OCR Interpretation

The Washington herald. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1906-1939, September 08, 1921, Image 11

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1921-09-08/ed-1/seq-11/

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Four-Day Convention in
Washington Begins
September 21.
Local Issues Dull?Personals.
Crissinger Reports on
Bank Statistics.
i The .National Association for
Identification will hold a four-day
convention in Washington beginning
September 31, acordlng to announcement
This association, which Is headed
br J. H. Taylor, of the Navy Department.
was formed for the purpose
of devising new ideas for
identification purposes. Qreat work
ha? already been accomplished by
the body, and members are confident
new schemes of material aid
will be threahed out at the coming
Latest reports state approximately
ISO specialists from the
I'nited States. Canada and South
America will attend. Sessions will
be held both mornings and afternoons
in the Ebbltt Hotel.
Local Securities.
Trading on the Washington Stock
Kxchange yesterday ruled extremely
quiet, from all indications being
strictly for investment purposes,
lionda registered greater activity,
with Railway 4s assuming the
leadership, with sales aggregating
14.000 at
Washington Gas 7H P*r cent
notes were slightly off, $1,000 selling
at 103% or a decline of half
a point over the previous sale. Potomac
Electric general mortgage fs
held steady at
In th? stock list, thirty shares
of Capital Traction sold at 87. five
, >hares of Washington Railway preferred
at 56, and twenty-five shares
of Washington Gas Light at 45.
Call money remained at 6 per
i cent bid for 7 per cent fanda.
Capt. Andrew Parker, vice president
and trust officer of the Washington
Loan and Trust Company,
recently returned from a fishing
trip. ia exhibiting in his office a
huge tarpon, caught in Florida
The big fish measures six feet
and three inches in length, weighs
120 pounds, and battled Capt. Parker
for an hour and ten minutes before
be!ncr landed.
John M. Riordon. cashier of the
Hank of Comnretce and Savings,
taking: a two weeks' vacation at
Atlantic Citv.
George L Chipman, manager of
th? local branch office of Harrtman
and Company. New York stock
brokers, is spending several months
at Bar Harbor. Maine.
Treasury Statement.
According to a report Just released
by the Comptroller of the
<*urrency. during the month of August.
1931. there were received
eighteen applications for national
hank charters, with total capital of
15,630.000, while one application for
charter was refnsed. Thirteen charters
were issued, the aggregate captal
being $1,395,000. Six national
banks increased their capital, the
total amount of increase being
' $275,000, and four national banks.
' with aggregate capital of $350,000.
I went into voluntary liquidation.
Two national banks, located In Paterson.
N. J., were consolidated under
the act of November 7. 1918.
Two national banks were placed in
charge of receivers. The number of
I national banks in operation August
iZl, 1931. was $.117.
I A. B. A. Notes.
\ Speaking of the coming American
fcankers' Association convention at
k.os Angeles in October. George MKleynolds.
chsirman of the board of
Khe Continental and Commercial
Kank. of Chicago, says:
"The country needs some of the
Brholesome optimism that is typical
Hf Californians. There is no better
^Kediura for radiating this quality
hope and courage than the AmerKn
Bankers' Association, which
^Hli hold its annual convention is
decidcdly beautiful and dlstinctprosperous
city of Los Angeles
have not seen the Wst of speakor
topics, but U is not unlikely
many of the serious discussions
^Ythe coming meeting will bo difXcted
toward answering this question.
This much is certain: Leading
hankers, many of whom will be
present, and some of whom will be
on the program, are close students
of affairs at all tim#s. This is especially
true now. They will have
much to say that will be of vital
niterest. much that ought to help
shape the policy of business and direct
it in?to safe and sane channels
during the next twelve months."
Dead Price Is Raised.
The firm tone which the municipal
bond market has shown recently
is further illustrated by the announcement
that the syndicate
which purchased the issue of South
Dakota twenty-year C per cent
bonds hss raised tbe price fo the unsold
portion to 104*4 and interest
to yield about 6 per cent.
New York Slock Exchange
Boston Stock Exchange
Philadelphia Stock Exchaag*
Washington Stock Exchange
.New York Cotton Exchange
Chicago Board of Trade j
New York Curb Market Association
Hibbs Building
Washington, D. C
1 ' 11 ? * . i 11
v?} K?|
iilrg fucks. Open filch. Luw. Otow. ch|? tilM> iteck?. 0>w Hlcfe. Lew. OIom. dai
as Uum n>m> MM wi 43% 43% ? % 22 JJ*,V f'm *** "i# 10,,i 101,4 >*>H +1%
1330 Advance Homely 11% la lt% 1? +1 J*T*I ?*? 1?% 1*H 1*% + %
900 Aki Robber 20?i SOU 20 3)U llw Loft Caa4/ B% |U &?:
7400 Alaska JWu <k4d.*.. 1?4 1* !5 J2 *22* 14r4 14#* ,49* +2%
0Q0 A 1Mb' Chalmers .-8SH Sl'4 38 33'4 ^ LOrlllard. P pf... *.. 100% 100% lOo'fc 100% + C
m? iiM ci?. ?*..::::: 5% Si " 8% + % ,2? ir";,"* ?T * * +>%
Im Agrlcul Qm .. SI MS S3 M 4-1 *} I,u*" ; ; ?>% ?% 23% + %
200 Iwr kiril HiCMto-. 3? 83 33 33 K??*ltttt Ktel?lg4.... 39 39 39 39 ?1
00 Aairtni Oil ........ 28 28 HU 2?% -f % -TO Marlaad Oil 15 15 }& ^ +j
M0 Am*r Car Foundry ... 137 127* ltf 1ST + % ? - ??% 118% 100* 114* +3%
800 Ameriraa Cot to. oil... 20 20% 20 20% "2? JJJdOU 12 12% 11% 12 + %
100 Awrim CotlMOU p( 43% 48% 43% 43% +?% *? Mlirale Steel ......... 34% 34% 24% 24%
100 Amrr Dra( ?r.dlc.t.r 4% 414 4'. 41* ? % 200 Mia* St Loola (sew).. 10% 10% 0% 0% ? %
voo A?.r SiS iJ; ,$ ,J2 ,2% _% ?? ?r?? ?.?. ? ? 7. 07* to% .+ ?
