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$ ??*?-*>* L *** ' Weather colder to tomorrow, fair. Details on page 4. Women Readers ? PW the WASHINGTON. D. G. PAGES ONE CENT LEAGUE VITAL FORCE, WILSON ASSURES 5,000 ? Has No Anxieties for It, He Tells Admirers Sur rounding Home. IS FIRST BREAK IN LONG SILENCE Parade to Ex-President's Abode Follows Foun dation Meeting. "The league of nations is still a living necessity In this country." In a clear, tar-carrying voice, for mer President Woodrow Wilson, father of the league, made this statement yesterday?the first pub lic expression since his physical breakdown during the summer of 1910?in response to 3.000 persona ? who gathered about his home, 2340 5 street northwest, following a mass meeting in the National Theater inaugurating the Woodrow Wilson Memorial Foundation Fund. Coincident with the concrete statement by Mr. Wilson, regard ing his present stand on the league of nations, was the fact that the demonstration at his home, and the mass meeting in the National Theater were participated in by members of Congress, who. al though of the same political faith; were among the "irreconcilables during th* light on the league. Seated on the stage during the entire mass meeting?the begin ning of a movement to honor W11 son?sat Senator Reed, of Missouri: Senator Watson, of Georgia: Sena tor Walsh, of Massachusetts, and Senator Shields, of Tennessee, all so-called, "irreconcilables. Many "ther members of Congress at tended, but did not occupy seats on the speakers' platform. First Break l? Silence. Although the former Chief Ex ecutive intimated " that he still believed In the vitality of the league, during the first public demonstration staged in front or his unostentatious home on that day. by smiling and waving his hand whenever the crowd, in or individually. mentioned the league of nations, his declaration yesterday was the first break in the long silence regarding the Ver sailles treaty since the election. "There can be no doubt as to the vitality of the league of nations, he said., after Samuel Oompers. president of the American Tolera tion of Labor, had referred to him as the person "who biased the way for the proposed four-power treaty now under consideration by Presi dent Harding s arms conference. "Will Take Care or Itself." "The league of rations will take cara of Itself. I have no anxieties 'or it. My only anxiety is to see our great American people turn their face In the right direction and move With all their force. Mr. Wll ao.l continued. _ The public tribute to the man who, for two terms, occupied the Presidential chair, and v-ho gave to the world the league of nations, was spontaneous, having originated through a motion introduced before the Wilson Foundation meeting by D. C. Hodgkins. a local admirer. The introduction^ of the motion, and unanimous passage were as one. Immediately after the adjourn # ment of the meeting, the more than *010 persons who attended assem bled in front of th? National Thea ier having secured permission rnni the police department, while ihe last speaker was on the plat form?and headed by a police escort and a band began to march toward the Wilson home. Marchers Increase in Jfamber. During the coursc of the march, up Thirteenth street to Massachu setts avenue to S street, many per sons were attracted and Joined, with the result that when the proces sion reached its goal shortly after 6 o'clock, the number of original marchers had been doubled. The first plan had been for the procession to march on Pennsyl vania avenue passing the White House, but this had to be abandoned owing to the fact that the police authorities would not permit march ing on streets upon which street cars operate. Upon the arrival at the Wilson home. Robert W. Woolley. former Interstate Commerce Commissioner, and chairman of the local founda tion committee, accompanied by Samuel Gompers, stepped upon the ? small porch In front of the house. Farmer PretlJent Smiles. As the man to whom they were doing homage stepped to the door way. a lusty cheer arose from the huge assembly and despite repeated efforts to restore quiet on the part of those in charge of the impromptu gathering, the cheers continued for many minutes. During this period the former President, clad in a dark suit, a black cape and wearing a high silk hat on his head, stood smiling on the porch. He was supported by his left arm by a house attendant and held in his right hand a light cane. Stepping to the side of Mr. Wil son, offering his arm as a support, Mr. Gompers led him to the front of the porch, following which the eheering w*s renewed with even srreater lustiness. He responded to this ovation by bowing and smiling. G?npm UMi IIIn. The band then struck up "Dixie" and