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for i TERMS OF THE WEEKLY Two Dollar per annum, tnmrUblr in advance ' ' - - - .V i TERMS OF THE SEMI-WEEKLY Four DoUartper m ailTn). inwrwuij in ovi.ouwy. 411 papers are discontinued at thti expiration of the time 'which they have been paid . ' . . Terms of Advertising in the Standard, f Our regular rates of advertising are as follows: , One re,( 14 lines or less) iTrst insertion, r - $1 00 - Facb subsequent insertion, - - - " " . " : . a , -Longer advertisements in proportion, retracts will be made with advertisers, at the above hi for six or twelve months, and at the close of 8 n"Ht."nnnl or business Cards, not exceeding: five lines, wintr ned in either tbe Weekly or Semi-Week hr. for T month or $10 for twelve months ; or in both pa- fi,r 10 C six months, or 15 for twelve months. peS bribers and others who may wish to send money i ,p Editor can do so at all times, by mail, and at his to the banor, c.iu nmmnt r transmitted. risK. lteceipis ior u to t- r-v GENERAL DIRECTORY. STATE GOVERNMENT. TI10S. AGG, of Northampton, "Teor W Uion. lUH, of Wako. Setarv of State. D W. Courts, of Kockinshnm, Treasurer, r W l!riKks of Person, Cotiipt roller. Pulaski A, o Ilertf..rd, private Secretary. Oliver U. Perry, State Librarian. LITEBAUY BOARD. Gov. Thos. Brag?. fJ. Chairman. Alfred Jones, of Wake, Wm. W. Ilolden, of V ake, Matthew Shaw, of Beaufort. SUPERINTENDENT OF COMMON SCHOOLS. Calvin H. Wiley, of Guilford, INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT BOARD. Gov. Brapir. eu-'jrlo. Chairman, Calvin Graves, of Caswell, K. E. Cauady, of Granville. CITY GOVERNMENT. Wm Dallas Haywood, Intendent of Police. COMMISSIONERS. Eautern TTon. F.ldridge Smith, A. Adams. HiJJk U'ard.-C. B. Root u R. H. Baltic, G. W. Haywood. Western Ward.. M. Gorman, H. D. Tumor. J. J. Christophers, City Clerk, R. H. Battle, City Treasurer. City Guard.-i anus M. Crawley, 1. 1. 1. Vitu Obnstaott. E. E. Harris, Wm. N. Andrews. A. Adam, Weipomasier. E. E. Han-is. Clerk of the market. B. F. Moore, City Attorney. COURTS. ., The Supreme Omrt of Sonh-Carolina is held in i this city semi-aimmTuv, on the second Monday in June, and the oOth da-Ho'rFrederick Nash, Chief Justice, R M. Pearson, Associate Judge. W.H. Battle, " " Edmund 15. Freeman, Clerk. Oliver H. Perry, Assistant do. Ham. C. Jones, Reporter, J. J. Litchford, Sr., Marshall. r-The United States Circuit Court for the District of North Carolina is held semi-annually m this city on the 1st Mon day in June and the last Monday in November. Judues. Won. J. M. Wayne, of Georgia, Hon. Henry Potter, of layetteville, District Attorney, nooeri jr. Clerk, Wm. II. Haywood, l. .. 1 1 WaIav tiwina The Superior Court for this County, is held on the hrst Monday aYter the fourth Monday in March and September. John C. Moore, Clerk. . . , ., Jos. B. Bachelor, Attorney General and Solicitor of tne fourth Judicial District. . . , The Court of Plea and Quarter Session is Jicld on the third Monday in Febmary, May, August and ovembcr. Jeff. Utley, UleiK. Crroner. Willis Scett. Register, H. Hudson. J?ni - A 5a of Xorth-Carolina, incorporated 1830. Charter expires in 1 StiO. Capital 1 ,500,000, divided into 15,oo0 shares, of which the Literary Board holds 5.027 and the University 1,000. Brincipal Bank at Raleigh. George W. Mopdecai, President, Charles Dewey, Cashier, J. H. Bryan, Jr., Teller and No ary Public. W. E. Anderson, Discount Clerk and Notary Public, Jordan Womble, Jr., Clerk. This Bank has branches at Newbern, Tarboro , rayette ville, Wilmingtan, Elizabeth City, Charlotte, Milton. Mor canton and Windsor. D1BECTOBS. On the part of the State: D. W. Courts, Public Treasu rer, ex-omcio, L. O'B. Branch and W. R. Poole. On tEe part of the St:kholders : Wm. Boy lan, Wm. Peace, J. H. Bryan, J. B. G. Roulbac, Alfred Jones and B. F. Moore. Offering and Renewal day Tuesday. Discount day Wednesday. Business hours from 10 till 3 o clock. Raleujh Branch of the Bant of Cape tear. "William H." Jones, Cashier, R. P. Finch, Teller and Notary Public. DIRECTORS. Geo. W. Haywood, T. H. Selbv, Seth Jones, George Lit tle, Dr. Thos. D. Hogg and C. W . D. Hutchiugs. Offering day Monday. Discount day Tuesday. RAIL ROADS. Raleigh awl Gas'.on. Railroad Gtmpany. R. A. Hamilton, President, W. W. Vass, Treasurer, J. M. Pool, Assistant Treasurer, C. B. Allen, Depot Agent. Mail Train leaves 10 minutes after 7 A.M.. arrives at 6 P.M. Koith-Carolina- Railroad Company. Chas. F. Fisher, President, C. P. Mendenhall, Treasurer, J. T. West, Freight and Ticket Agent. Mail Train arrives at 5 o'clock, A. M., from the East; and departs 10m. after 5 o'clock, A.M. Mail from the West arrives about the same time. POST OFFICE. William White, Sr., Post Master. Office hours, on week days, from Sun-nse to 9 P. M. State of parties in the House of Representatives. The following list of the members of the present House of Representatives, with the political parties into which they are divided, will be found worthy of preservation: Maine. 1. John M. Wood, R. A1, 4. Samvel P. Benson, 2. John J. Perry, K A'., 5. Israel Washburn, 3. Ebeneur KnotvUon, K. A",G. Thomas J. D. Fuller. D. New Hampshire. 1. James Pile, K. A'., 2. Mason W. Tappan, K. A', 3. Aaron. H. Cragin, K. N. Vermont. 1. James Meacham, 2. Justin S. Morrill, K. AT., 3. Alcah Sabin. Massachusetts. Robert B. Rail, A". A'., 6. Timothy Davis. K. AT., KtiHimitoH. K A". 1. Eatliuntel P. Banks. KN. IViJlintn S. luimreU. K.N.. 8. Chavncev L. Knarrp. KN.. Linus B. Comins, K. A'., 9. Alexander Be Wut.K.N., Anson Bvrlingame. A.A., 10. Calrin U. Chaffee, A. iV., 11. Mart Trafton, K. A. Rhode Island. 1. Nathaniel B. Dvree, K. A:2. Benj. B. Thurston, K. N., Connecticut. . 1 F... nrl-e V A . 3. Sidney Dean. K. AL 8. John Woodruff, K. A., 4. WU!am W. Welch, JT. N. New Yrk. 1. William W. Valk, K. N.,17. Franei R Spinner, 2. J. S. Slranahan, K. K., 18. 8. Gvy R. PtUon, K. A'., 19. 4. John Kelly, D., 20, 6. Thos. R. Whitney, K. N ,21. 6. John Wheeler, K. N., 22. Thrmas R. Morton, .LmAj- A. Huahstoiu Orasmu B. Matteson,RN Ienra Lvinett. A. iv.. Andrew Z. McCarty, JE2K, 7. Thomas Childs, A. A., 23 William. A. Gilbert, 8. Abram Wakeman, JC. Af.,24. Amos P. Granger, 9. Bayard Clark, K. X., 25. Edwin B. Morgf 10. Ambrose S. Murray, 11. Rufu II. King. K. 11, 12. Killian Miller, K. A', 13. Russel Sage, K. N., 14. Samud Dickson, 16. Edward Dodd, K. AC, zb. Anareiv Oliver, 27. John M. Parker, 28. William II. KeUey, 29. John WiUiams, 2, 80. Benjamin Prinqle. 