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FREE! Aluminum Car Token Holder \ Come in and get one. El f " D.J. KAUFMAN I r (lM*) { a 1005-7 Penna. Ave. 616 17th St. i' I Away From th. Hut of the City. ? C-H-l-C-K-E-M Dinner. Buffet Supper. Dsncinf. ROCK SPRING CATZ Br anto on the Conduit t?.. mi tee from <Ttalte I loose. Just > 15-mlnute euto rfBe. Followed by the beet Chicken Dinner you bare Mten (or a leaf time. KESVIAX CHICKS DINNER, $1.60. Chicken Soup. Fried Chicken. Candied Sweet Potatoei. Cor* rrlttara. Strtn? Beau. Lettuce and Tomato Salad. Ire Cream. Coffee, Iced Tea or Hot Chocolate. How do you like that one? Listen! Here is another! SPECIAL CHICKEN DINNER. $2.00. Chicken Soup. Sweet Mixed Pickles. FMend Chicken. Country Style. Brown liraTy. Corn Fritters. Candied Sweet Potatoes. Green Pe**. Stewed Corn. Garden Beets. Lettuce and Tomato Salad, lee Cream or Clark's Bartlett Pears. Coffee. Iced Tea or Hot Chocolate. titrj ereninj to a special four, piece Orchestra that will unit you to a "T." Bock Spring Is not a rpadbouse. Strictly place to dine and dance, and open only to exclusive and refined people. JOE CAIN. Manacer. J * ^ffmLOANS # HORNING Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry South End of Highway Bridge _ jf Fa5c5 ~Tfi j foGVELOPEDf * Oar Developing, Printing and r Engraving Laboratory it proba- . 5 bly the larfcst and most com- J pieteljr equipped in Washington. ; ; This enable us to guarantee 1 high-clans work and prompt senr- } ice. All rolls developed? ! 10c V hi Tan r,ro?e Service at \U riiWKST 703 iSth St. KO-i G St. * Mb & L - vans Drug Co.. '4th and Col. Koad. Portland Pharmacy, "4th and Vt. Ave. 1829 14th St. 1413 F St. ? 909 Penna. Are. j 1001 Penna. Arm. 1004 7th St. Kerfoot Pharmacy. 7th * L. 1301 7th St. Hygiene Pharmacy, 2nd and Mass. Ave. Southern Drug Co., ' . 1301 G St. ^ \OllTH EAST Bradley Pharmacy, 7th and Md. Ave. ?00 D St. McChesney & Joachim, Second and Md. Ave. SO!THKAST 653 Penn. Are. 201 2nd St. 8th and E Sts. 623 Pa. Are. I ALEX \ M>RIA. VA. 1113 King St. 616 King St. Druggist. j) t Cor. King and Alfred Sts. g Many Other Locations Will Be Announced Later. | 'Harry C. Grove, he. 1 Washington's KODAK /,l Headquarters. \ 1210 6 ST. X. W. I Smoke The High-Sf The Cigar of C UNION MAE ; F. I. BENHA1 806 4J4 Street Washington, E and* The qui an age-ol , W\ In den . ii hare achl ? ed IDEi old ma> ^KB nought al ~W>%L m Nenro In ] Administi aii wo: Trrni i i ' . SOLDIER FRAUD NETS SPREAD V Government to Round Up War Risk Employes in Alleged System. i A complete round-up of any employes of the jjureau of War Rlak Insurance who may be Involved In a conspiracy to defraud war veterans is expected as a result of steps taken yesterday in the investigation by Chief W. H. Moran, of the Secret Service, who has sent questionnaires to all soldier claimants of disability compensation. I Twelve questions are listed on the forms. Among them are the 'following: "Did you pay anyone, directly or Indirectly, for assisting you in the settlement of your claim? If so. give name and adi dress If you know it and amount I you paid." | For obvious reasons these questionnaires cannot be sent throughout tlje country," said Cbief Moran, "but we are sending them out In batches to soldier beneficiaries in the States of this section who cannot be personally visited." If others | than the nine now in custody are involved in the frauds it is believed their Identity will be learned in this I i way. ONE FISH NET CATCHES $200 700-Pound Horse Mackerel Turns Out to be Valuable Tuna Fish. I That "things are not always what II they seem" was proven in Freeport, | IL. I., the other day, when a fish j ] story spread thrpugh the village to j the effect that a 700-pound horse 1 mackerel had been caught. Now tuna flsh is counted a dell-1 ' cacy. Horse mackerel is