augmented by the continued clleering of the multitude rent the Sunday quietude for many more minutes. Finally, by repeated wavlngs of his hands. Mr. Gompers gained silence. The treaty of Versailles was first injected into the unusual dem onstration when Mr. Gompers, speaking of the mass meeting dur ing the afternoon, made the follow ing declaration: "The general psychology mani* fasted It clearly that the leagne of Continued an Page 7wo. China's Economic Structure Totters as New Year Nears Period of Annual ^Settlements Find* Banks Heavily Involved with Government Overdraft*. SHANGHAI, China, Jan. 15.?The entire economic structure of China Is tottering ae the annual days of settlement?the Chinese New year holidays?approach. The government's Inability to meet Its obligations, general busi ness condition and widespread spec ulation have all combined to bring about what promlhent members of the Chinese Bankers' Society call the worst crisis in the history of modern China. New threats of civil war also are menaoinjr the Peklr government. The cabinet, it Is reported, has re plied to the ultimatum of Gen. Wu Phi Fu declaring^ It will not re sign. . ??n' W" h?? military forces In Hupeuh under his command and ?iti!nOW? t0 be a?ek|nit alliances with various other military gover nors. There are reports also that he may Join forces with Dr. Sun Yat Sen, head of the.8outh China re WOMAN KILLED, SIX BADLY HURT IN AUTO CRASH Victims Hurled Into the Street When Car Skids And Hits Tree. One woman was almost Instantly killed and si* others were severe ly Injured when the automobile ,whJch th'* w?? returning to their homes early yesterday morn ing, skidded against the curb at Ashmead place and Kalorama road northwest, and crashed Into a tree. Several of the occupants were hurled to the street. The dead woman Is Mrs. Edna Wh te. 38 years old. wife of U E. White, a coal dealer living at the Chastleton apartments. Sixteenth and R streets* northwest. Mrs White was sitting ln the rear as the machine crashed Into the tree She received the full Impact of the collision. She was dead on her ar rival at the Emergency Hospital. BMver Badly Hart. ? P**rce. a broker, 17IS Conbaeticut avenue northwest, driver of the automobile, was se verely Injured about the head and body^ He js being held under guard by the Tenth precinct police at the Emergency Hospital for action of the coroner. The others Injured are Alexander Olll. newspaperman, 1370 Columbia road, injuries to the head and body: his wife, Mrs. Gladys GUI, cuts and bruises about the head and body M. Arthur Sinclair, an official of the Potomac Building and Supply Company. 1620 AVoodley road , ? nose' cut8 on the head, and SEisE-?/hls wlfe'Mrs Jud??n Sinclair, cuts and bruises on the head and body, and probable In ternal Injuries; and Kemp Mentzel m,an?Ker of the People's Drug Store at 1330 Belmont street northwest ? k*J bruises about the head) "Bd bod>'- A" were taken to the Emergency Hospital in the auto of George Lee. 36 DeFrees street I northwest, n passing- motorist. j Tw# Be?l? ia Hospital. . I All were able to leave the hos pital last night with the exception I of Pearce and Gill. Pearce appears I to be suffering from shock, physi cians say. Gill's injuries will not I keep him in the Institution for any length of time, according to physic clans. According to the injured persons, tney had spent the evening at the home of Mrs. White, after which1 tney motored to a downtown res- ! taurant They were returning! home when the accident occurred was a n*tlv* Of gont-j mersville. Pa. She came to Wash-' ington after Iter marriage, seven- ; teen years ago, and resided here! ojnee. She was prominent in social circles. Besides her husband she is ! survived by two daughters?Ellison. '? years old, and Josephine, s years old; one son. Endsley, 8 years old j all at home?and one sister, living in Sommersvllle. Pa. Mr. White. I who was not In the machine, is making arrangements to ship the i body to Sommersvllle tonight Coroner Nevltt will conduct an I Inquest. I WANTS "DRY" FLAGS IN EVERY WINDOW ' CHICAGO. Jan. 15.?On the sec ond anniversary of the birth of pro hibition tomorrow, the Woman's Christian Temperance Union will start a. campaign to have blue flags with a white star in the center placed in a window of every home and busi ness place where liquor is banned. It will ba known as the "star in the window" campaign, it is an nounced at national headquarters of the union. Beneath the star will be the words "We are Americans; we support the Constitution." It Is the hope of the temperance union that the campaign will make so wide an appeal that within a short time there will be a star in every window in the land. JURY DEADLOCKED IN BURCH CASE LOS ANGELES. Cal.. Jan. 15 ? At a late hour