81. Thoma T. Flagler, K. AC, 16. George A. Svmmtns, 00 z ; -l't. eoiomon u. iiaven. li..rv 83. Ihtncts S. Edauird, JC At. New Jersey. Isaiah D. dawstm, R. AC, 8. Jame Bishop, K. iK, George R. Robbins, K. AC, 4. George Vail, D, 6. AUx. C. M. Pennington, K. N. Pennsylvania. ' 1. Thomas B. Flotenee.. D.. 13. Asa Packer. D.. ; ' 2. Job R. Tyson, K. AC, 14. Galusha A. Grow, KJK, . 8. William Mill ard, K. N.,15. John J. Pearce, AC AC, 4. Jacob Broom, K. N., 16. Lemuel Todd, K. AC, 6. John Cadwalader, D., 17. David F. Robison, AC AC, . John Hickman, D., 18. John R. Edie, AC AC,' .8.C.Bradeliaw,K.N., 19. John Oovode, K. AC, - i - r Tr;lK.m Pnvliin. Chairman or tne vouniy wan, uuu -Own? Solicitor, K. P. Marriott. Sheriff of Woke Utumy, w linaui . 10. 4- - o-, JT.31, 21. 2awi BUthte, K. A., 0. yiAv c. JSVnieJ, A". 22 S. A. P-urxMnce, K. S. 11. J - . Campbell, K.Ni. J'& -Album, fc-A., -13 ry M. Fuller, K. N., 24. pavid Barclay, D.r , " . 25. John Met, JC iV. - - Delaware. " . , - v . I. Elisha D. Cullen, K. N. : , , . Maryland. 1. James A. Stewart, D.,- 4. H. W. Davis, K. K, 2. J. B. Ricaud, K. N., 5. H. W. Hoflman, K. N., 8. J. M. Harris. K. N., 6. T. F. Bowie, D. Ktrtnwi. 1. Thomas H. Bayly, V., 2. John S. Millson, D., 8. John S Caskie, D., t. William O. Goode, D., 5. Thomas S. Bocock, D., e ..!... l....-all T) 7. William Smith, D 8. Chas. J. Faulkner, D., 9. John- Wcher, D.. 10. Zcdekinh Kidwell, D., 11. John S. Carlile, K; 12. H. A. Edmundson, IK, 18. raveue BicMiuien, u. North Carolina. TtnWt T. Paine. K. N- 5. Edwin . Keaae, K.N., Thomas RutHn. D.. 6. U. C. Purvear, K. 7. Burton Craige, D., 8. T. L. Clingman, D. , Carolina. 4. Preston S. Brooks, D 5. James L. Oi r, D., 0. Wm. W. Boyce, D. 3. Warren Winslow, D., 4. L. O'B. Branch, P., , South 1. John McQueen, D., 9 WHlinm Aiken. I).. 3. Lawrence M. Keitt, D., (if.oraia. 1. James L. Seward, D., 6. H. Lumpkin, D., 2. M. J. Crawford, D-. 6. 11 Umth CoKb, 1)., 8. Robert P. Trippe K. N., 7. V U 4. 4. Hiram Wai ncr, D., S- Alex. U. Stephens, 1). Alabama. . SmtKvft D., 5JW. Cobb, D., 7. Sampson W; Hams, U. t:i n wriBR T.. 8. W illiam lSarKsaaie, D., Hendley S. Bennett, D., 4. Lake, K. N., 41. uuimi c r Louhiana. George Eustis, K. N., Thomas G Dav,ds,;n, D., 2. Miles Taylor, D., 0to. 11. 12. F. i. JTorton, K. N., Samuel GaUvu-atK. AT, John Sherman, K. A'., Philtmuu JJliss. 1. Timothy C. Day, 2. J. S. Harrison, K. N., 3. L. D. ComMl, K. A'., 4. Mitthia It. Xkhds, 5. Richard- Jfolt, 6. J. Rnee Rmrie, K. A., 7. Aanm Harlan, K- A., 8. Benj, Stanton, K. A., 9. CAT iri, A1 A'., 10. Oscar F. Moore, K. N., 10. 14. 15. II . A'. -N'm "" t Edtrard BaU, K. A. ... r- XI 10. ' A hriOM. A. i.. 13. 7Vy. Ldler, A. A. IS). Edtrard Wade, 2'. Mhua li. Giddings, Bimjham, A". A'., 2.. e07 Ke.nlucl'V. n r- linrnptt. D.. 6. John M,D., 1. 2. 3'. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. J. P. "Campbell, K. N., W. L. Underwood, K. N., Albert G. Talbott, V., 7. II. Marsliall, n.. a., t 3. A. K. Marshall, K-N-. 9. Leander M. Cox, K. N., lo Samuel F. Swope, K.. N. Joshua H. Jewett, D., Albert G. Watkins, D., . VS'd' Wm. H. Sneed, K. N., 7- Juhn. . r ght, U., cauiui-i Willi"-, 7 ,-.,1 it x John H. Savan-e. D.. - tlbendge, K. ft., riinrlH lte:idv. K. N.. 10. Thomas Rivers, K. N. o. 7 s7 i Ttft Smith Miller, D-, fTsVo t K.' Wm. H. English, D., 7- X- ' iGeorgc G. lunn, 8. Daniel JJace,. A., Urn. IVmMt, A". AT, 9- "'jf? A J D. P. lloUoway, K. X, l' Benton, 11. John U. PtttU. Illinois. a Tfc! -1. ..Jnnn 11 Mihu B. WasUurne, 5. w m. a. iuc"u. IWwfl, 6. Thomas L Harris, D., Jesse O. Norton, K. AT, 7. James C. Allen, .D.. James R'nox, AT AT, 8. Samuel b. Marshall, D. Missouri. Luther M. Kennett, K. N., 4. Mordccai Oliver, D, gGilchrist I'orter, JJn G. Mil er, James J. Lindley, K. N'., 6. John S.-Phelps, D., 7. bamuei taruiuers, Arkansas. 1. Alfred B. Greenwood., 2. Albert Rust, D. Michigan. 1. ft. X Zfcr7, AT AT, 3. 1. S. aWridae A. A, 2. n'aWvi, AT AT, 4. George AV . 1 eck, 1). Florida. 1. Augustus E. Maxwell, D. Texn. 1. Lemuel D. Evans, K. N., 2. P. H. Bell, D. Tivm 1. Amrustus Hall. D.. 2. Jaw Tiiorington, K. Ar. 1 Daniel Wells, D., 2. C C. nasnourne, 3. Co. BUlinghurst. California. James W. Denver, D., 2. Philip T. Herbert, D. formerly whins. t voting Sir James L. Orr. j whigs voting for Pennington. whig voting for Fuller, of Pennsylvan Those iu italics are " republicans, ' Those marked K. N. are know-nothings. KECAP1TC1.ATIOX. Know-nothings and republicans voting for Banks Republican know-nothings voting against Bauks National know-nothings voting lor Fuller rK.rrwmt vntinrr for Itieliardsou and Orr 110 8 35 60 Mr. Miller, of Missouri, and Mr. Childs, of New York, nhsent since the becin ning of the session : Mr. Triimhull's spat vacant. - A number of times within the last four weeks the number recorded above as t,,,,; vntnA fnr Mr. Hanks could have elected him : and if to these arc added the republican know-noth ings who vote for Mr. Pennington, it wouia give to the side of the House supporting Mr. Banks a clear majority of the whole number, even with an unusual attendance. This list has been prepared with great care, ana is believed to be accurate. If any gentleman is er roneously classed it will give us pleasure to maKe the correction. Wtsh. Union. AMERICAN PATENT DRYER. WE HAVE just received a very large supply of the American Dryer, which is far preferable to Litharge and other dryers heretofore used, and much cheaper. fr.MJUL & UAll.lAU. Opposite the Masonic Lodge. MAY BE FOUND COFFEE, SUGAR, ADMANTINE and Tallow Candles, Nails of all sizes for common use, Crockery and tin ware, of all sizes aud shapes, snuff and Tobacco and Cigars, Meal and Flour, Corn and Peas, and Shoes, and a small assortment of Dry Goods, and Candies, and many other things commonly found in a grocery ; all of which will be sold Cheap for cash or Country Produce ; for which the highest market prices will be paid. W. VV. VV UUULli. April 23, 1856 45. LEWIS' PURE LEAD, A LARGE SUPPLY Lewis' Pure Lead, just received and for sale bv PESCUD & GATtlNG. March 13, 1856. 