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MINIMUM OF $5 ASKED BY POLICE t Union Charges Privates Are Slighted in Proposed Wage Increase. ' L Washington police will demand amln raum of SZ a day. at^a meetins >f the newly formed Policemen's LTnion Friday evening. The union Is protesting: against the provisions of the wage increase bill submitted yesterday to the House Dis trict Commit t.^v by Commissioner Louis Brownloxv. It is charged that the increase pro posed for privates is inadequate, while thqse asked for major, assist int superintendents and officers are _ exorbitant. Provision* tf Bill. The bill provides for the following: Increase the salary of the major ?nd superintendent of police from MtCO to $4000. Increase the salary of assistant su perintendents from 12000 to 13000. Increase salary of inspectors from 2.000 to Increase salary of capta'ns from r.*? to c.vje Increase salary of lieutenants from a.?o to *-\000. Increase salary of sergeants from 3.too to 91.800. Increase salary of privates of Clasa 1 from fl.230 to 11.500. Increase salary of privates of Class I from fl.300 to fl.MO. Increase salary of privates of Class I from &.O0O to $1,320. Expect A. K. of L. Aid. ?It is Expected that the American federation of Labor will back the Jmon in its light tor the ?? a day ninimum wage. Tne 4>:11 drafted was submitted d the House committee >esterday ind Representative Carl E. Ma pes romised to bring it before the House oday if an agreement could be cached with the Senate committee. Unless the measure can be brought o the attention of the House this ?eek, it will have to wait until after be September recess. Several members of the House yes erday objected to the bill coming be iore the House until some action had wen taken en the proposed investi ration of the Washington police de artinent. BUREAU OF ENGRAVING ID PRINTING NEWS Of course, every one can't get the rize for being the most beautiful >atlier. but, when they start hand ag out prizes for the best swimmers, orne of the girls in the stamp per orating division are sure to be in tie running. Benjamin Golds worthy, superintend nt of work.- in the engraving divi ion, s". arts today on an automobile aur through the Middle West as far s Chicago. He will be accompanied y his family. John W. Brewer, of the surface di vision. died suddenly last Saturday. George Plutch. of Seclon 3. is enjoy ag a week's leave. Adam Chapman, of the engrav ig division, became suddenly :ll iontlay morning while at work, ana *as accompanied to his home by le bureau physician. Though the rmptoms were quite alarming, his nndition is reported not to btJ erious. Frederick Crocker, chief of the tamp gumming division, id tak ag o few days leave. H?? plans to pend the time erecting a chicken j>u>t. etc.. at his home in Wood ^dg' William P. Doyle, of the stamp ? rforating division, is putting in few days works on his farm. Helen Campbell, of -section 1. is at for a week. Miss Mary OConnor. of the wetting hision. is on the sick list. Eugene W. Snook, of the stamp amming division, has been granted a ?eek's leave. He intends to spend the me in Annapolis. Mrs. Christine Story, of section 6. >3ht force, has gone to New York to leet her husband, who is just re trains from sixteen months' service (verseas. CapL Story is in the Four eenth Division. of Engineers, and has cen in the army fourteen j ears. George W. Plant, of the stamp pack s' division, woo has been ill for sev ?al weeks, is reported to be improv The friends of Edward F. Genoe. jperintendent in the printing division, all regret to learn of his hurried trip ? Philadelphia on account of the 5alh of his father. The elder Mr. genoe died last Saturday. Talk about second childhood-' Saw larry Chick, of Section 8. trying out cs children's toys the other evening o Kenyon street hllL First he made be descent guiding his little boy'i cpress wagon, and later, standing on Se rear axle of his litle girl's tri fcle. David Davis, foreman of the dry ?xes. is taking a few day's leave. Cool Breezes? At All Hours Work better by day and a sleep better by night?use j| our ELECTRIC FANS j| Models that give the best and the longest service? I good on any current. $5.85 Up | . S MUDDIMANct. jj I ,1204 o? G St. 616 on 12tk St PLANE THAT'S FLYING AROUND RIM OF THE U. S. i ' > ? Cleveland.?Here is the Martin bomber that'* flying around the rim of the United States, In its home city. It is being piloted on its 8,000-mile flight by Lieut. Col. R. S. Hartz, who has a crew of four men. ^ 1 Happenings Favorable Report Ordered On New Colombian Treaty The Senate Foreign Relations! Committee yesterday unanimously ordered a favorable report on the Colombian treaty. The treaty provides for payment of $25,000,000 to the republic of Co lombia for land taken by the United States at the time of the building of the Panama Canal. An effort will be made to