something |else again. But if a dyed-in-the; wool fisherman calls a tuna flsh a ! horse mackerel, how is the inexperienced to know the difference anyhow? A 700:pound tuna-flsh-horse| mackerel was so shy of horse sense as to become entangled in a pond j net. A windlass and pulley con- ] traption was attached to the prize ) of th? sea and it was landed and j sent on Its way to the Fulton Mar- j i ket. j The Bright Eye Fish Company | landed the flsh at the dock of Capt. I John Carcich. It was cleaned and i : | the center packed with ice, ready j II for the market, where it will net Its I | captors from $J76 to 1)00. Melba Sings Orer Wireleu. Mme. Melba sang for all the world ' at Chelmsford, England, one time here. She sang into a wireless telephone transmitter at the great Mar, coni station and the rippling notes ! were carried on the ether to Berlin, : Warsaw. Arlington, U. S. A., Chris: tiana. The Hague and In Paris a phonograph record was made at the receiving station. LOCAL MENTION. TRY STAG?$1 UP SPEC1AI WF.EKI.Y. HK8T IN CITT. CLAFLIN OPTICAL CO.. 907 r STREET. For Complicated Glasses. No Soap Better For Your Skin?? Than Cuticura Sample each (Soap. Ointmeet.Takam* fra? of Oaticmtnri-, &?t. X. Md4-. Ma?. | DANCING U Too An Thinking About Learning to Dance don't make a decision without fiwt Visiting the BigMway Studio, th* only ap- j tivdste I>sncl?* Aeademr la Washington at outh of Sew York. Mm. Cain. Mlaa Strom* nod Miss Fltxhugh can teach too In one i-ourse if you can be taught. You lean the RI*M Wst to THnc# at the ? ICHTWAY SCHOOL OF DANCINO Ui> ,\i* York. Near 13th au You need not have an appointment. Prl- | *nte Coura* I?ssoas hour. 11. PriTita Room for Beginners. Open 10 a. ta. to II . 9- ' lirejj S wfr* rsonal Appearance Success nt for beauty ia' X * wA A desire of man. r j tlstrT today we ,1 * eeed thoae covet- ( , I * lLS. which th* V. ,-J : iten so Tainly J A J0 dJtETaJlL 0,\) V?^ ' rkSurutMd M ^|f I of Payment to Salt. Examination -ady and Maid < Attendance. (. 5347. FV'ots FILLINGS l Gold $1.00 WfmS Silrer 50c Aha 50c 22K CROWNS TCHOCC AND BRIDGES 1? a $4 aid H r 4)7-441 7th St. R. ?. ^ Expert Dentist, U yarn' axperiaaoe. i tj Opaa Baadayi II i. a. to ? p. a. / Other hears, t a. a. t* I p. m. Teatlmenials oa n4ue>t. j SUNDAY: Makvt-OiRlck. The Garrlck Players presentod "The Unklssed Bride" at the Schubert-Garrlck last night before an audience that w?i kept In a continuous roar of laughter. The story conoerns the effort* of Fred Forrester, a speculator, who la on the verge of financial ruin, to sain a check for 1100,000 from his uncle 'by marriage. He Is assisted In this scheme by Kitty Blake, a stenographer, and by Jack Reynolds, his pal. Anne Morrison, as the stenographer, was a gejp of the first water. An employe such as she, who thought of everything twenty-four hours before her employer did, would be worth her weight In gold. This would be especially true were the stenographer t4 possess the delightful personality of Miss Morrison. Malcolm Fassett, as the nephew, .worked hard to gain his bride and to secure the highly prised check. Everett Butterfield was all that could be desired in the part of the sporty and thirsty friend who did all he could to straighten out a tangle Into which he had brought his pal. Helen Goodh\ie as the slavey. "Lilly," was warmly applauded. Suzanne Jackson was "Dolores." an actress, who attempted to blackmail those who did not comply with her wishes. Guy Harper played the part of the broker, "John Reynolds." In a satisfactory manner. Irving White as "Uncle Dawley," and Mt.rie Lewis Maltese in th# role of his wife, added to the general complications. John O. Hewitt appeared as the policeman, and John Kills had the part of the minister. Cnsliii'a Metropolitan ? "Scratch Mr Back." Bringing to the screen the same spontaneous humor that haa