Financial News and Stock Market Quotations
Oversubscription Anticipat
ed by Financial Leaders,
_ays Holland. ,
In a llttl? over two w?ek? from to- ?
day th? natlon-wtd? campaign for tho
?ale of at leaat (S.000.000.000 and j
piobably , worth of lib-]
erty bond? will begin.
Already th? banks In th? larger,
financial centers and. to a consider
able extent. In the rural districts ar?
pr?par_i_ for this graateit piece of
government financing that th? world
has ever known.
There appear? to be no doubt about
the ?ucee?? of this lion snd U would
not astonish some of th? leader? of
th? financial district? If It were over
Th?re are many reasons why Secre
tary McAdoo and tho?e who ?re act
ing under hi? leadership are con
vinced that th? floating of this loan
will be? as conspicuous a success aa
has been th? ease with the placing of
the other liberty loans. Chief among
the?? reason? I? the co-operation ot
the hanks ot the United States. A
beautifully perfected piece of machin
ery has been established whereby the
banks of th? country can. acting In
co-operation and ajmost as a unit,
facilitate the marketing of thla loan.
In the next place It Is the belief of
the financial leaders that much the
greater part of th? funds received hy
th? government In payment for the
earlier liberty bonds has beeu paid
out- Therefore, there should be no
lark of fund? when the appeal Is
made to the people to buy the fourth
liberty bonds. Thus over and over
agetJt-Tnoney received by the govern
ment **v those who have subscribed
to llbertv bonds Is returned to th?
r-eooa.? In the form of payment f?r
rorf_a1?adilie.?. for army and navy ex
rearaa??. and for the vast induatrial
output which the war ha? made nec
Tn ?he third place there prevail? a
belief?"that the people of the United
Starte* now well understand what an
Investment In a liberty bond means.
'Viert the first liberty loan wa? of
f"??, to the people probably M per
? errt of those who were aakrd to ?ub
???? had little or no conception of
?Mt. lavestment in a bond of anv
kin?! ?leant In the far West and
e?najcfs_|y in t_? Northwest that
sreatt body of salesman who under
took '_> market these bonds among
the* ttrmer?. discovered that there
wa? almo?? a unanimous belief that
the Tatsrehase of a bond meant an cut
rigltfvei-t of money to the
merrt-^axaotly a.? a subscription to the
Red; ?rbss fund meant a gift of
rfiosnw* to that fund.
\ \?ti.? of Bead Owaera.
Wfc_n the Second Liberty Loan was
??II ?*nder way it was discovered that
the nasople had learned the meaning of
? n"4*ave?tment In the safest security
?he world know? and that It also
means the giving of vital assistance
to the? government ln this time of
war. All the reports that ha* e been
received from other parts of the coun
try Justify the belief that this Fourth
Liberty Loan will be speedily absorb
Tbe I.M anal the Xer? Tin?.
These ?nay be some hesitation on the
part of .tbe. corporations and of those
wha receive large Income? about the
ep??-nt which .should be subscribed by
th.m to the Fourth TJberty Loan.
That will be due. however, entirety to
the relation of the tax laws which will
he passed after the liberty loan has
been absorbe?!, to that loan. Many of
the corporations will not know until
the tax bill has become a law ho*v
great a proportion of their earning.!
will he absorbed by tbe new taxes.
That I? also true of those who are
fortunate enough to possess lar.e in
A Piehlria.
It la. In the opinion of those qual
tttm? to speak, going to be a far
moie difficult problem to apportion
the thirteen million men wh-a will
be included in the new draft law
to the various services of which
the government will have need
th.m It will be to float a Liberty
loan of Se.OOO.OOO.OOO or even to per
fect the greatest tax law any nation
has ever adopted and then to pre
pare fer the payment of the taxes.
The question which arises in con
nection with the utilisation of the
entire man power of the United
State? between the ages of 18 and
a)?, is regarded here as perhaps the
most difficult which the govern
ment at Washington ha? been called
upon to solve For It Is ?aid that
th? absolute and complete with
drawal of thl? manpower for va
rious services, army. Industrial and
the Ilk?, will inevitably tend to
deadlock various Industri?? and
much of th? retail and merchan
dising business of the country and
also to impair our gradually In
creasing commer?a with Latin
American countries. We ar? speed
ily to hav? ?hip? in plenty ?o that
our trad? with South America can
be facilitated and also it will b?
po'Mhle to utilise the ?tore? of
wheat in Argentina and Australia
which are now lying Idle for lack
of shipping.
The new law has given much con
cern to th? banker? of the United
States because much tbe greater part
of th? clerical fore? of the bank? Is
mad? up of men between the sges of
71 to 4*. Some of tbe banks In this
rity have already taken time by th?
forelock and ln?talled women clerks
There I? no doubt, however, but that
Gen. Crowder and his subordinate?
will be able ultimately to adjutt thl?
new demand upon the entire man
power of the country between th?
age? of I? and 4* ?o that while the
army and the Industries associated In
maintaining the army will be ade
oustely enlarged ?nd supplied, never
theless, on the whole the Industries
snd busln??s of the United State? will
not be seriously or alarmingly Im
paired by reason of the authority
given by Congre?? to ih* government
to rail upon everv able-bodied man be
tween It and t? for service of one
k nd and another.
MISS -,? ? ? r-?.h. ?Tal?; ?aerar? rfctlpt*.
?_* Snaith.rn. 45
G? EFSE-Near Tort ?Hat? facto-, am. S.
?G????-????? rrint. 54; Blft?. tub, 59,
???aria??. 45
MT! POCLTRT-B~.t?i. prr Ik. ?;
? --??t? taer In, _: aorta?;, r?' IK,
?la?, lare?, rarr Ib. 35?-I: l?e?ta. yon??. IS ft?,
?rati i,aa. ??.
rafttssED POPLTRT-ie?.h ki'ied ararla?
ehirken?. _?5?V tsrk?*.. per lh. 43?,: roost.?
per it*. ___- *..?.. ,?? rb. _aW
? .HgKN KTtrrTS-Ai-lrt. ran bbl. * ?sarta?:
*a? # TS.???- C-,1,??> ,? l?m.-n. 3.00.7 ?J:
?a?!?*!?-, per ant?. rintalooaaaa, ?? 7 ?_,.??: ? ,, G??GG.???. l? to 14 in rr?i_.
TV?l.nj: rv.rr.?i? ?ran??. t.Mf.O.m. ?it?.
?tinn?. aVal?: raitnni. _afi? Haai mar?k
tn ?-raati -rrtw. U?4a_r.r?. _?MM: Mitin
!??__.? Cone?at 1 73a__?
Vt'lKTABLrTaaAl.? Po'"???.. No. 1 1 ?Sa
S a? at? baV ?Je. 1 _?__ re ltd bbl : atri?! !
I?i"? r-r b?r. <?,.*_: ?Mar?? er?I? **? |
II: ?*r?. er??.. ].*_?_??: r.r!i?bM. baine,. __;
cnemllbr? *.?** ?"*hi.*?r ??plante TVal ??
???? -abb?. ?? ?? ??. ; ?ta?.?? berta.
*?? *' '__:-? ter 1.4?:
t~_,t-m, Mirt,. T5? ;.?. fett, laWja. vm
Nuirt, do. 4.5OHQ0 par ?>bi,
1 uto ; '.nu bernas, p?r qt. ?a?, aart-et po
uto-M, ? I*" li p? bbl., celar;. ?Ha? par
UVE ?STOCK-Sh-aap. per Ib.. TU: \mmom,
i^nn-g 17. calraa, par tb., ISaU; tu e-di urn.
14*17- ? ram?n, par Ib.. lfi, h?"!*, he*?) l9tD.