33 INSANE ASYLUM. mTOriCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT FORTY AD iH DLT10NAL PATIENTS can now be received in the Asylum. Applications can be made to tbe Physician and Snperin tendeut, EDW'D C. FISHER. Raleigh, April 4th, 1856. 41 tf. ANOTHER SUPPLY OF SENNA FIGS, FOR costiveness, sick headache, Ac. just received at th Drug Store of WILLIAMS & HAYWOOD. INSANE ASYLUM. ORDERED BY THE BOARD of Commissioners of the Lunatic Asylum that hereafter those persons who desire to visit this Institution must o so on Thursday of every week only. Visitors in any other day will not be able to gain admittance into the Institution unless provided with a written permission from one of the Commissioners or from the attending Physician. It is also directed by the Commissioners that all persons should ab stain from walking or riding, either for pleasure or exer cise, through the Asylum grounds or around the Asylum buildings, as such things are sources of annoyance and dis traction to the patients of the Institution. Raleigh, July 17,1856. - 68 swtf. TTEW BOORS. ENGLISH TRAITS BY RALPH 11 Wald Emerson. The Last of the Forester's, by Jno. Estor Cook, author of Virginia Comideans. . The Life and Adventures of James P. Beckwourth. ' Irvine's life of Washington, vol.'l and 2, 12mo. The Baked Head and other stories, being No. 2, modern storyteller. For sale by W. L. POMEROY. September 15, 1856. , 86 - COPIES OF HARPER FOR OCTOBER just received at POMEROY'S. September 20, 18o6. ' 87 81 PI.EVnin CIGARS. 50.000 CIGARS OF VA RIOUS brands in store, and for sale very low at wholesale and retail. If you want a good cigar at aamall price De sure to give ns a cau. - - :' .PESCUD A GATLING. POT ASH. low by : - arehl7, 1856. -1000 POUNDS POT ASH FOB SALE PESCUD A GATLING. . 34 T. 'Ror spring tradewc SALE AND RETAIL. We respectfully inform our tends and the pnblic that we have in store a large and most ranmt Biuac. or uomer ana. tvna,iaias. tor tne nnniisr rade, which We will mI1 as Inw u nr othnr psfjihlishmpnt outh of New York, and for lesa nriithnn thv pan he had : Vii 5 iraveatng, ireigbt, c, consiaerea. . All Of OUr DlirchniuiA liaxrin nr Kaat, mnAe. fmm thn Tmnor. ters and Manufactnr the advantage of receiiing Leather regularly from our own Tannery, places it in our power to sell Goods as above stat ed. Those who wish to bur cannot lose by eivins our stock an examination, and we believe we shall be able to please. Dow as to price and quality. Below we enumerate some of ieuu!!lg urilCteS Viz: . -i zu aozen ot urawford's Calf Skins (this maker had the ?remium awarded to him at the World's Fair held in ondon in 1851.1 - ' 40 dozen French Skins, best quality, 40 " Anurimnr.iri:.. 90 " Lining and Binding Skins, 10 " Morocco Skins. 800 Sides Oak Tanned and Hemlock Sole Leather, ow rsana Lattier, v Lasts, Boot-Trees, Shoe and Boot Maker's Tools of every kind, Tan ner's and Currier's Tools. Also, Sewed Broirans of our own manufacture, warranted to give satisfaction, and many other articles too numerous to mention, at No. 21, Old street, opposite B. P. Harrison's . Saddlery. F. A. & R. H. FORD. . . . " e Pa7 nc highest price in cash for Green and Dried Hides delivered to us at our Store. Petersburg, May 5, 1S52. - " tt R.DOBBIN, Boot and Shoe Maker HAS REMOVED HIS SHOP TO THE HOUSE FOU merly occupied by Mrs. Hardic as a confectionary, on Fayetteville street, opposite the Market House, where 'he is now prepared to execute all orders in his line ot business. He has on hand a stock of excellent leather, and will war rant all work done by him. - He returns his thanks for past favors, and will endeavor to merit a continuance of them. t-? Remember the old stand of Mrs. Hardie. lialcigh, Jan. 7, 1S56. 8 tf. BLANK I AND DEEDS, OF THE LATEST AND nost approved form, just printed, and for sale at the " Standard" otlice. Also Writs. Subpoenas. Warrants, abd a variety of other . i , Diauits. Aug. 25, 1855. 7) "JTOTICE. Was taken up and committed to Jail, in lm the County of Nash, on June 25th, 1854, a negro man, who says bis name is TOM, and belongs to the heirs of Billy Fosters', deceased. Tom, from his appearance seems to be about tweuty-hve years of age, black complex ion, ana nas more man un ordinary space Del ween two ot itis under teeth. The owner is requested to come forward. pay prison charges and take him away, or he will be dis posed of according to law. A. K. BA1NES, Aug. l wii. blicritt. FIRST PREMIUM l-SMUT AND SCREEN ING MACHINE, YOUNG'S PATENT. IMPORTANT TO MILLERS AND MILL OWNERS. This Machius re ceived the first premium at the North Carolina State Pair, and was recommended to the public as the lest now in use in the Slate. Seven hundred of lliem are now running in Mirth Carolina, all of which are now in operation and have iven tbe most entire satisfaction, in regard both to performance and durability, some havingr run six years and perform as well now as thev did at first, and have not been out of order one day. We ftave thrown out ten different Smut Machines to make room for this. They are warranted for five years aud delivered at the Mill any where in the State. Manufactured and sold bv JNO. A. McMANN . South Lowell, Orange County, XT C. Aprillfi. 1854. 4i tf J-y" Gilt this advertisement ont and keep it. mTOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO il seil'loort acres of land. in Johnston County, near 1-euchbutg. There will be a credit given of one, two, and three years, purcnaser giving boud wr.u good security. A. J. i.t.Al.11. Leachburg, April 28 ,185C. 46 swtf. Book Binding. JOHN H. DeCARTERET & SON. RALEIGH, N. C. A RE STILL CARRYING ON THE BOOK BINDING il. business in all its branches at the old staud over " Turner's N. C. Bookstore." Their increased facilities will enable them to execute the bindingof Periodicals, Newspapers, Music, 4c, with promp ness aud dispatch, at New ork prices. Books sent to them fro any part of the State, with di rections, will be b and in any style desired, boxed and sent bacK witnout delay. Address JNO. II. DeCARTERET & SON, Raleigh, N. C. April 2. 1336. 