tonight the Jury de liberating on the guilt or innocence of Arthur Courtenay Burch, charged with the murder of Belton Kennedy, is still deadlocked. More than forty-eight hours have passed since the jurors walked out to consider the evidence, and it is believed they will remain deadlocked until they are discharged. Even the most sanguine have given up hope of a verdict. District At torney Woolwine is already making preparations for a new trial. public. In his ultimatum, Gen. Wu said If the cabinet which he fc cuses of being pro-Japanese aid not resign, he would march against Pekln. In the economic sfeuatlpn. how ever,- bankers Here see peril to China even grater than civil war, because the crash which they fear is at hand will hit the whole na tion. ' The banks of Shanghai face a1 shortage on settlement day of $25.- I 000,000. according to estimates | made today. These are llrgely due | to overdrafts by the Pekln gov ernment. Pekln banks'are heavily Involved with government paper. The total government overdrafts in native Chinese banks In fixed at $75,000,000. none of which the gov ernment Is In position to pay. Many of the largest Industrial capitalists of China are known to be cramped for funds and are fac ing liquidation. (Copyright 1?22.) AIRPLANE CRASHES INTO ICE SKATERS; WOMAN IS KILLED Youth's Arm Severed and Scores Knocked Down On River in Jersey. RED BANK N. J.. Jan. 15.? Crashing into a erowd of 200 skaters on the Shrewsbury River near here late today, an airplane, which started before the aviator could get Into his seat, killed Mrs. Anna C. Hounlhan, 20. of Red Bank, and amputated the right arm of her brother. Lawrence. Conley, 20. of Mtddletown. N. ? More than a score of persons were bowled over by the wings of the machine, but escaped serloua Injury. On the river durihg the early aft ernoon. there were more than 1.000 skaters. Scores of ice boats wero sailing about. Along the banks were hundreds of onlookers. At In tervals, an airplane piloted by Jas. Casey, of Shrewsbury, N. J.. put In an appearance and the skaters watched It aB It went op and down the rlrrf o*er thetr heads. reared lee Wavld Break. In the late afternoon the ma chine flew low and the skaters ex changed greetings with the aviator who leaned out from his cockpit. The plane lighted on the ice 200 yards from shore. As It stopped the skaters crowded about Casey who served more than a year In an aviation unit In France and who is well known at Red Bank. Casey, after his return to this country, built his own machine and took passengers up from his home regu larly. At the point where the plane stopped the ice. was but 7 Inches thick, and skaters fathered about the plane in such numbers that boatmen along the shore realised that the ice might break through., Several started out to the plane and heard the ice crack. More skaters were coming up continually, and boatmen suggested to the aviator; that he "hop ofT to avert a disas ter. i Ordering the crowd away from n front of the machine. Caaey started the propeller. On both sides were hundreds of skaters. The plane * suddenly swirled before Casey could jump into the cockpit. -*As the huge machine swung around the crowd pressed back ward, trying to get out of the path of dangler. Standing In the front of the skaters was Mrs. Hounlhan, her husband. Timothy; her two children. 10 and 7 years old. and her brother. I The propeller struck the woman on the heai, crushing her skull. She died instantly. The blades tore practically all the clothing from her body. Her brother, young Conley. was at her side. He had tried to shove her back as the machine ap proached. As she fell one of the blades struck him in the right shoulder, severing his right arm. Scare Knocked Dai*a. As tha throng of skaters and on lookers fled in panic, many fell to the ice. The machine knocked down' more than a score before Casey succeeded in stopping the engine. When the machine halted, the crowd rushed forward agaiu. Mrs Hounihan's body was severely mu tilated. It was taken to a boa: house nearby. A tourniquet was made about Conley s shoulder and he was rushed to Monmouth Hos pital at Long Branch, where it was said tonight he would recover. Casey afterward flew back to his home. He was not detained by po lice, who reported Mrs. Hounihan's death as accidental. CARRANZA CHIEFS PLOT NEW REVOLT) EL PASO. Tex.. Jan. 15.?A wide spread plot to restore former Car ranza leaders to power is being watched by Mexican and American border officials. Actual armed resistance Is being held up due to lack of finances. It is reported. Heading the revolution is Estaban Cantu. former governor of Lower Cal ifornia. and Candldo Aquilar, It is reported. Local intelligence officers report many secret meetings being held in Los Angeles and in