Church's Service Flag Has
Gold Star for Sergeant
Harry Wilson.
Lasting tribute to detective Sergeant '
Harry Wilson, shot to death In the i
recent race disturbance, is embodied j
in the service flag of the Church of i
the Epiphany, to which has been
added another golden star.
Only the widow and a few friends ,
of Wilson were present at the simple
funeral services yesterday, the detcc- j
fives who were with him at the time
of his death being pallbearers. Mrs.
Wilson's request that there be no
police escort was adhered to. A large
wreath presented by the Metropolitan
Police Department was placed at the j
head of the. vault in Prospect Ceme
The Rev. Randolph H. McKim. rec- [
tor of tie Church of the Epiphany, j
who ortciated at the services, said of I
- "We are beginning to realize how?
much our live3 and our safety depend
upon the courage of such men. He i
was a brave man. an honorable man.
He went to his death unafraid.
"He sacrificed his life that others j
might live. We have added another j
goldern scar to the flag which hangs j
in the Church of the Epiphany."
Defiance by the Public Health
Service yesterday of orders of the
Public Buildings Commission pre
vented the House of Detention for.
Delinquent Girls from moving into
quarters assigned tnem in the old
Emergency Hospital Building. Fif
teenth and D streets northwest.
The Public Health Service, which
has been granted space in the Navy
Department Building, refused to va
cate. arguing that the Federal gov- j
ernment legally cannot be com-j
pelled to vacate quarters.
Commissioner Brownlow. MaJ.
Pullman. Judge Kathryn Sellers, of
the Juvenile Court, and Mrs. M. C.
Van Winckle. director of the wom
en's bureau, appeared before the
commission, of which Senator Smoot
is chairman, in an effort to adjust
the matter.
Commissioner Brownlow stated
that rent now being paid for quar
ters for deliquent women is to be
increased next autumn, and that the
District could obtain the old Emerg
ency Hospital Building at no ex
pense to the government. Judge
Sellers said young girls held on
minor charges of delinquency were
compelled to be quartered in the
same rooms with hardened women
Senator Smoot said he regarded
the refusal to move "as a dirty out
rage." It is expected the difficulty
will be settled today.
Pennsylvania Society
Holds 111th Meeting
The 111th meeting of the Pennsyl
vania State Society was held last
night at the Thomson School. Rep
resentative Temple was the principal
Mrs. D. H. Kincheloe. Miss Mary
Helen Howe. Miss Rose E. Spicher
and Miss Margaret Naylor entertain
ed those present.
Dancing and refreshments followed
the entertainment.
Those on the committee in charge
of ihe entertainment were John Mc
Gee. James A. Mulgrow, Patrick Mc
Nulty, Ix>uis W. McK?rnan, Philip
P. McGuire, Mrs. Beatrice D. Mor
*ran. Mi's. Alice F. Mulligan. Miss
Helena Michael. Miss Rennie McFad
den. Miss Ernestine Mazer, Miss Ver
na Miller. Miss Margaret F. McCar
thy. Mrs. Joseph F. Michaud and
Miss Olive A. McGrew.
Hays to Be Candidate
For Governor of Indiana
Indianapolis. July 25.?Friends of
William H. Hays, chairman of the
Republican National Committer, to
day affirmed the reports that Hap
will be a candidate for the Indiana
gubernatorial nomination before the
Republican State Committee. It was
said that Hays will announce his
candidacy next Friday at a Republi
can rally.
Charged with Murder,
Boys Plead Not Guilty
New York. July 25.?Edward O'Brien
and Edward Earl Paige, charged with
the murder of their employer. Gardner
C. Hull, a stationer, today pleaded not
guilty. Their counsel said they t>e
lieved both boys were insane at the
lime of the murder.
Judge Mclntyre appointed a com
mission to examine their mental con
dition. Ihey were remanded without
Bat They're Higher Here.
