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THE NORTH : CAROLINA. STANDARD WEDNESDAY, ;. FEB. 14, 1855: 8ft t BALEM3II. WEDNESDAY. FEB. 14. 1855. Business Directions. Anv person remitting money for subscript ion to the Stan dard will please sl:te whether it is for the Weekly or Semi V'eeklv paper; and also whether it is for a new subscriber or i'nr one already ou our books. In ordering a change of the paper, please state the Post otlice to be changed jt'runh,- well us the one to. ... Write all proper names plainly and distinctly. pjf .s a general rulo we shall, in future, send our paper to'no new subscriber until the subscription money is paid, as we desire and intend to adopt the advance payment sys ter.i as s.miu as practicable. ; '"'' V All obituary notices exceeding teu lines will here-, after be charged as advertisements. Sirancers sending ns advertisements must accompany tliiin wuii the cah or give satisfactory reference, or they it'. not be insetted. Persons indebted for subscriptions can remit any amount at nitv time bv mail ; ami receipts will iu all cuses be prompt ly '.lansmitted. Those who are indebted up to November as: w ill, we mist, send in the amount at once; and if the precise sums due are net known, it will make no dilletenee, us for all sums overpaid in this way the subscriber will have crodit and a receipt accordingly. Wc trust all our friends will remit by mail, and thus sa'veus the heavy commissions, i ner cent, which we have to pav for collectinir. 1 HOLDEN & WILSON. Feb. 7, 1S:5. THE LEGISLATURE!. The Senate has passed tlie Revenue bill as it came frm the Commons, having rc-eonsi iiered and struck out on the third reading the amendments it had made on the first. A supplemental bill has, howev er, passed the Senate, containing proposed amend ments to the Commor.s bill; but it is doubtful whe ther the latter body will have time to act upon it. The Commons was engaged on Monday on tho P:mk bills. The bill incorporating the Bank of Wil mington, with a capital of $800,000, passed its third and last reading in that body, and will doubtless be come a law. All attempts to get to a vote on the IViiik of the State and the Bank of Cape Fear, fail c J. It seems now to be considered doubtful wheth er these two Banks will be re-chartered at the pres ent session. ..' - On Mondar night the two Houses rescinded the joint resolution to adjourn to-day, Wednesday, and they then agreed to adjourn on Saturday next, at twelve o'clock, il. The session has been a protract ed and laborious one, and members are anxious to return heme, The two Houses will no doubt ad journ sine utc on Saturday. See proceedings. THE STAR KXOW-XOTIIDsC.ISM. The Raleigh Star, which seems to have abandon ed the old Whig party and become the organ of the now party of bigotry and intolerance, says that the charge preferred by the Standard that the Knoir Kothit'ii concern "is the ally of abolitionism is ab solutely and unqualifiedly false." That paper then, bv way of sustaining its assertion, alludes to the sixty-thousand Know-Nothings in Virginia, a ma jority of whom are slaveholders. We have uniformly given facts in support of our charge against this secret and dangerous organiza tion : and we refer again to some of these facts, as follows : 1. The election by the Know Nothings, of Gard ner r.nd Pollock as Governors respectively of Massa chusetts and Pennsylvania, and the frecsoil abolition messages of these Governors. 2. The election by the Know Nothings and fusion ists of a majority of the Legislature of Michigan, which majority has recently instructed Gen. Cass and Mr. Stuart to vote to repeal the Nebraska and Kansas act, and also to repeal the fugitive slave law. 3. The condemnation by tho Know Nothing and f ision majority of the Illinois Legislature of the course of Senator Dougla3 on the Kansas and Ne braska act. 4. The bitter and unrelenting opposition of the Know Nothing speakers and organs to the adminis tration of Franklin Pierce an administration which has signalized itself by its devotion to the compro mise of 1S30, and by its prompt and energetic efforts to enforce the fugitive slave law, and to allow the people of Kansas to establish slavery in that Terri tory, if they choose to do so. 5. The election by the Know Nothings of the Le gislature of Massachusetts of Henry Wilson, a rank and avowed abolitionist, to tho United States' Senate an abolitionist, as shown by his whole course up to the time of his election, and by declarations made in Tremont Temple, Boston, since his election. 6. The rc-clcction, by Know Nothings and the old Whig abolition party combined, of William II. Seward to the United States' Senate by the Legisla ture of New York. We know it is insisted that the Know Nothings proper of New York are opposved to Mr. Seward, and that those of the new party who secured his re-election, belong to spurious lodges ; but why is not this, if true, authoritatively announ ced? why arc not these spurious lodges exposed by the Know Nothing State Council of New York, and Mr. Seward himself denounced? The reason is obvious such a course would injure the Whig party proper of New York, which is an ally of the Know Nothing organization there in its opposition to the administration of Gen. Picfce. But, we are told, the Know Nothings proper of New York could net prevent Sci-ard's re-election. Admit this for the sake of argument, and what becomes of the boasted power of the order ? We were told that they were to sweep every thing before them they httve done so thus far in most of the free States; and the result has shown that they are powerful for evil, but, ac cording to their own admission, powerless for good in that region of Ihe Union. Some years since, when Mr. Seward, the Whig candidate, was elected Governor of New York by the aid of the so-called foreign vote, the Whig press es of this State rejoiced over his election, and claim ed it as a proud triumph over the Democratic party. Their files will show this to be so. Mr. Seward