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FOOD OF ARMY TO BE TESTED Laboratory for Guarding Against Poisons Installed by Quartermaster. A food tasting: laboratory will be Installed In the central office o? the B'jbeiatence Division of the Quarter master Corps, according tn a state ment issued by the War Department yeeterday. The laboratory will be provided with th? equipment neces sary for testing the finality of all food products. The addition of thia laboratory to the machinery of the Subsistence Division is a part of the program of unceasing watchfulness that non? bnt the best foods are pro vided for th? army. All fooda specified for us? In the army will be available for demonstra tion ?t all times In the laboratory. The services of a "number of chemists will be required for food testing. Open Oet-aber Feed Bids. Bids on the October food require ments for the array In the United States will be opened n?xt Saturday at 12 o'clock In the office of the Quar termaster General In Washington. Prominent Item? in the subsistence requirements are: 1.163.700 pounds of white corn meal. 671,000 pounds of yellow corn meal. 2.128,000 pounds of Issue salt. 174,908 ?gallons of issue syrup, 297.31S cans of baking powder. 2,S49.eoo pounds of issue soap, ?T?.'?? botti?? of vanilla extract, S3.90-6 bottle* of lemon extract, and 1.011.294 cans of assorted jams. riekle Offer, Laekla?. The subsistence division of the Quar termaster Corps has received bids or Community Center News Outdoor motion pictures in the stadium of the Central ? High School tonight. Community dancing in the ar mory and outdoor, dancing on the stadium promenade. Instruction in swimming and Classic Dancing Club activities. Social dant'inic indoor and out door at Thomson Community Cen ter. Twelfth and L street? north* west. Miner Normal Community Cen ter. Georgia avenue near Howard place, free motion pictures and social dancing. Rhythmic Players* Club under the direction of Glenna Smith Tin nin will meet In the Propagating Gardens near the Washington Monument. "This club is prepari!?*?, to present the Masque of Monda min at the Central High School on the evening of November li?. It is to be rhythmic interpretation of the Spirit of the Harvest. ! les? than lOO.ooO of the ..30,000 gallons of small picklea required for the men | of the army overseas. l_argr_r pickles than those specified by the army specifications will be used to relieve ' th? shortgae until the new crop Is in. The use of vinegar made from watermelons is being considered by ! the subsistance division. The water melon jin<f?~i is regarded as a splen did product, and the cost of production is leu than that of cider vinegar. SOCIAL REFORM LAWS FAVORED Federation of Federal Em ployes' Convention Opens in Chicago. Th? second annual convention of th* National Federation of Federal Em ployes opened yeaterday In Chicago, with addresses by John Fltzpatrick. president of the Chicago Feder.illon of Labor;-E. J. Nockels, secretary, and Misa Agnes Nestor, legislative chairman of the National Women'? Trade Calori League, according to a telegram received at the federation headquarter? in Washington yester day from Thos. H. J. Qulnn. director of publicity. The convention will deal not only with questions affecting the civil service, but will probably endorse an after-war program of mea?ures to re lieve the expected industrial crisis. A resolution introduced by J. O. Gur ley. delegate from Washington Local No. 2. will ask the convention to study and promote legislation for old age, health and unemployment Insur ance, minimum wage legislation, and encouragement of the back-to-the land movement by taxation of unused ? agricultural tracts. Endorsement will also be asked for readjusted ln | come, Inheritance and excess profita taxes after the war, to redistribute the burden of government, and con trol of price? of necessities In order to protect the worker and the con sumer. Wan? Retlre??e?t Law. A? applying to the civil service particularly, it is expected tint the convention will provide for a broad organization campaign, measure? to bring about reorganization of the I civil service on a stral_'it efficiency I basis, the immediate passage of a retirement law. and of the Nolan I minimum wage bill which is now before Congress. Last night the women delegates I to the convention were guests of I honor at a dinner given by the Na I tional Women's Trade Union League. | Wednesday night a^ma.s meeting I will be held, with addresses by President Luther C. Steward, of the National Federation: Mrs. Raymond I Hoblns. president of the National I Women's Trade Union League, and 1 other?. The Horrible Handicap Of Poisoned Blood The Innocent Suffer Even Unto toe Third and Fourth