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e*?* Collars ? w St.09 At K?1 .'ten ii'-d.) TnU(?. ( CnU D. J. Kaufman, Inc. Pa. At*. ?1? 17th SC. Deficiency "531 Passes Without Navy Repairs ? ? The House yesterday passed the aecoad 1930 deficiency bill carrying IS8.000.000. During hearings before the House Appropriation Committee approx imately $29,000,000 was cut from the original estimates. Amendments providing $9,000,000 for naval repairs were defeated. Recover $50,000 in Gold Stolen from Denver Mint Webster to Hans Tuesday For Murder of Youth Charted Ross Webster. 44 yelrs old. convicted of the murder of Richard Xhirall. 15. in woods near Broolcland last spring will pay the death pen alty at the District Jail Tuesday. Webster, an employe of Trinity Col lege. Brook land, last November, was found guilty of the murder. The boy was robbed of $29. which was con cealed in his shoo, after the slaying. The sentence has not been appealed, aer has .a Presidential confutation 61 sentence been applied for. Denver. Feb. 5.?Thcfts of gold bul Uon from the United States mint he/? i aggregating over $50.iW were admit ted by Orville Harrington, assayist. when he was arrested today, police said. All the stolen gold war recov ered from a cache under a sidewalk at Harrington's home, police said. YOUTH FACING MURDER TRIAL Perrygo Held Incommuni cado When Mrs. Faith ful Dies at Hospital. / Mrs. Emily Faithful. 63 years old. who was assaulted In her home at Congress Heights Tuesday, died at 3:0S p. m. yesterday at Casualty Hospital. Her skul|^ had been frac tured by blows struck with a sec tion of metal pipe. Edgar Ralph Perrygo. if. is held at the Eleventh' Precinct Station in connection with the crime. The charges of assault to kill and rob bery entered against him on the po lice blotter wer?? erased last night and a charge of murder written in their stead. Miss Mabel Hill. l'^year-old | sweetheart of Perrygo. la at the house of detention, pending further investigation of the murder. As she ?sat through the day. occasionally applying a dainty white handker chief to her eyes, she was unaware that the new and more serious charge has been laid at her lover'* door. 1 j Perrygo is being held incommunl J cado. He has not been told of Mrs. faithful's death. i Perrygo and the girl met for the i flr^t time since his arrest, at police i headquarters yesterday morning. The pair' were Interviewed by de tectives. The young man. the de tectives reported, admitted that $1. 53?. which was turned over to the , police by Miss Hill, was the entire amount stolen from the Faithful residence. The police have accounted for $6. 495 of the $20,000 said to have been in the house on the day of the rob bery. They are not yet satisfied that they have recovered all money thought to have been taken from the house. All the money recovered by the police, other than the amount re ceived from Perrygo and Miss Hill, was found stuffed in bags made from old stockings and hung about Mrs. Faithful's waist. An inquest will be^held at 3 o'clock this afternoon in the District morgue to determine the further disposition of Perrygo and Miss Hill. Electric traction has been applied to one of Spain's importsnt mineral carrying railroads. ?.. and in Washington j j WHY? cA fact: Nearly all