hap peds to have a better stock in trade, as an unscru pulous politician, in the way of votes of so-called for eigners, than he could hope to gain by joining the Know Nothings ; and hence his course. If he had been heretofore opposed to the present naturalization laws, and to so-called foreigners, and if ho were a member of the secret organization referred to, there can be no doubt that his re-election would have been acquiesced in and apologized for by Southern Know Nothing papers, just as they have acquiesced in and apologized for the election of Wilson from Massa chusetts. Vv e might present many more facts of this char acter, if we thought it necessary to do so. Wc do not admit, as the Star claims, that there are sixty thousand of this secret faction in Virginia; but if it be true, then clearly many of thciu have been deceived, deluded, hood-winked by disappoint ed spoilsmen and selfish office-seekers. This faction in irginia may number some Democrats in their ranks; but nine-tenths of them, we do not doubt, recently belonged to the old Whig party. These Democrats, whether heretofore sound or disgruntled, will have to abandon the Know Nothings and come back, or go down. We invite the Star to meet, or even to refer to and explain, if it can, the foregoing facts. RE-ELECTION OF SEWARD. f '; The New York Herald gives tho vote in full By which Mr. Seward was re-elected to the United States' Senate. It seems ..he reseived, altogether, according to the statementvof the Herald, seventy two Whig, twelve Know Jpthing, and three Demo cratic votes. That paper adds : " The re-election of W. II. Seward to the United States Senate establishes the great fact that the anti slavery sentiment is paramount and predominant in the North. The issue between him and the Know Nothings was distinct and decisive. He had thrown down the gauntlet as their sworn enemy in the Sen ate, and they had taken it up. It surmounted their tiag-stalf in our November elections, and, bearing it aloft, the Know Nothings entered the Assembly to supersede him or prevent his election. The more sanguine of their numbers were confident of success the order commanded the balance of power, and yet, on the appointed day of tho tournament, they surrendered the glove without even breaking a lance. la the Senate five Know Nothings voted for Se ward and his majority was five a clear Know Noth ing majority. In the Assembly his majority was twelve; but had the seven Know Nothings voting for him opposed him, there would have been a ma jority against him. of two. Thus the tote of each House and the electiot of Seward were decided by Know Nothing rotes. The result may be charged partly to the despotic discipline of the Know Noth ings and the consequent mutiny of some members; partly to the spoils and the superior tactics of the Seward pipe layers; but, more than to all other cau ses combined, to the pre-dominant anti-slavery sen timent in the Assembly in tho. State and throughout the Northern States." :.. The Philadelphia North American, a leading W hig paper, takes the following view of the matter : "Senator Seward was yesterday re-elected to the United States Senate by the New York legislature. Thi is a remarkable result in view of the powerful inliuence wielded by the know nothing party, to which lie is hostile, and which was, and is, especially hostile to him. Many of his old personal friends and supporters were members of the American order, and by its influence no less than thirty -seven of them were elected to the legislature. AV'hen the course of events developed the fact that the American movement in Now York State was be ing perverted to the purposes of a single faction, the whole cf Mr. Seward's friends, both in and out of the legislature, left the order, and formed a new one of their own. The extent of the mischief done by this did not become known to the other party until the whig legislative caucus was held, at which Mr. Seward received almost a unanimous vote. Previ ous to this the legislature passed a resolution absol ving its members from any extra-judicial oath taken by them. Tho election oi'Mr. Seward to tho Senate was a natural consequence of these events. The thirty-seven American members who voted for hitn are terribly anathematized by the know nothing journals of New York; bt as it scorn to hare been a game of tUn pt ion all roinaf, f7tc public generally will feci but little sympathy t--7A cither party." Two weeks ago we received the copy of a memo rial without date, but bearing the Raleigh post mark. The memorial must have been drawn up by an Abolitionist ; it purported to be from the people of North Carolina to the General Assembly, asking for certain reforms in tho laws relating to Slaves and Free persons of color. Attached to tho memorial was a request that we would publish it in the North Carolina Republican. We most respectfully decline to tlo so, and would give .a rougher refusal to any one who would enter our . tauctum sanctorum to make the request. We would wager a bottle of Temperance cordial that the Memorial was neither drawn up by a North Carolinian nor a Foreigner, but by a Northern Know Nothing ; and we would recommend the author of it to go on the other side of Mason and Dickson's line before penning another. We have strong suspicions of it having come from a certain press already noted for ha Northern spirit. The Memorial opens with a tiresome preliminary, cunningly written, and then asks the consideration of our Legislature to the four following dangerous propositions : 1. That it behooves us as christian people to es tablish the institution of matrimony among our slaves, with all its legal obligations as to its duration between the parties. 2. That under no circumstances should masters be permitted to disregard these natural and sacred ties of relationship among their slaves, or between slaves belonging to dilferent masters. 