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LEFT EARFUL A stringer, observing a cou ple of golfers whispering u a third drove of? the tee thought they had found a new 19th hole. RIGHT EARFUL Jack Johnson is making his last stand in old Mexico. Now what if the U. S. finds it neces sary to take over Mexico? Scott Perry Proves Too Much for Griffs Tribe Nationals Are Beaten in Regular Pitching Duel With Mackmen by Count Of 6 to 4 in Eleventh Inning. Speaking straight fact.*. Mack's dnwn-trodden Athletics obtained the referee's decision over the hopefuls of Clark C. Griffith at league Park yesterday afternoon in an over-time battle by a count of 6 to 4. Connie was anxious to grab off more than ATI even break with the GrifCmen and as a result ho sent his ace to the moimd in one Scott Perry. This ace-high hurling demon went the entire rout**, while the Koxy Pilot was compelled to send two dif ferent moist artists to the hill. Eric Erickson was the first selection or the Old Fox. while Eddie Gill, a youngster recently purchased, ended up the route. Perry was hit hard during the most of the fray, hut wonderfully brilliant defensive work by both Perkins and Thomas halted the rally of the home Tribe. Erickson looked like a million rjollar-do'.l for seven innings, but in the eighth the Macks hammered his slants for a fare-the-well. and in the ninth. Ecldie Gill, one of Griffith's bush hurlers. made his appearance. Eddie went at a top clip until the lucky eleventh when the veteran Georze Burns and Cy Perkins picked at his crover to such an extent that they annexed the victory. Putting a pitching duel and a slusfest together, this is how activities occurred. The Macks jammed one through the plate out of the courtesy of Mike Menosky when he dropped Walker's easy fly ball. Strunk followed with * two-hMs? blow to the rightile'd war den wall and Tilly Walker dented the dish with the Mack fir.-t tally. The Griff men evened 'he count in the second fram?* when Sammy Rice hit to right and was advanced all the way through the counting blork by the *t#y of sacrifices and fielders' choices. The lucky frame placed the Macks out in front as hits by Walker. P.urns and t'erkins gathered one run. whi'e in the eighth a pass to Kopp followed by Thomas' triple and Shanks' error annexed two more for the Macks. Griff juggled his lineup in the eighth frame ar.d manacfd by the pinch hit route to sather two runs, while in th* ninth Picini? h tripled over Walk er's head, followed bv Janvrin's in feld out. which tied the count, but the Macks were not to be denied as Walk er doubled in the evelenth and George Burns tripled to center field, scortns Walker with the winning run. He tallied a minute later on Perkins single to center. Alex Shows Form. St. Loriis. July 2i>.?The Cubs de feated the Cardinals here today in the second tame of the series. 1 to 0. Vaughn held the Cards to two hits not allowing a counter during the contest. S?-ore by innings: Chicago ion ftO# 000?1 St. Lout!* . <"<*> M1) ?u Batteries?Vaughn and Killifer; I>oak and Clemmons. Major league Statistics AMERICAN LKAGl'E. Yesterday** n<x>altn. Athletics. 6: Washington. 4. Boston. *; New York. 6. Detroit. 11; Cleveland. 5. Chicago. 6; St. Louis. 4. Where They Play Today, Athletics at Washington. New York at Boston. St. Louis at Chicago. Detroit at Cleveland. itaiiding or (be Club*. W L. Chicago.. 55 29 Cleveland 4S 3* Detroit 47 36 New York IS 3C St. Louis. 43 39 Boston 36 45 Wnwhs ricton .1?1 47 Athletics 20 60 NATIONAL LEACCB. V eslerda y*? Rcnnlta. Brooklyn. 5: Phillies, fl. Now York. 6; B??st??n. 0. Cincinnati. 4; Pittsburgh. 0. Chicago. 1; St. Louis, o. \% here Tkey I'lny Today. Brooklyn at Philadelphia. Boston at New York. Cincinnati at Pittsburgh. Chicago at St. Ix>uis. sxnaolns of the Chit*. W U New York 51 23 Cincinnati 51 27 Chicago 45 35 Pittsburgh 40 39 Brooklyn 3D 39 Boston 2H 46 St. Louis 29 49 Phillies 25 49 WONDER CLOTHES * Genuine Palm Beach SUITS $10.00 Back Again to Pre-War Prices KUPPENHEIMER CLOTHES V Sold Exclusively in Watkkf fiROSNER'C W UU PEXNA. AVE V MACKMEN HAD PUNCH Nationals. ?b. r h. tb. bb. no. ah. ?b. o. a. e J wig e. lb <4 1 2 2 0 1 o o |.% i o hooter. 1* 4 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 J 4 ? If .. S 0 I i 0 0 0 O 0 0 1 Rice. rf. . 4 1 34 1 00 1 201 Mnrphjr. cf... 40000010200 Picink*b. e... SI 240000 10 20 Shanks. ?.. 