Newspaper Page Text
PAISH WARNS OF BREAKDOWN Says Factions Are Vieing With Each Other to Ruin World. PARALYSIS THREATENS Expects Pound to Fall from Present Level to $3 Or Less. iWaahUftM Herald-Pub lie I.edger 5err1ee. Spretel Cable Dbpatek.) | By CARL W. ACKERMA >. London. Hay 31. ? Sir George I'aish. writing in the current number of "Wayr and Means," warns Kngland of an impending breakdown in finance and commerce in Kurope. "Nations, capitalists and working fcrces ane vying with each other."j Paish writes, "in their efforts to se cure Individual advantage and are' bringing the world to ruin. *"Uatil now I have, from time to time, directed attention to the eco- , noraic and financial situation in cohrtdent expectation that the dangers, could and would be averted when | those in power became aware of their existence. After the most complete survey I can make. I am now exceedingly doubtful that anything effective will be done to avert a complete economic and financial breakdown and to avoid all that such a breakdown involves. Never i was there greater need of a liberal , policy of International understanding and of international co-operating. but probably never were the Individual nations mofe intent upon pursuing their own narrow interests regardless of the disaster which such policy at this time must ntail. Promote Owi Interests. "Notwithstanding the suffering of war brought about by the intention of the central powers to promote their own narrow interests; regardless of (he inevitable injury which they would commit against humanity and themselves the victorious powers are now pursuing a .similar policy which must entail an even greater degree of suffering not only upon the central powers but upon themselves as well. "Never was it so necessary for the powers to seek their own good by promoting general good and never were they less willing to do so. "So far as it is possible to come to definite conclusions, the course the nations are pursuing threatens to bring about almost complete paralysis of trade and commerce within the next few months. I cannot now see any possible method of preventing the franc from falling as far or nearly as far as the mark, while depreciation of the lira may be nearly as great. Nor can I discover any step likely to be taken until after the mischief has been done, which cm prevent the pound "" from falling from its present lrfvel of under 94 to $3 or even lower. If exchanges fall in that manner and the cost of living in this country again doubles while in France. Italy and Belgium if increases many fold, most far reaching political consequences must ensue." Review* Pall la Exchange. After analyzing the fall in exchange and decreased production. Sir George writes: "The nations, one after the other, are falling into the abyss of poverty and privation created by the war and by the nature of the peace. "If the peoples are to be . preserved from starvation, and civilization from destruction, not a moment must now be lost in making the people aware of their great danger and in assisting them to co-operate. In order to overcome it. the worlA. must be animated by a new spirit or perish." # (Copyright. 1930. by Public Ledger Co.) D. C. BILL AGAIN UP TO SOLONS New Effort Will Be Made to Break Senate Deadlock. Conferees- on the District appro- j priation bill, who entered their second deadlock last Wednesday, will make another effort to reach an agreement when they meet at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Chairman Davis, of the House conferees, said yesterday that he had received an 'indirect'* request xto ipeet the Senate conferees at that time, as a flnal effort to patch up the points in dispute. The House conferees are still determined to,stand on their position' for abolishment of the half-andhalf. "We have yielded to the Senate | on this question every year for the ' past six years," said one of them, "and we have yielded for the last time." The only way in -which the Jones substitute for the Mapes bill could be a factor in the controversy on the t)istrict bill, he said, would be for the conferees on that measure to agree to the Senate proposition and for the House to sustain them. "We would consider thai? as a mandate from the House, and yield." he said.. HAIRHINTS Helpful Advice for Care of the Hair Worthy the Attention of Everyone Who Would Avoid Dandruff, Itching Scalp, Gray Hair and Baldness. If JOat hair Is setting thin or yon are troubled with dandruff or itehiag mis use Farlsiea up dally for a week aad you will ?ur?lr be surprised to Me how quickly it check-* falling hair aad removes every sign of dandruff aad itchinc scalp. "Before goinfto bed I rub a little ParisIan ..r- into my scalp." .ay. a womaa whose luxurious soft and inffr hair Is greatly admired. "This keeps my