2. That the parental relation be acknowledged and protected by law ; and that the separation of parents from their young children, say of twelve years and under, be strictly forbidden, under heavy pains and penalties. 4. That the laws which prohibit the instruction of slaves and free colored persons, by teaching them to read the Bible and other good books, be repealed. CiolrJs. llejiublican. Wc received through the Post office a situular circular. We concur with the Republican in the view it has taken of the matter. The people of North Carolina arc quite competent to manage their own affairs, without taking such ad vice as may bo communicated in the manner rcfer rec to, and that, too, from an unknown source. We shall not argue the j'oints made in the circular but we could easily show that our present laws in relation to slaves are proper and salutary 1 and that they are the most contented and happy of their race. F The Hon. A. C. Dodge, recently defeated for the Senate in Iowa, by Harlan, abolitionist and fnsionist, has been appointed Minister to Spain in place of Mr. Breckcnridge, declined. Mr. Dodge has always stood firmly by the Constitutional rights of the South : It is an excellent appointment, and fur nishes additional evidence of Gen. Pearce's regard for those true men in the free States who have gone down politically before the combined forces of Whiggery, abolitionism, and Know-Nothingism. And so the once proud AVhig party, accord ing to the admission of many of its leading men, is broken up and abandoned. What would Henry Clay say, if living, to the absorbtion by the faction of Know-Nethingism of the Whig party which he founded, and labored to make permanent? How he would scorn the " new party " and trample it be neath his feet as a despised, intolerant, anti-American thing! B3F The Whig, abolition, Know Nothing House of Delegates of New York, in session at Albany, granted on the 9 th instant, the use of their hall to Fredrick Douglas, fre negro, to make an abolition harangue I The New York Herald . says the re quest for the use of the hall was unanimously gran ted. Was there no Know Nothing no member of the ' new national party" to raise his voice against it? B3F The last Richmond Enquirer contains a letter from its Boston Correspondent, which thoroughly exposes tho origin and character of Know Nothing ism. We shall publish it in our next. The last New Hampshire Patriot contains a column of extracts from letters, written by Demo crats who have left tho Know Nothing lodges in that State. Jgf" Extra copies of Mr. Waugh's Report on the subject of Temperance and a prohibitory law, may be obtained at this office. Captions of the Laws may be obtained at the Standard office, at $1 50 per hundred. E2F0ur thanks to Mr. D. G. Lougce, of Gris wold's Hotel, Goldsborough,. for the first shad of the season. They were excellent BEAUTIES OF KNOW-NOTHINGISM. The Know" Nothing Governor of Massachusetts has recommended a law to be passed to prevent any man -irom voting at any election, that cannot read and write the English language They permit ne groes to vote, but wish to prevent white men from voting that cannot read or write. ' Anotuek. The Know Nothing Legislature of Il linois has passed a resolution censuring the conduct of Messrs. Douglas and Shields, (a foreigner,) for the repeal of the Missouri Compromise. Another. The Know Nothing Legislature of Michigan has passed similar abolition resolutions with regard to Senator Cass. Know Nothing Morality. We question whether the history of parties presents an instance where truth, justice, and every principle of right have been so wantonly outraged, as in the case of the Know Nothings. Falsehoods, the most flagrant, and mis representations, the most infamous, teem constantly from their press1 ; and when the former are denied and the latter exposed, the journals publishing them seem to know nothing of the matter, and without the slightest hesitation pass on to new slanders and new misstatements. The Washington Organs stated the other day that, the Know Nothings in the New York Legislature numbered over tifty; indeed, that they were so numerous that as many as fifty were traitors. The " Herald of Wednesday commenting on Seward's election, places the Know Nothing strength of both houses at nineteen, traitors, loyalists, and all. It would be difficult to reconcile these statements were we not aide to state the elfect desired to be produ ced by both papers. The Organ was indulging in the K. -N. game of brag before Seward's election, while the Herald was endeavoring to screen its friends from the charge of Abolitionism after Sew arcZs' election. This, of course, could only be done by showing that the K. N.'s had not the power to defeat Seward, if they desired it. Day after day reports of their tremendous succes ses are published, which tho succeeding day flatly denies ; but no retraction is found in the ignoramus journals. A few days since, we proved that the organs of the party had tortured Washington's words and be lied La Fa3'ette to suit their purposes, yet no with drawal came. Indeed, the whole campaign is, on their part, a melange of betting, bigotry, braggado cio and bombast, with a little misrepresentation, to use no harsher term, to make the whole spicy and Know Nothingish. Occasionally the brethren get quarrelsome, and then, in obedience to a venerable maxim, " when rogues fall out honest men get their dues," we get a little insight into the morality of the party. Thus, the American Organ proclaimed nearly the wholo of the K. N. members of the New York Leg islature perjurers, " who had falsified their promises and sacrificed their honor" to elect Seward. In the same vein the Richmond Post waxed exceedingly wroth, characterized the act of the K. X. majority in New York as ' deliberative dajinin treachery." Such is the character of the party, according to fraternal testimony. Fci. JJem. WASTTINnTCN ON THE POLICY OF THE ADMINISTRA TION. As the Know-Nothings profess to have great respect for the opinions of our venerated Washing ton, please publish the following, which they seem to