The following casualties are report
ed by the commanding general of the
American Expeditionary Forces:
. Killed In action . ?
VlMlnf In action . 54
"Wounded severely .IIS
Died of wounds .JS
Died from accident . 1
. Died ?f disease. S
Wounded, degree undetermined . IS
'Total .?'????? m
Killed laa Acta??.
Charles R. Middaugh. Jackson, Mich.
?William Muir Russell. Detroit, Mich.
Irby R. Curry. Marlin, Tex.
Abraham Friedman. Brooklyn. N. T.
Colemsn A. McGraw. Gal?ney. S. C.
Albert Meyers. Jersey City, N. ?I.
Charlie Pietrasxak. Toledo, Ohio.
Seamon P. Whealon. Cleveland. Ohio
Daniel B. Wright. Providence. R- I.
Chsrle? S. Wyke. Andrew?. N. C.
South Mclntosh. Jackson. Ky.
Arthur Mitchell. Sylacauga. Ala.
Leo Pmshlnakl. Nantlcoke. Pa.
Chamber? L Bunting. Jr.. Ashvllle.
N. C.
William falter Callahan. Lewl?
town. Pa
jamas Collins. Providence. R. L
John F. Foley, Altoona. Pa.
?Scorge ?. Hamilton, Samla. Greece.
Joseph Ha??enforder. Secaucus. N. J.
Joseph A. McKesrn. Belolt. Wia
Anton Misek. New Tork. ?. T.
Frank D. Beybert. Council Bluff?. :
Clarence Ward. Portland Mich.
Lowell F. Coleman. Goodland. Kan?
Geo. W. McCaffery. Owen Sound.
Prov. Ontario. Canada
Bugler Robert Kedxla Smith. De
troit, Mich.
Bugiar John T. Fall?n. Roxbury.
Mechanic Joseph Safonte. New Tork.
?. T.
Wagoner William Horace Warden,
Augusta, Mont.
Lewis Aaby. Ute. Iowa
Edward L. Basile. Philadelphia Pa
James R. Beckham. Houlka, Mlaa
John A. Dean. Butler. N. J.
Michael Duffy. Philllpsburg. Mont.
Edward M. Fay. Wakefleld, Maa?.
Albert Fine?. Cleburne. Tex.
Ernest Firth. Terryvllle. Conn.
Thoma? Fitzgerald. .South Boaton.
Henry A. Foater. Imboden. Ark.
Wayne G. Franklyn. Weatfleld. N. T.
John F. Harrington. Greenfield.
Alvin Lavelle. Indlanapoli?. Ind.
Tony Mautino. Lexington. Mo.
John Mayne, Boston. Mas?.
Willie L? Morris. Pirkey, Va.
James J. Murphy. Roxbury, Mass.
Edwin ? Probasco. Cedar Rapids. Ia
OScar C. Sauvagoet. Wheeling. W. Va.
William A. Short. Kansas City. Mo.
Stanley Sklblnskl, Alpena Mich.
Russell I. Smith, South Norwalk. CL
Arthur L? Socia, New Haven, Conn.
Miles Sheldon Sturgeon, Woodhull. 111.
- Ludwig Tande. Tande. Mont
Henry A. Underwood, luka Misa
Howard L Vati. Pasadena, Cal.
I-afayette P. Bauley. Newport, Mich.
Oelindo Boraschi.
Joeeph St. Cleary. Hartford. Conn.
Austin Cullen. Brooklyn. N. T.
Clare Kent Eggleston. Aurora ?a
Mark Elvids-e. Jessup. Pa.
Jacx?b F. Fox "Charleston. Ind.
Guillo Fredo. Erie, Pa
Marvin Hawkins. Davy, W. Va
Albert R. Hull. Rocky Gap, Va.
Fred Jones. Philadelphia Pa
- Charlie Marinio, Chicago. 111.
G. Paa??tto, Sn Embroglo. Italy.
. Constantine Pedranti, Olema. Cal.
Stephen A. Rann, Somerset. Pa
Qyde Thompson. New Haven, Conn.
M. W. Young. Tahlequah. Okla
Mose Canter. Coffee Spring?, Ala
D. J. Ciccone. Philadelphia. Pa.
Paul Farup, Park River. N. Dak.
Richard L. Hints, Elmhurat, 111.
Silburn Holland, Lanleve. Ark.
Edward Hurt, Ashton. Nebr.
Fred A. Hutchins, Scranton, Pa
Chart? C. LJlley. Waldoboro, Me.
Wayne McAllister, Lltchfield. III.
^_ Robert B. Maphis, Toma Brook. Va
^Ussandro Patete. Franklin, Mas?.
ClauO C. Rader. Prttchard. W. Va
John Re-edy, Marlon, 111.
Adolph Stephan. Coalridge. Mont.
Dleat ?t ?.?n.|a.
Lee Hacker, Manchester. Ky.
Bernard G. Kromer. Ashland. Wia
D. Anderson. Moorefleld. Ark.
Lloyd J. Bodell. Monroe, Mich.
C. E Hackett. Syracuse. N. T.
R. J. Morgenroth. Newark. N. J.
Ernest Shreeve?. Alpena, Mich.
Frank Bower, Williamsport. Pa
F. P. Updike, New York. N. Y.
J. L Alnsworth. Worland. Wyo.
Alfred J. Baldus. Delano. Minn.
John E. Burns. Wausau. Wia
Victor Cimel, New York, N. T.
H. E. Crawford. Cleveland, Ohio.
W. H. Davi?, Central Fall?, R. L
Roy R Hill. La Grange. 111.
F. G. Jennlnga, Mildred, Mo.
Mile? F. Jordon. Florlen, La.
Andrew J. Kelley. Clarksburg. W. Va.
Mike Koller, Sherry Planker, Wia
I-awrence Mulvey. Hammond. Ind.
Frank Perldna. Huck. Arla.
Arthur R. Rad loft. Oakley. Kan?.
Virgil P. Tudor. Natural Dam. Ark.
Sam Wilson. Memphl?, Mo.