have the treaty ratified immediately. Coxey Denounces Dry Law. Jacob S. Coxey, former comman der of Coxey's Army, testifying be fore the House Judiciary Commit tee yesterday, bitterly denounced the drastic prohibition bill. He urged an amendment to the Con stitution providing for initiative and referendum on all national questions. Would Keep Yanki at Home. A proposed amendment to the Con stitution providing that the President cannot send American soldiers out of this country to execute the orders of any international tribunal or court, such as the League of Nations, was introduced in the House yesterday by Representative James. May Adopt Budget System. An investigation of the feasibility of a national budget system was de cided on by the House rules commit- ? tee yesterday. The committee report ed out a resolution ordering the in- j vestigation by a special committee of twelve members. Daylight Repeal Up Again. An attempt to repeal the daylight saving law will be made in the Sen ate today. Senator Cummins an nounced yesterday in submitting thej report of the Interstate Commerce! Committee favoring such action. Weald Grade Turpentine. Paint dealers appearing before the i Senate Agriculture Committee yes j terday advocated enactment of the i Harrison bill to authorize the gov I ernment to grade turpentine and fix standards for different qualities. Asks Oil Investigation. The Senate yesterday passed the 1 Poindexter resolution requesting the j Federal Trade Commission to in 1 vestigate the fuel oil situation on ' the Pacific Coast. Kills Self Under Train. AnnUton. Ala.. July 28.?The mi ! tilated body of Will Craft, local res. j taurant man, was found today on the ! Southern Railway tracks, his head j and feet having been severed by a j train. Craft left a note addressed to i his cousin. Mrs. Dixie Vase, saying he going to kill himself. in Congress Maryland Senator Wants Red Agitation Ban Lifted Demand that wartime restrictions on radical agitation be lifted and that I the espionage law be repealed, was I made in a speech yesterday by Sena I tor France. ?f Maryland. I "In certain cities it is impossible to I hold meetings without the permission j of the police," he sad. Declares Mooney Trial Fair and Sentence Just No evidence has been submitted to Congress by the Labor Depart ment showing that Thomas J. Mooney did not have a fair trial or should have a new trial. Rep resentative l.lanton declared yes terday In a statement -Inserted in the Congressional Record. "Thtri is absolutely nothing in, the report of John B. Densmore, I Labor Department investigator, nor in the dictagraph conversations in1 the office of District Attorney C. ] M. Fickert. which Densmore has submitted to Congress, that shows | Mooney did not get a fair trial and' there is nothing therein warranting a new trial." the statement said. New Tariffi Framed. The House Ways and Means Com mittee yesterday decided on a tariff of 1-2 cent a pound on crude mag nesite. 3-4 cent on burned, with an additional duty of 10 per cent ad valorem on brick magnesite. POLICE NEWS. Auto Hit* Street Car. | An automobile owned and operated j by Frank Hill. 141 Bates street north west. was damaged badly when it col | lided with a street car yesterday aft | ernoon at Sixth street and Massa ' chusetts avenue northwest. The drlv | er was uninjured. Seek ''Cigar Face** for Theft. Police are looking for Harry Miller, colored, alias "Cigar Face." who Is I wanted for the theft yesterday after j noon of a touring car belonging tc Martha Gross. 23 E street southwest. The car was stolen from G street, be tween Sixth and Seventh streets. Two Bo? * >llftninic. Two boys were reported missing j from their homes last night by their [ parents. They are Karl Harrison, 1"> I years old. and Samuel Hack, 9. They Mu*t Know Something. Thieves who entered the apartment of James C. Schneider, 1801 Sixteenth street northwest, apparently were ar ranging an old-time stag party. They stole two silver cocktail shakers, a silver bread tray, a large cigarette Police News Henson P. Simra, 1263 New Jersey avrtiue southeast, was robbed of a , pair of shoes yesterday valued at $10. Robbed of Pistol. W. A. Simpson, 530 Seventh street ! southeast, a dairyman, complained 5 of the loss of an automatic pistol ! Valued at $12. The weapon was taken from a desk drawer. Loaea 914 In Handbag. Mrs. Gertrude J. Porter, of the Cavanaugh Apartments, complained | of the theft of an alligator hand bag containing $14 and keys to her apartment. t Motorcycle Stolen. Walter J. Royer, 28 Todd place j northeast, reported the theft of a i motorcycle valued at $150 from in front of 1418 New York avenue northwest. Exonfrutfd for Slaflng, Amos Green, the colored man who was shot in a near-beer saloon on Seventh street northwest on Monday. July 21, during the race riots, was | killed, a coroner's jury decided yes . terday, by Sergeant Richard Kelly i and Sergeant Alfred Kruger, both of | the Marine Corps, in execution of i duty. Green died July 26 at the Casu alty Hospital. Held for Mortfrr. Jameg Rivers, alias 4 Kid" Rivers, was held for the action of the grand jury yesterday for the alleged murder of Martha Barton, his landlady, by a coroner's jury. The killing occurred Sunday afternoon, the police claim, when the woman demanded that Riv ers pay his board or get out. Dnel with Knife and PI*toI. In an altercation yesterday on Jef ferson street, Georgetown, between Henry Cheatham and Boyd Grayson. I Cheatham was cut with a knife on i the shoulder and Grayson had a nar | row escape from pistol shots fired i by Cheatham. To lfonpitnl After Fight. John Fichtig. ."2 years old. of 302 Third street southeast, was removed to the Casualty Hospital to be treat j ed for hurts received in a fight, th# police say. with John W. Dixon, oI 901 Eleventh street southeast. Roy Hit by Aato. Francis Dalton. 7 years old. of 41' H street northeast, was knocked dowr yesterday by an automobile operate< by George F. George. 27 Fi f teen ft ?i street southeast, and badly bruised He was taken to Casualty Hospital I The accident occurred at Fourth an( K streets northeast. Auto Parking Haling. "Automobiles rarked on private vacant lots will not be molested b> the police unless the owner of tin property makes a specific objection.' * declared Maj. Raymond W. Puflman I superintendent of police, last night Do You Still Crank Your Ford? Do you stiU wade around in the mud on rainy days to get your car started? If you stop for a moment and kill your engine, do you have to get ont and wind it np? Do you think it necessary to be a slave to the crank? "No, thank*; I have a Peerless Starter" "Whew, wish I had one" THOUSANDS OF OTHERS HAVE QUIT WHY NOT YOU? Thousands of happy Ford owner* In the \orth and Fast have ended their cranklnu careers! They now iitep Into their ear*. une the "Peerless Starter," and are away In less time than It now taken you to pull the primlnK wire on ;our Ford. And they don't run the rink of a broken arm or u sprained wrist. CAN BE INSTALLED IN 30 MINUTES \? hole* to drill. Xo cutting or defacing of yodr motor. A child ran operate It with perfect safety. Hack-firing can harm " ? neither driver nor starter. PEERLESS STARTER Guaranteed. For Life of Your Car SU.S0 Sold on an Absolute J| Money-back Guarantee INCLUDING FOOT PRIMKR Guaranteed to work perfectly an long aa your Ford will run. This guoraateca the whole starter, or any part of it. It's sold on a 15-day money-hack trial. If It in not perfectly satisfactory in every detail, we'll take it off your car and refund the purchase price. W e know that that'a a xtrone guarantee, but alno know that the "Peerleas" in perfect. Every part of it drop-forged nteel, and experience ban proven that It will withstand the moat severe abuse. It's abso lutely foolproof. Don't confuse the ?'Peerless Starter** with others tou have seen offered for sale. This is its first appearance In Washington. You must see It demonstrated to appreciate It. Call and operate It yourself at our salesroom. Or write for full detailed Information. At the price thia STARTER is offered, you can within a short while nave In high-priced gaaoline and oil wanted in letting your engine run equivalent to lta cost. Guaranteed to start any Ford car that will crank. Weight, 7 pounds. Drop-forged nteel and LIVE AGENTS WANTED Be Our Agent?Make Good Money Selling Our PEERLESS STARTERS The Peerlesn aelln itself?stays sold?makea new snles beeaune it always works perfectly. REPRESENT US IN YOUR COUNTY OR CITY Some choice territory atlll open. Think of the many Forda without nt art era and aend us an inquiry at once. ATTRACTIVE PROPOSITION FOR KENTUCKY-TENNESSEE AGENTS D. C., Vi, !*. C., Del. and IV. Va. not u penny upkeep In iltkl. Uemonatrntlon ,lore, are now loeated la moat of (he Important eltlea of the entire I". 8. nnd the territory In moat of the atatea haa already been aold. Countlea In your territory may be eloaed any day. ACT NOW. PEERLESS STARTER SALES CO. LOUISVILLE, KY. KNOXVILLE, TENN. HERR1CK SEEKS THE PRESIDENCY Boom Started for Former ' Ambassador by Califor nia Paper.. I Myron T. Herrick really is a candi date for the Republican nomination for the Presidency. Otherwise the Sac ramento, California, Union would not say so. That is the way Republican politicians yesterday looked upon an editorial printed in the Sacramento paper. Emphasis was given the editorial by | the fact that Former Ambassador I Herrick recently financed the deal by i which the Sacramento paper was taken oyer. It was rumored at first that the Union had been bought by Her bert Hoover for u>me of his former associates, but the development that Herrlck financed the dea! and that the paper now springs his name for the Presidency causes Republicans