Newspaper Page Text
Telephone Main 3300 The Want Ad Department HERALD WANTS If a man is "thinking of buying property* he is a reader of the classified ads?nine times out of ten. thfjSIEherald _*a_M__4_i every "lay 'n the year by Th? Waa.llngton Herald Com pany at 425-410 E:eve_tfci ?treet, ?Vaihington. D. C . TeI?phon? Exchange?Call Main ISO* (For classified advertisement? ?*V; for Branch 1). Mem.?r Audit Bure?u of Circula ti0a' CLASSIFIED RATES ONE CENT ' A WORD '?':-.-*_ .? Charge, _Bc) W'f(__-_d H tip.. W?t_4u>4 iriitlco-.._, Wut fri ?.-rma ?a? Board.. G* ttemt Stetem.?. Wu?^ M -_c?E?r!too?..?... Foe Bale v.isce Itaeaoa.. Lo? tai tourna. Ton \tmem o* lot, om tima, throe eoo__>_i_t-Tt_ time*, Wc. Orer four Un??, 1 cent per word each or tb-r?? coa wentiv? i___?rri4__ij for tb? pr?? of two. HI Other * imeeltlrmtlomm? Per ?n?? ? HIM .-.? ?-t? 1 UJM? coiiaK_ttlv*l7.13 out? 1 times oot-t-CutlTtly.m.M ? ? tira?? cooMCQtlT?J7.?... ? ?* S or aw? tun?-, _??_?4a3at_1_?.T eenU _j;n___'j-D two line?. POREIGTf REPRE?EWTATIVBe THt ?. a BECKWITH SPSCUL AGENCY. Stow Tort one*._.IftMMl C-lUjuo Office..Triton? Bid* DMNtt Oft?.?.m Forti Bid*. -?. Lewi? Offkw..TbiJ-q? Natine*] B_j__ Bidg HELP WANTED?MALL CLERK- AND DISHWASHERS. APPLI ?OI E at. nw : ?tarad ala???; eood ho?_ aelO-? WANTED IMMEDIATELY?BOY or young man to do mimeograph, messenger and mailing work. Ap ply ROOM 119. Pension Bldg. It *XII WITH BUFILE TO SERVE HERALD la Cleveland Park eection; Sl?_o per month ot mora art eea__u9aic? best*. Apply CIR CULATION MANA'.ER. Herald la-Ice. ?aaVtt WANTED-JANITOR: PRIVATE SCH??-T: ?Beeilest ?alar?; bring quarter?; ?angle man, AjtJtJJ? 34h at- after i o'clock, aes-X SEVERAL GOOD BOYS WANTED to deliver lhe Herald; $8 to $10 per month; can make extra money collecting. Apply 1018 K st. ne, _?et WANTED?CONDUCTORS AND mctormen; wages 32 cents per hour for first year up to 38 cents per hour at end of fourth year; credit given former trainmen for previous service with us; age 19 to 50 years; permanent employm.?c to men of good character. Apply 2 p. m.. THE CAPITAL TRAC TION CO., 36th & M sts. nw.. Washington. D. C. ?eftat.t.-,_f,to "30 THE CAPITAL TRACTION COMPANY haa ratta??? IN MECHANICS ani LARHK HU1 ar rr; .:ri for main ?hop? and dit-ic? ear i_r_? Street rallar?? ?reek in *Ve_th.n?tr, l. elaaaed by tiie forera?ect aa ESSENTIAL coir: ?_N_t Attract*? arafea and free tranaporta?on ota? our lutea. Apple to MASTER MECHANIC at 100?, ?? M at. nw. I'l-U ROCTE BOY K11R HERALD ROUTE. AP 1 plj K. U. LEHMAN. TH*. nth na?. ?nl3-ti ' VtANTEla-BoY TO 3 tit V E ff ??? L D raw a Apr-, Mr COCRTNEY. t G a- nw. GOOD ROLTE BOY. APPLY TO H. E. SMITH. 803 C st. sw._tf. WAREHOUSE TRUCKERS $3.63 Per Day. Apply to the Timekeeper, AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS CO.. 2nd and Eye sts. ne. ElliHTH .BAD-, OR ???? eVCBOOL BOY ai me activer anil clerk. Apply CIRCULA-1 TI11N UEl'T . Herald ..?ice. WHITE MEN AS WAREHOUSE" men; full or part time, between 6 p. m. and 6 a. m.. at 33 cents per hour. Apply Mr. UFILTON. night delivery clerk, American Rail way Express, 2nd and H sts. ne. tf HALT! Boy?, help Uncle Sam. Earn money to buy W. S. S. and Thrift Stamps by de livering The Herald. $10 a month ar.d $2 a month bonus. Apply Mr. S. TRAVIS, 819 3d st. nw. tf PL, MBEHS A ND BT F.\MFITT_RS~ MUST be flrvt claaa mechanic, f.-r goternment con tract .crk in Washir-_tcn. H-heat wage? paid. STELZ EH at CO.. 1115 lith it. nw aeetf 5HEET WRITERS FROM 7 A. NT to 10 A.M.; 3?c per hour. Ap ply Delivery Department AMERI CAN RAILWAY EXPRESS. Second and H sts. ne. au I 7-tf _?B?"RERS" FOFv~W*\T*?