Claude Collina Fanwick, stich.
Willie L. Gardner, Rives. Tenn.
Agestino Guinchi. Parsona Pa
Alfred C. Mills, Great Falls. Mont.
Henry H. Obermeyer. Lafayette. Ind.
R. T. Osmond. Philadelphia Pa
Henry O. Oineas. Pierpont, S. Dak.
Recommends Daily Use of Magnesia
to Overcome Trouble. Caused by
Fermenting Food and Acid
Gas and wind In the stomach ac
companied by that full, bloated
feeling after eating are almost cer
tain evidence of th? preaence of
cxceiiive hydrochloric acid in the
?tomach, creating ?o-called "acid
Acid ?tomach? are dangerous be
cause too much acid irritate? the
delicate lining of the stomach, often
leading to gastriti? accompanied by
?eriou? ?tomach ulcera Food fer
ment? and ?ours, creating the dia
tresslng ga? which distenda the
stomach and hampers the normal
functions of the vital Internal or
gans, often affecting the heart.
It la the worst of folly to neglect
?uch a ?eriou? condition or to treat
wtth ordinary digestive aids which
ha-ve no neutralizing effect on the
? tomach acida Instead get from
any druggist a few ounces of Bisu
rated Magnesia and take a tea
?Dsonful in a quarter glass of water
? right after eating. Thi? will drive
th? ga?. wind and bloat right out
of the body, sweeten the ?tomach.
neutralhae the exc?s? acid and pre
vent tt? formation and there la no
?ourness or pain. Bisurated Mag
nesia (In powder ?r tablet form?
nev.r liquid or milk) f? harmless
to the stomach Inexpenalve to take
and th? beat form of magnesia for
stomach purposea It 1? u?ed by
t! ousands of people who enjoy their
?neals wtth no more fear of indl
Jerry Drabek, Cicero. 111.
E. H. Keel. S. Bellingham. Wash.
Clay McKmght. Pearce, Ari?.
Frank Miller. University Place. Nebr.
Die? of Discs??.
Corp J. B. Haieltlne, Conneajt..Ohlo.
A. Falscher, Valley Stream. K. T.
Vincenxo Mlchelucce, Lansford, Pa.
Geo. J. Neuber, New Albany. Pa.
Homer B. Orrell, Denver, Cola
Died of Accident.
Private Willie Hunt, Seyppel. Ark.
Wounded Severely.
Capt Albert C. Reynold?, Danville, 111.
Walter E. Boeddlnghaus, West New
Brighton. N. Y.
James T. Hal*. Jr.. Milwaukee. Wls.
Harold O. Little, Stevens Point, Wls.
Clarence J. Chanley, Birdeeye. Ind.
Paul Brenneman, Lancaster, Pa.
Carl Johnson, Cleveland, Ohio.
Reufl White. Parla, Ark.
Charlea Ferrie Embree. Madison, Mo.
Aui-atua T. John?on. Pen-acol?, Fla.
Thomaa F. Burke, Detroit, Mich.
George Chiara?, Whiting. Ind.
Andrew J. Goodman, English, Ind.
John C. Granfleld. Pitutleld, Mass.
John Leverett, Farrar, Ga.
Ace R. Nelson, Grace. Idaho.
John C. Bowie, Atlanta, Ga.
Edward Leahy, Springfield. Mass.
Irvin A. Sukup. Bucyrus, Ohio.
James F. Kearney, Plttsfleld, Maas.
David W. Neary, St. Paul. Minn.
Thomaa Persico. New Tork. N. T.
George Phillip?, Terr? Haute. Ind.
Jamea Potest?. Indiana Harbor, Ind.
Mechanic Leonard C. Howard, Parker,
S. Dak.
Mechanic W. Cooper. Brooklyn, N. Y.
Hugh Doherty, Port Arthur, Tex.
John C. Eveneon, River. Minn.
Thomas Gregory, Waahos. Mont.
John Kuta, Baltimore, Md.
Carlo Moneto, Rom?, Italy.
Frank Murys, Arlan. Austria.
Jess? J. Plnkston, Rumsey, Ky
William Rosenxwelg. Brooklyn, N. T.
Jamea M. Trtplett. Melville. La.
C. Altlparmakis, Thompaoiivllle. Conn.
John Barsema, Maskegon, Mich.
Edward Cohrs. Homewood. III.
Vern R. Crispin. Mountain Grove. Mo.
Casinio Cullotta. Lockport, ?. Y.
Charle? T. Davis, Faxter, W. Va.
Gordon O. Derby. Rochester, Main?.
Willie H. Barnett. Richmond. Va.
Isaac Finley Batea. Caldwell, Colo.
Sebaat'o Bertolaml. Wakefiekl, Maas.
RexJBoyer, Edwardaport. Ind.
Maurice Carkuff. Memph1?. Tenn.
Wm. E. Chamber?. Ottawa, W. Va.
Morri? D?r?. Brooklyn. N. Y.
Charley Elliott. Falco. Ala.
Francis J. Hallock, Litchf?eld. Conn.
Thomaa W. Howard, Fort Worth. Tex.
Frank Jacobs, CedarvIUe. Wash.
Carl ?. Johnson, Hartford. Conn.
Joe Anton Kaiser, La Crosse, Wie.
Stephen Lapanski, So. Boaton. Masa.
Fred'k J. La Plante, Worcester. Mass.
Blies E. Lounsbury, Orono. Me.
Samuel E. Mattila, Nashville, Ga.
Jacob Peter Michels. Stanley, Wie.
Oscar Miller, La Crosse. Wls.
George B. O'Neal. Pensacola. Fla.
Lovell Peterson, Moline, 111.
David O. Roessl. Klldeer, N. Dak.
Earl A. Schiller. Stamford. Conn.
John Semas, Concord, Cal.
Samuel P. Spada, Chicago, 111.
Roy Ferrlgan. Eau Claire. Wie.
Earl Glenn. Sseinaw, Mich.
Vasillos Golemis. McGill. Ne?.