402200 1 004 1 i Jknmn. 2b..500000003*0 Krick son. p .. 2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 | Gin. p 10000000000 | Miharrity 10000000000 ?Jcnuson 1 0000000000 [ILeor.aid .... 00000000000 ' T..ul? ... 42 i 12 15 1 I 3 1 33 15 3 j Athletics. ab. r b. tb. btx *?. ah. sb o. a. e. ' Kopp. If 4 1 0 0 1 3 0 1 1 0 0 Tfcuaa*. 3b. 51 24 000034 1 Walker, cf S 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 3 0 t , Straafc. rf... 301201 10100 Burma. rf . 10000 1 00000 Hum#, lb... 5 1 2 4 0 1 0 0 |0 2 0 1H rkiiiA. **..302200002 30 Turner. 2b.... 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 McAfoy. c 4000000 0 1 00 ivrn. r * 00003 oo 1 ?o Totals 01 * 9 13 2 9 I 1 33 It 1 f'>r Bricksoa in the fighth. t|'.attc?l for (Jill in 'he dciraiu. I Kan for in the elerrnth. j J'M'ort* by innings: \ati<J*aU Pin*.. 010000021 0 0? 4 Nationals hit.* 01200103212-12 1 Athletics rim. . I 0 0 0 o 0 1 2 0 0 'i? 6 Athletics bit*.. ..100001 3 100 3-9 Kanieil runs- Nationals 4; Athletics. 4 First fcase b* ermc Athletics. 1. I^ft on basea - 1 National*. 9. Athletics. 4. Rnt base on bails Off Kr i-k-oo. 2 >2S at hat': off Gill, 0 (12 at , bat). Innings piu*hed-B> Endiaoo, S. by Gill. J Hit* trad*???ff tii.-fcson. 6: off Gill. 3. . struck out By F.ricV*?o. 6; by Gill. 3. Three ta.-^* hit* IV-inici.. Tin mas, Burns Twobaa^ hit? -Stnuik. Walker, Rice Living islohrr ? I?U ''| h res K?..ns a rxl Xalhn Time oI game - <16 SOCIETY TAKE NOTICE! DEMPSEY'S AT HOME t*hi?ago. July 25.?Jack Dempsey will be "at homo" in Chicago after Monday, friends announced here to-1 day. Dempsey. who is now visiting his mother in Salt Lake City. Ct&h, will buy a house here, it was said.; and will make the city his home ini , the future. j YACHTING WORLD IS ANXIOUSLY AWAITING j London, iuly 2.".? Sir Thomas Lip- 1 ton. in h newspaper interview, is quoted today as saying that he has I acquired a "secret invention" that will increase substantially the I Shamrock 'V's chance of winning i lh?- America's Cup. when the races j are sailed in American waters next year. Tho yachting: world is now agroc to know what the secret invention i may be. ) TIGERS LANDGAME FROM INDIAN TRIBE 4*leveland. Ohio. July 23.?The , Tiicers walloped the Indians hard ? today 11 to 5. pulling up to third place and within half a gam<- of the 1 Indians and second place. Score: Detroit. Ab H O A K ('leifbtii. AH H O A E Bu*t.-s ... I t I i * OHMv.If... 4 0 2 0 0 Young.2b .1 1 0 5 0 'lumrati.a. 5 4 10 0 f <52 4 0 (, 32510 V.h.h.lf, 5 2 3 0 ?Smnh.rf.... 4 2 0 0 1 ll? ilm' .> I~ 0 l)\W** 2 10 0 0 Slu?rten.rf . 2 2 3 0 ?{? 4 0 110 Jonei. ."b ( 2 ?? 3 f' Wamby 2b . 4 13 7 0 Air -mith.r. 4 0 0 ?? I, 1 nvton.lh. 4 0 II 1 0 I'atis.i 5 10 3 Ojo Neiil.r.... 2 0 3 10 IThoous.c... 1 0 1 0 0 ' I s|*r.p ..2 0 0 4 " 'I'bil-ipa.pL.. o n o o 0 ? hk.p 0 0 0 0 n 'JaraiMMi 1 0 0 0 0 ?Krars 0 0 0 0 0 CHams 1 1 0 0 ? Tf.tais ^ [b ? O Tota's 37 1127 15 1 'Batted i?>r Itiilli a in rtetith. ?Ban for O'Neill in seventh. :Battet| 'or I'hle in ninth. I' trru 0 1 0 4 0 0 4 ? 0 1 ? 'fcifiin.' 1 000020 2 0-3 Run*? Bush (J. Young, t'ohb. Yea< ii l?i. llvil j man i2?. lon*?. Amsmith. Ihnu, Clia[>man (2>, Soaker. Smith. Wo?d. Two ht-f hits? Ainsrri'h, ! H?*ilmann. Shorten. Veacb. Bu*h, Speaker, ? NVamb?gan<i Three b?se hitv- Iiu?h. Veacb. ? "hairaan. Home run Smith. Sacrifice hits? I You' g. Shorten (2?. Bush fH?*14e |4 >s? Yout>g. J Bush ?nd Ifeilntaor. LP ??n hasc* - lietrrn!. 10: I lleteli r?d. 7. I^jac* on U!ls^Ut( I^ausii, 2. . Jasper. 3. Itnllipa. 1. l"h e. 2 Hit*? off J*.s(<er. 10 in innings, off Ihillip*. 2 in 1 inning: off l'hl ?. 4 in 2 innings Stnirk out-By Phillii*. i; I hie. I. I.acinz pitoher?Jaaier. t'inpms-t ou i?olly Hiid Owei ?. Phillies Handed Zeroes. Philadelphia. July 2T?.?The Dod jrers defeated th#? Phillies here to day in the second samp of the se ries by to f>. Pfeffer was in form and held the home folks ?*afe keep ing the six hits well scattered. Score by Inning*. R H E TTrooklyn.2 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0?5 It 0 Phillies .. .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0?0 ?> 0 Catteries?Pfeffer and Wheat; i llogK. Packard and Adams. Moran's Reds Win. Pittsburgh. July 25.?Pat Moran's j fa?t traveling Reds trimmed the Pirates here today. 