r THE WEATHER 1 odiy?Fair. Tomorrow?un?e tiled, probably snow flurries. Detailed weather report on editorial page. THE WASHINGTON HERALD WESTERMAWS "Sketches Fran Life" appear every day in The Washington Herald; ? of droD humor, no. 4h49 washington. d. c.. saturday, february 7, 1920. one ce^t WILSON CHUGS JO TREATY AIM I SENATOR SAYS H4itchcock Hoping for Word I Of Guidance in Today s W Caucus. BITTER-ENDERS CONFER Plan to Stand Firm But Find Difficulty in Lodge's Secrecy. t * Thai President Wilsons views on the question of reservations to the Versailles treaty are the name as tlios*- expressed by him in his let ter read at the Jackson Day dln r**r. was the exQression of Senator Hitehcock. administration leader. y?-"'#rday. Hitchcock stated thaj tince returning from the West he his not been able to communicate directly with the President, but. he said' T have been able to get 9t bis ideas. I do not think there ' h;is brtn much change in the Pres ident's attitude. K "I doubt If I will be able to tell the conference anything new about the attitude of the President, but 1 cannot say definitely. 1 have not had any communication from him a id have not sought one." Minority leader Hitchcock s state ment indicated that he is still hop ing. in common with many other Democratic Senators. that some n??s!?itge will come from the White House in order to guide them at t??da>'? caucus in formulating a pol icy to be followed when the treaty comes up for debate in the Senate next week. t'onferenee lo Be Small. Today's Democratic conference will not be a very large one. according to Senalor Hitchcock because only those friendly to the treaty are ex pected to attend and about fifteen Senators are sick or absent. Invi tations were sent by Senator Hitch rock to ail the Senators on the Democratic side. but those who are inclined ioward compromise a la 1 a>dge arc expected to be among t5't>se absent. Hitchcock stated that i .t more than forty-three Demo crats w.II be for ratification, pro \ V.ed "there is a measurable modi It itii n of the Lodge reservations." Senator Hitchcock stated yester ^ day that if President Wilson does I s-nt t?? acceptance of the 1 ->dge reservations. wUich is not ^xpeited. and if th* Republic*** l -fuse ?o make any changes ?n ihem. tb?* situation wil) remain 'in ? hat?,*;ed. V ilhout any message* from the president k is doubtful whether Mtor I;-Teh* o?-k will be able 1m h??Jd : ?euioerats in line at to ?':.vs m-. us. There are six Demo ? rats wb'n voted for the lA?d^^ r. *.? rval ons. Senator Ashurst. of Arizona, announced this week that he would vote for them. Ashurst 1. s hitherto b? en one of the st.iunchest administration support r i as currency in certain rural dls i ricts in Poland. The potato, according to a dispatch from Moscow to the American Red Cross. made public here yesterday, is the staple article of food in these re gions and its value fluctuates far less than any of the various types of paper money which are in circulation. In the district around (Jrodno the Red rross reports that all the local help . mployed in warehousing or In activi ty tirs of the fl-ld units are given their weekly rtage in potatoes. About twenty pounds of potatoes Is j warded as a fair weekly wage for I lie ordinary workman. One of tns large landowners in Grodno, whose tM>me was wrecked during the war, i? furnished the entire mansion with ;ii.?eles purchased with potato money. A complete set of drawing room fur niture took him down 12,000 potatoes. i ?. .-till reckoned the richest man in ihe town, however, as his barns hold about three carloads of currency - or, in other words. Just spuds. Driver Fined on Failure To Tell of Lost Coat Belt Public hackers are required by po lice regulations to turn over to the hark inspector's office any artkle which may be left by passenger*. It whs charged in Police Court yester ? day that Joseph Hayes, colored chauf fer of a taxicab. failed to notify Hack Inspector Morris Collins that a woman he had taken to Union Station left the belt of her fur coat in his car. He was fined S3. Hayes said he In tended to return the articles, but de lays*. - - , 4 To Democratic Party Conclave NEWBERRY AID ADMITS GIFT OF $400 Witness Says He "Found" Amount in Envelop on Table. (jrantt Rapid?. Mtch.. Feb. 6 ?John Ijwern. of Midland. iCTch.. found $400 rln ?r envelope given him by Paul , If. Kins, manager of the campaign I to elect Truman H. New berry to jlh?- United States Senate in 1918. he ?testified today at the Michigan elec tion fraud trial. ? Kern said he went to Detroit and talked with King regarding doing .some work in the , nterest of New l lx?rry. Following the conversation. |h esaid. he found an envelope for thim on the table. -What was in the envelope?