Henry F. Greenwood, Brldgevlll?,
Henry James Gribben. Iron Moun
tain. Mich.
Wilbur Johnson. Fenton. Mich.
Sanford H. Lancaster, Murraycross,
Etowah Co., Ala.
Oskar Mattila, Wakerleld. Mich.
William H. Merrill, Low.11. Masa
Leo T. O'Brien. Chicago. 111.
David Stalker. New York. N. T.
Howard A. Thorpe, Burlalo, ?. T.
Artist D. Vallas, Kanalla. Greece.
Everett A. Walker. Somerville. Mass.
Antonio Wierviaslas. Bavaria.
Percy Williams. Christopher, III.
Everet Williamson. Midway. Ky.
Ira Bernard Perry. Flint, Mich.
Levi O. Peterson, Orange, Conn.
Dewey A. Phillips, Peshtigo. Wis.
Wallis Pluta, Turners Falls. Mass.
Chsrles B. Prince. Philadelphia, Pa.
Thomas J. Scott. Bristol. Conn.
Elsey Shahine, Raleigh, N. C.
John E. Snyder, Wayne, Mich.
Herbert A. Strupp, Evansville, Ind.
John H. F. Tobln. Stamford, Conn.
Dewey G. Touchette, Ansonia. Conn.
E. W. Truelove, Waterville. Conn.
C. B. Trusler. Christiansburg. Va,
William Turner. Stuart Fla.
J B. G. Valentine, Andover. Mass
William E. Weaver. Catasauqua, Pa.
Walter Wilt. New York, N. Y.
Winnie L. WyckotT, Therford, Nebr.
Harold F. Yoccum, Gresham. Wls.
Jack Zasloff. Haxard, Ky.
Sofus Quam. Chester. Mont.
Mark V. Qulnn. Portage. Wls.
Tony Raskewicki. La Porte, Ind.
Roy W. Reno, Ludlow. Mass.
Theodore Riley. New Castle. Ind.
William A. Robhlns, Stanford. Ky.
Arthur J. Rotherham. Lindsay, Nebr.
Arthur Schubring. Kaukauna, Wl?.
Edward A. SiUiman. Detroit. Mich.
Waslle Smeholn. Kiev. Russia.
George D. Stearna. Waterloo, Iowa
Albert Syble. Worcheater, Maaa
Harold W. Veach. Boldgett, Oregon.
Stanley J. WoITe, Walla Walla Waah.
Waaadrd la A et ten < Degr?? Cade
Harvey J. Kennedy, Barneavill?, Ga
Carl Leo, Cedar Rapids. Iowa.
Wm. F. Marshall, Anderson, 8. C.
A. T. Campbell, Mlddletown Conn.
Therman E. Leach. Albia, Iowa
David Witt, Intercounty, Va.
Mechanic G. W. Fields. Perham, Ma
Victor N. Adams. Passale. N. J.
U O. Clark. Round Bottom, Va
Oliver N. Goodson. Fort Colline, Col.
Thoma? Johnson. Vandersol, Wl?.
Angelo Ledrt. Loa Angele?, Cal.
Louis Polico, Mount Vernon, ?. Y.
Wladyslow Recaka. Philadelphia.
L E Siegfried. Phlllipsburg. Pa.
P. O. Solheim. Minneapolis, Minn.
Dalla? Steward. Sprule. Ky.
J. F. Talley. Kentland, Ind.
Ua?pere Tumbarello. St. Louis, Mo
John Jung, Osaki?, Minn.
Sflsalag I? Action.
Sergt. J. J. Shanahan. Philadelphia,
T. J. McOraw, Philadelphia. Pa.
W. J. Robert?, Norwalk, Conn.
Ora L. Adams, Dana, Ind.
Joslen Ardoln, Ch?taignier, La.
1. Gardner. Moundaville, W. Va.
Max Grlnstein, Seattle. Waih.
Henry H. Kageff. Detroit, Mich.
Emll Kuehl. Neenah, Wl?.
Vincenzo Lucleano. Santa Maria. Italy.
Daniel D. McCloud. Philadelphia, Pa.
Archie McNeill, Laural Hill, Kla
Anton J. May, New York, N. Y.
Jame? W. Moaa, Calhoun. Ga
Taylor C. Scott. Bradentown. Fla.
John Henry Sheridan. Chicago. 111.
William H. Smith. Arcadia. Fla.
Leon Stomsky. Weatfleld. Maaa.
Joseph W. Tolllver, Matoaka. W. Va.
Emily Troiano. New Haven. Conn.
Howard C. Viering. W. Haven, Conn.
Jame? J. Walea. Philadelphia Pa
Fred Welch. Waco, Texas.
Angelus L. Coata. Seattle. Waah.
Earl D. Findlay. Valley City, N. Dak.
Sydney T. King. N. Yaklma. Wash.
Powel R Majkowskt, Oaeinnlng. ? Y.
George W. Marshall. Sieditela, Maaa.
SVoaaded la Aetloa (Degree t a
John Mi?hlwlce. New Haven, Conn.
Carl Probfltner, Homestead, Pa.
Whitney Rebatock, Cut Oft, La.
Leon Caras, Utlca, N. Y.
Earl A. Chauvin. Detroit. Mich.
G. A. Erlckson. New Britain. Conn.
William Garrow, Menasha, Wl?.
Alfred T. Goodwin, Oakes. N. Dak.
Walter R. Gudopp, Spokane. Wash.
R. L Guiberson, Olympia, Wash.
Robert L. Quinn, Newberry, Fla
William T. Hall, New Haven, Conn.
William Jamieson. West Haven, Conn.
Abraham Katz, New York. N. Y.
Vincent Kraieaky, Mlddletown, Conn.
Jos. J. Laukutl?, Anaonia. Conn.
Jos. L. Lawrence, S. Bethlehem, Pa
Andy H. Llpecomb, Aurora. W. Va
Nick Manoa 8parta Greece.
John Minch, Matthew?, Ind.
Sylvanua J. Neiee, Mlddletown, Ind.