45 tf. riHEWING TOBACCO . THOS K WHO ARE fond of the weed, and have not chewed our Tobacco, are missing a great treat. It is generally believed we have tne best iu town. Call and try a quid at PESCUD & GATLING'S. EGARS & TOBACCO of the finest quality W ars on hand at the Drug Store of WILLIAMS & J1A1W UUU. Raleigh, N. C, April 13th, lrt.ii!. 41 INSANE ASYLUM. mTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT APART- J.M nients are now ready for the re, cptiou of 40 patients, in the Asylum. Those who have charge of the insane, and desire to place them in the institution, will apply to the Phvsician and Superintendent, E. C. Fisher, at Raleigh, before bringing me patient 10 tne institution. The Board of Directors refer to the fith chapter, 17th section (page o; 01 iteriscd Code, tor the legal require ments necessary to be complied with, iu order to ensure admission of State (or indigent; patients. F'or the admission of paying patients, reference is made to 2oth section of same chapter, page of Revised Code. As ull State patients are required to nudenro examina tion as to tlipir insanity, previous to admission, such exam ination will be held ut Raleigh, where sonic of the members of the Board are to be found. The Sheriffs of the several Comities will please notice tbe requirements ot tne 14! ti section ot the bin coupler, in relation to their duties as connected with the law. It is expected that apartments for a large number of pa tients will be finished 111 the course of a few weeks, as the work uuon them is now beiner prosecuted as rapidly ascir- enmstauces will admit. Notice of their readiuess will be triven through the public press. h feir CHAS K HINTON, G. W. MORDECAI, THOS. D. HOGG, Ex. Committee of Board of Directors. Raleigh, March 1, 185K. 30 tf. THOMAS S. GILLIAM, Iron, Steel, and Metal Warehouse-, No. 21, BoUingbrooh St. fKTRltSliUKU, VA. tf W A VP! ESTABL1SED MYSELF FOR TOE TRANS- B iiftion of a Central Iron. Steel, and Metal Business, and invite the attention of Virginia and North-Carolina Merchants visiting this market, to an examination of my large and varied assortment ; my arrangements being such as will enable me to sell at the lowest rates. Railroads, Machinists. Blacksmiths, and the Trade frenerally, will find it to their interest to examine my stock before purchasing else where Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. THOMAS S. GILLIAM. Sent 5. 18.16. 83 Sw3m. J . TAKE WARNING. vtnn top PTTRPOSR OF IMPROVING HIS STORE JP the subscriber has removed three doors South of his old location, to the buildingformerly occupied by Mr. Pnm oh t nrownt hv Messrs. Booker A Cole, in connec tion with himself, where he would be pleased to wait upon Vila frluiiilj no1 T at Hit TIB . In view of placing an entire new stock in store for the coming season, he offers his present stock of goods, consist ing of Cloths, Cassiraers, Vestings, Clothing and furnishing gooas oi everj Taneijr uu oi jtvt " s in ntinntiiHl customers. . He most earnestly requests those indebted to him, (some mV urhnin tAAm tn fi.rirot. hn has ftnv use tor money. 1 to come forward and settle their notes and accounts before another Court arrives, and oblige ',. . ISAAC PROCTOR. " ' Merchant Tailor. Raleigh, July 24, 1856- 71 swtf. 1ANI FOR SALE. I OFFER FOR SALE MY A valuable tract of laud, lying in Wake county, about eleven miles West of KaleigU, near tbe JN. V. itauroaa.Tina cnnlnininir 77A nrrM about 006 half of which IS pine land and tbe other half oak land. It is all well timbered, and there is a good opening for a steam saw mill. The pine land will produce lanre onantities of turpentine. The soil is well adapted to the growth of corn, cotton, 4c ,, ' If not nivvimialir diannsplt of at Dfivate Sle. I shall Sell the above land at auction, at the Court House door, in Ral eigh, on Monday, the 17th or jNovemDer, it oeing iue wee of Wake County Court. The Sand will be sold in a body, or divided to suit purchasers. ' Terms made easy. , x :- -r - W. O. STRICKLAND. r Nov. 1,1856. : ' ' 99 swtd. r : - ; - Mayor's Office, ; 'Ro.rirh Sent: 9th. J1856. f IPPLICA- mTOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN. THAT APPLIt 1 V tion will be made to the next: General Assembly, for an Amendment to the Charter of the City of Kaleigh. WM. DALLAS HAYWOOD, flayx 84 w3m. . GREENSBOROUGn MUTUAL UFE IN SURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY.-- This Com pany offers inducements to those, wishing to effect Insur ances for life, rarely presented by similar institutions. Those who take policies of Insurance for Life, and those only, are Member of the Company entitled to such profits mujr vu reuiixeu irom an accumuiaiea rreimuw and from the large amount of Deposits in the Trust De partments of the Company, which are kept actively em ployed. V . . " . " Policies of Insurance issued on the applicants own life, or on tbe lives of slaves, for a year, or term of years, at a moderate rate of premium. - Deposits of money received in the Trust Department the operation of which is that of a Saving' Bank and the depositors allowed interest at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum for any time not exceeding fonr months; 4 per cent, over four and not exceeding six months; and 5 per cent, for any time over six months. ' Pamphlets containing full and particular information forwarded to any required address. D. P. WEIR, See. fe Treat. Gretnsborongh, N, C. September 1, 1854. 87 Iy. T EYISED CODE, PRICE $4 00. POSTAGE JLU wheu sent by mail 45 ceuts. For sale by W. L. POMEROY. Also, the Revised Code interleaved. A few copies only in this form remaining. $5 50. W. L. P. keeps also constantly on hand Jones' Digest, Eat ou's Forms, Iredell on Executors, and Law Books gen erally, particnlarly those required to be read for County aud Superior Court License. January 17, 18511. 17 CARROLL HOUSE, CI1ESTERVILLE, S. C. THAT LARGE AND SPLENDID THREE STORY Building on the east, side of Chester Depot, is now open for the accommodation of persons travelling by the Cars, or otherwise. The Proprietor is well aware." that nothing short of a well-kept house, will induce custom to this so recently gotten up; and although very solicitous of patronage, he refrains from those thousand and one prom ises which have been made, only to be broken by many of ma illustrious preaecessors. He confidently hopes, that he will be sustained, and upon trial give tliat satisfaction and accomodation to the wearied traveller, that will send him on his way rejoicing. "JrL CARROLL. Feb. 25, 13.-.. 