2900 Amer I star Corps 80% 32 80% 81% + % ??? K*a*** ftlu 1% 1% 1% ]U ? u
100 iMrttu U FWac. . 8% 8% 8% ?% + % ?? >"?x*rt *?** 1?% 10% 18% 19% + %
M. Amer Umm4 Oil pf.: 43 49 48 48 +1 ?2 MlMwrl r?l8? pf...? 88 8814 81% SS + %
3000 America Imm 87 88 % 87 8T% + % - "J? ?*?? ??? * " ' ?% ?*% 1714 18% +1
100 American Locomo pf.. 100 10? 106 100 +8 ?5 J"'""1 >? -!?. 14 14
209 Americas Safety Raaor 8% 3% 8% 8* + % Blacult 0? pf.... 112 112 112 112 +T
8400 Americas Hhip Cam.... 2% 7 0% 1 + % ?? Nail Cloak Bnlt pf.... 59 SO 09 69 +2
1200 Awr Smelting pf M% 80% 36% 30% + % 200 Natleoal Load ........ 75% 70% 74% 70% ? %
no? A?? fcaiS? ,*f A... 3* 5% 22* 2TS *? ?Uf- 1* ? ** ?% + 2
100 Americas S.uff 102 102 102 102 +2 -M? *.? * ,c^1 O?**#" ?% J>% 1*% 10%
1900 Ann Staal roaadrr... 24% 24 * 24 24 ? % -'C K?* Orli, Tkui. Mm. 51% 51% 01% 51% _%
8900 Aaertcaa BoorT\... tB M 00% ?S% + % 1200 S * Oaatral 71% 72% 7m 71$ + %
3)0 American Molar pf.... M% 88% 88% 88% ? % 400 N Y, N 11. Hartford... 10% 10 15% 10
4*00 Amer Hura.lrm Toba-vo 47 4T', 40'* 47% +1% ! '-'u? x * *'">tera U'? ll% 1 j I/% ? %
4103 Aaierlcaa Tel Tele?... lo?% 100% 100'i 100% + % i S"? Nurfolk boutlicra 9% % 0% + %
4400 Aaier Tofcao-a 134% J2#% 124% 13?% +2% Jw Narfolk beaten 95 90% ?0 fl.V, _ %
100 Amer Tobaceo pf laew) 88 88 88 88 500 North Anorh'aa 37 31 30% 3?% +1%
1200 Aawr Tobacco Claaa B. 134 125% 124" 1S4% +1% "M0 North Aaierlcaa pf.... 32% 32% 32% 32% + %
9900 America a Woolen .."... 78% 74% 72% 78% + % 8300 Northern Pacific 78 70% 78 70'? +8
190 Aaierlcaa Zinc Lead... 7% 7% 7% 7% ? % '-'00 Nora Bcotla If teal...... 28% 234i 28% 23% ?1%
2300 Anaconda Copper ?7% 87% 87 87 + % 20> Nunnallj Co t>% ?%. ?% ?% + %
100 Ann Arbor R B pf..... 31% 24% 24% 44% ? % ?? 0*'? ne8ala?.... 1% IV 1% 1% + %
000 Ate*. Tnpeka, 0 ?a.... 8S% 8.'.% 85% 85% ? % **> Orpheum Circuit 21 21 20% 20% ? %
300 Atl, Blrmln*. Atl 3% 2% 2 2 ? % 200 Otla Blnvntor 88 88 88 88
200 Atlantic Conat Li an ( % 8?% 80% R0% +1% 200 Otla Dtnel 8% ?% 0% ?% + %
7300 Atl G?lf, Went Indian. IS', 27t; 24% 27 +1% 53 r ? W 0 pf 120 120 120 120
1300 Atl. Uulf. Went lad pf 2l'a 22% 21% M% +1% 200 Poetic Derelopaent 10 10% 10 10%
34300 BaMwta Loooina 80 81% 79% 80% + % 900 PacMlc Gun Klectrlc.... 85 53 0?% 04% + %
8800 Baltimore Ohio 87% 38% 87% 37% + % 8900 PaclBc Oil 36% 80% 30% 36% + %
400 Baltimore Ohio pf 51% 61% 51% 51% ? % 1WOO Pan A*er Petroleum .. 48% 51 48% 49% +1
1JOO Both Steel Claaa *.... 51% 52% 51 51% ? % 2200 Paa Am Patrol Claaa B 48% 44% 48% 44 +1 .
100 Booth Klnkerlen 3% 3% 3% 3% + % 100 Pnakandle T% 7% 7%V 7% + %
200 Botta Copper Zinc 4% 4% 4% 4% ? % W?0 Pnaiujlranln R K 38 3?% 38 ~3S%
ouo Butte Superior Copper. 14% 14% 14% 14% ? % 1000 Peaaa Ben board Steel.. 8% 8% 8% 8% ? %
300 Butterlck Co 28% 23% 25% 25% + % W0 People'. Gai MU 06% 50 0?U + %
3*11 Caddo (HI 9% 10% 9% 0% + % 16 ) Pere Marquette 10% 19% 19% ? %
200 Calif Packing 62% 62% 62% K% 300 Phlu (ompnnj 28 28% 28 28% + *%
121)0 Calif Pntroloum 86% 30% 36 36% ? % 3800 Phlllipn Petroleum 23% 23% 23 23% + %
100 CaUf Petroleum pf.... 74% 74% 74% 74% +1% 4100 Pleree Arrow 12% 13% 12% 12% + \
600 Calif Lead Zinc 4 4 3% 4 + % 800 Pierce Arrow pf 28 28% 28 28% +1%
2900 Cnaadian .Pact*.- 1Q 113% 112% 113% +1% Pteroe Oil 7% 7% 7% 7% + %
ItuO Central Leather 27% 28% 27% 28 . + % 200 Pierce Oil pf 44 44 44 44 4-4
400 castral Leather pf 62%. 62% 62% 62% + % 500 Pittsburgh Coal 51% 57% 57% 37% +1%
000 Cerro 4a Paaco Copper. 27 27% 27 27% + % 200 Pittsburgh Vent Va... 20 26 20 20 ? %
0*00 Chaadler Matort ...... 44% 47% 44% 47 + % ?*) Pond Creek Coal 14 14 14 14 + %
600 Ckeaapcakc Ohio 53 03 54% 54% 4- % .800 Prenaed Steel Car 54% 53 54 55 4- %
400 Cklcago Grt Weaters pf 16% 17 16% 17 + % 1600 Pullmaa Co M% ?5 M% 90
3900 Ckleago. Mil. fttPanl.. 20% 26% 25% 26% + % 30.) Puata Alegre Sugar ... 29 29% 29 29% ?1%
2880 CM. MU. St Paul pf... 38% 39% 38% 3?%/+ % 900 Pure Oil Co 25% 25% 25 25% + %
600 Chi Nnrthweatera 65% 00% 65% 63% + % 800 Rwy Steel Spriagn 80 82 80 82 +2
100 Otleago Psetr Tool M 50 00 00 +2 200 Ha; Coanol Copper 12 13% 12 12% + %
11300 Chicago. R 1. PaeiSc.. 32% 33% 32% 33% + % 4400 Ileadlag R R 68% 09% 68% 88% 4- %
100 Chi. 1. Pac 6". pf... 60 60 ?0 60 200 Reading R U lnt pf.. 38% 30% 38% 39% +1
3800 Chile Copper 10% 10% 10% 10% + % 300 Rending RIM pf 39% 89% 89% 89% ? %
200 Chlaa Copper 23 23 2S\ 23 ? % 700 Rem Typewriter 2?% 23% 22% 28% +1*
290 Claott. Pea body 89% 39% 39% 39% ? % 500 lteplegle Steel 24% 24% 28% 23% ?1%
1000 Coca-Cola Co 35 30 34% 34% ? % 900 Republic Iron Steel 47% 48% 47% 47% ? %
2400 ColoaiMa Gaa Electric. 06% 57 00 06% + % 300 Republic Truck 0 ? 9 9
3300 Col Ora^kopfeaae 8% 3% 3% 8% ? % IsOO Royal'Dutch 51% 51% 50% Bl?i +1%
Wo Coaaol Dint 5 5 4% 5 + % 200 St Joe Load 11% 11% 11% 11%
700 Coaaol Gaa 87 87% 87 87% 1500 St. Lou la (Southwestern. 20% 20 25% 2".% + %
9900 Copaol Teitilo . 1?% 17% 15% 17 +1% 300 St Loain Saa Fraa pf.. 3>i 36 36 80 +1
300 Cast Caa 41 41 39 39 ?3 1500 St oLaln Koutfe wen tern. 20% 26 25% 2.".% + %
.Coot Cnady % % % % ? % 000 St Looin Soothweata pf 34% 34U 34 84 + %
10200 Cora Product 60% 72% 69% K% +2% 200 bnntn Cecilia Sugar... 2% 2% 2% 214