have overlooked. In an address to the Soman Catholics, dated March 1700, he says: " As mankind become more liberal, they will be mot e apt to allow, thai all those irho conduct them seltes as worthy members of the community, are equally entitled to the protection ofcicil gocemment. I hope ever to see America among the foremost na tions in examples of justice and liberality. And I iin-mmm vmir fidlow-ritizons irill not fornet the patriotic part irhich yon took in the accomplishment of their ro ot ution, and tne establishment oj their government or the important assistance which they received from a nation in which the Roman Catho lic faith is professed." Life of Washington, p. l'J7. " The Irish volunteers merit the warmost thanks of America for their patriotism ; and I hope their countrymen who have so long struggled for liberty, trill be hospitably and cordially received here." Washington. " The bosom of America is open to receive, not only the opulent and respectable stranger, but the oppressed and persecuted of all nations and of all religions, whom we shall welcome to a participation in all rights and priei leges." Washington. "The citizens of tho United States of America have a right to applud themselves for having given to mankind cxumples of an enlarged and liberal policy a policy worthy of imitation. All posxesa alike liherty of conscience and immunities of citizen ship. It is now no more that toleration is po7,ii of a- if it were by the indulgence "f one class of people tlwt another enjoyed the (.nrcise of their inherent natural rights ; for, happily the Government of the United States which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance, requires only that they who live under its protection, should demean themselves as good citizens in giving it on all occasions their effectual support." Washington. Washington also, in 17D-J, signed a naturalization law, which conferred upon foreigners the right of suffrage in two years. Abolitionism Lkads toe Column. Within a sin gle month the following abolitionists have been elected to the Senate of the United States for six years from the 4th of March next : Win. II. Seward, of New York; Henry Wilson, of Massachusetts; and Charles Durkcc, of Wisconsin. Mr. Harlan, of Iowa, has received the whole vote of the fusionists in the leg islature of that State, and makes the fourth of the series. Mr. Seward is his own successor. Gen. Wilson follows.Mr. Everett; Mr.jDurkce succeeds Hon. J. P. Walker, democrat ; and Mr. Harlan expects to fill the place now occupied by the orthodox democrat, General A. C. Dodge. There are several other States to elect, and we shall not be suprised, to see the fusionists in these States uniting upon other abolitionists of the same stripe as those already cho sen. The contest in New Hampshire is conducted partly to elect abolitionists to the Senate, in place of two sound national men, otherwise certain of being returned to that dignified body. Gradually the conservative and constitutional influence in the Senate is passing awayibefore the know-nothing or ganization. Gradually the stern and well-tried champions of the rights of the States are being stricken down in the North. In this State of afFairs the strange and appalling spectacle is presented of southern men coming forward to unite with influ ences that conspire to destroy the rights of the South and to dissolve the noble fabric of our Union. This would, indeed, be a melancholy realization of tho adage, " Whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad." Wash. Union. , The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Wis consin'has issued a habeas corpus in the case ofS. M. Booth and John Ryecrft, recently convicted in the United States Court at Milwaukie of a violation of the provisions of tho act generally termed the Fugi tive slave law,and sentenced to fine and imprisonment. The State Court has, heretofor declared the law in question unconstitutional and void. On the receipt of the nevvs of the issuing of the writ of habeas cor pus at Milwaukie a public meeting was convened, at which resolutions strongly censuring the course of the federal authorities and counselling revolutionary action to defeat the laws of the land, were adopted with frantic enthusiasm. The fine imposed upon Booth and Ryecraft amounts to $1,601 "and this is to be made up by voluntary no instance to exceed one dollar, it has been stated that the anti Nebraska members of Congress Tiave contributed towaads the fund. New York Herald. J3p" We have received the .February number of the University Magazine. Contents The doctrine of the Tongue English Literature in the feigns of Anne and Elizabeth The Waldenses Orators and Oratory Laura Woodville Editorial Table, &c. &c. A hint for tiie know nothings. The New York bord ' of emigration estimates that $20,000,000 in money has been brought into the country in the last year by German emigrants. 'From, our Washington Correspondent. - - Washington, Fcb.h 10, 1855. -Michigan Anti-Slavery .Resolutions Mr. Cass de clines to obey Bounty Land Bill passedKings Mountain defenders includetikFrench Spoliation Bill to be vetoed Hon. John S. Mills A States Right's Senator River and Harbor improvement bills Know Nothingism and its fruits Abolition Senators elected Diplomatic Reform and Texas debt bill passed the House Mr. Breckenridge de clines the Mission to Spain. On Monday a series of resolutions were presented in the Senate adopted by the Legislature of Michi gan, instructing the Senators from tbat State, rela tive to tho question of slavery. The resolutions de nounce the repeal of the Missouri prohibition, assert the power of Congress to abolish slavery and the slave-trade in the Territories and the District of Co lumbia and affirm the duty of Congress to pass such laws immediately, instruct their Senators to use their best exertions to procure the passage of an act pro hibiting the introduction and existence of slavery into Kansas and Nebraska, and ask for the immedi ate