4-Piy Quarter Size COLLARS 19| D. J. Kaufman, lac. IMS Pa. Ave. Ill 17th It CURED HIS RHEUMATSIM! -I am e.fStjr-Lbree year* old and 1 doctored fee rfceoaiatiaa ew since 1 came oat of tbe era: 7. erer SO jeara afo. Like aaay (ten, I speat moaey freely for ao-ealled 'ever end 1 hare read abeet Trie Add' na til I cooid alaaoet taate It. I could net lee* nights or walk witkoat paia; my baada were ea eeee aad stiff I could not bold a pea. Bat aow I am agaia la actire business aad eaa walk wltk eaee or write all day wit* comfort. Friends are sarprised at the change." You might Jnat aa well attempt to pwt oat a Ire wltk ell aa try to get rid hot year rneaasstism. aeorltla aad like com"plaiata by taklag treatmeat supposed te 'drive Uric Acid eat of yoar blood aad body. -It took Mr. Aakelmaa fifty yearn to find out tbe trntb. Be learned bow to fet rid of the troe eaaee of kla rheumatism, other dleordors. and recover bis strength from "Tbe laser Mysteries." aow being distributed free by aa aatborlty who devoted over tweaty yeare to tbe scientific study of thla trouble. If amy reader of "Tbe Herald" wlahee "Tbe Tleaer Myateries of Rheumatism" overlooked *r doctor* aad acieatlata for ceaturiee paat. imply aead a peet card or letter to H. P. Clearwater. Nx 108 W Street. Hallowell. ilaine. Bead aow. leat you forget! If aot a sufferer, cat out this notice aad hand thla good aewa aad opportuaity to some afflicted frlead. All who sead will receive It by retura ma?l without aay charge whatever.? Adv. ^VffrLOAHS HORNING Diuaoads, Watche;, Jewelry South End of Highway Bridge ORRIQ I CLSANSCR ) DTII ' Our kind of service is i tbe better kind. Right j methods, Right Prices; J Prompt Service, Pleas- I > ing Results. J TWO STORES | , 710 Ninth St. N. W. 3176 Mt. Pleasant St. i Fhsae m as will eall. We do eieaa* i tag. dyedag. repalriag aad pressing. J SPECIAL SALE1 Of Elgin and Waltham BRACELET WATCHES K-c.i S-ai^ G iaa a teed Tweaty Tears, $21.50 A Small Depeait Will leeerve It Us til FISCHER'S 438 9th St N.W. Open Evsnings Until O'clock. ^ Mall Orders Promptly Tilled. j Rheumatism A Remarkable Uoaae Treptaeat Given by Oae Who Had It In the Spring of 1893 I was attacked by Muscular and Subacute Rheumatism. I suffered as only those who have it know, for over three years. I tried remedy after remedy, and doctor after doctor, but such relief as I received was only temporary. Finally I found a treatment that cured mc completely, and it has never returned. I have given it to a number who were terribly afflicted and even bedridden with rboumatism. some of them 70 to SO years old. and results were the same as in my own caae. I want every sufferer from such forms of rheumatic trouble to try this marvelous healing power. Don't send a cent; simply mail your name and address and I will aend it free to try. After you have used It and it has proven Itself to be that long-looked-for means of getting rid of your rheumatism, you may send the price of It. one dollar, but understand. I do not want your money unless you are perfectly satisfied to send It. Isn't that fair? Why suffer any longer when relief Is thus offered you free? Don't delay. Write today. Mark H. Jackson. No. 122G, Durston Bldg.. Syracuse. N. Y. Mr. Jackson responsible. Above stato* sat tras. " a ICHTWA Y SCHOOL OF DANCING fl218 NEW YORK AVE If TO. ar. think tag about tea rains t. dine, don't nU. a dtrl.lnn before you bar. Tlaltad tk. Rlfbtwaj Studio, tlw only ap-to-date Daarlai aontb of Maw Tort Prlrata coon, lauoaa. kalf Hour, $1. Prititi room for beftaacra. "A ?? not bar. ? appotatm^KT Open 10 a. ta. to 19 p. m. Pbon. Frank U? TS54. A Delightful Season Te Vist EASTERN VIRGINIA 0U Poiat Norfolk Ysfaas Beach Pilmt Riw, CWsM^ke Bay, RM4I D?ily Service?Modern Steamers Norfolk k. Waduagton Steamboat Cm xeanooat u. ( LARGE BOOZE j FORCE URGED. 1 1 Commissioner Says Staff Is J Too Small to Cope With Whisky Makers. \ i I Declaring that It *u Impossible \ for a city the else of Washington | to b? policed against the main- i tenance of Illicit atllla and the 1 wholeaale concoction of unlawful j beverages' with the "handful of j! men" now assigned to do thla work. U. S. Commissioner Isaac R. Hltt yesterday stated that Congress must appropriate more money if tha situation is to be coped with effectively. "Those men who are detailed to ferret out illicit atllls are doing fine work," Commissioner Hitt stated, "and I do not want to take any credit from them, but It is a fact that we are getting no place In actually cutting down this practice in Washington at present." Benjamin Franklin Bailey. 