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Meas 4-Ply Qaarter Sise Collars I i? t tur St.O? L?ShJ At ?? stags ID. J. Kaufman, Inc. mm ??, ?.e aia irta ?t. ? .luwabu? ?hoe PolUhlaa, l'aste I? orne ?( ?he Be?t ?hee pwliahea ?? 'he tasfay. I>??hle-sl?e rae?, la hlaek. tam, a? biased or dai W tarov?/n. 30e. ??ay ?a? ??are. The parler of "JaTsr ?How? ? ver? ?a.?sd ?sroBt t? retailer?. CAPITOI. -Ulli: K1MI1M.? (O.. ?3T F St. J?. *?***. Reduced Prices Oft iladiantfires" Tho Mienti.u- Oms Heatiair Stove. ???** factory made excess (error? shipment. We offer $22.50 Style Now $19.13 540.00 Style Now $34.00 $45.00 Style Now $38.25 $60.00 Style Now $51.00 Now la your chance t ? Reflector Gas Heater. $5.40 C. A. MUDDIMAN & Co. 616 12th St. 1204 G St. LOANS HORNING liainwi-s, Watches, Jewelry South End of Highway Brid?e ?? Girisi Girisi'. Qear Your Skin: With Cuticura | i5 MILLION TO ! WRITE ESSAYS One Little Girl Calls on Re cruiting Officer as Her "Valentine." j On* of the school chUdien of Waali 1 I ? a;ton who wlH write an essay for the ??lilldrrn? national ?MMJ. .??ntest n?xt ??? May nn ' Arc thi? ttcnetlts of ?an Ki.1i**lni?nt I? tbo l"iiU<*-*J State??-. j Army." i-ent a valr-ntine nddress?-d to th?* ri-cru.ynj: otHeer y-tHr?er?ay. The ! messa-rc it contained w???*: "Will yarn ? help mo to win a prir.?? If you do. 'I will be your valentine." Ciipt. Iluii Iter Harria, in (hats?.? of the recruit-. tiiK service in the District, replied to | th?- young lady and Informed lier that this waa the last week or prep aration before the content and that ?he must be ready to write her essay. ? Kiftr-eii million children- will rele Gbrate'Ksaay ?"'ontcst I>ay Friday and 1 writ*? -100 word? each on the topi?- as J ?????-? by the War .Department. ? Fifteen million t ?imposition.-- Will make a stack HMH Inches tall. U.'M* f??*t. or*more s-han two mile? hiah. more than twenty t i mee as tall as the W?sh ? p*,ton Monument. An incentive to children not li vini: hfir is a trip to Waahlnicton next I | May to sec tho Waahinicton ?Menu? ment, when Secretary Baker will pre jsent a medaf to each of the three ?national wlnnem. . I The Com#>-Back. an army news [ paper published for the soldier pa tients at Walter Heed Hospital, will ? be boat to the children and will 'bring; them with their parents to ! | Washington The Walter Reed news paper pM also nrovided the gold, stiver and bronze medals for the writers of the three best essaya and will present a loving cup to the i schools they represent. More prises wil be announced thi.?* week for the children in the Wash-? inteton school?- More than thirty were put up last week. The recruit- j inx officer** will continue to apeak t?> the children in the schools. Ernest I? Thurston, superintendent of District schools, haa advised super- . visor.?, and teachers to help the chil- I dren in preparation for the contest, | and until Friday the army will be the \ subject of study by children and) teachers during school hours. ? I D-?-N-C-I-N-G f WANT TO I l . Il \ f I Prof. t'ai?. Amerl.-?'? foremost da?.-iDg , ma-ler. can leach ? .hi the latest ballmom ilaii.-c, la one . if ?.mi ,-an be taught. *Mia? Kllsliug'i and Mr, Cain a?I.ling Onlr ; up-to-date da?.