of die country"* big business and professional men who visit Washington stop at either the Willard or the Shore ham. At both, Fatima js the best selling cigarette. Fftima is also the best seller at the Capitol Building itself. FATIMA. , A Sensible Cgaretie > Special Bargains ?h? Attractive Silk Lamp Shades IMUDDIMAN i. 1204 m G St 616 ob 12th St. "If It's From Muddim&n's, It'? Good." LOAMS HORDING Witches, Jewelry Sooth End of Highway Bridge GRAFTON HOTEL El" no PEA X PL AX. Room with running water. $2.00 por day. Room with Private Rath. . per day. ANRRICIH PI,AX. Room with running water. fo.OO jx r aaj. WO p?-r week. For tw>, C3.*? iwr wwk. K-?om wftli Private Hath. $7.0U per d-y. |45 per w<H?k. Kor jiwo pert.ta*. J7D wojr. Suite- of Parlor. R^drooin aa 1 Itatb. Huuimer Season?Haranac Ina. in the Adiroadarka. Cattaxe* for Rent. HARRINGTON MIMA PROP'R. I MACK LATZ CO Ladies and Gentlemen Wc Are Pardonably Proud of the Universal Popularity of ^2*^ Pork Our Products " Through forty-four years we have main tained a standard in quality that will measure up to every demand. Leading grocers in every neighborhood sell and recommend our products. N. Aoth Provision Co. 623 D Street S. W. ROBBINS WELCOMES COMMUNITY PROBE Before contributing to the ttt. S00 fund for the maintenance of the Community Service, the Waah infton public will be given ample opportunity to learn, through In vestigations now being made by local tlad? organisations, what the Community Service is doing *and proposes to do for the city. For this reason the campaign for I the fund, originally scheduled to : begin next Monday and last nthrouffh the week, has been ex-* tended another week, to February [2S. and next week will be devoted II to making preliminary pla#is for 'intensive campaigning and igWihg the investigating committees time to make their reports. in making this announcement | last night. Koiand Robbins. chair | man of the campaign committee. I isnued this statement: "1 personally have thoroughly in- I hvcstifrated the work of Community | I Service, and warmly welcome the pre* | {posed investigation by committees from the trale , bodies.' I want it made Immediately and without fall. | i Because it cannot very well be com | pleted before Monday, y February 9. lour committee has decided not to | postpone the date for the commence ment of the campaign, which is and | will remain February 9. but to con tinue the drive two weeks, until Feb- | | ruary 23, with the thought of having i the intensive work done In the second 1 week, atfer te reports of the Invest!- | gating committees have b?en made. | and because I. personal)', will see to | it that no distortion ot the truth or misrepresentation of fact by any ?/ne or any organization will go unchal lenged. T am absolutely confident that the people of Washington. whpse| hearts are always right, will indorse Community Service. It is to be re I ^retted that interested parties de layed the investigation until such a late date; but it Is a matter of con gratulation that they becaihe suffi ciently interested to conduct an in vestigation. which I trust shall be complete and strictly ebaring on alii vital matters at issue." Births Reported. 