repeal of the fugitive-slavo law. The Legisla ture of Michigan is controlled by Fusionists and Know Nothings, and this is the first demonstration of these enemies of the Democracy against the coun try. Mr. Cass addressed the Senate briefly on these resolutions, avowed his determination not to obey these instructions nor to resign his seat, the vacation of which was the object of the Legislature. He re cognized tho doctrine of instructions but with some limitations. Ho was willing to recognize the bind ing force of instructions received from his own par ty but not from a legislature notoriously composed of his political opponents. If the representative of a State in the Senate was changed with every change in the political aspect of its legislature, the conserv ative character of the Senate would be destroyed, and it would be liable to greater changes even than the floiise of Representatives thus virtually annul ling a leading feature of our Constitution, moveover the Whig party did not recognize the doctrine of in structions, and it thus operated ; only to the loss of the Democratic party and never to its advantage. The Bounty Land Bill was further considered in the Senate on Monday, and after the addition of sev eral amendments, it passed that body by a vote of 30 to 15. It is now even larger and more compre hensive than it was when I made an estimate of the amount it would require to execute it, and the ex pense it will devolve upon the Government. But if the lands are to bo given away and squandered, as appears to be the prevailing tendency, to give them to the old soldiers and their dieirs is certainly the best disposition that can be made of them. The passage of this bill into a law will prevent any rev enue to the government from the public lands for at least fifty years. I am glad to say that the bill as it stands makes provision for those who participated in the battle of Kings Mountain. The names of the greater portion of these men who so gallantly took up arms in defence of their country, were never en tered upon the rolls, not being" mustered into the service regularly, and consequently have never been included in any provision made by revolutionary services. It is pre-eminently due to these man that their services should be recognized even at this late .day. On Tuesday the House bill providing indemnifica tion for French Spoliations was taken up iu the Sen ate and after considerable discussion and the rejection of all amendments, passed precisely as it was receiv ed from the House. It is now i:i the hands of tiie President and the impression pretty generally prevails that ho will veto it. If so it will put an end during his administration to this great effort to despoil ihe Treasury. One fact alone is sufficient to expose tiie true character of the bill and of a majority of the claims. While depredations upon our commerce were being perpetrated by the French, the Insur ance Companies were in the habit of taking war risks, from which they made larjje profits. Some times they lost. This bill provides for reinbur.sing these insurance companies for losses sustained in the usual and regular course of their business. They knew before hand the extent of the risk, received a consideration for assuming it, and now have no claim whatever for indemnification for their losses. The new Senator from New Hampshire, Hon. John S. Wells, has distinguished his entrance into the Senate by a very able speech against the responsi bility of the government for these claims. He re ferred to the history of the county at the time these depredations were committed, showed that neither Jefferson, Madison nor Monroe, all of whom were personally cognizant of all the facts, ever recognized the legality of these claims or recommended their payment. The Reports from time to time made in their favor in Congress emanated from Representa tives of exclusively commercial communities, while that " body of men in this country jwho hold to a stt ict construction of tne Constitution, who hold to great principles, such as we say ought to govern the political action of this country " " whenever they have been called upon to examine this question with out reference to commercial interests or commercial influences have, as one man, declared their opposi tion to this measure." Among such men he enu merates Calhoun, Win. R. King, Atchison, Bibb, Silas AY right, and aiiost of others, all of whom have stood up against the payment of these claims. The quotation 1 make from Mr. Wells' speech shows to what class of political men he belongs, and what doctrines he is prepared to maintain and defend. The veto of the River and Harbor bill of last ses sion by the President, including as it did a large number of appropriations, some perhaps proper enough but many of them totally unauthorized by the Constitution, has led to the introduction at the present session of a large number of single bills, in cluding only one object in one bill. Should any or all of them pass, the President will be able to distin guish between the meritorious objects and those not of that character ; but the action of the Senate is precisely the same as if they were all embraced in one bill. They are passed one by one by a combi nation among members and Senators, just as if they were embraced in one bill. Some thirty or forty have been passed by the Senate, but there will hard ly be time for action in the House during the pres ent session. On Monday a scries of resolutions against the Know Nothing Societies was offered in the House, and the vote taken on their reception, resulting yeas 103, nays 78 not two-thirds and therefore they were not received. Although not a test vote, several known opponents of Know Nothingism having vot ed in the negative, it is sufficient to show-that the new order is in considerable of a minority in the House. While upon the subject I will remark that the election of Seward, Wilson and Durkee to the U. S. Senate from the States of New York, Massa chusetts and Iowa, all