_H?OSE work; $3.63 per day. Apply to Timekeeper, AMERICAN RAIL WAY EXPRESS CO.. 2nd and Eye its. ne. tf WANTED- BRAKEMEN TOR POTOMAC tard. 19 canta tar hour; abo car repairmen. -achtetet?, helper?, carpenter?. freighr brake. men. firemen and other occupano?? at ?anc??? pointa. Pe_t_Tl??au_ Railroad. Appi; ?? Ne? I-rter ?re ?e_ anrlaVir HELP WANTED-FEMALE, TYPISTS, THREE. WANTED AT once: hourly work; 6 p. m. o 9 p. m. AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS CO. Apply Mrs. Breen *ood before 5 p. nw Phone Main '200. *_ sel0-3t ? A NT ED- EXPERIENCED .l?RLS-??K tr? uueat ?nd inampooln? hair. Root? ?a ?.ENOIS BIXKJ., 11th ami (. p.?, _?.? WANTED-a COLORED GIRL FOR HO-S& ?tam Apply IK* 5th at. nar. . ijt YOUR CLASSIFIED AD Will put you in touch with possible buyer? for your property. It will serve as an introduction to them? enlist their interest in what you have to offer. If your property is good value you can SELL IT THROUGH CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING? and with- . out much delay or great expense. For Your Convenience The Herald will accept your ad over the phone if you have a telephone in your name. Main 3300 The Want Ad Department FOR HIRE. FOR HIRE. Who Wants to Hire a ? Three-ton Truck? I've got a three-ton truck that I want to rent. I won't accept any proposition for less than a week, and would rather make it for a month's duration or more. If you've got any use for a three-ton motor truck and a driver, just ADDRESS BOX 303, HERALD OFFICE. HELP WANTED?MALE. HELP WANTED?MALE. Wanted able-bodied men for the District of Columbia Fire Dept. Immediate appointment upon qualifying. Between the ages of 21 and 37 years. Advantages of employment: Essential work, permanent em ployment, free medical attention, free street car rides if in uniform, 2-shift system, full pay when sick, twenty days annual leave with pay, pension system. Firemen when disabled receive pension; firemen kill ed or dies in service, his widow, child or children receive pension. For further information apply Municipal Bldg.. Wash., D. C. Room 5. sr4-14t HELP WANTED?FEMALE OIRL FOR GENERAL ??G8? WORK; i'Od pay and eaay hour?, Apply 1765 Church st. pw._?f9*"11 13 THE SALARY \O0 RECEIVE THE r'.rat >ear of Mirice it a telephone operator. Yju are paid $10.30 a week while learning ?nd increased aa jou become proficient. Tb? ?cik 1? easy, tbe surrounding? pleasant and tha t*p ?t-Ttiinitiei for advancement are excellent. Ap plication ma? be mid? it ROOM 306. Homer tt m Ming. lJth, between F and G ita. nw., any week day between 9 a. m. and 5 p. tn. See display adrertiaement in thia paper. ?*?6*".?.?.?(>.*.???6 WANTED?ROOM AND BOARD. tLDERLY GENTLEMAN DESIRES ROOM and board rear Bureau of Penatone. Addrea? BOX 3H, Harald office. eel0-3t WANTED?ROOMS. ? I :; M?HI i WASTED-S Y WOMAN WAR WORKER, room without board Id -central northweat : small single room in privat? family preferred* near bath ; reference? ? xchar.-red. State tele phone number. Apply BOX 565. Herald office. _?elO-lt - WANTED?HOUSES, WANTED-SIX TO TEK-BOOM HOUSE IN northweat. furnished or unfoeniehed; will buy furniture if can (et leeee. Apply BOX So*, Herald office._ae8-3t _REAL ESTATE. Some Day a Reme or Interment ? CABIN JOHN PARK I WBT NOT TODAIT For plats. illustrated book?, aod foil particu lar? ahrut the?? tittle fana?, attractif? bom?? ?tea. aod low prie??, ?m or ?nit? J. S. TOMLINSON, C4 SOLTHERN BLDO. ??G? ft?. Six n-w bou-xa*? ?od bungalow! ready for lo- | ?i-.'u.n, |!:(0'o 12.50?. Eaay terma. ?od-tf Careful Investments Of money to Fiiat Deeda of Tro? M Mort ga-g-a, oo Waibingtoo, D. C, Real Kaute al ear? fi*? the fall intere? promised ?nd tb? return of al) tb? principi? due, regard 1-f-a? of tbe varying Incomea and value? of ether mtcOtt tiem. Wa hat? been ancceeafully engaged to making f?ie?? toveatmenta for our alienta for mor? than a quarter of a century. Inveet meota, ?30. SOD to 110.100, at ? per cent mom ready for delivery. Large mteatntenta mad?. WM. H. SALNDERS & CO.. Southern Building. 807 15th St. REMEMBER THIS! Never Take a Chance! Phone? Police Department .Main 4000 Fire Department.Main 60C0 Department of Justice.Main 196 U. S. Secret Service (aigbt).Columbia 3396 U. S. Secret Service ( day).Main 6400 U. S. Marsha) .Main 2854 _FOR SALE._ Sa) ACRE? Ul?' TIMBER ON JAMES RIVER | near Hampton Roatla Va., ctmiiatin? of pine ' f?? piling, lumber, cord and pulp vtood. Ad dreia w. L. WILKINSON. Holdcrott. Va.. It. i' li, N*. 