1 Floyd and Virginia Kddin*. hoy. Leo and Lottie I ^ch liter. boy. Henry M. and Delia y. Cloeke. boy. Hera fen and Fannie Janua. air I. Arthur F. and Mary K. Goods, girl. Aahl+y N. and Cora T. Butler, girl. . J<i?w>|?h J and l/>retta M. Callahan, boy. Kdwin C. and Nellie Ceorge. girl. Charlea and rlelen Blum. boy. Robert l!. and Mary K. Parlett. boy. Stanley J. and Kthel II. Clark, boy. Bernard H. and Thelma linulhaU, tjt. IgnatUH and Hetty Thomas, girl. I^*i? II. and Evelyn Minor, boy. Joseph 1.. and Jane J<>ne?. hoy. Kliik *txl Km ma Prortor. boy. ^ Ceorge and Mary Taylor, boy. ^Phillip II. and Bertha L. Ma ye, girl. -Sum no I fi. b nd Lillian I. Feather?tone, boy. 1 Ira P. Reek. 24 year*. 414 Oth at. ?w. Rpgtfta William*. I. Children*' II<M?pital. Annie R. Brame. an. L'KM (Jf. Capitol at. Mary KefTman. Wa?h. A?ylum Hoapt. Anna J. Manning. 90. 1427 Clifton aw. Mlda W. Hhepard. ?2. H223 ?th at. nw. Hannah Barrett. HO. Home for Incurable*. Marion I,. Harnard. 31. tinrfleld Hospital. Edna M. Keating 41- 415 O nt. aw. Tina Padgett. ?7. ?13 L ?t. ?e. ?Carl W. Thpmp?on. 40. 1G4h Irving at. nw. Wm. F. Nlcholaon. S?. 8t. Elisabeth'a Hospital. ? Bertha Solomon. 7(1. 14# I* at. aw. iameo J. Murray. 7S. 11th at. ne. Bernard O. HanMa. 1. 488 M at. aw. 8. r. Kenner. 67. Rlue Plain-, Jennette M. 8par?hott. 31. 5015 Belt. road, laaae Perlman. 54, MOH La. are. aw. Gertrude K. Morria. 88. 181 A at. ne. TVhorah Carter. 67. St. Eliaabeth'a Hoapt. Sellna M. Fortney. 23. Carfleld Hoapltal. Emma Reauehlnl. 18, Prnrldeat-e Hoapt. Lillian Wiadard. 28. 2404 Pa. a*e. nw. Elisabeth A. l?oyle. 84. 811 10th at. ne. Matte A. Skidmore. 6.". 1722 17th at. nw. Jamex *M. Willianra. 85. Wash. Aaylum Hoapltal. Burt L. Thomaa, 39. Sibley Hoapltal. Mary J. Doraey, 2 bod.. 1358 Newton at. se. ? Betty L. Fletcher. 4 mon.. 702 9th at. nw. Alberta Dora. 22. Fre^dmen a Hoapltal. George Carter. 82. Freedmen'a Hoapltal. M?-KInley Ljtona. 22. Waah. Aaylum Hooipt. Ernest Washington. 21. Freedmen'a Hoapt. l.ouiae Rntin. 10 Wa?h. Aaylum Hospital. Foster Willi-. 54. .V* K at. aw Cornelia MrVey, 21. Waah. Aaylum Hoapt. John Porter. 4."?. Waah. Aaylum Hoapt. Roan Oliver. 33. Freedmen'a Hospital. Samuel E. William*. 1. 1534 5th at. nw. ?Mary Qu**en. 4?. 1510 13th at. nw. George Bailey. 60. Freedmen'a Hospital. Florence Hall. 40. T. B. Hoapltal. Charlea T. Jenkina. 3 Elvan road ae. Richard Harley. 17. 124 Renning. Wm. Harris. 42. Wsah. Aaylum Hoapt. Laura Bent ley. 18, Waah. Aaylum Hoapt. Robert Bowlea. 7 mon.. 3*4% B at. James F. Green. 3 m??n.. 1817 T nw. Chin Clung. M, Garfield Hospital. Senate Afreet oa Indian Bill. The Senate yesterday agreed to i the conference report on the Indian appropriation bill, carrying 112, 750,000. ? The Only Internal Remedy We, SOe and $1.0# the B*x Sold by AI.L 6RUGGISTS Or acut by mail oo reedpt of prion. I Pilocura Co., Wash., D. C. Ho? CooHti< Sell-Serric* Na Tip*. 3k Vnited Cafeteria IMC 7 Sbtti National -Dairy J. W. Gregf, Prop., 614 0 St. N. W. Phone North 1436 MILK 9c 17c Per PL PerQt In Business 45 Years 1 ? 