^UH R?! Oarer. ;. OQaE.50 ptr buahel
a talk? t l7.Mmlt.-9 per buahai. cntnwo
cltmr. Urtali? par Dua-fca. t?otfaj, 4.?
per buaba-1; rM top. .5.00?;-?? par 10T lb?;
- l'iafTa? S.OOeiW; orrtur-l, ?aaJ.X . ?
faifa. 12.-WiU.0l>.
?iHAlV-Wh-Mt. militar. pCT bukhtl. IBll?.
ram. par tu*?. l.T-Sal.?, oati, whit*, u? '.
-a* oo. do. nr*. T8ar%: do, miiad, old, 74a
'-*, do, do. a?*. "**V tur. No- 1. ft-is. No. t
Higa Low. CloM.
Ad. Rumi?,. 6, - ?
Ad. Kmaln pi. BBS
Aieaka bohl. ft. 1 J
Allii-C-halmen . MS 31 H
American Ola.. ?a?. US ?5.
American Can pr. BS R\ ?44
tarali Cai k Fdry. r ?ri , ~. ,
Amanean Hid? * "Leather.. S*. K IIS
JUaenoao Hide * L**. pr. a?'. ?E V
American lo? pr. ??! . SOS 80S
' nari .:? InteraAtjoria. ISA, W SI
tawicu Lineeed. ?IS ?lia ?1*4
American I Inaart pr. :*G. '?, 'e.
American Le?rniDotire. H ? ?
Amanean Malting. SS IS SS
Amartela Um. * Hat. TI?? IT TTS
American Steel Wry. ttS UH UH
Amonen Bufar. 1? IV ltT
American Sumatra. Tat 120H lBH
a??vm Tri. k -Mac. ?TH WS IM?
Amanean Tnbaroo. M?1?. ??? IBS
Amarlcan ?'ml?. WH SIS MS
Anvriican Writing Papar pr. a K. les
Amanean Une aa Leed. 1?S K M
Atchiao?, .-. SS BH BS
Atctnaoo pr. w ?* ?S
A. o. * wm 1. lots :? m
Baldwin Lucomotiie. at BH BS
Baltimora k Ohio. ?H ? ?
Barrett Co. M M MM
Barrett Oo. pr. W 1? !B
Bethl?*em Steel. BH WS MM
Bethlehem Steal Claaa B. .. BS H M
Bethlehem Steel I pet. se... IM* IM? 1???
Booth Fiahmee.. tTH SS rTS
Buna Brothere.. 1?H lttS 1?*S
Butta Hupenor. BS BS ?a
ralifomia Pkg. ?B, ??S ??
Canadian radilo. HU 1? )<?
Central Leather. M ?a ?
Cara da Paar?. ?? ?? ??
Cheaapeake * Ohio. W ? IT
Chi.. WH. A ?*??_ Pr-.? . ?. HH ses ?
OHI. Mil. * St. Paul pr.... WS 'IS ??
Chicago * Northweatem. ?MU
Chi.. ?. I. ?k Pad?c. ?WS ? ?
C . R. t. * Par:*; f pet. =r. W ?S US
C. B. I. k PacUc T pet pr. KH TIS TtS
Chile Copper. 1?H 11 M
Chino Copper. SS MS 3?%
Ool. Purl * Ir??. ?7 ??H ?IH
Columbia lia.. ?? MS 3?.
ron. Gaa of New Tork. ?? a? ?
Continental Can. IMI ? ?
Cora Prodoeta. ?S UH ?IH
Corn Produete pr. Wi 1?0S IOCS
Crucible Steal. ?TV UH ?S
Curan Cane ?.ufar. JOS JOS 30S
Del. * Hudeon. UI HO II?
Den * Bio Grande pr. TH TH IH
Dutillera' Seen. Si. BH SS?.
IWa? Minina-. IOS ?S IOS
Erie Railroad. UH UH 1S\
Erie 1st pr. SS 31S IH
Erio M pr. TJ D 21
Gaaton ?V. A W. SH ? SS
(?maral Cini?. ? ?TH CS
| Gen. chemical pr. IVI lOOH MOS
General Eleetrle. I? 1? 145
General Motora. ITI?. 121 1X1
Grano? Con. Min. M f. st
Great Northern pr. StH ?CS ?t
Graat Northern Ore. M * 3?
Greeua-Cananea . ?S ?H ?rs
Gulf State? Steel. ?? ?SH MH
Illinoi. Central. KS UH MH
Inspiration . ??S S*T? S3
i Internare?!!*?. . ? ? ?
( Interborough pr. S2H S 91
Int. Agr. Corpo, pr. ?? IIS ?IH
Int. Har. of N. J. 1? 1? IS?
International Sfarino. ?TH **\ 26?
International Matine pr. IB mi ill.
International Nickel. SH 2BH 2IH
I Paper. 3*V Sit. TH,
Kan?.? Citr Southern. 1SH '?S US
Kennecott . J?H 3G? "tr.
I.ackawanna Steal. ? ?AH (UH
Lehigb Valley. (I IOS UH
Maxwell Motor. G? SH 9?
Marwell let. . ? 5?H St%
Ma? ?)??? Store?.....'. MS SAH HH
Slerlcaa Prtroleora. IBS IMS lois
Miami Copper. ?%!??,??>
"Multale bteel. S3 e 5!S
Mo. Kan. k Tei. ? M. SH
Mieaouri Paeille. tt M M
Nat. Eo. 4 StPf. S'.S SI ?
Nat. Lead pr. Its lot 10?
Nera?!* ??:???!?. ***S JOH ?BH
New York Aire Brake. 13 13? las
New Tork Central. 7?? TSH T"H
?. ?. ? ?. <i Bartford... ??S ?t ? ,
?. ?., ont ? wo. as as as
Northern l'idee. ?SS ?IH ?OH
Nora Scotia Steel. IT ? t?
Ohio Citi?? Gaa. 3*H SS SH
Ontario Mining. Il 10 IO
<>?an Bottle..... ? ? ?
ISni?.;nii:a. M UH ?4
Iliiladelphia Co. B S ?
l'ierce-Arrow . ? ? ?
Ilajce Oil. . Il UH 1SH
Pitta. C. C. * St. Lenta. ?OH ? SO
I Pittabunlti Ooal. MS M M
l'iti?. A ?V Yiriinia. 3d\ MH ?\
Pitta k ?feet Virginia pr... ?S TI TI
l'raeeed M?l Car. t? t? H
Rr. steel Spring,. BH 6?? BH
Reading Bailwar. ?OH BH BH
l:-p. Iron Ai otre?. UH BS ?OH
Kojal Dutch. IDO BS ars
St. Louie al San Fraudano. 11 11 1]
Su Louia A San Pian. pr.. ? ? ?
Su? Motor.. . t IH ?
Seaboard Air Line. ?S TV TH
Seaboard pr. 8H ?S JOS
IBM Oil * ?. 32 31S )1S
Sloes-Sheff. pr. 10 ? ?
S. Porto Rie. Sugar. 1? I? 125
Southern l'adflc. aTH ? tt
Southern Railwaj. t5H BH BH
Southern Railear pr. M _*S ?%
Studebakar. BH BH ??S
Tena Cop. A Ct. MS 1?H 1?H
Texae Ooa._. UTS IS LB
Tidewatat OU. I? m ?
Tobacco Produda. ? ?H BS
Tbbaeco Prodoeta ?. ? ? ?
