Newspaper Page Text
Inquiry Shows 160 Rooms Required to House Pupils Now. f COSTS BLOCK BUILDING Bids Exceeded Appropria tions for Construction And Materials. In ord?r adequately and properly K J?.UM the school children of the riM.Mtrtct at least ten more sixteen ?room buildings will be needed. ' 19 w,|l only take care of the i Pr^nt larpo school population ana will not In any way provide for in | crease*. LKTh?r ^ new buildings ^generally rnould be in the Northwest, the se<itions- In the series of I articles published in The Washing <>n Herald it has been shown Just Eh ? Some of hui'dincs r,r"uld be. In some cases, where ? Jh" school population js very thick, [the buildings will have to be as j M twenty-four and even thlr fy-two room.x. 3.AUO Pupil.* ( rsndrd. The need for ten sixteen-room build f !kM based /?n the figures that j tnere are slightly more than 3.wo icnild-en in the local public schools ?today in ?vartiaid fliMH and uw! k ki sevrcnty-nine make-shift port Kables. Allowing forty children to a I Class.- this would 'all for 1?*> class krooms or ten sixteen-room buildings. | r; course, a smaller number of ? j?t \ - foui -"oom buildings. It is freely predicted that unless *>me sort of rehef is provided for the fschool building population this yoar. I 11 ? school officials will face an almost Miopvlcys task in the coming years. TP li? \ m;?y have to fact the situation Meesnry in some Of the states! I of forcing children to remain away j I irom school. ! Conditions Apparent. Anyone in doubt as to the need of a number of buildings right now can find out the very crowded condi tions by visiting any school or sev eral school buildings. The conditions can be seen first hand. Of course. Classes may be found here and there Avbieh are not even up to capacity, but they are far away from the crowded places. Where it has been possible to relieve conditions by send ing children to other buildings in the Mine section it has been done. It would not be necessary to ap propriate all of the money for these buildings this year. Authority could b?- gi\. n to enter into contracts for th- buildings, with M comparatively *rn* '1 aniount t?. *tart the operations, and the full expenditure could be carried over a period of tw0 years or more, as it would take practically that time to complete the buildings, taking into consideration the time necessary to draw the plans and enter into contracts. Some provision has been made for new buildings, but the commission ers could not open contracts be cause the bids exceeded by 100 per cent in^ most cases the appropria tion. Efforts are to be made at this ?*ession of Congress to have these appropriations increased. I I'lah Sellool \eed Greatest. The Hiirh School situation is par- ' ticularly bad. Classes are much overloaded and children are using every available bit of space in th** present buildings, including assem bly halls, corridor* and laboratories Jn ?om" cases it has been ncccssary t?? abandon studies both for lack of t?-aehers and lack of space. There is no question of the short age of teachers. Tli?*re are not enough to teach the present classes, and the small salaries are weekly taking more ?>f them awav from the system. Substitutes?that is satis factory substitutes?many times cannot be obtained. It is nothing to see in almost any division these days children from the Eighth gr;id?- schools handling classes while the regular teacher is ill at home. It has even been nec essary to admit into some of the schools women who have never be fore had any experience whatever in teaching. Rut usually one day is enough for thom. and they leave. The Eighth grade children even make better teachers than this class of substitutes. What is nteded is a regular substitute corps, rrgularly employed. These teachers when not needed for substitute work could be used as coaching teachers, and the i funds used in maintaining them vould be wisely spent. Confuse Private Bodies With Commerce Bureau Owing to a confusion of private and Semi-public organizations bearing names resembling that of the Bu reau of Foreign and T>omestic Com merce. of the 17. S. Department of Commerce, the