Walter Powell, Sprlngplace, Ga
Ralph T. Qulnn. Spartanburg, 8. C.
Orval Taylor. Munfordvllle. Ky.
Budd Timmen?, Monida, Mont.
Albert Tr-aashlnsk', Waukesha, Wls.
The following casualties are report
ed by the commanding general of the
American Expeditionary Forces:
Killed In action. T4
Missing in action. 107
Wounded severely. Hi
Died of disease. S
Died of wounds. 25
Diel of accident ani other
cause? . SS
Total. ??
KIlleaLlai Aetlsa.
J. H. Feltman, Jr., Newport. R. I.
R. S. Heizer. Osage City. Kans.
H. L Strohl. Hellertown, Pa.
K. S. McComb, Ifapoleon, Ohio.
Sergt. G. E. Sunderland, Newton
Hamilton, Pa.
Sergt. P. R. Farrell, Haraden, Conn.
Tom C. Cronan. Porterdale. Ga.
Arvid Larson. Kane, Pa.
Wm. G. LemVe, Ionia Mich.
Loyd Shigrley. Toledo. Ohio.
Arthur J- Stuart, Lubec. Maine.
J. P. Fullerton. Jr., Philadelphia.
Geo. McCann. Shullsburg, Pa., Wls.
Bugler Ray L. Stiller. Fairview.
Jason B. Althiser, Olivebridge, ?. T.
John A. Baccus. Woodhaven, ?. Y.
John Barbarino, Boston. Mas?.
Floyd E. Berry, Jackson. Mich.
Clayton C. EHI?, 8ommervllle, Mas?.
Fiore Frances??, Glassport, Pa
John ?. Healer, New Haven. Conn.
Thorn McCarthy. Webbervllle, Mich.
BUI Bran-ford Piper, Scottsville, Ky.
Vlrdlck. Sahaglan, Eaat St. Louis. III.
Henry J. Bchmlu,. New Haven, Conn.
Walter Sixer, King. Mont
William Van Sandt, Harvel. TIL
dirla 8. Vlllal-vox, Los Angele?. Cal,
John E. Westfall, Mechanlcaburg. Pa
Loraine York, Mandan, N. D.
R. Benson, Oskars Trorn. Sweden
Fritz C. Foreman. Omaha, Neb.
Jamea A. Jewell, Seattle, Wash.
Louis A. Lysak. Meriva. Austria,
Nicola Feccia. D. Campo Casso, Italy.
Harmon R. Taber, Kopay, Cal.
M?. G. Valant, Alea. Oahu, Hawaii.
Earl E. Baker. Owen. Wls.
Smith F. Ballard, Salera, Ore.
Anthony Chas. Bereal. Detroit. Mich.
Bambino L. Catellnl, Crockett. Cal.
Dan B. Clancy, Butte. Mont.
Abraham Cooper, Baltimore, Md.
Chas. C. Coppus, Little Chute, Wla
R. S. Fitzgerald, Howard City, Mich.
Stojan Kreslck, I>os Angeles, Cal.
Ray H. Moses, Medford. Ore.
I-ars P. Peterson, Kcnmare, N. Dak.
Robert L. Redd, Burneyvllle, Okla.
Loyd H. Riffle, Chicago. 111.
Louis Ring. Chicago. 111.
Vernon Rodger?, Lacona, Ia.
Geo. H. Tanner, Somervllle, Maaa.
Walter J. Theus, Alameda. Cal.
Albert Thomson, Amesbury, Mass.
Joe F. Thuman, Nodaway. Ia.
Loraln A. Welsh. Breckenrldge. ?a
Arthur White, Adalr, III.
James A. Wood, Palmer. Mass.
William Woolridge. Howe, Okla.
A. W. Zlrbes. White Earth. N. Dak.
Paul Ray Shields. Oblong, IIL
Luther Shlve. York. Pa.
Robert ShutUesworth, Irwin. Pa.
J. J. Simons. South Bethlehem, Pa.
Andrew J. Smith, Brooklyn, ?. Y.
Roy H. Stover, Luray, Va.
Wesley G. Straltwell, Brookvllle. Pa.
E. E. C. Walnwright. St. Marys, Pa.
Angel Weliiareff. Wlrtx, Va.
James Wernald. Brooklyn. ?. Y.
Alex Wteszomerskl, Cleveland, Ohio.
Clair Wilson. Harmoneburg, Pa.
Horace J. Wolfe, Philadelphia, Pa
Dled From ?AoontU Receive?! la
Lieut. Edwd Arthur Burton, Hlll?
boro, Wl?.
Wallace M. Blxler, Evanston. IIL
Ralph Richard Carr. Coldwater. Mich.
Edward Lewis Zuver, Greenville, Pa.
I_ W. Aldrldge, N. Muskogee. Okla
Clarence L Bell. Baltimore, Md.
Kaxmlerx w. Bukplt. Buffalo. ?. Y.
LeRoy 8. Clouser, Mldletown, Pa.
Lynn E. Davis, Eaat Orange, N. J.
J. A. Dougherty Philadelphia, Pa.
John G. Duvall, Waynesburg. Pa.
Thoma? H. Elliott. Pittsburgh. Pa.
Ixiuls Flelaner, Marahfleld. Wls.
clarence E. Geyer, Chatham. Va
? liarle? A. Healis. Philadelphia, Pa
. ern H. Hyre. Palestine, III.
Angelo Inverso, Philadelphia. Pa
Roy V. Langdon. Reedsburg. Wi?.
Albert Lertora. Jamestown. Cal.
Frederick Matocli. Elmlra, N. Y.
Arthur G. Morran. Logan. Mont
Archie J. Miles, Hartstown. Pa.
Samuel J. Perkner. Birmingham. Ala.
Julius Strauss, Rockaway Park. N. Y.
Ira Welliver. Eddyvllle, Neb.
Died of DUeaie.
Oscar L. Housel, Clarendon. Va.
8ergt. G. A. Fe??enden. Easton. Pa.