** j queried Frank <\ Dai ley, govern intent attorney. I "Four hundred dollars." Kern said. I "What did you do with it?" Dailey 'asked. I l*The town shrdluetaoixzsh ror ot j "1 used $1*6 for expenses and sent !the rest back." the witness replied. I I Mips Pearl Gilbert, secretary to | Representative Gilbert O. Currie, I testified that King sent the follow ing message to Newberry the day {before the primary elections: "Don't ! worry, everything is all right." fircalated Petition*. Thomas A. Whitney testified he was employed by George Welsh. Newberry worker, to circulate the petitions of James W. Helme. Dem ocratic candidate for the Senate in 1518. He said he received $5 a day and expenses. Testimony given before the grand jury which was responsible for the indictment of 133 Michigan politi cians. including United States Sen ator Truman H. Newberry, were J given vicarious presentation before | the jury. Since al who w#?re called before the i^rand jury several months age ex I pressly waived immunity, their admis sions. as grand jurors n member them, can be Repeated now; and these state ' merits may be received by the present ! jury as testimony against the men ! who orignally made them, it was said by attorneys for the prosecution. Judge John M. Karris, of Boyne City, one of those who went before the grand jury and was Indicted. Two members of the grand jury took the ? stand this afternoon and repeated tn substantial detail the testimony of* ; fered by the judge. Those witnesses I were C. R. Higbv. clerk of the grants ! Jury. ?nd Charles otts. ? "Judge Harris told us on the gran* I jury." said Mr. Hi*y. "that Paul King I had sent for him at the beginning of I the Newberry campaign and that iie j had met him In Detroit. He promised to organize town committees In the neighborhood of his home city." According to tne witness. Judge Harris In effect said: "Mr. King of fered me $200 a month and expenses. I agreed. I recived in all $*M) in salary and In expense money. Th$ men that I persuaded to work for New berry I did not myself pay. 1 sug jgestcd they go directly to Paul King ? to make compensation arrangements." Paul King years ago pushed through the Senatorial election of t'haries Townsend with the expenditures of pacttically nothing. The government authorities, therefore, regarded as sig nificant Judge Harris' quoted state merit: "Mr. King told me the financial sit uation in In this campaign was con rlderabiy different from that in the Townsend campaign. King said: 'Now "wo have plenty- of money.' m MR*. A. B. PIKE. Mrs. PyJce. first woman delegate to I a Democratic national convention, who ! hails from l^akewood. Ohio, was one of the most efficient organizers in the food conservation campaign dur ing the war. It was largely because of the ability she showed during the campaign that her selection as a dele | ftate to the political convention wa: i made. State Department Refuses To* Take House Into Its Confidence. BAKER PASSES BUCK Says Explanation of Change ? Of Policy Is Up to Lansing. That the administration is not dis posed to take Congress Into its con fidence on Its Siberian policy was in dicated at a hearing before the House Foreign Affairs Committee yesterday. The committee had under con sideration the resolution by Repre sentative Meson. Republican, of Illi nois. editing on the State Department for Retailed information on the coulse pursued by this government In North ern Russia and Siberia. Third Assistant Secretary of State Ix>ng told the committee he did not know Just what would be proper for him to communicate to Congress, but promised, when offered additional time, to ascertain what Information | he could properly supply. j For a long time. Mr. Long stated. I President Wilson declined to send [American troops Into Siberia, but af terwards entered into an agreement with the allied and associated pow ers. This agreement, which fully sta ted the American plan, was reduced to writing, he said, and was accepted by Japan in an official statement, a j copy of which was furnished to the J United States. I Secretary of War Baker testiiied that all drafted men had been with drawn from Northern Russia and Si beria and that only about 5.0W volun teers still are in Siberia. They will be on their way home next month, the Secretary added. American* In Danger. | A dispatch from ion invisible wings through the gov ernment offices and parliamentary circles This was followed by a rum ble of threatened mutiny should the government endeavor to carry out the J allied demand. Alphabetically, the list is headed by Duke Albrecht of Wuerttemberg. ?who foi many months commanded | the German front In Flanders. In j poini of importance, however, the list I is headed by Hlndenburg who even , today is ll:e nitwn's idol, and second I in Importance, by LudendorfT. who, ; though far less beloved, still com J mauds a strong following in the old ;army circles. j These two names proved both the I greatest surprise and the severest ,shock to the government. At the Isame tim?\ the national feeling to Jward th?- two principal former war chiefs furnishes the gov-rnment th? strongest element ot strength if it stands pat on its refusal. Ilelleve llrror W on Made. Opinion is almost universal here that Marshal Koch and Field Mar shal Haig. had they anything to say about it. would vigorously op pose placing the ag?d German fleld (marshal, who fought his country'a battles against them, on the n*t of jalb'ged war criminals. KricK l.