4 to 0. The Pirates lacked the old punch to hit Filer, os he wa? in form and set the Buccaneers down with four hits. S<or? by innings: Cincinnati 010 020 001?4 Pittsburgh 000 000 000?0 Batteries?EUer and Wingo; Ad ams and Schmidt. j Clarendon Juniors Land Game. I Clarendon juniora nine defeated the Cherrydale juniora yesterday by 7 to 2. Smoot. who hurled for the winners, fanned fifteen men during the fray. Clarendon made 11 hits and 2 errors, while the loser8 gathered 6 hits and 5 miscues. War Risk, 4; Treasury, 3. War Rink Ab H O A T/ Treasury. AbHOA R Roooer.2b . 3 0 0 5 OltJrifflth.^rf 4 110 0 A Watt.2b.. 3 13 1 OiMntry.rf 2 0 0 0 1 3 1 13 0 1'Fitarerald.lf 4 10 0 0 Bleier na 3 112 ofcVtolUf . . 0 0 0 0 0 KVea.ef 3 0 1 0 0|Moyer.p 10 110 , J lrhoe.rf... 4 0 2 0 9 lierardi.w... 4 13 3 0 I W Wait.If.. 4 110 OjStrait.r SOU 1 1 ' Hurd.c 3 1 5 2 0 Bell.2b 3 10 4 0 Scha/fr p. 4 10 4 O Bal' 3 0 ? 0 1 |Caffrey,3b... 10 0 10 Totals.... 29 0 27 14 l{Walk?r,p.... 0 0 0 0 0 '^Nordstrom. 1 0 0 0 0 , TV-tals ... 3S 4 21 It) 5 ?Hit for Walker in moth. War Risk 0003001 0 1-4 Tremauo 0 1 00 01 0 0 0-3 Runs?Bleier, Feea. W Watt. Fraaw. OrifBth, Viugerald. Carroll. Left oo ba^es-War Rwk. tO; Treaaurr, 1 Stolen base*-Bleier. Fitigerakl. Hacriflce hitA-Feea. Caffrer. Moye*. Sacrifice fly Moyrr Two base bit?A. Watt. Hirce-bt*a hit? Schafer. Struck out-Br Scha/er. 5; Moyer, 0; Walker. 1 Bases on balls?Off Schafer. 5; Mor?r 3; Walker, 1 Hits?Off Schafer. 4. Moyer. I: Walker. 2 Hit hy pitched ball By Mojer tFraaar'. Walker (Hird. Bleter). Ubot*-Fan ?haw. Ho* of gama?. 4^ ^ Mexico, Like Other Local ities, Finds Ex-Cham- j pion Undesirable. Jack Johnson is interesting despite' his unpopularity. It will be a lon^j time until the United States forgets his objectionable traits, allowing him to slip back into the country he loves. Nevertheless you can't keep him down for keeps. He's always bobbing up in some capacity or other. Johnson left this country when Federal au thorities got after him, following his alleged violations of the Mann act. . For a time he was quite a figure in Ix>ndon, Paris and other European J cities. They tired of him, and he dropped out of sight. But only for ! a time. Ho showed tip later at Ha-' vtna and lost to Wlllard. He faded again. Months and months later we heard of him as a bull fighter in Spain. He went big. They, too, tired of him. He managed to get Into1 Mexico City, where he posed as a great healer and physical culture ex pert. Evidently he went big again, but the inhabitants of that city tol erated him so long and then his name) again was mud. They didn't like his attitude. He was lost again to the | limelight. Next came a story that he was grooming a new heavy-weight, j Capt. Bob Roper, to win back his title by proxy. Roper lost to a third rater. Now it is reported that John i son is to box Dan Flynn at Monterey, j What will he do next? REX CLUBMEN WILL FACE STEEL PLANT One of the best amateur cames of I the season will be staged tomorrow I afternoon at 3 o'cloek at T'nion | Park, Fifteenth and H streets j northeast, when the Rox Athletk* j Club and the Steel Plant aggre^a l tions m*et in the second game of I their series. Steol Plant won the j first and the clubmen will try to even the series. j Tt is not known who Manager Co! , liflower will send to the pitching I slab, but either Owen or Vernsfin j will likely work for Manage I Wright's nine. Ferguson nnd Al | l>auc:h will also be ready if railed j upon. The largest crowd of the j season is expected to witness this , < ontest which is expected to b?"> j haid fought all the way. WALLACE IS AFTER ENGLISH CHAMPION f Philadelphia. July 25 ?Jimmy Wilde has been extended another invitation j to visit this country. | Patsy Wallace, through his mana ger. Doc Cutch. vesterday tossed h | challenge in th#? direction of lx>ndon j in the form of H cablegram to the I manager of Wilde. J Manager ('utch posted a forfeit of ?$1.0*> in cash with Rotw-rt W. Max I well, sports editor of th?