always characterized his writings for the magazines and his comedies for the i articulate stage. Rupert Hughes, In | "Scratch My Back," shown for the j first time In Washington for the J chief feature of the week's bill at' Crandall's Metropolitan Theater yes- I terday, has set a new style in cam- j era comedy. This brilliant major offering Is admirably supplemented i by an exceptional bill with Herbert Kaufman's miniature masterpiece, "Content." a new Issue of the Pathe News and an especially diverting series of "Topics of the Day." "Scratch My Back," Is a genially travestied film version of Rupert Hughes' story of the same name in which T. Roy Barnes, on* of the most able of the stage's younger comedians. and Helene Chadwick, a | youthful star who displays unsuspected gifts as a comedienne, assume the roles of Val omaney, "the man who always did what he wanted to." and Madeline Secor, a girl who followed much the same policy but with most Indifferent success. The story which, with able assistance by a strong supporting cast, they visualize upon the silver sheet would be a romantic melodrama wfere It not for the delightfully humorous "readers" with which Mr. Hughes has converted his tale into a sparkling burlesque. The narrative Is of a young bachelor who dared do anything once and a girl who took advantage of his daring and set him a task of surpassing delicacy to perform. Herbert Kaufman's "Content" Is a brief gem of plcturized philosophy that strikes a new note In artistic as well as Intellectual achievement. In the Pathe News are shown for the first time complete views of the close of the Democratio convention in Frisco and Harding's welcome In Marion. Excellent musical accompaniment is a feature of the splendid bill. Loew'a Palace?Donsrlaa NarLMi la "Let'i Be Fashionable.** Douglas MacLean, the Washing- j ton boy and one of the overwhelm- i lng favorites among the younger stars of the photoplay, is the fea- ! tured player at Uew's Palace1 Theater for the week that began yesterday in "Let's Be Fashionable." a breezy. fascinating and altogether hilarious comedy offering by Mildred Considlne. scenarized by Luther Reed and directed by Lloyd Ingraham under the personal supcrvl-I sion of Thomas H. Ince. The sup- | porting company is headed by Doris ] May and Includes such well known j phctoplayers as Wade Botcler, | Grace Morse, Georga Webb and others. Supplementing the featured attraction of the Palace program for the current week is a splendid added comedy attraction. "A Model Husband," offered by that brilliant dur,. cf comedy players. Mr. and Mrs. Carter De Haven. In addition, director Gannon of the Palace Symphony Orchestra has arranged a charming and wholly magnificent overture selection. "The Sweetheart Shop;" there are the animated antics of Mutt and Jeff. "Topical Tips." the Loew News Pictures and other features of unusual interestDouglas MacLean. In "Let's Be Fashionable," finds an ldsal screen role for his clean-cut acting style and for his boyish and often misp^acec* comic enthusiasm. He and Miss May are seen as the Henry Largdnns, ma'n and wife, who attempt the social conquest of a fashionable California suburb by means of a slenSer income, a fairly good flivver and an abundance or social s?.-lf-cf.nfldence. The fun starts at a club "affinity" ball and the things that happen to Henry ere he completes a round of gayety with two different "affinities" mak?s one of the most compelling and characteristic photoplay comedy hit3 this ccunle have graced with thslr talent an-J charm in many weeks. Moore'a Rlalto ? "Yea or No," Featuring Norma Tnlmadge. Few photoplays of past seasons have offered such decided contrasts as "Yes or No." the cinema adaptation of Arthur Goodrich's Broadway triumph of the same name, as presented yesterday by the First Na* tional Exhibitors at Moore's