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' -r-wm-w* - '"/"* - C-5f. y - rn ~W*l*FVr?lX ' <1 * WASHINGTON HERALD 1 ^ _ Na 5006 WASHINGTON. D. C., TUESDAY, JULY 13, 1920. .TWO CENTS II * -ism COXAHDHATE ! DECIDE LEAGUE IS CHIEF ISSOE Democratic Nominees Meet ir At Ohio Capital and 1 Plan Campaign. ' ROOSEVELT CHEERFUL Will Quit Navy About Au-i gust 1 to Give Entire Time to Speaking. * By SAMUEL BLAIR. ?Umlnnal ServU-t! Staff Correspondent.) Columbus, Ohio,' July 18. ? The Democratic party will win or lose this fall upon the single Issue of the league of nations. The candidates of the party?Gov. James M. Cox and Assistant Secretary of the Navy Franklin D. Roosevelt? met today in the executive mansion here. They determined i upon one general plan of action. They will go to the voters next U month with this the substance of L their appeal: B| Accept us and the league, or reF fuse us and get along with the ReL publicans and without the cove' nant. ( Mr. Roosevelt will resign his as(sistant secretaryship about the first of August, or upon the return from Alaska of Secretary Daniels. Then he and Gov. Cox, will give practically their entire time to the business of persuading the nation?and particularly the western part of It ?that the league of nations and continued Democratic control of governmental affairs are indispensable to the United States. * League Dominant Inane. "The league will be the dominant issue -Hi this campaign, and I'll make it so in my speeches." Mr. Roosevelt told correspondents as he stood at the side of Gov. Cox after today's conference. He then recalled what he termed CONTINUED OS PAGE EIGHT. CROMISOX, I CODRT RULES ~ Children of Ex-Tammany! Boss Lose Suit to Prove Him Incompetent. Jacksonville. Fla., July 12.?The temporary injunction restraining Richard Croker. former Tammany chief, from conducting the affairs of his estate, was dissolved this morning by Circuit Judge E. B. Don' nell, who ruled that the ex-boss of ^ "* New York was mentally competent to handle his own financial affairs. The injunction against Richard Croker, sr., was granted March 30 L to Croker's sons and daughter. I A big army of counsel on both I sides attended the hearing at West ' Palm Beach. Celebrated alienists ( were summoned to pass uporf the L competency of Richard Croker. Judge Donnell's decision puts an end of the suit of the sons and f daughter to prevent the vast bulk of the big Croker estate getting into possession of their step-mother. Whether an appeal from the decision of the Circuit Court will be taken could not be learned today. Lodge Says Cox Is Fine Man, But Can't Be Elected Niihant. Mass., July 12.?In an interview today. Senator Henry Cabot Lodge declared that Gov. Cox. of! Ohio. Democratic Presidential nom-j .nee, "is a man posrersing a mjst: I pleasing personality, and steadily galnin? in popularltj since coming Into public life" He added, howf ever. that "no Democrat living can win the Presidency in the fall eiec tlon " J Senator Lodge said he expected io make several camraign speches for, the Harding-Cool id ge Republic, an ticket. - A DINNER f*he story referred to in this skit appears in "The Trimiped Lamp" under the same title?"The Badge of Policeman O'Roon.") The Adventures of An Author With Hla Own Hero. ALL that day?In fact, from the moment of his creation? I Van Sweller had conducted himself fairly well in my eyes. Of course. I had had to make ^ many concersions; but In return I he had been no less considerate. L Once or twiee we had had sharp, brief contentions over certain points of behavior; but, prevailingly. give and take had been our rule. His morning toilet had provoked * Profiteer Huntei To Fifth of A By Decisio (PaMfta L??iw Imlw.) Mor? than |4.000,??0 bu b??n appropriated during the laat jr?*r aad for the naw fls%al year which began July 1 for tha detection and proaaoutlon of crime by tha Department of Justice. Bat not more than 20 per cent of thla amount haa been or will be apent on the high coat of living campaign. It waa said yeaterday by department officials In anawer to the recent suggestion of Senator William S. Kenyon that the appropriation should be stopped. Figures announced by the office of Howard Piss. Special Attorney General, show that not more than $110,004 haa been spent on the campaign alnce it began last September. The department estimates the i monthly running expenses of the j campaign have been $12,000 while ! the payroll made public ahowa six- I ty-nine salaried employes in the | COHGRESSRIFT i REJOICES WETS ?