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ENEMY PLANES 1 AROUSE ALLIES Experts Fear German Air, craft Will Surpass Whole 1 World. INVENTIONS 'RESUMED Teutons Contend Flying Esi sential sis Transportaf 1 tion Means. i j^'uklictsi Hermld-Pahllc LHl*' \ Service, Special Cable i Paris. July 11.?Fears that Ger' many will "come back" through a i daring and impregnable position in i aerial navigation have been ex; pressed in both the French and English press following the discovery by allied commissioners of newly dej velopcd powerful German^ planes f built entirely of metal. Warnings i have been sounded from time to i time that Germany was preparing f for a greater air supremacy through : the perfection of these planes, adaptable either to military or com mercial uses, and official notice %Nas 1 taken in the chamber of deputies in a speech by M. Flandrin, under secretary for aeronautics. At the same time the Excelsior, the French pictorial daily, issued a full page of | pictures showing the new designs j complete, constructed of a light j metal called duralumin. Keep Treaty Term*. In accordance with the Versailles treaty Germany must not only surj render all aerial military equipment Ibut she must cease all production of planes for military uses. M. Flandrin explains that Germany had developed these advanced models at the signing of the armistice, but that the delivery of them to the allied governments along with other war material was unsatisfactory. "Work may have stopped on thes^ planes," M. Flandrin t-tated. "but the actual progress of experimentation on products and designs for construction is ftll1. one of the greatest activities among the scientific men of Germany and especially in the research laboratories of the unt-y versltles. "Germany hopes, without doubt, to rebuild her ait fleet, and this Beet will have the incontestable advantage of being Cfmpf>sed of the very best and most modern types They will piobably baptize It th' Commercial aerial fleet,' <>r *,ie civil aerial fleet.' but when one realizes the facility with which an airplane of peace can be turned Into an airplane of war. it is easy to see at tha bottom of this project only a menace and a warning for the other nations of Europe. All-Metal Planes. Th? planes have been built after designs by the German Professor Jankers. In both monoplane and biplane models. In the air they aPpear more like birds than any other type of machine. There is not a strut or a wire support and the Interior of the wings are re-enforced by light metal tubing. In this space is kept the tanks for oil and fuel and replacement apparatus. The monoplane propelled by a 160-horsepower engine reached a height of 4.500 meters carrying a load of six passengers. The same plane with a 185-horsepower engine carried eight passengers up 7.000 meters and its speed was 160 kilometers per hour. Both in these biplane and monoplane designs the French and British experts say the Germans are far In advance of the other countries. Followers of English aeronautics lament the fact that development of aviation has been arrested since the armistice, and one writer in the London Times describes the new German metal planes In an attempt to awaken interest of British designers. The writer takes the position that England should hold no grievance against Germany for aiming at aerial domination, since commercial flying is the heritage of all countries, but he warns of the seriousness of continued apathy and Indifference toward the already advanced German designs. (Copyright. 193). by Public L*dc<r Co.) PASTOR CELEBRATES 27TH ANNIVERSARY The Rev. Hugh T. Stevenson, pastor of Bethany Baptist Church, yesterday celebrated the twenty-sevgnth anniversary of his ordination as a minister of the gospel. j A large congregation heard his anniversary sermon. "The Minis- ; ter's Thanks." and he was the recipient of many congratulatory messages and telegrams throughout the day. Last night his topic [ was "The Glories of the Ministry." Ordained July 11, 1893. In Engle- j wood Baptist Church, Chicago, the Rev. Stevenson came here as stu- j dent-pastor to Anacostla Baptist i Church. Following the completion of theological studies at Colgate University, he accepted the call extended to him by Bethany Baptist j Church, May 14, 1905. Snce then ! he has served continuously as Its I pastor. Commissioners to Open Bids for Road Contracts Bids for contracts to improve and epalr the highways of the District will be opened today by the District Commissioners. This Is the flrst ?tep In the expenditure of $1,000,000 !or road work, as provided by the ipproprlatlon which was passed on '.he last night of the Congress just tdjourned. I Have Leese Make I Your Eyeglasses I I ?That is the sure way of I