2 tf. fiPAKEN UP AND COMMITTED TO THE JAIL OF JL Person Comity, on Sunday the Olh instant, a runaway negro wuo says lie is tree, but cannot snow any evidence ot the fact, and that his name is William Mayo, aud that he was raised about Greenville, Virginia. Said negro is about twenty-one years old, of a bright ginger-cake color, live feet eight 'inches high, with small feet and bands; had on, when taken up, white pants, bombazine coat, and a striped cotton vest, all badly worn. The owner of said slave is hereby notified to come forward, provn property, pay charges, or lie will oe aeait witn as tne lav airecis. JOHN C. WILEY. Jailor. Roxboro. Jan, 10, 1850. 20 tf. -q- AMP OIL. A GOOD SUPPLY JUST TO HAND JLi and for sale by PESCUD & CATLING. 34 March 17,18i6. -TB7IIITE LEAD AND OIL. WE OFFER FOR W W sale, at low rates, 10,000 pounds White Lead of various brands, 5oo gallons Linseed Oil, 2iH) " Spts. Turpentine, 100 " Copal and Japan Varnish, loo Cotton Seed Oil, 500 lbs. Venetian Red, 500 " Spanish Brown, 300 " Litharge. 200 " Pa . Black, 200 " Tera de Sceina, 200 " Umber, 5i0 " Yellow Ochre, 100 " Vandyke Brown, And a large stock of ull the usual kinds of paint used here. Our stock is replenished from week to week to supply the demand, and our prices compare favorably with those charged in Petersburg, Norfolk and Wilmington. fJiSCLD & (jtATLlAli. March 17, 1856. 34 RALEIGH & GASTON RAILROAD. Raleigh & Gaston R. R. Office, Raleich, February 8, 1S56. AS THE NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD IS NOW completed to Charlotte, notice is hereby given that goods or produce brought down that Road, intenaed for transportation over the Kaleigh &. Gaston Railroad, will be received I y this Company at the Aorili Carolina Railroad DetMit in Raleigh (owned jointly by the two Companies) and will be transported thence without delay or extra charge, and goods designed for the western merchants and otheii along that Road, will likewise be delivered at the same point. Alt uucs ior ireteriit tnusi oc paiaai 1 etersounr or Ports mouth, except on way freight, which must be paid in ad vance or 011 delivery of the goods. Every effort will be made by the officers and nerents of the Company to give satisfaction in the transportation of goods and produce. uwners anu snippers 01 goons are requestea to nave tnem distinctly marked, so that their destination mnv be known. R. . HAMILTON, President. 23 tf. FOR THE SICK. RICE FLOUR, FARINA, CORN Starch, Tapioca Sago, Arrow Root, aud Gclaline, in store and for sale by WILLIAMS A HAYWOOD. CANT WELL'S JUSTICE TUE NORTH CARO UNA MAGISTRATE. This is an improvement npou and designed to take the place of Swaim's Justice. Price $3 oO postage 30 cents, r or Kite oy W. L. rUMfcllUl. August 20, 1S56. bl RICH3IOND IN BY-GONE DAYS; BEING BEM iniscences of An Old Citizen. Extract of a letter from Washington Irving, hsq., to tne author of " Richmond in By-Gone Days," dated July 13;b: " Vour little volume was particularly accepiuoie io mc. Richmond in bv-irone days was Richmond as I knew it tlm rim- ..f i.i,- vnnili nr:irlv fiftv vears since. Every page of vour volume brought up some del:gutful recollec- tion of scenes, and characters, long since passed away; for at Richmond at the time of my exit, there was a rare as semblage of the talent and ueauty ot v irginia, anu me iiii pressious I received then have ever made " the Old Domin ion acar to me. This book is for sale by HENRY D. TURNER, N. C. Bookstore. Raleigh, Sept. 23, 1856. 88 SPECIAL TERM. ESTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, WAKE IC? COUNT l . Superior ot Law and Equity, ran lerm, 1856. . Ordered by his Honor, Judge tjannders, luat a bpecial Term of this Court be held for the comity of Wake afore said, at the Court House tn Ruleigh on the second Monday of January next, and that the Clerk give notice thereof. The Olhcers of said Court, and suitors ana vv nnesses in Civil Causes only, are required to attend accordingly. . Witness, John C. Moore, Clerk of said Court, at Office in Raleich, this 8th day of October, 1856. Raleigh, Oct, 13, 1856. ' 94tf Sale of Valuable Real Estate. PURSUANT TO A DEUKKTAL. UKUMt W Tali Supreme Court, will be offered at public auction on the uremises. on the 2Sth day l ftovemoer next, tne tana in . . . - i , i 1 " ZA t'- - . the City ot itaieign. Known iu mu jjiuu ui ouiu vnj o jn. of lot No. 146, on which Mrs. Hannah Stewart formerly re sided, situated on Fayetteville and Wilmingtou streets. The lot will be divided into live equal parts, each having about 30 feet on Fayetteville street and extending bick to Wilmington street. The sum oi bz.djz ho, to De assessea in oniial sums from the purchaser of each lot, will be requir ed to be paid in cash, and the residue of the purchase mon ey, bonds, with interest from date, payable in six months with two good sureties. a. o. inDiuaii, October 2, ISoti. - , iu. Fencing Academy FENCING, THE BEST GYMNASTIC EXERCISE both for men and youths. The subscriber begs leave to inform the public generally that he will open his Salle d'Armes for the ensuing season, where he will give instruc tions in the art of FENCING, with the small Sword, the Sabre, the Bayonet or Lance, over JL. K. w a STORE, at old Temperance Hall, Raleigh, N. C This graceful.healthful,and useful art has been thorougly mastered by the subscriber, who was a pupil in one of tbe celebrated Military Academies in Europe, and he feels con- udent mat uiose wiiuptiiruuiu u. oanv w oiujcs nm i that thev seized the opportunity of becoming acquainted with an accomplishment so elegant, and exercise SO conducive to SOUUU auiu Tljnjus vniiii. uiM.. v ureaiis t sel'-defence so free from the objections urged against other arts practiced with the same view. Where is there a per son who can say that under the present circamstances, the knowledge of using weapons is unnecessary ? ' A nation well exercised with weapons is the support the pride of the country., -r . ' r " . ' Further particulars, as also the best of references, eon be obtained by calling at the Bookstore of Mr. W. L. Pomeroy. The undersigned will commence as soon as he has twelve scholars. ' Please give your names to Mr. W. L. Pomeroy. At tbe request of tbe pupils no spectators shall be admit ted during the hours of private