1. . ?r!l>?t FOR SALE?MISCELLANEOUS. JtST RECEIVED rmO_ CALIFORNIA, fteah lot of Widrmann ?oat milk; price, 44te can. 8LHM1DS PET 8HOP. Til Uth ?L aw. _aa** newspaper route for bale in be*>t ?eetiuD of eorthaaeat; earnin?? V.50 per month: owner will tt? ?ubieet to new drart; muat aell before called. Appi; CIRCULATION MAN AiiEH. Herald "Mire_au_-lt _LOST. LOST-PINK SWBATEK BETWEEN* ? AND V st*. Monda-; _ p. ni.: Tatuiti to 1908 ?th at. nw. and receive reward. _el<Mt STRAYED AWAY UN MONDAY, ?LPTi-M her 1, a dark red chow dog; do markingi; an mn to name of Chin Ohin; hherii reward tf retortied to 1211 l?th at. nw. ee?Vtf _PERSONALS._ THERE ARB PRACTICAL CONSIDUtA tioos to be looked Into even whea it cunve? to aelli-Lf men'? worn clothing, ?hoet, ?te. ?tick to a prosperous house that hu th? _po_ cash to per for any ?ronnnt t?? will _??._. Tel) _> when to ceil. JUSTH'S OLD STAND. ?M? D. _acie-it DR. REED" SPECIALIST 804 SEVENTEENTH STREET. OVER 30 YEARS 5_~2_ _???_ _? tbe Care of ?. h rouie, Nertou* and Special DUeajee ot lieo enti Wetten. Means Health to You If You Suffer Prom Catarrh. Oteaity, Rheumatlani. Cootup*? tion, Pile?, Throat, l>unga, Brain, Beart, Blood ?ad Skin Dise**??, N.i-Tcua Debil ir-, Kidney ' Di?*easea. Bladder Trouble, Specific Blood Pot ermine, Eniptiona. Ulcers, and ATI Private D?a- j eflktef Cared for Ufe br Safe Methodik Charges Low. Medicine Furnished. CONSULTATION FREE. Private Waiting Koom for Ladietl Office Hour,, H> to 1. 1 t<- L Hundan. U to ? ? WANTED TO BUT. WILL CALL IN Mt OSLETTEBID ____. ? ?chile. ?t, or antairberj, and pa? yoa I?jheet I peleee for Is-iea', ?eDtle?len'a. etui_r?_'e ii? eard?d ?othing, of all deaerlptt?_. ,vd_eaa r ?*a or pbooe. 1 trill call - BICE. J_ 7_ at. nw. ? tr? DINING ROOMS. ASHMORE HOTEL AND CAFE. im and e n. w. ?r?ars? Dining-rooms for Ladies and Gentlemen. Popular Prices. REFRIGERATORS, ICE BOXES. REFRIGERATORS That Are Superior NELSON REFRIGERATOR CO.. We build to nrdcr any size r'-fri'-'-ratnr or .?<>????__ room. Ui ? St __ W. Franklin 2757, AUTOMOBILES Washington Anto Exchange Automobile?, Tir?e. Aceeeeorlee, Repair?, Trucks, Trailer?, Star age, Tosta, Auto (,la??, Ga ritea, Batterle?, Etc AUTO TRUCKS. ?JUAB-ANTY 1'HCCK ATTACHMENTS. ONI?; and two-Ion; haodaitde bod??-? in atrak and built to order. Bodiea repaired [?rompt !r. ?G?????? TRUCK k BOD? 00 . ?M Pa. ?ae. nw. L. gt_aeiO-'.t TIRES. ?,000 mile fuaraniee in follomng eta? ool* 14X3H . ?1(00 NATIONAL ACTO 8 CFP LI CO., _til M? SL nw._ AUTO REPAIRS. -You Are Setiafled? When you ha*? had an expert auto mechante examine and repair your car. We turn out only satisfactory work, therefore our large patronage. General auto ret-airing. Alt makea. The D. & P. Auto Repair Shop. 1X2 D at. at 14th._hone frank H p 7213. ANY t?EKVlCt,, AN? TIME, ANY RXDK Auto? of any make aod ige repaired or rebuilt. Porrla fix?! while you watt, Worin. HUB ROY MACKEY. 513 lfch at. a?. Lincoln 53?. AUTO ACCESSORIES. m-M-???-?_ WHY it pay? tbe auto owner who let? us ktep hi? car perfectly -iquJpped.. NPIM we ara prepared to render ?perienoed aervice and hart fn atock a completa line of acceaaori?? of ?vary character, ? mi ?ding tba famoua Good rieb Tuta, oil?, greaae?, gaaoJine. Centra! Auto Supply Co., Inc. 10M Pa. ave. nw. phone ? G? _GARAGE BUILDERS. as a renting proposition, THE CON? crete Garage paya beat. Capacity ene lac rar and apex? apici?, H?. WIIJJAJI SEKRy. 711 13th nw. ?. 384. aellUt MOVING, PACKING, STORING ?SMITH'S TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. NORTH 3342. N. 3343, ajaal N. 3344. Nleht or Holi day. Franklin 3911. *? LONG-DISTANCE MOVING. SAFETY FIRST. lK-iHTI.Lt FIREPROOF STOKAIlaV Room?, II aod up. Moytna arad 1'ackinj I'.MTED STATES tSTORAO? CO . ?]?-? lOU at. nw. Phonea M. ?IS and Pranklla Ma. U MOVING Wa furnlah large pa-lied ran? and careful am to handle your good*. PACK ERB of furniture, ptaooa, c?ina, brio* brie, etc. Experienced m? only. MlUTINi.- to all part? of tbe world. STORAGE (or furniteir?, piano?, and booa? bcl-1 gooda. KRIEG'S EXPRESS FOR SALE?FURNITURE. CASH T? . _?. CASH credit rurn.ture credit HOPWOODS Popular Price Furni ture and Stove Store. 