21 DAY'S TOLL OF PNEUMONIA Dr. Fowler Again Cautions Against Getting Feet \ Wet. A now high mark in deaths from pneumonia was reached yesterday when twenty-one were reported for the twenty-four hours which ^nded at ? p.m. Dr. William. C, Fawler. District health officer, last night declared that conditions were,, not greatly abnormal, as January and February were the iwo largest pneumonia months in Washington. The influenza situation continues to diminish in importance, in the face of pneumonia. Ten deaths from Influenza , Were reported last night against nine for the preced1 ing day. Dr. Fowler last night reiterated his warning to Washlngtonians in regard to keeping feet dry and wearing warm clothing/ "Wetting by rain or snow of any part of the body." said Dr. Fowler, "greatly lessens the power to re sist disease and often leads from colds to more serious maladies." Deaths reported from pneumonia were Anna J. Manning, 90 . years. 1427 Clifton street northwest; Mlda W. Shepard. 62. 6223 Ninth street northwest; Chin Clung, 50. Garfield Hospital; Carl W. Thompson. 40. 1648 Irving street northwest; Cor nelia McVay. 21, Washington Asylum Hospital: Rosa Oliver, 33, Freedmen's Hospital; Mary J. Dor sey, 2 months, 1358 Newton street northeast: Bernard Daniels. 1 year, 1*488 M street southwest; James J. Murray. 73, 902 Eleventh street nprtheast: Billy I>. Fletcher. 4 months. 702 Ninth street northwest; I Mary Queen. 46* years. 1340 Thirteenth street northwest; Sam ' uel E. Williams, l. 1534 Fifth S street northwest; James Green, 3 months. 1817 T street northwest; Charles T. Jenkins. 3 years. Elvan road southeast: ^William B. Cudlet. 31. Sibley Hospital; Ullian Wool ;ard. 28. 2404 Pennsylvania avenue I northwest: Anna Gricoria, 39. 206 Arthur place: David D. Wenner. 43. 'Georgetown Hospital; James Bush, j 65, Washington Asylum Hospital; ?Charles G. Durant, 39. United ? States Soldiers' Home Hospital: ? Annie I*. Robinson, 58, 1314 Far jragut street northwest._ Influenza deaths were Burt I* 'Thomas. 39 years. Sibley Hospital; Winifred G. Hume, 48. 101H I Eighteenth street northwest; Edna j M. Keatinsr. 41. 415 O street north west; Robert Jlowles. 7 months, j 344 **? B street southwest; Isaac | I'erlman. 54 years. 608 T*ouisiana avenue nortb*v#?at: Gertrude F. | M>v*ris. w. ?#' A street north east; Clara lfVonks. 31. Freedmen's 'Hospital; Deborah <"ari<*r. 57, St. Elizabeth's Hospital: Selina M. Fortney. 25. Garfield Hospital; Henry Hamilton. It. 215^ D street northwest. Mexico to Bar Red*. Mexico' has taken steps to bar entry of Reds Into its territory. According to the Mexican Em bassy here yesterday, the Mexican foreign office has notified all con suls to refuse passports to "an archists. social agitators op harm ful elements of any kind." P 1300 GSL ^ Stelnwa? "pianos PliTcPiuM VictroU* I Miaic MinicaJ Inxtrumeoii Cuticura Soap! Will Help Youl Clear Your Skin! ~V>. Ojmwnl.TJ?". *?? y t ???of Omtle??L??or*trle?, PtplX.V. ' ? RESORTS. ATLAHTIC CITY. IKAYHOREjmxTrarf { I VlBUK GgATESI HOTEL SUCOSS Gen. Samuel' McRotferts of the emergency force. Who I* now con nected with a New York bank, wai refuted a medal by Secretary of War paker. acocrdlng to the teatl mony before Congresa yesterday of Cot. Thomas Hpauldlnt;. a mtmbrr of the War Department'* board of awaras. y' Secretary Baker, commenting on Col. Bpauding's evidence, said that the b6ard had recommended Oan. McRoberts fdr a.D. 8. M and that he had postponed the matter for the reason that! at the time the award waa suggested, a bureau of the Ordnante- Department waa be ing Investigated. oOn. McRoberta