Genera tions?. But Relief Is Now in Sight. it has Inn?; been accepted as a matter of course that the sins of the fathers must oe sufTered by Innocent posterity, yet it is hard to become reconciled to this condition. The heritage of physical infirmity is a handicap under which thousands must face the battle of life. Scrofula is probably the most no ticeable of the transmitted blood disorders, though there are other more severe diseases of the blood that pass from" one generation to an other. No matter what inherited blood taint you may be laboring un der. S. S. S. offers hope. This I re m efe- has been in general use for ' more than fifty years. It is purely v ?retable, and contains not a par ticle of any chemical, and acts promptly on the blood by routine all traces of the taint, and restor ing it to absolute purity. Some of the most distressing cases of transmitted blood poison | have yielded to the treatment of S. S. Bh and no case should be con sidered incurable until this great remedy has been given a thorough . trial. S. S. S. acts as an antidote to every impurity in the blood. You can obtain it at any drug store. Our chief medical adviser will take I pleasure In giving you without cost ? any advice that your individual case f requires. Write today to Swift Specific Co.. 433 Swift Laboratory, i Atlanta, Ga.^-Adv. The Washington Herald ONE CENT DAILY TWO CENTS SUNDAY The Family Newspaper The Herald is the home newspaper ? father's news paper, mother's, sister's and brother's. It is the newspaper that gets the news and gives it to you straight. Its arrival is eagerly awaited each day. The Herald is a well proportioned newspaper?every taste and need is considered and met. There is food for thought in its columns, as well as entertainment for all. Make The Herald your newspaper. Have it deliv ered to your home and office. Call Main 3300 and enter your subscription. i he Washington Herald IT GOES INTO THE HOME ?. Tissue-Paper Hair Ribbons Will Help Uncle Sam Win the War Tissue-pa^er hair ribbons. Just a? good-r-and you can buy Cut?a Sam's thrift stamps more abundantly. / Most of the schoolgirls in Seattle are -guilty of this new fad?guilty, beoause it means saving the pennies, and thus helping to put Wilhelm In the ash-heap, which, you'll admit. Is a shame. Silk and satin hair ribbons are expensive?and short-lived. Tissue paper ribbons*- cost only a aong?well, a trill. You change your paper ribbon daily and look as fresh aa a daisy. If rain dampens the orna ment. Just spent a cent for another one. Delightfully simple?and patriotic. TWO YANKS ROUT GERMANS FROM MOUNTAIN VILLAGE Hun Troops Evacuate Stronghold When Dis covered by Two Privates on Yolun tarv Patrol. With the American forces on the Lorraine Front, Sept. 9.? Two lone American privates prowling behind the German line in Alsace on volun tary patrol work forced a whole com pany of Germans to evacuate a small mountain village nearly three miles behind the lines for more than six hours. The story was first learned tn its entirety today by questioning German pi isontrs. Several days ago two privates Jones and Bourke are their names? asked permission to go on a patrol. They left our lines at sunset, mai, their way easily across Na Man's I-and and entered a ravine between two mountain posts held by tho enemy. Once they approached within a few yarda of the German outposts but they skirted it and continued on their way through the valley making rapid progresa. Seeing none of the eneinv patrols they made their way four I kilometers (two-and-a-half miles) be I hind the German lines, when suddenly they found them-selves In the out skirts of a village. In the clear starlit night they saw Germans moving about in the streets. "Let's take a pot shot at 'em," said Bourke. "You're on," replied Jones. Whereupon the two Americans, far from reinforcements, turned their rifles loose and sent a dozen bullets rattling Into the main street of the' village. A wild yellng greeted the first vol ley. Germans were soon running about them. Several shots were fired in the direction of the Yankees who again opened fire. There was a light answer from the German riflemen. The Americans turned and fled to the darkness of the ravine as fast a? their legs could carry them. About midnight they made their way back to our Une?? The return was slower because they feart-d an ambuscade was prepared for them. They reported the results of their trip to the company commander and pointed out on a map the line of their prowl, finally fixing the village Into which they had fired. Naturally the commander received the story with considerable suspicion, believing the boys wore "stringing" him, but their tale was true. Our observers reported tHe village unoc cupied by the Germans, who were not seen In the town until late the fol lowing forenoon. This, too, was com municated to headquarters. Hut the two facts were not immediately con nected. Vinally the story of the two pri vates was confirmed when three Ger man prisoners were questioned. "Why did you evacuate ?