8th & ? Sta. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. WINDllW SCREENS AND SHADES. WINDOW SHADES MADE To i.iUDEU. ISeat Or-e/iu? en ?. H. B*era. J. G. PREINKEKT. 13? ? at. ne. _l' 1 4138_tf?8 MONEY TO LOAN. MONtfT TO LOAN ON APPROVED CTTT real eetele it lowrat curent rate?, ?padaj nnnlrfee with reaper' to prior re .-mente TT: Eli ? ?G??????G????. Ine.. l'I 15th at. U _PROPOSALS_ omci or the commissioners, d. a. Sop?e-mb-r 4. 1918. Seated propoaal? will be receired nt tiiu office. Room 511, until 1 o'clock p. m , Sei?tember 16. 1918, for fumiahing 1,009 yan? burla ?, 6,000 jarla jute pre?? cloth aad 3,000 la/fi* tankage prvaa clotb for use at Dia trict Reduction Plant, Cherry Hill, Va. Speci fication?! and form? of proposal may he had upon apptk^tloo to I'urciMin?T Officer, D. c, R?v?m ?33?, Dbtrict Building. LOUIS BROWNLOW. JOHN O D. KNIGHT. W. GWYNN OARD HnB>. ?Cnmroi.'wloner?, D. O. aeT-MO OFFICE OF THF. COMMISSIONERS, Dis trict if Cnliinibia, Waalitngton, September i. ??. SEALED PROPOSALS will be receired at Ro->ra 511; Di>trict Buikling, thia city, until 2 O'dwk p. m . TUESDAY. Si-FTEMBElt 17. 1918, for rii'tnbing repair work at Tariou? loca tions. Blank flum? "' pr-^poeala and neceasary infonnatinn mat be obtained at Room 325, D:?? trict Building. LOUIS BROWNLOW JOHN ?. ? KNIGHT, W. GWYNN GARDINER, Corami M? on era. mI.6.T,9,10,11 EDUCATIONAL. George Washington University. Chartered hy (\*_??t_??. 1*G.. ?_?>-EDUCATIONAL. Oollefe Y,?_r B,r*na Sept, m ber 25. Art* and Bde..ce?, ttifiT-ferlnj, Educa Unn. Medicine. Dentistry. Li?, Pharmacy, Veter inary Mediane. Full day couree? and lare iftfrooea. oooitM. About se*rnty-r1i? c !?___.? tn all ce liete and enf?neerir.s eair-Jectj meet st 5 '.? and I p. m. BTCDCVT?' ARMY TRAININO COBP& Catalogu?e and otheT information at ?CO O et Telet-bone XWggt IMI. George Washington University LAW SCHOOL CO-EDUCATIONAL Beg?a? S4tb Year Sept 25, 1918 1 Member Aasoriauon of Atner:can La? bchoota. i S'.r?ct atandarda; aalect student Ur?j, Maxi? mum credit frate rther aeboela. Inatr_ctic*n ! b? iroat approved mftbod* by profeeaional teeH_ ! fjrs and lawyer? in arti"? practice. Late after j otaoo and optional early morning __?aee toe/ j ?nplored itudeDtJ. Hrr'y, Mneonle Temple. Mill? 4540. P'-rHa. Day <-_.d ? rerun?. <"o__tee for .Paymaster Examination IN Naval Reserve New Courses Sept. 18 ? Prepara tory for College and Profeational S?t? la Office hour?, ft to 4 JO. except Saturday, Moa. day. Wedneeday and F-tfaj. 6J0 to ??). EMERSON INSTITUTE. .int,? Franklin 44C 17i? P Ht. N. W. Georgetown University. The taw School. 3e?elon of 1.18-1919 begin? October 1, 1918, at 6:30 p. ? ? Secretar."? office open daily from i 9 a. m. to ?:30 p. ?. for re_l?tratlon and consultation. HUGH J. FEG AN. ?. ?.. LU ?.. ! Ph. D., Secretai y. Georgetown Law School Building, 50? E St. N. W. Telephone ?. ?1? \ VntGIlflA. WILLOW BROOK ACADEMY. A brama erhool Nc children from .18. Lo cated in one of tbe moat healthful ap li in ib. C. ,. Excellent ta_ool adrante?ea; a ?rod home; open all the ?ear. Muaic. Latin. French. Scout and Military training, Excellent buainea? courae. J. C. BEATY. Headmaater. Blue?lont. Va. : -1-?> EASTERN COLLDGB-COED; THIRTY minutra frora Wiahlngton, D. C. : drente, prep, and junior achool courir?; ale ten uiward; rate ??; opena September _. Dr. KOOl?, Preaident. Manaaaae. Va., box 4. au23 30t FUNERAL DESIGNS. Appropriate Flora] Tokens. Artiarie -??r_ ??? Inerpe nei r?. Gude Bros. Co. 1214 F Street. Prompt auto delltajT FUNERAL DIRECTORS. JOSEPH GAWLER'S SONS .Member* bj lnritation Natlcanal Selected Mor titiana. Serri.?? rendered tn ail part? of tbe United State? by ?peci? rerarcaer.tatirea. Telephone Main 5512-551 1730-32'Pa. Avenue. W. W. Chamber?. C. V. Chamber?. W. W. CHAMBERS CO. 1.00 Chap?n St. K. W. *V. Cae Automobile Berne? Eiclaeitelt. lindern ChapeL u?j or Night- l'hone Col. ??. DIED. CATWOOB?On Saturila*?. September 7. 