G??? PadSa. IS IS IB
G cio? Pacane pr. BH BH BS
Cnlted AJloT Steal. ?, ih Ut
L'altad Cwar Srorea. US ITO, IMS
l'citad Drag let. ir u aa
IR f*. Caat Iron Pipe. 1?H lis li-,
U. S. Ckat Iron Pipe mt.... O? <JH ?*?
G. ?. Alcohol. IS l'.tS ! ?i
G. S. Bobber M. IMS IMH .WH
C. S Steal. 112 I0TH IBS
G. R Steel pr. IBS 11IH lltS
IUh foreoer. as ? BS
Virginia Carolina Chata. ?? M M
Waha-Ji . IS ?H IH
Weatitigbouae . ?IS O 41
White Motor.?. BS ? ?
Willra-Orerland . BS SS SS
I U'oolworth . IUH 111H I11H
] Woolworth pr. 11? UI 111
I Phlftdelpbia, Pa. Sept. I -. Prieaa aal tbe
loral produce market today ranged aa follow?:
I BCTTER~Fraah. eolid-peoked craamarr. aa
| traa. lie; hltrh aeoriag goo-la, Staito the latter
! for lobbing aalea: ntra arata. ?He; Orate. OS
1 ?50?-* aeoonda. BaOTHe: awaet exeamrrj. cholo?
? and faner. HaJ?c. fair to good. staste: ladle
I racked, aa to quality. SeSo: packing etock.
'?air; aravial fane; branda of printa jobbing
1 at Saue; e>,Xce. Mo; fair to good. KaJSc
L?;G?. Searhr ftrate. H.Balt TO per eaaa;
? nearby ciment receipt.. 13.BB1I II; aecond?, lit
?US: Inferior lota lower par oaee; Weatark.
extra Orata. H teil :o per crate; do. Arata, 13J0
anil par crate; accouda UMOallS: Inferior
Ita lower par care; fane? eelected. carefully
andled egga were jobbing at sSaBc per doaen
LIV* POCLTRT-Powl?. Malle, apring chlrk
ena laot Leghorn.), according to quality. taaXc;
?hite Unborn?, aa to ?uality. aaste rooatera,
Sale: dueka P-klna. ?raring. "ea3Jr; do. old.
rtejee: do. Indian ninner?. TTaSc: fuBeaa,
per pair, weighing :sa2H Ihe ? taw? Meati 1?.
aauller ataaa. IteBe; pigeon?, old, per pair.
JOaJlc: do, young, pit pair. Saeta,
? POTATliKS-Hhit. it?tatc.e?. Nortolk. per
bbl. No. '.. S.Sa?Tf-. No. X 1BUM; Caitarn
Shore, per he?. ?a ?, ?LMal?; Na. t. totas?;
Jene>. par H-btuhel b?ket. Na ], l ?jal 15:
No. *. Befar: Per :!Mh hM. Ne. 1, lita? M:
No. 1 ?- "? awert potato??. Jener, per
baeket. ?? :. I.ael?t; No. t Tirai.1?; North
faro- i.a. par MH, No I. IMaiM: No. t
I Sal?; culla. 1.0?: Eaatern ghore, per MX,
No 1. IMaa.00, No. 2. 1.BU.S
? New Tort, Sept. I.-BLTTKK-Stroof, r?
oripti. 13..M packacvi. creamery, higher taaa
??etna. *53??4 : cnunrr, ratraa ? ?cor*?, SB?
5-"*. fi!?#:?. IMIH; packing mw, trurrant mala,
?No. ?. ?
HJU?-:?t#ndT ; reeeiyt*. ?? curt: fra*5
i*th?trM, aWam*? SlaS <??. fegniir packed, as
tra qi-tu. 4iaM: do. flrau. Ha.7; (Mate, f'-nn
* !??ni? aetl otmrby Waatrro heoarTy. wfittea,
rii? tn fanrj. Made : ???, d?, browoa, --M?-s., do,
.??'?"-,? htawna iteti mixad onion, * a."?..
? ? P?E- r'.rm, re*vi\*M, ?OM? bot-M; etaie,
irrth myteuiK **aff*. do, f-ara?? wa. WarnM*
Unpatriotic Efforts to Profit
Will Be Investi
New York. Sept. 9?After four
hour? of virtually stagnant trading
today the professional element In the
last hour conducted an eminently ?uc
ceeeful bear raid. For th? benefit of
the?? raldera. however. It can be
?tated that the ?tock exchange* po
lice committee I? ?till very much on
the alert and that -unpatriotic at
tempt? to profit from what som? con
elder is a weakened market position
will b? de?lt with vigorously
Th? raid, for auch It was. was due
to th? restriction? on loan? Imposed
on broker? at the request of the
money committee and which ln turn
Induced, the professional traders to
reason ln effect that tf they couldn't
buy ?tock? they might a? well sell.
But long-headed market students felt
that with conditions Intrinsically
sound the fortunate people were
thoee who purchased the stock? sold
Among th? ?ctlve Issue? profe?
slonal bear tactic? were most ef
fective against were U. S. Steel.
Baldwin and Tobacco products, each
declining mor? than two point?
from Saturday and more than three
points from th? day'? high.?. The
whole list, all thing? considered,
held up well tn face of the raid
which wa? a??l?ted in a news way
by a pessimistic government condi
tion report on the corn crop and
cable? telling of a stand being made
by the Germans near Laon.
Stocks that acted well were Ma
rine preferred. Virginia C. C. Dis
tillers and Gulf State Steel. In
these issues the buying; Is believed
to be good.
A possible explanation for the
constatent strength and activity ln
New Haven cropped up In the Di
rector General'? plan for rehabilitat
ing the Boston and Maine, all of
whose stock is held by the Boston
holding company, and a substantial
part of which belongs to New
Haven Reading declined on? and
three-eighth point?
Sew Tork. fiept ? - -A fur suffi-ring a sharp
break follt**>w_ng ? Ann *t*rt. the rotten mark?*!
recovered |n ih? fluii deslf'.gs today ind ended
Initial quotation? W.T* _at2 p".nu high-, on
fairly tu-titr burine bmsed 'on Arm rabte? ami
a_M*rtfona that government*! prie? recul?t ion
vu remote.
Id th? ???t afternoon the market dupla y ed
an eajrr nodatrtoo? a* th? result of New Or
leans ?nd other Southern selling. Tin? prr*
aiir? carried price? off ?ite point?, with Octo
ber Belling at M T> Toward tb? close, how
erar, r?ffering> Ml off and the market developed
a Arm ton? aa buying by Liverpool and spot
house? and local covering. Price? were finally
steady ?t ? net decline ot three point, to an
advine? of twelve potata.
There were do export? for the dav. Tor the
aeejion to date the clearance? amount to 310.
730 bale? agafnit *?,?2G bale? In the correspond
ing period laat season.
Spot at Xew Orleans waa ateedv her? today
wirb middling He lowrr at SS'?*: the tale? were
1.967 hale*. Spot her? was ste?dT and un
changed at 3145c. for middling; there were do
Receipt? at ports:
New Orleans. 3.351 : "tavannah. S.MR: Otia_tea>
ton. 3_T: Augusta. 1*34; St. Louis. MO: Gal*~?
ton. ..Ml; Mobile. 1?; Wilmington. IS; Nor
folk. 131?: nnwu?. ItSSI.
Furnished Th? Washington Herald by M. !..
r??rrrnter a, Co,
Seer York. Open High, Low Cttva
Ja??" ? . SS.? 34.IS -?li? 31.0?
Mim ? . ?. ?. 34.1? 3?._3 ??.?
Mav . ??? 34.1? ? 30 33,?_
?October . 34.70 34 TO 34 30 M 70
j December . 34.00 M 30 33.55 34.12
j New Orleins. Open. Hirt. Ix?w C?oMl
I January . E "0 3300 3117 3_._?
March . JC.90 33 (? T_._0 3_.W
October . USO 32? ?? SS ?t?
December . ?50 32? 37.35 31?