- village a few mornings ago?" asked our In telligence officer of them. "A lot of your men or>ened fire <?? us one night. We thought a big at tack was coming and retired. Later we reoccupled the place after our patrols had gone up in daylight and discovered that no Americans were there." That was the reply of one prisoner. He looked exceedingly rrestfall?1!! when he lea rued his company had been routed by two Yanks. ARMY CLOTHING TO BE. PLENTY Gen. Wood Pledges Com plete Equipment for Every Soldier. There will be no shortage of cloth : ina; for the big now army io be formed from the next draft ts the pledge of j Brig. Gen. R. E. Wood. Acting Quar termaster General of the army. He aleo made public the fact that the government lost no money in the ; raincoat frauds. Two million dollars was involved, but the contractors were the losers, he said. "We cancelled the contracts and then what raw ma terial they had in process we com mandeered. We relet the contract? to new firms that" were not Implicated. It lost u? a month ?n production hut it 1? better to have no raincoats at all than defective ones. "The troubles In equipping the army last fall were partly due to the fart that they didn't know where the m.i tertal waft. We have a *to?'*< report now. At the end of each month we know all the clothing in the State?, from the factory to the man's back, and just where it is. We have a military program. i "Suppose there are ?.,?,??? men call? il in October. Thirty days before, the general staff notifies me of the dis tribution of that draft. We notify the camp quartermaster of the num ber of me?i coming. They look over the stocks on hand, and if they are short they notify the Depot Quar termaster of their requirement?. If ] the Depot Quartermaster ia short he ? notifies us here in Washington, and j we order shipments direct from the j factories to the depot and then out | to the camp. Greater Strata ( omina;. "After this month there ?hould be 2,000.000 men to be called between October 1 and July 1. . Our greatest strain Is going to come in the next three months. "We have got to outfit the draft? called in September, Octo ber, November and December. The staff gave us a program in Marcii be fore the Picardy drive that they were going to call about 100.000 men a month. They changed thi? to 1?6.000 the ffrst of April, to 300,000 the first of May, to 250.000 the flr?t of Jun? and to 345.000 the first of July. ?'Now mind you, that increaae alone was more than all the September draft but In ?pite of that we got the stuff, got the troop? and outfitted every man that went overaea?. "Every man get? hi? woolen outfit before he goes over ?ea?. They don't carry any cotton equipment over there. There are ?utflcient stocks over there to ln?ura every man having a full supply and we are continuing heavy shipment?. *We will ship 1,000,000 blanket? thia mAith." Regarding; officer? uniform? th? general ?aid that the government wu? buying cloth and letting contract? for the uniform?. If tha officer? want to have their uniform? tailor ed they may buy the ?tandard good? and make their own arrangement? with the tailors, but the govern ment i? seeking to get a ?t?ndni.l price on officers' uniform?. Heady made uniforms should b? suitable I for about ninety per cent of the Ionic-is and effect a big ?u.lng foi them, GROCERS WILL AID FOOD HEAD Association Pledges Help to Administrator for District. The loci! food adnjuilstiallo;! in Its determination to obtain the most beneficial results possible from the fair price list will have the support and co-or'rntlon of the retail grocers here. in a statement Issued vesterday by the Retail Grocers' Protective Asso ciation, local retailers are urged to apprehend those who may be guilty of violating the order of The adminis tration. A mass meeting haa been called by the association for Wed nesday evening at 8 o'clock, at Per petual Hall. ' % Wilson Addre**rs Meettag. Clarence R. Wilson, Federal food administrator- for the District, has signifi?e* his intention to be present I and address the meeting. It is ex pected other officials of the adminis tration and officers of the association will also speak, r?an-, art beSng completed by the local administrator for the listing of the local stores as "minimum'* or ??maximum" and selling at the maxi mum pr'ci quoted on lb- .hi? pr'ce list w'll be segregated from th?-?