_?? ; Representative Graham Exi pected to Get Judiciary Chairmanship. , I Public Ledger Serrlce. 1' ; With Representative George S. 'Graham, of Philadelphia, in line for the chairmanship of the House JuI diciary Committee, there la now re[joicingr among the wets in the pros' pect of possible modification of the j j Volstead act 'in the nex< Congress, i j The defeat of Representative An- j I drew J. Volstead, of Minnesota, au- ] I thor of the prohibition enforcement ! act. and the death of Representative ! j Dick T. Morgan, of Oklahoma, j I brought about the present situation, j Mr. Volstead was chairman of the I committee, while Mr. Morgan, also j a Republican, was the next In line for the position. Both were regarded as drys. Mr. Graham is regarded as wet as are the two Republicans who come nAtt to him on' the committee. They are Re pre-> sentatlves Leoftidas C. Dyer, oi Missouri, and Joseph Walsh, of Massa- ' chusetta. v It is understood that all three of I the leading Republicans on the committee favor a liberalization of the prohibition enforcement act. The dry forces are planning to wage war against all candidates in Congressional elections who favor a liberalization of the prohibition laws. 1 COURTAFFlRMS DEATH PENALTY Charles Marshall, Farmer, Who Murdered Four, to Die August 20. Jackson. Miss.. July 12.?Charac*. terizing the crime as one of "fiendish brutality." unparalleled In the criminal history of the State, the Supreme Court today affirmed the death sentence of Charles Marshall, a young Monroe County farmer. Date of execution was fixed at August 20. Marshall was convicted of dynamiting the home of Bob Miller, shooting four of its inmates, then setting fire to the debris, cremating the bodies. One of the victims was Marshall's own illegitimate child, the testimony develop<*d. The court's decision, read by Associate Justice Holden. gave full credence to testimony of Pearl Mty Miller. 14. sole survivor of fthe tragedy, who escaped the assassin by hiding behind a door and then saw Marshall kill her father, mother and sisters and the latter'a Illegitimate child. After the first three had been killed, the girl said. Marshall turned his attention to the crying infant as it crawled across the floor, slaying it with a blow. Referring to the girl's story. Justice Holden declared "she spoke the truth as it can only be spoken by a child," and that the jury was eminently justified in believing she had been spared that she might reveaf the perpetrator of "this dastardly deed that Justice might be done and the law vindicated." The court's decision was unanimous. I ; = AT? our first tilt. Van Sweller went about It confidently. "The usual thing, I suppose, old chap." he Bald, with a rmlle and a yawn. "I ring for a b. and s. and then I have my tub. I spladh a good deal in the water, of course. You are aware that there are two ways in which I can receive Tommy CarmUhael when he look3 In to have a chat about polo. I can talk to him through the bathroom door, or I can be picking at a grilled bene which my man haa brought In- Which nouli you rrefsr*" I amilld with diibollc satisfaction at his coming olacomflture. "Ntlther," I said. "Tou will .1 ? _i s Limited lllotted Funds > n of Department (alr-prio* organisation* and thirty' seven la the woman's division. In the (air-price commlaaion work, one (Mr. Flgg) at $5,000 annually; eleven at 11,000 or more; twenty* two at from $1.8b0 to $1,400. and the remainder from 1710 to $1,100. la the vmman'a division. two at $1,400; fourteen at *1,100; eight at $1,100; two at 9600; one at $100 and ten at a "dollar-a-year." The fair-price organizations are maintained in every State in the Union, it was stated, but In only CONTINUED ON PAQI THUI ROMSHlPPING BY AIRGHARGED Two Ensigns Face Court Martial After Bahamas Trip. / New York, July 11.?The famous order No. 99, wlyich Secretary Daniels Issued shortly after assuming charge of the Navy Department, forbidding the storing of intoxicants aboard any ship of the department, was completely