* Special to The Washington H. raid
Baltimore Md.. B_pt. t -CATTUB-Reoelpts
for tbe week ende-S noon today were 7,f__ head
i ?gainst 5.772 bead last week. Receipt?. 61
? nrload? tot market for tbe week; 14G cvioada
| for markst today. Choice ateces, steady; good
? tMtc-ben, quarter tower; medium te common.
hilf low?; heifer?, half lower: cows snd bull?.
? ateady; quot? ateer?. ahoice, 17.00sl7._5; good
? butcher. 15.l0k._00; medium. 13.00al3SO; com
| moo. ?JO?1!.?: heifers, choice. 12.50il3._0; fair
-to good. Ht.5Osl_.00; common tc medium, S 90?.
! 10 00; bull?, rhoic*, 10.30H1M; fair to good.
iLOOalDOO: common to medium. 1.00a. 5?; cows,
? choice. t.75?10.00; fair to good. S.00a9.00: com
moo to medium, 5 00a7.M
SHEEP AND LAMBR3 - Receipts for th?
week ended noon today wen 11.028 hesd igiinst
| ?.?? head last week Mr supply : marke*
?trong n? good stock ; other? duU ; quote sheep
' 1 aoall St; lamb?. 10.?0?1?.75.
? HOGS-R? for th? wtfk ended ooon
today ware I ?1 heart again* 8,781 head laat
week. Waal tup^ly; mark?, higher; an-ota iME&t.
Wettern, ?.60; haavy. a.?; inga, ??, rou?bs,
OAlABS-Bpoaipta for tha weak ended coon
tOaaf wera ?.yju head f gainst ?.'?-t? bead It Ft
aefk. Ltbrral aup-plj ; prima veil* ttca-dy >
other? lower; Quote calvea. ;o,O?al9.30.
New York. Sept. I.-Declinea on the Ml
tajerd rauaeri a throwing orer of curb ?tock. to
day. Aetna Exploturea, Wright-31 erti p Air
craft. I'nited Motora, Submarine Boat and
other ifeuea worked to lower letels aa a re
nil Block? were quiet and aligh?y lower.
Mining rtorke were dull and without feature.
Bid. At??-:
Aetna R?duction .?. IDS IIS
Air Reduction . S TO
Amencan Writing Paper com_ I *H
Atlantic Petrovleum . ' ? , IS
lianietl Oil. HI ?.
Big Ledge . H 13 1?
Bingham Mining . t .13
Koeton and Montana . 43 M
Butterworrh Judaoa . M ?I
Oledonla Mining . ?4 M -
Calumet and Jerome. IM? . ;- ?
Canada Copper .1 It-M t
Carbon Steel . lit i.ti ;
CM lAght and Poaer. IH 2H
Charonal Iron ....'.. TH IS
Cherrolet ..'. IS IB
Citte? Serilee . St till
atlea Serrlo? pfd. Il ?
Comolldated Ariaona .1 til 1 US
Conaolldated Copper . ? is SS
Coadan Co.?. IS <S
loaden pfd. SS IH
Crampe . Tt M
Creaeon Gold . Tt M.
Cryetal Copper . H J-M
Curt?a? Aero . M ??
I>a?>e-Dale . 5S IH
Denbeigh Si|rer . t tH
Elk Baaln .Hi?. OH OS
Kmeraon Phone. IS IH
Kama Coppat. 2 3
Federal Oil ./if..'. IS tH
Kirat national copper . IH XS
Glen Bock . 3S 3S
Goldtleld Conaolldated . S ?
Green Montier ..'... S H
Guantana?o Sugar . B S
Holly Sugai . S S
Holly Sugar pfd. M W
Houston Oll . TS Tt
How? Sound . tH IS
Hull Obppcr . W ?2
International Petroleum . :.'? , 1JH
Island Gil . 3H 3H
Jerome Verde. H ? ?
Jim Butler . M W
Jumbo ExtenaioD. I 11
Keyatone Tire . II tt
Lake Turned?. . 4H IS
Materna Copi?er . S SS
Marlin . IS ? ,
Maauo Valley . 4H t
Maxim Munitiona . S 111
Merritt Oil .X. US BS
Metroiolltau r?-trole:im *.. IH IS
Midwcat Oil com. . It M nil nid. 1 IH
Mlitwr-t Henning . Il? Ili
Mitchell Moteta . IS 40
Motherlode . 1. S
Nipuaing Minea ?'. IH
North Amencan Paper and Pulp 3S 3S
Nortliweatern Oil . St M
Ohio foppet . H lt-ll
Oklahoma ? ni Co. . 1 t
Oklahom? Pnd. and Befg. Co .. *H IS
Okmulsee Oil . 2S tH
i Pad tic Gla . 31 34
l'eerleta Motora . 14 If
Hay Hercule. . ?S IS
Bed VVamot . S S
Rale, equipment . 12S 12a
Ht. J.'Vi-li Ixwd . . US ltS
Sapul[?a com.;. l'i - ??
Seqnovah (til . S S
Sinclair Oil . la 11
staidarl Slotora . I.', 1JS
Submatine Corporation . 1G tri
Sucrci?a Mining . Il ' 12
Tonopah Extension . JH 1 lit
Triang1? Film . a. S
Tri Bullion . H V
L'olt?d E ?tem .J 13 14 S 1HI
I*. s Light and Heat com. JH t
U. S. lAght and Heat pfd. t . '.S
Initrd Motota . SI J1S
l'Qitcd l*ri?lt snaring . H S
G. S. st??amahip . IS IS
l'uited Verde. tT S
Lotted Weatem OH . S S
l'oued Zino .'..?. S IS
Victoria Oil .,. tH 2S
Vfa.lanJ Oil .:.....?..: 2?. : JS
Wright Martin Aero. TH TS
We? Knd ... .?Smit^SS* I I 1-1?
("hieagrt. ?Sept. ?.-There were further gaina
in the corn market Tod*? on tmiller offerings
and improved buying h? avorta. Net advance?
were \ ?nd IS- And whiia tba heat price?
of the day men not well held, the uoderwr
rrnt wad Htr-on*.
There waa a dispoeitioo on tha part of trade?
te neri i?\\ during the dar be-uaute of the
ap-pearanre of the gnremment September re
port, which waa made public immediately aftf
tha do*?* ut the teflon. Tba bnyiof waa t<*d
by short?, and aelhng waa main); ba thoee
having pronta, trae of tha bulhth factors of
tha onrn market waa the promlae of froet
for t. tug ta in ?ome of the Northwaaterm Stata?.
The government report on nata a? made pubi'?"
late toda*- Indlcatad a crop of 1,(77,000,000
buah?Bl'? mm pared with ,.??.???.??? a month ago
and : 587,000.000 hush-Hi a year ago.
Tl't crup of ?leat waa estimated bv the
government at (W.000.000 butbela rompa t-ed with
=?77 W0 000 bushel* a month aro mn? 661,000000
bu?hel? a year ago.
Baltimore, Sept. 9.-WHEAT~Firro, No. 2
red winter. 2 36V. No. t red winter. Birli-^ky.
2.T?V re-ceiptt, MMK; thipmerU. ?,19T.
?TORN?Firmer. G-notj-act yellow, nearby, 1.70
to 1.75; receipts. J.564; th.ptnenta? 3.7?1.
OATS?Firmer. No. J whita, new. domeeUe,
:^'fAt. receiptu, IT.MS; afaipnenta. 104,000
RYB-Stiedy. No. 2. Weau-rn. axpprt. new.
}.70; raceipta, 1,813; thipmenta. none.
HAY-Flrm; good demand. No. 1 timothy,
per ton. 3^50a3: No. 1 rtoaar. miiad, 30a? V?
?-OtR-Dull; unchanged.
WaduBftoD Stock E_c____e.