200 Corn Productn pf 101 101 101 101 *? % 200 Kaioa Motorn 3% 3% 3% . 3%
WOO Condea Co 23% 38% 20% 25% + % 500 Seaboard Air Llac pf. . 9% 9% 9% 9% + %
12SM Crucible Steel 80% 60 58 % 59 + % 8700 Seara. Roebuck 66% 09% 60% 68% +1%
100 Cuban Amer sugar .... 14 14 14 14 1300 Seneca Copper 17% 17% 17% 17%
122 ??* *"* 8u?,r ** ?* 8% + % ??? Slaclnlr Coonol Oil 20% 20% 20% 20% + %
2300 Cuba Caae Sugar pf... 28% 20% 19% 29% + % 1200 slona Sheffield Stl Iron 80 3d 85 86 +1
900 Delaware Hudson M6% 100% 100 1?% + % 4300 Southera PaclBc 7T 78 77 77% + %
1600 Dela. Lack*. Western.. 98% 101% 96% 190% +8% 18800 Southera Railway 20% 21% 20% 21% +1%
100 Diamond Match 98% 98% 98% 98% s 1700 Southern Railway pf.. 47% 48% 47% 47% + %
2X ST*."I"' "% + % ?? standard Milling 90% 91 90% 91 + %
200 Duluth. S. 8. Atl 17% 17% 17% 17% 800 standard Oil 136 136 138 U6 + %
1300 Endlcott Johnson 61% 61% 61 61 laoo Standard Oil pf 100% 106% 106% 106'i
1300 Brie R R..? 13% 13% 18% 13% + % 200 Steel Tube pf 70 70 70 70 42
800 Brie R R 1st pf 19% 19% 19% 19% + % 200 Stewart Waraer 24 24 % 24 24% -i-1%
.25 P* * R a* * >3% 18% 13% 13% + % 29700 Studebaker Corp. 74% 75% 73% 75 + %
2500 Pamooa Players ...... 56% 58 54% 57% + % 1500 Superior Oil 8% 4% 3% 4% + %
800 famous Piayera pf.... 80 80 80 SO ? % 800 Submarine Boat 4% 4% 4% 4%
200 Federal Mia Smelt pf.. 22 22 22 22 +1 1200 Tean Copper Chen) 8 8% 8 8% 4- V
200 Fisher Body 86 87 86 87 +1% 6000 Trill torn pa ay 86% 86% 80 36
200 Piaher Body pf 100 100 , 100 100 3500 Texaa PaclBc 21% 24% 23% 24 + 44
500 Flak Rubber 9% 10%' 9% 10% 4800 Te??a Pncidc Coal OH. 19 19% 18% 19 J *4
400 free port. Teiaa 11% 11% 11 11 + % 400 Third Arenue Rlerated 13% 13% 13% 13% ? %
13300 General Asitfislt ...... 48% 50% 48% 49% 4-1% 818)0 Tobacco I'roducta 67% 61) 67% tw% 4- V
TOO General Asphalt pf.... 87 87 87 87 +2 17800 TranacODtl OH 8 9 8 8% X 2
200 Gnstoa Williams % % % % 000 Caioa Oil 18% 18% 18 18% ? %
200 General Cigar 67% 57% 57% 57% + % 1300 1'alon Pacific 119% 120% 119% 129% 4- %
1500 General Electric 124% 124% 123% 124% + % 30.) Calon Taak 87% ^7% il? "Il I J*
6?00 General Motora 10% 10% ?% 19% + % 2400 Called Drug 50% 50% 48% 48% ?1%
200 General Motora pf 64 64 64 64 + % 000 Caited Drug 1st pf ... 39% 30% 39% 39? 4-l2
400 Oeaeral Motors ?% deb 64 64 63% 6^t ? % W0 United Knit 106% 106% 106 106% + %
200 Grant Northern Pf 72% 74% 7J% 74% +1% . 4530 I'nlted Betnll Stores.'. 53% 54% 53% 54% + %
200 Grant Northern Ore nub 28% 28% 28% M% _ % 1200 C B rood Products ... 17% 17% 16% 17
300 Greene Cananen Copper 20% 20% 20% 20% + % 700 U S Indue Alcohol 46% 47% 46% 46%
1800 Gulf States Steel 35% 88% 85% 38 +2% | 2200 U S Realty Improve .. 48 41)% 48 4? 4-1%
1200 Hartell-Barker Car.... 06% 07% 06% 57% - % 4800 US Rohber 47% 49% 47% ?% ?%
200 Hartjsaa Corp. 70 70 70 70 200 V 8 Rubber lat pf..:! 85 21% ? %
900 tIou?ton Oil 48 51 48 M +2 18706 U 8 Steel 7fl 77 76 ^ 7?\ 4- S
?? Happ Motors 11% 11% 11% 11^ ? >4 900 U S Hteel pf 109 100% 100 100U U
200 Hydraulic Steel 8 8 8 8 4-1 8200 Utah Copper 47% 48 47% 4?% 1 2
HjEfi C??"J ? % 90% 4-% 100 Utah SecVrities Corpn. 9% 9% 9% 9% <fl
o00 Indlakoaaa Refg _% .% 2% ? % 1800 Vdnadlum Steal Corpn. 31 31% ao% 30% 4- ?4
200 Indiana ReRtrfng pf.... 7% 7% 7% i% ? % 140O Ta-Cnrollna Chcm .... 31 81% 31 31% 4- %
200 1 ua pi ration Copper ... 33% 34 33% 34 4.% 900 V. Carollaa Chem of.. 73 74 % 73 74% 4-%
2tW) Interboro Coos torpn.. 2% 2% (% 2% 4- % 900 Vlvaudou 7% 7?i 7V4 78i I 2
200 Interboro Con Corp* pf 8% 8% 8% B% 4- % 800 Wabash R R . T>' Jt. 71J 71J
*2 !"? Agrtcultnral .... 7% 7% 7% 7% + % 200 Wabaah R R pf A 20% 20% 20*4 20% J- %
2300 l*t.r Harvester Co.... .8 50 78 .9% 4-1 100 We-tern Maryland .... ?% 9% ?% 9% ? %
oOJ Inter Paper 44 4.t*s 44 43'j 4-1% t 300 West Marvland 2d pf.. IT 17*4 17 17% 4. u
?? inter Merc Marine 10 10% 10 10% + % I loo westefn r,ct6c ... 21% 21% ?% 21? 1 u
<500 I*.u>r Men- Marine pf.. M 4.?% 41 *. Wertem Parlflc nf ?)> ?ni i v
2900 later Nickel 13% 13% IS 13% + % 300 W*ntera Uaioa Telrg.. ^2*% 82% 82% f*2% ? $?
;,vlv.?,tm st sk 55 1;* + -? we.tin,J,jri," *... ? i!s ? 4;% ^%
?*00 lllanl Oil ............ % -8 .% 2'* ;JW Wbeciine lake Prie 84' **' *1' *1' I
120P Jewel Tea Co......... 10% 10% 1?% lo*, j mi White \ tor* " ' s?. J 4 * s!t* 3?'* T I4
12D0 Jewel Tea Co pf 32% 33% 32% 83% I Wh?, oil 8% m'* + *
!)?> KanrrsClty SeotberB.. 26 26'a 26 20 + % JiV) Willys .1 crluud 6 6% 6 6 ? >i
200 Kmis City Southern pf. 51 *1% 31 ??1% -pi J i> 0 illve !> crlaad pf 28 "Q ?8 "P 4-1ti
ss; ;*K SKr*" Tlre- 2* 21* 22* ilu -X * -* wi"i .1, le.trai :::: 3 S% S S% ii%
J?*) Kf Whwl ...aeo.ee **8 e*M ilK ? % | 'Hill ,*4 I. - . ... ] s,. _ *g *? qv51 ?? 1 6
200 Kemwrott Copper 19% 19% 19% lil'J + % J lVrglit " P J ?S i 1 +1
2ie> lieyetot e Tire 12% 13 12*; 13% ^ % i ^ " 8 8 8
Ir?e^"a -.?* M=4 T r' T" *g*i?t 734.800 yesterd.y 516.060
Lea Ipntber Tlra K* 25V ?*?- "TIB * yeir ago. and Dalidav twa year* *,o.
4W. I. HiUks * C?.. Bibb* Bids.. Menikern ,\. T. C?rk aarket Ann.) Cfurni?he<j hy Golden & Co.)
' Kllffs?Southern. 36c: nearhv
INDVSTRIAf.S - . 2000 Cundclari* Mlaing 92 90 9'* j
I 200 Acme Co.1 ....... 83 '94 ?? j NW Cons Cop Ml?e>.. 80- r# * I PHnt. 4I?50t; cre.imerv.