Corp. Verne R. Down?, Springfield,
Lester J. Burke. Chicago. HI.
? Kraw?cyk. Jr., Long Prairie, Minn.
Died Iron .Accident and Other
Sergt George J. Onken, Mlnonk. 111.
Alfred J. Bislgnanl, Jeasup. Ga.
Irwin Gllliand, Kosclnko. Miss.
Nathan Laxaar, Philadelphia. Pa.
Jerry J. Kissane, Omaha, Neb.
Francisco Mares, Cabeson, N*. Mex.
leverei. WonnriVd.
Stephen O. Brlgham. Madison. Wls.
Harry A. Darling. Binghamton. ?. G.
Stanley F. Griswold, Canton, N. Y.
John T. Herman, New York, N. Y.
Francis H. Mlsslg, Detroit. Mich.
Ernest V. Ryall. Ladysmlth, Wls.
Ben A. Sullivan, Jr., Laurens, S. C.
Joaeph E. Torrence, Cynthlana. Ky.
Lewis F. Acker, Meadvllle. Pa
Donald Agar. Sheffield, Mass.
Henry Aubrey, Cecil, Pa.
Edward J. Barrle. Peterson, N. J.
Virgil Beaty, Wilder, Tenn.
Wilbur J. Boyd, Marion. Ohio.
Clyde W. Champe. Claremont. Va
Robert E. Conway. Portland. Me.
Otto V. Couchot Dayton, Ohio.
John J. Crowley, Aahmont, Masa.
John S. Hancock. Edmore, Mich.
Frank J. Hurley, Roxbury. Mas?
Chas. A. Knudsen, New York. N. Y.
William O. Miller. Dillon, B. C.
John E. Personett. Lenora, Kan.
Thomas W. Sloma, Natrona. Pa.
F, C. Sullivan N. Tonawanda. N. Y.
John Sutton, Tazewell, Tenn.
Chas. James Vandyke. OH City. Pa
Andrew Warhola, Forest City, Pa
Bill With, Chicago, IIL
BALMY BENNY E DIDN"r mean a ??: ? meant
Leland A. Wood, Troy, Pa
Hiram F. Ball. Jr.. Detroit, Mich.
Claude W. Brlnaon, Indlanapoli?, Ind.
Adolph S. Bulk, Chicago. 111.
Homer C. Deaton, Jacksonville, Tex.
Harry Advin Datar, Kane, Pa.
Ray E. Doughty, Shaw. Mis?.
Innea W. K. Duke. Troy, Tex.
George 8. Falrall, Iowa City, Ia.
George C. Flte, Stout, Ohio.
Edward L. Hahner, Pottsville. Pa
Chalmer? L. Harmon. Brookville. Pa.
Alfred F. Hendry. Dade City, Fla.
Oswald Howella, Taylor, Pa.
Bennie H. Hudson, Weston, Mo.
Samuel H. Icke?, Welf?burg. Pa
Hos? Gilford Ingalls, Butler. Pa.
Carl A. Jackson. Salisbury. N. C.
Creckett C. Lack. Kevll, Ky.
John Aloyeiu? Lleb. ConneHiville. Pa
William McCarthy. Dorchester, Slass.
Zay McClain. Danville. Ind.
Thomas Mazza, Masa) Boston. Maas
George Slowry, ? egg. Pa.
Mike MrjkaJo, Newark, N. J.
Jame? L. Padgette. Poison, Mont.
E. W. Paulin, Williamaport. Ind.
Antoni Pecyna, Evanston, III.
Mark 8. Phillips, Harrlsbure. Pa
Jame? M. Pike, Alexander, N. C.
Thomas M. Price, Eldorado. 111.
Fltzhugh L Richard?. Bevier, Mo.
Bernard Roberta, Montgomery, W. Va
John C. Sanderson, Terr? Haute. Ind.
George Sorenson, Verdena. Canada.
Joel D. Thacker, Orrix. Va
G. G. Thurlow, New Rochelle. ?. T.
Anthony H. Tillman. St. Loula. Mo.
Overton L. Turner. Dexter, Tex.
t?m/ki M Willi?, cioverport, Ky.
Claude Wlltrout, Junction City. Kans.
Raymond Youns/l Kan?a? City. Slo.
Allen B. Casady. Milton. Iowa.
Jesse Centers. Lost Creek, Ky.
Charlea Chapman, Richmond, Va.
Raymond J. Fay. Jamestown. N. D.
Michael Ferren, Milwaukee, Wi?.
Arvid Heidenberg, Sanish, N. D.
Ozey A. Horton. Noodle. Tex.
Clarence W. Jones, Iberia. Ky.
Joseph P. Kelly, Elraira, ?. T.
Harry J. Mitchell. Chester, : J.
Truman Hugh O'Brien, Detroit. Mich.
William Pauli. New Orleans, La.
Theo. L. Root, North Topeka. Kane.
Cohen Royge, Breeding. Ky.
Bryan Clark. Eeeex. Mo.
Lewis Leo Frisch, Evans City, Pa
Paul H. Rau, Hamburg, Pa
Charles H. Abela Akron. Ohio.
George M. Agnew, Franklin. Pa
Chas. J. Gustafeon, New York, N. J.
Tony Thomas. Dayton. Ohio.
Wagoner Edw. Flacher, Nellgh. Nebr
Wagoner C. L Waltman, Harrisburg.
K. Armonavlczino. Jackson. Mich,
etanlcy Baratt, New York, ?. Y.
Richard Biddle. Jr., Thorpe, Wis.
Frank Bino. Shelburn. Ore.
Charles Bliss. Pine View, Mont.
Emil Bon?, Freeport, III.
Edwain Brendal. Starbuck. Minn.
George Butala, Scranton, Pa.
Emmett Caldwell, Advance. Mo.
Jimea P. Cannon, Roxburg. Ma?s
Warren W. Caawell, Bay City. Slich.
Charlea W. Caulklna, Littleton. Mus.
John ?. Chase, Chlcsgo. 111.
John T. Cheatharo, Corham. 111.