Setting the kind that will I meet your individual re* quirements. ' I M. A. LEESE I Optical Co. I 614 Ninth Street \ !?!? .. i \ -?1 New Mexican Envoy Reaches Washington, I Unierwood * Underwood. SEMOIt YGI.ESIAS CALDKRON, Who has been appointed Mexican high commissioner to the United States, has reached here with his staff and is awaiting recognition. ARMED BANDITS ROB 30J1T CLUB 6 Masked Men Get $5,000 In Coney Island Raid. New York, July 11.?Six masked 1 and armed auto bandits held up the Seminole Club, Coney Island. f this morning and escaped with $5,000; in cash. Four entered the club while the other two stood guard over the automobile, which was left with engine running. Thirty members of the club, who were playing cards, were lined up with their faces to the wall and j their hands above their heads and | [covered by two of the men while | the other two robbers went through j their pockets, and compelled them j : to slip off diamond rings. Slowly backing towards the door. I lone of the bandits said: "If anyone makes a noise Inside of Ave minutes he'll be a dead man." | As the four men backed into the :.street they ran into a man who lives ' in the neighborhood. He started to j grapple with one of the thieves, but I was soon thrust aside and the quartet then made a run for their waiting automobile. Police commandeered an automobile and started after the fugitive car. -V, The high-powered touring car occupied by the bandits soon outdistanced the pursuers. LAter police placed under arrest two men believed to know something of the robbery. McADOO TO HEAR "INSIDE STORY" OF CONVENTION FIGHT | CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE. campaign expenses to ua. was in substance the message that reached the McAdoo leaders at San Francisco. They are taking back to their fallen idol another message of less comforting character. It purports to give him the inside story of his downfall at the convention. Mr. McAdoo will be told that the Democratic bosses beat hitn. He will be Informed that on Friday. July 2, following the first two ballots, there | was a conference of Democratic (state leaders opposed to the McAdoo movement. There participated in that conference, according to Mr. McAdoo's friends. Gavin McNab, the Pacific Coast leader; Charley Murphy, the Tammany boss; Tom Taggart. of Indiana; George Brennan, of Illinois; Wilbur Marsh, of Iowa, and some others of lesser renown. It was here and then decided that the McAdoo rush must be stemmed at all costs. The adjournment until Saturday morning had been [taken against the vociferous protest of the McAdoo-ites. supported by Palmer's friends. "Error" Made by Chairman. Mr. McAdoo is going to be told that when Senator Robinson, of Arkansas, the permanent chairman, declared the aye and no vote on the adjournment, to have been carried. Robinson was in error The McAdoo leaders affirm that on a roll call the motion to adjourn would have been decisively defeated had balloting proceeded. They are going to report to their chieftain' he would have been put over later in the night. They fixed the tenth ballot as the outside limit, and believe McAdoo's nomination would have ensued sooner. The conference of bosses, following adjournment, settled McAdoo's fate. They proceeded on the theory that Palmer never was sriously in th rac at all. and decided that eventually Cox should receive the nomination by a ( combination of all the delegates they jointly could swing to him at the psychological moment. Mr. McAdoo will also be given some inside information on the role played by Mitchell Palmer. He will be assured that If the big delegation of seventy-six votes, or such portion of it as wp.s throughout loyal to Palmer, had gone over to McAdoo at once, immediately after the atorney general had released his supporters in the convention. McAdoo would have shot ahead close to a clear majority and the bandwagon clamberers would have done the rest. Expenditure to Be Shows. The Pennsylvania delegation gave Palmer a final complimentary vote before splitting up. The aforementioned tale of woe. whatever it* actual merits, is the one that will be spread before Mr. McAdoo within a few hours as the official explanation of his failure to secure the Democratic standard bearershlp. An interesting receipted bill will be laid before him. It shows an sxpenditure of JOS as the sum total of outlay on his behalf at San Francisco. His managers claim it ia a record in convention expenses and demonstrates by all question the 'unorganized" and wholly spontaneous character of the McAdoo movement at the convention. Assurances *re given on Mr. McAdoo's behalf that he will "get behind the Cox. md Roosevelt ticket, whole-heart-1 idly and without iemerge." VISION OF WIFEc HAUNTS SLAYER * - | Former Army Officer, Who Killed Spouse, Says She j Is Calling Him. Chicago, July 11. ? "The ragged stranger" who was shot and Instantly killed by Lieut. Carl Wanderer. was Identified today as John J. Maloney. His home was In Pontlacf R. I. Identification was made by employes of the John Robinson Circus at Kansas City, after they had been shown a photograph of the "stranger." Maloney, they said, was employed as a "train driver" early this spring. Yesterday, Miss Catherine Vanes, a Chicago actress, claimed the slain man was Al. Watson, a former Canadian soldier and son of a wealthy New York clubman. The authorities tonight were convinced shu had been mistaken. According to a confession made by Lieut. Carl Wanderer Friday lie j employed a "ragged stranger" to; stage a fake holdup to make it ap- , pear his wife had been slain in an ' exchange of shots. After he had killed his wife, he shot the "stran- ! ger," but claimed it was accidental. Saya He- Didn't Know Him. "I didn't Intend to kill him." Wanderer told the authorities. "He must have gotten In the range of my shots when I killed my wife. I didn't know his name or anything about him." Wanderer was being closely j guarded In his cell tonight. He was willing to talk and showed no I irritation at questioning. "I feel fine." he said. "Fine. The only thing was I kept dreaming. I dreamed about her?Ruth?Just as if she were back with me again and nothing had happened. Ever since that night I have been dreaming about her. "I thought when I was planniug it all that when It was over I'd J forget about It. But I didn't. 'Even when I thought I had everything covered up, so that the world would think it had happened as I had planned they would think ? even then I couldn't forget. Keeps Hearing Her Voire. "Somehow the tone of Ruth's voice when- she told me. 'Carl, I'm shot; I think I'm dying." kept coming 0 back to me again and again. Memo- t ries are strange things, aren't ? they? "I guess perhaps It was for the t best that the police got me and l ' made me confess. I haven't got ! 1 much of an imagination ? rather 1 cold blooded. I guess?but there are ' some things?well, if I had my wish j r I'd swing tonight. The prayer of rry heart Is to fit 1 myself to m?et Ruth. I loved her 1 more than tnybedy else In tl>e world. "If I could only show voyu i" mo , < ' r.f the letters I wrote to her wh'ti ' l vai in Frtnce. or scnie of the ? wonderful notes she sent me. no- * body would doubt we were ir. lov<with each other. Uiveil I nbon- Child. "I lovfd the child that wa* never born We alwayr l>ad talked ob- ut :t. I wanted It to be a girl. Ruth wanted It to he a boy. We i-jed ; r to spend hours and hcurs Miking I about what school the child would go to. "Tliey have said in the news-pa- ! j.eis that I war urmoved. cold all th?> way throuRh. I've tried to jn through with It like a soldier. But mv tears ha\e tfll been on the inside ani I tell \ou those ars the tears that hurt the most." o EPISCOPALIANS GIVE AMERICANS !, IMPORTANT WORK CONTINUED FROM TAGE ONE. ops of Indianapolis. Long Island. Newark. New Mexico, North Texas ' South Dakota P.nd West Missouri. ! On Christian fclth in relation t? j f spiritualism. Christian Science and f Theos?>phy. the bishops of Virginia. ^ Western Now York, West Virginia ^ and Wyoming j 0 On problems of marriage and sex- j a ual morality, the bishops of Duluth. Kansas. Sacramento, Texas, Vermont. ! a Western Mats schuKctts. Western ci Missouri ami Western Nebraska. j On the position of women in the ! councils and ministrations of the church, the bishops of Arizona. New York. Rhode Island. Southern Florl- ci da. South Dakota and Western j Michigan. . On Christianity and international relations, especially the league of b nations, the bishops of Arizona, Con- n necticut, Maryland, Massachusetts, p North Carolina and Washington. On industrial and social problems. r< tha bishops of Kansas. Maine, Mich- tc igan, Milwaukee, Nebraska. Newark, ai South Carolina and Tennessee. On the development of provinces In the Anglican communion, the p; bishops of Massachusetts. New Jer- a' sey. North Dakota, Ohio and West a Texas. .. (Copyright. 1930, by Public Ledger Co.) j ??????????_ cl Alexandria Man i! Claims Ice Cream Soda Invention D D (Special to Washington Herald.) Alexandria, Va., July 11.?ice cream soda made Its first appearance in Alexandria and not Philadelphia, claims Police Justic* Luther H. Thompson. di Justice Thompson asserts that 0i lis old friend Henry Bringle. who ,, once ran an Ice cream parlor <jn King street, was the inventor of this delectable drink, nl Bringle told old residents of |K Alexandria before he died that the formula was suggested to y< him by Dr. Robert Powell, a prominent Alexandria physician w in those days, who dropped into , the store every morning for a dish of ice cream. "h The concoction made a pro- e<! nounced hit and soon spread all bl over the Ignited States. fr Philadelphia peoplo credit the fo late Luther H. Oreen. of that Hi city, with the Invention, but m Alexandria's claims antedate this gi claim, old residents say. In J si drafts Own Skin On Injured Wife mmi , ?