Rlalto Theater, with talented Norma Talmadge In the featured role. The showing will continue throughout the week. Two extreme phases of life, as well as two extreme characters, are shown, the story shifting from one to the other with startling rapidity. x In the home of Margaret Vane, we see the social elite frittering away their time, while a moment later, whisked by the magic of the moving picture camera a few blocks east, we encounter Minnie Berry, laboring amid squalid poverty to keep her home and babies in a manner worthy of the love of her devoted but preoccupied husband. Miss Talmadgi handles both roles with rare skill and charm. Her beauty, particularly in the society scenes, contributes much to the enjoyment of the plaaure. Even as Minnie Berry, in gingham and with hair bedraggled. this delightful and most popular little actress Is good to look upon, but in the gorgeous wardrobe she has equipped .herself with for the part of Margaret Vane, her beauty Is irresistible. Based on one of the most momentous questions with which woman lias had to deal since the foundation ?f society, the dual or single code, i I 4 THEATER ( t A and whether * "T? Girl," who hcrlflcee her all tor seeming happlneaa finds more than the "No Girl." fighting always to keep Intact and holy the'altar pledge, the story as developed In the picture carries en absorbing tale of love, humor and tragedy with all the realism essential to make one Uve through the days and nights of these two women, both fighting the same battle. From the feminine viewpoint, there is no question but that "Yes or No" will prove a most interesting and popular attraction. As to their male escorts, it is a question, as some of the gender are certainly shown in a bad light. An excellent and most capable cast. Including Frederick Burton, Lowell Sherman. Lionel Adams. Rockcilffe Fellows. Natalie Talmadge and Edward 8. Brophy, li seen in support of the star. All in all, this Is one of the most powerful stories and most finished productions in which Norma Talmadge has ever appeared. The Rlalto Symphony Orchestra, Daniel Breeskln conducting, renders as musical complement to the presentation, a score which is thoroughly enjoyable and carries the theme perfectly. The overture for the week is selections from "Sweethearts." Added features, showing the usual careful selection, close an exceptionally strong bill for this late in the season. * Lock's Colmtl*?Ensru O'Brien la "The Figurehead." Eugene O'Brien, the suave and powerful young photodramatic star. Is seen at Loew'i Columbia Theater for the first fouf days of this week, beginning yesterday afternoon, in "The Figurehead," a red-blooded, iwo-flsted ror, antic tale of Twentlf lh--??ntury politico and old-fashioned love. It is a stor> of the most timely national interest, in view of the seething political activities of <he past few v.eeks. thcuKh the po| itlcal ting) to the rcrratlve forms a background for the tense and fascinating revelation of a poignant love story. ! "The Figurehead" was written by | John Lynch and has been directed by Robert Ellis with a supporting I cast of the most talented character. Anna Q. Nilsson is seen in the role opposite the star and others having prominent roles are Ora Carewe. Edwin Stevens, Joseph Glrard. Frances Parks, Kate Trice and others. The story concernn the political chicanery that brought about the nomination of a young aristocrat of an American city for mayor in order to make easier the election of a gang leader. When the aristocrat develops unexpected strngth and TURKS INSULT AMERICAN FLAG l Red Cross Worker Reports Kemal Pasha's' Men Fire On Old Glory. (By L'alversal Service.) Chicago, July 11.?The American flag is held in contempt by the Turks and American lives are in constant danger, according to Miss Loretta Bigley, a Red Cross worker, who