550 Amul vratlke?-.*.! 11 * j treaaon Gold .... 1% .. ' i cxtrg. Hat8c; store packed. ISaSTo.
; 200 Br Am Tab Iteg.. 11% ... .. -500 Bi Sajv.gor is .. .. 1 Poultry?Alive: Roosters. 16a
, 800 Br Am T0?C0 Con 11% <1% 11% 40(? Divide Elteaaion. 801 34 ? . .
j 700 Car Light ...... 1A - 3?o Eureka Holly ... l- 11 ,e- )>Pi1nseis. iO&Zoc; wliite Leg|
418) Com f |f.... 06% 65% 66% 4O00 Kurek* Croesus .. 2* ' 28 js ! horns, !8a30c: hens 24al'Cc v*un?
200 Com r r pf KS% SJ% &3% lOato Goldaeld Moreaci ao ay m i . .. y^uni.
3400 Colum Emerald .. 1% 1% 1% 2000 Gold Zone Ifr lceats. 6jc; dressed fowls. 28&3l)ri
5 Sura." -o^":'- ? - ? KM!u ^ ;; 8p:,nser?- dre"ed2>j0
taipirp Food ... 52% 20oo Mc.x.mtr* ! *.*.*.'. u" ii FruiU (Or^en)?Lemons, per box.
^ rlSdT^Ti^1, lfu ^ i??5l2iXriLCrec'- .? I2.60a5.0f; California peacher.
100 Goidwyn Picture. 3% '.1 100 Mother" Lode* "" *4.4 M 43 *1-5#*J 00: new apple*, bushel ba*~
I 200 Inter Rubber 8% 6% 6% 3000 ^Jl,'' ' 3? 4 30 ? kets.l2.00a4.00
100 Locomobile 51 ? .. 1I0J Nlp'iMlag 414 .si ii ^ egretableti?New pots toes, bbls.
I 'Lm ptlita*?M<>t,.?r "' 3Tm s!u i^oIS 5" S*1*?'"---- 20' 10' 10 3 '6-00?7.60; 10-pook sacks. 34.00a
I 1-WO P?r?tlon Tlri'. 80 78 78 ^80 2.'Am'S,'a'n" " l? . * * *-S#; oantaloui^s. Callfoma stall790
Radio Co ......: 1% ... .. 1000 Tono Cart Roy 4'* dard" '2-6#*S-#?: flats; 75ca?l.;:.800
Radio Ca pf .... 1'. 1% 1% 0000 Toaopsh Divide' " 71 7^ z.{ ? cabbage, home grown. ?3.00?
200 nep lire Hub.... 24 .. 200 Touop?b EzUn.*.*. \f. 3.50 per l>lxl; beets, per bunch, 2at>c,
a>0 Btjirtfc n > "B" 3ij . . 3?0 TuolAwne .* 40 ]! peppers, per crate, Il.00ft3.00: nearSS
S^Uu to4. ^% lweefra^1,i!*-per CF*' > ?v**?50?;
I 1000 Tobacco ProdQcta 5% 5% 5% 200 Weat Ead Con"' P' " " potatoes, per barrel. J4.00JV
i 100 Todd ship 69 .. .. looo White Papa '" J " " ? yams, per bbi., $3.5086.00; now
i 500 United Prof Shar. 11, 1% 1A 1000 w'ost CtjU) . "t 'h, '.[ apples, bushel, basket, t2.00aj.50;
'"J? Ji"!,"?,";',??*1 400 Vugoa (Joid So T. vorl^ bunch celery, 25a7fcc:
. * .!H Watermelons W.ooiio.oo p?r ion
I r'000 C 8 8te?m 30 33 30 11 Am TAT 6s, '22. 99% .. .. Meats ? Dressed veal, 16al7c:
1900 tr a Distributing 22% 22% 22% 8 A TAT 6s. '24. 96% .. .. choice calves, llal2c
lO-m Wayse Coal 1% .. .. >. *?> Tob 7a. '22.. 103% .. ' .. -j
100 Alles Oil 40 .'. ? Anaconda 7*. 29. ?4% 94 94 17. S. Department of t,H,.?i,??
2000 Allied Oil 4 \ Armour A Co 7>.. 98% 9S% 38% uuresu of Market. ' l
8200 Ark Nat Oaj ... 10 3 3% 2 Bearer Board 8a. 75% .. .. ,r B,r*"", Sep?e?iber 7.
25 Atl Gulf (Ml 1* .. .. B*,h sieel 7a. '30 90 94% 4o Based on September 7 quotations
-5S ^1**?f 2% .. .. * ? ? X.tBy SqjM 102% 102% 102%^ on important markets, prices for
7700 Boose Oil 20 18 20 } Chi U* SU* 6%s 105% hav fe.rt .n<t n.i. _ , . *
200 Boston Wyo Oil.. 73 72 72 8 Chgo A E I "?. .. 60 .. ... w ki . i - i?
1000 C*rib 8ynd ....'.. 4V? 4ft 4* 1 Con* Oaa 6a ioo% .. .. Hvered Washington. D. C? . for
10 Cltle* Serv pf. old. 120 .. .. 7 C?P B?P 8s, '24... 10% .. .. prompt shipment, are quoted as fol100
Cities Serv B ctfs 13% .. . .. . 0 Cop Kip 8*. ^O.. JM%; .. .. lows:
100 Coeden A Co..... 3% .. ... J "'ten* tdg oil 7. 94% .. .. No. 1 timothy hay. ton. 125: No.
\Z??ui?on':::: 7% :: :: Afni.8?;: ^ *% LiTo01111'',n': nK i cJ?v*r- ?u*d4?o
Elk B*sin Pet... 6% 6 6 8 Grand Trunk 6%s 38% 98 98% '-,0' -sprins wheat bran. $21.75:
UOO Engineer* Pet ... 40 39 39 16 Gulf Oil 7* 90% ... ... spring wheat middling, ?21J!5; cot700
Federal Oil ..... 1% .. .13 Humble Oil 7*.'.. >7't ?7% #7% ton seed meal (S6 per cent). $41: old
100 Fenalnad ?ll .... 1% .. .. 20 Inter RT7?... 75% 7S% 75% process Ilnsoed meal. ?45: gluten
^SranaJTwi ::: "" M 84 If&T&V?, 7':. u'i ii? '??<? Liny feed (white)
3200 1st Petro 10% io% 10% 1*5 * 8tPA8SM ?%s. 101 100% 100% drled be#t P?'P. $23.75: No. X
100 Imperial Oil 8% 8% 6% "atl clkARnlt 8a 92% .. .. white com. bushel, 73c: No. 2 yel1600
Utlngitos OU .. 30 25 30 J *? ? HAH 4a. 52 51% 52 low corn. 74c; No. 2 white oats, 4?c;
1600 Lyona 83 80 31 > ?J' B'"?lda 6;c 100 .. No. 3 white oats, 44c.
25 Sa'^'So" 2ZS% ?% 5K?It7^. ,S5 ::
200 Merrttt Oil 7 .. .. " 80 ** 7a, 1361. 104% .. toBi No. 2 timothy (Western)
1300 Mexico Oil 70 66 70 29 BO NT %* .... 101% 101% lilt hoy. $24.50 ton; No. 1 clover, mixed.
700 Moan Prod ? 7% 8 1 South Ry 6s t>8% ,. $24 ton; spring wheat bran. $21.75
3000 Noble Oil AG*... 18 . .. J Boutjw Bell 7*.. ?7%. .. .. ton; winter wheat bran. $22 ton;
'SS^'gar:::: 1% ?% a ?s% ?o23:5 to? floui
1400 SaR Creak Prod.. 10% .. ..- * Teia* Co 7* 11)0% loo 100 ^ '-8-50 tonv cottonseed
100 Baputpa Ref .... 3 .. .. 2 Ua ?y of H 7%* ?2% meal (36 per cont old crop). 442
1800 81mm* Pet 6% 3% 6<4 11 Vacuum Oil 7s.. 101% 101% 101% ton; gluten feed. $38 ton; bominjr
4d? Skelly on 4% .. 7 We.tern Blee 7*100% feed (white). $30.75 ton: flour, ?oft
S 61 M 2 WUchester 7%*. 98 .. winter straight 0*40 lbs Jute). *<*
1000 West state Oil... 35 .. FOREIGN BONDS. -* 6.75 per barrel; hard winter
m 4sar-..?s;? ss
M ?U M y. ?? !.? eik point ,1 l.,j ,? " """ 419
Alaska Br Col... 60 55 5$ the United States is in Death Val- The Russian government coined
200 American Tl* ... 8 .. '*y- Cmllfornia. It is 273 feet below ruble pieces of platinum in the year
27(100 Boat A Meat 72 to 70 sea level. v 1323.