> ^ ! \ V, - ,? > / \ i X&Aa.. .*< / \ /. > - W-v .J? ? i ?'V^ J>' Jjjjf . ^| ^1 U# K-1 r?JP: :. ,: *?:? -- *r?i. l)l(. AMI MRS. OltLAMIO I*. SCOTT. Chicago. July 11.?Dr. Orlando P. Scott cut twelve square inches of his skin from his thigh and grafted it on his wife's foot and antyc. He performed the double operation himself, without a local anesthetic, in the American hospital here, while physicians, internes and nurses looked on. Mrs. Scott was hurt in an automobile accident. Light Continuall At A liar Goes ( Dies But F Chicago, July 11.?In the shadow f the spires of St. Charles' Itonian "atholic Church there stands an >ld-fashioned brownstone house. iiKKestive of the grandeur of yeserday. The shades are drawn at he windows. The room is almost are of furniture. At the back of he room in the shadows a miniaure altar had been built. In the enter there is a life-size picture f Christ. The face of Christ is' llmninated by a single shaded ight. Before the shrine an old, whiteIAZZLESS14TH FACES FRANCE 'aris Musicians Threaten Strike on National Holiday. J Paris, July 11.?The deliberations j >f the migratory peace conference | t Spa are a matter of far less j oncern for the French capital to- j ay than what the temperamental | nusicions' union will do Tuesday, ! rhen It threatens to call a general j trike on the national fete day, j uly 14. I With rigorous war restrictions one and Paris once more the proud ueen of continental cities, the i 'rench had promised themselves a cuI old-time Quatorze Juillet celeration. This means music, bands, rchestra? and improvised stages n street corners, plazas and parks nd a whirl of dancing all day and 11 night long and, with the new | raze for jazz bands and dinner ances, this year it would be almost festival of music. But the musicians are idle b? : nuse . proprietors of restaurants ! ismissed their orchestras as a proest against new cafe taxes voted y the chamber of deputies. The luslcians in protest threaten to ack up their violins and have a >al day of rest themselves on the , )urteenth, unless the Senate j mends the law. It is assuming importance In the apers alongside the German dis- j rmament protocol, for it would be catastrophe if th#usands of vis- | ors from the country and across le Channel should And theaters, tnemas and cafes without song nd dust settling on the piano keys 1 nd the only music the martial airs military bands with an Intermit- i; >nt motif of taxlcab horns. (Copyright, 1820, by Public Ledger Co.) J' __ eats Sister's Insulter; Victim Expected to Die ^ * New York, July 11. ? John Healy, j J f years old. was locked up yester- 11 iy, charged with felonious assault, , 1 ? complaint of Simon Hecklnger, j' years old. who has been In Mount Inal Hospital since Wednesday ght with a fractured skull. Heck- 1 iger asserted Healy and another j >uth beat him. j Healy told the police that last i rednesday evening, his sister, >sephine, 1* years old, told him ( le had been Insulted and assault- . I by Heckinger. Her mouth was 1 edlng, Healy said. Ho called a ^ #id the two went In search < r Hacklngcr. On finding him. < saly declared, his friend, whose ^ Wie he said ha doe* not know, < ivo Hecklnger a beating. Heck- i ger will probably die. the police : ? -jS: BRIDE DENIES ELWEIL AFFAIR! ! Betty Parsons, Famed N.Y. Beauty, Says Slain Man 4Just Friend." By C. r. BERTELL1. (UaiTtrul Service 8UIT Corrcupcodent.) Deauville, near Paris. July 11.? "Of course I knew Mr. Elwell. like iveryone else In Now York. I took .essons In bridge whist from him, >ut it is ridiculous to expect me to leny an obviously untruthful itory." Mrs. Schuyler L. Parsons, of New ,rk. who before her recent mar-* was Betty Pierson of the trio of beautiful Pitrson sisters prominent in New York society, made this statement to Universal Service today when she was shown that l>art the now famous "Kane affliavlt' which purports to refer to tier. These statements were cabled to me by New York headquarters of Universal Service for verification. Mr. Parsons, who was present when I Interviewed his wife here this afternoon. said: 'My wife's family In New York will do all the denying necessary." Herman Oelrlch, prominent New York clubman, said: "Anyone who knows about Betty will know how utterly absurd Mrs. Kane's story is." Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Astor and Mr. and Mrs. Vandervilt likewise characterized Mrs. Kane's assertions as "silly to anyone who knows Betty." Mrs. Parsons said in her statement to me: "If the housekeeper's affidavit is true, then there is another Betty Parson. Anyway. I never in my life lived on Fifth avenue. My relations with Mr. Elwell were exactly those between him and hundreds of other New ^ orKerit who know him socially. I played bridge with him. "I never heard of this alleged housekeeper. Annie Kane. "I decline to deny the story because it is too absurd to be worth denying." (Copyright. 1K?. by lr at Tens I Service.) y Burning Out When Man 'lares Up Again haired woman kneels. She looks at the face of Christ and makes the sign of the cross. lutallrd Mae Years Ag?. Nine years ago the husband ol the white-haired woman. Mrs. Frank T. Nichols, one of the most devout worshipers at St. Charles', installed the altar In his home. lie wa; growing old. nearing 70, and th< time would come when he would not be able to make the walk to the church. For nine years th? husband of the white-haired woman worshiped before the little shrine People of the Catholic faith know that in Catholic churches there is : light burning perpetually. It Is th; "spirit that never dies.' And so oi the face of the Christ at Nichols altar a light shone day and night foi nine years. It was a single incan descent blub placed there by the ol( man when he built the altar. Dur ing the nine years this bulb wai never changed. One day severa weeks ago the white-haired wife oi Mr. Nichols was standing gazini reverently at the face of the hrlsi at the altar. While she gazed th< light went out. She hurried Into another room t< tell her husband what had happened He wis dead. When she ran back, daxed. to th* r l^e I,eht was burning again It had been out about fifteen min utes <VMri *,c,l0,s waa buried from St Charles Father Fox. the attendln. pciest, does not understand the be1 avjor of the light at the altar. Eleetrlrlaaa Marvelled. Electricians from the Edison Com I any have stood puzzled before th? tiny bulb and wondered. The llf? of a bulb of Its kind Is barely ?lxt> ;V\y*' <hey 8a>- A year Is the longesl the> hava ever known any bulb tc Inirn continually. Members of St fth'* FV h and PHsrims from ether parishes have stod before th? shrine and marvelled. But the gray haired Hldow of th? (load man understands. While his soul was being judged the Ilgh went out. When It flashed up again That Is why kneels before th? ]J; democrats fear" COX SPEECHES MAY BRING ABOUT SPLIT CONTIJTCED FROM PAGE ON*, his recently announced position on the league of nations, the Ohio man evidently has been trying to fit ln with the Wilson plan, it |8 stlll the intention of the President to meet with the nominee at an early flate for a discussion of the issue. t<> determine what part the President can play In the campaign Men ln touch with the whit. Mouse are beginning to bellev^a? if Gov. Cox attempts manv times to absolve himself of the^cl* r>f the Wilson administration a^ h? Hid in the Irish question he "m find that the President will assume of neutrality toward his ca .lidacy that will have its harmful These same leaders are hoping against hope also that Gov. Co2 ivilt not come to Washington as has been reported and demand that ce" lain members of the Precis ? "ablnet be kept entirely out of tlte pre-election campaign Party Spilt to Be AfoMel " They feel that the adoption of ?uch tactics on the part of thi Democratic candidate will brln2 ib?ut a clash with the Presiding .nd a split In the party thai It 11 afTord ?t this time. A Senator who has just return.* rom the West said yesterday that .b"ckf!r1e ?" "Jimmy" Cox's .peech to hi. fellow club members Vest The Atm'r?ady the MldA* , The, American farmer as a lass regards daylight saving as one in^f ur0^t ,Ht modern evils and It hard' 14 ' for the Dern? ratic nominee to convince the .grlcultural elements of the counJnk h" t0ld hl" '?"ow Jub member* wag a pleasantry. POLICIES TOTAL ENORMOUS SUM War Risk Bureau Says That Business Is Exceeding $45,000,000,000. (By Cklrmal ferric*.) A total butineac exceeding 15,000,000,000 ha* been transacted by the Bureau of War Rlrk Insurance front ita creation in 1917 to June f0, 1920. it wu arncuncrd yesterday. In le-ia than two years the insurance dlvUicn has written 4,631.9P8 pollclea to the amount of $40,284.892.500, making It one of the Hrgest Insurance ccmpanlcs in the world. g All of the policy-holders were men who served in the army, navy and Marine Ccrps during the world v/ar. Of the number. 