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POLLY ANN OUTRUNS GNOME INTaUREL FEATURE RACE Shoal Takes Steeplechase. Long Shots Lead in Final Race. RAY HKLGKSE.V mi Ann- '-mr-old chestnut *' daushter of Superman-Prin cess Nettle. yesterday carried the Lowe '/llJT'"1 ot Spalding ' Jenkins.. president of the tht i*f?K State ?o victory in I. " th race. feature event at .. , ** 'or J-year-olda and upwards, t ,r.. *nd a '"rlong. Only Q?. starters paraded in this tytnl. SSa."? Salubria stable's big 5 . ?'d finished second to Polly fant.^H*1.H" P' whltney's Damask Br?." , ,n on th? Short end of the rTK ?n- ? b*d,y b*?ten last. pre,.!. .enkinr m" r*n on? <>f the r.i Ilf . racea n*"Wd at the Lao Krom r, ?' the Present ?.eetinK wl- . ** a l to finish Pi*y Ajin .In ''ont. and with Jockey _,"1" rating her almost perfectly overtaken*' ?f be,n*| f*"?"e Heavily Played. was P^ked as the soft I of Whfu111^ ta,ent- and the ?<"> olivli t Broom 2d was almost Chtnf ?2 the board I" the ma UJ ' ''amask, with 12J pounds poIly Ann. which prior to1 flllvh ?.was flKured as a mile ? / wl'e ones. were con-1 saered merely as more or less un TIT *?rnishinKs for an other, se full order by those who went lo the Salubria stable's entry. T"e "Performance-only" gents flg a,k Perfectly, but their Mope, as to Polly Ann. was away Havine only three horses to con tend with. Starter Milton and his numerous assistants wasted little ?.me. n getting thera away from the barrier. The three broke as one. but Polly Ann went to the front while passing the stands tne first time, and after that the Jenkins' Ally was never headed. MronK fla Final Drive. Gnome and Damask followed the fly in* filly's pace, but neithet was fu0r able lo take the lead. At the three-quarters which was clocked in 1:13 Hat, Keogh began ?ringing his mount up. and round ing: Into the stretch, he made his hid with Gnome. But Polly Ann. Ae mile Ally, had plenty left, and Gnome never had a chance in that final drive. Damask was never in the picture after the leaders entered the ?tretch, 123 pounds up proving too) big a burden to overcome. The H. P. Whitney entry, Roelcet and Prudish, ran one-two in the fourth race, for 2-year-oldst at 6 furlongs. J. H. Rosseter's ^lontara broke in I front and led the procession until | the head of the stretch was reached, i but here Penman on Rocket and Coltiletti on Prudish brought their mounts up and passed the leader like she was nailed down. J. S. Cosden's Roulette was the third one In the money. The Whitney entry was an odds nn ffcvorite, being 1 to 5 aad to 10 to place. The steeplechase. a claiming handicap for 4-year-olds and up ward. was captured by R. Pending's Shoal. Formistress. a rank outsider, finished second, and Robert Oliver third. Shoal took the lead at the first hedge and held that position throughout the long grinth Robert ' Oliver was well up at all times, I but the Lumsden jumper was shoul- I dering top weight, 154 pounds, and tie couldn't pack that weight and beat Shoal who was in 20 pounds lighter. Formistress was In at the lightest weight, having but 130 up. Hils filly came from nowhere, and, though she couldn't get to the eader. made Robert Oliver be con ;ent with third monev. Mrs. F. Ambrose Clark's Le Cyprin 'ell at the fourth Jump throwing Jockey Phillips. Le Cyprin. how. sver. got up and followed the pace, it times interfering with the other umperi Jockeys Wilkenson and Sims, riders of Formistress and Robert )llver. respectively, claimed that Shoal had committed a foul at the 'ourteenth hedge by cutting over n front of their mounts. Th? stew irds. however, after listening to heir stories and that of Jockey ilegger. who rode Shoal, decided hat the cutting in was unavoidable. Clegger explained that the riderless * Cyprin was in his mount's way | the final hedge, and that he cut *er in order to avoid an almost ertain spill. Long Shots Romp In. Three healthy long shots romped kom? in front in the nightcap, a palming event for 3-year-olds and lpward at six furlongs. l Titanla, Old Sinner and Mose fin Lhed in that order, while Lady luxury and Crack o* Dawn, two lesvy favorites, weren't even ?round when U?e purse was split, litania got off in the lead and held throughout. Old Sinner chal ked her in the final drive, but Cn't enough to get to the winner. iJU, who got away to a terrible Lrt. quickly found his racing legs. was coming on at the finish. C0Se of the star-shooters who had lin tickets on Tltania got paid oft I the rate of $42.70 for $2 That's [lot of Jack in any man's country. \lVE NOSE MAY RACE MAYFLOWER I BOSTON, Oct. 25.?A race between t cup-winning schooner. Blue Nose. E Lunenberg. with the Boston Lhoorrr. Mayflower, barred from the