Secretary of Com merce has issued a statement in which it is stated: "There is only one official bnreau of the name given, and Its head office J* in the Commerce Building. Nine teenth street and Pennsylvania ave nue. It has district and co-opera tive offices in the larger cities." i BILL ASKS BOND ISSUE FOR VETS A bIH authprtmlns an Issue of government bonds to be known as W^rld War Veteran bonds, for the benefit of soldiers, sailors and Marines wh<> served In the war. was Introduced In the House by Repre sentative H. * Osborne of Cali fornia. yesterday. The bill waa re ferred to the Ways and Mean# Com mittee. The bill provides that the bene ficiaries. officers ?nd men allk. . shall receive bonds at the rate of U ner day for each day served during the war. It points out the genpial sentiment throughout the country j for more material recognition of the services of the men In the army anrt navy, nnd states that the object of the bonds is to assist these returned j soldiers and sailors "to the advan tages of the life they enjoyed when they entered the service." GIVILPENSION .j BEFORE SENATE _______ | Sterling Measure Expected To Go Forward Despite Opposition. i The Sterling bill, for the pension inn of civil Service employes, came up In the Senate yesterday after noon. ard was the subject of a heated debate between Senators Stirling and Pomerene, at the close of which Senator Pomerene introduced a substitute bill. It Is expected that consideration of the bill will now go rapidly forward. The bill, as introduced by Sena I tor Sterling, provides for the re tirement of all employes In the classified Civil Service who have r. lied the age of l>5 years and 'have rendered at least fifteen years I service. The most important f? a [firc of the bill Is that the gov ernment shall contribute 62.S per cent toward the fund for retire ment. and the Civil Service em ploves 37.7 per cent, by assessment. The substitute bill, by Senator Pomerene. which will be consid ered on the floor of the Senate to day. provides for a graduated scale of assessment against employes salaries, which rises according to ?the age of the person when he en ' ters Civil Service employment, in | order to provide a retirement fund. This assessment is in no case to ! exceed 8 per cent of the salary. The pomerene bill will provide for retirement at the age of 70. In debate with Senator Sterling yesterday. Senator Pomerene de ;clared that the Sterling bill would icost $15,000,000. Instead of $9,000 - 000, as Sterling estimated. He characterixed the bill as unjust and | an unreasonable burden upon the government and the taxpayers. ! A petition signed by 2.086 em fployes of the Government Printing .Office, requesting a favorable con sideration of the Sterling bill, was i received by Senator Sterling yes terday. Convention of Md. and D.C. Clothiers Set for Tuesday Plans for the convention of the Maryland and District of Columbia Ci^thiers' Association next Tuesday Iv.ere complete at a n.eeting and luncheon yesterday of the clothiers' U ret Ion of the Merchants and Manu facturers* Association, participated in i by Herman J. Cahn. of Baltimore. S pi rsident of the clothiers* organiza tion. I Other officers of the organization are: I. I- Goldheim. Washington; ' first vice president; John Schwart Izenbach. Cumberland, second vice ! president; M. H. <?o??dman. Baltimore, ! secretary-treasurer; Sidney West. Washington; Frank Low, Washing lion; lames Hamburger, Baltimore; I Sam Schafer, Hagerstown. and M. j Baer. lx>naconing. directors. Phelan Acting Chairman Of Democratic Committee Representative Michael F. Phelan, t of Massachusetts, has been elected | temporary chairman of the Demo j cratic Congressional Campaign Com mittee to serve in the absence of the chairman. Representative Scott Fer ris. of Oklahoma. Mr. Phelan entered upon his new duties yesterday. The selection of the Massachusetts ! Representative virtually may mean that he will have charge of the ac tivities of the committee throughout the present campaign. Mr. Ferris is la candidate for the Senate against Senator (Sore and is expected to #pend , the great?k* part of