to be lieve that the j?aper is the private property of the OlUoan. Naturally the following editorial has caused Senator Harding, also of Ohio, who is an a^p rant for the Presidency, to do a lot of thinking; "From a source which we regard as highly reliable the Union has learned that Myron T. Herrlck, former gov ernor of Ohio, and former Ambassa dor to Frnnce. is being quietly groom ed for the Republican Presidential nom. nation. "Herrlck is a standpatter, but unlike the average member of that peculiar diminishing group, he Is amenable to change and must be reckoned with as a power among the farmers. He was appointed to the rural life commission by President Roosevelt, and since that has devoted much of his time and ability to the solution of agricultural problems. His brief record as Ameri can Ambassador to France made him many friends, and his war-time work added to his prestige. If the Repub 1 leans are determined to nominate a standpatter they m.jfht do much worse than select Herrick.'' Jailbirds Flet in Pajants. New York, July 29?Clad in pa jama?, four Blackwelj's Island pris oners escaped In a row boat to Manhattan Island. Sailor* Wm W?. Strikt New York, July 21.?"No * toe work.*' was the ultimatum deliT?rt4 by the crew of the French I ner Chi cago. which held that steamer In he French port for 24 hours, it was learned when she arrived here today. The captain was forc?*d 10 aiich^r ih-J steamer until he c*uld secure ft bar rels of red and white winea Your Recommendation ?to others is the thing we're always working for. Excellent food, prompt, court tow service, appetizing appointments?ail help to make for us many friends. 12th and E SU. N.W. Another New Store OPENS SATURDAY 2538 Wisconsin Ave. N.W. Corby's"Mothefs"Bre a dPer Loaf 8c Delicious Sliced Dried Beef l*arge Slices?Fancy Quality. On: Pound 70c Half Pound 35c Quarter Pound 20c Del Monte Ripe lm>>orted Suiint* Olives Only a limited number of people know how appetiz ing and tasty good, ripe olives are. Your first trial of them will reveal their good ness. The real imported sardines are here again. King Oscar brand, in pure olive oil. Per Can, 29c Domestic Sardines in Pure Olive Oil Here's something you'll appreciate. Ask for Bobco or Shasta brand 12c Why Worry? Here's Del Monte Jarr.s and Jellies, packed in un?. Nothing finer could b? desired. Per can After All, "None" Quite Like Clicquot "Clicquot Club" Ginger Ale Buy It by the Case You Can Afford It NEW POTATOES ONE PECK. . ..75c Half Peck 38c Quarter Peck. 20c ROYAL MAYONNAISE -Tke Perfect Drr??i?*" Large Bottle. 25c These Teas Are Packed Especially for Us For iced t*?a we recom mend the Ceylon India va riety. \FTER\OOX ORAM) U lb., I He i* rb- 35c MO?Ql'G BRAND V? lb, 14< H lb- 2Tc Heinz Cider Vinegar Superior for Table I me PINT BOTTLE. 18c R. T. French & Co.'s CREAM SALAD MUSTARD Per Bottle 12c This Week Is the Time to Buy Crystal White Laundry Soap One Cake 6c Fifty (50) Cakes for $3.00 One Box (100 Cakes) for $6.00 The retailer's cost price is now con siderably higher than the above figures, and, with fats and oils in unprecedented demand, there is very little prospect of soaps being cheaper for a long time to come. Crystal White Laundry Soap is unex celled, and we are desirous of introducing it into as many homes as possible. The above price gives you the advantage of our stock on hand, purchased previous to recent advances, and we suggest that you buy liberally. ' Shriver's Silver Label Peas, 2 for 27c Shriver's A-l Corn 15c Shriver's Blue Ridge Corn, can .14c Heinz Spaghetti, 12c and lf^ Pet Milk, tall can 1! Carnation Milk, tall can U Borden's Milk, tall can 1! Jello, all flavors 1( Post Toasties, Pkg 11 Keliogg's Corn Flakes, Pkg... .12? One-Half Lb. Ground Pepper. H One Pound Ground Pepper .. . 3C Howard's Salad Dressing 2Sv. DRINK OUR FAMOUS Green Bag Coffee Per Lb.. 45? Can You Make a Cake Filling That "Stands Up"? ?a frosting that will not run? Don't bother trying. Order a jar of HTP-O-LITE, the perfect marshmallow cream. It is absolutely ready to use! Spread it on the layers and over your cake as you spread butter on bread?that s alL No cooking! Light, ten der and short?delicious bevond words. Packed in Mason jars. HIP-O-LITiE Our Price, 25c Only the finest natural oils and the most costly glycerine are used in its manufacture? only the daintiest essence of roses gives its delightful per fume, so that one fairly revels in the copious lather it yields so readily. Ideal for Toilet, Bath and Shampoo Our Price, 9c "La France" LAUNDRY TABLETS Bring* out all the good that is in your laundry soap or soap powder. And it does something more. It washes and blues in one operation without rubbing. Absolutely pure?cannot eat or harm the clothes. On sale at all our stores. Our Price, 5c Campbell's Pork 6 Beans Sanitary Butter s 61? | Lux 12' 2 Cans for 25c Ivory Soap*7 1 Flakes f l"y