Eternational fisherman's contest as (It a bona fide fisherman, may be afed ?? N'ew Bedford, It was learn j today. _ _ [At the local ofllce of Fred Pigeon, strolling owner of the Mayflower, was admitted that negotiations Lw been under way to bring the Jiampion ?t th? North Atlantic to |ew Medford to meet the Mayflower. Fl. John's and Gonzagam In Grid Tilt Tomorrow [ St. Johns and Gonzaga will hook b tomorrow afternoon at American uagne Park in what is considered both schools the biggest game their respective schedules. The teams are about evenly matched both have been pointed espe ally for this game. [Gonsaga has already beaten Em n Institute and tied with th* Alexandria High School team. Tlost to Eastern High early In the jason. but Is believed to have lm foved at least 100 per cent since reverse. Tomorrow's game will ?t 1:10. I Weatkcr Clear, Track FuL 1 7 f ft nBST RACE? FIT# III oaMlU fnrtonf a. Pnras. I1.S86.23 Far *?-?mmUi If10 ?urt food; won aha!*; placa drl*tn?. Went u poat at 1:?; J Wianer k. c. by Unci*?Katrine. Trained bj W lrrlne. Yatoa to winner. 9MC.2&; ?150 Time, :34, :?U, 1:081 Clan Dolores tTaffamak Cham plain rancier Yankee SUr t?*fco Hi lima n C t Kockarabeau .... tlncof nance Wt. UT 117 lit i m iu 113 116 112 112 fir PP. St. Id 1 3 s 7 2 9 8 5 10 11 4 % S? 6? 4* TT 4' S? ria. i? i? ?? 8'tt ?>H ?? 8* ?* 7" 11 ?? 10H 10k !> 11 11 Jeekay. atrsiaht. ?mwaU iTni *"?? 6.2U " Johns.. 1W 4? Penman 8.45 ?' MeTa?f?rt 13.1 S ? Altai 12 00 t>)i Bice . .... 8.00 8 ColMettl . ii.. .? Com" 10" 10" Moeaey 11 Fletcher f 8" B> 8* 7> - T'o-doj1". I?ld-Ctan.m.D. $2?.S0. 118.20. 88.70: Oppermin. KtfW.Hw; Potoees. M OO. tH. F. Whitney-Ureeabaa entry. Weld. Clansman Ib clow pursuit of leader. iHimed i?>BiiBd and drew away lau aa eaajr a ad kept lmsrorlaa bla ad vantage; ha Wl In haad at end. Oppermaa cloaed resolutely .tea SLraifateuad out U homestretch and outlaated Dotorea at and.' Latter hung la at furlong. Yaabmak waa ta clow quartan at haK-mlle pole a ad waa knocked back. Champlain quit Yankee CltJawts --e,W 0?**' '? ? *"? at hall-Bill. pal*. Scratched?J oka Morrill. 1219 CIO?u. Moco. BrilUeut Ba? ~ P?U' 8cr*,ch-1-",h* *?""? 8,?C,0N"D *AC??About two mllea. Pnrae, 82.000. For 4-year-eMa and up. ,. ,, 19 Sleepiechaee.; won rlrtug; place aaaie. Went to poat at ..18, a* at J:1J. WlBBer b. g 4. by Danger Rock?Smlrr Trained by J. Beaailak. Vslae to wianer. 81.400; aacoad. 1400; third. 8200. Tim., 4:02 2-S. (Fourteen Jumpai. wt. PP. st. V4 1b> 1H 1% Fin. Jockey. straight. J 1 2' 1'* 1? LVi 1'H nZT... Too ? # 4' 4Vi 4- > 2H Wllklaaoe ... 40.05 5 5 8ti 2" 2? 8". 8? Rliae 8.00 1 3 1' S' S? 4? 4'* Kennedy .... 1.80 * * J 5 ? 5 5 Vlatch 10.85 2 2 Loat rider Phllllpa 8.55 Boi Sboal 184 Formlatreaa 133 Robert Oliver 154 La Maraoula 145 Overmatch .140 I-e Cyprln 187 OllVS^ffS y*00- *T a>- M 20; Formlatreaa, 828.40. $1.00; Robert fea^T'wS'J Jwwaey, swerved oyer the courae at final _*? "J;'" Weehed by rlderleaa bora, and Interfered with Robert Oliver. Formlatreaa Z.7L, n '<?????? ??d cloaed with a belated ruah. Rouert Oliver waa under mtralBt In early aua?a. moved up with a ruah but waa bothered; claim of foul lodfed rtder at'fiSIi jumV ttil' ?Term?tch ??" ?'?!? trip. LeC'rprln loat 1220 THIRD RACK?One mile. Puree. 81.888.28. For S-rear-olda and up Claiming *' Start food; won drivlnf; place same. Went to poat at 2:48; off at 2:44. ' iiiai* by Tranaraal?VlatnU III. Trained by W. A. Burtachell. Value to wlnaer. 4SS6.25; aecoad. S250; third. S190. TIbm, :24, :4?, 1:15 2-5, 1:48 2-5. Hn>8? ? W? T>T* oa <i 4< ^ Kj " T . Widow Bedotte 110 Hello Pardner...... .111 Kinf Trojan 105 flwr Ill Smart Money ill Who Carea Ill Trooper 118 IIP ? 8 2 8 7 1 4 5 St. 4 1 8 7 8 8 2 .P 6? 7* 2% 8 4* 1* 3? 5* H 4* 4V4 8^ 5?V4 1* 7* 2* B? 8? 8 1? 7,# 8k 6? 2* 8 -X ... 1*% lfc 8? 2? 2% 3* 7" 4H 8H 5? 7?? Jockey Conej ... Penman . Allen ... Lowe ... Clemen ta Lanf .... Holloway Hen pel .. 8tralfht. 8.58 2.45 4.75 ?.70. 28.50 7.80 8.00 50.05 p4J[ Traatula. ??.10. 84.80. 48.00; Widow Badotte. 88 00. 82.70j off Tr*ntul* ,lowlJ gradually Improred bar poaltlon. abook rtl nrooaltlon at furlong pole aad had enough left to atall off the faat cloalflg Widow ?,r"? ta "'If ?<*?? came to outalde at at retch turn and waa wearing leader down at end. Hello Pardner naed up forclnf pace and tired. Klna Troian Hoard rMolutelj and would hare been third la a few more atrldea. Fleer quit. Who Carea went well for three-quartera. 1221 *?t RTH rACE?Slj furloage. Puraa. 81.586.25. For 2 year-olda Start good; . ... ??n pUce name. Want to poat at 8:14; off at 8:18. Winner b. g. by sssrsisrisri?y=8,ss:'qi v"a*,o w,n"r' ?<*>*?? Ti 7 ^ ri t Prodi ah in? 4 5 8s Si 8i Roulette 103^ 8 2 4? 