instruetion. - : . ED. DkREU. October 18 1856. ' - " ' ' Mr- iL - ; ip REENSBOROUGH MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. iK At the end of Three Years, such has been the care and. economy of the officers of this . Company, that we are still free from debt ; have made no assessments and have now sueh a large Capital in cash aud notes, that we have no hes itation in saying to the public, that there is no safer Com pany in the Southern Country. The most of the Risks in this Company being in tbe Western part of the State, where tne danger irom nre is mncn less. - At the last annual Meeting the following officers were re elected. . - '. - ... JAMES SLOAN, President . " ' S.O. COFFIN, Vice President. . , ' . C, P. MENDENHALL, Attorney. PETER ADAMS, Sec'y & Treasurer. W. H. CUMMING. Gen. Asrent. ; - - DIRECTORS. Jm Sloan. Dr. J. A. Mebane. . a P. Mendenhall, Wm. S. ton' .Rev. C. F. Deems, James M. Garret, Jed H. Lindsay. McConnel, E. W. Ogbnrn, J. u. v,oie, it. i'.-weir, tireen&O ngn, r.iAiiy, waaes borough, Dr. S. G. Coffin, Jam wt Joshua Tavloe, Washington ; Wm. A. Wright, WUi. tRttm; John I. Sha ver, Salisbury ; John H.Cooke, Fayetteville; H.G.Spruill, Plymouth ; Robert E. Troy. Luuiberton ; Dr. R. H. Scales, All communications should h tirwtf to the Secretary free of Postage. - PETER ADAMS Sec'y. - August u, 1854. - 75 tt IRVINGS WASHINGTON, VOL. Ill, READY for delivery to subscribers, at POMEROY'S. June 5Sti, 1856. 63 sw. PERFUMERY AND SOAPS. PESCUD & GATLING'S Drug Store is the place to get the most rfagrant Perfumery aud Emolient Soaps of every variety for a little money. ORANGE HOTEL. THE SUBSCRIBERS HAV ING purchased the above Hotel of R. Nichols, Esq., are now repairing and refurnishing, and will speedily have it completed in such a manner as to give satisfaction to all. even the most fastidious. They intend it for a first class House. Its situation being on King street, which 5s the principal thoroughfare to and from the Deport of the N. C. Railroad, and by far the handsomest street in the town, of- lera 1 inducements to the visitors aud sojourner which cannot mc iuuimi eisewnere in me place. . uur rooms, table and sta bles will accommodate both man and horse, with the most uiiiniuriuuie nome. We shall keep no bar. Fartiities and persons wishing to srvn1 iha Smn ;n this delightful country, will find rooms especially adapted to their cotivanipiifA e hope to receive what we are determined to merit, a liberal share of patronage. it , , T H. C. STROUD & CO. Hillsboro', N. C, June 20, 1806. 61 swtf. HAV- Raleiffh & Gaston Rail Road Company, aud re-established their office in Ral . . - - , ' VV V, UUIOIPU. at tne most reasonable rates. Also the following stations 'on the line of the R Igh & Gastun railroad : to Franklinton, Henderson, Warrenton. Gaston & Weldon. The Express will run with the nnwH onH Mmu;i. nr thn mai o a.., ... . . C ' 1 ... " , uia in liiwie vi noeviui messengers. WM WDITD . i Office at the old stand, near the Yarborough House. Sept. 2,1856. 82t SCI1LOSS & BROTHER TAKE PLEASURE in aunouncinir to the citizens of Ralcis-h. vicinitr. and the public in general, that thev have chauced their fi"rm bv taking in as a Partner Mr. M. GRAUSMAN, who will here after attend on the CLOTHING and GENTS' FURNISH- 1AU olUlvL, in all its branches. All orders will receive strict attention. Any garment sent for will be finished and forwarded to its destination within eiirht davs. jo sixes i v,ouis, i-anis, ests, c, constantly kept up by our own original merchant tailoring establishment of All : ..ri. . ii r . - Joseph schloss & Brother, coiner of Light and Mercer str uuiuiiiore, iuu. e have now on hand and are cnnstantlv rpeniriner m extensive assortment of Ready made clothing 'for tbe spring nuu nuiiiuiur, aiso uats, uoois a snoes, and every thing in mc iius ui f;em leiueu s wear, wmcn we are selling very cheap, as we can afford to do, because we manufacture oui own clothing and shoes. Give us a call and be convinced. SCHLOSS, BROTHER & Co. Raleigh, May 3, 1S56. . 48 tf. ATTENTION I ALL THOSE INDEBTED TO THE firm of Booker & Cole are now positively tbe lost time requested to come forward and pay their notes and accounts to me, the undersigned being one of the above named firm, which firm will no longer continue : and all demands that are not settled immediately will be found in the hands ot an omcer. The undersigned may be found at Wm Cook's store, (Ira Beckwith's eld stand,) opposite Law. J. W. COT, Raleigh. Oct. 18, 1856. I5 swtD " Oh wad sonic power the giftie gi'e us, To see oursels as it hers see us. At the Daguerrean Gallery of Havens & Mallon your wish canoe grmijica. mflt. MALLON, (OF THE FIRM.) HAS JTTST ivJL returned from the Northern cities where he acquired all the new styles of Diiguerreotyping, as well as the latest aud most approved moaueojmrandi ot transferring th "hu man lace diviuo " to glass, in all the natural color, known as Ambrotgpcs. Also, pictures on Ivoar which cannot be surpassed. Don't forget that we color Ambrofypes as natural a life, and warrant a likeness. We keep a large assortment of Daguerreotype and Am brotvpc stock on band which will be sold to the trade at the loivest cash pries. BATH REGULATOR. Havens k Mai Ion's Nitrate of Silver Bath Regulator for Ambrotypes, to make an old Bath work as good as a new one, to prev nt " fogging," specking, Ac, will be sent to ouy part of the Union. Freight pre-paid on the receipt of ten dollars. Raleigh, October 1, 1856. 92 tf. Wyche's Cultivating Plow. PATENTED 26TH FEBRUARY, 1856. (THE BLA ded Plow,) awarded $20 premium at the last N. C' State Fair; with cutting blades in the place of a moldboard; cuts, divides and turns over the soil; depositing tbe finer parts in the furrow, and turning over the turf, cluds, Ac, on the surface. Is cheap, light, and lasting, and easy to both driver and team. Admirably adapted to almost any purpose for which the rlow is used. For license to sell, with further information, address W. E. WYCHE. Brookville, Granville Co. N. C. June 16, 1856. 