the time inter 1 vening between now and the Okla homa primary in that State. In the event of Ferris' retirement, it Is believed likely Phelan will be . made permanent chairman. G. W. U. Law Seniors Elect. The senior class of the George ' Washington University Law School ha." elected the following officers: I President. John H. Pattrick: vice j president, Kills W. Manning; secre itnry. Miss Grace M. Eddy, and treas urer, Lin Morgan. ?.. and with our Army Doctors cA fad: At the Medical Officers' Train* ing Camp, Fort Riley, Kansas, last year, the largest-selling ciga rette among these thousands of doctors and surgeons from all parts of the United States waa Fatima. FATIMA , A Sensible Cigarette "im rnwgh Turkuh'^ RAIL RETURN BILL READY I ? 1 Will Be Placed Before Both Hoiises of Congress Last of Week. i ? A dtlvr for lira! pa#s*?e of ral , road le?lslati< n by M ;ch 1, the dttn *et by President W.Uon for return of tlie lines to t eir owne r, was put under way by H ere a d Kenate leaders yesterday. A.s the IIrat step ?oife tr , who on Wednesday read e1 a vi t al agre?ir?>nt on the d c* in tie bills an originally ia*sed by t e House and >, were ht-riyi g the final drafting tf tl eif c mpro |mise which is t<> bo laid befoie li e two branches of Connie s t e at of this week or the first of text I Hhus* and Senate lader* deHaied | thorp v us little doubt that t e rni. 1 road legislation would be pla: ed be j fore the President before Ma ?h 1. Senator Smoot. o/ Utah* howe??ir ? ipressed .?ome doubt a* t?? w^et er this noukl be accomplished. Senator CumrrinN chairman of the Senate confeiees, and K-preven tative Mondell, House Republican leader, look for early passage of this legislation. Strong I'ublle I'rmaure. Representative C >oper, of Ohio, I a former railroad brotherhood nan and a member of the House Inter 's tate Commerce Committee, (pressure from the country would I for'-e action by March 1. "1 have just returned from a ten I day stay in .ivy district and evcry I where I found the demand that the j status of the railroads be determined las soon as Congress can act." Coop ler said. He added that he had in I formed Senator Lodge, Senate lead ,er. of the voters' views In Administration quarters yes Iterday. it was said, there is little ! prospect of the President granting Ja further extension of government 'control should Congress fail to act before March. The Railroad Administration ha* already begun preparations t ? wind up its affairs. Siveral hundred em ployes will probably be let *o dur J ing the first week in March. In cluded in the list ate high salaried executives. Director General Hines is ex pected to continue in office for sev eral weeks, at least, after the r? ad are returned. So Antl-Strlke Clau?e. The railroad bill as finally agreed upon by the conferee* 1* without the anti-strike clause. Boards of adjustment are provided to settle labor disputes. Financial provision* include one that the roads t'or six months after i their return and for a longer peiiod as yet undetermined shall b?* guar anteed a net operating income of b 1-2 per cent of their actual \aiue. Another provision is that the gov ernment will set up a $300,000,003 revolving fund for loans to the road* during th*ir reorganisation. Karnings of roads in excess of six per cent are to be divided equally {between the roads and the govern (rnent. the government's share to go 'into the loan fund. Advances made j to the reads during government I control are to be refunded over a ? period of 10 years. Details of reorganization are to j be left to the Interstate Commerce Commission, the membership of j which is to be increased to e even I to take care of added duties. Hunt Animal Quarters For Liberty Hut Circus j The man with the white elephant ' on hist hands had nothing on Dan j Curtis, personal trainer for Ringlings\ I who is here to find quarters for the | animals for the circus at Liberty I Hut. ''Taking care of a circus on a |big lot Is or*"* thing." said Curtis, "and housing ?