however. ?raa not being Investigat ed. The Secretary came to tlje con clusion that the time waa inoppor tune and the award was simply held In abeyance. Col. Spaulding testified that In the opinion of the board It had no Hght and It was illegal to bestow medals on civilians. Mr. Baker an swered today that the War De partment had a right, and the law allowed it to make Such awards. ' . Plu Limit ob Debates. The Senate Rules Committee yes terday took steps to speed up leg inlittlon by reducing debate in the Senate. Itioruered a favorable re port on a resolution providing: that a member wishing to raise a point of order against a bill or amend ment must do so as soon as the measure is presented. The com mittee also referred to a subcom mittee the question of reform of the Senate's cumbersome commit tee system. It will consider also resolutions Amending the cloture role. AMUSEMENTS. PLOEW'8 M alacEL ? HK<.IV\l\<i SUNDAY ?? ALL NEXT WEEK MARY PICKFORD ?Never had a finer atory in her whol<* career than that "clad girl" classic by Eleanor H. Porter that half the. world has talked about or read about or wondered at. Don't miss? "POLLYANHA" TONIfaHY M.W %l a liner Tomorrow 3.H Lionel* Barryaore "Hie Letter of the Law" rf M*l?l?i?<?m. \e*t Mnnda; sr^rs >ow ski.i.ix. \\ n^hinslon Opera Cnmpan* CARMEN N.\R(il Kit IT A K1LVA and OTA K AH H AII AK A a (iwfta Art lata MEATS PRICED VERY LOW?QUALITY WILL SUIT YOU Markets FRANK KIDWELL'S MARKETS Markets MEATS PRICED RIGHT?NOT ONE DAY?EVERY DAY New Market, 3033 14th St., Opens Saturday, Feb. 7 This week-end I have many bargain* to offer and know that the qualities will suit you. Prices are lower than ever. Your dollars will pay bif interest if you trade at Kidwefl's. Fresh Shoulders 23c lb. Fresh Hams 33c Loin Poik Roast 31c lb. Lean Pork Chops 26c lb. Fancy Smoked Bacon r31c "?? Pore Hof Lard 30c lb. Smoked Shoulders 23c lb. Smoked Hams, fancy... 29c lb. Loin Pork Chopa. 33c lb. Lean Roast Pork 25c lb. Machine-Sliced Bacon.. ,38c lb. Compound 27c lb. Round, Sirloin, Porterhouse Steaks, Choke 32c lb, Top Rib, Prime Rib, Shoulder Clod, Choice 24c H>. Fine Chuck Roast 22c !b. IJeef Liver 10c lb. Best Hamburg Steak.... 23c lb. Plate Beef, Pot Roast or M* 14c ft. The Vary Best AT-Pork Sausage Meat ..30c lb. Lag Spring Lamb ,38c lb. Bryast Spring Lamb 22c lb. Shoulder Spring Lamb, ,30c fc. Shoulder Chan 33c lb. Fancy Chickens 40c lb. 3272 M St, Georgetown 1920 Nichols Aft, Anacootia Nwthsa* Market, .12th and H St*. N. L 1341 Wis. Aw, Georgetown WW 14th St, Jut Below U St Eastern Market? New Section (Moats Only) 7th and C Sts. S. L AUL NEXT WECK-BEGIHNIHC ?UWPAY JESSE L . LASKY I PRESENTS ANEW j| MARK TWAIN" PARAMOUNT j ARTCRAFT f PICTURE j "HUCKLEBERRY, FINN" S XOTE: DO HOT CONFUSE THIS PRODUCTION WITH A I FORMER PICTURE OF SIMILAR TITLE II MCraadall't?Fall lib || FTR OPOLITAN 10.!W? A. M. to II r. M. I.AKT TUO DAT* Comr I'.arl? tor XmiIh NAZIMOVA s In Her (ireitrat Plrtare "STRONGER THAN DEATH" ('?rreiil Kvfil* T?plw of tbr Day C?