After C_1I :
10 C?niul Traction ?t _.
Bid. Aikerl
U. S. ?.?. a*?? .
?. ?. coniali! I?. a*>*4
U. s. resin???- 4?._. *M_ .
U. H. coupon 4?.?. 10% .
D. C. 1.?? . ?
Ubenr Lo?n -*ie.101 7?-1 te .
i*onaer_t'!? Liberta ?,??? 4?.K 04-1 OD .
Second Liberty J-oan t?.94 ??? .
, Tllir, Libaartr l"?n 4a>? .99 0.100 .
ilat l'on?. Libert* Loan 4*?? ....?.?ion .
[3d COOT. Libaartr Loara Ra-. at> M-10? .
Georgetown _aa A.. M
WaUiington Qaa *. . Mai ...T
, rnlurobia Qm and Electric ta. M _
Col. Oa? ?tad Bet. Deb. i?. T5 Ml
Cpitil Traction S. . ft. IDS
VltlroL-liua ta>. IS ?6
???> II?v. and tier. 4a . ?-a ?0
???hing--. B?lto. and An. la.. II .
I Poto__e Electric l'<-? a. a?. ?_ U
; IMl.rmic a_eetric L,,uji ?-. 96 .
I I'rttfsnac Electric I'owrr ?.. ajr_
' r.iomac Electric General ?a. ?AH ?3*.
rtieaaprake ?nd Potomac Tel. Sa . ?f*i . Tel. and T. >!ga 4?. ??% TS
? Americo Tel. and Tel,a. 4Vi?.... ? M
; Ain. Til. and Tel. ftl. Tr I?. at"?' '.? '
Am. T.I. and Tel. con?, ta. Ms, M'.t
1 Aroaiicin Granbophone tat 4Ja. ?0 '.?
fD. C. Paper Mf< <a. M lot
; Waahlngton Market la, 1?T. K .
| Waahlngton Market 5.. 1M7. ?S .
I W. U. Cold Storage lai. M _
I Sec. Sturate and Sate Dep. la. ??
? Sorlolk and Wiih. Steamboat la.. ;oo .
Hi?ra Retltr la (Ions). M
| ltii_s Realty *a (aborti. af
L'. _. ?rally S?. in .
Capital Tractiotf . M>. . ??.
Wellington Rw*. and Klee, com . ?? * M
Waibington Raty. and Elee. ntd. M 7?
Norfolk and Waib. steamboat. ist 17?
Waahington (la.. 51 .
(nliircbja Gaa and Elrctrfc. ?A
American Tel. and Tele-. !7*A .
Merganthiler . Ill Il_
t_n?ton . ft?
Lanaton Scrip'. ?; , ?t
American. l i .. ..
Capiul . SI
Commercial . l?l, l_
Inttrict. I?
l'armera and Mechanic?'. ?Jey .
, Lincoln . ja? .
' National Metropolitan . _? .
< Rigs? . KB 441
Seaaoav! . U? ; a
National Bank of V/aehinffton. _
American Security and Tneet. _5
National Sarlcta and Truat. _?, .
Union Trwt. 1?0
! Waahington Loan a*l Traut. . _? Sal
1 Cootinantal Truet..?. US ]??,
Horn? . m
, Bank et romtnere. and Sating. . 17
Watt Wiihingl-n . 11
Security Sarin?? and Com. ITS
'Arlington. I
'; forcer?- . . M
? Firemen'?. 19.
I German-American . ?40
laV-_a_al r?4cB . M
deal ?alila .
i'hipln Sack? .,.
. 1>. 4.'. Paper M_. Co. M
, McTch?pt*' Tranafer and Storage.. 101
! .Security Storage_. 1st
?. H. Realty Co. K,
Waabington Market . :C\
Ralttmorr. Md.. l*?-pt. ? PHe? n? the loc*l
?, niaiiaf' tod??* ringed a? fot If??*:
| BtTTER?Western e_perMo_, emtr*. Wat*?:
t first?, 4*c; Western prints, Va-Ib- extra?, tas
! (*: firsts. ?Suffc: ?TaMeOal umil?. 1 lb eiU*?.
j a.4*. .fimU. 46jl.c: pe_.r_9 rrrsiincrv .xtrw.
tjtUc: ?r$t% 41s4_e: dairy print?. Marrlsn-i.
? ? tvmgilnniig ?od Wr?i_is. ritta?, 3C*X-c, Br,__.
'.??"r- etnet ?-f.
; riitlS-Wesrem M-iv-lio-V l'e-n-rivaf.!? end
jrtfaVbr. ptTdot, fln?U. ?V: Katfera ??ta
; of Alarjland sod Virrnia. per doa, Knta.
i 46c; Obi?, pec do*, flr-t?. *V ? Weet \ irrnia.
per do/., 4??(*?; SoutiH-rn i> r*h Lar-.lni . per
dut. tints. 44c.
? G??.\???? (P?-tatoea tell tv 100 Tb?, ?eifhtl
Old. We*-tcrr? Maryland and l'enr.jyltanta, t*
I ROa?i.00: do. New ?ork ?* 1. S3.OOa3._S; a?W.
! Norfolk. ??*?. 1. bbl, $4 _0?500; do. do, No
' 2, bbl. U-Oa-M? do. Tor* Riicr. No. 1. bbl.
' 94.00*4.50; do _ta?tern Hliore, btot $4 00?'. a?;
: awi-*ets, yellow?, north Cervina, per bbl, I ??*?.
_ 50; do. Be M em ?htnw of Mani?"'- and Dela
'ware, per bW. $5.00s5 50; t???, fancy, brtfht.
' per bhl. |4.90?5.??.
Apple?. Eastern 8h- r nt Maryland per
; :M, ? Vka3.0-; do. ordinnry. bbl. |1.__?_.??;
do. hajf-berrel basket, r-cal 5?; do.
1 Maryland and I'ennfrManis, packed, per
'bbl. $5.00??.??; bean?. rati?e, irreen. per bir?bel.
91.00: do, do. wax. per bushel, $1.06? 13;
' beetjt. native, ? ?er btinrt, laSr; cat-bagc. uatlv*.
per 100. ?.5OaT.00: rtntnloutica. native per h**
ket, 30c??:.-?; celery. Hew York, per do* stalk?.
! 4*^a0fc; rom native ,. r do?, lJ^?-; CU
' Caimbers. native, per r+%cb has. BOsOOc: daxoeon?.
lid md Vs.. prr PMCJ b*_ket? $1-7d?-.?. do.
| IK ?alOr; esSpUnt?. r*ti?e, pel cntt?, ?. '5??;.00;
! do. native, per basket. _nr? lettiti, native, per
I bushel box. SmOSOc: do, N-w York, per box.
I $KCOal._e; lim?. berfTi?. per .'-VI. $2_?!G_-G?; d^.
4*4 basket, ?6?:5c; do. buUed. per lb. 2??_- .
j ftoMr.?!. New York and Weettrm, r*r 100 lb?.
lJ2.50e2.75: do, MirrUnd ?nd Pennsylvania, per
| f lb?. ? _5.i250. pear?, Maryland and Virginia.
jRartlett, per basket, 73ca$140; do, do, do, per
hamper. $????_.5?. do. reerl? .Seckel. [#r basket.
I 75c?*?. JB; do. KierTer. p<r h?mper. T5^s41.W;
? peachc?, __a_t*mt Shore, ver beiket, Tlrwtl S;
Ido, do. per box,* ?1 flBsl 50, do. do. per carrier.
Victorious march itfro
0.50 M?
viUtLt iN'eERUr-t
/25 MI1.ES
W ?al 75; do? mountain, per (?aba baakac. W?w
al?, do. do, par 44 baaket. ?.0*1.71, do. Ao.