*adrndok at the fuss we made during the war over the Rheima Cathedral. Any reasonable slate of society would have said nothing, but would have got hold of more bricks and stained Klaus' and "!-ullt It *,rai" All my life I have had the feeling that each generation should possess its own art. The worship of the past can only be cured by the wholesale destruction of the monuments of the past?to drive us. by a kind of starva jtion. to produce our own buildings. At present, after toTerating bad architecture all the year round, peo ple go for a holiday "in some old Eng lish village to see nice buildings at i which there should be no need to 'look twice. J If we could avoid the loss of hu ! man life involved b> war. t should he ,-lad to have half .i down more great 1 wars, so iU*t all the cottages and vit ' lages in Sirope mighr be knocked ?down in order to force us to replace | them. STRIKE OF TEXTILE WORKERS IMPENDING Lawrence. Mass.. Feb. 6. ? A uni versal textile strike to start in I?* rence and gradually spread to every ; manufacturing center of the country for a forty-four-hour week and a 35 per cent increase in wages will be called by the l*wrence Amalgamated Textile Workers' I'nion on or about February 1?. it was announced today in a statement is.-ued at the Textile Workers' Union headquarters. j Plans for this demonstration were 1 made by representatives of the Amal gamated Textile Workers'. Amalga mated Clothing Workers' and ladies' Garment Workers' unions at a joint conference held In Boston recently. The Amalgamated Clothing Workers and Ladies' Garment Workers' unions promised to support the textile work era by refusing to work on products from Ijawrence textile plants, it was stated. Speedy Jailing of Berger 1 Asked in Chicago Court Chicago. Feb. ^.-District Attorney C. F. Clyne today died with the Appel late Court here a brief asking that Victor Xj. Berger be sent to Federal prison immediately to serve the ten year sentence Imposed on conviction of violating the espionage act. The brief, consisting of pages, claimed Berger had violated his pledge to the ecurt to refrain from acts on which his conviction was (based. _ Dublin Raids on Homes Of Sinn Feiners Continue ' Dublin. Feb. 6.-The police and mili tary continue rounding up Sinn rein suspects. Several raids were made this morning on homes of well-known Sinn iletners in the south of Ireland As a result of countrywide pressure, l^ord Chancellor Campbell has an ! nounced no prisoners will hereafter be deported without trial. Speeding Costs IS Fint. Charged with automobile speeding on Connecticut avenue. James boch i eory wa? arrested by Policeman Tom ardy. He wa. fined K in the Police | Court zertocdafe PROPOSE BONUS ! VARYING WITH LIVING COST Salary Commission Con j siders System for U. S. Employes. Recommendation of a bonus for civil employes varying: in amount according to fluctuations in the cost of living is being very serious ly considered by the joint Congres sional commission on reclassifica tion of salaries in the District. Under the proposed system, a basic salary of $1,200 would carry a bonus of about $300. which mould be subject to increase or decrease, .according to the annual variations ; in the price of ccrtain staples, such | as rent and standard articles of | food and clothing. A commission | would be appointed to check up an nually on these living cost fluctua tions and report its finding* to Con | gress prior to the passage of the i appropriation bills providing for ! the salaries of District workers. The flexibility of this scheme rec ommends it strongly to a nutn'ber of the committee members, who' be -*?*ve it to mere nearly combine practically with approximate jus tice than any other plan yet consid ered A certain limitation would be placed on the bonus amount, which would probably not be permitted to exceed $*?0. on a basic salary of tdjwst Lamp Smm Qaestloa. Comprise of the long disagree which has existed between Congress and department heads m ith refer ence to statutory and lump sura appropriations is also contemplated. Congress dislikes to make lump sum appropriations because it fears resultant extravagance on the part of bureau chiefs, some of whom show a tendency to boost their pay rolls recklessly if given a certain carte blanche. On the other hand, department heads claim that appro priations for statutory position tie their hands so far as securing ex ceptional employes is concerned. To remedy this situation it is proposed to make him ? mjiii appro priations to be expended subject to the supervision of a central organi zation. Under this arrangement, if a bureau chief wants to pay a stenographer 91.