1120 wtf. J. U. Gooch, Oxford, N. C, solicits orders for the above plows. . MOUNTAIN HOUSE. CAPON SPRINGS. : THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN SOLICITED bv many southern friends to extend the present sea son, have determined to keep the Mountain House open for tbeir accommodation until tne turn aay ot uctoner. The three tournaments for the season will take place on the 28th of August, the 12th and 26th of September. The fare will be reduced five dollars per month, and two dollars per week, after the 1st of Sept. August 19, 1855. 83 SPECIAL TERM. TATE OF NORTH-CAROLINA, GRAN W VILLE County, Superior Court of Law and Equity, September Terra, A. D., 1856. Ordered by His Honor Judge Person, that a Special Term of this Court be held for the County of Granville afore said, at the Court House in Oxford, to commence on the fourth Moudav of November next, and continue for two weeks; and that the Clerk of said Court give notice thereof. The Sheriff suitors and witnesses in civil cases are here by notifie I of the order and required to attend accordingly. As no State'business will be done, defendants and wit nesses in prosecutions and indictments are not required to attend. EUGENE GRISSOM, C. S. C. . Oxford, Sept 8. 1856. 85 t4MN. ' SUPERIOR SALAD OIL. IN PINT AND r 9 quart Bottles just to hand and for sale by PESCUD & GATLING. CO D LIVER OIL.-A FRESH SUPPLY OF Rushtons' and Simes' in store. : WILLIAMS k HAYWOOD. - FOR BUSINESS MEN.-SUITS OFfCASSIMERE and Marseilles, just received. s ;.. '.- ; W. H. WILLIAMS. Art. : April IB, !.-. . - - . ... - -. ' .j? -niANOS ON. TRIAL-PAYMENT WITHHELD JL We propose to purchasers of Piano Fortes to take our . . . . . i . i . i . . instruments on trial in oraer 10 test wn we aay oi weir quality before paying lor tnem. i''"-. twenty years experience uu uur pun mububs uur own. minds, and we could get over' fifteen -hundred persons to unite with us in tbe opinion, that no establishment,' North or South, can possibly furnish, better or cheaper instru ments than we do. - t :. . , E. 1 NASH- Nov. H, 1856. " - . .105 w. . . J. BINGHAM, ASSISTED ' BY HIS SON, proposes re-opening bis Select Sohool at Oaks, Orange County, X. C, on tbe 11th FeDrnary, 1857. , - j - ' A gentleman suitable to board schoolboys, can find a good. situation here.' Address . -- v-.- . . . ; - . W, J. BINGHAM, - .- .-.-'-. - -. -Oaka, - THE ADAMS EXPRESS COMPANY. 'I'llfi AllAillS J2XPRESS COMPANY Jt. IStt made arramrements irih th ' ' - For Sale. FTIHE LARGE AND EXCELLENT FARM, KNOWS . JL as the Caddo Place; containing two thousand eight hundred (2, 800) acres ; about 900 acres' cleared land, and J he balance well timbered, and the whole mostly rich al luvial bottom On the farm: is a good and substantial (wo storr brick boose, double brick kitchen, brick strioke house- ' good double roomed frame house,together wHli a black smiiu snop, ana wagon making snop, ana negro; quarters sufficient to accommodate fifty or seventy-five bands. There is also on't he place a good-cotton gin house, and Press, and iii excellent horse milL and cribs, barns and stables. The ' Caddo river meanders through the whole lengtb, of the 1 tract. There is a well of never failing and excellent water in the house yard, with milk ' house attached, and a splen did garden Jot. There are several good springs on the place, ' and a very- bold Chalybeate spring about 600 yards from the house. The M ilitary Road, the great western thorough fare to Texas, runs by the house. This is one of the richest, and most desirable places . in soatb-westcrn Arkansas. It is situate aboat four miles from Arkodelphia, the county town of Clark countv.- - - . . . - , - ; . Also, one thousard two hundred (1,300) acres in another farm, lying in Dal 'as county Arkansas, on the Ouachita River, a navigable stream, partly bottom, and partly up ' land, with sixty or seventy -acres opened. Tbo attention of persons iatendingto settle in Arkansas is inyited to these lands.. . . . .: v-.l. Also, one thousand and forty (1040) sores, of superior Black lands, situated in Clark county, .immediately on the " Cairo and t niton Railroad Line, ana six miles from water navigation, 400 acres of this tract cleared land. . ' Also, nine hundred (900) acres; lying in Clark county, . about half bottom, and half uplands, nine miles from water navigation, and four miles from Rail Rood lino. One hun dred (100) acres of this tract opened land. . . - Also, one thousand three hundred and forty (1340) acres, lying in Clark county, half rich bottom, and 25 acres open ed, and the balance good upland. ' '- ' -. . i -Also, oue thousand eight, hundred (1800) acrp lying in ' Clark county, 100 acres opened; mostly rich bottom lands, aud not subject to inundation. . . . - All the above hinds are finely Timbered and Watered. For further particulars apply to. J - s AYiJ.S.BARKMAN, , .fcArkadelphia. Arkansas. . Sept. 16, 185. - s; '.h tij. mjORTII CAROLINA BOOKSTOItE.-H. D. J 1 TURNER, has .or sale. The Supreme Court Reports of North Carolina, uniform sets or single volumes price reduced ; Iredell s Digest, three volumes. '- - ;" ' - Swaim's .Justice Revised. Tbe North Curolina Magis trate, a practical guide to the Laws ofvthe State, and the decisions of the Supreme Court defining the duties and jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace, under the revised code of 1854-55, together with full instructions and numerous forms and precedents, ' by Edward Cantwell, Esq., LL. B. Counsellor at Law. ' ' f - One vol. 8vo., containing nearly 900 pages, handsomely . printed on good paper, and well bound, in Taw binding. Price 13 50. Postage 36 cents. . E Published and for sale by II. D. TURNER. Also, at greatly reduced prices, in quantities or by retail , a complete assortment of School Books, Blank Books, Sta tionery, and Fancy1 Arti. les; Juvenile and Toy Books ; nil the New Publications as soon as issued ; the Standard Pub lications in every department of, Literature, Arts, and ssctencc ana in every language, ancient or modern. Music Books una .Musical Instruments. Writing Desks of Leather, Rosewood, and Mahogany. Work Boxes of Eeather. Rosewood. Mahotranv. and Pa. . ' " " Walking Canes and Whips, great" tariety. Choice Gold Pens, in Silver and Gold Case Velocipedes, Gigs, Hubby-Morses JJarouches, Wheelbar rows, 4c. i EiT" Mathematical Instruments,- Thermometers, and Paint Boxes, in great variety. j BOOKBINDING, in every variety promptly executed in the neatest manner. " : 53F" SELECT GARDEN-SEEDS every variety war ranted fresh and good selected from the most approved Seedsmen and Gardeners in the Northern Country. ' Nov. 18. 