B? ?trier, H?a3.00; pepper* naUra par baa
ket. Sai* , Mjua?:. Mttwi , <*r ??? k ? 3a?r
?iHnatoea. Bastern Shore o? Vf.?, -j-er !?**
ket, -Wa-SOc; do, natlrc. p? heaket. ??aSdr; do,
do,'per measured buahel, 9?r?$..?0, wturmelont
K.?rKia p-er rar, KDH...1S?.
UVI llH'LTIi??Chirtma. tpnng. ]% tDd
Z lba ararafa, ver lfc, J&a-Hc: co, ...,. .-? '
? Ib?, par lb, 36c; do. ^o, ?W to IH Iba, per
li?, Ma?c; do. White, i?r lb, 3*tX<.?;
do, do, l?y erpre?, as to ttte. per lb. ?U2?k,
?a, oiii rooatart, per ti, 2ia2Sc: do, old ben*,
per lb, *; do, old Whit? Leghorn bene, per
lb. ?Me: dock?, iluecoty aod mongrel- jimna.
per ib. KaSc; ?o, Wbita Pekmt, old, per Ifc,
a!WOe ; do. j-uddle, old. per lo,-; do, a, ring,
S ita and ont. per lb. ?*e2>c; do, do, -mailer,
poor, per lb, Sa-Xc ; ntfeotu. old. par pair.
,???? do. )o*tnc. per pair, ?a?c ; ruin?e fowl.
Tounar, etch, tOaOk?.
Eanaaa ?tj. Hep?. I.-HOGS-Beoeinte 11100
liKher: bulk. Il ?al*?: hear;, niSamB; pack.
era and butcher?. JI.IDal.lS; liglu. II.:5a? 00
li?.. lMeaHl.?*.
CATn?B-Becel|Jta. T.tOD: Itmer; raime fed
?leer?. lT.Ball.TS; dreaard l?etf aterra, Il Ota*: C/0.
rkeatiem afc-ar?. T.SIaK.X: coev I.XallS:
?eifere, I.OOala.l?; atorkera and lerdera, 7.90a
Mil: iwll?. TMallW. raliea. ? ?13.5?.
SHEEP-HteeripU. 17,090; lower; lamia. U.S0B
173: Tearlinta, ICSOal?.?, wether?. 10.00a 13.??;
M. I/rola, Kept ?.-BOGS Receipt*. ?<*?
Lieber; litpMa. ll.S&aX.lO; pip. I ?.Teal?.?; relied
and butch?*?. HfOaJQlS, (nod hearj-, lHSa2).]5.
bulk, ?eoa-? 10
lATTl-B-H-crtptv 17,W; ateadr; natire beef
aterra, IlJ"*ela."6: > carlina eteera aad heifera,
"50815.?C; coaa. 7 5Cal-.50; a?. - ?er? and lerdera,
!50?12??; beef co?a and beilera, 7 SOaiS.OO, na
tire Kalte?. *.75al7.S.
HKEBP Receipt.. It?, ettadj; lamb?. 1? 00?
U.75; earea. .
Cinclnaatl. Sept I-HOUR-Re-eiota. SHU:
atroug; packer? and butcher?. S.Oia3I.M: rcan
muB to choice. 12.n0alS.7S; pig? and liebte. 13.00
a??; ?ta?. llOOalSfn
OATTUE-Bcceii.t?. .\4?; ateadr: eteera. 114??
liH; heifera. 700.12.S0, coite. (TSallSr); calne
ateadr at
SHEET-Rempt?. 3.300; ateadr at 3.??11.?;
lamb? ateadr at 8HualT-SO.
Plttabnrfb. Sept. ?.-CATTI.E Recalpta. 4.UB:
hither, aterra. 17.0OaIT.SO; heifera 10 00? USO.
coaa, 9?B*:200.
HOOS-ReceipH. 4.0OO: hurher: l.eeriea. a ?0a
B.50; hear; Yjrkera. ;i.tS?a.70. light Xorkera.
3t?a?l.?>: plan. n.S0a21.0t).
SHE El' and LAMBS Iteceipta. 1.100: higher;
Uv eherp. 1250; top lami?. If.
CALVErt-Bece:,??. 1.900; ateadr: top 1110.
?Mrs. Teresa Clayton Out an An
gora; Other Thingi.
For the second time within a month
a thief has Kot somebody'? "goat."
This time it is a valuable Angora.
the property of Mrs. Terea? Clayton
of 114 Anacostia road northeast The
"goat" haa been absent ever etnee
yeeterday afternoon.
Some thfef, with a couple of weeks'
wash on hand, visited the home of
Mrs. Ellen Ridgeway on the Canal
road, near the Chain Bridge, and
stole a wash boiler and a waahtub
A five-gallon can of keroaene was
also appropriated from the same
Joseph T. Barnes, of ?05 Florence
?tre*t northeast, was robbed of $40
worth of carpenter tools. The ?ois
were left In a building on R street
northwest, between Connecticut ave
nue and Nineteenth street.
A diamond ring; valued at $75. ?ae
st%len from John Murphy, of 307 C
street northwest. The ring has been
missing since last Wednesdav.
Mrs. M. r. Shrader. of 53 M street
northwest, waa robbed of an astra
khan fur coat vani ed at tX>.
?London. S*>pt. ? ? American wounded
? i II be spienti idly housed at a new
, military hospital near Southampton.
1 which, when completed, will accom
Imodate nearly ljaa\ The site com*
I prises )% acres, with half a mile
of frontage on Southampton water,
where fishing and boating will add
to the wellbein? of the patients. Ten
acres of vegetable garden will be
intensively cultivated, and the hos
pital will also produce most of it?
dairy r*-'iuirements, its bacon, -egg?-.
and poultry.
With the old Manor House, con
taining fifty rooms, as a center, near
ly ten aero? of frame hutments will
be built. The central corridor will
be 1.000 feet long, opening on either
side into tho wards, which will ac
commodate from sixty to 100 rat ?ente
each. Contracts signed by the Amer
ican Red Cros* provide for th-" -??
ing of tho hospital with abo?.? 400
beds available In six weeks.
Some of the beds will be located
in t^nts of the Bossoneau type, with
windows s^T in . the wall for light
and air. The hospital, situut-rd on
one of the most beautiful spots of
Southern England, will be the larg
est American military hospital in
this country.
Three-Card Monte Now
Great Irish Pastime
Dublin, Sept. t..
run riot among the working class?e
throughout Ireland. The peonie are
earning enormous wa^e*. and a lib
eral proportion is speculated on rac
ing and football mitcht?? Kvrn
shop girls and servant maids have
become patrone of th*? bookmaker.
Three-card men are ioiug a roaring
trade, and offer to bet in K?> and
$50 with their dup?"1?. A group of
quay laborera r?-cenUy lost more
than f 100 in as *nanv m.nutes.
So bold are th?? lhrc?--carl men
that in some ins*ances they s*t up
their stands in th? pn.iclpa1 streets
In open daylight.
Or Well-Done Lirer.
Poet (reading a book of Lowells
poems) :
Oh. what Is so rare a* a day -Jn June?
Friend (who knows nothing of
The porterhouse I ate at noon.
?Cartoons Magazine.
Cook Frank. J. Slavisti?, Phlladel
phl?, Pa. *
Robert J. Betson. VUU. N. Ca.
W. H. Begley, Soldier?' Orov?. Wls.
Newton M. Berry, Plato, Mon.
Clifford 8. Billow?. 8L Paul, Ulna.
F.. J. Bower. N. Minneapolis Mina.
James Cack. Philadelphia. Pa.
T. J. CaJiahan, Milwaukee. Wi?.
Benjamin Lo?in Calila, Bedford. Ky.