- in a town is quite another." Curtis is making a survey of possi ' ble quarters for his animals, which j will include horses, ponies, dogs. ' monkeys, and the wild beasts. The ; proceeds of the professional circus go to help the District Department of the American Lesion to care for sick. wo'inded and destitute soldiers. Children's Legal Status Before Social Workers The National Children's Bureau yesterday announced a conference will be held in Chicago next Monday 'and Tuesday to consider the question .of illegitimacy from the legal, judi cial and social standpoint. The con i ference will be held at the City Club. Prominent judges, lawyers and social I workers have been invited to speak, i The Chicago conference is but one ' of a series of conferences to be held in the near future, under the auspices j of the Children's Bureau, one of them j in New York City February 16 and 17. 29,600 Vessels Listed In U. S. Merchant Marine The services of 266,000 men are re quired to main the 29.600 vesesls of the United States hnerchant marine, according to a statement just issued by the Department of Commerce. The total gross tonnage is 15,325,000. The report includes registered, en rolled and licensed vessels under the American flag. A list of merchant vessels of the United States up to June 30 last will be issued next month by the Bureau of Navigation. Commerce Department. The salt-water tonnage is nearly three-fourths of the total. Colored Teacher Buried Tomorrow. Miss Jane M. Cropper, for thirty years a teacher in the colored schools of the District, who died Wednesday at her home in Fair mont Heights, will be buried to morrow. Funeral services will be held at 10 a. m. at the Church of Incarnation. Deanwood. D. C. Inter ment will be in Mount Olivet Ceme tery. Lectvre on Submarines. Lt. Comdr. Frederick C. Sherman, U. S. N? will address Lebanon Lodge. No. 7, F. A. A. M.. on the subject of submarines tonight at a meeting in the lodge rooms in the Masonic Temple. Degrees will be conferred by the lodge at 4 p. m. Supper will be served at 6 o'clock, to be followed in turn by Lt. Comdr. Sherman's talk. Dr. Mam to Address Eagineers. Dr. C. R. Mann, of the War Plans division of tbe War Depart ment, will give an address on "Vo cational Training In the Perman ent Army" before the Washington chapter of the American Associa tion of Engineers tonight, to the auditorium ot th? Cosmos Club. 1 COMMITTEE HOLDS UP CHAIN BRIDGE BILL Consideration of a bill providing for drafting plans for a bridge to replace the old Chain Bridge above George town was blocked in the House Di?- J trict Committee yesterday by the failure of a quorum to vote. The point was raised by Represent ative L?ampert after a motion was lost to reduce the appropriation for drawing plans for the new biidge from 97.500 to 12,500. Consideration of the matter will be resumed at the I next meeting, of the committee. Khglneer Commissioner Kutz said the present structure cannot safely' Sear the weight of heavy trucks and ? ??her vehicles likely to use the bridge. He suggested that District employe* ould draw up plans for the bridge, but that the hiring of an outside , architect is desirable. The bridge, he stated, should be of masonry. Representative R. Walton Moore, of Virginia, who introduced the bill, de lured that the present structure ?? unsafe and emphasized the need for ? RfV one. The committee also considered the Tread way bill to relieve hotel pro- j ruietors of liability for valuables stolen from the looms of guests. Rep- , Jc.sentative Burdick, of Rhode Island, j reported for a subcommittee favoring this legislation. Empty Docket in Police Court Blamed on Weather Unusual conditions were presented in both branches of Police Court yes terday, due to meteorological causes. There were but two prisoners brought t<? court in thn "Black Maria" for trial in the District branch. When Judge Hardtson took his seat on the l.ench at 9:30 o'clock, it was found that there were no defendants ^n the dock. The two men had faded away after depositing collateral. "The weather conditions last night." Deputy l'Jerk Cam. Howard said, "cheeked *l?e ciime wave for the time. Neither bad men nor good men were willing to face the small bliz zard of driving sleet and biting North winds." In the United