> Evening Public ledger, thereby proving that ! he was sincere. ? According to the terms. Wilde will , be (guaranteed t' for a six-round ! bout in this citv. In addition, he I will be given two round trip tickets, j If Wilde gire? the challenge any con , sideration the money guarantee also I will be put up. ! Wallace will make 112 pounds t 2 | o'clock on the afternoon of the fight. This is the English fly-weight limit. ? Wilde is a fow pounds under thi* weight, but in facing Wallace he i will be engaging one of the smallest j of American fly-weights. TEST FOR BETTING LAW. Michigan Order Prohibiting Publi. , cation of Odds Is Contested. Detroit, July ?Constitutional I ity of the Michigan law which pro hibits the publication of betting | odds on horse races, or distribution ; within the State of n*>wspap?:rs con , taining such information, will he tested in the State Supreme Court, i This announcement was made here today by counsel for T,ouis and Frank F. (Jrosscup, and Max and Samuel Solomon, local newspaper distributors, charged with circulat ing out-of-town newspapers con taining betting odds. Ctymer Starts Suit. Tymisville, Ky.. Juiy 25. ? William ' J. Clymer. former manager of the j Louisville club, now managing the I Seattle t?*am. in the Pacific Coast i league, today filed suit against the | owners of the local team for 51. I 955.54 wheih he claims is due him as a balance on last season's sal r WAR INTERBUREAU LEAGUE. Motor T Ab HO.A E IAdjt G. AMI O A B. Friu.lf .81 2 ? 0*Sicith.r :? i it l n Oe<litor.3b 4 1 2 0 2|Callshaa.2b 3 2 111 W.Quinn,2b S 1 3 1 2| KobinKffl.ob 5 10 3 2 i 4 3 7 0 1 Ixiiische.p.. 4 0 12 0 I J Quinn.rf. 3 10 0 3 0 l 0 0 1 . 4 2 0 0 0;Blair.rf 1 0 0 0 0 Molt.*.... 4 1 3 0 0| IKche.rf lb 3 14 0 0 1 T\irn<r.r... 4 1 10 2 0; 1 0 2 0 0 Oowhrst.p 3 2 0 5 o 3 0 10 0 I Bench,s*? 4 0 3 1 1 |.Skinker,lf.. 4 10 0 0 | Totals.. 13 27 8 ftj Totals.... ? 8 2t 8 5 I Motor Trar*p~rt 1 1 1 2 4 0 0 0 x -9 j Art it. General 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0?1 I Runs? Skinker. Fritz, Creditor, Pat ton, J. Quinii, Flauer (2). Ti:nwr I2>. Crowhniat. Left I on base?? M. T. C., 8; A. G.. 11. Stolen hase*? Fritr. Creditor ?2). W. Qi.inn (2>. Pattoo, ? Haiwr, Robinson. Sacrifice hits?Koche. J. IQuirn. Two-ba e hits?Creditor. "Hiree ban? hit - Frit*. Struck out?By Lausche. 11: Cmwhumfc, 8. Bases on balls-Off Lansche, 1. Wild pitch? i tYovrhurst. 1. Passed bells-Turner, 1. l'm*ire? ! Mr. Lour NAVY YARD LEAGUE. Gun D. Ab.H O.A.fc i Q.imd Ab.H.O.A.B. Orob.3b.... 4 2 11 i'Ucelry.rf.... 4 0 0 0 2 <\)letnan.lf. 4 0 0 0 0|Major.&? 3 2 4 5 3 K' 3 0 5 0 0|Moore.lf 3 2 0 0 0 4 1 4 0 0, Lu -combe ,3b 4 3 8 3 1 French, as... 4 112 OIGtovanetti.c 5 3 4 3 0 Brtd'sp' 1 0 3 0 2! 5 0 12 1 0 Klodzen.rf. 3 110 0; 4 10 0 0 Lcrey.c 4 10 1 01 Bc.-kendorf.2b 3 0 13 1 Fre>.p. 3 0 0 2 0; Clark.p 4 0 0 2 0 Beall,2b? 3 0 0 1 0! I ToUl?... JJ ?2I 7 j| Total*? X 11 B 17 T Saore by innings: , Gun Division 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0-3 j Quadrangle 2 0 3 0 0 1 0 2 x?8 I Runs-Groh fti. Cokman, Major (4). Moors. Lnvxxnhe. Lawrence. Giovanetti. Left on bases ?Gun Division, t; Quadrangle. 10. Stolen baas -Gtoranatti Sacrifice hit -Luscocnbe. Two-bass hits?Moors, Lurcombe Struck oat?By Clark. 2; by Prey. ?. Baas on balls?Off Clark. 2; off Fray. J. Wild pitch?Frry. Hit b> pitcher? B* Frry. 3; by Clark, L Double plays? Otovanetti to Luscombe. Major to Lawrence; Major tm Idndoif to Lawreuo* IS CARL MAYS AFTER WORLD SERIES SLICE? TO CELEBRATE BIG GRID ANNIVERSARY I New Brunswick. N. J., July Plans are being made here to cele brate the fiftieth anniversary of the first football game with a pageant and a banquet. The original game was played in 1866, and Princeton University alumni have been asked to help in the plans. ? Ouimet Cancels Date. Boston. July 2f>. ? Francis Ouimet and Jess Gilford, well-known golf ers. American entries in the match es at Hamilton. Ont., will not be able to attend because of the pres sure of personal business interests. RAILROAD Y. M. C. A. CLUBS BATTLE TODAY The Penn Railroad Y. M. C. A., of Philadelphia baseball nine will play a game with the local Railroad Y. M. C. A. this afternoon at the Union Station diamond, starting at 5 o'clock. The visitors have one of the strongest teams in the circuit and will make the picked team from this district hustle to come out on the long end of the score. Halts Joe Chip. Youngntown. Ohio. July 25.?Harry Grebe, the Pittsburgh tornado, smoth ered Joe Chip. Newcastle, in a fast twelve-round bout here last night. + His 6 TENNIS TEAMS TO PLAY TODAY A postponed Washington Tennis As sociation match between Ihimbarton and the Columbia Country Club will be played on the former's courts this afternoon. This match should be an exceptionally hot one, as "Connie" Doyle, captain of the visiting team, is back in town, and he and Fred Harris. present Middle Atlantic > doubles champions, will represent Co- j lumbia in that class, while each is j pretty sure of copping his singles) match. With three matches almost assured j Columbia. Dumbarton will have to put j its strongest team on the courts if it hopes to win out and make its lead inore secure. CREWS ARE READY FOR GREAT REGATTA I ! Two crews of the Virginia Boat Club, of Richmond. Va.. have arrived I for the big retratta of the Southern 'Racing Association this afternoon at. 