returned today from Asia Minor. She was held prisoner at Aintab for three months and witnessed the Armenian massacre there. "From January 10 to April 19. we Americans who conducted the Armenian orphanage in Aintab for the American Red Cross were prisoners." she said. "The Turks deliberately concentrated their Are upon the orphanago above which wavld the American flag. John Boyd, of Portland, Ore., head of the mission, protested. The Turks laughed. After a siege of nineteen days a few Americans escaped with some French troops returning home." . Miss Bigley said the Turks showed only contempt for Americans and took every occasion to insult them. GLASS MAKING CRAFTLEARNED U. S. Manufacturers Discover German Trade Secrets Since 1914. Large telescope disks are now being made in the United States, as all mechanical difficulties have been overcome, according to an announcement today by Dr. George W. Morey, of the American Chemical Society. This achievement is due to preparation of the ingredients required for pure and flawless glass, and Is the result of experiments begun at the outbreak of the world war, under the auspices of the Geophysical Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution in Washington. Before 1914 practically all the optical glass in the United States was imported from Germany. When the United States entered the battle for democracy her army and navy used field glasses, range Anders, telescopes and other Instruments of precision the lenses of which were fashioned beyopd the Rhine. Private citizens even loaned or contributed opera glasses and binoculars to equip the fighting forces of the United States. Optical glasses of fine quality, however, are now to be had on this side of the water. The* climax of this achievement of Industrial chemistry has been reached by the American makers In the manufacture of lenses for teleacojfes. At first, disks were made three or four Inches In diameter. Recently a special 4 % -Inch lens was ground for Lowell Observattory, at Flagstaff, Ariz. The first 9 H-Inch disk was turned out last December. Six others have since been lAade and delivered. As their diameters Increase, disks are made with greater di/nculty. Finally, on February l?, 1910. the first perfect lt-lnch disk was furnished. An electrte furnace was specially designed to meet the problem. This device ! thoroughly Insulated and provided with an automatio appliance whleh will hold the temperature absolutely constant to a fraction of a degree while the glaas is being treated to remove strain. The temperature oan be dropped a tew degreesv? week. OPENINGS ' dclines to withdraw from th? rac? an effort la made to strike at hi character through the girl he lovei The maaaer In which thU plot 1 foiled and 1U tender, romanllc re suits.make, one of the moet en th railing of. photoplay oflterlaai The featured attraction la atrong? supplemented by a host of adde screen and musical attractions. By Back." n effective arrangemnt of mwi comedy and topics* subjects fur nlshed the embellishment of th< bll| of photoplays complied to presentation the first two days o the current week at Crandall'i Knickerbocker Theater. It was es pecially interesting to note the en thusiasm with which yesterday'i capacity audiences greeted the flrs authentic pictures shown In Wash ington of the final day of the Den? ocratlc convention In San Franclao and the equally complete views o the homecoming celebration In hon or of Senator Harding at Marlon Ohio. Another feature of the progran that elicited applause was the ex cellent orchestration with whicl Henri Sokolove, director of th< Knickerbocker symphony, has syn chronixed the pictured features. The chief attraction at the Knick erbocker yesterday and today li the brilliant screen version of Ru pert Hughes' delightful comedy romance, "Scratch My Back." ir which the stellar roles are taker with unuaual proficiency by T. Roj Barnes and Helene Ohadwlck. sup ported by Kate Lester and Cesar* Gravina. a complete review ol which will be found in connectloi with the Metropolitan Theater where this example of the camera'i highest comic art also was giver first Washington presentations yesterday. Craadall's ? Wallace Reed la "The Danrla* Fool.