hair from betas dry. faded or seraggly. helps it to rera Its natural color aad beauty, aad ninkes eaay to dreu attract!rely." Beautiful, soft, gieesy. healthy hair, aad let. of It. is a simple matter for tkoae who as Parisian sage. This harmless, laexpea- < rive, delicately perfumed, and asa-gnasy larigorator la Mid by reople'? Drue Stores aad at aU gund drug and toilet counter*. Be sure you get the genuine Parisian sage . (Glroox's) as that has the mn?y buck guar aatee printed 00 every package.?Adv. New Generation World From D Charges G. \ Ipressive ceremonies marked the I nlnty-niath annual commencement of George Washington University | Central High School auditorium laat evening. Two hundred ana I seventy-nine students received diplomas. Honorary degrees were conferred upon eight. ~ , Sir Auckland Geddes. BHtlsh Ambassador to the United States, who delivered the commencement address. charged the graduates -with the rsponslbllity of "aiding in guiding the world forces safely through the world revolution, which is now raging." Fsisit la Slack. "The future of all nations Is black." Geddes declared, "and the next fifty of sixty years will be the most glorious or 'disastrous ttie world has ever known. The leaders of the world, the educational people, must take the upper hand and upon you. therefore, rests a great responsibility." 'The Ambassador intimated that it was time for America to show Its hand In European affairs, declaring: "It has been your tradition to avoid European entanglements. But Europe is now in disentanglement:." He expressed the belief that European civilisation was in danger because "its leaders seem to have forgotten or never knew how to apply the knowledge of education." . president William H. Collier spoke briefly following the presentation of diplomas. Heaarary Degrees Created. General Pershing. Attorney Gencral Palmer. Senator Harding of I Ohio. Sir Auckland Geddes and Sen- \ ator Lenroot were invested with the ! degree of Doctor of Laws. The Rev. j James Townsend Russell, of Wash- j ington Cathedral, and the Rev. Her- I bert eShlpman, of Now York City, j were awarded the degree of Doctor i of Divinity, and Edward William' Nelson, chief of the Biological Sur- | vey. the degree of Doctor of Science. In opening the services President Collier called attention to the day and paid tribute to the memory of the men from George Washington Lniversity who died in service. The Rev. Herbert F. Randolph, of Foundry Methodist Episcopal Church, pronounced the invocation. Those who received diplomas fol- ! low; The following degrees were conferred: Bachelor of Arts ? James Marrlt Ryland Adams. District of Columbia; Leslie Harold Adams. District; of Columbia; Ruth Frances Allen. District of Columbia; John Andrew Aman. Maryland, (with distinction) John Leonard Baer. Pennsylvania: Charles Olin Ball. Kansas: Jacob Thomas Basseches. New York; Ella Mildred Bennetts. District of Columbia: Sue Hunt Boyd. North CarolinaThomas Browne, District of Columbia; Eva Rebecca Buchman. Iowa; Cleveland Cabler. Arkansas: Elma Bebee Carr. Kentucky; Leon EmaniUi? Cartmell. Mississippi; Paul Hamilton Cathcart. Virginia; William James Cheyney. Virginia, (with distinction); Dorig MebLe Cochran. Di?CoftV.ll Columbia: Casper Lehman Cottrell. Pennsylvania; Elva Ellen Coughhn. District St Columbia Florence Cummings, District of Columbia; Julia Irene .Daniel. District of Columbia, (with distinction); Raymond Garfield De Frees. Iowa r . h?k \,?[',e ?'ckey. District of Columbia,; John Paul Earnest. Dl?11J Columbia: Samuel Gale EbBlanehe Einstein. District of Columbia, (with dlstincBfrn^ard Edwin Erickson. distinction): Charles .7- *>'?"? o' Columoia Conn. , rCtL?n): W,,Uam Gilligan. Connecticut: Sol S. Gluck. District llrnn?. J? * (w,th distinction):; Lemuel Eugene Greene. Louisiana.! ttari *er Haddaway. Maryland: I Sara Hogg. Georgia; Alec Horwitz ! tlon\ vf C?lu,nbia- (with distinction). t?y Irene Hugf MontanaRIc'ha'rT?*PSCar, Colorado; I *'?and" Kelly. Virginia;! Stt^n T^Iar?- Louisian?: Nelson ' Littell, Indiana; Quinter Marcelluai Steele ?f Columb-: Martha I T,,nnp??e?: Detiowi ?