'Ferry Bar. Baltimore. They were the! junior eight-oared shell and the four-' 'oared gig. The crews are In tinoj shape and are calculated to give th**} , othor oarsmen a run for tho honors ! ! The races are to b?* held over a' 'mile course, from the Carr-l?ower.v ? ; Glass Company to a point off Ferry j Ba r. ' Best time fnr events to be hrld to jday are as follows: Junior single sculls, (? minutes 53f ! seconds, held by Vesper Boat Club; senior double sculls, minutes *? 2-5j seconds, held by Malta Boat Club. ! | junior four-oared *rig. 7 minutes 47 seconds, held by Potomac Boat Club:, | Junior eight-oared shells. 5 minutes j 21 seconds, hold by Analostan Boati (Club; junior double sculls, 6 minutes 3 1-5 seconds. hold by Potomac Boat ' Club, and junior quadruple sculls. 5, minutes 4R 2-5 seconds, held by Union I Boat Club of New York. Chicago, 6; St. Louis, 4. St. J<crrh Ab.I1 O A B Chicago Ah. H O A E j I 1 1 I 0 l>-ihr?H if . i o o o o ' Oodpon,2h. 2 0 .1 0j K. Collins.2b 4 0 4 3 0 ?laeobaon.lf 5 3 5 0 *?] W. iTrr.m.. 4 14 10 i .. 4 3 9 1 0; Jackson. If.. 2 0 1 ft ?? i K Willi 4 1^0 OiFelvh.rf... 3 0 3 0 0 ; Smith.rf... 3 111 ?' 4 1 * 0 o Gerb-r.sw . 4 0 4 2 0; McMullin.3b 2 10 3 1 j Sctcreid.c .31 41 Oj Srhalk.c 3 2 7 1 o ; P'^cnport.p 4 0 0 5 0 ('.Willi'9,p. f< 0 o n o j Gallia,p.... 0 0 0 0 O Kerr.p 2 2 0 2 0 j Sdtboron.p. 0 0 0 0 Oj j Total* ... 33 10 2117 0< Total*.. 2S 7 27 1? 1 I St. I ^ Ml is 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 4 ! Chicago 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 3 x G Runs- Bronkie, Jacohson, Sisler. Williams. Frisch Rixbetf. McMnllln (i). Schalk. Hits -Off c. Williams. 3 in 1 2-3 innings: off Daren Ijort. 5 in 7 inninfrs; oft Gallia. 1 in 13 inning, limn* run - K. WilliiTs Thr<*"-bn*? hit- Krrr. Twf>b8?o hits?Scvcreid. Wcaser. McMullin, His tierg. Saciific* hits- ?r?>deon. Sialer. Kerr. lx*i ! bold. Stolen b??e-F<I*rli. Hit by pitched ball --Itv I>areni?ort IB. Collins). Wild pitch-Kerr. struck out? By C. William*. 2; by Kirr. 4 by Dav^nprrt. 3. Bafe's on balls-Off C Will l??ms. I; off Kerr. 4: nff Thircnport. 4: off Gallia. 3. loosing pitcher?Gallia. Double plays - Mc.Mnllin, Colli?:*. IJi'bcrgr. Time of rnini*- 2 hours 10 minutes. I'miiirea-Measnt. Dinecn and Chil^ HAMBONE'S MEDITATIONS YA5SUH - -KUNL BOB talkin' bout hits Bai> Biz ness t' run wen a po-liceman say halt EF ONE OB 'EM EBUH TELL ME T' HALT , AH SWINE Slat> ON ?>E BRAKES So <?UICK HIT 6WINE wranch MAH KNEES^ SHARKEY DEMANDS CRACK AT HERMAN New York. July Wa*ner insists the first boy Jo*1 Lynch should tackle before demandini; a match with Champion I'ete Herni in is .laek Pharkty. the local bantam weiirht. Sam Harris. matchmaker of the American A. A . of Baltini"re. tried to clinch a bout between l.yn- h and Sharkey. but Kddie Mead.j I.ynoh's manajsej-. declined the in-, dueements. pivuiK as his reason *lif , follow ins quotinc Harris's letter to Wanner?"Mead states that he is gettinB b:K offers for l.ynch to box no-decision bouts, so he is not coins to take any chances with a fellow like Sharkey in a decision bout." Wanner, who is piloting the hard hitting Sharkey, in view of the above facts, writes tnat Sharkey is the logical contender foi the ban tani-wcisht crown, and not l.ynch. June 4. Sharkey decisively defeated J'al Moore at Kacine. and twelve days later he save Joe Burman a trimming at Milwaukee. gome time ago. dm in* a business talk with Dominick Tortorich at 1" ledo. he told nie that it I wn.