32, of in U street southwest, and Jennie Jaggl. 1230 Union street southwes*. were arraigned before Commissioner Hitt yesterday afternoon on charges of operating Illicit stills at their residences. Both pleaded not | guilty. Bailey was released on 1500 bond and Jennie Jaggl's bond set at 11.000. The arrests were made by Policemen O. W. Mansfield and E. F. Thompson on Friday. The officers declare they found It gallons of corn mash In Bailey's home and a 'coll. but no tank. At the Jaggi home, the officersj told the Commissioner that they had found some apparatus secreted j in a -mnk. while beneath a trap door they had found two Ave-gallon jars of whiskey mash and half a pint of the finished product. HOSPITALGETS LARGE BEQUEST P. McK. Baldwin s Will Leaves $51,600 to Alexandria Kin and Friends. TUX HERALD BCRKATT. A. S. Doniphan. 727 Kinf Street. ALEXANDRIA. Not. 27.?The will of P. McK. Baldwin, dated November 6. 191*. and written in the handwriting of the testator^ today was admitted to probate fti the circuit court, this city. After making bequests to relatives and friends amounting to $51,600. Baldwin directed that the remainder of his estate. amounting to several thousand 'dollars, go to the Alexandria Hospital. Dr. Arthur Snowden he named as executor. The testator directed: that no inventory or appraisement be made and no bond be required of the executor. | To his uncle. William P. McKnight, he left S100 and in a codlt oil provided an additional $5,000 for 1 McKnight; Dr. Arthur Snowden. i $5,000; Albert Altcheson. $5,000; I cousin, Elixabeth Jones, $10,000; t cousin, Frances Davis. $?0,000; I cousin. Fannie Hill Howard, $10,000; 'cousin. Bertha Baldwin Gordon, $2,; 000; cousin. Bessie Baldwin, $2,000; aunt. Emily Baldwin. $1,000; to the; surviving daughters of John T. and Agnes Johnson, $500 each. It also is directed by the testator that $1,000 additional be paid to Dr. Snowden for handling his estate. In connection with his bequest to the Alexandria Hospital Baldwin said in his will* "Tl\e object of the Hospital bequest is to alleviate 'human suffering without racial or religious discrimination, and the bequest is so made. No part of the fund shall be used for any sectarian or religious purpose." Bowadary Steae Uavelllag. The last of the thirty-nine original boundary stones of the District of Columbia located on Russell road just north of King street will be un- j veiled at 3 o'clock Wednesday af-j ternoon. Addresses will be made by Representative R. Walton Moore. and Mrs. Alma Sylvester Barber and Rev. Dr. S. A. Wallis and Rev. Dr. W. J. Morton will take part in the exercises. The affair will be under i the auspices of Mount Vernon Chap-| ter Daughters of the American Revolution of this city. This stone is know as stone No. 2 and is located about 150 feet north of the King street road. Stone No. 1 is at Jones Point and was unveiled several years ago by the Daughters of the American Revolution. There were originally thirty-nine stones marking the original boundaries of the District of Columbia, which then included Alexandria. Work of tracing them was begun by Mrs. Barber, of Washington. Mrs. Barber in her talk Wednesday afternoorf will tell of the work of tracing these stones. At the conclusion of the exercises a children's choir will sing "America." Dnun Corp* Eatertataa. Members of the Lambskin Masonic Fife, Drum and Bugle Corps of Washington, numbering about 300, came over t? Alexandria tonight 1 and staged a big entertainment in the opera house. The visitors were welcomed by Mayor James M. Duncan. Others who spoke were William H. Huttla, master of ceremonies; Henry Lansburgh, and J. B - Dexter. Songs and recitations were given by Nick Carter and L. W. Brown. The visitors were shown the Washington relics in the Masonic Temple and previous to the entertainment had supper in Odd Fellows' hall, which was furnished by the members of Martha Washington