Owensvilie. Ind., July 25.?The
cantaloupe season now is at its
height in Gibson County, and the
village of Johnson, west of Owens
ville, the principal shipping station,
is experiencing its annual din of
business. The opening market
price is from $1 to $1.35 a basket,
the same as last year.
The next time
you buy calomel
ask for
Jo tan
The perfected calomel
compound tablets that
are #afe and free from
the customary nauseating
and sickening effects.
Medicinal virtues retain
ed and improved by ad
juvants and correctives.
In Sealed Packages
20 doses for 35 cents
For two years Persia has not had a
Minister in Washington. Now Sadigh
El-Sullanes has been appointed to the
post and has arrived in Washington.
The Federation of Citizens' Associa
tions will meet tonight at 8:15 o'clock
in the board room of the District
Building. A report of the public utili
ties committee of the federation, on
the street car situation in the District,
will be presenU-d by William McK.
Clayton, chairman.
A representative of the federation
to the joint meeting Monday of the
exccutivt committee of the Community
Distribution Association and delegates
of various trade, labor and civic or
ganizations probably will be named.
Judge Says "Kick" in
Liquor Does Not Count
Chicago, July 25.?The question
of intoxicating power of liquor
does not enter suits brought for
violation of the war-time prohibi
tion act. Federal Judge Page ruled
here today.
Hearing arguments in a demurrer
against information charging the
Stenson Brewery Company of Chi
cago with manufacture and sale of
i beer in violation of the act. Judge
Page held it unnecessary to prove
the liquid was intoxicating.
Cop Resigns to "Catch Coons."
New York. July 25.?Catching
? "coons in Ix>uisiana is more profit
able than catching crooks in Brook
, lyn," according to Policeman Bar
; rols, who has resigned in favor of
' the coons.
It Had Yeast, Anyhow.
j Wilmington. Del.. July J?>.?"I made
i it from snuff, tobacco Juice, cider
and yeast cake and it kicks all right."
, replied Tim Thomas, when asked in
: police court where he got the "hard
We Want Your
Our Clients Will Expect Pos
session Within Sixty Days.
Ernest Hall Coolidge Compan*
Write, Phone or Call.
Mrs. Victor Burger, wife of the
Socialist Representative - elect from
Wisconsin, yesterday appealed to the
special House investigating commit
tee to seat her husband.
For two hours sh* read to the com
mittee Socialist articles to show that
the efforts of the party previous to
the war were to prevent future wars.
Representative Dallinger asked that
Berger. who was also a witness, de
vote more time to telling the com
mittee of the action of his party
after war was declared.
"What the committee would like
to know is what the Socialists in the
countries actually did after war was
declared," he said.
Berger said he Intended later to
show the action of the Socialists in
the various European countries after
I the war. as well as before.
Lieut. Col. Noble to Be
Made Brigadier General
The Senate Military Affairs Com
mittee has ordered a favorable re
port on the nomination of IJeut. Col.
R. E. Noble. Medical Corps, to be
a brigadier general.
Noble's nomination has been pend
ing several months, and precipitated
a bitter flght in the army, since his
promotion would Jump him over many
officers of lonsrer service.
The committee also voted to recom
mend permanent ranks for Brig. Gen.
H. M. Lord. director of finance, and
Brig. Gen. C. E. Krauthoff, Quar
termaster Corps.
President Nominates
Four for Appointment
President Wilson has sent the fol
lowing nominations to the Senator
K. W Fiske. Sioux Falls. S. Dak.,
to be United States attorney for the
i district of South Dakota; William N.
| Steward, .Michigan, to be Assistant
l Director of the Census a new office;
1 Frank A. Boyle. Alaska, to be regis
ter of the land office at Juneau. Alas
ka: and William P. Ryan. Baltimore,
to be customs collector for District
Foreign Branch Banks
Under Federal Reserve
Tbe Senate Banking and Currency
Committee has reported favorably the
Edge bill authorizing formation of
foreign banking concerns under the
supervision of the Federal Reserve
Board. The committee inserted a pro
vision that the controlling interest
in such enterprises must be owned
by American citizens.