abolitionists of the most de termined stamp, elected as they were by the aid of Know Nothingism, settles the point, if it was not settled already, that the order is an active ally of abolitionism, and therefore it should have no sup porters at the South. The alliance or identy rather is now becoming too palpable for denial, and South ern'Know Nothings will bo compelled to dissolve their Chapters or be used by the majority of the Or der at the North to destroy the institutions of their own section of the country. The tree is known by its fruits ; and what could bo more convincing, as to the objects of the Order, than the election of Wil son? - Two bills of importance have been acted on in the House, viz. : The bill to reform the Diplomatic aod Consular system, and the Texas Debt bill. The for mer makes many alterations in the present system gives fixed salaries to consuls, and prohibits them from engaging In commercial pursuits. The Texas Debt bill has been cut down from eight aid a half to six and a half millions ; and as both the Texas members voted against it, it is presumed that the offer of Congress will not be accepted by the Texas legislature. The six (millions and a half is all the government agreed to pay Texas under one of the Compromise acts, and is all that Texas, has a right to claim. - Mr. Breckenridge has declined the mission to Spain. I have not heard who will be likely to suc ceed Mr. Soule. MECKLENBURG. Washington Affairs. Washington, Feb. , 9. The Hon. Mr. Breckinridge has declined the appoint ment of Minister to Spain in consequence of the ill ness of Mrs, B. - i Senator Dodge has received the appointment. S. S. Cox, editor of the Columbus (Ohio) States man, has been nominated to the Senate as Secretary of Legation to Peru, in place of Miller, withdrawn. "v 'LATER FROM EUROPE. . . v , : . Nkw York, Feb. 9.- The steamship Atlantic ar rived at 6 o'clock this morning with Liverpool dates to the 27th of January. She brings fifty-eight pas-: sengers, among whom is Hon. NV G.' Upliam. " ' - Lord John: Russel has resigned his office, and it is generally supposed that- the whole Cabinet will follow his course. The government has been se verely denounced in Parliament ; and the general feeling of the people of England is jn favor of peace. The Vienna Conference met on the 18th of Feb ruary. . Affairs in Sebastopol are unchanged. Forty thou sand Rassians were at Perekop with 80 guns. Gen.' Leprandi had advanced his outposts to Thunaya and was expected to make an attack on Eupatoria, being now prepared by late reinforcements. The Turks have opened a communication with Schamyl's forces, which number 20,000. Prussia claims the rght of participating in the Vi enna Conference, and has sent a protest to Vienna, and to the London and Paris Cabinets against the passage of resolutions at Vienna unless with her par ticipation. Swiss enlistments go on slowly. Cawniti has been ordered to prevent the Russians from engaging in a campaign on the Danube. The Swedish army is to be placed on a war foot ing immediately. Negotiations are going on between Prussia and Austria, on the subject of a Germanic army. The Queen of Sardinia is dead. Sardinia sends twenty thousand troops as her contingent of the whole army. The admirals of the allied fleets have declared the ports in the Black Sea and of Azof in a state of siege. Several Russian provision ships have been cap tured in Asia. Achmet Pasha has been appointed to command the army in Anatolia which gives much satisfaction.. Letters state that the French - have possessed themselves of the Flagstaff Battery, and are waiting a favorable opportunity to blow it up. Much sickness prevails among the allies. The Russians, who had been, repulsed, have re taken, and again occupy, the Quarantine Fort Gen. Brown is about to resume his command. Odessa letters state that the Russians will shortly assume the offensive in the Crimea, being well pre pared with reinforcements. . Large numbers have been ordered to Pesekop, and it is positively assert ed that Omer Pacha, will commence, operations on the 18th January. Miller and Thompson of Liverpool have failed for 00,000 sterling. The house of Eager and Co. have failed for 130,000. . The Paris Moniteur states that bullion to the amount ot seven hundred and fifty millions of francs has been placed at the disposal of the French gov ernment, in consequence of the. new loan indication. Another Carlitst insurrection has broken out in Spain. The 80-gun ship, Henry Quatrc, having got ashore, has been turned into a fort, and is of great use to the Allies. The Russians recently made two sorties, but were repulse-"! with considerable loss. Tho Allies contemplate erecting a Hospital at Smyrna for 2,000 sickr and one at Rhodes for sol diers who are becoming convalescent. The " Patrie" says that the recent passage of the Danube by the Russians has given rise to a demand by Atistra for an explanation from GortschakofT. CHINA. Dates from Chm to the 12th Dec, state that affairs in the Southern part of the Empire the past month have become more critical. At Canton -the public authorities have applied to the American and English Consuls for assistance. Trade has been completely suspended. For the: JTorth Carolina Standard. At a meeting of the Committees on the part of the Agricultural Societies of Warren, Franklin, Gran ville, and the friends of a union of the three counties in holding an annual exhibition or Fair in the town of Henderson, John D. Hawkins, of Franklin, was called to the chair, and Charles Wyche, of Gran ville, appointed Secretar3r. . At the request of the Chairman, Dr. R. C.Pritch ard, of Warren, briefly stated the object of the meet ing to be a union of the three counties, and perma nently locating and improving the Fair grounds. Dr. A. C. Harris, of Granville, on the part of the Committee consisting of himself,Dr. G. W.Blacknall, and R. P. Hughes, appointed at a previous meeting to examine and fix a location, reported having had the subject fully