*00 he will have to convince the supervising bureau that she is a senior stenographer whose output justifies her salary. The committee is now hard at j work on salary schedules and just i beginning to "get downMo cases'* tentative agreements having been reached in a number of instances. However, all compnsation scales | made thus far are subject to review ? and reconsideration. Meaaa Many Ckanjre*. No radical increases or decreases | will be made, it is said, although , the committee expects its work to I be the foundation for sweeping re J organization in many offices. For j instance, in the War Department. there are a number of messengers 1 drawing 9900 salaries whose duties could be performed by small boys, i The committee expects to define the ; duties of various classes of work | ers of this type, setting suitable . corresponding rates of pay. Such action is expected to result in the elimination of four-fifths of the cnair-warmers. Discrimination against women work ers will not obtain under the rulings of the reclassification committee. All workers arc being rated strictly ac cording to the work they perform, without regard to sex. Girl stenogra phers and typewriters need not. how ever. expect much of an advance over the 91.440 they now usually receive, j since reports from the commercial i houses of the Kast show that if a vera j ment stenographers^ re a/eady being j p*id at a considerably higher rate than similar workers in private con cerns Six or eipht classes of stenog raphers will probably be provided for in the reclassification. Find Strnngf I >i?erepa tides. A great many very glaring dis crepancies have been discovered i which will have to be righted. For , instance, a case w*?- discovered yes terday where one man was receiv ing 9">00 and another 93.500 annually 'for the samr 'duties as custodian. jThe former salary was a case of a bureau chief receiving an .extr^ j *5?? for taking over the cust make maucra wow. it waa pre dieted at th. Wether ureau |.? night some aolaca I, found In the weather maJls Prognostication that naaty Northwest winds which have made conditions particularly disagreeable, will subside. j lwigrineer -Commissioner Charles w K?t? ?td MMv the rl,em? | within a few days may be seen in the role of snow-aweeprs with all avail able hoses at work uahing down town streets. Snow plows, he said, accomplish little. ! Two hundred street cleaner." were ?t work all day cleaning gutters and cross walks, but the Job la too big Lo P?in appreciable results. Stret car companies reported condi tions Practically unimproved. Em Ployea were kept busy at track croar lugs brushing away the slush which constantly accumulated. With the ex ception of those downtown, the street car station* were covered with watery mow a foot deep. A score of trolley passenger* nar rowly escaped Injury at 5:15 p. m when a car of the Capital Traction Company and an automobile drives by Harvey T. Brooks 444 Clarke ,tree< southeast, collided on Fourteenth stret northwest. A number of cat windows were broken but the auU w&s undamaged ( WM Annie A. Mason BIT Sheppar* 1 street northwest, sprained her ankk J when she slipped and fell at Four. I teenth and I* street* northwest. : An anwninc in front of the estab [ lishment of John F. Jarvia. IX Penn* j sylvaala avenue northwest, was Mowi down. I While Washington is struggling {to free herself from the asow whicfc 1 fell here during one of the woral (storms which ever swept the Atlan tic seaeoaat. New Vork and New Kngland towns are still In the rrip Of the gale, which is blowing north, doing millions of dollars- worth ol jdafaff. I Battered b>- the hurn.ane the Old j Dominion line steamer Pnnccm I Anne, went ashore yesterday oil Long Island and was late last ntghi j reported high on a sand bar Just ofl Kockaway Beach, N. T., and ft i. feared that ft will be Imposaibla M float the ship again. She carried a passenger Hat of thirty-two person, and seventy-two in her crew. laable < .attempt would be made to take ofl t Passengers before morning r.eacu. (ships are standing by. s,*"l?? In Kew * ark. ^rhlle the snow ceased earlt yes. terday morning in New York' ?t w,"r,nn,">,"!C<"1 ,h"' 11 h,d starte. 1?/*" *?atn during the aftcrnooi iSlLL conditions sere If snythtn. worse than yesterday. Tra< tint companies, ferryboat lines and th< elevated were all running on do layed schedules last niglit In upper New York thousands o persons were marooned in the* homes by floods caused by th. melting Ice and snow during th. early p.r, of -a}. Aulo; trucks are stalled in all p.r,, ? still * traftic is at a Man* Telephone and telegraph wlrw ? re down in lany place* and then Is no means of aacertaining thi extent of damage by the atom Suburban residents in New Tori are confined to their homes bv lard snowdrifts Train service from New York ti New Jersey was demoralised an commuters were unable to gw through until early noon veatar ' day. Six stem veaaela and two flahlni boat * were Ice bound veaterdav It I Island harbor between Nei j London. Conn., and New Rachel 1? < oaBsesies Tracks To relieve the ?*ongestiott In th streets. Mayor llylan Issi night la sued an order atatlng that all Ne. Yurk owners of trucks, except thon delivering milk. foodstuffs an. new spatters. ahould ceaae work an aid the city uatil next Tuesda mornitii: in freeing the streets n the blanket of snow drifts. || alsa aaka tliaui to lead their lih? ta* foroea to tha.clty.