' . > r
complete n. y. bond saits
<W. K ^iMa ? Oft. lUMa >??. HmMm H. t. IMck ?! ?>
i I i
NEW TORK. 8?pt. 7,?To 1*1 aalea of bond* on the Block Exchange
today were $12,723,006 ajrainat $10,817,000 yesterday, >*.701,000 a week aso.
It.t3t.09* a year aso and holiday two years aso. From January 1 to
date M.l 11.14 J.tOO asainat 12,140.114,000 m year aso and 11,127,181,80* two
year* mgo.
Following la a complete llat of bond aalea today- Total aalea of each
security and the high, low and closing prices are given:
n?. Hick. Lew. Clew. Then Mirk lav. Oeea.
?li > Liberty ?V4a.... 87S4 8734 S740 8 NT Ets ret 4a... 6%
1 IS Lib 2a4 4a. .... 8780 1 NT Hja adj lie... SVa
2S U 8 Lib lat 4Ua 8780 8783 HTM 10 XV*, ad) Sa 4*
1 1 8 Ub 1 24 4V4a.... ?370 29 NT Tel deb 4e... K* UH
387 U 8 Lib M 4%a 81*4 8fS2 8788 18 XT Tel fea 4He.. 84 83% SI
H! Mb 2d 4<4a ie?.. >788 S S V W ft ? 4V4a. JO .V.', ?i
1248 D S Lib M 4U< ?** ?IM1 I11M 14 K 4 V Ma 4a.... 78'i 7#% 781a
40 U 8 1.1b <! 4%a nt- 91*4 9180 H1X0 II N ft W rat Se..-.. 108U ..
1856 U 8 Lib 4th 414e... . ?S09 #7V2 8798 1 X 'ft W dial 4a.. 11%
IBS Lib 4th 4>4? re*. ?7>I *774 87V*) 12 N I' prior Ilea 4a. 77%
8344 It 8 \1:> vtj 4%, . . :?*?i OWN * oa 10 Northers Tae Oa.. 102
9 U 8 Victory 4%> ref. OtM l.'?2 P18? ? Nor Pat gea 8a... 07% 3<i4i M%
8S!) U S tia .r 8%a 9008 9900 lOOfl 1 Ner St P?w lat Sa 81 %
KOREK.V BONDS '^ NW Bell Tel 7a.. IWj 103 103
rOuglON BONDS. 2 0 ft Csl lat Be... 92
1 Argentiae Goat Sa 71 .. .. a O-W R B ft Nt 4a 02
37 Belftom 7'4a .... 10814 102% 102% 8 P O ft Bier Sa.... 80 7981 79%
62Belfl??,8e 102* 10Pa 101% ,, P."uVu?tor 8.. 97 ?*
11 Relfluaa 4a. 1923. 03% 0?% 9jty 1 p.A p * f 7,.... 88*4
17 Chlueae Ot By Sa 18% 48 48% 7 p?B n r 7., 1930 104 103^ n'tfa^
4 Clt> of llfrjcn g, .?i, ,7 IVtln ? 8 3, gg H7% S;?,
0 City of Bordeeua*a 84% 88% 83% Ijn p |t R Ue d 8%?. I?t% 1<W?. ]<ai>.
18 City Cbrlatlaale 8a 100% 100 100% SPOftCofG&a. 73 74% 73
31 CTTyCop'h'gea S%. 98% 7?% 7?% 2 Peoria ft IS lat 4a. 67 ..
5 nil 3 ,Bcr?* ? lSi 'SSt *21 - Pm? ,Un' rf* MV4 '*
? 212 . L,om 84 . 84 28 Phil Co rrl deb Sa 07 !M% 97
0 City of Paria (N.. nil ... 1 port n LAP 5?... TSVi
15 City of Zurich Si. 101 100% 101 j p^ g 0f N J 5a.. IK *
38 DaaUh Mud i8 A. 101% 101 if 102 gj Readiaf ceo 4a... 76K 76 76U
64 Danish MM 8. B. 102'* 102 102 3 R ' * W?it li 60S
10 Dom*Rapabtlr 6.. 76% 79%, 76% 7 *lAjJ 7*a 88U 08 66*4
hsr-1.* '? w* i? wu3ru? mi 8HS .
- DofO 5a, IH6 04 M ... 4 gtLtMUk* K| 4?. 74 C
14 D of O Sa, 1681.. 60 66% 60 33 KtLAXF pr In 4a A 92\ 62% (2U
C9 French Oart 8a... ^01% lOlVi J01% 8tLA.SK Sa. 8 B.. 75'A, , 70 75
861 Krwch Oort ma.f06Vi <?*A S stlMr n 6a S C 60S .
3-i tap Japes lat 4%a 80% 88% 8C% 17 HtlASF sdj ?a ...?8Vi 08% 86%
10 inp Japan 24 4%? ?1% 17 BtLftSK lac 58% 18 5?%
18 lap Jap all Is 4a 72% 71* 72% tm. Xw lat 4a.... <W\
SJ Ktsi ef Deam 8a. 108% 102% 108% 19 KtL 8w ros 4a. .. 04% 84% 64?i
1 Kofltaly ?%a ... 87% .. 2 KtPftKCHhL 4%a. 8?'i
17 King of Norway to 104% 103% 104% l BtrMftMM ?a 4^ 83% ..
10 Klag of 8wedes 8a 89 IIALtlh aU... .".4%
09 Rep ?f Chile 8a... 90 98% 98% 4 K A L rfg 4a .19 8g% 39
1 Rp of Cuba 3?. '04 78% 3 H A L adj Sa..... 28%
38 Uruguay to 90% 98% 99 23 8 A L roe 8a 40% 49 49%
18 8wt.a i.o.t 8a 107% 104% 1?<7 134 Slerlalr O r\t 7%a 00% 90% t*l\
31 8 of 8ao Paulo to. 97% 98% 97% 6 8 B T ft T Sa 83 82% 83
-1 28 Hou Pee e*t 4..., 82% 81% 82%
i 15 *1 5%?. 22 99% 98% 98% 3,ge? Pec rf? 4a... 77% 77% 77%
i So IKGtBftl 5%a. -20 90 % 90 90% ? n<,u j^c lr 4... 7;.?4 7,.4 T,^
! ?! CKGlBftt 3%e, 'ST 99% 80% 89% 22 Kou R.y esa Sa.. IW 83 8?