5 4> Prodifloua 120 1 4 5 Montara 107 5 1 2* 2 5 2* Jockey. 1* Penman . 2* Coitiletti 8*H Morrla .. 44 Mountain 5 Erlckfton Straifht. .20 1J 60 5 80 88.20 ?* ? ? ?? ?? bnciwn ah? J!...W,h'""!I ^ Tw"d""?r mutuela paid?Rocket (aalrF). 82 40. 82.20~ No ahow mutuela aold Rocket outran bla oppoaitloo from the break, waa In band at all * "?f" .P""f*n ,"*? looking back for field at end. Prudleb acted a little green at othlli ,w'nt to h<r a"d W|,U * n,,h "?? eaally beat of othera Roulette cloaed reeolutely laat furloug. Prodigious could never get up. Mob 1-7 ???? '?r half-mile, waa eaaed up when ehe tlrea. Scratched?Alex H.. Sedge, Elemental, Good Times. ' 1222 T,r7R RACE?One aad oae.ighth mllea. Puree. 81.588,25. For 8 year-oida at 3 1* Win.^fVh8'?"a W?? drlTl?f,: ',tace eaatlj, Weut to poet at 8:48; off ' rl'- ' 3- bF Superman?Princesa Nettie. Trained by T. F. Colea Value to wlaaer. 11.088.25; aecoad 8100; third. >800. Time. :28, :47 2-5. 1:18, 1:8( 4-5 152 *<? PP 8t. % H *~li Fla, Jockry straight. ADn "4 2 8 1? 1H 1> li Ji% Morria . 8 80 "?o?" US 3 1 3 3 2- 2" 2? Keoeh 75 ???* 'a i > * i s 3 aS Two^olfcr mutuela pald-PoJly Abb, 89.00. 88.00; Oaome, 82-80. No ahow matsela ?old. Polly Abb waa rushed ta the froat, aasumed command, ahook off a challenge at ion S',e P?lL"d w" "m Pr'-U" *? ?? Gnome rac?l D.maak InJo aX.!. InJ qua'rVer'" '? * "" 1-Po.t 1223 SI5TH RACE?One and oae-half mllea. Puree, 81.388 29. For 8-year-olda 4 14 off 8"rL *^?4i T?n artTin?; >l?? ?"llj Went to poat at 4.14, off at 4.14. Winner br. g. 6, by Stalwart?San Andrea. Trained by O C Milton J'ult'n"',: SS ?s#: ?1S0 =?i-T:?4-?. i11?: Attorney Muir... Bill Hnnley American Soldier BaT Coy Austral Wt. ....101 ...lOl ....111 ...1?4 ...115 pp. 5 1 4 5 % 1* 2? 8? 4? 5 1* 8* 2? 4? 5 lm 1* 2* 8? 4* 5 1* 2? 8* 4? 5 Pin. 1* 2?* 8? 4* 5 Jockey Straifht. Penmaa 8.25 Lanf 3.8O Morrla 12.70 Clementa .... 42 20 Chlaretta .... 1.00 ? ? ? i/niiTem .... i.uu Two-dollar mutuela paid?Attorney Mulr.-S8.S0. 84.10, 88.10; Bill Hunter"iTso'ttto rT- "??'? K-t Din tj * y 9eId,on wel* In drfre; Penman outrode Lanf when it came to a drire Bill Hnnley in cloae quarters next fnaide rail drew up on eren terma with winner at sixteenth-pole. American Soldier went well flrat mlla but quit Tat half bit hid ?ou,h left to atall o> Bar Coy. Latter had no excuaea. Au.?ral ?? a dull rice 1224 "AGE-SU furloaga. Puree. 81.S58.2S. For 8 year-old. aad up. . ^ ^ ?*lmlnf- start ? won ?aaily; place aame. Went to pout at 4-45- ntr at 4.50. Winner ch. f. 4. by Bard of Hope?Lady Fern Trained bT M Smith ' Vain* to winner. $?M1.28; aecond. 82.-.0; third. 8150. Time. :24. :40. 1:14 2-5. JockeyT Horse? Titania Wt. 105 Old 8inner ius Moae tBrifht Light*. Tidinfs Crack o' Dawn. Lady Luxury... Dairyman 1(13 112 101 112 111 iin Anumption 116 T'ncle'a Laa"?ie tWar Map., t Pokey B... 100 108 103 PP. 1 3 9 11 10 4 5 6 8 12 St. 5 6 11 10 8 1 2 12 8 4 l? 2? 9H 8? 8'H 12 10* ??? 4h 11* H % l'H l? 4?? 5> 4*H 8H Wi 8> 3* 6* 10H 74 11? 10* 11? 7H OH 11? 12 12 12 Fin. 11H Coitiletti 2* Ix>we .... 33 Wood atock 41 Morris ... 5Vs Penman .. 61 Keofh ... 7% Callahan . 8* Ryan ??? Taylor 5.85 10* Allen 10.45 Joahia Simmons _ Straifht. f... 20.85 25 10 28.25 1890 18.15 1.85 3.40 80.90 ? ? **? ?iinniuui at the Old Sinner made a determined bid but could not fet to the wlnie^ Mose ?lo?ed atronf. TWinf. had no excuaea. Crack o'^awn waf in ?lo^ n??rte? dy Lmury ran out at atretch turn. Scratched?Silence. Cock o' the Rooet, Ettaha . LEXINGTON ENTRIES First Race?Pursa, >1,000; clalm 3-year-olds and up; six fur longs. ?Orlava, 100; Royal Duck. 101; 'Cahalan, 102; Refugee 2d, 102; *Sewell Combs, 103; *Rapid Day. 103; Auntie May. 107; Abadane. lis. Second Race?Purse. 11,000; maid en 2-year-olds; one mile. Our Bet sy, 109; Ida McGee, 10$; Our Dear, 109; Melum, 112; Sportsman, 112. Third Race?Purse, 11,000; claim ing; 3-year-olds and up; six fur longs. 'Sure, 100; *My Rose. 100 ?Locarno, 103; May Bodlne. 105; ?Lariat. 107; Frixlet. 108; The Vir ginian. 10S; Rounding Through, 10S; Peggy Martin. 109; 'Gipsy Queen, 109; Lively 113. Fourth Race?Pur?e, $1,200; al lowances; the Winchester; 3-year olds and up; one mile and a six teenth. Dona Loriotte, S9; Lady Madcap. 103; War Prise, 108; John S. Reardon. 106; Roleau, 115. Fifth Race?Purse, $1,000; claim ing; 3-year-olds and up; one mil* and a quarter. 'British Liner, 101 Miss Prosperity, 103; 'Ava R., 108 ?old Faithful. 104; 'Nonslcld. 10<: ?Frank F? 107; La Foudre. m! ?Royal Duck. 110; ?J. C. Stone, 110; Black Watch 2d, 112; Kimpalong, 115. Sixth Race?Purse. $1,000; allow ances; 2-year-old Allies; Futurity course. (a) Bonus. 108; Bright Leaf. 106; Bill and Coo, 106; Doro thy Buckner. 106; College Girl. 10?; Marimba. 108; Omnipotent. 