Maxle S. CIS burn, Blshopville. 8. C.
Max E. Cochran, Ipswich, s. Dak.
Peter Condle. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Leonard Conley, Omaha Nebr.
Mike Conner?, Gladstone. N. Dak.
Leroy F. Craig. Mansfield, Ohio.
John William Crandall, Watson, Mich.
Richard Cronk. North Hudson. Wia
John L Croea Smlthfield. W. Va.
Henry V. Curtis. Story. Ark.
David W. Drake, Chicago. IH.
ASHLEY G. DUVALL, 2901 Thirteenth
?treet, Washington, D. C.
August G. Edmond. Bertha Minn.
Gustav W. Ek, Lo? Angeles. C?l.
Jesse O. Evans, Winchester, III
Richard Fahrer, New Rockford. N. D.
Antonio Filetti. Capanon. Italy.
Franklin R. Filkey, Laguna, Cal.
Reuben H. Flneman. New York, N. Y.
Frank H. Flynn. Lvnn, Mass.
Van W. Flynn. Ashevtlle, N. C.
Dominico Forese. Bari, Italy.
Herman Foth, Wittenberg, Wl?.
WILTON W. FOWLER. 1331 W street
?outheast. Washington, D. C.
John B. Gallagher, Syracuse. N. T,
Harland Gill. Wenatchee. Wash.
Heorge A. Goode, Portland. Ore.
Fred L Hall. Doyon. N. D.
A. M. Handstad, Minneapoll?. Minn
Frank R. Hanson, Westport, Conn.
A. W. Harrison. Lo? Angele?. Cal.
C. H. Henze. Fort Atkinson. Wl?.
William C. Hlcaey, Saginaw, Mich.
H. R Hcllister. Three Forks. Mont.
Erlfng Isakeon. Blgfork, Mont.
Eugene E. Irwin. Granvllle. N. D.
John T. Jackaon, Butte, Mont.
Edward Jasen, San Antonio, Tex.
Tho?. J. Jennings, Bridgewater, 8. D. ?
Harlan M. Jone?, Denver. Col.
Walter H. Jorgenson, Kenmare. N. D.
Roy M. Kesselring, Blglervllle, Pa
Ivy W. Kesterson. Fowlke?, Tenn.
De Witt Kirby, Seattle. Wash.
Russell Jerome Kirk. Pittsburgh, Pa
Frank Kraemer, Chicago, III.
Albert Kruky. Ironwood. Mich.
Philip C. LaBay. Sioux Falls. S. D.
Frank C. Ladner. Cupertino. Cat
Cas? E. Llbolt, Crando. Mont.
Robert L. McCardle. New England.
N. Dak.
Harry P. SIHender. Bedford, N. Dak.
John Mitchell. Kailon. Ky.
T. W. Muehroe. Chippewa Fall?, Wls.
Axel L Nlelson. Aurora. III.
William O'Brian, Lamont, Iowa.
Harold A. Okell, San Francisco, Cal
Leonard Palmer, Douglass. Ga
George Peise. Chicago, 111.
E. W. Perkins, Illinois Bend. Texas
C. G. Pfiugfelder, Philadelphia. Pa
Arthur T. Quinn. Ft? Slyer. Va
Andrew Reczk. Chicago, 111.
David Reed. Lexington, Ky.
Otto M. Reinhardt. St. Louis. Mo.
Cecil A. Roley, Washougal. Wash.
Perry E. Roe?. Port Angele?. Wash.
Dillard C. Runyan. Hunters. Wash.
William Walter Ryerson, Rlpon. Wis
Bert Saltkill. Palmetto, Mis?.
Harry A, Shearer. Lemoyne, Pa.
Clyde Venoy Shlrey. Corry, Pa.
Salvatore Shrriple, Youngstown. Ohio
Albert Showalter. Lewigtown, Pa.
Milton Simmons. Potteville. Pa.
George Skitarelich. Wheeling, W. Va
Robt. F. Slaughter. Lo? Angeles, Cal. ;
John Slinks. Chicago, III.
Hepolit Soltan. Springfield. Mas?
Walter R. Spring, Worcester. Mas?.
George Steover, Lebanon, Pa.
Edwin T. Stiles. Grand Rapide, Mich.
Frank Stoltman. Milwaukee. Wi?
Curtis E. Strausbaugh, York, Pa
Alexander Sutton. Bayonne, N. J.
William J. Tanlly, Yorkviile. Ohio.
Lawrence Trimble, Col. Point. N. Y.
| Claude Underdown. Harrison, Ark.
Vasilie Ursachy, Dayton, Ohio.
Guy William Wallace, Polk. Pa.
Francie W. Webb, Plattsburg. Slo.
Richard Welber. Hankinson. N. Dak.
Edward M. Weil, Eunice, La.
Wm. F. Welsch. LoudonvIIle, N. Y.
Henry A. Wldmer, St. Loui?, Mo.
Joe A. P. Witt, Irvine, Ky.
Curtis Young, Princeton, Ind.
John E. Young, Cleveland, N. C.
Otto A. Schmutzler. Denver, Col.
MAURICE SCHULTZ, ?118 Lury Place
Washington. D. C.
Frank Scofleld. Bridgeport, Conn.
Wallenty Sculskl, Newark. N. J.
Wilbur G. Shankle, Hydro. Mont.
Rosa R. Sherwood, Almont, V. D.
George Snell. Blable, Ariz.
William Staubach, Newport. Ky.
Tony Stawnlkowskl. Milwaukee. Wl?
Ernest E. Veek, Mlnot, N. Dak.
Alfred Weber, Buffilo, ?. Y.
Oscar Weltman, Chicago, 111.
Powell Wypyck. Niagara Falls. ?. Y
I Irving C. Young, Sunope, ?. H.
I John Zakubowski. Detroit, Mich.
Adolph Zellar, Humbird. Wi?.
I A. V. Zimmerman, Detroit. Mich.
I Henry Zimmerman, Staunton, 111.
faul Zolbe, Johnstown, Pa,
Minala* In Arti??.