-- sup - | cessful in keeping Sharfcey from l"s inK a decision match ho would Rive j me a chance at Herman for the tit.e during; the next race meet at New | Orleans." concludes Wanner s com-y munication. Years ?n.? Wagner a topnotch bantam-weight. He I fought a (Treat number of fit-'hts ( \ Sharkev-l.ynch contest in Jer sey would draw a larRe crowd. Sharkev comes from the lower west side and l.ynch from the upper sec- j tion. They are bitter rivals marinejTthrough in CLERKS' LEAGUE Bureau won another came in the Government l-eacue yesterday ?hen ,he badly crirpled Marine team failed to rut in an appearance. This is the, third time that this team 1ms for feited this year and mn> ? ause to forfeit its franchise altogether In the league. G ants Trim Braves. Sew York. July - -The G.ant* I easily defeated the H.axes in -he ! second came of the series on the Polo Grounds by i> to ft. Toney w master "f the situation at i times, allowing the three scattered hit-*4. nines: R ,, Boston....0 ?? 2 New York.ft 1 0 ft 1 * 3 1 * Battel ies - Rudolph and t.owdy . Toney and McCarty. EMPIRE CITY RESULTS. MUST H.AHK-Hve tnrl<?ng?. '"'li i:? Schuttinger) 2 t?S. f it- . n? (Titxi. 6 to 1. & to f>: And r ? ? civki. 1 to ! Time. 1? 1 5 F?*ey J,nc aIvi Breadline also ran SVX'OXD HACK One and onc-ni?"-r "i > ? Oemm.. ... 106 -Wall.'. U .to 10. ? to ? ?'? 115 tFatcri. 1 to .1. 111 (Richcreek). out. Time. * ''rlliu'l' HACK. One mile and "" yarj? Ml1'; no-. 10C> (Butwelll, 12 to >? 9 "? " Piedra. 114 (Stalker). I t.? 1. 2 to ? It,,! l(C iOU.Mtr ? <" 1 r'"v-. I Hi Tie mil. Ifcliinda. Carmelite, tileumer. l.Uioary *K01*RTII RACK AtsMii ? furious*, f KT 'Rutwell). 10 lo 1. I t.. i 1C7 'Itutweuj. 1? in 1. ' *? - ' , lK ir. '.07 'Nolan) 2 to 1. ereti Ticklish. ll? "j*1 !t ? '? S. Time. 100 15. Grimalkin. M.i'.eey Dm. WluroH. 1VJ McCoy K^l.u.a, I'.jjr!., i'*r> ran : npiiiicw, - ?" ? | Sl.i?,ory Elm. Wlunwy. BiJ McCoy, Bar. ran .. I FIFTH BACB-One an-1 jcr ?.*?eenth mile, j rr.-P"?'ile. "11 ITryonl. 6 i" 5 1 W-lo.,1. 1<B (Lull. 3 to'. J~"s.7 I \,r 09 lltavol. 7 to 10 111". ?? , S i ..telle, H,aiet.liKtit 3d. Famur. ?1- ran I SIXTH KACE-nre furlong Orleans Girl. ] 10G iSehnttinser). 1.1 to 5. t to S. I . Maid. 1? (Katorl. ? to 5. 1 to i. Jtan 1<W (Davies). out. Time. 1^)1 3-5- ? Frenrela, Marcella M . also ran. EMPIRE CITY ENTRIES. FIRST RACK-Kit >vear-oM? ?!?l "i?3?; Belling about fix furlnncs: I1""'"'1"' - ))6' (irimaUin. Ill: Ma?t" Karma KW^We. u . ,l?ck Uar>". 101: Mahony. Ill: Ain? J 'k 101 ? Jojfnl, 102: Vague. 101: C"??'c"; Wr?*l m^ Wd-r 10>; Trortiy. 1W; Turf. 116. <tcn 123: Lnuke V...1W. , . KBCl?:n BACB-For .nrZ*2 . Mllira: oot mile and 70 >ard<: 1\i?r.lo"? 9', Albert A.. "6; Kc-n Jaw. ?Cr.-cn iro ?Hauberk. 101- Giaphic. 10*; t.ath. iW. Mormon Elder. 1C?: K.I- Bnslit ?": Vanditer. 91: lloUte. Ill: Bnwlent. m THIRD RACE?For 2-year oMa: the V^stTiew stakea rune. ?.?P0: abcMt aii tnrl.'ccs: < " mamlale. 1?; Dannr.eona ll.lKrewrr.. 1,6' Ffodor. 112; Mi.** Jeinina. 124: Ardito. 11 FOURTH RACK-Fit 3 year olds and uj??ara Yonkers Handicap pwr*. $3.TO0; one nulj? and . autrenth: Old Ro?bud. IT; 1^ Frank. 1U. Stair 113; Reamer. 12D: Opgtxd. 08: Ralb. 109. FIFTH 11AOK-For 4-year-oldR and upward; ?Piling; one mile and a sixteenth: tJlenaw*. 10">; Hnbbnb, 112; 'bunny Hill. 107: "Diadi. 10 ; Mi*? Br>n. 110; Otairteoua. 108. Tie Fu>. V?; First Troorx 1?: 'Alma B . 9). Uinua. 112. ?Zinnia. 99: Jame*. M?: Bajazet. 109 SIXTH RACE-For 2-year-olds; maidens; end one-ha IT furlongs: Irish Dream. 114; In discretion. Ill; Midian. 114: St Ken:.. 14; The Wagon". 1H: Ardito. 114; Constancy, 111; ILmers Lane 2nd. Ill: Tonty Fridd. Ill: D?ina rona. 114; Furlough. 114: 8piraw?y. 114: S?tan?. 114; Oloriu*. 114; Sand^ Beal. U4; Buck laide, Uk By Dick Peed The past wwk has not offered much to th?- local fishermen cxctpt those who elected to try their luck in salt water, and e\en there rain and rough water was encountered. However, the lishin^ was fairly t;ood. and those who braved the elements were in most instances rewarded with fair catches The Potomac and its tributaries have been on a rampage, and nothing but x, py muddy water could be fc-u? d anywhere near Washirgion. At Gicat Falls the water registered above 1.?