106; (a) Aloft, 101; Glyn, 112; Martha Fal lon, 108. <a) Greentree Stable entry. Seventh Race ? Purse, $1,000; claiming; 3-year-olds and up; one mile and a sixteenth. *Nelle Torke 101; ?Cinderella, 101; Ace. 103: *^ars' John. 104; Wild Flower! in1 aw' 100; 'Young Adam, ?Apprentice allowance claimed. Weather clear; track faat, First Race?Ground Swell. 104 (Scobie), 7.50. ?.$0, 3.40; Gypsy Queen, 112 (Francis), 24.60. $.70 Mellora, 10? (Garner), 2.?0. Time' ? Ml" Dor,. Cosette By ^.ract Minar('. Penwell, Port Light. Southern Gentleman. Rlac Rose and Oraleggo also ran, Second Race?Tan Son. lit (Gar MrJ. $.50, 2.90, out; Plus Ultra, 107 *out; John Hosker, 11J (Dishmon), ont Time- 1;4T j.| Th? Virginian alao ran. "*?lrdr?fc*~Bla* ?*,p> 111 <GaX nar). 5.00. ?.M, i.?o; Beautiful Draam. m (Jlali). ,0.40. S5 Evening Stories, 111 (Pool^ ).0?. Time:. 1:12 2-5. Field Lark, Canny Lf^ay, Bonero Lu, Toniccre and Am bush also ran. Fourth Race?Lord Allen. 106 (Smith). 12.00. 2.90. out; Rockminis. tor. 118 (Garner), 2 30, out; Casey, 10o (Pool), out Time: 1:12 3-5 Stonewall also ran. Fifth Race ? Guaranteed, 103 (Scobie), 4.60. 2 90, 2.30; Fair Orient, 111 (Wilson), 3.90. 3.10 Rapid Stride, 106 (McDermott), 8.00. Time: 1:45 $-5. Amanda, Jackstraw Putts and Calls, Harvest King and Bond also ran. Sixth Race?Gentility. 95 (Mc Dcrmott). 3.?0, 3.10, 3.40; Uncle Sonny, 98 (Kederls), 4.30, 4.40; Cap tain Rock, 98 (Scobie), 4.40. Time: 1:13 2-5. Dorothy Buckner. Asia, Tharon, Pindar Peel, Treasurer Travesty, Tuscola, Sandy Land and Thibodeaux also ran. Seventh Race?Jouett, 112 (Pool). 8^20, 4.80. 8.10; Ben Valet. 109 (Barnea), 9.00, 5.00; Herd Girl, 111 (Scobie), 2.60. Time: 1:45 4-5 Ma rine Corps. Rep. Kastslde, General Haig and Cantilever also ran. Firat Race?Rose Hill, 107 (Fa tor), 6 to 5, 2 to 5. 1 to ?; Nose Dive. 114 (Miller), 6 to 5, 2 to ?? Chewink, 105 (McAtee), 3 to 5! Time. 1:10 1-5. Timbrel, Night Boat and Doughnut also ran. Second Race?Siren Maid its (Babin), 6 to 5. 2 to I, 1 to 6: Thim ble, 110 (McAtee). $ to 5, 1 to ?? Sagacity. 106 (Fator), even. Time', 1:42. First Pullet and Esc&rpolette alao ran. Third Race ?Star Court. 102 (Kummer), 15 to 1. 6 to 1. J to 1 Solid Rock, 105 (Babin), 8 to 5 4 to 5; Joe Joe, 110 (Sterling), j to 1 Time. 1:40 2-5. Challenger, Canio Hendrye. Mandalay, Ernest A. WlnnecOnne. Wedgewood and War Machine also ran. Fourth Race?Georgle, 130 (Rum mer). 7 to 10. 1 to" 5, out: zaat View. 107 (Fator). 3 to 1. 4 to 5 Knight of the Heather, llg (Ponce)i oilt. Time, 1:09 3-5. Sea Cove also ran. Fifth Race?Diomedes, 115 (Tur ner). 3 to S. out, out; Antoinette 10$ (Fator). 5 to 1. 2 to 1; Lady Emellne, 100 (Ponce). 2 to 5. Time 2:08 4-5. Pirate McGee. Wynne wood and Lady Herbert also ran. Sixth Race 1? Northcliffe, 11$ (Sande), 7 to I. 1 to i, 1 to $; Don polling, 112 (Turner), 1 to 2 1 to (; Fitsgibbons. ill (Kummer). $ to I. Time. 1:1* $-1. Trajanue, Rebuke, Sliverton. Tangerine, Exe cution and Hot Spur alao ran. Lamonts Challenge. The Lamont A. c. wishes to ar range games with loeal 110-pound teams. Phone Columbia 1911-J. Lieut. Commander W. w. Smith Upsets Dope by Victory. ______ t The first round of match play la Columbia's club championship gt>lf tournament wa* completed yester day with the exception of on* match In the third dlvlstop. The blk up?et of the day was furnished by Lieut. Comdr. W. W. Smith, who defeated Albert MacKensle, gen erally rated as the best of Co lumbia's players 2 up. Our StandIfer, District champion, ind Miller Stevlnson, runner-up |n Columbia's fall tournament, had a marathon match which went 27 hole? before Standlfer won the de cision. Second round play in all divisions will be held tomorrow. Following are yesterday's first round results: Chaaapleaahlp Dtrialaa. . *. B. Kyaon, Jr.. defeated A. S. Mat tlssly. 2 and 1; W W emits defeated Al bert MacKensle. 2 up; George J . m,*. d, feated D. K. licknon. 1 up; (lay Standlfer defeated Miller Stevla-on. 1 op. 27 hole.. Second Dirlaiea. H. E. Cora well defeated K. P. Barnard 7 and ?; 8. L. Lelfliton defeated s. Kent. ? and E| F. r. Wafgamas defeated F. H. Shepherd. 5 and 4; Herman Stabler defeated 1. Roblaaoa. 4 and 2. Third OirUles. Sherman Ford-C. L. Bllsa, poatponed; o W ^S0"" defeated J. W. Heller. -1 op; ? M. Walmaley defeated W 1. Treadwaj < aad ?; H. Glbeon defeated 1J. U We.t, 7 and 6. FAVORITES WIN IN WOMEN'S TOURNEY Mrs. H. K. Corn well Defeats Mrs. J. R. DeFarges on 19th Hole. i M?' 9. W' R*nkl". of the Wash ington Golf and Country club, med alist in M?nday'a qualifying round of the women's District golf cham Plonship tournament, advanced to the second round yesterday by de feating Mra. Franck Hyatt, of Chevy Chase, one of her moat formidable competitors. 