^L?0h^ar",in,on- D'?flct of Col-I Oviniarh??as *ay ManninK. Penn"yJ ,nia ?arah Elizabeth Maul. Maryland; Gertrude Metzerott. DisIrtM Columbia: Eddie Lance n T"as: He,en Miner. Ohio Jimmle Ethel Montgomery, Alabama; Mildred Josephine Moore Uont)r-Ctr?JdfCOlUni,bla- (Wlth <"?H?c? " Godfrey Leon Munter. Illinois. Henning Cunningham Nelms Une nIi C^umbla: Christine Nelson. North Dakota: Henry ^.nnei.;,N,ICh""- Di8tri<;t Colum* Mnmh u Padgett. District of Columbia: Harry Perl in, Connecti; Columh|na ^eUe Polln'r- District of Columbia; Darwin Jesse Pope Dis.,on) Nt,r0iUmbla' (with dl"Unc. gfHct^rSl^bl^^be^^ Keitzel, North Carolina* Olive Am 1 S a Maryland;' Martha I Elizabeth Scnaff. District of I Ohio*-*: r!i1^ed *l}riRm Sohauweker. Erie'st ami ^chellfefTpr. Illinois: Margaret Whltford' D^s'tri?t?oTci*= wTy't'e'. Sct-'oV'^bia^Hf Ethe?V,C?lger0Ymhann ?k,ah?nia; Columbia Y?h'- of Mo?ri.helT ?f_fc!en^ I" MedicineMorris I. Bierman.. MinnesotaThomas Carletcn Thompson. Penn' sylvanla: Frank Louis Willi Dfstrln of Columbia! "II,W Bachelor of Science In Civil v,n;"'^-rharl" Francis BUi^i"; n|. ;ka: Albert Arthur McEntee.' nii.h <>iVer Hcrris?n Miller. /n't J"?1,Herran ^ith Ward. District of Columbia. Bachclor of Science in Mechanical Engineering ? Benjamin Carpenter Dl,trlc' nf Columbia; rv? r Martin. District of sr??ro?ionrtder,C Ve""y Wh4thv^5Ch3'?r cf Sclen?c 'n Electrical Engineering _ Raymond Barton Slz. Vlr*lnia: Jc hn Spasoff. ?r Science In Chemistry vmniV. w amnotnd Badger. Pennsylvania. Meyer Weiastein. District of Olnmbla (with distinctly,) Dioln^ r ?I Ar" and Bachelor". ter R^n ,n Kducatlr n?Llllle Pory* A,ma Barker and Sjane lun,hllJm^ ?!'r,Bch- District of Cob'* Ga" Bruce. Ohio; Hearytriet *Jm- L',lir Marie Connell. Dis~ fcas b&Sss wSb, sac il*rc ,Eniibcth disnteCol"mbla: Harvey Ecrl Kauff man Pennsylvania: Marie MacMIIan Junes. Washington; Cera VIcC'ar ty Bessie Boyd Mulford. Dl-tilct of S?ur?bu (1Uh dIltlnc41on); Vio4a OfTutt. Maryland; Llllle Mey Ptyne r.ir8r? i 'w,tl1 distinction); MargaUret^I n?'''1 'w,,h disti.ietfon). i hi. tT . "* of C.lum- | la. Harriet Shepherd Roberts Pennsylvania; Bertha Rcdgers. Dis 5? T r ' "J ' 1 Must Save , faster, Geddes V. U. Graduates trict of Columbia; Edna SophU Smith. Michigan; Gertrude Elisabeth Walter, Mollle Beers Weyman (with distinction). District of Columbia; Mary Eliaa Wheat ley. Virginia. Master's Diploma In Education? Jennie Loyall, Georgia, A. B., 1112. Wesley an College; Kthel 8ummy, District of Columbia. A. B.. ltlS, George Washington University; Harold Ellsworth Warner. District of Columbia. A. li. Itl3. George Washington University. Doctor's Diploma In EducationJohn Absalom Garber. Virginia. A. B . 1891. Bridge water College; A. M.. 1?1S. George Washington University; Elon Galusha Salisbury. District of Columbia, B. S.. 1911, Union College. Nebraska.' A. M.. Itl7, George Washington University. Doctor of Medicine?William Marshall Bland. Virginia; Everett Lamont Bradlej*. District of Columbia; Jose Euseblo Crespo, Porto Kico; (ieorge Kendal Dasey, Texa:v Don Hastings Duffle. District of Columbia: William Dennis Goodman. Virginia: Harold Moore Griffith. Pennsylvania; Thomas Hirst Hayes. Virginia; lien .Hollander, California; I Russell Kuhner Hollingsworth. District of Columbia: Kang Li, China; : Abraham Myer Litvak. New York; Nicholas A. Mandelos. District of Columbia; John Ernest McKensie. South I Carolina; Hfrbert Percy Ramsey, Norman Philip Scala, District of Columbia; Henry "Weston Barnum Stibbs. New York: Thomas Carlton [Thompson, Pennsylvania; Frank ' Louirf Williman, Dirtrict of Columbia; Jack Bertolette Zerbe, Pennsylvania. / r Nurses' Certificates?Beatris Louise jArmijo, New Mexico; Eva Adelia I Beard. West Virginia; Eva Ellen Jansen. Ohio; Grace Evelyn l^prrick. I Iowa: Irma Myrtle Smith. Maryland ; Gertrude Alma Stewart. District of Columbia. Doctor of Dental Surgery?Frank J. Cohen. Massachusetts; Marian ! Chiger, New York; Nathan Cone. Da- j vid Holstein, New Jersey; Frances;' R. Jeskowitz, New York; Callie Mar-I icus, New Jersey; William Walter!' Marr, District of Columbia; Maurice Robert dinger. New Jersey; Samuel | Sidney Silberg, New York; Morris j Silberberg, New Jersey; Leo Solow, New York; Henry Albert Swanson. North Dakota; Louirf^M. Weber, New Jersey. Bachelor of Laws?Edwin Franklin Albertsworth. Maryland. A. B.. 1915., A. M., 1916. Ph. D.. 1918.! George Washington University; Ellsworth Chapman Alvord. Wis- ! consin. A. B.. 1917, University of "Wisconsin; Alvin Johnson Barnhart, West Virginia: Charles Rowan Bell. Kentucky; Owen Black. Oklahoma; John Harry Bloom. Michigan; Eugene Francis Boyer. Connecticut. Ph. B.. 19n, Yale University; Joseph Mortimer 1 Bryant. Utah: Clsrence Edgar Bush. District of Columbia: Elmer ' Briggs Collins, Alabama; Eliodoro Palacio Corpus. Philippine Islands; j Cassius McClellan Dowel!, Illinois; ( Burton Fuller. Iowa. A. B., 19is>, Central University of Iowa; Wiley Madison Fuller. Texas; Allen John Furlow, Minnesota; William Jacob Heckmann, Iowa; Candor Caywood Henry. Tennessee. A. B.. 1915. George Washington University; Samuel Theodore Holmgren. New Hampshire; Maxwell James, New York (wfth distinction). B. S., 1913, College of the CNty of New York; 1 Robert Charles Kilmartln, jr.. District of Columbia; Thomas ClafTey ' La very, Missouri (with dlsAnc- < tion): Charles William Levlnson, Maryland. A. B? 1915, Johns Hop- . kins University;* Ellis Woostei Manning, Oklahoma; Lucy