I 10.1 1,8 Of Braall 8a.. 100% 90% 99% 1.-, Sou Itwy gen 4... 38% 38 .V(%
| IfB U 8 of Mexico Sa. 49% 40 49 12 8 Oil of C deb 7^. 104 1<W% 1?3?,
18 U S of Mexico 4e. 37% 37 37 1 T?xa( ft r lat Se 80 ..
RAILWAY AND MlSCgLI.ANEOtS BONDS I Third A?e rfg 4.. 71%
3 Adana Kx col tr 4a 81% 81 01 11 Third Are sdj Sa. 3< 33% 34
18 An Agr Chen 7%s OS 94% 94% 2 TerA of 8tL rfg 4a 43
1 Amer Cot Oil 3a. 74 .. .. 23 Tlew oil Co 8%a.. 98% 93% 93%
18 Amer 8meltlsg Ge. 77% 77% 77% 3 Usloe ParlSe 8. . 1(1(1
18 A T ft T cat 8a... 100% 100% 100% 31 Tales P?c lat 4... 82% 82% 82%
24 A T ft T eol tr Sa. 87 84% 87 1 f aloe Pmc crt 4. 8?%
2 A T ft T cat 4a.. .. 14 Calos Pse r?f 4a. 78% 78 78%
' 2? A T ft T eel 4a... 82% 81% *2 2 I sloe Taa* Car 7. 101%
18 Am Writ Paper *a 70% 70% 70% 4 IJ 8 Real ft Ip & . 8* RT% >7%
3 Ar ft Co rl e.t 4%e 81% 81% 81'4 21 t' 8 Rab 7%?. '30 ?!>\ W M\
00 AtTftSP gen 4a.. 78% 77% 7*%! 9U 8 Rubber Be... 78% 77% 77%
2 AtTftsre tr 81. 4a 77% .. .. 19 C g 8t af Sa 94(4 !?1 94%
10 ACL IWtN eol tf 4a 72% .. .. 1 1'8 Bt af Sa reg. . 93
2 Atl Pniit ea 7a... 34 .. 2 Itsh ft North 4a. 79%
! 8 Atlaa Psarder 7%a ??% ?0% 97% 0 Vtah Pft LSa... 79% 79% 79%
2 Atlantic Ref 4%a. 102% .. .. 3 Ya-Car Cbem Sa.. 91%
1 Baldwin Loco Sa. #8% .. .. 8 Va-Car Cbem 7%a. 8?
! 23 R ft O ref Sa 73 72% 72% 5 v? *"Ta Sa 83% 83% (53%
33 B ft O rat 4%a... 70% 70 70% : Wabeah lat Sa... 87% ,.
4 B ft O godl 4a T1 70% 70% I 3 Wabaah 2nd Sa... 78 78% 70%
i 4 B ft 0 pr lien 3%a 84% 84% 84% I Westers Klec Sa.. 98 97% 98
4 RftO 4a PI.KftWV 47% .. .. 2 Weatern Md 4a... 54%
3 BAO 4a. TftC 53% 53 S3 i 2 Weatern Pac 5a... 80
| 72 H ft 0 3%a. Swe d 83% 83% 83% | 10# Weatern C 4%a .. 100% 100% lOO";
2 Bell T ef Pn 7a. . 105 3 W U real eat 4%a. 81%
3 Beth 8t lat eat 5a S3 ' ' *e?t Shore 4a.... 73%
8 Beth Steel ref 5a. 84 83% 8(1 I S3 Weat E'ec 7a 101% 101% 101%
3 Beth Steel Se. 1934 78 77 % 79 5 Wlck "O 8t 7a... 92
I s Braden Copper 6a 84 .. .. 13 Wlleon ft Co lat 6a 87 84% 84%
13 Bklyn Ed gn 7a. .. 101 .. ..
2 Bklyn Hap Tran 7a S2 ..
1 Bkly Rap T rat 4a 31% .. ..
10 Bki, Us Rl lat S. 44% .. foreign exchange.
12 Rueh Ter Bldg Sa. 79 78% 79 itwukj
4 Canada South 5... 87 84% 87 Cssrslake* by Alserteen Security and
28 Car Nor deb 0%a. 100% 99% 100% Treat Ce.)
12 Caanda North 7a. 104% 104 104 '
40 Cen of Ga Ry Oa. 92% 91% 92% Year
5C of Ga Ry ron 5a 8T?'4 .. Clow Afi
. C *o I/Mh r-n 5a. 8? Eng'and. pound 3 723 3 50
2 Can Pac gtd 4a.. 75*4 To 75 | Taaadlaa doi ?r 6f?23
| 1 Oa Pac rtd 3Sa. 80 .. i ?ocfkon?. local 52 .77
j 1 C Pac 8 L 4? 71%i 8han?bal. tael 7023 1.08
j 1 T? R R of N J Si , Kranc^. franc 0767 .0683
29 Orro dr Pa? ct 8a 106*4 10S% 109Vi ' Balfiom. franc .0730 .0733
' ^ A O rfg 5a 82 I Switzerland, franc 1709 1651
28 C A O crt 5? 83*4 83 83*, j Ijaly. lira .0442 !o?4I
1 c A O gen 4*4a. .. 70*, I Germany, mark on .ulftft
5 A 0 cvt 4*4?... 79 ! Penmark. kroner 173 M?
SOChI & Alton rff 3a 46 45T4 46 i Norway, knmrr ixi .144;,
j 2 Chi A Alton 3*4a. 37 . 18wcd4-n. kroner 2142 .203
15 CBAQ fen 4? 80 ' r*^cho-81ovnkln. kroner 0122 .0165
j .58 t'RAQ joint 6V?a.. 102*^ 102'4 102'%. Greece, drachma ...... 10s
1 Chi tit Weat 4a.. 32 Holland, guilder 316S .."*18
, 1 riALv lat ret 6s. 65*4 ' 8paln. peseta 1302 .1405
2 C'MAHtP rvt .r?a.. 66 65 66 Japan, yen !ri"'4
1 rM*8tP gen 4?... 69 Austria, kronen !??0I2 .tl045
S CMAStP cvt 4^*. 65 Poland 000525
3 CMAStP rff 44a .".9*; 59 59 Rumania 7% .0112* 0234
2 rMAStP 4*. 1925. 74 % 74^4 74% | *I>raw only in t'. S. dollar*.
("hi it NW 6*4a... 101%i 101V4 101*i ?
3' Ri*p xari i;:::: ,w 'H boston wining stocks.
5S rniAPRy rff 4?. 69^ 6914 60'* ! ..
5 ('StyAO de^? 3a.. S3 ALwaek 45
j 1 rill t'n .Sta 4V$s.. Si I Arixona Com 7*S 7*1 7?,
, 11 Chi Tii Kt? 6*,a. . J05*i 105*4 105a' j R^toa Elevated 65\ . .
1 CM A Wat lad 4a 61*4 .. 4 Hecla 225
5 Chile Cop crt 7a.. 93 027? 93 Ni l Mio l.V? 13-", 12*4
9 Chile Cop e?l tr 6s 71 .. Cop??er Kangc 3.1.13 .TP.
1 CCCA84L db 4'4?. 79 .. j Ea*t*ra 8 S 27 23 26'J
.4 CCt'AStL 6s 02*i 91 62'4 I ?*?rt rewnt 23
1 Coo A Kou lnt 4h. S4 .. .7 jl*le rre^k t?fd Kt
22 Colo A So rff 4*^a 76^ 76'i 76*? Mayflower O C 2:li
j 1 Con Oas cTt 7?... 101 \ 1 M^ba^-k <;tf
54 Cuba Cane Siif 7? 37U 58 J Nortl? B?te 9'4 9 9'.
4 Cuban Rnilroaid .5a. 66% .. | s*Jft A Co 0$i. ;?7i4 r,o%
j 14 T>cl A Hud cTt 3s V? 84^ 85 ?.b<* Ma?-h JU?4 3435U
I 2 fW-l Jk Hud ref 4a *0'4 . |t S Smelt
' 1 Hel A Hudson 7a.. 104V Ventnra Oil 1T
l? 11 A R O 441, 44"1 44\. waldorf ?,
2 D A U ? c#a 4a.. Walwortb 9
3 Dt Ed rff 6* tyt' .. ' | Weat Knd 4t
1 Uet Rd ,V?. 1940.. V
3 .3 :: Trade of Gold Coast
1 Z ?:*v ?.!!!! s%? BS'i M ! Colony in Africa
2 Erie prior lien 4a. 5514 J ??
i ?fr1iC '".V" 4" 43 ? During 1?29 the Oold c<,^Ft fol8
vZ "! Ji 5 i;; &. ?"> ? Afrt,.. srldrvcd the
7 Erie crt 4a. 8 D.. 42 4? * ? - trade in Its history, oxceed.
j 3 nen Elec deb 6*.. 102'; .7 .7 by *evrra* million poi nds ?t*r!