1918. AARON S. CAYWOOD, be That Rookie from the 13th Squad. By P. L. CROSBY DIED. loved hiaband of Aurllla 8 Cay- ! ?>v?,od (nee Stevet..?. t ? Funeral nom the First Congrega tional chuich. today at 2 p. m. I Interment, in Rock Creek ceme tery. FKH.VALD-On Burda?. September 8. lui*, at 9 3u p m, GEORGE W , beinved husband of the late Martha A. Fernald Notice of funeral hereafter. LUTZ?At her residence, 141 R street northeaet. on Saturday. September 7, lbl8. at .'..30 p. n:?. ANN. beloved mothtw Of Julia. Martha and Margaret Lut?. Interment at 1'lnlnfie'd. N. J., today. McGHlE?At the Homeopathic Hospi tal on Sunday, b?-pt?mh?r - :.?. at ? a. m, DANIEL McGHlE. nativa of Glasgow. Scotland. He leave? a wife. Ame'.m McGhie and tv>o sons and one rtaug*i*> ? Funeral services at Lee's undertak ??? parlors, today at 2 p. m. Friends invited RICHARDS?M. V. RICHARDS. Com mlialoner of ihe Development Service. Southern Railway System, at Atlantic City. Sunday night, September I. Uli?, after an extend ed Hinca?. Funeral "Wednesday. September 11. at J p m . from the Lodge, Rock Creek Cemetery. Friend? Invited. Interment private. H?BET?M home of daughter, lira. Joshua Wheeler, of Lauret. Md., un September ?, 1918. ALEXENIA W. ROQET. Funeral from Centenary M. E. Church, tomorrow at 2 p. ra. Interment at Beltsvllle Cemetery. ROBINSON?On Saturday, September 7, Uli. at 10:10 a. m.. at ber resi dent, 102? South Capitol street southeast LI.-CINDA ROBINSON, beloved mother of Jame??, John, Susie and George Robinson and Beaste Harvey. She leave? to mourn her loas one adopted eon and nine grandchildren. Funeral from the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Beule Harvey, 121 F streets southwest, today, thence to Zion Baptist Church. F .atreet between Third and Four-and-a half street southwest, at 1 o'clock. Rev. W. J. Howard officiatine Relatives and friends invited to attend. SCHILLINO-On Sunday. September I. 191?, at 12:S0 a. m.. MARY ?., be loved wife of John Schilling, and devoted daughter of the late Robert and Mary Condon. Funeral from her late residence, ?SIOH Sixth street northwest, to morrow at 8?*?0 a. m. Requiem masa at the Church of the Immac ulate Conception at 9 o'clock. Relative? and friends Invited. Interment at Mount Olivet Cerne teti'. SCOTT?On Monday, September 9. 1918. at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. C. 8. Bailey. WS ? street northeast, ELIZABETH, widow of Matthias Scott. Funeral services will be held at Somerset. Pa., tomorrow. 8C1IWE1H8HAVT-On Saturday. Sep tember 7. 191?. at 3:35 p. m... at Jacksonville, Fla.. FRANCIS D.. aged 31 years, beloved ?on of Francis and the late Maria Srhweimshaut (nee Byrne.) Notice of funeral hereafter. (Balti more papers please copy.) STAPJ.ES?At Alexandria Bay. ?. ? . on September ?, 191?. OBREN* O. STAPLES Funeral In Washington. Notice later. TALKrWOn Sundav. September ?. 1*1?. at 10:S? p. m . CHARLES PARK INSON .TALKS, at the Naval Hospital. Fune-al from late residence, IMS Park road riortliw?ist, Wednesday, at 11 o'clock a. m. WHITE?On Sunday. September ?. 1918. at her residence. 171?! North Capitol street. RACHEL L., be loved wife of the late Jame? C. White, and the mother of Mrs. Thomas F. Harris and Charles C. Jones. Funeral from her late re*?idence to day at 3 p. m. Relatives and friends Invited to attend. Inter ment at Glenwood Cemetery. ZEPP?On Ululili). September ?. 1918, at 7:?? ?. m., at Providence Hospi tal. NEWTON E.?RI.E ZEPP. be loved husband oj* Marlorle E. Zepp (nop -posey?, aad beloved son of James H. and Julia I. Zepp. aged 34 vears. Funeral from tbe resid???'