Bains Manning, Oklahoma; Robert Daniel I Murphy, Wisconsin: Bertha Eliza- j beth Pabst, New York; Israel Paris, i Massachusetts. S. B.. 1914, Massa-j! chusetts Institute of Technology; , John H. Pattrick. Missouri, A. B.. { and B. S.. In Ed. 1912, University of Missouri; Robert Peter. Maryland; j Carlton Morrell Randall. Pennsylvania; Mary Jane Raymond, Dls-! trict of Columbia: Maximilian F. Reges. New Jersey; Henry Jeffer-j son Richardson. Arkansas; Solomon Shappirio. District of Columbia (with distinction). B. Ch., 1915, University .of Michigan: James Patrick Shea. District of Columbia. A. B., 1915. Georgetown College; , Abe Wallingford Stanley. Missouri; Francis Willard Steele, West Virginia; John William Townsend. Florida; James Sowden Turp. New Jersey (with distinction); Arthur Van Meter. Ohio. A. B., 1913, Ohio State University: Bert Van Moss, Oklahoma; Daniel Jaitoes Waters; ' District of Columbia. Master of Patent Law?Bates Mitchell Stovall. District of Columbia. LL. B.. 1917, George Washington University. 1 Master of Laws?Tremaine Kellogp Burrows. New York A. B.. 1897. University of Nebraska, LL. B., 1917, George Washington University; Arthur Herman Fast, Kansas. A. B.. 1909. Baker University. .LL. B., 1912. University of Kansas; Robert Trlsch Wllkie, Indiana, A. R., 1909, Indiana University. LL. B.. 1911. Civil Engineering?Watson D^vis. District of Columbia. B. S., in C. E., 1918, George Washington University; Daniel William Kessler. District of Columbia. B. S. In C. K. 1908, University of Missouri. Master of Science?Pearl Lee Boone. District of Columbia. A. B.. and Bachelor's Diploma in Education, 1919, George Washington University; Ruth Buchanan. Pennsylvania. B. S.. 1919. University of Pittsburg: William Angus Corley. Lieut. Comdr., U. S. N., graduate. 1912. U. S. Naval Academy; Robert Daubney. England. M. R. C. V. S.. 11912. Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons: Morgan William Evans, Ohio. B. S. A.. 1908, Cornell University; Herman Edward Fischer, Lieut. Comdr., U. S. N.. graduate. U. S. Naval Academy; Wilbur August Gersdorff. District of Columbia. B. S. In Chemistry,' 1918, George Washington University; Bonlfant Hamilton. District of Columbia. B. S. in Chemistry. 1918. George Washington University; Murray Oswald Hayes, District of Columbia. A. B.. 1914. Brigham Young University; Frank A. Hornaday. A. B.. 1907, George Washington University. M. D.. ltlO; Ollie Lee Lewis, Kentucky, A. B., 1917, George Washington University'; Clarence Le Roy Melsinger. Nebraska. B. S.. 1917, University of Nebraska; Lewis Adolphus Paley. Iowa, B. S. In Chemistry, 1917. George Washington University; William Maurice Wiesenberg. New York. B. S? 1914, College of the City of New York. C. E., 1918, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn; Carleton Herbert Wright, Lieut. Comdr. U. 8. N.. graduate. 1912, U. S. Naval Academy. Master of arts?Hartwell Stansbury Adklns, Maryland, B. A., 1908. Washington and L4e University; Walter Christian Brandes. District, of Columbia, Ph. B.. 1918. Yale Uni- i verslty; Lino Juan Costlllejo. Philippine Islants. A. B., and Bachelor's ! Diploma In Edtieatlon 1917, George Washington University: Dorothy , Small wood Gearr. District of Columbia. A. B.. 1912. George Washington University; Florence Lillianll Hanford* Connecticut. A. R, ifl5, - % Given LL. D. Degree By University Here 'lfl '_ "1 ItfKwriir f< 1' |8H^ ||19^HMK? s Mitchell palmer. Attorney General and candidate for the Presidency on the Democratic ticket, who wax last night honored by George Washington University with the degree of LL? D. at commencement exercises in the Central High School. Smith College: William Franklin I Haywood. Texas. A. B.. 1917, How-j ard Payne College; Charles Madison Hewett, Iowa. A. B., 1917. Upper Iowa University; William Elixha Honeycutt. North Carolina. A. B., 1919, Wake Foiest College; Merritt Eugene Lindsey. New York. Diploma. 1?01. University of New York, B. Ped.. 1902, B. 8., 1?#?. Ohio Northern University; Jennie Loya.ll. Georgia. A. B.. 1912. Wcaieyan College. Ga.: Brice Martin Mace. Jr., District of Columbia. A. B.. 1908. Cumberland University: Catharine Regis Moran. District of Columbia. A. B.. 1919. George Washington University; Helen Marie Cecilia Bose, Illinois. Ph. B? 1919, University of Chicago: Dorothy Berkshire Scott. District of Columbia. A. B? 1915. University of Omaha: Edgar Clarke Soule. Texas. A. B.. 1919, University of Texas: Mary Evelyn Steger. District of Columbia. A. B.. lfli, George Washington University: Jeannete Blar.ey Straver. New Tork. A. R 1919. George Washington University; Mary Ruth Sullivan. Virginia. A. B.. 1913. Fredericks-! burg College: Ethel Isabclle Summy. District of Columbia. A. B. 191*. George Washington University; Harold Ellsworth Warner. District of Columbia. A. B.. 191J, George Washington University: Jessie Lander Wells. District of Columbia. A. B? 1911. University nf Colorado: Mary Felicia Williams Florida. A. B.. 1914. Florida State College for Women: Grace Viola Wright. District of Columbia. A. R.. 1919. Georgo Washington Unl-j versity: En Tsung Y#n. China. A. I Ft. 1918. Shanghai Baptlet College;: Augusta Freeman Young. North! Dakota. A. B.. 1918, George Wash-I ington University. Doctor of philosophy?Peter John' Donk. District of Columbia, R. 8. in chemistry. 