5 On Elee deb 5a.. 87*4 " the trade of J919 ti e r*"?f.l
i *8 fird Trknof c^: isk \u\> \'Z . unt" tha? > ear. In IS20' exports ?nd
, 47 (.ret Northern 7.148% \k', 102% | !e," he*, ??.0?n ""0. or ?8.2
Cat Northern 4*4a 8114 oOfl.OOO more than in 1919. Imports
1 O Bar A W deb n 7% accounted for ?14.000.000. as com4
SftM-'air^". ?" 2!? PH,cd ,Vitb ?80B?.''<'0 ill 1919. an inI
- IIAM adj iao 5. 434 ?:.'* crease of 77 per cent. This larse
1 Iicstl, (Ur Sa.;. J7li TT advance in import values is in some
2 Illinois Cen 5*4s. 62*4 92 62ti. i aecountcd for by the in1*
ni?2n clT 'S' 14'-"? m I rrease'1 0081 of eootls: but notw llh1
Iillnot. Ce! 4!!' ' 5 7? - ; ! sl?n<"ne higher pta. es, there has.
( I III Steel deb 414a. 8?ti " | ln nl'raPro"? instanccst been lareer
j 1> Int Mrtrop 414a*. * 14J4 11importations as regards quantities.
21 Int-Met 4Ha ctfa. 12 nt, u Imports of cotton poods approxiW
I?t SI?r a^A: ?, S'" nlatcd for " 000.000. double in 191S
I ^ !oa* r?B rf| 4, ~?l v?,ue- We",n* Port""j
44 KCFj.SAM 4a 68*# 67*4 08*4 tobacco, hardware, motor vej
^ 5aB 80 76 77*4 77*4 hides and railway plants also show
! " K*C Te^ia'tV ?'4 5:* CO"8,id"abl<! inCr",Se?j
IOK C A Tae 4a.5a Thc >nc*"^asod impm-ts of higrhj
tl6 Kelly Sne Tire 8k. 07 901. ^1 Prlc?d nonessential articles indicate
!*"V> M 5s? 62*4 ~ .. that the people possessed a con.^id|
10 LWkMfl'dbV^ " " 7ablf- Kamount of surplus wealth
6 t.samh db 4a ii Ju? " *' for disbursement during the year.
1 Lehtfli V con '4^ 85 ** ** The explanation of this is to be
1 J-eliifh Talley 6s. 99 .* found in a review of the export
r?<i A Naah 7*... 104 .. returns relating: to domestic pro4
T-oula A Ark 5^.' 6Qi" dU?e* The 8latistica ?how that
1 Man Ry cob 4s.!!- IS61Z * while over 176.000 tons of cocoa, of
22 Mexican Pet 8?.. 66*4 65t;. 9^'i a value of about ?8.500,000. were
i? S? " shipped overseas in 1919, shipments
11 MftStL r?f >It 5,' IJ 'or 1925"approximately over 118.000
3 MfttL lat rff 4a.. Sfli: 2 tonB of a value totaling: nearly ?10.10
M84PA88M 6s 100'; ! 000.000. Altbougrh, therefore, the
1ln \f 5 t. I, ,dlt^4, * *-** ^,l? 62^4 colony exported nearly 58.00Q tons
"m t lit i:- S 22 the value was tlioo.ooo
12 M K A T 4'4a...38 37 37 greater. Kola nuts and lumber
S If K A T 4>4a ct* 38 .. .. also show increases in value dur^
H '28 94*4 ins the year. Owing: to the influ5
Mo. 87?i s-u rnc? of cocoas, the exports of palm
2 Mem. ft C?'4H?. 4 " * kernels, pal in oil and rubt-cr All - fell,
XTCftTT* 8%, .* 07 " In value.
82 XVCftRR deb 8a. m 92'a M'4 ^?aa^__
13 KVCAHR eol 7,.. lW'i 102>t 102'1 ??????
1 XTCftna deb 4a. 7?H Til4: OM.V WAV TO
r r trade safely
1 JTC.HJliPC,! 8a. 84 |jf THK STOCK MARKET
XYNHAH evt 4a. 56 .. MIKftKES Unlimited
" =? TW)* ro* ^ Profits
, _ . _ , ^ - I A?T ?t*ek F.irbaafe laawe
wiHatH Stacks, 6aa4a and 6e- DITTC 1 jA a a
e? rifle? Ba?fhl. Said m*4 Oaaie4 %1 II * (P OfV
P?relfii Randn and Parelfa 'D 1 V/ CALLS S/MV
Eiekaafe. * vnuia; -r
Call. ?rM?, 4* ??. ?ala Ut JP H'^SL^rW3"
DitKCD a m hn it n. C. GoMkurst k Company
RIEMEK * CO. w^8t??t^. p. p. nriilkuiT,
" M Breed stmt New lark
. i, vj, \ / ..I'-J'-j? v * e# ?
?W. B. HIM* * Ok Ulbka Bite.
?"k?r? WaUtatiu Black
Waaktactoa Ca Tlia. ll.OM at 1?S*.
Waablactoa li.ii.,, ?i.ooo at 6IH.
fl.ouo at ?1?4. 11.001) It m*. (Mo at ?V4.
MH> .t ?|%.
Potomac Electrtr Gea'l. If. $1,000 at
Capital TracUoa. S at R. i at ?7.
Waafciaftoa Railway pfd. 5 at M
Waalilaftoa Gaa l.ifht S at 41.
After Call.
Moaej rail ioaaa, n<at per ceat.
FakUa Utilities
Amer Tel a ad Tel 4a ?1% tc |
Amer Tel aad Tel 4%a 871, |
Amer Tel sod Tet oil tr .%? ... K>\ hr
Aiaer Tel aad Tel Cimr ft. )oo 100V4
Aoaenatte aad Potomac 5a BS .. |
Aaaeoatla and IMiaiar Guar 5a ?i
|C aad P Telephone Ml
Col (iaa and E'er Sa
Col <iaa nod tier deb 5.
Capital Traetiaa It K 5a <>7 88
City and S.l...rt>ao 5a ?4 .. j
freorgetoara Gaa 1M 5a 72
Metropolitan II It 5a 1>J S5
Potomac Klec I t Sa. Mo
Potomac Klec cona 5a m *7
Potomac Klec Power (a ?:,% ??
Pot Klec Pow G il k M
Waah. Alex aad Ht V k 25
Waah. Halto aad Aa 5a
WaaMactoa Gaa 5a 77^ TTi
Wa.tiartoa Gaa 7%m 102 10?14
Waah Br aad Klec 4a 61% 6;
Waah 11/ aad Elec G M 6a.... 94
D C Paper M(( 6a
ni??a Realty Sa (loa?
Kl(fa Ilea 11? 5a (aliortl >4
Sec 8t?e aad fatt Dep 6a
Waah Market Sa. IW!7 '.V
Waah Market 5a. IM7 77
W If Cold Mtoragc 5a 75
Public UUlitiaa.
Am?r Tel and Tel 10S\^ ..
Capital Traction Ni'- 8714
Columbia Gaa and Flectrlc
Eastern Light and Fuel
Wat-inn*ton Gait 44% 4^
N nod W Steamboat IK
Wuh By aad Klec com "I
Wa*b Br and Elec pfd 33 3S
Waah, Ita!to and A a com ..
Wi?b, Bait aad An pfd ..
Waah Va By enn ?
Wa?h Ta By pfd
Mational Banks.
American 188
Capital Km 1M>
Columbia 17S
] Commercial ICS
| niitrict i-i?
Farm aad Mecb 210
Federal 170 180
Liberty ir
Lincoln IT.
' National Metropolitan 213
Biggs 4?-i
Waaliiogton 180 ..