border towns to foment the revolution. Pastor Saves Bible in Fire. LONG ISLAND CITY. N. T.. J*n IB.?Braving flames and smoke that swept the First Reformed Church here today, the Rev. Dr. F. A. Schofieid, its pastor, dashed into the biasing building and saved the Bible and the communion table. Damage estimat ed at $1M00 was caused by the Ere. IRISH CABINET UNWORRB BY VALERA THREAT # Feels Free-Staters Will Be Vindicated in the Spring Election. UNIONIST PRESS BACKS GRIFFITH Next Parliament Will Be More Representative, Is Belief. DUBLIN, Jan. 15. ? Ireland's new government, which assumes tomor row the responsibility of running Dublin Castle, is not nearly so wor ried about the future as one might expect after hearing the threats from the Dc Valera republican camp. Neither Arthur Griffith nor Michael Collin#, heads of the provi sional administration, believe that the country will vote down the free state in preference for a re public at the general election which will be held late in the spring. They anticipate many difficulties, but in the past few days they have grown confident that the free-stat ers will be victorious in all funda mental matters. Not only are they sure that the majority of Sinn Feiners will get behind them, but thov feel that the unionists and the laborites will co operate with them against those whose policy today is one oI oppo sition to the free 6tate. Wis Strong Support. , Griffith's cabinet is receiving Just as strong support from the unionist press in the south of Ireland as he is from the Sinn Fein papers, some of which formerly were national ist organs. In all Ireland De Va lera has only one paper behind him, "The -Republic of Ireland," edited by William J. Mellowes, who has proved himself one of the ablest members of the Dail Elreann, and that fact will tell heavily against the pro-treaty party In the forth coming election. The split in Sinn Fein Is result ing In an alliance between the Unionists and Free Staters and the harder the republicans fight, the stronger will become this union between two whilom political en emies. De Valera Barm Bridge*. De Valera ha# horned his bridge? and there seems to be no possibif ity that he or Ms ablest lieuten ants will go over to Griffith's side before the election although some or thee Free Staters are trying desperately to win them. Un doubtedly a few republicans will be returned to the Dail at the elec tion but It Is difficult to see of what importance the role they play in Pari lament can have. If any. The| Republicans insist that under no i circumstances will they take the oath of allegifcice contained in the Angl-Irlsh treaty and unless they do take II. they will not be eligi ble to sit in the assembly, just as the Sinn Feiners who were elected to the British Parliament at West-; minster could not sit there because they wouldn't take the required o*h. De Valera would be a powerful j opposition leader in the Parliament1 of ?he Irish Free State but If he is elected and refuses to take the oath he catinc i fill that place. The next election will undoubt edly result in a more representa C on tinned on Page Four. Germans Resent Bread Price Rise Angered at Allied Order to , End Government Subsidy. BERLIN. Jan. 15.?Accustomed as Germany Is to political bombshells thrown Into its m^re or less orderly midst by the entente, tho last de mands from the victors caused no especial walling or gnashing of teeth. The desire of the supreme coun cil's war crimes committee to have the former Kaiser, MarshaT Luden dorff and others extradited and tried abroad caused far less anger than the Cannes demand that the bread subsidy be ended. The bread price order affects the entire working and middle classes and means the 7-mark loaf has gone. It means that bread will cost about 50 cents a pound for' workers earn ing 30 cents daily. In short, it means a wav* ot unrest, agitation and strikes affecting the stability of the government. The government is blaming the en tente for the removal of the bread subsidy, which costs the treasury millions of marks, olaimlng It is one of the many instances of the en tente's movee to block the rehabilita tion of German finances. The bread increase comes at a time when there was every neces sity for trying to avoid doubling the price. German exporter!! are doubling their prices, but the workers through out Germany are getting only 5 cents more daily than before the great crash In exchange. (Ccpj right 1922.) Sing Sing May See "Last Laugh" Film OSSINING,. ~n! Y~. Jan. 15 ? It was reported at Sine Sin* prison today that arrangement, are being made to show the motion picture "The Last Laugh" to the con damned prisoners in the death house. Warden Laws was not at the prison to verify the report. Considerable oomrnent on the title of the picture was made by the attendants. They thought It had a rather cynlcal"'slgniAcanc? for men about to die. BUTLER FIGHTS FEDERAL RULE OF EDUCATION ? ? - ? Head of Columbia Fears Effects of New De- - partment. OPPOSES MAKING OF MORE BUREAUS Urges Continuance' of The Free and Natural School System. NEW YORK. Jan. 15. ? Op posing the plan to establish a National Department of Education, which he characterises as a pro posal "to bureaucratlse and to bring into uniformity the educational sys tem of the whole United .States, while making the most solemn as surance that nothing ot the kind is intended." Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, in hi? annual report as pres ident of Columbia University, maae public today. asserts that "In the United State* we are. In flat {defiance of all our proclaimed prin ciples and ideals, building a series of bureaucracies that will put to shame the best effort? of tho gov ernment of the Czar of all the Rus slas when In the heyday of its glory." President Butler urges the contin uance of "the free and natural sys tem of education that has grown up among us." Germany's experl eace in cited, as a lesson to Amer ica. of what flows from highly cen tralised control. To set up such a system here. President Butler de clares would be to tap the Federal Treasury In the guise of aiding the States, to establish again an army of bureaucratg in Washington, and to aid "In effecting so great a revo lution in our American form of gov ernment as one day to endanger its perpetuity. Hees I'm-AMrricaa Activities. "We are surrounded by agents, special agents, inspectors and spies, and the people are called upon to support through their taxes in harmful and un-American activities whole armies of Individuals who should be engaged In productive In dustry. When anything appears to go wrong, or when any desirable movement seems to lag. a cry goes up for the creation of some new board or commission, and for an appropriation *f public funds to maintain It In reasonable comfort. An infinite number of blatik forms must be filled and an infinite num ber of records must be kept, classi fied and audited at steadily mount ing cost. "For a fang time the excellent lim itations of the American form of Fed eral government held thsse move ments In check, so far as the na tional government itself was con cerned. When, however, the Ingenious discovery was made that the na tional government might aid the States to do what lay within their province but was denied to the na tional government Itself, the door was opened to a host of schemes. These have followed each other In rapid succession, all urged with a certain amount of plausibility and with an appeal to kindly sentiment, usually supported by vigorous propaganda and zealous paid agents. Edaeators MOvers?(sske4." "So far as education is concerned, there has been overorganlsatlon for a long time past Too many persons arc engaged in supervising. In inspect ing and in recording the work of ?other persons. There is too much machinery, and In consequence a steady temptation to lay more stress upon the form of education than upon its content. Statistics displace schol arship. There are, in addition, too many laws and too precise laws, and not enough opportunity for those mis takes and failure, due to individual initiative and experiment, which are the foundation for great and lasting success. "It is now proposed to bureau crat! zr and f*o bring into uniformity the educational system of the whole United States, while making the most solemn assurance that nothing of the kind is Intended The glory and the stresses of education in the United States are due to Its freedom, to its unevennesses, to its reflection of the needs and ambitions and capacities of locnl communities, and to Its being kept In close and constant touch with the people themselves. Praise* Natural System. "There is not money enough In the United States, even If every dol lar of It were expended on educa tion, to produce by Federal authority or throurh whst Is naively called co-operation between tho Federal gov ernment and the several States, edu cational results that would be at all comparable with those that have already been reached under the free and natural system that has grown up among us. If tax-supported edu cation be first encouraged and In spected, and then little by little com pletely controlled, by central author ity. European experience shows pre cisely what will happen. "In so far as the schools of Franee are controlled from the ministry of education in Paris, they tend to hard en into uniform machines, and it Is only when freedom Is given to dif ferent types of school or to different localities, that any real progress is made. Anything worse than the sys tem