W. E. Bushy, New Haven. Corn.
G. A. McK?nlock, Jr., Lake Forest,
Charles A. Hei?e. Seattle. Wash.
A. E. Lundmark, Gaylordsville.
Leon A. Dickinson. Camden, N. J.
Fred Bemls. S'henectady. ?. Y.
Lyford C. ?,? hell, San Antonio. Tex.
Charle? Warner, Columbia. Pa
John Lyden, I^ctterfrack. County of
Galway. Ireland.
Bugler Harry Gordon. St. Paul, Minn
Jamea T. Allen, Grand Saline. Tex.
Ignac lialcunas, Firdale. Waeh.
Clarence Benton, Clinton, Iowa
Grant Bodwell, Bogata, Tex.
Lee C. Boland. Elkader. Okla.
Felix Brainbridge, Marlow, Okla.
Willie D. Burger. Healing Spring?, Va
Thoma? A. Byrne?, Brooklyn, K. Y.
John Ca-?see. New York, ? Y.
Robert ? Glay. Riverside, W. Va.
Raymond P. Codd, Colfax, Wash.
Earl Curnow. Juntura, Ore.
John E Darr, Marvel!, Ark.
Michele Dedionlgi. Detroit. Mich.
William N. Dow, Astoria. Ore.
John Ellett. Coatesvllle. Ind.
John W. Erwin, Cleveland, Ml??.
Henry P. Flack. Albany. N. T.
Paul M. Baldyga. East Hampton,
J. I_ Bcrt?ch, Spokane. Wash.
A. Burkman, New Castle, Ind.
Cha?. F. Byrd, Fallavlllc, ?Ark.
Mike Czeriejewskl. Toledo. Ohio.
J. R. Dlermeyer, Cleveland. Ohio.
Jeas E. Dodge, Seattle, Wash.
8. Kourglantakis, Crete, Greece.
Anton J. Kramer, Berea Ohio.
Calvin Kretxer, Independence. Kas.
*C. P. McGulre. Cambridge, Maes.
Gulseppe Martinelli, Montescaglloeo,
Provingia, Dipatenca. Italy.
Jos. Mazzacone, North Easton. .Mass.
Juan Mora?, Belen Palestina, Arabia
Jodie Pope, Nixa, Mo.
8. V. Reed. Boston. Mass.
H. J. Schmidt Seville, Ohio. ,
Louis Seefeld, Milwaukee. Wie.
Adolph E. Seerth. Philadelphia
Emile Solar. Morgan City. La.
Harry P. Steltx. Philadelphia, Pa
Emmett Story, Plalnview. I,?
Edwin J. Sweet, Bridgeport, Conn.
Martin Symanowiex, Chicago. III.
Luciano Tassoni, Wilwood. N. J.
Benno Timm. Michigan City. Ind.
Sam Todor. Indiana Harbor. Ind.
Edward Wandry, Knots. Ind.
Harold J. Ward., Mt. Vernon. Ill
Luther S. William?. Rutherfonl. Tenn
Theodore Wong. Sanlsh. N. Dak.
Chester M. Tingling. Altoona. Pa
Mbert William Yoder, Richmond. Ind.
,ean Zeller. Washbum. N. Dak.
Walker Perry Floyd. Comanche. Okla.
Jacob Greenberg, Chicago, HI.
Joseph F. Gryskievl<_. Nantlcoke. Pa.
Albert Halverson, __gin. Iowa.
William W Haney. Kama?, Utah.
Charle? A. Harp. Ozanne. Okla.
Charlie Haven?. San Antonio. Tex.
John Henderson. Rockland, Mim.
Albert Holt. Randlette. Okla.
B. Jankoskl, Jersey City. N. J
Doxier Johnson. Pine Level, Fla
H. N. -?allaher. Birmingham. Ala.
Lvonel J. Kern, Bloomileld. Ind.
Hollet T. Knight, Palati?. N. Y.
Karl L. Kunz, Bengal, Minn.
Francia L. Lenhard, Gage Town. Mich.
?. R. Llvinghouse, La Porte. Ind.
George Luebker, La Porte, Ind.
Mathias Lynaugh. Madison. Wia
Fay S. McBee, Madison. Ark.
H F. McClure, Waynesvllle, N. C.
Paul Jas. McDonald. Hartford, Conn.
H W. McEachern, South Brewer, Me.
J. J. McLaughlin, Philadelphia, Pa
Joaeph Mathleu. Ball River. Masa.
R. E. Moberg. Rockwell City, Ia.
Jno. Moorehead. Parkrrpburg, W. Va
Sam Morrone, Mulberry. Kans
James Edgar Pelton. Richmond. Ind.
Edward Peterson. Rockport Mas?.
Daniel? Pietrogiacomo. Seattle. Wash
Victor S Rice. Aaheville. N C.
Lamkin Robert?, Minden. L?
Paul H. Roben?. Hannibal. Mo
Russell C Roiaerta. Lcvelarad. Colo
John F.ogalskl. HiMim Mui
Joseph Rolew?kl. Pittsburgh. Pa.
Everett F Smith. Hawrs. Ark.
Vlncenxo Spototo. Philadelphia Pa
Chaa. A Sturm. Indlanapolla. Ind
Samuel G Tasulis. Oakland. Cal.
Emmltt Tlllett Polsgrove. Ky.
Robert A. Videa?. Luddington. Mich.
Reedy B. Walker. Chobarant. La.
Arthir D. Steven?. Falrhaven, Mas?
Death? . tl
Wounded . (I
Mhwing . 1
Enlitted men:
Death? . m
Wounded .14*4
In hand? of enemy. M
MlMlng . j_4
The following ca?u?ltle? are report
ed by the commanding general of the
American Expeditionary Force? (In
cluded In above total):
Killed in action. e
Died of wound? received in
action . 4
Wounded In action (severely) 7
Died of disease. 1
Total. U
Killed In Arti??.
John W. Wln?ton, Menrphla. Tenn.