disregarded by ofllcers of the seaplane No. 1606, which made a flight from Blminl, Bahamas, to Miami, Fla.. according to charges j resting against Ensign Windsor H. I Cushlng. U. S. N. R. F.. and Bnslgn Frank Lamb. U. 8. N. R F. The sea- , plane officers are being tried by a court-martial at the New York Navy Yard. Lieut. Hugh Cuthrell, acting commander of the Naval Air Station, at Key West, appeared as the chief witness for the prosecution today, but he was not at all certain order No. 99 had been violated. He said he saw the seaplane when it landed oft the station, and that when he looked the craft *"ver for repairs he came upon fourteen brown bottles without labels. Lieut. Cuthrell said he didn't even know there was a liquid in the bottles. much less liquor, but he in- ' structed the craft to be towed out ; and the bottles put overboard. They ! had been stored in the gun pit The bottles were dumped out, and the!' witness said t|hey sank. :i CEMETERY WORKERS |i DEMAND MORE WAGES (Washington Herald-Cross-Atlantic Service?Special Cable Dispatch.) , London. July 12.?There is trouble , In the funeral industry over the 11 question of wages. The workers Involved are those i employed in private cemeteries? , grave diggers, gardeners and coach- , men. A 25 per cent increase of wages has been demanded, and thus far the employers have shown no in- ' clination to accede to the request. 'Copyright. 19M, CroM-Atlsstic Newspaper Serrice, I sc.) Boy, Needs $900 Monthly to Live, ^ Mother Declares (By Herald Leased Wire.)) New York, July 12?Alleging her 17-year-old son Is In need of a new automobile and that in view of the high cost of living ! he will require $900 a month for ! the year 1920, Mrs. Nettle I Raught. of Milton. Del.. M guardian of her son Roland today asked Surrogate Cohalen to grant her this sum and $4,000 for the automobile. Mrs. Raught is a sister of Dr. R. D. Jones, who died iq Septembr. 191J. leaving her a specific legacy, besides crt*tlng a trust I fund for her son. the Income from which, she says, will 1 amount to $20,000 for the year 'l 1920. Mrs. Raught was appointed i guardian of the boy soon after < his uncle's death and he has 'j since been spending $4,000 a year for his support and educa- !j tlon. which sum. she sayf. a sur- '] j rogate's order increased to, $7,. L 800 last year. Surrogate Cohalen reserved '! j decision on the application. make your appearance on the scene when a gentleman should after you are fully dresaed, which Indubitably r?l\ate function shall take place behind close doors. And 1 wUf feel Indebted to you If. after you fio appear, your ~ deportment tnd manners are such that it will not be necessary to Inform the public. In order to ap. ]>eas? lu apprelMoslon. that y?u have taken a bath." Van Sweller slightly elevated his brows. "Oh. very well." he said, a trifle ly-iued. 1 rather imagine it concerns you mere than It does me. Cut the 'tub,' by all means, if you think test But it hat beoa HARDING GIVES |' 1TTEHTI0S TO U.S. QUESTIONS tk Labor, Agriculture and ,p Transportation Discussed r ? ' T\ At Conference. ^ CUMMINS AT MEETING " fc Senator and Raymond RobJ I p< bins Visit Marion Home ^ Of-G.O. P. Nominee. a v $ ~~~ Marlon. Ohio, July It.?Domestic T conditions reflected In labyr. agrl- ? culture and transportation problems were discussed today by Benatoi Warren G. Harding, the Republican j Presidential nominee, with Senator ; A. B. Cummins, of Iowa; Raymond i Robbing, of Chicago, and L J. Taber, | master of the Ohio State Grange ^ and a member of the executive con| mlttee of .the National Grange. The high cost of living burden ' that is causing complaint and resti lesaness everywhere was one of the , problems given much consideration j at these conferences. A statement I by Gov. Cox, the Democratic nomt- j nee. that he would place. If elected. | m a farmer at the head of the Depart- jr ment of Agriculture brought from! Senator Harding the observation | that a practical farmer, James Wil- a< 4 son, of lou-a, had been head of thls|j ( department for the ? l%*t sixteen years of Republican administration. J | and that if th< department had been bi maintained at its high efficiency a when taken over by the Democrats, j "half our problems of high cost of I living would have been solved for j us In advance." j,| Senator Cummins announced after , w COXTINTEI) ON" PAGE FOU*. b< ! ? 