tfhlch has prevailed In Prussia would be difficult to Ipagine. It universally acknowledged that the un happy decline in Gerrfon university freedom and effectiveness, and the equally unhappy subjection of the ed ucated classes to the flctates of the political and military ruling groups, were the direct result of lie highly centralized and efficient control from Berlin of the nation's schools and universities ?'For Americans new to accept oversight and direction of their tax supported schools and colleges from Washington would mean that they had failed to learn one of the plain est and most weighty lessons of the war. It Is true that education is Continued on h,. romT. Cancelled Vote For Newberry Watson Denies He Had Authorized Repudiation Of Pair With Nordeck. Friends of Senator Newberry are irouH4 over discovery of what they believe were dishonest tactics re sorted to in the effort to unseat the Michigan Senator last week. When the voting began Senator Curtis, the Republican whip, an nounced the pairing of Senator \Y*tson. of Georgia, for seating, with fenater Nor beck, of South Da kota. for unseating Newberry. Wat son was absent, and Norbeck with held his vote at first. Senator Townsend, of Michigan, had In formed Senator Curtis he had the authority of Wstson to pair the Georgian in favor of Newberry. Before the result was announced Senator Underwood, the Democratic leader. Informed Senator Curtis thst Watson's secretary had sent wo^l to cancel the psir. Senator Curtis announced the cancellation, and Norbeck voted against Newberry. Senator Watson stated yesterday that neither he nor his aecretary had authorized cancellation of the pair, and intimated he would ask for an investigation. Senstor Un derwood says the message to cancel came by telephone, but he had be lieved it genuine. ACTION EXPECTED TODAY ON FOREIGN DEBT FUNDING BILL Congress Would Speed Bonus and Anti-Lynch ing Measures. Congress this week will d'rect Its attention to three importsnt measures, passage of which Is de sired by the administration?the foreign debt funding bill, the sol d'er bonus bill and the ant*.-lynch* ing bill. The debt funding kill Is to be re ported out by the Senate Finance Committee probably today minus some cf the restrictions that have proved objectionable to the admin istration. Consideration will be started at once. The bill will pro vide for putting the Sll.OOff.OOO.ftS* owed th1? government by foreign countries In definite form?now the losns are simply secured by ??de mand notes" Maturity would he twenty-five years hence. A provi sion probably will be Included to defer interest payments for a pe riod of years, becanse of present inability of debtor nations to make psyments. Will Speed Boss, B?l. ^ The admin'stration has urged passage of this bill for months and recently the President has exerted strong pressure on the Senate to obtain sction In that'body. After the debt funding bill Is re ported out. the Senste Flnsnce Comm'ttee will prepare a soldier bonus bill, with the idea of report ing it out in a short time This measure, it is expected, will con tain provisions for making its first payments through taxation. Later payments may he cared for through Interest from the debts of foreign governments. But President Hard ing will insist thai whatever Its form, the measure contain definite provisions for raising money for the payments It will authorise. Deai or rats te Oppose. The ant'-lynchlng bill, desired by the administration to redeem s party campaign pledge, will be brought up in the House later in the week. Democrats will continue their filibuster sgalnst it Tomorow the Senate will vote on the bill supported by the farm bloc to put s "dirt farmer** on the Fed eral Reserve Board. The. adminis tration's objection to a legal stip ulation of this sort ia expected to carry. An attempt will be made simply to amend the reserve act to provide for representat'on for agri culture in the same way that repre sentation for business and Industry is now provided. The. Ways and Means Committee of the House will hold hearings on the rroposed amendment to the Constitution to forbid issuance of tax-exempt securities. Prr*ldeet Prods CosgrtM. The committee Investigating Sen ator Watson's charges of cruelty to soldiers will resume, hearings. Hnusc committees will continue their work on the appropriation bills. The succeed'ng weeks will wit ness an attempt on the part of lesders to bring about greater unity of action with the executive branches, and greater unity within the party organisation. There will be an effort also to obtain more de cis've action. This is the. result of a series of conferences among leaders during the past ten days. President Hard ing has prodded Congress, and there, has been agreement on the necessity