Trust Companies.
Amer Rec and Trust 213 22"
Continental Treat l<a? ]i?j
National Saving and Treat.... 278
I'nlon Treat 118
, Wash Ixtan and Trent ZM 273
Sarin*. Bark a
Commerce and Saving* 133
Eaat Wa?b Saving Bank 12H
Merchant* Bar.k 147
Sec Sa* and Com Bank 20.". 230
Seventh Street Saving Bank... 130
T'nloa Sarin** 112
jr S Savings Bank 200
Washington Met hanic 23 20
Fira Insurance.
' American Fire Ins 230 ..
Arlington Fire Ins 9
Corcoran Fire In* 115 ..
Firemen'* Fire Ins 1*0
Nat I'nlon Fire Ins 7*4
Titla * Insurance.
Co'nmbin Title Ins 4H ft
Beal Estate Title Ins 9U
, Co! Graphophonc com 3'1 4'i
Col Graphop?inne pfd
0 C Pai^r Mfc Co 7."
D C Paper pfd ..
Greene Cananea
Merch Iran* a?id Storage 11 "
Mergontha'er Linotype *117 H7*j
OH Dut? h Market :< - ;
Old Dutch Market pfd 7?s !
Ieanstoa Monotype 71 ' 74
Security St??ra*e L'l"
Sec Stge nnd Safe Dep
Washington Market 2S
(Futni?bed by W. V Hibb* ft Ce.l |
Berlin 4s _11 11 11
Greater Berlin 4s lo?, 1?', I"1,
Krcmen 4',* 11?4 in', ir?'?
: (\ihlens 4* I'.'-, TJ '-4 12",
Cnlocne 4s 11'. I2'?
Dreadea fc4 1!?, 11 ?? 11
Dmdes 4?sa 121, 12'* 1-%
. !Hts*dd trf 4s 12 12 12
KsM'n 4? 11*ir\ 12 Si
Fraukfirrt 4a 13'* |.1<k
| Frankfort .m i.".i, jr.?, i:.\
liamlHira *? ! '? !?'. * '?
Hamburg 1n'n 10** l?",
! Ilnmburg 4? Vj 12 12
^Hamburg t' in !!t IS
lei|?lc 4'-e* in', 11!,
i^hwic " ?" ir.?; irt'. is'Monieh
4" 1?*N 12V 12S
German r.<nrmin*flt 3s I^H !? -* 1?S.
German Goxf SU* !? . t?\ 04"s,
German Government 4^ 71 11 11
J German^ Government "?* 1'?\ 10", )?i-4
; Kruop 4s It II 14
Badi?? he Aniline 4?fs. . 1?; 1?J 10
1 Allegm Eie.-k l". :% l.'a
| Mein'rgcr Bink 4* 12^ 12Aw l:'v,
j Norddeatscber L B 4s.. 11* ? US !2*j
Vienna 4< 1",
I \ ienaa 4*Ca a... 1", 21, 2'i
Vienna r?a 2". l'\
I French (a .**?\ .VI*,
French ." ? ?5"i i;".
1 F r??n.li Premium 7*? 7". 7-"?
: Britls'i Vld tory 4s *. **? 'JW
Nat War Ix>an 3* .*?r?
War Ix>an 3s 33?? ~:i5
ifsiisa * ? 3%', r..v? v.'
Italian Notea ltT> ... 4*. ? 4".',
Be'gHn Rentemtion 3a. 71'. 71 't 71'2
Belgian Premium 3a.... 7.". * 7." " 7."?
Loans cn Liberty Ron Is
and Listed and Unlisted Stocks.
Curb 6tocks carried oa margin
Broke: s
Suits 425-6-7-S-9 Bend Bldg.
Pner* Mn:n 7695.
Can You F
Could you knock ol
your health demanded i
cial worry entailed in si
the old grind itself?
answer to that situation
tion to our First Mortj
property in Washington,
Swartzell, Rhee
727 15th !
The >atlaa*i
52 Years Without
Decreased Volume Still
Considerably Above Re*,
cent Averages.
Rate Drops to 5'i at Noon*
After Opening at 51/*?Sterling
NEW YORK, Soft. 7.?Trading on
the stock exchange was less active.
although the total sales were
considerably above recent averages
A firm start was succeeded by
profit-taking during the first hour,
after which considerable irregularI
ity existed. In the afternoon, however.
prices were again higher and
toward the close fractional gains
; predominated among the rails, while
advances of from fractions to two
points were common among indu*|
trials. It wss evident that short
covering was mixed with proflt-takj
ing. Call mon^y opened ?t per
cent and wan lowered to t per cent
I at noon.
8terllng was again In demand
this morning and the market for
| this exchange reversed yesterday'*
position. At a late price of $3.72
the gain for the day amounted to
i two cents. Most of the continents?
; curre nebs were also improve,) hut
not all in proportion to the betterment
in sterling. Thin ??? noticeably
the case with reference to
French franc* and table* from London
attribute the wraknesn shom-n
recently in thin quarter to French
buying of American eotton. Oeraia*
marks m-erc again heavy, being off
2*i points to 1 .SC\ ?-ent?.
t 'MMMiNhS
Extremely active trading at higher
prices characterised the early cot
ton market. With LUerpooi aeain
exceptionally xtrosf, prines l??*re
were up sharply at the opening D?
ccmbcr fcli'iv ing a irain of 14? pjint?
at 21.W cents. Subsequently heavv
profit-taking brought wide fluctuations
in prices, but altogether such
selling mas absorbed remarkabl>
well until the last hour A senss tional
break then carriod December
down nearly two cents to 1? 5*
eents. Just how lor.* the rush of
Kuropesn buying and the covering
of shorts will last is extremely difficult
to foresee, but today's events
obviously are distinctly Mgnifieant
Wheat also rallied stronuiy aft?*r an
early reart^on as a result of profittakinsr
The l^rfmlwr future ment
as rich at S1.34 * and after a 1
cent reaction still showed a gain
! 1*4 cents. Reports of smaller foreign
crops and Secretary lloover's
statement regarding over-market ing
were factors in the rise.
Steel ladmstryIn
the steel industry It is becoming
apparent that the rally In pig
iron price* mhf^h occurred last
month ha?! a fairly substantial f!*ietuation.
Production duricg Auirus*
averaff?-d !50>0i? tor.? a dav n< compared
m ith in July snd. according
to th* Iron Vc additional
furnace* have pone into b!an rim***
the first of September. The output
of finished wt^l products nw unwhllc
s'.iott's no improvement and pri?c?
continue to be |<>wer rather than
hicrher. The situation a? hetmeeti
the two branche* of the industry i*
j not. however. iin*?n*i?t*yit. sit ?*e pi?;
j Iron bad already b*-en *uMe?t to
much more severe deflation than the
| finished products and fin?*e a rally
, In the raw materU l t??*t unnatural1:
precede th?it in the final product*
of the industry. To conclude that
, ??ic iron production has pas*?-d i'"
low point would not l?e unduly opfTr.'stie.
fehile it s likely also that
the fall mill ?re some improvement
in the demand for steel. Froir
indientioiie. horn-ever, the improvement
is lik?*l> to be a modest one.
p ~T
A.A.Housman 6 Co.
-O Broad Street. t ??rk
Members of All
Leading Exchanges
Orders c x f i" ii t c d on a
strictly coinnii* *-?*>" ba>is. in
stock", bonds, cotton, ^rain.
r-ugar, cotfcc. cotton seed oil
ami provi>ions.
Orders also acccptcd on
give-up ba>i-s to any member
ol 2ii exchange oi which wt
arc members.
Washington Office
Telephone Msin 2040
charles (w ai.li:v. Msr.
'est a Day?
f business for a while if
t? Or, would the finanich
a case be worse than
Wise investment is the
and we call j^wt atten5age
Notes on improved
, D. C.
m & Hensey Co.
Street N. W.
ton, D. C.
I lUmr 1 ? m
Lou to an Investor

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