1? O ' Bathing Beach |el alj Feet Long, and j? Sharpened for Girlies ^ tn r As though water-logged, the rep- cc tile has thus far carefully re- in frained from watery sport, pre-1 D< 'fering rather to bake In the brll-jib ltant sunlight. But batbvrs who or yesterday triad to calculate how pj many regulation suit cases the u, beach pet would conveniently man- u ufacture w#re a trifle skeptlcaJ as e{j to what the monster's whims might al be another day. tn This thought of danger was in hl the minds of all except Washing- m ton bMeball players. Harris, El(lerbe. Engle and "Eddie,** the club- " i house boy. Crawling up to the | brute they slipped their arms I around its neck and plunked kisses on its nose. For, you should understand? it The alligator is stuffed. ex ..fl Merry Battle . \H smanship Awards; U Ones in Strong Field w Gi urday, as after IX p. m. Saturday tr I night It will be too late for regrets. te At this stage of the race them I are many candidates running com- wi ' paratlvely close. No member seems ar I to have taken an outstanding place, sa 1 and from the number of credits ye piled up by many active club mem- 19 bers it looks like anybody's race id and a strong finish for high hon* ors. F According to today's published standings the seven high ones are I Lawrence Herrell. Stephen Frame. Miss C. M. Hlrrllnger, Mrs. Mabel C. Berger, John R. Jenkins, Vilas O. Yetter and Harvey W. Williams. r' Lawrence Hesrell. who resides at. b< Winchester, is well known through- es out the northern-central section of 0,1 Virginia, having formerly lived at ar CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT or $1,800 a Tm Paid for Flu. Exporters of Winnipeg, Manitoba. 8e who some time ago shipped con- P' siderable quantities of flax fiber, th have received advices the product 1* selling at $1,800 a ton on the open P? market In Belgium. The flax was he frown at Beausejour In this prove It ince, and Deputy Minister of Agrl- gt culture Evans predicts that lnI creased acreage will be planted next 8 j season. m I provoked our first till frank eye, and flrm Jaw." Eater on he looked In at the club and saw Freddy Vavasour, polo team captain, dawdling over grilled bone No. 1. "Dear old boy," began Van Sweller; but in an Instant'I had seised him by the collar and dragged him aside with the scantiest courtesy. "For heaven's sake talk ilke a man," I said, sternly. "Do you think it is manly to use those mushy snd Inane forms of address? That man is neither dear nor old nor a boy." To my surprise Van Sweller turned upon me a look of frank pleasure. EIGHT GROUPS INTHIRDPARTY CONSOLIDATION * Labor Conferees Hold Out Over Question of Joint Convention. UNITY PLEA CHEERED Wild Demonstration Greets * Harmony Speakers at Chicago Sessions. By E. lUXK GARDIMB rUmlrermal Rsrrlce BUS Corr??pos<fcnt.) Chicago, July XI.?After a series of all-day conferences between leaders of the different groups a union of the following organisations was announced: Committee of Forty-eight. American Constitutional party. American party of Texas. Single tax party. Nonpartisan League of South Dakota. World War Veterans. Private Soldiers' and Sailors* League. > Rank and File Veterans' Association. At the time this announcement was rn^de to the Committee of Forty-eight, national convention, the conference committees of the Labor party and the forty-elghters began another joint seislon in an effort to unite on a common ground. -The difficulty is a disagreement over tne plan for a Joint convention. Announcement of the % partial amalgamation was made when representatives of the different groups CONTINUED ON PAGE TWO. Horrors! Alligator at Eleven and One?H\ With Teeth Te mermaids of the Tidal Basin bathing beach, hereafter take with re to Washington's midsummer Fountain of youth a chair?a chaifr an which to stand. Ton sandy ihore, where once ye sun bathed vlUiout the risks of running colors or disarrangement of your 1930 ipangles. has become infested with? Mosquitoes'* No?an alligator. L. Gordon Leach, operator of the bathing beach, yesterday released in alligator not more than 11 % feet long. It has the docile way of a calf, t>ut Its teeth! Its eyes betray nothing but pleasure at