for greater unity and efficiency. OIL TOWN'S LOSS BY FIRE, $500,000 MEXIA, Tex., Jan. 15?The Ion caused by the Are which destroyed many of the new buildings erected ?incc the discovery of the "won der oil field" here, la placed by con servative estimates at tiOt.OOO. Martial law recently had bean declared In Mexla. where rice and lawlessness resembling the days of '49 was said to be rampant. Many of the dives to have fceen cleaned up by the military were wiped out by the Are. The blnce originated In the bus iness district and the remainder of the town, partly oomposed of frail wooden shacks and temporary struci/lrfs built on the heals of the afn boom, was saved only after dynanltlnc had Veen resorted to. POINCARE ACTS TO BRING BACK OLD DIPLOMACY AND ASSERTIVE NATIONALISM Genoa hopes TO AID PEACE Thousand Delegate* Ex pected at Economic > Conference. ROME, Jan. 16.?Upward of ? 1.000 delegate* arc expected to attend the international economic conference at Genoa, Premier Bonoroi has reported to the cabinet. A commission has been ap pointed to organise trans portation. telegraphic and telephonic services a* well as lodgings for the delegates. Many of the delegations, it is declared. Will have to reside in towns near Genoa where the accommodations will be available The mayor of Genoa has wired the premier thanking him for aiding in the selec tion of the city for the con ference. In welcoming the delegates coifiing from all over the world he expressed the hope that "the birth place of Columbus and Maz zlni will be instrumental in engendering the long expect ed peace." NEW ASSOCIATION OF NATIONS, AIM OF LLOYD GEORGE Plans Entente to Include Russia, Germany, and United States. UONPOX. Jan. II.?Lloyd George, checked temporarily in his program for the regeneration of Europe, will permit no delay in his intensive campaign to reach a solution of a dangerous international sttnation. which has been rendered doubly critieal by the overturn of tne Br land' government in Prance. Every force in Downing Street will at once turned to the three dominant ideas of the premier s for eign policy. First, a general reconstruction of the entente cordiale. Sccond, the success of the Genoa economtc conference. Third, the creation of a new as sociation of nations, embracing Russia, the United States and Ger many. which LJoyd George wants to 4ee as a result of the Genoa meeting. A alma to WMfi Ea teste. Until the Poincare government is flrmly established in Paris, the pro ceedings will necessarily be ex tremely delicate. British government officials are convinced that the entente, in Its present form. Is antiquated arnJ out grown and that it needs ci?%;?lete overhauling. There is a double barreled purpose in this. In the first place the Anglo-French difficulties must be straightened out; in the second place, any entente must form the nucleus cf a far wider European settlement, such as the Washington conference developed. It is feared in England that if the entente remains exclusively a two-nation agreement, ft may pre clude the broader scheme for all European co-operation. Hepea te Gala C. S. AM. If Franc* refuses to join LJoyd George in this. Great Britain. It is intimated, will proceed with the other European nations in the work of restoring normal conditions in Germany and Russia. At the same time it ia admitted that the refusal of France to participate In the new association would have the same ef fect as that suffered by the league when it waB organised without the participation of the United States, Germany or Russia. Lloyd George hopes to make his proposed federation economically and politically attractive to the United States, but it is recognised that France's remaining aloof might have a restraining effect on Ameri can thought. The flrst task to occupy the Brit ish diplomats, returning tonight from Paris, is to lay the ground work for the Genoa conference. A committee will meet In London im mediately, to arrange the agenda* and details of the proposed con sortium. Rail Strike Vote Will Be Discussed Shop Crafts Committee Will Resume Conference Today. CHICAGO, Jan. It.?Another week's discussion of the advisabil ity of revlvtac the strike vote of the more than ?