<W ?which is about as bad aa it can ?et ?earlier in the week, but has now cleared up until about .2??0 is reported With this improvement continuing: i the water will be fishaHe wi h n a day or two. Charles T-eiphton is taking an ex tended leave near Norfolk. Fishins is his favorite diversion. "Seth** Ixiwe end Walter Johnson have gone to Trammels, above Great Falls, in hopes of clear water and a catch of bass. Arthur T I-eith left Wednesday for , a sixty-day vacation in Vermont, the , time to bc spent in fixing up a living j shack on a Piece of wild farm lan<1 recently acquired, and fishing and ; hunting. To numerous inquiries concerning ? fishing at Aquid Creek we vouch the opinion That btc mouth bass are not yet taking either live or lure bait anything like they will a few weeks later in the season. John Williams, of the Congres sional library, sp^nt a couple of days fishing at Rock Point this week' and reports plenty of fish. Jamej* T. Kllett. H Warren Prei ser and Charles Sayles went to Co lonial B?ach last Saturday for a week's fishing A card fr-m Preis i ser tells of splendid fishing and a I fine outing in all respects. ' I.ronnrd Kukart has<-d hi* duties, m the o?vcrnmfnl Prinlms Office, after an extended fishing trip i up the Potomac. Tie experienced a j short period of clear water ana caught several fine bass. Karl Godwin is home after an ex ' tended vacation at two or three of Maine's famous angling waters. William Rich and family wont to jotlentlk. Md.. 1?st Satantor. Mr ' Rich for a couple of days and the family for a protraeted stay, fish ! ing to be the main objective. p,en Harding. proverbially truthful as fishermen usually are. tells of catchinjr two hardheads on one nooK at the same time at Galesville a t?-w davs ago. In the boat with him were Roland Wallace. I?r. Randall Parson-* and Bernard Harding, and all vouch for the truth of the story. It 1S posed that the hook was protruding from the lip of the first tish and in its struggles for liberty brou-ht the , point to the mouth of his finny ? brother, or sister, w ith this strange result. INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE. Jersey City. 0: Binghamton. Newark. 7; Rochester. 0. Baltimore. 3; Toronto. 5. Reading. 0; Buffalo. 2. Regatta Changes. New York, July 25.?Next season it is probable the Poughkecpsie resatta on the Hudson will be rowed over a two-mile course instead of four miles j as before the war. It is said Prinee i ton will be invited to the Thames, New London, course to join Harvard ' and Yale in their annual classic next ' year over a three-mile course. TERMINAL RAILROAD LEAGUE. I r Sta. Ab.H.O.A B.I Southern. Ab.H.O A E p?n.2b.... 5 2 5 3 1 StfUb 3 2 12 1 : 4 2 10 OCTohill.lf... 5 3 4 0 0 Luber.e? 3 o S 2 OlUnnrf 2 1 2 ? ? I Naples.3b.. 4 10 2 l|Allman.s? 2 0 13 0 Krucoff.ft*- 4 0 3 3 1 Bowman.rf.. 3 0 0 0 0 j Williams.if 4 110 0|FUhertv.e.. 3 14 10 I Hillev.lf 4 1 2 0 0:Hill.2h 4 2 14 0 I 3 17 1 0| Hutch's' 3 0 9 0 0 1 Kasle.P 4 0 0 3 ?f Hnnt.p 4 112 0 Vtrmtein.ef 3 0 2 0 0 Beat 1.1b 1 I 2H I Totals. . 3ft * 34 14 3|. Total*? 33 10 21 12 1 I Score bv innings: : I'nion Station 10002000 0-3 (Southern ..., 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 4 x*-5 Runs? Dean, Kehl. Marine. Allman (2>. Hill. Beall. Hunt. First base on ball*?<>1T Naple*. 5: oJT Hunt. 2. Struck out?Br Naples. 4; by Hunt. 3. IWt on hasps?Vnion Station. 7; Southern. 9 Pa--?*r<l hall Luber Stolen bases -Dean. Kehl <2>, Luber. Cohill. Allman (3). Flaherty. Beall. Hunt Sa en tics fly?Flaherty. Tio-liM hit- KehL , RED SOX ARE BEST IN SLUGFEST BATTLE ? ? Boston. July 2"?.? T no Boston R^d Sox landed the se?-?.nd icame from the Yankees at Fenway Park today by to 0. This jolt dropped the visitors to fourth position in the race. Score by innings: R H. E V. Y... 01 002101 1?0 15 1 Bos ? 0 0 0 5 1 0 2 x?8 10 2 Russell, shore. McGra w and Han nah; Ruth and Schane. Yankees Buy Third Baseman. Sacramento. Cal., July 25.?Babe Pinelli. the Sacramento third base man. has been soia to the New York American l^acuc f"luh. Man ager William Rodeera of th* local club announced today. Pinelli will not report to the major l^auue club until ?fter the close of the Pacific Coast I/asuo season. SUBWAY KING ON MARKET NOW Sub-Boats Did Not Win War, But Carl Mays May Land Flag for Club. I There are eight club* in the Ameri can league Five of the eight want Carl Mays. Boston Red Sox pitches* i to submarine the way into the w orld [ series. Of course, one of the Ave will | win the pennant even if Mays never pitches again, but there are five man* ' agers willing to part with a lot of | this world's goods lo get Ma>s in tha line-up. ' You all know May* quit the Red ; Sox recently because "he could not | pitch fcr that club *nd maintain h'.s self-respect." He told Manager Ed Harrows he wa* through in the Hub but wants a chance with som* other ; American League team. i May* la