** The humors and romance of th< jug business are made the basis o plot In "The Dancin- Fool," his bes | recent photoplay vehicle. In whiqi , Wallace Reld was pictured as sta at Crandall's Theater yesterday. Ii a ro>? that makes the cabaret am the gaudier pursuits of metropolitai life quite as Important an elemen in the development of the narratlvi as the more prosaic manufacture o earthenware receptacles for variou degrees of alcoholic content. Bebi Daniels affords the star exceptional ly interesting support. "The Dancin' Fool" Is a picturi in which are combined most of th< attributes of unequivocal popuia success: spirited action, unctioui humor, a romantic denouement an< extraordinarily well-etched charac ter studies. Leading the cast ftlmet in support of Mr. Reid and Misi Daniels is Tully Marshall, who li achieving an unusual reputation a! a character actor in roles that 1 few years ago were not looked upot as in any way his forte. Supplementing "The Dancin' Fool' and assuming almost the funk ol companion feature on the bill ii shown, for the first time in the Capital, the new Sunshine comedy "Monkey Business." in which seen to have been concentrated all of th< laugh-provoking qualities of whicl the Fox studios are capable. Yes terday's crowds were kept in con tinuous shrieks of merriment by th? absurd developments in which thii effervescent farce abounds. Abbreviated camera subjects anc excellent musical investiture rounded out a bill of conspicuous merit which will be continued througli Tuesday only. (Ilea Echo Park. Threatening showers yesterday failed to diminish appreciably th? attendance at Glen Echo Park One of the chief attractions was th? series of concerts by Minster's band , Many other entertainments were given. I The gravity, with its speeding cars that race up and down precipitous inclines, and the racing | derby wtih Its two trains. Thcrt were many who showed a marked I preference for the less thrilling I type of entertainment. and among 1 them the new water ride was a favorite. Its dark, winding pasj sageways have an especial appeal jto the romantically Inclined. 1 The dance pavilion was "dark* las;. night, as it always is on Sundays. but tonight and on other week nights the dancers will have nothing to complain of. The maple floor is In perfect condition and Mills I jazz experts will be on the jol every night at 8:30. There is never I any admission charged to the park I |1 standard' i makes > \imr g J At a 35% i T1RFS *rom the leading I Stidcc ^olutely Euaraj |jHfj 1 IKfcj jnUeSj^fabric^ire! |?p T IDrC sold by a natio m nowned for fair IB Your favorite tire, IB including: IS Goodrich I Diamond soxs 111 Miller ! H Pennsylvania *1^ j |sg Federal 32*4 IS General *3x4 jj United States IB **acmc 33x4*, 119 Horseshoe. a?*4v ty And We IS Have Them At 3?xs IB These Prices: aT?g IE Mall orders 1 i. j JAPAN TEEMS |s | WITH PEOPLE Vital Problem Is to Provide 11 For Populations Rapid Increase. 