ? (for war purposes*, feed, foods, runs (large1), mines (coal), oil and cas, pub-, lie institutions and buildings, rail- ? ways, ships (maintenance, op* ra tions and shipbuilding), steel-making furnaces. st<-*el plate mills. As Class II. the have been listed In the priorities onJer: Brass snd copper (plants engaged principally In ro.linr and drawinc copper, brass and otrer copper alloys in the form of sheets, rod?, wire and tubes), coke (not classified?, ? eran?* (plants entered principally lu manufacturing locomotive or travel ing craneal, ferro-alloys, machin*? tools, mines 'producing metals and ferro-alloy minerals), railways (not operated by government., steel rail UttU,' War and Navy departments (construction work), wire rope and rope wire. Class HI Is as follows! Chain (plants encased principally in manufacturing iron snd steel chair.). domtsttc consumers (fuel and elec tric energy not otherwise specifically listed), electrical equipment, explo sives (not otherwise listed), foods (not otherwise specifically Hated), ice mines (plants encaged principally in manufacturing minirg tools or equip ment), oil and cas (equipment or supplies), steel (exclusive of the taking higher classification), tin plates, tools (small). Class 1Y as follows: Rar?, hoots and shoe? chemicals ?not otherwise clas sified), cotton, drugs. farm imple ments, fertilizers. ?re 1>rick. food con tainers, insecticides and fimgj-cWes. laundries, new*; pep or s and pi ri ?.di calf, pulp and ? p*r. soap, t .nners. tan ning, textile?, tob?ceo, twtne. 'The inclusions of tbe industrirs and plants on this preference list docs not operate as an embargo against all others," the War Indtis trier Board states, "but the effect Is to defer the* requirements of all Other ;nduatrios and plants until the requirements of those on the prefer ence? ifet shall have been satisfied The paramount cf priorities the ?elective mobilization of the products of the ?oil. the mines and the factories for direct and indi rect war peeds in such a way as will most eff-ectivel" contribute toward winning the war." FERDINAND ANNOYED. Sharp Word? Passed Bcveen the Kaiser and Bulranan Ciar? Paris. Sept * ?It was not for pur poses of mutua ? c-oarfolences that th?? Kaiser and the Csst of 1? ,1 go ria met the other uay, it now ???"?elops. In stead of soft express,one of sympathy for the German reverses m the V"e?tM Ferdinand and for the latter" ? badly impaired health by the Kaise sharp words are said tr> have b-coa eachansed. ?? Fall of Mennessis Tightens Grip of French Forces Around La F ere. HAIG PRESSES ON ST. QUENTIN British Capture More Than Nineteen Thousand Prisoners in France During Past Week. ? .._._ . . Paris, Sept. 8.?The French have captured Mennessis. fire miles northwest of La Fere, and have reached the St. Quentin (Crorat) Canal, the war office announce?. South of the Oise the French progressed in the region of Servais, Ule statement says. Servais li? les? than two miles southwest of La Fere. Futher south (north of the Aisne) the French and Ameri cans held their positions around Laffaux and Colles against Germain counter attack?. Two successful raids were executed in the Champagne, where prisoners were taken. BRITISH PRESS NEARER ST. QUENTIN London, Sept. 8.?With the capture. Ute yesterday, of the villas?** of Villeveque and St. Err.?e. announced by Field Marshal Haig m his early report today, tbe British have moved their linei to within ux miles and a quarter west of St. Quentin (?t Villeveque) and live and a half mlies of Le Catelet (at St. Emile). This town is the main ?Hindenburg defense line, half way between St. Quentin ana Cambra Capture of these places marked ' further progress of nearly two miles en both wings of the attacking line, fronting the St. Quentm-Le Cate let sector. The greater part of Havnncourt Vlood. the formidable natorai position which has been holding up the British advance for days astride the B-p-ume-Cambrai highroad, alto was captured, Haig an nounced. Further headway was made in Fanders. The full text of the official day report follows: "By nightfall yesterday our troops had 'akerl Villeveque and St. Emile and had gained possession of the greater part cf Havnncourt Weed. "Local lighting took place yesterday evening and during the