Adolph F. Carlson, Rock Creek, Minn.
Vito Catalano. De Trojan!. Italy.
T. Chamber?. 8. Manchester. Conn.
?. Champluvler. Skinner? Eddy, _*_.
Jacob Aator Clark. Eaaton. Md.
Elmer E. Cloud. Oreenup, It!.
Nichols? T. Cody, Revere. Man.
Leroy Cooley. Lo? Angeles. Cal.
Kdavard E. Craven. O
Ell?eo CueUar, Alice. Tex.
Charlea Cuahman. Broken Bow, Nebr.
R. M. Cutter. Mountain View CaL
Albln P. Dahlberg. Amery. ?*'!?
Casper Idolph D?hlby. Elevs. Wl?.
Edward F. Daley, ?allardville. Maas
Earl Depue. Crest?n. W. Va.
Fr?nk A. D?ttlaff, Milwaukee. Wls.
Alberts J. Dolven. IJttle Falls. Minn
Frsnk Domssk, Berlin. Wis.
Earl E. Domer, Canton.
Clarence Dosier. Clifford. Ill
Joseph R. Drought. Janesvrne. Wls.
Ezra Eby, Jones, Mich.
Arthur Erlrkson, Irene, B. Dak.
Selmer C. E?penlund. Mettonvllle, la.
John A. Fallstrom, Falun. Wl?.
Floren? J Fenton. Philadelphia, Pa
Harry Hartley Fieb. Kirkland, Wash
AWa A. Freeman. Psragould, Ark.
I. Furstenberg. Sioux Pan?. Mont
Edgar Girard, Louisiana. Mo.
Thorvald Granby. Poplar, Minn.
Clifford Hagen, Pelican Rapida, Minn.
Henry George Haugen. Chicago, 111.
Ray E. Hllscher. Lincoln. 111.
Sherman Hoover, Terrytown. Pa
John W. Hopkins, Forestport. N. T.
Howard I.. Johnson, DenTer, Colo.
Peter Jr*e Klopotek. Coster. 111.
IVnnJs Mallon, Detroit, Mich.
Thomas D. Mallory, Jewell, Tes.
William H. Mansfield, Racine, Wla
John Midgett. liOwland. N. C.
R. J. Miktilenks. Smlthvllle. Tex.
Anthoney Horkus, Showdy, Russia.
James R. Muckle. 8teubenvHle. Ohio.
Emil Neuhauer, Martin. N. Dak.
Cozmish Novltsky, Hudson. Msss.
George 3 Psul, Dlxonvllle, Pa.
Clarence L. Perry, New Waverly. Tex.
Carl V. Peterson. Minneapolis, Minn.
Clement ? Porter. Rexburg. Idaho
Harry E. Purdum, Glencoe. Minn.
Barton D. Robeson. Baring. Mo.
Roman Ryhinski, Elgin. Nehr.
Ralph W Shull, Montrose. Ill
Guy Smith. Summerflleld. Okla.
Cheater Steven?. Nashville, Tenn.
Oscar G Syke?, Derby. Vt.
A. R. Thoma?. Ellwood. City, P?.
William 8. Tower. Greenfield. Man.
Jame.? ?. Vanwlnkle. Broughton. Ill
Charle? Vanslle, Howe. Ind.
Ge_r?e Whalen. Hunlley, Mont.
Clarence E. Wharton. Decatur. IH.
William Weitner, Glencoe. Ohio.
I>-?]|e Williamson. Fort Collins, Coin,
Ben Wright. Guinea Mills, Va.
Jo?e-ph Bolensky. South Amboy. ? J
J. Bugeeda, New Cumberland. W. Va
Joseph Csrndonn?. Stoughton. Maas.
I-oren Danforth Duren. Jr., Endlcott,
Jo?eph French. Chelm?ford. Haal
ciancey Otho Greer. rrbana. III.
Roacoe R. Groff. Claremont, II".
James ?G. Hamilton. W. Haven, Conn.
Adolph Hang. Dalton. Minn.
William E. Hocken. Bingham. I'tah.
Richard I.. Hurd, Chattanooga. Tenn.
Jesse J. McAfee, Paige. Tex.
Frederick MeGowali, Lewlston. Mont.
^*ete Manasian. Brookshlre, Tex,
Edgar Miller. Sapulpa. Okla.
Albert Nicola, Pittsburgh. Pa.
Emil Petersen. Greenville. Mich
R. J. Powers. Charlestowrt. Ma?t?.
Emil E. Radtke. Sheboygan, wis
Georg?* C. Rauthenberg. Geneseo. Ill
Bryan W. Rhea, Sumner, Iowa.
W. Schli. Pmort Waahlngton. Wl?
Waller Schneider, Milwaukee. Wla
Gregg E. Trotter, Belle Prairie. III.
Foster ? Wart!. Inez, Ky.
Bert Watkins, Manhattan. Kan?.
Joseph B. Wazny, Auburn, Mich.
John D Welting. Bloomington. III.
Earl Whltcher. Melvem, Kana
?? oonrterl ?lightly.
Lieut. W R. Mayne. St. Ixiui?. Mo.
Misslag la Arilo?.
John ? Hennessey. El Heno. <JkU_
Benjamin T. Meeks. Pel'zer. S C.
Lercy Museelman, Argenta, I1L
George B. Parkinson. Silesia. Mont
Joseph D. Benway. Burlington, Vt
Wagoner Harley Ogden, Belle Plain?,
Huge* G Allen. Mt Carmel. 111.
Carl F Anderson. Bay City, Mich.
Williams E. Andrew?. Burlington. Vt.
Clarence L. Armstrong. Perry. Mich.
H. J. Beaudoin. St Epht?ge. Canada
Joseph A. Betka, Ludington. ?Mich.
Henry F. Boulanger. Fullerton, N. T.
Alfred O Brewer. Tuscola, 111.
Getle Brown. Rector. Ark.
Orelio Ca'inl. Detroit. Mich
Giovanni Cannone. Jeannette. Pa
Virgil Carroll. Indianapolis. Ind.
R.chard D. Casey. Clinton, N. T.
Nichela? Chrlstow, S. Lorain. Ohio.
.Tame? M Jackson. Mason City. 111.
Gerhard Johnson. Decorah. Iowa.
Jame? E. Lightbown. Whitlns?lile,
''?-?ir Lur?. May?ma, N. Dak.
William D. Manson. Boston, Masa
I.amt*ert E Post. Ca'.dwell. Mont.
Alf-ed H. Sanderson. Sanger. CaL
Morgan E. Welker. Harlem, Mont,
Arvtn Weatlund. Atweter, Minn.
John A. Wincrkl Steven? Point. Wis
Charle? E. Wood house. Victor*'. Wis.
Gus A. Ybsrzabal, New Orleans. ??.
A. V. Amyskefsky. Little Fall?. Minn
l'ari O. Anderson. Prescott. Wis.
George W. Raggett. Makatrda. Til.
Howard Brade.n. Macedoni?, HL
Philip L. Rrovold. Minneapolis. Minn.
Melville Cady. Freenfield Center. N. Y
Gus C. Carlson. White Park, Minn.
Harlow O. Clark. Winnebago. 111.
John R. Coburn, Vandalia. 111.
Milo Fessenbeck. Martln?ville. Ind
Cialde Fuller. Detroit. Mich
Robert C. Gibson, Qultman. Min.
Frank C. Oilbertson, St. Paul, Minn.
Herman Gulbranson, Duluth, Minn.
Bruce Harmon. Muncte, Ind.
Homer W. Hsrrouf. Murphysboro. Ill
Bendtk Hauan, Richmond Beach,
13 Selected
UR September investment circular gives short
descriptions of the following; securities:
Six municipal? yielding (rom 4.35 % to 4.85%.