7 k. i. i*ri. (Dcpartaseat of Political Science, Calwnlty ( Soothers California.) || How will Japan solve her vital: II question of increasing population, II T which la estimated at (00,000 per I year? Will it be peaceful or im- II 1 periallstlc? The area of Japan Is about that II of California. Twenty-five per cent || is tillable. But only 16 per cent is | 1 under actual cultivation. Therefore! |l I ? per cent still awaits the plow. A part of the population question || ? can be met by careful and equal I f distribution of her people. It is' || - said that Formosa, Hokkaido, Korea I and Saghallen all can feed many | more millions. i Continental people figure out the i || ' necessity for land by the scarcity [ h of land alone. However, the water I ? area from which the Japanese peo-j I - pie derive their Income Is quite im- | I portant. Under-sea gardening is - no figure of speech. Roughly speak- | i Ing an average Japanese produces II - annually about }3 per capita from 11 - this source. t Again, being an Island nation she i I i Is destined to become a carrying 11 r nation. At present 400.000 sailors | || . are supporting approximately 2.000,- i I s 000 souls of the nation, to say notn- ! || r ing of those who are deriving their I i livelihood from the same source on |L , land. IS History tells us that the nation j ? , that has the largest increase of; A . population is usually an agrlcultural nation. Such has been tne en.? with Jap^n to this date. But she H is fast becoming an Industrial na- H tion. Experiences tell us that the H higher a nation i8 Industrialized thelH lower la the increase of population. f Already this is showing In figures H t in large cities of Japan. M \ Thus it is far more advantageous K r for Japan to send out merchants H i who will, for example, take orders H 1 enough to keep several hundred of H l her people at home, than to en-!H t courage the emigration of a laborer H s who can at best possibly feed and i B f clothe one family. IS B ?S Suspect Spooki Throw Bricks. ^ Are spooks throwing bricks at B B George Baker's house In Gahanna. . Ohio. For several weeks bombardL merits of brick-bats have kept tne , Baker family awake o' nights. Dep- 10 I uty sheriffs have encircled the^^fl . house and failed to stop the siege. IB I There are no bricks nearby and so H , some folks here say it's the work 5 of ghosts. ffj Rooster Sits on Nest of Eggs. H ' Search for a missing rooster . owned by Miss Susannah Splcher, of j l^ewlston. Pa., revealed the missing H , fowl sitting on a nest of egps un- Kg . der a woodpile. The efrgs in the E9 t nest had not been previously dis-j^f i covered. How long the rooster had BH . been usurping the prerogatives of H i his mates had not been determined. B| Smuggle Money From Gens any. H < Two million dollars in silver bars was seized In Copenhagen by GerI man authorities, according to news. paper reports. The money was bet Ing smuggled from Germany In I cattle cars by Frenchmen, it is said. Note ob Door Warms. r Mrs. L. W. Davis, Toledo, Ohio, , can't understand why a note | smeared with tar and reading? [ "Mrs. Davis behave or you'll get this," should have been pinned to her door here. The police are trying to find out. Sets Up "Feed" for Jury. , ' Judge C. V. Henry, of the Dauphin I j County, Pa.. Court, believes a full stomach Is the first requisite for a ; good Juryman. The judge recently , furnished the money for sandwiches for two jurymen and insisted that 1 they eat them while a long-winded lawyer was making his pleas. Book Baas Female Spies. The next time there Is a war Capt. Ferdinand Tuohy thinks there ' should be no women spies employed, i > "They fall in love too easily," he says in his book called "The Secret . Corps," just published in London. ^^^^With Our | Triple ? uarantee J j to 50% Saving p m factories. 3 iteed by us; cords for 8,ooo fll I \ for 6,ooo miles. |j| j ^ nal institution, a concern re- IS J dealing and adjustment. fjf ^ Fabric Cord Tnbe^Red Tlresi Tires or Gray i 14,4.% *10.32 2^*4 ?g D 1 16.63 22.54 2.47 S= 22.34 23.06 3.0.1 ft; ^ 22.68 31.88 3.28 fev ' 24.23 34.39 3.62 ?g <W 4 30.81 40.12 3.97 m ?, % 31.75 41.08 4.14 f|f ? 1 32.69 42.02 4.31 jte 34.12 43.45 4.49 ?? I ! 