1356. .. '( 1 Valuable Land for Sale. THE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS FOR SALE A tract of superior land, containing about 252 acres, sit jiale on both sides of Big Lick Creek, on the Hillsboro' and ,'ish Dam Road. There is no better land than this iu the j tate, for the growth of Corn, Wheat. Cotton and Tobacco. ' .'here is on said land a good two-story dwelling, with seven i aoms, and the necessary outhouses attached. Those wish ; ig to purchase had better call soon or they will lose a bar ; tin. CHESLEY -JONES, j Nov. 21, 1356. 1 swtfpdlins. THE WEEKLY STAR, TS THE WASHINGTON CITY NEWSPAPER FOR , persons at a distance to take. Its-promptness and re ? ability concerning Washington affairs, and with reference other matters of which information centres at Washing ! m, has secured for The Daily Star an immense circulation. he Weekly Star contains all news appearing in the Daily, tpital Tales for the Fireside, 4c., Ac. Terms : The Daily, ; 4 50 per annum ; The Weekly, S 1,25 per annum. To Clubs, ' be Weekly is mailed (addressed to each person) ut $1 per ; nnum. Subscriptions paid in advance. : Politically, The Star is 44 Southern Rights., ' Address W. D. WALLACH, Publisher, Washington City. Nov. 22, 1856. 105 tf. f CHEAP WRAPPING PAPER. 7 (2JOUTHERN MERCHANTS PREFERRING TO t5 buy North of Mason & Dixon's line can be furnished nth the names of my agents in the different Northern cit--' i .-s, by applying to meat Raleigh, N. C. Those who desire to save freight and forwarding charges, can buy of me ilirect by applying to. C. W. BENEDICT, . Raleigh Paper Mills, ; P. S. All paper sold by me, direct, will be delivered free f freight at any depot on the North Carolina and Virgin ' . Railroads. , ' RAGS I RAGS 1 1 RAGS III THE HIGHEST PRICES IN CASH PAID FOR COT 1'ON and linen rags. Large or small quantities taken. . C. W. B. RaIeigh,fNov. 13, 1856. . 103 6m. -r ft ACRES LAND FOR SALE. 9ej999 The subscriber would offer 5,000 acres of : iiid fur sale upon the most reasonable terms. Tbe above . .nds are situated in Surry county,, on both sides of the . Hid leading from the Pilot Mountain to Rockford and Dob n, and two miles west of Wm. Gilliam's resideuce, all.of hich tract is in woods and well watered by the Ararat ; ver and its tributaries, and well adapted to the growth of ' .ibacco and grain. The most reasonable indulgence will e given to purchasers. For further particulars reference my be made to Wm. Gilliam, Pilot Mountain, N. C, or ' iermaiu Bernard, Wilson, N. C. . r . ALSO TO LEASE, '.. . 'lie plantation where Wm. Gilliam now- lives, containing . 50 acres, under cultivation. Also, the Pilot Hotel, Miner al Spring and Pilot Mountain. Reference made as abova. L GERMAIN BERNARD. ' Sept, 12, 1856. . 1150 w8m 17ERY HANDSOME LOTS OF CORAL AND CA- W MEO Breastpius, Ear Rings and Bracelets for the la dies. J. C. PtLMER. LAW CO-PAH TNERSHIP. M. &. R. G. LEWIS HAVING ASSOCIA TED themselves tosetber in the practice of Lanr. A. . pne or tbe other can always be found at their office in Ral eigh on Faytteville Street, v . i , Tbey will attead the several Courts of Wake, Franklin, Nash, Johnston, Wilson and Harnett. Also, tbe Terms of the Supreme and Federal Courts of tbe State. October 23, 1856. - - ' PT tf. " , SITUATION WANTED, , I- FOR EITHER THREE OR TWELVE MONTHS IN . a Dry Goods Store, by a young man who has bad four years experience in business in this place, and can give the best of reference as to punctuality, ability, &c, c. For information apply to the Editors" of this paper, or address Box, Raleigh, 155. . ' "" , Raleigh, Nov. 13, 1856. - ' 108 tf. . FOR SALE, . ' . A Desirable Cottace Residence. TH.E SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR 'SALE THE House and Lot, at present owned and occupied by him. Tbe lot contains one-half acre, and is situated in tbe north- , eastern suburbs of the city, and within seven or eight min utes walk of the Capitol. The Dwelling contains four rooms, with a porch in front, front and back eutres, closet, Ac. There is also a good . Kitchen aud Smokehouse ; also a Well in the yard fifty feeA deep and affording five feet of water, which, for purity, has" no superior in the city. v ,-" .On the premises atu an assortment of young shade add fruit trem were seltc ed with care. ;5i: A more favorable pponunity is seldom offered to those ' desirous of purchasing a desirable .place, as it will now to sold on tbe most reusouuble terms, v .. v. For further iuformation as to price, terms Ac, Ac, apply to the subscriber, or to Q. Busbee, Esq. , . L - ' . J. G. JJROMELIi. . Rale gh, Nov. 17. 1856. .-i.. 104 await. RUNAWAY. THERE -1S NOW CONFINED, IN the jail of my county, a negro man, aged about twenty-two years. He is of dark complexion, well built, likely, and calls himself Anthony1 Adams, and says he belongs in Port Jarvis, in tbe State of New York. Said negro is up ' posed to be a runaway slave. ' The owner wilfcome for ward, prove property, and pay charges, or said ntgro will be sold agreeable to the provisions of the statute regulating such cases. . " , . - - - 1 -.,- " . v .; " P. F. WHITE, .-, . Sheriff of Cuowan County. ' Edenton. y. C, Nov." 17, 1856. , " , 104 6m: ...'. '-. Hotel for Sale. ." - ' ' " THE SUBSCRIBER, HAVING SERVED THE PUB lie 80 years in tne capacity of landlord, and wishing to retire, o tiers his Hotel for sale. ' . ' -' ' This Hotel, situated near the Court House, on Main Street, 800 yards North of the N. C. R. R. Station, contains, in ad dition to Parkr,.Hall, and large Dining Room, 37 comfort- able Bed Rooms, all (5 excepted,) have fire-places; also, in process of completion, 7 other bed-rooms. On the premises are all necessary outbuildings, 2 wells, ice bouse, Ac, Ac Persons deserous of purchasing valuable property would - do well to ca'l soon. " ' ' . ' , . . . - .. J. P. MABRY, Proprietor. ' Lexington, N. C. Not. 17," 1856. . 104 swfitpd. . tT Also, a new No. 1 Y. Level to dispose of. mTOTICS IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT APPLICA. AH nntw :il K .ula tn tha nresant IffUlatnrs to-erect r anew county out of parts ot Johnston, Wake, Naib and Franklin. ' ,..t', . Not. 16, 1856, -;- . 104 lm.