States branch. Prose cutor Ralph Given presented to Judge McMahon the docket of about twenty cases for trial by Jury. It was found necessary to halt most of the trials because of illness, due to "round hog" weather, of either attorneys, defendants or witnesses. The empty dock in the District Court establishes a record, officials said. 170 in Next Contingent Of Fleet Employes One hundred and seventy em ployes of the Emergency Fleet Cor poration and their families will comprise the next contingent which will leave Philadelphia for Wash ington. They will arrive in Wash ington on February 12. IS and 14. according to information yesterday from officials in Philadelphia. The information also carried a request that additional rooms be obtained, and that several of the employes in the party would re quire apartments. Postpone Teachers' JMeetin*. Inclement weather effsed the postponement of the meeting of the newly organized Grade Teachers* Association, at the Thomson School yesterday. A meeting will be held next week to ratify the proposed constitution of the association. SEEKSTANDARD TRAFFIC RULES New York Expert Tells Sen ate of Plan for Every U. S. City. Adoption of stand-Ird Hon. for Washington '"?'uU f?r every city throughout,,! "y wa, urged b w S out 'ho country. aJtZ **"?; ? Vork bcforo the Senate r>i .* y<"ter<1"y wh.chCommi,t """ <* i "Pe.Ul CM'"b,i4h I Washington. C coar' ?? h^hwiy tr:r;^mru by ,,,e ,' h?^rman of the co?mTee'" ^ " ; ?nJn i? the fir** af/ i?e traffic rexulaii," to lBand*id throughout the 'n'L, ' . In ! kno. "an?| Washing 1 *aid ??r. ; beat place to sta!t u" u"u>d ?ation* are .-<<J<,,,,,.,, ,f these regu j education undertaken I," ,Ia,mpa'Kn of | ??Hent? her,. , w'" l ut Ihe J Accident* i? K< _. v?r? *lx' *r<,k" I to Washington and Thn h"lf th?*? be true." e rev?r?e ?houui trlct requiring*an"" rU,e lho I>l? 'flo'In l? k" " ! "tops at a croi?|n. ? Lar whlcti 1 He advocated Juhtr u1nre"l"n?1?i?.-. ? regulation, He onrl!. J , ** 1>r"V* ! v ay rule by which^t 'ignt-of I right I* given ,ho h,Jh^rivcr "" 'he i croaalnga saying that ^ *' s"'*'''? i HlOle for manv , was 'espon ' the printing *nd J?C,'rfK He u"!<'d *'""r !^wcih<r ting down accidents of cu'' of police told^h"man' '"P'rir"endent I ,h?th" ! educate the public ln.1?!.?Uch I motor vehicles. He ?n^l, ^ln,r or of the flftcen.foot ru?e Auction tv VirstPAHh0<,y' pro8id?"t Of Ihf Safp in fVv?r ofTtra,m-''aid ,h"? enforcement of e*i8tin r?d 8tr,ct 'ations. traffic regit Scientist Photographs Moon, 80 Miles Distant SSI2? tional Geographic Society thi* ?r^" lsr?r I ?* ! noon. I* the accomplish.d fact that ""moon ha, been brought wkhli I If t mi'" ?' ",r ?r'h Visually by Photograph* taken with the giant Vele kI if moon Bnd Planet? will ture " connpcl'on with the lec Cupid Shy of Weather, License Bureau Loafs W Inter weather conquered Cupid yesterday. With walking reduced to dunging through (he drift?d snow, few dared to venture forth to obtain marriage license*. The desk of Cot William A. Kroll, official license dis penser at the courthouse, was almost deserted. The colonel's usual "Good luckt Loot the names over and see that I they** correct.- was heard by only, seven applicant*. ?Friend Cupid isn't taking any ? hances with the Hu ? " Col. Kroll rc fnarkcd. au hc ?"niwd the last-lamed icense into un envelope and handed Igioo * nervou" Prospective bride BIG 3 DECIDE j AGAINST SLAVS | . / London Pact May Be En forced Unless Adriatic j Solution Is Accepted. I'aris J-Vh. G. The Preach. Itrit jlan and ltalidn kov.tnmr>nt* hav? i, elded .to communicate officially to Jmro-Mavis a t opy ?( ,hl. t of London and to insist that JUK? ArtrV", *'7Pt th" for the Adriatic dispute proposed by the am.-, m their note of J,?uiirv .?t was learned today | The JuK?-?i,v Kovernment. re iarv I" "J""* not" Ja"" ar? d. elar.-d it wa* n?lt pr<1. pared to accept the allied propo sition for ? sett lament of th- jul[?. a, !'/ territorial dieput. the Adriatic. Th. Juko-KI.v reply j ? PO">"d <,ut the Belurade COv ?rnm? nt could not convidr-r th? silled ultimatum that ?h. their Position or submit to enforce m<nt of the seeret part of ixmdon had*T tPXt ?f ,h' "^t never to lielg^de t"mm"nitat'd ofl,t'.My n?T"^,*iy " d"r"'"n bjr the allies ap Uhe J..e r'f0?n'?'s th.. JuMie- of line Jugo-Slav c-lai min that th?