. e of Ills father-in-law. Mr. W. B. Posey. S13 C street southeast, tomorrow at 5 p. t?. Artificial Limbs ReTolutionixed. A new field of work has been devel oped by Italian surgeon? in making amputations which offer? a remai it able opi>ortunity for assisting the war's ma'nv-d, says the Popular Me- , chante? Mapazlne. It 1? known as j ktnematisrition and consist? tn form ing ?t the end of a ?tump what is , known a? a "motor flap" of such mm- j cular masses and tendons a? are avail- ? able. This flap is used a? an attach- ? ment for the hooks, wings, rods, or ? thongs to bo used in trasmutine; the j movement? of the muscle? remaining In the slump to artificial limbs. It la j even possible to perform the operation on healed stumps. It not only simpli fie? artificial limbs but greatly in creases their usefulness, making it possible to flex the forearm and ex tend tbe lingers with a stump only 13 Inches in length. MANGIN. ???. MAJaf.I.V Thi? I? a new picture of the French general who ha? made an imperish able name for himself by leading th? French and American advance along th? Al?ne. MARRIAGE LICENSES. white. _?rt_r, ?. Aa?el ?. ?nd Pearl ? aVarera. G: both rat Richmond. Va. Rea. Retuaald Ho? lard. John If. Baird. SS. Waibinron, and _haa brth E. Hamman. ?. Index. Va. Be?. 1. U. Xrlma. Lieut Thomas T. Gortnle?. G. ? ?.. V. Kangaluck. Conn, and Miry A. ?Uarndas. aft, Wa-birurtoo, Ret. P. X. Baaoaigt.. Hoary J. Le ??? 3. ilnrraral, Canada, and Anna V. Eaatlae, 3, W ?ainnfio- Bar?. J. B. a- lie. Ravm-nd I Dm?gat* _. Harr?bur?. Pa . and Alare c. Darr. 3. We-iirgton. Re. W. A. <_?.!_. WiUiam H ?enana X. Standi*. Mat* . aad Mra Graee R Krauee, 3. Port L? M. J Her. J H Uni E?ime D *? illiarr_ot* 37. ?nd Alan? L. Bro.n. 30, ho'i, at Waehirtgton. Bel. 1. H. Ta* 1er. Udir R. Wilthen. 1?. and Alie? B. Huttua li: both of Wavahiugl.a,. R" * ? O Briet. Char-? E. .ranea. ?, and AlbcrU B D - C; both of Waehinerioa. Re?. J VL Cr?ner. Radiai. ?. Len_am. _L and ? arni t Ha?? li; ? th of Waablngt-n. Rrr. _. C. K*o*c !.. a E. Mclntirr. 1?. and Hattie D. Ureen. 3S. both of WaViington. Re?. G. c. Bacnn. Wahrr R. SaxWr, tl. W?_iiTa_t?l, and Mabe'. H. Fanortt. E, Quinc*. 111. Raw. J. F. Mackin. Wa*rae J. Blur. _, and E?e*rn C. Weiaawi bnrcer. ??, botta of WaaUi ?glor. B_r. C K. ?Vila. taarar W.lliai. ?5. and Joarp',ine IV Trie? 37: .?? .< We.hington. Ree J. E. Bri??? Albert B- Coil?*?. S. and Marion I. Davi?. _?: both of Hot_ton, Tea. Ret. Charit? E Filiti. Tunr Ladloni??. 35. and Sarah E. Moma*. _: tath of C-ntarrtand. Md. Ber. 1. H. Je?friee. Harr? 3. Brooki. C. ?lad Margaret Gr?ser. 19: both of VVaaniart ?. Be* 1, ? Jeltn-a. Marion ti. Daak. 4!. Mailand. M ma Ada V. Lear. 33. Washington. Rear. J. U Dunham. Leorard H. Airtia. S3, and Roberta I Har. riaon, _., both of Baltimore. Md. Be?. J. _. Briaca. Jaanea K Young. S. and Ceil M. l'aria. 21: tw*th of Waehi-rtoii. Bea. B. Breakamia. William Herman Sc-i?ir_ert. 34. e-p-uaerneki. Maaa.. and Winifred A. ?;i!lar_u. ??, Lirer pooL !?. Y. Be? P. A. Ml?II. Albert R. (Turk. 3. and Ma? X __ril_. it, both oi Wa-ilBgton. ??*. H D Mitc-rU. OOLORE1*. Ben T. Terrell. 33. and Helen Andaarann. 33; both of Washington. Rer. C. -, Da Vaiarlm. William Cole. P. ani Mary Vraie. fi; bota of Wsahington. R.i W L. *? aattincton. Joaari, Wa.lar :; and Bratti? (T.iaJer. _; both of Woodrille. Md Be?. J. A. Tail?. Reubrc R/ed. 3?. aad Floren? R Har,?. 33; both of Waal.ineton Rer. S. ? W Drew. Eeaat Ja<-aon. 77. Wa_iington. and Mary Smith. JT. Lynr-bait,. Va. Rer. T. T. Taylor. ' H?rrr T., 7_. and El?ahetb. l'aarr. 37: both of Waahfat-R- R. t W, J. Howard. Roaairr L Jactavn, 9. aud Ada Uranroe. ?; both of Wa-^hington. Ret. ??as? Karbard. decree Smith. 35, and Ear.lle Lewi?. 3S; both (f Wa*hii..Tton. Ber J. ML Waldron Killo C. Jrane?. ST. and .-neha E Lake. 3: boUi of Baltimore Md. Re? W. J. How ard. *A i'liara R- Jaceann. 35. ? and Cathrrina J. Fleet. M : bvth of Greet Plaaati-e, Md. Re?. Aira llaaa-l. 3? ?nd Olile _r_Na .. both af ** ~^ inrtor Rer. William Kanbraie Warfiinglni W. Ranaom, _, aad OBBa- Bird. S; both Of Wa.hinirl.ei. Rer. A. I Manual] E Jackton. _, and Marram E Leaia. 24; both of Washington. Bar. A. aaaal-a William F Daig" 44. ari Margaret E Wor den, ?; both of r. Re?. H. H. Welch. Samuel ?. Jol.naon. 35. MitcVlMllr. Md.. ?nd QMaafJ? Oreen, ft, Waafcington. Re?. J. E WiLia William H. Th?laa, _ and Mr? Id* U l*ur?ey, at; both of Waahinaaton Ree. D. E. Wi*?man. Waller A Blackarell. 34 and Theaidra? C Clereland. ae b Th of *.