clever, huh? He knows flv? , clubs are in the race for the Ameri can League gonfalon?Chicago. ' lev# 1 land. New York. Detroit and St. Lou if. ! Any one of the Ave would b*? a cood 1 bet if Mays was acquired. Mays knew the Red Sox didn't have h < ? after Ed Barrows had parted wrn most of his old stars And Ma\ s knows how sweet is the jingle of | \ world series iron men It wa* easy . to pick a fuss and quit. He probably j figured out in advance that th* fiva ( other managers would grab for him But all is not goinc as h*> planned. ? The Boston club so far has refused i to trade him to one of th* five reat | contenders. Barrows wanted a lot in return. Then, too, th* Red Sox teammates of Mays, have declared themselves. They say Mays mu?t not h* turned over to the Yanks who have bid highest. The players ar<? enraged at Mays' desertion and the reasons h* gave for his action. They insist h'* be dealt with severely. There has been dis?at isfaetion ! th?* Red Sox club all year. First | i: Jth and Harrows fell out and th*n Mays and Barrows. Boston is pan. nmg th#1 manager The attendance has fallen to almost nothing at h?>m?\ If Mays goes to on#? of ? contenders ther#? will be m?re d-s 1 satisfaction. It is a rough and i thorny road Kd Barrows has to ! travel and from present indications j it looks as if part of Boston waa j out to get his scalp. Right Off the Bat Augnst Herrmann says that P*t Moran has a life 30b in <"*incinnati, even if he doesn't cop th* flag thi* i year. Lieut. Fr^d Brainard. former Giant, who recently returned from France, will plsv ball in Providence I asmn this year. THIS OFFER Cannot Continue Much Longer BUY NOW Woolens are rapidly advancing in price ? the present supply is limited. Y 01 ou will pay consid erably more for clothes later on, so take in stant advantage of these $30 VALUES IN srns Made to Measure?Made to Fit HORNtat,^r 611 Seventh St. N.W. Remember the Address THE WASHINGTON' HERALD'S ? AUTO-ATLAS With Authentic Maps of the District of Columbia, Mary land, Delaware. Virginia, West Virginia, Pennsylvania. New Jersey and New \ork. 25c USE THIS COUPON Ai'TOMonu.r: r.niToit \\ *mii\?.to\ hi rami I'.lrtonth Xrrrl. W >?*liingtna. n. C. please urnd me The Mrr.ild * Auto Atla?, for whti ?jr? eents. in stumps. eompletr rout. Mnkr of Automobile. AI?o for *nl?- at The llrrnlri Ofllrr and the Fallowing Pl.rr. iVrtv ? nr -ulr. to.. 1242 K St. K. W. " ' >!illon:il llrnltl Co.. Inc.. Tl?> Kir*rath Rt. \\. Kidrlit) Auto Mipply t o.. tith *t. ??d Mn?* Ave. >. ??, I anion <>? Herri man. > rrmonl Ave. at I. St. w. M?< ( l??r Store. 4IS Fletenth St. K. W. Hotel 11 nrrimtton. KlevrNtk and K Sta. llotrl Sterling. Thirteenth nnd l> M*. W. K. M. Henderson A Son* Clisnr More. 14th and X. X A?e \ u llovd-. Tirr t ?... 6.VI Pa. A.f, ?i. K. " V " I'aftern *uto >opply?( o.. R22 Nth st. s. R. Iltli A llelmont Auto ^eni-e station. ]4tu and Belmont A * * \ ?? 4 'entral Auto Supply t o.. ItM?4 Pa. Ate. \V. ***' W \\ e?t*s Clisnr Store. 4II5' . Itith St. \. \V. t oluiahln Auto Supply Co.. Thirteenth nnd II St?. Jf. W Madden Auto supply ( ?? III7 II St. R. j. II. Stand. 7H* 14th St. X. W. i*. rifther. Xewa Stnad. 17IW Penna. Ave. X. W. flty Cl*ar Store. 1404 t. St. >. W. \\ |ili:ini Kmrnn. 1 MM >. V A\e. X. W. t ha*. I'- 3*IHer. Inc.. 812 14th St. >. W. \\. J. K rouse Stationery Co.. 90* St. X. W. ,1 II. >ev?mnn. 9th and <? Sts. X. W. ^eeurlty Auto Supply Co.. 11th and sta. K, . t.eo C. Rlee Auto Co.. 12UX-1327 II M. X. W. ?rhnfer A Rldicley. 1411 * St. V \\ t.eneral Auto Truek t o.. SIM St. nnd V?. Ave. Jr. w.* Mid t It j Auto Tire Repair A Supply llouw. 7<l?-lt> M % ? ? J. T. Dunhnr. Xe?? Stand. IW Penna. Ave. S. K. \V. T. Mentel. New? Stand. Wl Penna. Ave. h. E. ( onsrrM Hall Hotel. Iea? Stand. Anterlean Auto Top Co? 1t*>*? 1 1th St. K. W. llohherKer'*. 1W4 Fourteenth St. X. \\ . l.lhertv Auto Supply Co.. 2214 Fourteenth M. X. W. FJw ard J. Frvin. 290?-S Fourteenth St. X. W. 1*. K. Sullivan Tire < o. \o. 2. R21R Fourteenth St. X. W. \\ uohinKton Auto Supply Co.. 1227 New York Ate. 1.. M. lln*kln*. 031 Mnth St. X. W. Admit* >e?? Age?eyt 992 ii St. X. W. l>nn Courtney's Claar Store. No. 8 (i X. W. The tillhert t.arnae. 2007 ISth. Federal Auto Supply. 477 Pennsylvania aveaue. Capltpl Tire Co.. ?M Pennsylvania S. E. Clarendon Karaite. Clarendon. Va. Boyer'a Pharmaey, Clarendon. V?. DEALERS SUPPLIED UPON REQUEST