the marvelous sights along the beach Front, pleasure mere man discovered months ago. Home Stretch Finds For Herald's Sale Seven High Here we are in the home stretch! The final week of The Herald Salesmanship Club campaign is at hand, and the race for the $6,000 home, the six big automobiles, and flftyslx other awards is near the end. What candidates do during the remaining days of this week very likely will decide the winners of the biggest and best awards. Therefore It behooves each and every Salesmanship Club member to put forth their best efforts today, tomorrow, Thursday, Friday .and Sat- ] 1 KILLED; 2 MAY DIE IN FALL OF SCAFFOLD Baltimore, July 12.?One man was tilled and two others critically in- 1 ured today when a board of a scaf- . !old upon which the three were working in St. Michael's Catholic I Church broke, hurling them thirtyIve feet to the ground. John C. Achmann, 65, of Brookyn. N. Y.. was killed. Anthony S. 3rask, 40, New York, received a 'ractured skull and internal in- I uries that may cause his death, and 3. Guebbe, 44, New York, was inernally Injured and his body badly lacerated. His morning toilet the usual thing, you know." This was my victory; but after Van Sweller emerged from his apartments in the "Beaujolle" I I was vanquished In a dczen small bu/ well-ccFttsted skirmishes. I allowed him a clgc.r; but routed him on the question of naming Its brand. But fte worsted me when I objected to giving him a "coat unmistakably English In its cat" I allowed to "stroll down Broadway," and even permitted "passert-by" (God' knows there's nowt.eie tc pass but by) to "tarn their heads and irasc with evident admiration at his erect figure.'/ I gave him a "smooth, dark face with Its keen, ^.^'.1, ... Trotsky Says Rv By Their Inadt ' To Maintaii (Tht following interview with Trot- ' y trat granted to a special correondent of the Manchester Guardian t st before the Polish offensive began. ' he correspondent has just returned i London and published the inter- i ew.) ' London. July 12.?Leon Trotsky , ir a considerable time l.a< given , ? Interviews to newspaper corresmdents. As military and naval i | imnliiar he combines . the, posts i . f war minister and first lord of , 10 admiralty. 4nd now, duiing th" ; DLAND WILLING TO OBEYALLIES; ftll Meet Any Demands to Obtain Help in Stopping j' Bolshevik Advance. iPsMlr Mgtr Service.) Foland Ls reedy to meet any de- i lat-d* that the al les may mike i order to obtain a"siftance in :nppin? the Bolshevists' advance, | ecording to information which has sen received by this governm^nl, n<l there seems little doubt here nt that Gen. Pilsut'ski \?ill or ler withdrawal to the lire fixed by [ ie Peace Conference. In this connection, it was ex-j lained. the Poles contend that they ere never officially advised of tne >undaries fixed by the Peaco Court nee and that those lines the | onferenee dl=.cusred were conoid- , ed to be of a temporary nature. j There was no Indication here that j ie United states would pertlclpaf; i any way ir the aid that might i > extended Poland. Officials of < ie State Dei artment said that,! , ere was no way tr. which this j i untry could join In such a move a the present stats of affairs. War ! ' apartment officials were positive at the brigade of Amtr'cun troops i ' Initially sent to Europe for th? I irpos* of (>atrolllng Silesia would < t be sent to the aid of the Poles. I t-.Uary officials, however acktiowl- > [ged the gravity of the situation id said that the Bolshevist army ? day is the moat formidable and ? ghly organised fighting m*ihiae i Europe. ' FIFTY-FIFTY" MATE | SUES FOR ALIMONY j | New York. July 12?An alleged | ite-nuptlal" agreement that their : penses shotld be borne on a j fty-fifty" basis was set up today | John George Peppier, of Wee- j wken, in answer to the applica- j >n of Mrs. Daisy Peppier for . imony. Mrs. Peppier was granted $5 a ?ek alimony by Vice Chancellor lffln in Jersey City, pending the j ial of her suit for separate mainnance. Peppler's attorney said Peppier ' is a Scientist devoted to psychic 1 id meteorological research. He i ' id be had knfcwn his wife nine ars before the^ werf married in j ' IS, and' that they had "advanced" j j eas about marriage. EDERAL EMPLOYES | TO STUDY PARTIES 1 Some indication of what party