*a>h ng: r. Kea. A. J T*ler. William A- Rhcan. 3?. and Bumell? Tne?aaa, 34 : both rf W?*i ?????? Rer J. E. WDlu. John William?. 3?. a_| P-oaa. Wilaon. J?; brlh of? Waehmlrton. Rea. W.iliam I I - H- rr Kinge. 44. and M Uir Johsacaa, ?; boto of Wlahingron Re?. C A De Veuriir Tl.omaa Willuma, 34. Richmond. Va., and nia F. Green, 4f: Waahicgton Re?. A. J. Taler. ITank I-rkrtt. 3?. and Ltrulae Liu?ina ? both of Waebi-ifl.,. Re? J A. Tailor Jame? H. Minor. 45. and EtTie Malic? _; hoUi of Waahnnm. Ber. H. u alera Jnaeph E Eaa-ridrr. 71. arad Erroaaaa a_ Wright, ? ; both of Waahingt?. Rr?. Thomu Oermingan. Learia Oit?*n, 37. and Annie Boarie, ?; both Cf WaiatlTiigtr,. Rer. J. A. Coaran. Edward Krotf? ral 31. and Marie Wliliama. M; liorh of ?aahingtan Rer. WiUiam J Howard. Marahall P. Fr*e. 37. ?nd Mamie Andrea?, it: both of Wa-atrlrelon Re?. D. E. Wu_aa. Havarard Broar ,'J. and Alhena La.'ne. - Clilltelaper. Va. Re? O. H. Wood. Jamea Pink?rr. ?, and Came F. Bryant. 7_; both cf Atlanta. Ga. Rr?. J. _, Gartlrld. BIRTHS. WHITE. _fci*Uce M. and r,'?? ? \TUkieaim. gin, S.taror *mg Ar.tre.ina liooeeo, girl. Walter B. and lather P. AlweU, boj. t 'OLOR ED Prank a. tad Baidee W. BlictHira. tirt. OeciTfp R. and Agore ? Gonlon. bof. Ed (tar?! *nd Mn? Po,ta, flrt. DEATHS. WHITE Frwpe? Serrent. Hl *?ara. C. 8. **a?a! Ho? Ci.arie? P. Talk?. ?7. D. * Nar?. Hoapt Ruth Mary William?. 3* St. Vincent'? Or. Aay. Kannte E. Wllhot'e. tt. The Karragnt Apta. Job? Marahall Jone?. *_. Gtorget'n Cm?. Roa Aaron S. Caywood. 75. George Waah. Hoa**?. Maty Agxaee e-billinc. a?. 1.10*. Uh ?_ aw. Bxiacoa Fanali. Is. 1134 UHh at. ?w. Jan. Virhmann, N, ?51 ? at nw. Daniel McGhie. TS Homeopathic BoapitaL An? Tulr. it. Ill ? ? at Thoma? O'Neill. t_. ('. 8. Sold ra' Home Hot. laura s. Jonas a.. Ot 7th at. ae. Pames Ooftey. a_, KaS ?th ?_ nw. Adel? L. _u>a?e. a. IM Imr? ?t. nw. M.loolm Gran Crandall. I. 1?I ist_ at. ?w Ctll^lREII Jrahn raten. _. t? Jd ?t. ?w. Marr Brawn ? Woehirgton Anluin James To'llrrr 4!. Ki.tdoaei'? Hotitai. Ko-aial Paa-t-r. 3 mot J?'- kaaa. are l_fa_t of U.? aad Mary ValUa, a* ?..I. ae at ?*, ?>, GERMANS BACK BERLIN CHIEFS Teuton Populace Remains Loyal Despite Food Shortage. Germany 1? far from (?eia? ?tarved out. accord?i? ? Ira Mel ton Morn? American Minister to Sweden, who Is now In Washington "I have read report? In the pro?? ?Ince my return home to the eatect that Germany is on in? verge of starvation." Mr. Morn? Mid. "and I And thi? to be tbe opinion of many with whom I come In dally conta? t There can be no question that there I? a shortage of most of the e ??en ti?!? of life. I it to ?tate that thi? border? on the ver?;? of starvation 1? erroneou? ?nd misleading. I haa? thi? ?tatement on many repart? from reliable source? that have reached me in Stockholm. There t* no doubt that in many parta of Germany there Is a marked scarcity of food and that the civilian popu lation ha* been reduced to the mini mum ration, hut ?till receive? ?uf ftclent for existence. Condition? ar? better in the rur?l districts par ticularly a? regard? the farmer? and landowner?, even in the northern part of Germany, where the scarcity 1? most felt. In the southern part conditions improve still mor?, and resorts and hotel? there ?till ?serve, meals at moderate price? _Jn the case of the army, there has been but slight deprivation: thi? ha? bee? fed at the expense of the civilt?? population. People le IgneeasMee. . "In German Poland, toi m*.nufactur ing district?, and In the more densely populated part? there hae been suf fering, quite visible in the ?naca tion of the people, which ha? na? urally Impaired tbe efficiency of the German workman, who no longer poe tinsur? full vigor: but It Is a mistake to believe that thi? ba? provoked a strong current toward revohiUon. ?)r any general lessening of the loyalty of tbe people They still pesen ? fetth In the invincibility of tbe military power, being purposely kept In Ig norance of the real condition on the Western front, no? only as regard? German revers?e, but also th? full significance of America? entry Inte the war. "It ta to the advantage of our coun try, and our cause, that we should know the actual condition? ?hieb face u? In this great crusade of de mocracy so thet w? can more ?ef fectively direct our effort toward vic tory. "The people of the t'nited State? are resolute and determined. The country should realise that its entree cnercy must be put into the struggle and must not be relaxed for a sine?? instant- There Is no doubt of victory so king ss theee moves by Germany ?re plainly understood." ALEXANDRIA THt HCE1LD ?G??