( allies decided to submit the text of Th ,"nd"n *<fr.ement to Hel*rade J decision virtually reaffirms the (previous stand that Jugoslavia ac mePnt r .propo"l,i"n for settle I llr " lo eBforcement of l-O'idon paet. which award, concessions In the Adriatic .0 Italy 'Spirits Leave Wall Tapping For Wireless, Says Griffen | '"l^rp^ta'ble*'messages*" recefeed "B ,"h'^r, AUrzo M ??.-!#? 1 f,om ?ruMee ?f the1nv.t Association, declared todav o- are another form o. communication to SDiriii,.! . '?r-ffl" "id. "Heretofore srtrt^fve t communicated with ,he l'vlnB by ; tf ps on the wall. The,e tans aftee jears of study, were Interpreied In a 1 few year, these wireless me??" now laughed at anc ridiculed bv fh! iLal,,:,C. -Wm ">??^t- by Spirit! HAM REPORTS EARNINGS LESS W. R. & E. Co. Revenue Shrinking Each Month Since Last November. j Earnings of the Washington Railway and Electric Company are growing Ion each month, according to a statement made yesterday by the president. William F Han. Mr. Ham stated that the earnings of ; the W. R. & E. Company during Jan uary averaged 112.051 per day. which hr said is les? than the daily I average of earnings in November . and December. The November earn ings were given at $1S.968 per day. and (14.255 per day for December. I Total earnings for November were 'said to b? S418.740 and (441.(14 for December. For January total earn ings were $421,187. This showing was cited by Mr. f Ham as an illustration of the neces i sity for the prompt granting of the compary'j plea for a seven cent fare, with a two cent charge for trarsfers. Tie rate of four tickets I for twenty-five rents means a re turn of only 3.28 per cent to the I security holders on the fair valua ? tion of the road, he said. It ih thought that the Commission is delaying action on the petition ' of the W. R fz E. Company for a ;seven cent fave ard a renewal of | the charge for transfers to see J whether Congress will enart a bill ; to relieve th* company of taxation. "It is certain. ' said Mr. Ham. "that the Washington Railway and Electric Compan> cannot continue indefinitely operating under the present conditions." .?. 4 ? Navy Yard Notes. i * ? ? ; Charles Burk^. of the seamen s ; shop, has been sick with influenza for ? the past week. I George Eckles. of the torpedo shop. ? has been confined to his home the past three weeks with Influenza. 1 "Chink" Holbrook. the torpedo {shop's crack feather-weight boxer, has Istarted training for his next fight, which will be in Baltimore in Feb ruary. D. B. Klingensmith. of the U. S S Mayflower, who was dangerously <11 with pneumonia in the Naval Hos pital for over a month, has fully re covered. "Hank" Green, of the dock repair pang. was married in HyttUvitte Saturday last and is spending his honeymoon in Baltimore. "Hi" Myers, of the tool shop, has returned to work after a two weeks* layoff with a heavy cold and cough. Miss H. Peck, of the C. and R. of jfice, is confined to her bed with In fluenza. A. R. Biggs. of the C. and R. shop, dislocated his hip while ice skating last week. Harry Durity. of the tool shop, is back at work again after being out for three days with a heavy cold. "Barge" Doumoyer and L*ee Merrl field. of the torpedo shop, spent last Friday in Baltimore with M. A. G. Schuler. from whom they purchased a large new touring car. William Sims, of the gun shop. 1s very 111 at his home in Baltimore with | influenza. GERMAN SHfi? SALES SET FOR NEXT WEEK The thirty ntlr aale by th? shipping ?oU at public auction mi! day ?r Thursday, Chairmen Payne announced yeeterday Payne declared that the aaettoa wilt be held with the approval of the I Precedent? The former German ahlp* art iboee on which the board recatly rectlwl bid* Theae Mda were found to be too j low and were rejected. The aucttoa will probably extend over eereral day*. Payne will veil the ahlpe accord I tie to the eervlc** to which they have been allocated. Shipping corporation* Interned la a South American eerrlce will he In vited to bid on that line to South America which the Shipping Hoard ha* outlined. Shir* aotd by the tolled Huu<<* Shipping Board to private corpora tion* netted the (ovrmmeiff P: l!i. M8.A. according to official r< cord* of aale* up to J a unary 30. Shooting at Policeman Results in Conviction H*nry J. Johnson, colored, was con 1 vjcled of essault with h dai.g?