>>0.000 railway shop employee will open here tomrrow when the committee of 1*0 of the federated shop crafts resume, con ferences that alerted last Monday. While no official statement has been forthcoming, reliable reports' Indicate there is a Itroif faction In favor of authorising a strike vote, the Issue being th, working rules for the shop crafts recently pro mulgated bt the United States Labor Board. The chief objection is to thoa* rules which curtail overtime paytoent. The shopmen, aereral month* a(o. votad to etrlke aa a protest against the U per cent ww? reduction of July 1. bui deferred action pending announcement of the working rulea. POLICIES INDICATED New Paris Premier May Refuse to Meet Rus sia at Genoa. SUPREME COUNCIL SWAY ATTACKED Six of Briand Cabinet Re tained, Including Sarraut. PARIS, Jan. 15.?The new French government. headed by Raymond Poincare and including in It* membership six of the minister* who served under Aristlde Briand. has been formed, accepted by the President and is beginning to function. It? first movement to carrr out the nationalist program which constitutes the platform of Poin care and his political group is seen in the endeavor of the new premier to break down the supreme coun cil's control of European a/fairs and revert to the old style method* of diplomacy, conducting all nego tiations through the ambassadors at the various capital*. Will Hefaae te Meet Rwmia Poincare'* flcht against the su preme council datee elmoet from its formation. Jn his writings h* ha* continually argued against settle ment of important European prob lems by what he termed a 'peri patetic council** journeying from capital to capital and creating "nothing but a series of compro mises." Poincare scathingly criti cised the supreme council's work in Brussels and London last year. and issued a final broadside when the council found Itnelf unable to ar rive at a satisfactory conclusion on Upper 811esis. passing the ques tion over to the league of nations for solution. Consequently, his action in de manding the end of Its activities oomes as no surprise. The second step to put Into effect his program Is the indication that the new premier will refuse to meet Russia at the Genos confer ence table until Russia has ac knowledged all external debta. In cluding those of tkm Gear's regim* Seleetlsss Are Approved. Poincare spent the entire morn ing in an attempt to find occupant* for the posts ot labor and hyglen* In his cabinet, and It was not until 2 o'clock In the afternoon that the completed list was car ried to President Mlllerand for hi* approval. His colleagues were pre. sen ted to the president in the evening. The political complexion of the ministry Is not exactly what Poin care might have wished, owing to the refusal of Herrlot. leading radi cal Socialist, and Andre Tardleu. to Join. Observers declare, neverthe less that it Is a homogeneous body and that it should work well. Four of Poincare's colleague* have neve** held cabinet rank be fore. As a whole the ministry rep resents every section of geography of France save the north. By professions, it Includes fen . lawyers, three engineers. three . journalists, two members of the I French Academy and former pre miers?Poincare and Barthou?one financial inspector. De I*a St eyrie one sea captain and one former pre mier of the republic. Press Bark* Poincare. On broad lines. It was intimated, the foreign policy will follow | closely the outline already forecast. Its basis will be that the recon struction of France is essentia! I* the reconstruction of Europe, and that, therefore, the allies* firM taei. must be to aid France. Reference to French refusal to sttend tn* Genoa conference without guaran tees troni Russia regarding the pay ment of debts, and to the policy thar the terms of the Verssilles treatv must not be altered to the detri rnent of France, are also confirmed as a part of the new government'* program. "Poincare certainly he* the great majority of the country hehlmt him." says the Journal des I>ebat* "Poincare Is both intelligent and firm." seys the Temps / "The country will heve confidence/ in the cabinet." La Liberie agree* / Members of Cabinet. The caiblnet list follows: Premier and foreign affairs. Ray wond Pol nee re. , Justice and Alsace-Lorraine. Lottia Barthou. Interior. M. Manoury War and peneioas. Andre Meg. I not. FInence, Charles de I^astevrie. Marine. M. Raiberti Agriculture, Adolphe Cheron. Labor. M. Payronnet. Instruction. Leon Rererd. Colonies. Albert Sarraut. Public worke. Le Troquer. Commerce, Luden Dior Liberated regions. M Reibel. Hygiene. M. Strauss Undersecretaries already eppoint ed are: Foreign affairs. M. Colret; public worke Louie Rollln; posts snd tele gaaph. M. Lafont; eeronauttce. M Deutriel. *arraat*? Ptaee Ceaeeded. Official announcement of the re appointment of Albert Sarraut ?* , minister for the colonies nad beer held up for Sarraute acceptance His reappointment, not only m view of hie vast knowledge of France a colonial problems but because ot hie participation In the Waahtng ton arms conference ss heed of tne French delegation, was concede* from the first. France seeks t? Justify her present course in intar nattonal ppKtlcs, it was pointed out and the appointment of another in Sarratit's place wou& have eras ted en unfortunate Ieapreeeton In Amer ica