- L
Killed In ?.rtlon. Pre. too. I a Re
ed Ytonndrd la ?a-floaa
Private L. A Holme?. G*lve?ton. Tex
Killed In Ima?
Alton lc Chord. New Port, Ark.
John R. Da vies. Chicago. Ill
Charles I Coffin. Iuuca. Tex.
J. V. Goldsberry. Warewood, W. Va.
George W. Koehler, Mound. Minn.
Died at ?Hill <<.'? ai, ri >? ?. ral.?
?. ?. Bennet:. Relgleaville. Pa
Samuel A. Bovee, Munnsville. ?. Y.
Danver A, lusher. Leitchfleld. Ky
Joseph Marcus. Harrison. ? J.
Corp. John C. Geiger, Jasper. Fla
Severely Wnandeat, Pre? lavaaly Re
P..M..I Killed In ?.?
Corp. J. E. Richards. Rockvale. Colo
Severely Wa??nded In Arti??.
Second Lieut William F. Dummer.
Lo? An,?.les. CaL
Earl 8. Linder, Dunda?. IIL
?. J. O'Nell. Kansas City. Mo.
Galen H. Gough. Benton. Ky.
Fred A. Thornton, Ginster, Ohio.
I ' > .< ?f I ?..??.
Gunnery Sergt. Arthur H. Johnston.
In Hospital li? ? ? ?<? ? ?i Prearl?a?ly
li. |...ri. ??? I "'.I *f ? <???<1?1
rrlvate G,W. Anderson Proctor. Minn.
Returned t? Dnty, rr??rla?aa?l. Re
ported Died mt Wonndaa.
Private R. A. Anderaon. Minneapolis,
Appeared Before Disability Basar?,
I r- ,.?.?>. . li.p. f.rn ?11??.na
Private ?. M Brown. Grenol?. Kan?.
The Navy Department report? that
Carl Douglas? MacVluie, quarter
master third cl**?, t* ? Naval R#
??? Force ot La B&lk. ?. ? . Je?*?
Taylor Pwafford. Mtnun m+cotmt fJ-%*?
L". 8. N , of L-extafton. Term . ?nd
Roy C?Jvln Reran acaman ?-??-??-??.
r ?,s* S ? . of M? + rce* V c ?? e *
lo?t ov^rtvoard fr?re th? V S ? Non
Steuben September <
The following list of Amencar pris
oner? of war at various camp? ta
Germany wa? issued yesterday ky the
War Department:
Reserve laaarail 1. mmTTrmtk
Flrat Clan Pvt David Rittrnbouse.
Dcieiie-ti-r, Maaa
?a??* CaaatMt
Pvt Air.'ed P Joncs. E-iston Pa
Pvt. He-l? r> V. Jordan. Hanover Pa
Pvt W. Bradley. Moore?-.own. N. ?I.
Pvt D Stephen???. Ba-ai.ord. Ind
Pvt G renk Ostrander. Jackson, V ?h
Tvt I:ank Tangl?. Bethlehem. Pa
Casa? R.a.?tl
Pvt. Archie R Clark, Cosbocton. Pa
Capt Brant A. Farley, Columbus. O.
Pvt. Ctaude Jackson. ? irk man. Ky
Pvt. Gip Plland. Unlontown, Ky.
Pvt Frank Winner. Westport, Ind
Corp. Charles Moiin. Columbas. Ohio.
Pvt Vastly Potochny. McAdoo. Pa
Pvt Jesse Antera Plalnafteld. Oh ?
? ???, t .?..-?
Flrat Claa? Pvt Dalli? Kelly. Oatood.
First C?a?? Pvt. John J. orinami
Webber Falla Okla
Pvt. Frank M?chale?. Chicago.
Pvt Burt Eaton. Ellenaburg, Wash
Pvt Alvin R Anderson. Kerkhoven
Pvt Frank J. Rice. Beranton, Pa
Sergt. Earl C. Ranch. York. Pa
Pvt Ell Levin. UUca Mich.
Corp. William W. Willi?i?iaa. Lem
bertvllle. N. J.
Pvt Harry Wilson Philadelphia. Pa
Pvt Tony Clvilll. Lebanon, Pa.
Pvt Emanuel Steiger. Glenham. 8 D.
Pvt 8am Thomas. Philadelphia Pa
Sergt Firmer it. Keller, South Whit
ley. Ind
Pvt. AVex Melnlck. Kiev. Russia
First Clas? Pvt Fred Greger. Erie. Pa
Pvt Antoni Kaszewakl Philadelphia.
Flrat Lieut Van Winkle TeaM.
Orange. N. J.
Flrat Lieut Arthur L Whiton. Nor
tonsille. N. D.
An additional list of prisoners
issued late last night follow?
Pvt Vladimir Ruzicka Columba? O
Pvt. Elieha Burns. Buckhorn. Ky.
Pvt Alma Wests. Columbus. Ohio.
Pvt Charlea Morri?. Chicago
First Clas? Pvt Robert Hswkina
Blnghamton, N. Y.
Pvt Joseph A. McKeown. Phlla
Pvt V. Pfluger. Pottiville Pa
Pvt Ernest A. Rouch. York. Pa.
Pvt Lyle O. Talbolt. Lowvtll*. N. T.
Pvt. Frank Slera Nebo. W. Va
Pvt J. A Lynch. Mountain View
First Class Pvt. T. J Brady. Troy.
M. T.
Pvt. John ? Wilson, Somerset Pa.
Fimt Class Pvt C. Stanley. wiikes
Bsrre. Ps.
Pvt V. L Carey. New Brighten, Pa
Pvt. Joseph F. Martin. Vienna Til
The following prisoner? ar? re
ported wounded:
Pvt Charle? Olson. Windber Pa
Pvt John Hurter, Medford. Wia
It la reported that Second Clas?
Seaman William Albert Miller, of
Chicago, escaped from Brandenburg.
January 31
The Department haa been Informed
that Private Carl C. Enderlin, of
Pittsburg died In a hospital at
Lanrrenaalsa August U. lilt.
The Washington Herald
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