-rt)U< ! weapon by a Jury in Criminal Cmir I No. 2 before Justice Stifford ven'e ' day. j It was charged that iohavon. wh' e j riding in an automobile on VkMi I avenue southeast. Jun** 33 laft. In company with five other*, fir'tl ? ??? 1 Tolver at A very E. Kmont motorc><> j policeman, who was pursuing the w j Frooot win not injured Attorney Thoma? Br keit appears! i for the defendant Assistant l?i*trt i I Attorney Bolttha J. Uwc prosecuted | The Jury was out less than five ml': j utes. GALOTABS ABE BEST FOR COLDS AND INFLUENZA Doctor* Now Prescribe Calolabt. The Pun bed Caload Tablet! That Are Nnueiltu, Safe and Sure. i j Doctor* are warning the public that *imple colds end mild ca*e* of in ifluenta often lead to pneumonia, an?l j other serious complications. Thejr say that every cold should receive im |mediate attention and that the first j step in the treai/nent it> to make iut* ? that the liver is settee. For this pur ? pose Calotahn. the perfected, nausea ties* calomel tablets are the surest. beat and most agreeable laxative. I On*- calotab at bed time with a ! swallow of water?that's all. no salt*. ]no nausea, and no upsetting of the : digestion and appetite. Next mem | ing your cold has vanished, your liver lis active, your system is purified end j refreshed and you are feel;ng fine with a hearty appetite for breakfast. Flat what you please?no danger. For your protection. Calota be are l sold only in original teah^d package*, price thirty-flvevcents. All d>ucgist? recommend and guaranty CaJ<*tab? and are authorised to refund th* pric If you ara not delighted with them I?A4v. Id Doteh (Darfeet LUh&re TJJashiziqtan JfazzseurizsesSatse. OPEN SATURDAY EVENING UNTIL 9 O'CLOCK Wheatena, Regular 25c package 20c | Strained Honey "Airline" brand, 20c jar 15c | Salmon, Gorman's '/j-lb- flat can. ? 1 r. I Matches, 09r I P. & G. Soap, Cr It/C | "White Tip," 12 boxes | White Naphtha, cake Ot White Naphtha, cake For Friday's Dinner: Fine Fish at Moderate Cost Hnllbut OQA Steak, lb OOy Salmon Sink, lb*. . . .380 I I Finnan Haddies SpectoJ, 18c lb. I Smelt*. Larff OCU l.ocrlea. lb Cooked *>krina|? Nfadlrw . . 35C Freab Shucked Oj*lem, qt. . . 600 Pollock Steak, lb. 200 Freab-Drraaed Trout, lb 250 Frenb Herriaff. doten 300 Ltrff Smoked 1 A/i Labrador*, eaeb AV7V Ubnelhb. Smoked, lb. 300 Our "Derrydale" BUTTER , 69c lb. Strictly fresh, remember, and of excellent quality? second only to our own "Holland Belle." Try a pound at this special price. Delicious, 8 to 10-lb. SMOKED HAMS 35c Pound Our own cure and smoke ?unequaled for quality. Bacon, Machine Sliced, lb., 48c Fancy, Lean, 4 to 6-D>. SMOKED SHOULDERS 25c Pound Oar Own Mild Cure Specially for This Week-End's Trade A Shipment of Choice Home Dressed Young Pork Old Dutch Market Quality?The Best There Is. Whole Pork Loins 32c lb. Roasts, selected center cuts 42c lb. Roasts, shoulder cuts 36c lb. Pork Chops, selected, center 45c fb. Pork Chops, blade end.. ,38c lb. Fresh Hams 35c lb. Old Dutch Market Quality Home Dressed Steer Beef At every market. All cote at lowest prices. All our Beef and Pork is direct from our own U. S. government-inspected plant at Frederick, Md. Choice Roasting, Baking or Frying Chickens at Moderate Prices Special Sale of Fresh Baked CAKES and CRACKERS Fresh from the National Biscuit Co.'s Ovens 14c 18c LORNA DOONE?the de licious and widely advertised shortbread b i s c u i t?a de lightful dainty. SPECIAL, package ROYAL LUNCH BIS CUIT?alightly sweetened? one of the most popular of all the National Biscuit Co.'s many product*. SPECIAL, pound PREMIUM SALTED SODA CRACKERS?one of the finest soda crackers on the market. Our price to. this sale only, 1 o pound IOC GIN GER SNAPS ? 5.000 pounds of fanciest quality, fresh baked Nabisco Ginger Snap*?snap them up while thej,u,t"t 22c