3 and 2. Mra T. C. Klnkaid, of Chevy Chase, the pres ent title holder, also won her match yesterday, defeating Mrs.' C. H. Warner, of Bannockburn, 4 and J. j The real feature of the day. how ever. was provided by Mrs. H. K. Cornwell and Mrs. J. R. DeFarges. both of Columbia, who went 191 holes before Mrs. Cornwell gained I the decision. Both women played] exceptional golf, Mrs. Cornwell making ? medal score of 108, and Mrs. DeFarges one stroke better. Following are the results of yes terday's first round: Mr. L. O. Cameron (C. C.). defeated Mra Marshall Bullitt (C. C.I. 7 aad 6; Mra. T. C. Ktncald (C. C.), defeated Mra C. H. Warner IBann.l. 4 and S; Mra. H. K. Cora well (Col ), defeated Mra. J. R DeFarce. (Col.), 1 up. IS holea; Mra. O. W. Itaaklu 1 Waah.), defeated Mrs. Fraack Hyatt IC. j ill' ! ?"?. 2: M" Ti_?f Brahaay (Col ), I defeated Mm. a. T. Ocuaslasham iBaanl. 2 and 8; Mlaa Cecilia McCallum. (C. C.)? de feated Mra Tom Moore (Waah.). 4 aad 3; Mra. W. C. Wtmaatt (Cot.I, defeated Mra FletnlHf Newbold IC. C ). by default; Mr> C. L. Frailer (C. C.), defeated Mlaa O. B. Wimaatt (Col.), > and 2. Oeaaelattaa. Wrat Round?Mra. L. A. Frothlaaham (C C.). deflated Mlaa K Savage (C. C.). 3 and Z. Mr. George Klrharo. tc. C.). defeated Mr. McArthur <C. C.), b) default; Mra "*rb*" Bbaanoa (Ool.), defeated Ula. Elinor Wheeler (C. C.?. by default; Mra. ?? A. Slater (Col.), defeated Mra. C. V Wheeler <C. c.). by default. Seeond Round?Mra. slater defeated Mra. shannon, 3 and 2. Today'a frairinfa. Champlooahlp r,i,Ut-0:03. Mra. Brahaay ' Mra. Klmald: 8no. S!ra. wimaatt ts. JJ"; Fralley; 8:25, Mra. Cornwell n Mlaa MrCallum; 9:33, Mra. CamerOn n. Mra. Ran. Defeated ei,h,_o:1o. Mr,. Cunningham ?a. Mra. Warner: 8:20, Mlaa Wimaatt ra N'?bold (defaulted by Mr. Newbold) j Un' " M" Moore, 8:40 Mrs. Bullitt r?. Mr*. Hyatt. Consolation. arts?' *"*" rrothtn*',?,? " Mra. Rleh | Empire City Entries. Race-The Rambler Purse or 2-year-olds; claiming:- 514 fur* ?"? p. US; PluHbelle. o5" Awning, us; wild Deuce io?: Pastoral8'.n?: 107:' vSSS?' 11.V V?neya4rt,l0V.: Kate1 Br XVt]* Stranger,' 105* S^muTpTv': Fu ESor#P ??\.Ir''? Tu! AV; .Fvrr.n? &ZZ dam. 110; Tody. m. * M* Ned Race?Hillsdale purse claiming; 3-year-olds and upward; fln l0O5n*VsRuddlM' *?: Ragamuf nn, 105, ?Spuffi, HO; Pavia. lis Wed??* F'Uf' >" * Trader, "Cflgewood, 102; Alexander Homii ton. 115; Surmount. "Jf "rSS R 105; Monastery, ill; Scottish Chief' 105; Esquire. 112; 'Mornlnr Fa^e' ?7, Voormir. 110; Turnabout H2: *oet ,Em' ??' x Fourth Race?The Rambler purse: su fn ?B: *"'re*r"0'd8; clalm l?ja f^ 'orlongs: 'Adella a, ?7; KOtoi, *7; Last Girl, 107; Ladv Zeus, 107; Louis Lichtenhelm 105^ Us" i'iT 8wif,*Kntle' 107: W"ck-' n'nV 112; R^To^'Jio11^,^ 102; Fayvolle, 102; Forge 105; Delhi Maid, 107. A?>ead, Fifth Race?Lilac purse: Allies' 3-year-olds ;1 mile; Beach Star 11?: Ten Buuons m. "2' Sixth Race?The Briarwood purse 2-year-olds; about 6 furlongs- Pie." L-rit.1!0^ ?cVlla,?ln* appr",u" Weather clear, track fast. New York Cuelstar To Meet He rut haw Joe Coneannon, pocket billiard ex H.n.h:?wm r^h^.-rr^ ?h- E"'0? Bllll.r^ H.U. ftp Nlnth o'clock. "latches begin at 8 First Football Casualty as sophomore, who was injured |n a practice game and who died today " it*' Trackman's Selections. fl*? CITT. Klftfc Rare? Ovarii Star. Tea Hal loas, (/..? Bre. ?lath Ware. Larky Haar, Plralr, HryhalatM. AT UVIIBL. Klrat Rarr?Kaatmrr Bisk. Walaal Hall. Great Hawk. Hreoad Rarr?lira Talc, Ball'a Bye, WUrur rntry. Tfclrd Rarr _ Caretaker, ilti H.. Yaakaiak. Fourth Rare ? CarefaU Mlaate Maa, Raaa eatry. Klftk Rarr?Baby Graat, Brldee maa. Drradra. xiatk Rnrr? Maaarlm, Thro. Attoo. Nrvratb Rnrr?RabKlaaa. Salakrta Stable eatrr, Ui'a Urt. AT LE(il\GTOX. Flrat Rare ? Abadaae. i'akalaa* Srwell Caaba. Mrroad Rarr ? Ida Metier. Oar Dear. Iporlamaa. Third Bare?Llvelr. Glfagr ttaeta, Laearaa. Faartb Rarr?Ronlrau. I.adj Mad rap, Jubn S. RrarCen. KHtb Rare ? Kliapalaac. J. C. Staae. I.afoadrr. * Sixth Rarr?Boaua, Bill aad Can, Martha Fallen. Sereatb Rarr?Marar Job a, I'ladr rrlla, Taaag Adam. BETHANY PRIMED FOR NAVY BATTLE ANNAPOLIS. Md... Oct. 25.?Onb of the longest practice scrimmage* of the season was that which marked the work of the Nary pridders thlp afternoon, and Head Coach Folwell was hlrhly pleased at the work of the regulars. The squad was out earlier than usual and worked *01 soma time after the electric lights had been shot on. The program hegan with kicking, tackling, han dling punts, formations and then the snappy work-out against the strong scrub tfam. Although Barchet and Noyes both are doing better punt ing, the coaches are making every effort to strengthen this department. To this end Wallace, a tackle, and