City Park* Want Old Cannon.
A bill authorizing the Secretary of
War to donate to municipal organiza
tions obsolete ordnance equipment
wag introduced yesterday by Senator
I Wadsworth. The bill also allows such
donations for foreign museums.
in Congress
At the request of Secretary of War
Baker, a bill authorizing commis
sions for 8,800 additional army offlcera
was Introduced yesterday by Senator
The array Is short of officers under
present legislation. Baker explained.
Russian Loans Brought
Allied Victory, Is Claim
American war loans to Russia prac
tically saved the allies from defeat.
Assistant Secretary of the Treasury
l^effingwell yesterday told the House
Committee on Expenditures In the
State Department, which is Investi
gating American loans to Russia.
Without the loans, he said, Russia
would have been unable to keep men
on the Eastern front during 1917.
Petri Button* to Cost More.
A tariff of *15 a ton on magnesite
and, in effect, from 10 to 20 cents a
gross on pearl buttons, was deter
mined upon by a majority of the
members of the House Ways and
Means Committee, who have recom
mended passage of bills levying such
Fighter Aspire* to Congrest.
Lawrenceville, Ga_, July 25.?Con
gressional politics in the ninth dis
trict are eulivened by the report that
Congressman Thomas M. Bell will
have opposition in the person ol
John I. Kelley, a young member ol
the Lawrenceville bar and a vet
eran of the world war.
The highest class Chlneso
and American Restaurant In
the city. Prompt Service and
Popular Prices.
Canton Pagoda
1343 E St. N. W.
There are many big prob'ems ahead of us
and many big opportunities too.
All of these call for ready money and the
best way to accumulate this is to cp;n a Union
Trust Company savings account and deposit
regularly a portion of your earnings.
Begin this plan
. H Sts. Northwest
Courtesy and Efficiency
pOURTESYis not
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good breeding, but it is
a hall-mark of good
banking as well.
It goes hand in hand
with efficiency and both
add to the measure of sat
isfaction which patrons of
this bank enjoy.
We invite you to associ
ate your banking with
this old-established insti
it, inn
ftl?FS latloaal II*,
1503 Peim?yl?ania lv?
*m?^ton, B.C.
Ocntl ??11
The extrecelj courteous end tttsUm
maamr la which kj "accccaodet lac" account has
bwn handled by 79a dcrlng the period of
eork In Jfcshiagtoa le deserving of e spoolal wor*
?f appreciation.
II le entirely unnecessary for ? U
extend my well vlehee for e prosperous fntnre te
?n Institution that le conducted <
and progresslTe principles.
sxanh taro*A
?oat sincerely.
Greenwich, Conn*.
(lie ftiMs Monal lanli
? or Washington-qc *
1 / '%
OrvPenasylvonio.Avenue.focirg the U S.'JTneasury
Capital aad Surplus, 98,000,000. Resources, Close of Business Jane 80, 928,865,070.01
*" ? ' < 1 ' . ' ?
Bethesda, Md. g?EwN
(In building known as the Wilson Store)
Georgia Ave. and Columbia Rd.
A Big Advertising Offer
On Soap for Today Only
Five (5) Cakes Peets' "Crystal White" Laundry Soap at 6c Each
One (1) Cake "Creme (Ml" Toilet and BathSoap Free with Above Jl/t
Only One Deed to Each Family?Today Only
The merits of these fine soaps are so well known to so many of our
patrons that a wonderfully successful sale is assured beforehand. To those *
who are not familiar with these products we wish to say that you will find
them of unexcelled quality, and we guarantee that they will prove satis
factory to every user. We urge every patron of our store to take advantage
of this offering, as soaps have made material advance in price, and the day
of NINE or TEN-cent laundry soaps is close at hand.
S?M ?sally fey Us ana ?to HI3 ^?ires