-ing a. ad.m\ south of New j York < it?. PriTate lesso?? an.? hoar. You ' 1 need not hare ?? appointment Prirate room I far beglaaer?.. i't?u :? a. m. to 10 p. m. ? Pr. 7V,4 I . Rigatwa* School of Dancisf, > BH K*m York ??? bet. l-'th ?ad 13th ?ta. Koo>e-C?5okixt*{ Self-Semc? ??????. Vnited -Cafeteria (??? 7 S?r??f f* WRIGHT! I is considered still the best PAINLESS DENTIST in Washington. Others come and go, but we stay like the sturdy oak. The REASON, is, our work has never failed to give the most pleasing results, and always without the slightest resemblance of pain. TESTIMONIALS will be gladly furnished to those who would doubt. most saaitary office ia the Stradi. Every in?trninent sterilized before ?juin?,. Lady and maid ia attendance. NEVER CLOSED old Crown aad X-Ray Specialist Plata? That Give tit? rUeWo* U*a Violo? L*t ^tkaS."' $3.00. $?.00. $5.00 TtAAltAAAU -$5.00 Up IF: WSIQMT, Painless Dentist 437 Seventh St. So that the aad addrets will not be forgotten brini this notice with you CHILD BORN IN JAIL* TO ALLEGED SLAYERi Rhlnclander. WIs.. Feb. la.-i?ra. Stanley Blomaki. heelal hero on ?x charae of murder of her slx-year-oid son, gave birth' to a baby ulrl In "nil today The Im v. Allan, was 1'nund dual nt Ihr Blomskl home-several day? aco. following an alleged nit? nipt la> iMi. Illomskl and ber husbfaiia.. Stanley, t-> Iniiv the body on thai farm without a '?Ulla aa-itlflaaitc. Mi - llomiakl miifirsscil to lea-iitili.?/ lha? boy with a heavy poker. ac?;nrd ins to PUitrlet Attorney OMela. She raleo ita ?aid to have sinned an affi liava, exonerating her hu?b?nrt, but ?i Mella said today hi' avoul dbc tticai (or complicity. Iraaruiry also disclosed, It is ?aid. ! Il'ut the boy was not given shoes, mid til.- feet were frosen when he was pun ia heil by confinement In an unhe?ted shed. CHUYCHUN?ON DINNER TONIGHT ? Federation of Creeds Ob ject of Session at Mt. Vernon Place. More than 300 lay det?ntate? and ministeri-, representing ninety congre gations and sixteen d?nomination?, will attend tho Church Conference din ner at Mt/ Vernon Place M. E. Church* Ninth and ? streets northwest, this afternoon at Ml o'clock, when plana for the affiliation of the churches of Washington in a federation will he considered. Two hundred and seventy six delegates had signified their in tention of attending the conference; last night? One-fourth of the delegates will be clergymen arm the others laymen. Methodist. Preabyterfan and Kpixeopat churches will send fifty delegates each. All delegates will be'seated in groups. Fifteen delegates from the j l te th ernia churches will attend it is planned to daw suburban churches Into the federation later. The Rev. T>r. Karle Wilfley, of the Mt. Vernon Christian Church, tempo rary chairman of the committee on federation, will preside at the con ference. The opening addrem will be made by the Rev. Dr. Roy B. Guild, of the Commission on Interchurch Federation of th*0 Federal Council of Churche.?*.. If the form of organization outlined by Dr. Guild is approved by the delegate?!, the question of adopt ing a constitution and by-laws will be submitted to the congr-egat.oi*^ f?t*r a referendum vote. Landscape Architecture Lecture. "landscape Architecture" will he th?? subject fo a lecture by Horace W. Peaslle. architect of public buildings and grounds, at S o'clock tomorrow evening in Lisner Hall. < ?forj-p Washington University. 