Dnrpin. a back, were added to the varsity squad today. Both are de veloping well in punting, and. be sides. Durgin U a fast-running back, while Wallace is an aggressive line man. Bethany College expects to give the Middies a mighty hard rub here on Saturday, according to reports reaching Annapolis. The West Vir ginians are being pointed especially for the engagement, and there are reports, in fact, that they are com ing here to taka Navy's measure. Navy coaches say the team is a heavy one and is to be reckoned with. POST BOWLERS LEAD LEAGUE By defeating the Star team yes terday. the Post bowlers are now out In front in the Newspaper League, with Ave wins and one loss. The Herald and Time* are tied for sec ond position, with three wins and the same number of losses. The Star is fourth, with one victory and Ave defeats. In yesterday's matches, the Post made a clean sweep over the Star, and the Herald won two out of three from the Times. The results: Star. | Po.t. D.MeC'thy 87 Itt! Print 84 100 86 Ring 88 ft 82i Hatton 86 100 112 Ixemnnn.. 91 OS 110 Britt OS 8" 82 T.Met"thy 99 81 MiDaraell... 00 110 10*1 Whit ford. 81 91 108 Wirdelich 105 95 110 Totals. 441 460 482' Totili. 463 490 498 j Times. ] Hen Id. Cihonn... 95 90 Wl'Gniber... 100 HO 90' VFurren... 84 92 102 Darner... 83 115 126 Anandile. 80 82 ..Stein... 80 88 971 Boyd 104! W Clouier 114 9S 95 I George... 85 84 114;AMen 90 83 90! Malcolm.. 87 88 97 ? Total*. 431 448 512| Totals. 4S2 494 498' COMMERCIAL LEAGUE. Wllkim Co. I firry Ice Creitn. | Oliver 77 104 78lPattenon. 91 80 79 Gnthrle.. 101 97 87] H Willms 88 96 80 Hornb'fer 98 90 106 Baylts.... 75 90 88 Ulrich 93 98 lOOjflall 86 85 85 Biird 87 90 ^IV.vlnale. 103 84 10* Total!. 458 485 473] Total!. 443 435 438 MARINE COlirS LEAGUE. Belleau Wood*. j %'eterins. Keller 97 7R 80*Mitchell... 75 108 90 Snyder... 82 8JI 96 Itlcnirdson 91 99 100 Erbi 92 118 102; Dunavent. 89 83 81 Rarwoeki. 88 80 80|Rohby 80 8M 96 Jirltaon.. 79 86 89jO'Connor.. 80 87 83 Totals. 430 457 455j Totals. 415 458 447 RANKERS LEAGl'E. Second National. | Am. 8ec. & Trust. Escn 98 89 93: Brooks... 102 98 110 Yesger... 87 84 94] Itowle 120 92 98 Marlow... 98 102 92|Holland.. 86 103 87 Kerne 81 111 881 West 101 95 80 Scharf... 123 108 114jGheen.... 119 89 113 Totals. 485 494 4811 Totals. 584 477 497 BUSINESS MEN LEAGUE. Wood. & Loth. I Snyder & Little. Matthews 92 99 107lLoifwry 76 73 82 Fox 107 80 96[ Price 76 94 79 <jnMo..\ 101 96 88; Hook*.... 103 90 99 Johnson.. 88 94 94|Tennyson.. 81 83 108 Simpson.. 88 110 104|Bowen... 110 85 124 Total's. 476 479 489| Totals. 446 425 492 INTERNAL REVENUE LEAGUE. Deputy Collectors. | Sales Tax. Burdlne.. 77 85 95< RIsalllon.. 99 89 82 Mack 84 86 82!Doyle.... 115 94 88 Clark.... 133 89 104|Gott 99 92 100 BufTln.... 98 116 104|Kidmond.. 80 86 100 Frully... 107 99 1181 Bradahaw. 93 94 98 Totals. 499 475 498! Totals. 486 4.55 461 HEBREW 1NTERCLUB LEAGUE. Y M. H. A. "C." I Alpine. Becker.. 100 105 116|S11verberg 106 96 108 Wolpe 93 88 ..jL.Levy 98 118 95 Weinberg 86 S'.Levy.... 87 .. Sislen.... 87 87 85 Kramer 96 84 L. Busker 110 96 96 Bernstein. 94 101 88 Ler iohn 104 101 112 8?lfel 88 88 80 Totili. 494 477 495 Totals. 473 494 455 U. S VETERANS BUREAU LEAGUE. Dl'bunlng Office. | Sup. ft Printing. Davidion. 92 92 90l8mith 76 79 83 Park'son. 110 80 80|Junemia.. 85 98 70 Johnson.. 81 80 86|Spence.... 87 89 86 Blihop..* 72 98 91 (Thornton.. 81 82 93 Rosenblatt 87 118 115| Dummy... 80 80 80 442 4?8 4?z| Total.. 409 423 412 Arlingtons Want Games. The Arlinctoas are looking fot names with local elevens. Address L. F. Wise at 110 Twelfth street northwest. phone Clarendon 806-FS. Truxton's Practice. The Truxton eleven will practice tonight at 7 o'clock at Second and M street! northeast. For games with the Tnuctons. call Eddie Bradburd at Vtanklin 14U-W. FOR BARGAINS >? Ilea's aM Bore' CLOTHING OF QUALITY KLEIN'S K0RNSR o?r. nm ?.?. nt.w. Madera and Hess Will Be! Missed in Clash With "Tornado." 8TATE COLLEGE. Pa., Oct 25.? Uthough some of the nlayer? were till showing signs of the gruelling panae with Harvard, all Jt the Penn Itate regulars, with the exception ?f Madera and Hess, were sent hrough a stiff practice this after loon In preparation for the biff ln ersectlonal .clash with Oeorffla Tech on Saturday at the Polo }round aln New York. Madera la >ut for the season with a broken eg. while Hess will be on the slde lnea for at leaat two week* with i badly sprained ankle. Penn State student* are still alklng about the wonderful uphill lght that Bezdek's team made tgainst the Crimson ele/cn, but the >!ayers themselves are not looking: >ehlnd but rather aheod to the vork that lie? before them. The rame with the Southerners this veek promises