**? selling at the minimum prices. Lach* grocer will have a sign ?KatVg 10 which class he belongs. Ko isewivrs will be celled upon to buy at the lowest icssible price. Foo? Administrator Hoover hr>s ar TaCunced he stands behind the local administrator and will give hiri. every possible aid ln bringing about the best conditions. With this powerful baekln. it Is expected that the fair price Uet will be som*'what bette? observed than previously. SUOTH BACKS CANAL PLAN Intercoastal Waterway Fa vored by Southern Com mercial Congress. Following the suggestion offered by Governor Dorsey of Georgia at the banquet held at the University Club last nig At, the Southern Commercial Congress has called a conference of leaders in the commercial life of th? south at Atlanta for <>? roher 14 to discuss plans for presenting their in tercoastal canal project at the con vention to be held at Baltimore, in December. In a short address delivered at the banquet the Governor briefly de scribed the plan as a scheme to con nect the South with the East by a Fla., to Saint Marks, ?anal running from ffaint Marys, W ill Redare r^ianu Rowte. He declared that the plan was not merely a war measure but the'logi<-'al sequence to the Panama Canal. He pointed out that the profKMMd water way would cut the distante to the Pacific by 300 miles. The Governor has been in Wash ington for the last week to lay the plan beore the Southern Comm-rcial Congress. He ended his addiess last night by inviting the October 14 con ference to meet in Atlanta, wh??re he promised the delegates thoy would be wol'Oirif'l by the whole state. Senator Hoke Smith of Georgia as sured the members of the conference that Congress would not hesitate to provide fund? not only tn restore our (lag to its place on the high scaa but to maintain it in that position. He pointed out the fact that the pro posed canal would be of great assist ance to this country In our trade with South America after the war. He suggested that much of the work on the subject might be done by return ing soldiers. An invitation to attend the annual convention of the Southern Commer cial Congress In Baltimore next De cember waa extended by Mayor 1'resston of Baltimore. The economic advantages of the intercoastal canal were emphasized by ?, G. McLedon, secretary of the State" of Georgia Senator Fletcher of Georgia spoke of the great advantage to be derived from the diversion of trade from the congested ports of the east to the south. Other speakers were W. T. I Anderson, publisher of the Macon j Telegraph, and Charles II. Hall Davis of Petersburg. Va. Clarence J. Owens, j manager of the Southern Commercial \ Congress, presided. 'lu* sts at the banquet were: Hon. Hugh M. Horsey, governor of Geor gia; Senator Duncan V. Fletcher, of Florida; Senator Hoke Smith, of Georgia; Representative Larsen, of Georgia; Representative Parke, of Georgia; Mayor James H. Preston, of Baltimore; Clarence J. Owen?, managing director of the Southern Commercial Congress; William H. Satandera, treasurer of the Southern Commercial Congress; Huprh E. Phillip?, chief cerk of the Southern Commercial Congress; Mr. Rogers, director o fthe Bureau of Census of the I'nited States Department of Commerce; Hon. S. G. McI_edon, sec retary for the State o fGeorgia; Hon. John N. Holder, speaker of the house of representatives of Georgia; W. T. Anderson, publisher of the Macon Telegraph ; L?. A. Frodock. member of the Georgia house of representatives; Capt. Seaton Grant land, member of the Georgia house of representatives; Hon. C. A. Rick er, member of the Georgia counsel of defense; Hon. S. B. Btown, mem ber o fUie Georgia counsel of de fense; Mr. J. A. Becker, MaJ. F. E. Callaway, Charles Hall Davis, of Petersburg, Va.; Hon. J. H. Small, chairman of the House Committee on Rivers and Harbors; C. H. Stauf fer and F. C. Elliott. NUXATED IRON Idf? D. II R Te Cm ! Till Ua _???? j ? i 11 I rwrw i ??? i? I Ik a i ? ? ??alikT ? ??I (-?_??' T?a?? Fill tl l_a.V,? >??' V,. sb_ D"*. Pr*t_tn?nd ?????G??? York Pfcyaletan tnd Medic*) Author, aayi phy??_un, ahounj preaenbe more orf-nie iron?NnxMedlron? lor ibe-r patient??lay? ??????-iroOaietici. ,.,-??,_,, ,h- irrjint curte to ibi bea.