Chapter No. 42, Order of Eastern Star. Jasler Order Pragram. I Members of James W. Jackson Council No. 55, Junior Order of {United American Mechanics, will at, tend special services at the Methodist Protestant Church tomorrow | night. A sermon will be preached I by Rev. G. J. Hill, pastor. They j will be accompanied by the mem! hers of Belle Haven Council No. $1, | J. O. U. A. M., Mount Vfernon and Mary Washington Councils, Daughters of America, and Friendahip Council. Sons and Daughters of | Liberty. All will assemble at 7 o'clock at the hall of Andrew Jackson Council on North Pitt street land march to the church in a body. LOCAL MENTION. TRY STAG?$1 UP inouL vuilt. bbbt w cm. AaUrastlnOocfeeM. claftjn optical co. an r nun .?. ^wSKJ Girl Dies in Vain Effort LEGLESS EX-CONVICT ? Iw"rd "<*>? o^^r^TZIj' jmm!, m.'.. t LESSENS CAR SHORTAGF been "Wked throughout the eoun- T C n . n I tit y*-VwWTft?l charge. Dodaon I, lo a boapiuU uKAND JUKI WILL HEAR " iiswwwnmi ^^y*ik2\is?z ? d*" ue held for shooting ? evidence m murdr ,rrr..""n:, '"uvr": ?iar.s57s.,?ys: ^ ? carun proposal , ^ "* "=; ,?rsz r: sswasrffi-wiena happed and praised--' ~ur f=5 s: >lu. of equipment ... a.en ywter- fetadytriBe GiH Wcdl folk ?d We,t?n Rallmr. whll. ^?ht i0,1"! h? "? olctr Bur- ? 2J25V2U ^ lay In a report of the American BRANDYWTnib uj v . trying to ?ave the life of bar do*. ???,' * mi. la In jail at Th? ''"wtc Untitle* Commlwlon f rLrt.s Bo??na?a ^oml Rallwav Association BKANDIWINB, Md? No*. IT?A Seeing the do* on the tracka and 5jJ!L*ur' ch?r?e? one for robbery aad on* for pouring In to the executive office* b^r ro ''Rr'T?.1^ ,VV**e^.y I.?. ,r?7POrted ,ck- Md- Th? R?v. Dr. Char . E. of undetermined origin completely "Policeman. A March of of the commiasion. When U. co?- "Si 1? uTSTfJ? JZXTlLlli V. vh? I... wa," s"" ,c*r*- Cruaoe officiated. Mi.. Eunice Saa- de.troyed the home of Mra Jennie .nf^'owd * lot of good. mission la ready to make a daclalon ^ ^ ,"cfc** ?hlch waa 4.SSJ car* lea. than in the .cer sang. The uahera wer. Hehry E Coptnhaver aT Boyc" io??heJ Siv'jfj? be,n ,tole? T,,or - 11 wl" have to through ". I*" - preceding week. St. Jamea Linden Brlacoe. Jr., broth- with its contents. The ' I OBI wa* ern tlf< k . * Norfolk * Weal- batch of latere praising the pro- nnM 1 as anai.i One of the pr.nclpal rea.on. for er. and Maynard Rob*rta. |,,,o?o. with no inaurance. toSay'J?*B'u"rf "" "?,h'r THE MAXWELL FURNITURE CO. j?B| OPEN 8 A. M.?CLOSE 6 P. M. )?j 415 SEVENTH ST? BETWEEN D AND E |ClM^m|g GIFTS OF FURNITUra ' (very purchase of t.'soo, 6 Table ^ II ?^, Z Spoons, 6 Tea Spoons, 6 Porta and 6 Knives ? .???: ??; Six-Piece Dining-Room Suite in Oak ?di?ee") deUvered fr"- ^ " ? Advantage of This Bedroom Suite, 1 ^ Dresser and Chiffonier, O^plet^ 1 1 Frobublv nev.-r in all vnur life have m? had a han.-r to cet .-> bar- Mctil !'.< a lln Ba'n like ^ig- J"'1 'lke'Jf Jict?rf-""j,' of 80,, cial Must be seen to be appreciated ^ < Piorc "loan L JA. ttHfl . M JC3 .J?*! AmfWVV\ AO^ ? I nubber-tlred bicycle wheels. $6.98 quotV iSciildeJ U 1WM1W ACCD tOgf U tu? loA hSU-}j, f r* &A UXp V "P*0"1' the silk shade. p p . 9& /W^rm*01 ^ PONY CAR SS smoking Carvm8 * 1 Teddy ;m3 J-^4^ stro and ^ $9 98 1 iiiii Bears I home as weif as t3 ^?TTT^ Hi ^K1 I ^a'IO?*ny Finish,! * Bfl special forearly '.J of^ttie^cupa^nt"11'6 \ \ " *' Table.tamps: Nickel Trimmed, A special value in this three-piece I TeddyCIB?ar, cov- Has natural hair-nicely dressed. This Model $100 ) VA OA fompTeteTh^ A* no ."Til* fiP?tJ1,Cmp^ i ered With heavy a for little ""? ? ?i?u V T ] XQr and ?C OK >4 9M ,ted w,th n*?ural bone handles. Owr li fur cloth. Has I i>sZay Prctty | ?$2.00 Weekly | V7 oyc j base...j price presents an unusual saving. I $3.50 Clock for $ 1.79 IfiiSii js 'yTij|#g l I ktf /sT^l ^ L A very good timekeeper-better than the ' ' MJL Wlf EL H Kll UT Library Table old-fashioned 4-inch alarm because of the ' u BM Pi/( ftS * * * i?ok R larger case which gives more spring room. #1! * 1 \ v BifcMMpr Cases drawn from solid brass, so they can- MiffA A ntfTT?y' 881^^ Queen Anne Library ?,^vS^r fcfei I w I FURNITURE CO. mm CTiff Tab,e-,n m*ho-ny off. WW* fiy^?3|L finish, with drawer a. i $1.79 415 SEVENTH STREET N-W.g^0 |Hfl ^,. $18.75 '""'i v ; :<"V i. , *