\ rrlnrr. "/.ampa" Metropolitan Concert Orrbeatra W% nickerbockeK T<Kla>. RfKtoalnK at 2tM P.H. DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS . la Ilia <;reatr?t Hit WHEN THE CLOUDS ROLL BY Alnay Added Attractlaa*. National - "\t,^r v ROBERT B. MANTELL lonisKt . -VarWA" Sal. Mmt **JuIIum I'aeaar"* Hal. Mickl ... "Hlrkard III** J STARTING NUNDAV?Seam Mltoi RAYMOND HITCHCOCK In Hi* Entirely Nf* and 8uece?s HITCHY KOO, 1919 1??0 Katcrtainer* A. Pa?no?i? Re?oty Chorus FORTY UKDER TWENTY nous TOMGHT AT S?a? ^JsHl^EBT ^ATTRACTIONS Mat. SatnHay A. H. WOODS Prraent* THAT joyous FARCE "HO MORE BLOHDES" With ERNEST TRUEX .Next Sunday Xlyht ? Scatw \?w The Intent and Brightest Musical Outburst "TICK TACK TOE" By Herman Timbers: Clinic?< omrdy?Danrlnc 'Hi' Kvrrythlaf B.F. KEITH'S DAILYju SUN. Ml HOL'YS. MVi Year*. br?t Will."?Tl??, Nanette | THE 6IRUES' CLOI HENRI SCOTTSir uiv WIBTHm,h rh" ,Dd th* fflAI WIRIIlwirth r?ti/. Mufucrlt. riduU. Frnto. 4k ttelda. frank J. Cniroy. l>rm.o? * ?fcelltj. Martyo A Flomic*. Otlwr*. Sixth tonrrrt?Tr? Ktar Series TILLY KOENEN Olrhralrd llllck Contralto Fek. 13. I'**. Tlcketo. T*c to | T. ARTHI R SMITH. ISM G Itrwt CAYETY ?5JS-W ~M>XDOlT MKI.LRS" * - ?With? CHESTER (BIBK) XKLSOlf Kaxt Week. ?2?ih Century Malda" FOLLY SS Ave. Ntotk St. . ROUND THE TOWN rMHirhw f. B. HAMP WALTUKO OONTBUT TOMGHT P LOEW'S ?1 ALACt i Omlaa?a?. IOM rn. m?11 p. m, L t i t Two Days I. w. GRIFFITH'S (ale of ikr old Ur?l "Scarlet Days" A I.I. SFfXT ? KKK MARY PICKFORD la *P?llraaM" A LOEW'S ? UolumbiA Coatlnoooa. l?a> a. a.?11 p. aa I. ast TWO DAY ft J. WARRED KERRIGAN ?IK? "LIVE SPARKS" BrclaalM >nnday. Mirgnerrtt Clark la ??All ?( a ftaddea Peggy" ?MHBBV The Corcoran Gallery of Art will rmpm to tbr public ?*n FRIDAY, February 6tli Hours: Monday**, from 12:00 M. to 4 :30 r.M. Other week days from 9.00 A.M. to 4 3? P.M. Sunday*, from 1:30 to 4:30 r.M ftPRCIAL exhibition or Paintings, Drawings aid Etchiaf* ?"j? CHARLES H. W00D6BRY Alao Sculptures by PAIL MANSHIP roLrs xkxt ri^day, Syncopated Jazz Concert Pernoaal Appearance ANSELL, BISHOP & TURNER rreaeat the Right kimarm Victor Art twin Henry Burr. Rllly IK array, Albert t'aapbell. Fred Van Kpn, Joba H. Meyera. Monroe silver, Prank Croitoa. braak Bart a. l'eerlena Quartet. Sterllac Trio Tlcketa, Me to fSJA. 1231 F St. aad Poll'a Theater. SNIBERT-BELASCO D,tr^"-nL I Toaight.. 8:90?Mat. Sat.. 2:20. I DAVID BKUHfO Preaeata "DADDIES" | * Comwlr Itellfbt. bj Juki L. HobMa. | HjiEXTSUNDAY 5 Adolph KLaixber Present# /^MIGHTIeI '4flNtCHT, wit h?1^ANa? ftyRsi . ana ia?ol N?w Yon. ca?tj mcu ELMAN VIOLIN RKCITAL *?l??l KlMar, miwit ?, 4t90. ???i. M? M muc at In. Unw'i cmwi lama, la Dna?X TMrtrratt aad O It I aa la MART GARDEN XattoMl Tkcater. Taiaiar. rilliaair W. 4i3?. Seata aaw m aalr at >m GntM*! Cmul Wmremm la Dtaaf*!, TklrlwaU ayd 6 Mjwla : GoUwao mSh Nor* BASIL KING'S CThe STREET CALLED STRAIGHT AN ARTISIIC PRODUCTION EXTRAORDINARY f??0000000000<>tKXK>eHX>0' special fou AMERICANIZATION o WEEK luri'i STRANDS NINTH AT D BKX.1>M\<. HND4V An Aitk?ri?H Vrr?i?ii ?r tfce Life ?( C*l. Tkf?4?iT R?M??r*rll THE FIGHTING ROOSEVELTS kBE KKKUICK Sir Oliver Lodge POLM THKATKR 7. ???. ?? J) ?H. rrt. tl. 4 p.*. |j ? rji. i BEGINNING SUNDAY FRANK BROTHERS OVERTURE ? "RAYMOSD" \SOLO - ? "DARDANELLA E56ARDENE NINTH ?rr D AND E | 11 A.M.-Lai i lxi.0-11 P.M. Paramount-Artrrafi fijpwfal LIONEL BARRYMORE tmtke COPPERHEAD IF YOU AHE AX AMEBPAX DON'T MISS J HIS Mwn [-STRAND Tknir NINTH AT O 11 A. M.-La*lItny-u P. M. WILLI A M FOX 1'rur Ht? GLADYS BROCKWELL MB FLAMES OF THE FLESH