-h ?U.nrth. vitality and beauty of tbe modem Amrr Icm Woo??.? Sound? waminr if-inat gsrof ot tante ifoo which may injure tbe teeA. eorro-tie the atomaeh and In ?K>me est?t thereby ?io ?ore bara than rood, *+riot*w*MO?only nuxmieoiron, taken ihr? lime? per day after meat* It will merest* tbe w<ntf4b ind endurance of wok. nef,__?. rundown ic-V?. in two ?e-fcrtimc in BttViy ti**taacet P-n-mW ht aft frf enttttm. FOREIGN FOOD TO BE STUDIED Experts Arrive in England to Analyze Food Problem. A committee of men skilled In agricultural problems has Just ar rived In Kurland accordtnt? to the De partment of Agriculture, to study i food production in England and on ; the continent. The use of machinery, assignment 1 of labor In farming operation and the | livestock situation will be the princl ; pie things taken up. ^ I The personnel of the committee Is '? as follow?: Dr. W. O. Thompson, ? chairman, president Ohio State I'nl verslty, Columbus Ohio: Mr. Carl Vrooman, Assistant Secretary' of Agriculture; Mr. R. A. Pearson. [ president Iowa filate College of ? Agriculture and Mechanic Art.?, Ames, j : Iowa; Mr. ?? F. Hunt, director of the ! Agricultural Experiment Station and j dean of the College of Agriculture. ; University of California. Berkeley, I Cal ; Mr. D. R. Coker, farmer and j member of National Agricultural ? Advisory Committee. Hartsville. S. C. : Mr. Wm. A. Taylor, Chief Bureau of Plant Industry. V. 8. Department of Agriculture, Mr. George M. Rom mel, T?hlef Animal Husbandry Divi sion. Bureau of Animal Industry, V. S. Department of Agriculture; Mi j George R. Arao. specialist In cotton ? business methods. Bureau of Market.?, j U. S. Department of Agriculture; Mr. ?John F. Wilmeth, administrative assistant. Bureau of Markets, De partment of Agriculture. The committee will secure -renerai information regarding food production conditions in* England, France, and Italy, so that, when they return, they will be able to reveal the needs more effeqUvely to the leader? of agrlcul ??t??? the T"nited States and to farmers generally. They will also study agricultural problems In England, France, and Italy, including the use of machinery and the assignment of labor In farm ing operations, the live-stock situa ! tion. the depletion of herds and the ?j probable extent to which Europe may I' call on this country for lire stock to replenish herds, the seed situation and the probabilities of securing supplies from Europe, and similar matters. Tke Typku? IB Jerusalem ?'Jerusalem has not only many cases of typhus, but the doctors lay the disease is on the increase,'* says Theo dore Waters, In The Christian Herald. "How can they help but be? Filth and soualor among the Inhabitant?-, ?conditions unsanitary to the last de \ gree. People living as they did a ? I thousand years ago It is not the I fault of the present suthorities. They ? , have done all they can up to date to ! ?change matters for the better. But! the Job is huge?bigger. In fact, than' one can appreciate without close In vestigation. It Is the heritage left' by past rulers. ?"Onturieg of fatalism I and oppression have left the seal of I ? their influence upon the people and 'they are not to l?e ?-hanged In a day." | DON'T EXPERIMENT W!TH| YOUR EYES There Is no necessity?we are offering you the best optical servie? obtainable. F,XAMI\ATIOW FHF.F?. GLASSKS AT. -DONT MISTAKE ??? AI>DRE?s ?13 7th St. K. W, * Opposite Klfia's Palar? $1 & up 'iL>Bl>s iV. a la????. BERMAN OPTICAL CO. PATRIOTS U\?i# 4S REGISTER ??;,~?; ???????? MI ?T. To Save Your Rugs iHOOVERo U**M? PmC?Itu. ui<? h m '???. :ii.i - ?is the belt, because it more than merely vacuum clean? It beats out imbedded grit, ??weeps up stubbornest-clinging lit ter, Crushes ' the nap to its right position, and rejuvenates the color ing. And not only doe? it thoroughly clean, but suction dusllessly car ries away the dislodged dirt to a place of safety inside the dust tight container. ??UI Styles and Sixes?One for Every Purs? from $47.50 Up Complete ?et of additional detachments it de sired, $8.50 EASY TER.WS IF YOU WISH To Take Off the Chill /fedlite frai* &, Thi? clrctric beater is especially adapted for bath and dressing rooms, nurseries and offices. It is substantially constructed of pressed steel. Price. $9.50 Call at your earliest convenience and ask for a demonstration of both the Hoover Sweeper and the Hedlile Heater. D".? 3?)*??????1.<?*1. ^ tteJk iiliOO ] The Store for Thing? Electrical. Everything for the Motorist. FROM STUDENT TO CHIEF OPERATOR THE student at a telephone central office does not handle calls from the public until she has thoroughly mastered the brief course of training. She is then assigned as a junior operator and her work is carefully supervised by senior operators and supervisors. In the profession of telephone operating there are many opportunities for advancement open to capable young women who demonstrate that they have the necessary qualifications for higher positions. There are, in addition to regular operators, senter operators, supervisors, special operators, "Informa tion" operators, assistant chief operators and chief operators. ? Vocation To Be Proud Of. See Miss Gregory; Room 308, Homer Bldg., 13th and G Sts. N. W. /0?"li ? \ THE CHESAPEAKE AND POTOMAC TELEPHONE COMPANY When Ansnering Advertisements P?cese Mention The Herald 1