1917. George Washington University: Dudley Ward Fay. New York. A. B.. 1907. Wllliaris College; John Absalom Garber. Virginia. A. B. 1891. Bridgewaier College, A. M.. 1915. George WMhinpton University; Kwart \VHliam Hobbs. District of Columbia. LL M.. i910. National Unlver-! slty Law School. A. B.. 1916. George! Washington University, A. M.. 1917;' Alanson David Morehouse. District) Of Columbia. M E? 1893. Cornell! Lnlverslty: William Edwin Safford. P?n t't 2r Co,umb'?- Graduate.! 1M0. U. S. Naval Academy: Elon1 Galusha Salisbury. District of Columbia. R, S.. Un|on CoI|,rr | A. M.. 1917. George Washington! Lniversity: Benjamin Schwartz.' District of Columbia. A. B 1911 I 1?.'the cuy ?f York: A. M., 1913. Columbia University. follows: aW*rd* *nnounced ?l Department of Arts and Science? Davis prizes for excellence In elocution: First prize. S<jl s. Uluck ",rry Per,ln: third prixe. Cleveland Cabler; Daughters! of the American Revolution, fori high standing in history and ea- 1 says on topic of American hlstorv; James M. R. Adams. Leslie H Adams; Thomas F. Walsh prixe. for high standard of scholarship in !lf Kin<! best, essay on period of the history of England: Mav B. Einstein; E. K. Cutter prixe for excellence In English: Beatrice Wllkins Tait; Willie E. Fitch prixe for highest excellence In chemistry: Beverly L. Clarke; Staughton prixe. for excellence in Latin language and literature: Mildred j. Moore; Colonial Dames prixe. for excellence in American Colonial history; Mary E. Wheatley; GenTake It from Uncle Eph. ill iij iii ? - . ?-~ CLF ALL TH' safety appliances Eer makin' automobilin' safe, th' wife who drives from th* back seat takes the cake. Some fellers git just enongh nilea* out of a set of tires to rarry them to th' county poor arm. I (Copiruiu 1920. TkonpM* featan Berrica.) D. a ESTIMATES1 SLICED $50,000; h* Deficiency Bill, With Total i Cut in Half, Is Reported To House. ' ?? ______ COKTLMTED FROM PAGE ON lb for care and treatment of Indigent i patient* for 1919, Home of Aged I and In Arm. aad clerk's office Die trie*.! Court of Appeals. 9300. An estimate of $20,000 for re- j pairs on buildings and ground* was cut (t $10,000. Other reductions In* dude maintenance of Free Public Ubrary. $160; fuel. light and prfwer for the public schools. $3,100; in, structloa of colored deaf mutes, $199.OS; Instruction of blind children, $49?.07; contingent expense* of the Kir* Department. $3,500, and | forage. $1,000; maintenance of the1 disinfecting nervine. Health Depart-j ment, $500; lees for witnesses. District Supreme Sourt, $500; expense* of militia camps. 1917..$30; yrop*-| gating gardens. $160, and repairs to power plant. Columbia Institute for the Deaf. $4Q0. The largest District appropriation was for the public schoefe, totaling $<7,04$.35. Of this amount. $46,000 was provided for longevity pay for 1920; $142 for 1919, and $200 each for the years 1910 to 1916, inclusive. Other District appropriations Include $400 for the employes' com* piiaitloa fund; printing of annual reparta of the District government, $97l.f7; Judicial exiacnses for 1919. $103.56; coroner's office, for contingent expenses, $2,002.50, and pay fordeputy coroner, $155; fuel for the District Building. 1917, $18.60; maintenance of the Free Public Ubrary.! $1,799.75; repairs and cleaning of I sewers. $5,000; repairs siyi improvemeiti to buildings and grounds, $10,000; -Columbia Institute for the Deaf, $1,S(\0; instruction of colored Jfcaf mutes, $467; and Instruction of blind children. $1,467. The District fire department was given $4.~00 for contingent expenses' and $3,400 for forage. The haalth! department mas given $500 for maintenance of the disinfecting' service. $1,200 for the treatment of. tuberculosis. $400 for maintenance I of motor vehicle pound service, and a reappropriation of $500 for theroof and retort of the public crematorium. , 9 The Juvenile Court was allotted $110 for the pay of acting judges. 1918 and 1919; $260 compensation for Jurors: $200 for fuel, and" $25 for' meals for Jurors. The Police Court was allowed $21.50 for meals and lodging for jurors for 191R, and witness fees fo^? 