Two public utilitiei yielding ?bout 7 SO '~
Five railroad? yielding from 5.70% to 7.80%.
There are listed also 'sixty-three other attractive
Send for DO-1*0.
The National City Company
Con obpe-ndent Office? in Thirty Citi??
Washington?741 Fifteenth Street N. W.
Telephone?31745 Main
Fred *A Lange We*t Holyokt a-a_e
George Mcloaan. Bac City, Iowa.
Elmer Miller, rtenaartaer. M. T.
Clifton ?. Mofflt. Chandler, Minn
Seal Morgan. Bt JohnSbury Vt.
Max Neubauer. Kmithvllle. Minn.
Thomas E. Nieleon. GilletL Ark.
Herbert A. Niamann. Ca&arburs, Wla
Michael J. Ob?r?t, Racine, Wl?
George W. Pllcrlm, Lyndonvlla?. Vt
Frank Pondoff. Toungetowa, Ohio.
? ???irr ?t ? ???.?? ? t? n?te.
Death? . ~
Wounded . I"
M awing . 1
Total . -
Enllated mee?
Death? . ???
Wounded .Uat?
In hands of ?-?ay. 1?
Mlwlng ._. US
?*- ?.? . J
Grand total . *?"-_?<
Th? following casualties ar? rep_Tas_B
ed by th? commanding _enei-al of tha__,.
American Expeditionary Forca? (?aa_H
eluded in above total).
Killed ln action . ? at
Died of wound? received In ae
tion . 4
Wounded In action (eeverety).I _
ToUl. '
Kille? la Aeta?aaaV
I? real..? I a ? .-perle. ?Ila_l_? I? ?fl
Bergt Rsy Anderson. Akron. Ohk
Hie, of WOW_a_l Herri a e? la * a-etaMB.
William ? Bulman. Philadelphia, S*?__>
Roy H. Busch, Low moor. Va.
William A. Hunter. Centrevine Mo.
Frank Sntder. Marquette. Mich.
Wama-a la A at IM 4te.?rely.) _
PTt Edw?rd Colberg, Deu?the Kralr._
Bmlge) Province, Oermany
?A ??Bate, la Aettoa <???erely ?
I're-I.eealr Re??arte? Ml?la? la
Pvt. William H Tal?is. fMluar. Mo
RetaraH to D?ty ?Altaa Oi___l__
?loa. Prealaawlr aWAe-paried nimm
Ima; la ?p??.?
Prt Wilfred Brunelle. Wan
The following correction? to yester
day'? casualty list hsve been cabled.
from American headauarter? to tha -.
W*r Department:
Previously reported killed In at-tloa*.
no?' reported wounded: Private?
Harry Arndt and Louis Bruno.
Prevloualy reported died of wound?,
now reported wounded?Sergt. Leon
D. Bunting ?nd Corp. Chara?? C
Ditch Hah S__d Drtfto.
Sard ta uaed. for rMlroad embank
ment? in many parta of Holland, but
much repair to lhe roadbed waa mad?
neceaaary by ?? - fact that the freahlr
piled aand drifted during the huh
winde. To prevent thia, tufta of eoera*
i!Ta*# have be?n planted along the
Hopea, and as the root* apread. a
wetl-aodded bank la formed ? From
the Popular Mechanic?
TW Safer*
ara ??_? taut So ?ait naeraate ??
rwbtai a_-#_aa? ot >_a -r._ ,
?nutete Fin? aree] al truan a??aa US?I
?aartaaa?ii aa?? a.? asa?! or ami ?aula a?
la? l*___t of Coeuaaba?, eenaaneu -aja>. ,
?daw- IrierOBe?t? ?ari oc o. ?aaaa-1 ??aas ,?
the ?Batanai 11??imuib?Ity taf laataevtoeja m
?_???__?. 1er taaeae Habilite a. ??a
? ipptr ??<? ir?BTte?DW ta ?mocea, frea? la??
oya?ari fiead for bax-fcaet. "OuiKW__g
Sw?rtlt*ll. Rl*rC,*TI k
Hen?,? Co.,
727 Fifi.*? ?vrrect H_rtfc-_a_
Anaco-tw Baak,
At ?aaai?>i?B. I? ?he Distrae? mt
< ?l.aaal.l. at the ele?e ef >a?lai?
Aoiaa.i SI. lil*
L s L_a_i aad __?usta la
eladlBf radieraitanta
e.r,,? thtaa. aboara
la b ?ad el.eVT-S-?
Total lea??. ?ft-V?
& OH?'_?tu, Ma-jred, ?,.M_i; ?a
eeci__I. (-.S . _iajaV
4. b Laberte ?aa beta?? ?a
Meda?1 .??_??
?. a Boada. ?aeurlnaa. ?re.
rather than I 6, 1B
-u.tan? prew-.i?< ?a
b Otber bo?da tea aataa?
peaataJ aaa_i_a dapoeta
I a a??
Total honda aaouriuaa. ?u .
other Uiaa 0. ?.. ?t- 4?
T. BiBkint . _,?_>?!
?. r,n_tjre and fl]
1? a Due from ? a I 1 ? ? ? I
laar.ia .
? Du. from all
bank? . But?)
- e.ana
_. (,ea_i and other eaat Itaaaa. ?MM
?. <_ah in ??. >???
IS. War ?anturi arrufieataa and tbrtfl
?arara artuallT oarard. aaat
It Other aaaaaa. if as,:
mi eoaa.
IT. (-sitai atora paid ta. Ila?
la. HurpliiB fund . '?"?'?
1?. ? l odiai.*?, profit?..? T.???:
b Lae enr?nt eaiartiara,
Intere.? and u.a. a?ad l_IT B
_L Amount reaariaul fo- taie, ?cmird St. M |J?
?La Atavriot uaerieal Ine ?U intentai
?cerned . . l.wa ?'
21 a ??. to silional ban?, f t.?9 ?
DeaaaiBd depoau Itraasoaiu pa arala
r. M d.ja1:
B InditiduaJ d?route aubaaet ? ?
chea* . ?,?>.?
M. ( emtveata- of .eoa?it due IB ieaa
thaa a da? lorhee tk?a tat
marara boero.edl. I.asar.
_. rerti_aal obeeka . ???'?'
? luilai, unpaid . '*"!tl
Total deanand depoait*.
Iteir. 3. ? - ?
-. _ a it- a. . ???.???
Time deaaoai? ? pai ?ble anar a
da?, ear ra?ble? u> M dar?' ?r
M DOtaerl:
S. Cerufoaie. of deroait Kallaer t_aa
f~ meaner berronedi. > ?A ? . ,
S Poaal Maina ?t?nail? . ?4 ? ?
M. Utlaer ttm. daapoauto. ??.??! ?J
Total of lian, -moula.
Ileana ?. ?. 13 and Jl; a
._ I_ab_l-ra rati,- Uaaa fiata? aaa??
?rated: Ita?t ?<?aaiat . ??'*
Tot?: .a?, atre ??
I>i?_irt rf < ohtmbt? ('tra .f ???Khiaarl,? m
1. ??_????> aV H L?TT. Uli? ?1 ta? .
a?are-nanaed hank, do ?aaemanla aatear tha ira. ,
abo*, ?tateme?! i. trae, m the baat e ma
knoaale*?e ao? or:i, '
RAtalOMi l. BI'HTT. Caaaaw
Htttawrlb-d aad aa?i tea baVrar. mal ima MS ;
_n ?f ?jaaptanbar. ?.
?. ? BavGBI.
Nesan I-bi>c
4Jb_?et Atte??
B. A G TUE?.
liBOKUB ?. Rl>8.
} r. I A_PBE! L
A. -__*?._ ____^