tha J itional Federal of Federal Em- j ] oyes will support in the Novem- I ] tr elections will -be given by the ; i lecutlve council today when It will ' ( Dcially analyze the Republican ( id Democratic party planks, ; lther C. Steward, president of the j ^ ganlxation, announced last night, j i The council devoted yesterday's i ' salon to routine business and will | ( obably review today the work of ( e last Congress. I' "Until we know what the third irty now in convention in Chicago 11 to offer, we are not endorsing or any other," said President i eward In commenting upon pos- j' ble parly support by the govern- ' | ent employes' organization. n ? "I am glad to hear you say that," he said, heartily. '1 used those words because 1 have been forced to say them so ofteji. They really are contemptible. Thanks for correcting me, dear old boy." Still I must admit that Van Sweller's conduct In the park that morning was almost without flaw. The courage, the dash, the modesty. the skill, and fidelity that he displayed atoned for everything. This la the way the story runs. Van Swellar has been a gentleman member of the "Rugged Riders," the company that made a war with a foreign country famous. Among hia comrades was Utmsc* O'Roon, a man whom ISS Held Back ' quate Facilities i Transportation ibience of Krassln. he baa aided ? "l(*e th? pout of commfotar, or nlnister of w*y, of cimmunldion, watch ir. the rresent condition of transport U rcrhapx the most difficult post in the Soviet republic. The farthest be has been billing to go In giving interviews n either the Russian or the fori??n pre?3 is to dictate an s vers t>t 'elinite questions submitted on pa^er. i consequently consider my ft lucky when, through a mutual friend, X was able to arrange a resula.- interview with him. I saw !'lm in the commissariat for ways >f communication. In the cuter office were a st ange group of officials?a sailor from the Baltic in Jnlform, an elderly civil rervant of ihe oM ministry, and t couple of Jfflcert*. * Trotsky was sitting at Krassln'* :abl#> in the inner office. Unlike serine, who, in jpite of the bulie. n him, sejms but little change J. CONTINUED ON PACE ELEVEN VERMONT KILLS WOMEN'S HOPES Governor Clement Rejects Plea for Special Suffrage Session. Montpelier, Yt., July 12.?? Gov. Perclval W. Clemept. of Varmonfc Republican, today issued a proclamation refusing to call a special session of the legislature to make possible ratification of the Federal suffrage amendment. Gov. Clement in his proclamation declares the constitution of Vermont should not be changed without due deliberation. He took occasion to attack the prohibition intendment as having been forced through Congress by a "powerful md irresponsible organization " provided with unlimited funds. The proclamation reads in part. As it stands and is interpreted by the Supreme Court today, the Fed!r*' Constitution threaten* the 'oundation of free popular governnentl" Referring to the reported threat >f the Lileuter.ant governor, to the 'ffect that he would call a special I session of the legislature if the fovernor left the State. Gov. ClemCONTIXCED ON PAGE THREE 3ABLEBRIWGS DEATHDETAILS [ewish Relief Workers Slain While Distributing Food In Ukraine. New York, July 12.^-Confirmation >f the report that Prof. Israel Frledlander and Dr. Bernard Cantor, prominent Jews of this city, were murdered in the Ukraine Is contained in a cable received ftom Poland by the Joint Distribution Committee In this city today. "With deepest heartaches, informing tragic murder of Cantor ?nd Friedlander." reads the cable. "Dr. Cantor's chauffeur returned to Lemburg, reporting that the two lad been killed on the road near k'armolince. between CurfkuranKamienic and DoUk. Dr. Ueff and VCr. Zybert (both of New York) immediately proceeded to the spot, md we are now in receipt of a telr'-grsm front them confirming the leath by violence of the two men." Prof. Friedlander was connected with the Jewish Theological Seminary and Dr. Cantor was associated with Rabbi Stephen Wise, of the Free synagogue. Both were part >f fifty' prominent Jews chosen to lirect the distribution of food imong the suffering Jews of Poland. Austria, and other European countries. _ Negro Drinks Wood Alcohol. William Jackson, colored, of