1916; the Municipal Court $1,200 for! contingent expenses, and $1,400 fori writs of lunacy. An appropriation of $2,000 was1 provided for witnesses before the 1 District Supreme Court: $20,000 for the support of convicts; $400 for ambulance maintenance. Board of Charities; $8,500 for the Washing-1 ton Asylum aad jail hospital ex- i penses. and $10,000 for support of i prisoners. The Home for Aged and Infirm was given $1,162.9!* for 1918; the Tuberculosis Hospital. $2,500 for maintenance; the Board of Children's Guardians. $4,500 for main-1 tenance of feeble-minded children and $33,000 for their board and care. Other Items include $1,000 for maintenance. Industrial Homes School; $600 for deportation pf nonresident insane; $241.46 for maintenance for the District Workhouse. 1917 and 1918; $9,138.28 for payment of judgment*: $6.5O0 for repairs to power plant Columbia Institute for he Deaf; $9,655.99. Freedmen's Hospital; $1,500, heatinx and lighting. Washington Postoffice; fuel and light. District Attorney's office. $73.27, and printing and binding. District Supreme Court. $500. evieve Chatterton McCutchins prises, for the best essays on archaeology or painting with special reference to contemporary "'art: First prise. Jay Fuller Spoern; second prise. James M. R. Adams; honorable mention. Lelia B. Hardell; Gardner G. Hubbard prise, for high standing in American history and best essay touching some assigned period in American history: William J- Cheyney; Muth prise, for highest record in freshman mechanical drawing: Hans Wange; Chi Omega prize in philosophy, for best essay on a philosophical subject: Mildred J. Moore: Sigma Kappa prise, in English, for best examination in English rhetoric: Mary E. Morse: Pi Bete Phi prise In political science, for best essay on political science subject: Huth Lancaster. Uw School?John B learner gold medal, for highest average grade in entire course for the degree of Bachelor of Lkw8. Maxwell James; Herrick prise, for highest grade in work of third year, Thomas Claffey Uvery: Blackstone Institute prizes, for highest average grade in the entire work of the third year. William Jacob Heckmun; Hut'us Hardy prise, for highest grade in the course on admiralty, John David Watkins; Ellsworth prise, for best work done in patent law course. Maxwell Jamer; John Barton Payne prixe. for highest grade in course on admiralty (two awarded because of tie). Brantley C. Harris and Whitley T. McCoy. High School Scholarship Awards in the Department of Arts and Sciences?Kendall Scholarship. Kathrrine Omwake. Western High School; first university, Frederick Schafer. McKinley Manual Training School; second university. Paul F. Brandt. Central High School: third universN ty. Alvin G. McXish. McKinley Manual Training School; fourth university, May C. Bergfn. Central High School; fifth university, Catherine Chisholm. Central High School: sixth university. Clarence W. Moore, McKinley Manual Training Schaoi. t 1" ; Births Reported. 1 ! ^ Ant hour T. and (Jertrude V. Pedone. ftrl. Frank H. and Virginia D. Power, girl. Hueobell aad Mary Carmela. girl. Ijeonidaa aad Jet Mltrarkaa. girl. William A. and Bertha tfmlth, girl. Martia C. aad Harriet <*. ilorgaa. girl. Clare ace 8. and llary A. Jones, bey. Seaward and llarguerita Charlen. girl. Cbarlen J. A. aad Delia John hod. boy. One? K. and Blanche A. Carstarpben. girl. Jamea K. aad (tladya L. (Ireaamaa. girl. Benjamin F. aad Mary E. Thoraton, boy. (ieorge H. and Joaephlae H. Bntcher, boy. Earl and Helen L. RoMnaoa. girl. Jamea ai*i Marrton Hodge*, girl. Clarea.*e and Mary Lambert, boy. Deaths Reported " / Emily T. Loomis. 87 years. 1720 Corcoran at. nw. Char lea H. Deat. 28, 2030 Wis. are. aw. Beajamia Brow a, 78, 8t. Elisabeth's Hoapt. William H. Whltlealey, 01, Emergency j Ho*pt. Bora BoaOeld. 00. Freedmen's Hospt. Joseph H. Carroll. 40. 400 8. Capitol at. j "williaJi H, Bolmea, 52, 326 L at. It, / * SOCIETY Bjr E. C. DRUM-HUNT. The social elect by the hundreds 1 attended the musicale *nd ball at1 Wgrdman Park 'iJioUl last evening far the Near East Relief. It was a very brilliant occasion, the smartest or a ray spring season. Last even In** party was- planned for last Friday to follow the garden party riven at 'Twin- Oaks." th^ beautiful suburban home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles i. BeH, but was postponed. The dancing. which began at t 10:30 o'clock, was preceded by the; musicale aad an interesting: program given under the direction of 1 Mrs. F. B. Moran. with a group of ! society girl* and young men. In at- J tractive costumes from the Knar; East taking part. Miss Dorottjy Smoller directed i the dancing, snd the young ladies ; taking part were Miss Katherlne1 Colby. Miss Lindsay Wood. Miss j Frances Hampson. Miss Barrine ' Drake, Miss Marria Chapin. Miss" Beatrice Pollock, Miss Betty Grov- ; er. Miss Celeste Crosby. Miss Enia ; Sims. * Miss Virginia Sutherland. Miss