202G. Q street northwest, under the aus? picee of the Architectural Club oT the university. HERZOG HEADS D. C. DELEGATES -? Deputation of 12 Attends ETnai B'rith Annual Convention. The V*. ?>.li in?; ton dl lei;?Don ef twelve to lh? annual convention of ?the TJ'nal B'rith. headed by Sol Her : io*;, president of Orand Lodge No. 5. ; l?ft In a body for Baltimore yester iday afternoon. The convention open , cd last nlRlit at Madison Avenue I Temple, In Malumore, under the dl ? rcctlon of Clarence M. Lehman, pres ident of tin Umorali Lodge of that ?city*. SOI, III Il/O?. Plans for a campaign to aid relief work In the Near Hunt and Northern Europe will be perfected ?t the convention. It in expected . A ball, dlnnera and motoring* have been planned fort the entertainment of the visitln?-- delegate?. Simon Wolf, of the Washington delegation, who i? th?. only surviv ing charter member of the order, which was founded more tlian fifty years ago, will be one of the most prominent Azures at tb?? convention, and will ?peak at the banquet sched uled to take place thi? evening. The Washington delegation in clude? Kabbi Abram Simon. A. ,f Mayer. M. RUemann. H. M. Levy. A. M. Flehel. J. la. Tepper. D. Wiener. Juliu? I. I'eyaer. Hon. Simon Wolf and Samuel Gan??. Headquarter? of the delegation will be al the Kennert Hotel, al though the officer? of Ihc Waahing ton lodge will take up their quar ters at the Belvedere, where a grand ball, the crowning event of the con vention, i? planned for tomorrow evening Store? to Close Early Monday. Ketail st?ren of Wu?hington will obHerv?- Washington? birthday by cloaing a! 1 p. m. next Monday, a? the holiday fall? on Sunday. Hie Merchant?' and Manufacturer? As sociation annn.inces. Colnmbn? Attend? N. Y. Conrrnton.i charle? J. Columbus, ?ecrctury of the Merchant?* and Manufacturers' Association, left for New York yes terday to attend several conventions as a representative of the associa tion. I Merchante to Promote * Efficiency in Business Incraasod efficiency In "Waahtng ton bu?lne?s will be promoted by the Merchant?' and Manufacturers' Association by a series of efficiency I conferences, the first ?rraup of Which will he held at the New Willard. Kebruary U. ?S and it. The aKsoaistlon has Invited fov rmmrnt ofTlrlal? to participate la . the opening; of the conference. Philip Kinn, president of the as? ?oclation, will preside. I'HENRY GOES ON TRIAL TODAY 19-Year-Old Boy, Charged With Double Murder, to Face Court. John McHenry. the ?-year-old youth charged with the murder last Decena* ber of Wallace W. Huleare and De? tedivi? Sergeant Jam?? ?. Armstronir will be placed on trial thl? morning in Criminal Court No. 2, Justice Weu ilell P. Stafford presiding-. ? Mulcare was attendtai?; the automo bile accessory store oL his father at il2SI Fourteenth street northwest [when. It 1? allearvi, McHenry entered the eatablishment taut on robbery ? und fatally shot him. i Apprehended at Union Station by | Detective Armstrong, it la charged McHenry shot the ?leuth and fatally wounded him. I The prisoner Is underslsed In sta ture and is of quiet demeanor. Ac cording to hla atory told the police, he cast adrift from his parents at an, early age and since ha? led a roving life. Recently he asked per mlasion to ?ell a motor launch he ?aid he ownad In Detroit to acquire funds for his defejise. RESORTS. ATLAITIC CITY? TaWOSSm !)