*G. A S Dafuiieea. TT Kin? ?ttraet. Alexandrla. Va., September ?.? There was a heavy advance registra tion here t?v1ay by men who will be out of the ctty next Thursdey, A? a result the member? of the loc-vi ? xemption board mere kept busy all day with the work. It wa? announced this afternoon that the board will not register any - one ejse until Thurnday unie?? th >? will be out of the city on Thursday PracticaHy all arrangements have twen completed by the local board ??? the registration next Thursday and ! indication? are that it will be very I heavy. Judge Samuel G Brent, recently appointed Judge of tbe couru for .the sixteenth iud.cial circuit to BU ? the vacancy caused by the resigna tion of Judge J. ? ? Thornton, held | his first court here today. A nutn I ber of admiring ftiend? sent a bouquet of flowers to Judge Brent Judge L. C. Barley ?lso presided a? the chancery term of that court to day when the docket was called and cases set for trial. One hundred soldiers from Camp Humphrey? tonight participated in tli?? 'Community sing." held In Christ Church >?rd. which we? at tended by ? big crowd. A feeture | of the ?ffair mas the singing of th? .soldiers and a number of solos by I "Happy ' .Tack Lambert. This wa? ? part of the program of the play week inaugur?t? d under the auspice? ?of the Committee -.? M'ar Camp Activities. Special feature? ? he??? been arranged for every night thi? week. Mount Vernon Cnapter. Ne 1?. Royel Arch Masons, ha? elected these officers to serve for the en suing year: C. Philip HeishUy. Inch priest: C. A Gwinn, king; P. E. Clift. scribe: William Lewis Allen, treasurer; Alfied G Chler. secre tary: T. L? Hall, captain of the hoat. ? J. Richards, principal s?journer ?. ? SmiCi. roya] arch captain. A C. Ross, master of the third "?ail. C. E. Dare, master of the second vail; C. F Howdershe'l. master of the first veil: Rev. J. M. Nour?? chaplain; George W. Zachary. tiler; L? Ruben. ete?verd Funeral aervices for Joseph W. Hardy were held thi? ?fternoon at hi? late residence, 323 Commerce street, and conducted by R*v. E. V. Regtster. D. D., pastor of tbe ? E. Church South. Burial waa at St. Paul? Cemetery. 8t. Mary's Academy. eon?*'.cted by the Sisters of the Holy Cro?e. re opened for studies thi? morning with a large attendance, a? did ale? St Maty a Parochial School, Royal and Wolfe ?treets. Rev. John Lee Alliaon, D. D. pas tor of the Second Preabyterka? Church, will leave tomorrow morn ing to ?ttend the annual meeting of the Potomac Presbytery, which will be held in Faith Chapel, near Leesburg, Va. Arrangement? h?v? been mad? for an entertainment, which mill be piven at ill o'clock tomorrow 1 night at the War Camp Community | Service CTub by the Jewi?h Wel fare Association, of which Mrs. R I'. Whltestone Is chairman. The rn ! tertalnaaent 1? especially for the I men In uniform. The public l? In? vi ted. ? Mlu Rosalie M. Ryan and Alexan ; der Q Bonat?ky. Boston, were mar ried at St. Mary's catholic Church, yesterday. Rev. Ix>ul? Srnet paator, efflciating Th? couple were enter tained at the residence of Mr. a?d I Mrs. Julian D. Knight. Miss Atena ? May Knight was bri deem ? si and John Crlsty. Boston, was beat man. ' There was a big ru?h today for per lanlU on the part of children who will ! ?ttend the public ?chool?. tmrirmt ? hundred vere Issued. White chlldrer ? may also get peroife. Tueeday. antU , Wedneetla?. Tnursday and F' a.y (.CUOI v?J au.???t. ?> ?*? ?-?? ff'V?? Jr-flaeeeeJ