under ad visemcnt,and recommended the purchase of the lot at present enclosed and suffi cient adjacent lands to enlarge the grounds to a ca pacity sufficient for the purpose contemplated. Whereupon, Dr. Pritchard offered the following res olution, which was unanimously adopted : Resolved, That tho following named gentlemen be requested tf act as committees in their respective counties to solicit subscriptions in behalf of the pro posed union Fair, and report to a meeting to be held at this place on the first Tuesday in April next For Granville. AVilliam A. Eaton, Dr.O. F. Man son,Dr. John R. Herndon,Thomas Miller,R. A. Hamil ton, S. S. Royster, Dr. G. W. Blacknall, JVIaj. J. F. Harris, Maj. B. Bullock, James Turner, Hon. A. V., Ishain Cheatham, Isaac II. Davis, R. P. Hughes, Dr. A. C. Harris, and Thomas L. Williams. For Warren. Dr. R. C. Pritchard, William A. Burwell, John B. Williams, James T. Russell, Wil liam Piummer, Whit. Kearney, T. N. F. Alston, Henry Hunter, Dr. William Hawkins, Dr. A. B. Hawkins, Nathan Milam, John Yancey, Joseph S. Jones, 11. J. B. Clarke, Dr. Thomas J. Pitchfordand John W. Hayes. For Franklin. Dr. E. A. Crudup, Gen. J. B Lit tlejohn, Robert Gill, Col. Phil. B. Hawkins, Dr. Wile- Perry, Arch. Williams, Joseph A. Whitaker, Dr. Peter Foster, Dr. R. P. Toncy, Etheldred Green, John Davis, Dr. Wood T. Johnson, N. B. Massen bcrg, Allen Perry, John D. Hawkins and Oscar Green. On motion of Dr. A. C. Harris, it was Resolved, That the friends of agriculture, and of the project of holding a union Fair at Henderson, in the counties of Warren, Franklin and Granville, be earnestly requested to co-operate with the com mittees appointed in the several counties in further ing the object contemplated.' Drs. G. W. Blacknall, A. C. Harris and P. W. Wyche, were appointed a committee to ascertain the cost of the proposed lots and the necessary improve ments, j On motion the ypapers published in Warrcnton, Louisburg and Raleigh were requested to publish these proceedings. The meeting then adjourned to the first Tuesday in April next. C. n. WYCHE, Secretary. Henderson, Granville county, N. C, ) January 30, 1855. ) Know-Nothingism with a Vengeance ! We gath er from the columns of tho Boston Courier the fol lowing piece of patriotic intelligence. Risum tenetis, ainicif " In the House of Representatives yesterday on order was introduced, directing that the use of the hall be granted to the Whig party for caucus pur poses ; and another directing that the Latin inscrip tion over the Speaker's desk 4 Ense petit plaeidum sub libertate quietem? be removed, and that a liber al translation in English be placed in its stead. The first after a little fuu, was rejected ; but the other was laid over under the rule, Messrs. Eames, of Maiden, and Monroe, of Boston, giving notice of their intention to debate." Well done, Know Nothings ! Take as much rope as you please, to hang 5rourselves with. We sup pose your next step will be to suppress the study of foreign languages i n our schools and colleges French must be ostracised, and Latin and Greek also, of course, for they are obsolete and dead. The great works of Cicero and Demonsthenes, those two dis tinguished tribunes, and defenders of popular rights according to your notions of Americanism, must re turn to that obscurity and blissful state of oblivion from which they were brought out by the litterati of the Middle Ages. Consistent Know Nothings ! what say you now of " the rich Irish brogue and sweet German accent?" What intend you with our . National escuthcheon-? Will you modify that too ? The American Eagle, we suppose, you will retrain but what will you do with E. Pmtribps Usvu ? .- We pause with the greatest anxiety, for categorical an swers. Poor Know Nothings I - Quos vullperdere Jupiter dementat." ' " The Massachusetts Know Nothing State Council. Boston, Feb. 9,' 1 855. A regular, quarterly ses sion of the State Cnnnpil " rt Knnor fjnth intra nrw held to-day. The attendance was large-, but of the proceedings little is known. Symptoms of rebellion from the rf thn TCinra.l rVuinnil nora fin. parent, especially in the rejection of the third degree, cuueucieu ai uincinnau, wnicn proposes to expel every member who bolts a regular ; nomination. Camps of an order calling themselves the United Sons of America have been foried in several -wards of this city, from which free soilers are excluded. On the other hand, lodges with the free soH element as predominant are forming in other parts of the State. - . : , United States Senator for Hlionis. Springfield fill. A Feb. 8. "I rhk" T.vmnn Tmn- bull has just been elected United States Senator for Illionis, in place of Glen. Shields. Mr. Trumbull wu elected on the 10th ballot" Whole number of votes, 99 Necessary to a choice, 60 Lyman Trumbull had, 51 Joal A. Matterson 47 A. Williams 1 Mr. Trumhnll is Jinti-Nnliraisljn. HninfM-rt: TTa rn. sides at Belleville, and is the representative elect faom the Eighth Congressional district The result is quite unexpected. Senator Wilson. Boston, Feb.. 9th. Senator Wilson started for Washington yesterday, and ad dressed an anti-slavery delegation assembled to greet him at Worcester. MARRIED. By the Rev. "W. W. Albea, on the 8tli of February, W. Barrow, Esq., aud Abigail M. Saunders, both of Winston, Forsyth County, N. C.' ' ; - :" EST Spirit of the Age please copy. fa Wake county, on the 4th instant, by the. Rev. Dr. Ma son, Mr. John V. Lewis, of Milton, N. C, to Miss Annie Hiuton. ' died, :v-----'- In Caswell, near YanceyviHe, on Saturday the 3d instant, Dr. George Robertson, aged about 52 years. :( . THE MARKETS. - NORFOLK MARKET. -'REPORTED FOR THE "NORTH-CAROLINA STANDARD," Br A. M. M'PHEETERS & CO., Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding A Oommission Merchants. yoRFOLK, Feb. 10th, 1855. FLOUR. The market' is more firm fo-day, and we note sales of S. F. at 9J (5 y?; Extra 10 10. CORN. In demand, "safes' to-day of White at SScts.; Yel low 90 cfs; Mixed S3 prices tending upward. COTTOiN. riales of flue at 8 cts.' choice lots 8 ctss STAVES. R. O. liud. $33.V. 0. Hhd $50; Heading $55 Pipe $00 bbl. 35. All except Brl. in demand. II. E. PEAS. 85 cts. ui, 90 ets.; White Beans 140. NAVAL STORS. Tar dull at Spts. Turp. 43 45 cts. in small lots. 