to be every bit as lard as the one last week, and wltn >nly two more days of practice ev iry minute counts. The team will eave here on Thursday evening. The great work of Llffhtner and Wilson, at halfback positions Lgalnst Harvard, makes them fa vorites to start the Georgi-i Tech came. Capt. Snail left the hospital oday, but is still too weak to prac .Ice. However, he may make the trip with the team on Thursday. tlthough he will not be able to play n the game. Knabb, who replaced tless In the Harvard game, did ex cellent work after the opening few ?lays, and he will no doubt get he fullback assignment against loorgia Tech. Killlnger's' great all i round work In the game last week brings him to the forefront among the quarterbacks of the reason. SHARKEY TO GET CHANCE AT BUFF NE WTORK, Oct. 25 ?Jack Shar key. considered a good fighter until * year ago when he started doing Ills road work on the dance floors, srill get first crack at the bantam weight championship since It was transferred to the management of Johnny Buff. Johnny has agreed to meet Sharkey in a 15-round decision debate ?t the Garden here on No vember 11. If Buff survives Sharkey's rush ing, slugging attack with honor, he will next fight 'Joe Lynch, former champion, some time within the next ninety days. "Wolf" Lar$en Badly Beaten by Tunney NEW YORK, Oct. 25.?"Wolf Larsen. sorrel-topped husky who by sheer gameness fought his way to n metropolitan championship, gave a wonderful exhibition of stamina to night when he was battered all over the rlnsr by the smashing blows of Gene Tunney. light heavyweight champion of the A. E. F. It was a slaughter, pure and sim ple, and Referee Artie McGovern stopped the bout m'dway in th? sev enth round. Tunney. the scientific, pelted Larsen, the novice, from start to finish. The "Wolf" went down no less than three times in the third round, but the former amateur came back for more each time. LAUREL ENTRIES First Rare?For 4-year-old, and up: clalminr: 1 1-18 miles: 'Spear, lane, 102; Flame. 10S : "Walnut Hall. 197: Smart Mnnev. if.: ?Kdith K. 104 : Summer Stsli. 10? Crea: Hawk, 108; 'Bar One. 107: ?Rallvbell, 102: Fair and Warmer. 100: Hackamore. lit: Mron' Boy. 407: ?Snnroae, 99; ?Bryngar. 99 : ?Foreoln.ure. 99. Second Hare ? The Pa t u Tent Steeplechase: handicap ? for S-year ?Ida and up: about ~ miles: tJovful, 139: t Frank B.. IS?: Lytle. HO: tPhoenix. ISO: JSobr'eade, 130; Sea Tale, HO: Flying Scout. 141; Bulls Eye. 148: Peccant. 144: fMlnata. 14S : IBay. 134. tWidener entry. tDaris Dosoris stable entry. iMrs. F. An hroee Clark entry. Thfrd Race?For 5 year-old* ; 5H furlongs: Excuse Me, 109 : Miss Emma <V. 103: Ale* H.. 113; Bernan dlno, 106 ; Gladbrook. 10S ; Misdeal. 10$; Sailing Along. 108: Good Times, 10?; Yashmak. 103: Ultimata. 106: Caretaker. 108. Fourth Race?Hanlicap; for 8-year old and up: 6 furlones: * Careful. 127: ?Step Lightly. 110: tOrlole, 113; tMesslnes, 97 :. Serapis. 109 ; Carman dale, 118; ? Dark Horse. 98 ;Mock Orange, 96; Minute Man. 105. tW. J. 8almon entry. 1J- K. L. Ross entry. Fifth Racc?Handicap: for 3-year olds and up: 1 1-16 miles: Sammy Jay. 98; *Baby Grand. 115; Dresden, 105; Bygone Days, 105; Fanny, 95; The Archer. 112; Brtdumi A, 118 ; Jun? Fly. 95. Sixth Race?For 2-year-olds; claim ing; 1 mile: Chateau Gay. 107; "Ellen Douglas. 97; tWar Relief. 100; tRosa Lee, 100; ?Navlsco, 102; ?Vitamin, 110: 'Orris. 97; *Attoo, 100; ?Colando. 102; Mad Nell, 107; IpTheo. 97; Dissolute. 100; *Felgned ^7; Manheim. 110. tJ- H. Louchelm entry. Seventh Race?Claiming; handicap: for 3-year-olds and up; 1H miles: Lad's Love. 115; Camoufleur, 100; Tap, ?7; Tuscan Maiden, 93: tSalubrla Rubidium, 121; Grenadier, 102; tLoTe. ?Apprentice allowance claimed. Weather clear track fast. Independents Ready. The Independent A. C. eleven wishea to schedule games In the 145 1 (0-pound class. Address E. M. Reidy at 26 New York avenue northwest, phone Franklin 5019. 1 Laurel Races Laurel, Maryland October 4th to October 29tb Firrt Race at 1:45 P.M. Special tralaa I ear# Csiaa Itatlts (Baltimore A Ohla RsIItm4) ???. IIiSS sad 12i4S P. M. MMt day, retaralag loaMllttir after the raeaa. I I Two Timely Specials for TOD A Y! CoDar-to-Match SHIRTS $1 .39 Regular $2.30 values; of extra fine high count Percales; neat hairline stripes; new low collars. Sizes W/i to 17. "UNIVERSAL" _ Domet Flannel Pajamas $1 .39 Regular $2.50 values. Neat fancy patterns. Very spe cially priced at $1.99. Raleigh Haberdasher 1 109-1 1 1 1 Pennsylvania Ave. Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes Tic uic ortt. He hears old echoes calling him from lone and long ago, Where ghostly shadows beckon him j from days he used to know, And after backs had flunked the! charge. or stricken forwards] reeled. The mocking memory of youth has j blurred the open Held. The old thrill leaps to life again. I and through the roaring cheers He sees the youth that used to be beyond the drifting years; He feels the old stir in his breast. where Time has galloped back To place hia slashing speed again | In front of the attack. Why. it was only yesterday he heard the whistle blow. And fought his way for thirty yards against a yielding foe; The sun of spring is in his heart. and yet with mantle spread He known the snows of winter time are thick upon hia head. Sometimes I wonder if the years ; that slip beyond recall Are marked upon the Book of Time | as week ends after all? We hit the line with unchecked I youth?and as the vision gleam? We And that we are gray and old 1 along the road of dreams. We hear the plaudits of the crowd J ?in some off-tackle play. We throw our speed Into the charge \ amid the golden day. And as we turn to look again. Apon the self-same sod We see forgotten youth walk by i without a careless nod. It isn't football systems that ! count for so much as It ia materia , and the condition thereof. Cali fornia's system last winter wa^n ! twenty-eight points better than I Jack Wilce#. But California's m* terial and California's condition : were. The Navy's system was not thirteen points better than Print* - ton's. But the Navy's maten.' and condition were. Most of the systems are good | where the material ia good Not all. but most. Roper. Cavanaugh. Warner. Fisher. Besdek. Jones. Daly. Yost, Wilce. Zuppke. Rich ards. Stagg. Williams. Folwell. Meehan. DeHart. Alexander?East. West. South?which one of them doesn't know football? And they are o^iy a few of the many. Form Sklfts. Last May we were wondering why such golfers as Evans. Jones. Ouimet and Alexa Stirling could make so little headway upon Brit ish terrain. Now we understand Great Brit ain is wondering why such golfers as Duncan. Mitchell, Hunter and Miss Leitch could not make the.r way through our championibtpi. For one reason the couraea cadt . for different types of play. l%ri Great Britain the pitch and paai figures largely upon the fast. hacd?~ greens. There you hit more down upon the ball. Over here the pitch it the wliv ning factor. That s one riMpi. Another is that the visitor in efcdh caae ia inclined to become ? polfed. Having traveled J.OOt mflc* * for one specific purpoae he or stir rather overdoes the preparation. . ?? -Jr. - Chicago and Princeton have only aound basis upon which Inter-' * sectional football can be run?tha. is the home-and-home schedwlv* Kastern teams in the paat hafjrrB been entirely too willing to let A*"" West do most of the invading. It* the same respect the 8outh ?eft^ about iiS per cant the worst of It.' where annual acores hardly teirm*." fair story of. comparative section** strength. By way of autumnal bas^baii cos*-ip a persistent :an desire* ,iui know whether or not McGraw ca^r, afford to stand pat with his prr^%r ent Giant line-up. With a atpi' outfield, a fine infield sod two go??V; ?atchers. the addition of one mi^* v first-class pitcher mill at leant place the burden of proof upon St.j* Louis and Pittsburgh, v.-ho seem-to., be his main rivals at this extrt-nu ly advanced date. With George M Cohsn warminur up for the duties of club cm-ner.r.'t' is not known whether his team u?*? adopt as the official song "It's u * Grand Old Hag." or "Always l?ea\v 1 Th??m laughing As You Say Go +* by." Philadelphia owners migii;* protest the latter selection, clauu ing a previous copyright. In KCaplaaatloB. That mighty shaking of th* carttv Where latitudes may crack. "t Is Willard getting back In shape, t ? To pluck his scepter back And if the longitudes should spUu. You'll understand that he is fit. Pursued by the old boy with the bald dome and the scythe, her. comes "Kid" Zbysr.ko <.n the hop I ? defend hi# crown. Tfr* "Kid's" uuiv , challenger is Old l>oc Time. Fcr while he has upset the Old Doc lt*r a trifling matter of forty-sev<yi years, the law of average is poii\i in? the other may The Old Doc ptobably the most persistent o?v me have hanging around after ??*?? has slipped by 30. In the first move toward disarm ament 600.000 duffers are clamor ing for the abolition of bunkers. Rosebuds in Field. The Rosebuds, of Alexandria, wish to arrange games with elevens in the 115 or 140-pound class Addf*" M. I. Deavers at 433 North Petrick* street. Alexandria, phone 111?. Ltciieli ci^r ?"plumbgood, clear through; ?WLm a bu winti ? downright GOOD cigar, a>ada vat a* tha cboicett tobacca >?4 wltk wall-aiffc parfact workman.hip, ka jvl aata rally ? troll. lata a Peoplaa Ormt Star* and aay* "Carl MitckaU." a. > 3u ???