*w>3&*^ W 1300 G Si ^ Steinwaf "pianos ?^?yer-PUe? VktroUf Mwic Musical CURES PILES Tke Oatw leileraal RraarSy Me, but an? Sl.oo the Bas Sold by ALL DRUGGISTS Or ae?? fe? ?tall ?a recall* of price, Pilocara Co., Wash.. D. C. "Your Promise to Pay Is Good With Kay" ? SAVE A WATCH $i^w OR A WOK DIAMOND! Kay's Perfected Credit Service Meet Kay?Wear Diamonds?Possess High-Class Jewelry. Many have acted upon this suggestion and today are the proud possessors of magnificent diamonds, watch or other jewelry?purchased and paid for without effort. Kay's perfected Credit System allows you the privilege of a charge account without any "red tape" or investigations of any kind?as we have stated before and repeat again, "Your Promise to Pay Is Good With Kay." Just make a small deposit and pay for your diamond while you wear it. Special Kay Kourtesy Offerings This Week Beautiful Diamond Rings Beautiful selection of dia monds set in 14 and 18 karat white and green gold mountings. $50 $1.00 Week Gentlemen'? Handsome 12-Size Watch ??with rich silver dial, 20 year guaran teed ease and imported movement. Nirar and styl ish. .75 soc Week A Dainty Watch Bracelet Ladies' wrist watches, guaranteed moxrement and case, with ribbon or patented flexible bracelet. $20 50e Week JEWELRY COMP?4NY Any Site Watch Cryatal Kitted, 15c 407 Seventh St. N.W. AMUSEMENTS. rVMUSEMEJrrS. rUIUSEMCIITS. SHUBERT-GARRICK THEATER p mrmwMT txr ?kvbwtm wohtmwkt WuT- NOW PLAYING -?? THE LAST OF THE CRUSADERS LUWELL TH?MAS -J>?jt< The Arabia? Riots' Entertainment WITH ALLENBY PALESTINE Which Tajok Lorrdo-n and New York by Storm The ? ?ikrattr ?Bar???? pirrare aatt rye ?rtraeaa? mtort mt ?ke raptare ?rraulr?? aad Ih* liber??!?? ?( Holy Arabia, deas-rtbef br I .??a el I Tke?.?. ????. The grraaeaa nrrru ??er li????? la Aaaerlr? aast Vwrape ?aa the apea l?g ?(??' aad alelare ?ereea. Orer 1.000,000 People Have /Vh-eady Jounieyed to tke Und ef Enchantment with Lowell Thomas aad Enjoyed This Adfenture of t Tbousud aad One Thrills ??eery Krealrn? at g?aa> ??M?a?e? West, Thar?, aad ?at ? Parte??. Keealag? la. to ?a. Papaia? Mata, 3Sr I? SI. LIMIT-CD KNCACKME-IT PLOEW'SVM ALACK IrcatiaawBB. ?m? a. ate?11 ?.'**? TODAY (Mi * i.i. WERK j WALLACE REID "DOUBLt SPEED" | >. en lire-.-l.ema ?f lb? '???)' fiomtm." rSaBBSSBBBaVaafM^Bi^HHr CLOEW'S ? OLUMBlA jjajaaja la-aa a. ??.?11 Today and All Week TUESDAY?4:30 PHILADELPHIA ORCHESTRA LEOPOLD ?TOKO? ?KI. lo??.nor ????Ut Ola? SaaaarBaT ? HaroM Baaer ? ' Oaala Gabrilawltaeb The Hlarh ot Matters Sobs. Eva GAUTHIER The ?'-r-rno*-. ans-?Han Soprsno ta ? ! I'rojtrem InHadtnjc ( nnndlss. J?*? ?- . ??*?.??. and Malay I'olk ????sjsj. THMRSBAY I.S0 ?^TV.^. j Tl.krt? SS. f 1?0. SI. T. Arla.r ?milk ' THELMA GIVEN AMl.HII ?\ \ IIII.IM.T?: The Latest ??????Ho? (row. tbe Aa?rrte?? Sebool Bf Vlollnl.i?. FRIDAY 4 30 satiosal ? ?????? 1 "t??**? THEATER. Ticket? 