'Kb crude ottering1. Llil Ii. Tuos, U $ $115 W. 0. 1. ' N. C. prod ace.of all descriptions sells readily on arrival 1 FA YETTEViLLE. MARKET. V " V.Feb. 10th, .1056- "We note an active business Week in the produce market. Prices of allkiii'la steady, without much change. BACOX is selling at 10to!0J ets. per lb. COTTON is something lower. !S;dt)S principally at 8 cts. for best grades," " CORN" is iu good demand at-j?5 to $1. FLOUR in good demand. No change in prices. Spirits Turpentine 30 to 31 cts. per gallon. Raw do. 1, 10 to $2,25 per barrel. PORK is selling at G4 to 1 cts. - - Beef scarce. Wimington and "Weldon N. C. R. R. Through I'reishts. . , ' Exc. & Sui-t.'s Officb W. A. W. R. R. ) Wilmington, N. C.,Fcb. 10th, 185. f FREIGHTS from Wilmington or any Station on the W.&.'W. U. R. to any Station on the" North Carolina R. R.. and also from any Station on the N: C. R. R. to Wil mington or other points on the W; A W. R. R., will bo transhipped and forwarded from Goldsboro' -free of charge for traimsh'ipment, (.'. . By the 15th, of March next, . arrangements will be made by. which Goods and produce from the interior for ship ment from, or to be sold in Wilmington, and also from Sea for the interior, will be delivered or received on the Com pany's wharf and forwarded free of charge for wharfage or dray age. S. L. FREMONT. Sup't. Feb. 13, 1355. 24-3m. Distance from Wilmington to Raleigh by Railroad, 13XX mi Ics ; from Raleigh to Portsmouth, Va., 170 difference 45 miles. Freight on a barrel of Flour from Orange to Wilming ton is a9 cents less than it is fronx,Orange to Portsmouth, Ya. NOTICE. TO ALL WIIOM IT MAY CONCERN. BE it herewith known that my wife, A. E. PEPPER CORN, has left me on her men accord, consequently da not consider myself responsible for anv of her dealings. . F.. PEPPERCORN. February 13, 1855. 1061 3tw. W. P. ELLIOTT, General Commission & Forwarding Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. February 10, 1854. 24 gwly. WANTED. TWO JOURNEYMEN BOOT MAK ers, to whom the highest wages will be given. liENR if A D EPKIN. Raleigh, Feb. 13,1855. 24-2t. ZjIT' Wilmington Journal copy 2 times and send act. to this office. F OR SALE. A FINE TOUNG HORSE, LARGE size, blood bay, gentle, and a superior Butrgy Horse. Call at HARRIS' LIVERY STABLE. Raleigh, Feb. 13, 1855. 24 Raleigh, Feb. 7, 1855. At a meeting of the Board of Commissioners held this evening, it was . ; Jtrs'tved, That the City Collector be authorized and re quired to advertise and collect the taxes due the city of Raleigh, and proceed to sell property, if the same be. not paid, and pay over to the city Treasurer two weeks before May court, otherwise tho city attorney will be directed to bring suit on his bond. J: J. CHRISTOPHERS, Clerk. All persons interested will take notice of the above, and if payment, of their taxes be delayed ten days from this date, I shall proceed to execute and advertise propertv for the same. . JAMES H. MURRAY," Feb. 10, 1355. St City Collector. REPORT CORRECTED. In consequence of proposals made to me at the last Fair at Raleigh, by Dr. A m. R. Holt, of Lexington, a report has been circu lated that I will stand my horse, SARPEDON, at that place the ensuing spring. I would inform those interested that he will remain at my stable this season. Those desiring further information will please address, me at Wilton, Gran ville county, and a biil will be sent them giving size,pcdi gree, Ac. WM. E. WYCHE. Feb. 14, 1855. 23 w7t Spirit of the Age copy. ILL BE SOLD at the Court House Door, in the citv of Ralcifrh. on Mondav. first dav of Februarv A X " T TI' T - I V VT?rTt W17T Terms made known on the day of sale. Feb. 9, 1S55. sw2t E5 Register copy two weeks and forward bill to Stan ard office. SiTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, NASH COUNTY, Court of Equity. Thomas W. Wright, ad ministrator of Margaret Drake vs. Allen Drake, William F. Drake, Nathaniel B. Drake, Matthew Drake, Harriet Drake, the children of Betsey Griffin, and the children of Dolly Drake. Original Bill. In this case, it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendants, Nathaniel B. Drake, Matthew Drake, Harriet Drake, the children of Betsey Griffin, and the chil dren of Dolly Drake, are non-residents of this State; it is therefore ordered that publication be made in the North Carolina Standard for six weeks, notifying them to be and appear before the Honorable Judge of our Court of Equity, at the Court to be held for the county of Nash, at the Court House in Nashville, on the third Monday of March next, then and there to answer or demur to said bill, or judgment pro confesso will be entered up against them. -. Witness,' B. H. Blount, Clerk and Master of our said Court, at office, in Nashville, the third Monday of Septem ber, A. D., 1854. B. H. BLOUNT, C. M. E. January 80, 1855. ' (5,62J) 20 Gw. S1TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, YANCEY County, Superior Court of Law, Fall Term, 1854. Jas. N. Edwards vs. Malinda Edwards, Petition for Divorce. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant, Malinda Edwards, is not an inhabitant of this State, it is therefore,- ordered by the Court, that publication be made in the Raleigh Register and North Carolina Stand ard, for three months successively, for the said defendant to appear at the next term of this Court, to be held at the Court House, in Burnsvitle, on thefourth Monday after the fourth Monday in March next, then and there to plead, an swer or demur, to the said petition; otherwise, the same will be taken pro oonf&tso and heard expart. Wituess: ti. Young, Clerk of our said Court, at office, the fourth Monday after the fourth Monday in Soptcmber, A. D. 1854. ,.: N Y0(JNG & c c Juni.ary 1855. " 13 Siu.