Akon, Ohio, drank some real "tangle'oot." They say it was wood alco10I, but anyway, Jackson's in the :ity hospital and can't walk. He nay die. Van Swell liked. A strange thing and a hazardous one in Action?was that Van Sweller and O'Roon resembled each other mightily in face, form, and gen*r*l appearance. After the war \ an Sweller pulled wires, and O'Roon was made a mounted policeman. Now. one night in New York there are commemorations and libations by old comrades, and in the morning, MAunteiL Policeman O'Roon, unused to potent liquids ?another premise hazardous In Action?finds the earth bucking and bounding like a bronco, with no stirrup into which he may Insert foot and* save his honor and his bad go, tair?s8isba&fc.... ALLIES TO GET , ARMIES READY i TO CHECK REDS " I ' | Foch Ordered by Spa Con- ^ ference to Mass All Available Forces. TEHERAN IS MENACED Continued Victory of Soviet Troops Makes Premiers Uneasy. ( By taltenal ftervlre. I I Special Cable Dispatch.)) London. July 12.?The BoUhevikl, according to a dispatch to tb* Dally Express. have landed four ship loads of troops on the south i shore of the Caspian S^a and are advancing southward, gravely en_ 'daggering the British position i north of Teheran, capital of Persia. (By I ailed Prru.)) Spa. July 12.?Marshal Foch has iheen instructed to mobilize available allied forces for possible intervention between the Poles and Bolshevik! in event the Moscow government refuses'to accept the proposal of the conference here for an | armistice, it was learned on gooci 'authority today. Prevtare Aid to Poles. Should th<- Red forces continua their advance into Poland the allies will give every aid to the Polish troops behind the armistice lin? xed by the peace treaty. Ailed military assistance to Poland hinged onwhether the Soviet armies would * withdraw to this line or contlnn? their progress toward Warsaw. belief preva.'!ed here that. tnmsrnuli as resurrpti .of coimnerclat Mentions between the allies liutxia hal been made a condt 4?* In the armistice proportL the Koiu cow government would order th* Red troopj to halt'at the Polish : boundary. Warsaw In Ducrr. Pollshs Premier Grabskl. w*? j made a strong appeal to the allies j lor such actl n. admitted M*?h resistance < n the left center ! hnd risht had trcken d< vn toA ? that It was a Question of but * short time before the Soviet armies might take War aw. Grabski declared fighting by tb^ Polish army had constituted tb* only course a Bolshevik advance. into Europe and vigorously denied charges of Polish imperialism. Tb? allied armistice proposal was tb? result of Grabski's appeal for aid.. The conference here will take n?! further action in the Polish situation until a reply has been received* from tbe Moscow government. Meantime Poch will mobilise a. mixed force of troops from France^ Great Britain and rtaly for possible use against the Reds. GET 2 WHISKY STILLS IN RAID Revenue Officers Arrest Man and Confiscate 230 Gallons of Corn Mash. Two whisky stills and one man weie taken bv Untied States revenu officers yesterday in raids on twi "icmes. Francis E Muratte. 411 Humpo>? i -s urt sou:hwest. was arrtsted by | Revenue Office s W. J. Green and J. W. M >re and anl Policeman Thompson. The i ciders charge they found a t-t 11 in perfect condition and jealy fcr operati n Mura't' was arrai nei b fo.e United States Onrai fioner Hltt tnd barged with ill rval po.stestlon of a sliU. : He was released on 1500 bond. i The officers a!>o confiscated a still ; :n th.? hune of William R 1 in ? n. colored. 106 .K strie: southwe-t |Thre- gallons of <oin whliky eni 230 gallons of c< rp mi h were also . founi in the residence. Tie police I aro looking for Ro' ii son. j /( ByO. HENRY Noblesse oblige?^ Surely. So out along the driveways and bridle paths trots Hudson Van Sweller in the uniform of his incapacitated comrade, as like unto him as one French pea is unto a petit pois. It Is. of course, jolly larks for Van Sweller. who h3s wealth and social position enough for him to masquerade safely even as a police commissioner doing his duty. if he wished to do so. But society, not given to scanning the countenances of mounted policemen. sees nothing' unusual in the , officer on the beat. And then comes the runaway. x CONTINUED OS PAUK bttVfcX.