9X SI.SO. (1. T. Artkar ?mil k 1 aat (oneert tbls ?.?.?. ?. Y. SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Walter Daaaraacb i??liri?r F10RERCE EASTOR, Soloist ?opt..?. Met. ?od ?culti Orer? ta?. JDARDARELLA WLWM AZZ COKCERT BT THE Columbia Saiaphoee Sextette AMI THE Barone? Rouskiyi Celebrate?* Raulaa-I'rrarli Daaecr, at tbe Sknbert-Garrick Theater. Sunday, Feb. 22 at 3:30. Tlrkr?! ?lat?, ?SaOB. At ISSI ? St. ?a? TbBBler. tlliaT4H??l?WUre?^?^~~ TsBlcbt. 8:30? Mal. W??.. ?30 Artkur Klein Puma ? ska?; rui Fut "BVBRY LITT?.**** TNINO" A Horn rute by Wllm Celli?"?. G? Anther of "L> IB Makrl'? Be???" ?Ml "Tke Olrl I? tbe Utomto*." _ N??t | ' WALTER HAHriikN | Saat? ??4i4Kica-? W??blB?ton'' 1 Tb??. FTROPOUTAff taJM A. M. Sa 11 G. M. TODAV a Mi ALL ?Uh PAULINE FREDERICK in m Grfit XWymttfry Piar* Tb? PALISER CASE ? ?.????.. ' ? urrral I veals. Johns??? Travrlncue. Ii'pn ? af the liai. Overlare ??Merry ?he. ef ??.(.??" - \OTI .^?? Reaweaaber ak taerleaa I.eglo? < Irras?1.Ikerr? Haa ? ??.?. THIS HKKk CU??.??, 11ftIMC? It I NICKERBOCKE I Today. Reg?anla? ?i?Je? P. M. PAULINE FREDERICK Ib a Powerfal Drama, Tbe PALISER CASE Varied Added rearare?. POLIS THEATER TODAY, 4.30 Csniso? Oaly Rirai BONCI aad BROCK Saaday. Fea. IS. Saje. EMMY DESTINN MTIOMI IMI iim Thar, Pea. -??ak. ?aS?. FOK1NE AND FOKINA POLT? TIII.I11K M??*?* a. ??sa. EUGENE YSATE Mar?* 1?. 4ta*. FLONZALEY QUARTET Joseph LhfviuDe, Piaaist ?arrk '.'- * i.t? MME. LOUISE HOMER AND MISS LOUISE HOMER Marek 3?. drJ? TUTA RUFFO All ?lake??, SI ta SS. a*w aa aale at 1231 P ?t. Pfcaae Mala SMS. ?.".Mil MIN.. A CONCERT EXTRAORDINARY Oa the AftrrwoOB of SUNDAY, FEB. 29 POLrS 4 MASTERS OF THE PIANO LEVITZKI ORNSTEIN RUBEN8TEIN GODOWSKI Tlrket? Il le M ??le ?tarla a?a a.rroav at ????? H JORDAN PJAM> CO. 19?k aad O ala. ??, 'TONIGHT?! 8:2C Mata? Tk m ra. 1 ??? Salar??!. A. H. WOODS Pi tax at? THEDA BARA ??? Per?) la a Spafceai Dru? KarHIed "THIS BLIE rLAMF" tiro. V. H.k.rl aal J.k. VA III,r? ?un m nbat-ieat? nova SPKCIAL MAT. MONDAI. <? ? fa Hi NOTO .???. BIKTHDAV. A. II. WOODS Pre.e.r. A 1 rlv.laa. Karee al Pesatala? Mm RP IN MABEL'S ROOM Tajaes-. (neeasnaaraale Farrear? a ? axel Dana. ?A alter Jour o, tonn Artkar aad Bald Marker. _ ugni RIALTO ?} ?^ NIRTM AT ? 11 AJI.-=*J, ?ssk-11 ? M. First Xaliona! lixklr-iiart Present KATHERINE MacDONALD "The Ameritan Beauty" la ROBERT ?? . CHAM BERIT THE TURNING POINT M Overture."Faust" I Violin Solo.'Afre f?lue Gem*,* GARDEN MMreiKSHIIhllTliMter NINTH BCT. O AND c II IS 1 ?Mk-lt P.M. , I'arameiunt-Artirail F ferial Froditi ti: ? MARK j TWAIN'S ? GREATEST STOUT HUCKLEBERRY FINN Earl\ Attendante A?'A'ed Wcore .STRAND1*"8???' NINTH AT O 11 A.M.?All Wees 11 P.M. /. Stuart Blackfn Pre.-entt SYLVIA BREAMER ASP ROBERT GORDON m RESPECTABLE BY PROXY A Clean Spit-y Romance B.F. KEITH'S 55 DAILY; S SUR. , HOL'YS..:., ?a One of Tho-e ? Year'? lu-i Hill? Lais-MOSCONI BIOS.-CHartK A Tkarir D??.l?i !ll'-~-uBl rarail? llssssassslllltl "ifft1? KATE ELINOR! ?, MS ?II.I 1AM? rUBiTiULAM) isoHi.nn ?hoe ? AKKRA ?X?. tllllll FOI ) ? Wut,?? ?.?ter?. Cbeas ? ?~??? il- ?. "Toi.i-? ?f th? Da.?." Otfcer la?jj?iiiiit '1^?__ ftltVRR?? mi, wea.a ???. CBBsie? Preaeal? ELSIE FERGUSON ? I W la a Nr? Pla> b) Ara?? 14 ? Tfl Hrna-rt t SACRO AIR PIOTARE IME Bt ?mirrawai nitb ll??l? Belaar-a ?TEXT WEEK SEAT? THIRSDAT y\ ANGEL ' ItSP FACE ff****** v.- I?nw???*? 1 -?>??? ???? ??S ?j?6?T0KMUT-S ???XSL?,