night east of Hermies (west ot Haarincourt) and in the sector west of Ar mentieres (Flanders) without material change in the situation. "West of La Basse? our patrols have made further progress in the enemy's positions." * NINETEEN THOUSAND PRISONERS TAKEN. London, -pt. 8.?More than prisoners were taken by ? the British in France during the first week of September, Field Marshal Haig announces ia his night report. On the southern part of the British attacking front the state ment says, the British have entered the arca o? the defensive ?yi tems constru teej by them prior to the German March offensive. The Germans rre offering ?nceae'd resistance along these pre pared defenses and sharp fighting has taken place at a number of points todaA'. The British have made progress in the direction of Vermand, Epehy, and Hcbcscourt. ? German attacks southwest of Flocgstecrt and east of Wul vcrghem, in Flanders, were beaten off. TEUTON RETREAT. ? London, Sept. 8.?Just a month , ago today the real "battle of IQ18" crashed loose with Rawlinson's stunning blow to the Teuton army facing Amiens. Up to that date I Foch's campaign, begun July 18, had been a counter offensive. Every hour of every day and night since the Germans have been withdrawing, retreating, flee ing, with the allied line of attack gradually spreading to a front of 140 miles, from Ypres to the west of Rheims. At last, today, the great Ger man retreat began to show signs of a halt. The enemy has his back t? the wall, a breach of which will *end him stafjering back to the Mcusc and the Belgian frontier. Indications tonight are he means to avert, or at least to stave off, ?uch a disaster to his armies of invasion. Tonight his center stands eist of the line St. Emille-Villevcquc, fronting the St. Quentin-le-Catelet sector of his "wall of fate." Both places arc in British hands. Heavy Artillery Action Along the Piave. Home, Sept S.? ArM"ery activity ?long the Piave, on the Asiago Plateau, anil ln the Canonica Val ley, wa? reporte, in today's War ?fflc? ?tatement. Italian filer? dropped two ton? of bom,? on an Austrlsn aerodrome st Bellune ?n, bombed the villa?? of jLI'n and a number of import?at rell dations from a low hei?tit, Berlin Admits Farther Falling Back. Berlin, via 1_?~a???. tapi S.?"S?u*h I of th? I eronne-Canibrm- road." ?ay? .o*tajr'* w?r rt-i'Oit ?vprni ; e_?wn?__."? operation*, ?? _?U back to west of the Gouzeauc Epeh> -Temp.*aux-.e-Gur>-aid. "?\atride the Somme we are in cost tact with the encm.v on the line rast of Vermand-8t. Simon-Crozat Canal. '.South t? the Ailette the enemjr reached our line east of Vsuxaillon. "West of the line Preroontre-Bran court and between Vauxaillon and th? westssot Va illy enemy attacks were re pulsed." W. S. S. ORGANIZATION FUT ON NEW BASIS Recommendation? by \ anderlip I? ?adopted to Co-ordinate Activitie?. Change? in th? war aavinara t>r? ganization to mak? it more direct. y a part of the Treaaury L>> partment and li co-ordinate Ita actlritie? with the liberty loan organization ?ere an? no-inced by th? Secretary of tie? Trea?ury yeeterday They are a re ?ult of aucKealiona to S>?cretary Mc Adoo by Frank A. Vanderllp j rea. idem of .the National City Bank of Ne?? "lora, aas? chairman of the Na tional War Satine? Committee. At ? re?ent the War Saving? Com mittee con? of a chairman an? four member? ai?pointed by Mr. Mc Adoo. and ha? *ix regional ?dlrecsora. each ?uprrvulng activities In two Viderai Re??'rvr distri? t?. and fifty i?o State director?, ?ach of a ho a? directs tbe operation? In hi? Siate. After a conference be??een V.r. Vanderlip ansi Mr McAdoo, M? Van?, dirlip rocommerdid "that tri? war aavinar? organisation? be re -?*?i.ise?l to conform to Federal Rewerve Jn trlct linea, the ?iovrrror of the Keer eral Re-evr-ve Bank In ea?.n dietrtct to ha?e general ?ur?orvl?lon over aH war ???ri?e? attlvitie?. occup> in? Um ?*iim> relat an ?? the w.-r ??Tin.-, organisa? ion that he now doe? M tb? liberty loan organisation. Secretary McAdoo ha? approve?. the??? re?coa?rinendation? ?? a? l?*u Int Instrualon? ti the ?jwnor, cf the Reaerre bank* accordingly He eipwt? altlmately to consolid?t? th? war aavsntr? and liberty loan orean Isa Hum? la otM war loan organ,:a tlon to hand?? ali war f.naac? acur?? tic*. ' .MI.?..