34.58 44.74 4-W 5= I ' 46.34 50.74 4.72 pi I, 42J8 53.07 4.80 Sy In srlll receive prompt attention. lj| I ? es Corporation I ^ FRANKLIN 6188. fij P I 14th Street N. W. | A ' 1 AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS ^ ??The'Next Morning . Thafs the way they found her?curled up on a divan, fart asleep, clad only in pajamas and a sweet, sweet 'Utile?she was ' II "THE UNKISSED BRIDE" But,^ oA ! ?what a night^ ^ || 'ALL i HIS "wKKK?BEGINNING ^ N TONIGHT AT 8:30 Matinees?Thursday and Saturday, a :3o P. M. | PRICES, 25c, $i-oo- !j All Next Week?"FAIR AND WARMER" ?QARRICK PLAYERC?! SHUBEBT-BABBICt THUTER-f AT 7TR j i LOEW'S Wm fU Cr?^air?-F at II thy ^ ALAcE >"*etrop#lit*II> %, 10130 A. M. to 11 P. M. ^ - r,^?-Tr?, , ? ?? r ? C ALL TH,S WEEK # _t?d^ and cRUPERT HUGHES'* i DOUGLAS C ?w IDEA n screen C I MacLEAN I SCRATCH I i WITH DOB,a MAT 1||V DIAIfl "Lef. B^ Fashionable." < ||| V K II I. II | MR. AND MRS. CARTER # 11 > DE HAVEN > HERBERT KAPKMA WS \, In C "CONTEXT" # -A MODEL HUSBAND" ^ P??fce % Overtare?^ rw??T oplrs? \ Tunlra # Cartoon. ^~ >lf cruoau.-s, imm 111 f%< A LOEW'S ICRERB OCKE|{> fl.#*| IIIIBIU ^Today. Beginning at 6:30 p. M.% I RUPERT HUGHES' \ <scratch'my back! CUGENE # ftwiii gy^r-iiMr. 1 O'BRIEN ^ Moore'a RIALTO Theater | "The Figurehead." H ninth at g Brarl.BlBK Thursday 11 AM?AI1' WBSEK?11 P.M. I BRYANT WASHBURN First SatMnal Exhibitors i In ~Sl.s of St. Anthony." B Present Jl I NORMA AJ POLl'S JEZXm. ITALMADGE J TWO BIG FEATURES 144~ 11 WE ALL ENJOY A LAUGH fLO OK NO I MARGUERITE B Overture, "Sweethearts" 1 CL*RKref "MRS. WI66S OF THE rffWl W"1-1'1** t CABBAGE PATCH" IBllMiMH | ? ? Brand Opening Today and All Week 1 fc^t Addr^ttr.ction MISS BILLIE RICHMOND ] ^ H ?\ KLI EL iaarlea Liaii, Mini Partir and ?lan Four n jn k | In "CABARET PE LUXE" KZ H A P I I |\| BEORGE BA10ALL and BIS COMPAMT * Ina ComodyGcm, "TOO EASY" In HI. Gmtnt Comedy Effort. HEBRAS III PRESTON: FOX aid MtTO M "A Burlesque on Carmen" mabei aid we I Star Cut Including PkltNraUtlC OTflrilf All SIlIVS 1 BEN Tl'RPIN. EDNA PURVI- "OTHER MEN'S SHOES" 1 ante, i.ko white and Addid anractliai Lata Hatmi Oily ^A?cWl?e^7c_B ?u? 0NHd7 S:?,c->..s ,,,,- ,irri B-F-keith'Sm , DAILY,? SUN HOL'YS-inVVu u Lii cNh?.?joRTH THE ONLY REAL STANDARD . OUT-DOOR RECREATION SPOT JEAN ADAIR & CO. Ia "EU* ?=om? te Town." FORTY ATTRACTIONS Gordon a Ford. Janet Adair. Hand INCLUDING THE FINEST Muller Revue. "The Beginning of the POLISHED FLOOR OF MAPLE World" FuturUt Novelty. Jennier BrothAND ORCHESTRA OF 12 FOR era. Yokes A Don. Other Hits. DANCING IN PAYTLLION OF BEAUTY ? MARSHALL HALL umilUl?AU>i -On the Historic Potomac- Hill NflTlflM FREE DANCING llUI HHIIUH Excellent Dining Room Service on Steam- miitu Pit a Ml# l/Pruill or and at Marshall HalL W,TM FKAHK KEENAN Steamer Charles Macalester And AB-star cut. and 0:45 p. m. Round trip 55c. Inclnd| ALL THIS WEEK-4 TIMES DAILY SHIBERT Opp. Whitr Hoisr _______?__??????-????mmm BELASCO Popular Price*. Mka A tremendous heart interesting story. j - Last tdght's house tat spellbound. ^ ^ . We want you to see IJirV"? J K\i?- this splendid photoplay to" . 1300est ^ asfmru" *zssz ' W J you will tell your friends. 1 / so please use this coupon. Stelnwa? pianos /2 1?:^ 'vWJZ* ? PtwKano. WctroU. pR|(JE 'tCc.upon to ^ .ftudk ramicaJ Instramenta flee tonight. No reduc-l I CfllPOl tin without it. and absoHaMaBanHMMBMV lutely not good after Monday. This coupon and 80 cents good for orVARNING * I ktt?U? ywr kmb rn?lir do mm oobm RddkUd to WMkeoinf pwrcatlvM I ^ i?F?S^?.I CABIN JOHN 1 SsS^ZS^SrB I BRIDGE PARK >?Ws. >?>??a>. w twhm, larptd SS! I NOW OPEN ?a. abaeltj. aeoial and phjsIcsT'a'JiiiS' E Aautarnti l)??rls? I*w?eal dellaees. R Hotel?Fre? Dancing and Cabaret ~ Maryland Chleken and KdaaaaamaHMaaHBa Sea Food Dinners OfflERSFRIEND^^ -? ipriJWfcallil iMdS^ftM i D??elng I 14 Nightly ^fmaneu^g^^onir^ArujitK^ MEYER^DAYIS' J 9 , v - - i. , -. ..A . . . . . . *-.? i 'wi. v ' i *3 i _ - . ...... tfT* m ' ' T .. . ..