Helen Tucker. Miss Anns Hamlin. Miss Margaret Harding, i Miss Anne Dplany, Miss Gracia < Walmsley, Miss Elisabeth Wslms- } ley. Miss Dorothy Mondell, and 1 Miss Halsted. of New York, who W came down especially to take part. I The musicale program Included 1 Miss Helene Kanders. soprano, of j the Metropolitan Opera Company;! I Miss Ina Goodwin. pianist; Mmc 1 j Nouart Kostikariaa. Miss Marjory ! Webster, .elbsaic dancer; William, | C. Nettum, tenor. American Opera ' Company, and Miss Gertrude He-| Ray. accompanist. Navy Yard 1 I band. Charles Benter. band master. ! played.Among the box holders were the i Italian Ambassador and * Baroness ' Romano Aveczana. Sir Auckland and ? Lady Geddes. Mrs. Victor KaufTmann. Mrs. Trancol* B. Moram. Mrs. Charles J. Bell. Mrs. jabot Stevens. Mrs. Mattlftw T. Bcotu'Mrs. Ed-, ward Hamlin Everett, and Mrs. tfarry Ward man r Mrs. Scott and Mr. and Mrs Ward man did not occupy their boxes, as they wer^ out of town, nor did Mr. and Mrs. Everett attend aa , they had another engagement. The j Secretary of State ami Mrs. Bain- ' ; bridge Colby were guests in tne J box of Mrs Stevens, who also en-: tertained the Polish Minister and 1 Princes* Lubomirska and. Gen. and' Lady Ann Azgepetian, who eame. j over from New York for the event.? The British Ambassador and La> ! dy Geddes had with them in their box. Capt. C. J. Henry. It. H. Hadow and A. P. Graves, all of the British embsssv staff. Mrs. Moore, j of Richmond, and Miss Ann Mam; lin. Mrs Moran had with her in her j box. Admiral and Mrs. W. S. BenI son. Gen. and Mrs. W. W. Harts. Mr. and Mrs. Hubbell. Re pre sent a- 1 I tlve and Mrs. James P. Wood and ' 1 Gen. and Mrs. T Q. Donaldson. Mr.] ( and Mrs Charles J. Bell enter- i | tamed a box party Including Mr. J ' and Mrs. Walter Tuekerman and j Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mar?h. j The Secretary of State and Mrs. j i Bain bridge Colby were honor! , gueats at a dinner which the Ital- 1 < ian Ambassador and Baroness Ro- ' | inano gave last evening at the em- ; bassy. The other guests were Miss > j Colby, the French Ambassador and! Mme Jusserand. Senator and Mrs. Charles Henderson. Mr. and Mrs.; Adolph Casper Miller. Mr. and Mrs. j Henry Cleveland Perkins. Miss Jo- ; , sephine Patten. Senator and Mrs. j j Key I'ittman. th?* third secretary ( of the Italian Embassy and Mme. j Celesia; Hector Ayerxa, attache of jthe Argentine Embassy: Henry de \ Bach, counselor of the Russian j j Embassy; Dr. W. H. d?* Beaufort, J I counselor of the Netherlands Lepa- ' ' tion:* and Miss Romano. j Baroness Komano will entertain j i a number of prominent matrons st , a luncheon on Wednesday and on ; Saturday she will entertain a small I i company at a tea at 5 o'clock to j , meet Father Semeria. who is tourI ing America, making addresses to j (interest America in the children <?f ' Southern Italy. I*ady <*eddes. wife of the British ! Ambassador, entertained a box par-| , t.v at the gala opening of the "Mi. kado" at Poli's Theater last even| Ing. This famous Gilbert and Sul livan opera will be given also to- j ( night and tomorrow. and the ; equally famous "Pinafore" on j Thursdsy^ Friday and Saturday ev-j enings. by the Washingtonians. the i proceeds of the entire week going I ! to the Salvation Army's home serv- J j ice fund. ! With Lady Geddes were Capt. C. , J. Henry. R. H. Hadow and A. P. Graves, all of the British Embassy;' staff, and Mrs. Morris, of Hlch- j j mond. The ambassador was not j with the party as he attended the) ! commencement exercises of George' 'Washington University 9 here he i ! made an address and received an 1 , honorary degree, l^ater in the ev- i cwing he joined Lady Geddes and; | her party at the ball at Ward man j 'Park Hotel given for the Near! i East Relief. Last evening was "diplomatic and 1 1 society night" at the opera, the j audience beins; a very briWant one i indeed. Miss Katherine Robinson. j I of the Junior League, sold pro- ' ! grams, assisted by a group of j : league memlx'rs. anion? them Mifcs i Helen McLanahan. Miss Cecilia Mo- , | Callum. Miss Margaret Harding, I I Miss Anna Hamlin. Miss Marjorie j Wright. Miss Olyve Graef. Miss Co- j 1 ra Barry. Miss Alice Shepard, and 1 Mrs. Sidney Thomas. Ira Nelson Morris, American min- | I Ister to Sweden and Mrs. Morris.' I who reached Washington the en?i' of the week from Europe, are i ! guests of the Russian Ambassador; | and Mme. Bakhmeteff. From' Washington Mr. and Mrs. Morris will go to Wellesley snd Andover i to see their children and later to? Chicago. Mrs. Matthew T. Scott wiH re- I turn today from a brief visit In I Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. EdVsrd H. Everett J will leave this week for Bennington. Vt.. to spend the summer at ! their estate there. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wardman 1 went to New York yesterday to j spend several 'days. Mrs. Middleton S. Eliott. wife of Dn Eliott. U. S. N.. will entertain ! at a luncheon Friday afternoon. Mrs. Walter Wells left the end of laat week for an extended motor trip to New York and Atlantic City: _ . . . / ^ , Gen. T, Q. Donaldson has reCuticura Soap Imparts?? The Velvet Touch issffs&igsflsS^fflas:!1 % ll^fr .V iiiooomaco Opea9:1S AJL Nv???fc?W rZ V1CTR June _ " Victor Victor ] Records Qw inrf I on Sale ?f fe ! *? Today "Z kaci to pt: OM Black Jo ?Alma Cluck SSR^eS^H The Song Rcachcd My ?Eran Will I I "invitation * I Waltz?Pluta t? . , v Symphony Or VictroU X, tra $125 , _ . r> . . La Capmera U>"Te"e*t Wren. ? i Terntt. GaJH-Curci.... No Interert Bo-La-Bo?Fox Trot.] Harem Life ? Orien- 184S4 Ul Fox Trot.?Paul f ec. Biessc and Orchcs- j j I'm Old, But I'm 1 Awfully Tough. mo3 Uncle Josh Joins the r Grangers. ? Ctl j Stem art j Victrola Section. turned from a short stay in New J York. . ' Mm. Robert Jefffrds. of Charles- ! ton. W. Vi.. ia Mending several | days with fa? r parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Cooper, en route from < a visit in New York to her home. Miss Elizabeth Major, who at* tends Gouchtr ('oiler?, in Ralti- ' more, will ?oine today to trpend a short time with her parents. Rep- | resentative and Mrs. Samuat C. Major, before leaving to attend the annual house party of the Goucher Chapter of the Kappa Alpha Theta 1 Sorority, of which Miss Major is a member. IJeut. W. J. Lx>venthal. V. 8. N.. has returned to Annapolis after a ; short visit in Washington. Maj. Gen. Charles D. Rhodes has . left the city on a fortnight's in- j spection trip. Ueut. Col. and Mrs. John IL ) Jouett. of I ,a n ft I e y Field. Va . Kpent j the week-end In Washington Miss Victoria Duncan, mho spent J the end of-the m eek at Annapolis ; attending the Army and Navy game . Saturday and other festiritien at | the Naval Acadtmy, mill return this morning. Mr. and Mm. Ross Gravenor have ' taken an apartment at the Connecticut. m here they are now ps- ' tablished. They have been for ! some time at the Highlands. Mrs. Ryan Devereau* has as her ! guest Mrs. Anthony J. O'Reilly, of j Nem Orleans. l'.nsign P. R. Osborn. Jr.. mho is i rationed at Portsmouth. N. II.. on | the U. S. S. Huntington, spent the week-end In Washington, going to Annapolis Saturday for the Army ; and Navy game. Mrs. James M Pickens, mho ! spent the week-end at Annapolis, j has returned to her apartment at i 1*31 California street. lifi??? Think of FOLEY In when you think o^^^ I ( Readv to ! j With A and St> Youi ' PROMPT 1 PRICES AJ ANYW HONAKDP FOL j Betwvm ) _ _ _ , . H 806 12 I] ' ' v IT I *?' tmk Q??<PJt I . I OLAS r?L 1 focOTcU Victor | J Lftnry k mm Record* mi mm* tmm- on Salt / SCl Today Racarit 74442 BBW^H JUjm UH Heart. 7?71 ggjg* to delphia 745M * | ? M Che- W ## Victrola XL -The, ' 1151 Vmel.ta M7? C?B*?aieat *l.s? Term. ' N? laterest Uncle Josh's Trip to l Boston lfZ2S Uncle Josh's Arrival i Sk in X. Y. City j I?Little David, Plav ] on Yo' Harp. 2?Shout All Over God's Heaven. L 1644* I Couldn't Hear Xo- 1 go body Pray. ? Fisk ! University Jubilee Quartet J Fourth Kloor. PACKING OF OLIVES KILLS GERMS NOW Hip# olives now may b?- ?*t*n without fear of a n attack from n* opcillus botulimir. ac?ordli|g to of flcials of the Drpartn:* nt of A*rl cultur?. I'lcSifr* of this prodi ?-t have ir fotmed the department that thc\ will follow the M*rgf-rtina ?.f th. latter that the Oliver m both ?rl*;an*! tin containers will b *ut*Je? t*l to not le?a than dfKr?*f ^ ?f m< a . Th?- cveraintnt < hemiats fay ihi w'ili Kill *he ir<rm> Bad Complexions Petted Of ( Hoar | TV flrt with th* p**?r < ?*n Plata*. "I have to t*?rh t*f> a*> rbrH> I mm a at Mffht ?M o?l? m> mmk* up ?am a?." N?W. a? ? tt*r <?f f?( W"ff p"*l the|r c?><4 h?4' Ikaa tin m with rwa^lit-k. TV pra*ti<*> % umm+i e*??r.>. ?*>w that th* %1riae% ..f .t*?i mmrr nerpillaMl ?ai a*> m h*aatiiM r b+i*mi+ kVrtm It lias hrrn tl.-i ihr *ai ha* iii4frfBl abMntmi pivi-r- It ra?s#? the fadH or 4w>^|ie<-4 m-mrf M>ia in flak* off Ja mtaat* alan^t |apvrrp?4IM? partlr|o?. M cent I* ffra<1a?ll< a* ! ? ra?t* a?v l?i"o?tfi)ei?.i at all. la ibK ?a> II "m it?ipli ?><hi lii a? tuallr trvnh- Ma* ?W all Da* liar*. frevfch-v pimpl? Mot' he* naoth patrh*^ *M vth?r Mirfa*>- ? f**t?. A v? twphilna appear*?a lea' r anooth yaathful health? haa*?i -kia mh* a* on r?off |??4er or >ma ?-? |ar*?4ar? M*rrolia*d wti. to he ha* ?( aa.? *r*?? ?! *.is r-o^ealeat air |??4ar. la apcalt*-#' Hie rreat** end alloaed to n aoaia ?*a ??er BlfM. -A4T. HPOAL h 1 Th? IdUr CrM? at Law Pi hm W B. J. Wener franklin 912 (Cf Ylfl ktl. V7t" - - -U 1 Serve You ny Size rle Fan Need a l!| DELIVERY > LOW AS HERE ! I RY COMBVNY , JI * kKN.W. ?T ?11S1 il^^EiBb' fcA.'ijd