12$.300 were killed In battle cr died In the service their bencflclarles receiving a total of tl.141.81S.133.4S in claims. In addition, $28,536,640 was disbursed bjr the bureau In claims for insurance on account of permanent or total disability resulting from v/ar service. The medical division of ihe bureau. through the administration of which the government became med! ical adviser to the army of men j i-xrcsed to the haxards of war. has examined and treated 451,609 patient*. Of this number 54.779 were udmittei to government hospitals for treatment. The Marine and Seamen's InsurI anc? division, which during the early j part of the war wrote war risk tarards o nhulls. cargoes and sfeamen did a total business of 82.487.j !tl 3.351.74. the figures show. The Allotment and Allowance division to date hfc approved 2,090., f93 claims, Involving total payments of S555.S15.511.54. ' | Dedicate Dundalk Field to Memory Lieut. Pat Logan Dundalk Field, at the army Air Service station, near Baltij more, was Saturday dedicated to the memory of Lieut. Patrick Logan. who fell to his death there a week ago. The Rev. E. L. Leonard, of the Baltimore Cathedral, con| ducted the religious ceremonies over the spot where Logan fell, after which the field was formally dedicated by Gen. William Mitchell, director of the Air Service, and MaJ. Scanlon. commander of Boiling Field. .1 I F I i 1 > ! :| < Ready f ?? ' * ' ?1 = Tennessee Leader In Suffrage Fight :P^~1 x ^aH?|H MISS HK S. WHITE. To Miss Sue S. White, chairman of the National Woman's party, belongs a large share of the credit for convincing Gov. Koberts. of Tennessee, that his State should be the thirty-sixth to ratify suffrage and inducing him to call a special legislature. Miss White is in charge of the suffrage campaign in Tennessee^ During the war she was chairman of her State Council of National Defense and did brilliant work, registering 70.000 women for war work in a single day. TENNESSEE-FLORIDA CONVICT ARRESTED Darwin Woods, youthful Florida convict, who escaped a short time ago from a State road gang and is being held by the local police, charged with robbing a Memphis. Tenn., pawnshop of $5,000 worth of Jewelry, will be arraigned in police court this morning. Woods gave the police their first (clue when he attempted to pawn several pieces of the stolen jewelry. When arrested he gave the name of Frank Winfield. but was later identified by finger prints. Two other men were arrested with Woods. Both were said to have been with Woods Friday night , in his E street rooming house, and I both had some of the stolen jewelry I in their possession. Woods claimed [ they had nothing to do with the i Memphis job. He is being held for Memphis and i Florida authorities, who have been | notified of his arrest. lc home /ith a QUART Delicious lc Carry's Kewpie Doll or You at Our Dealers, 'FEDERAL PAfVl ISSUE RAISED Federation Heads Are Here To Study Party- 1 j Platforms. ,TWO PLANKS SIMILAR : I Record of Votes on Nolan Wage Bill Enters Probe. Calls upon the two Presidential candidates for interpretation of the party platforms by delegations from the Federation of Federal Employes is likely to result from the mealing of the executive committee of the federation which today will meet here to discuss the planks dealing with conditions of government employment. The session will last seven days. The planks adopted at Chicago and San Francisco are much alike in that they recogniz# the right of collective bargaining, condemn strikes directed against the government and commend a policy of equal and just treatment under civil service. Study of the two planks and party records will be ma<le by the executive committee, which includes representatives from the seven geographical districts. It is thr de.-iro of the federation als'. t<> btcir. from the candidal* themselves thcii lntc rpi < tations of the planks so that they may determine <xactly how they ate to be carried out in the event of the election of other. The position of the federation will I be based also on the record of the . democrats in the lrst C< nitres who I through a fliibuster In the closing ;pou's preverted rossace ol ti e Noj Inn waee bill, which had been api proved by th>- R< r i blican majorities ! in both Houses and the repeated efforts of Senr.'ors Mj its and Thomas. Democrat? and Reprer?>ntatlve Hlanton. Derrc<-rat. to kill th<* federation lts"ir l>y refusing it permission to affiliate with the AmerI ican Federation of Labor. Ir. furtherance of Its edticaM jnal campaign In behalf of recles?<flcaioi?. a nati^n-v lde drive for 10''.00"* members has plresdy been launched "Tty thus rMenptheii'ng !ts own lires th?- fedjratior expects to bring ' | additional pvb'ic sentiment to b<-ar i up"n Cong."ess and convince the members that the nrly way to hav? ?.d<<iuate and efflolmt public .verfire is to api>l? fair p.nd l.i;nlneasiiVc einp! iyir'Pt rolb-ies" dee'arod i"K J Newniyer, ?e< r* tary-lreasur?r J of th-' fedcrBtlm. last night. Sr 8 July 15 'I *