Newspaper Page Text
I'M 'jmi;rn;;r n .y jit r 'J . tlUfi J.. HM J'' . : NEW F0ITLXCATIO173. THE Unrllj-Cnrnlinn Itankrt WILLIAM W. HOLDEN, Editor and Pbopbietob. "fRANK. I. WILSON, Associate Editor. TERMS OF THE WEEKLY Two Dollar per annum, invariably .n advance. TERMS OF THE SEM I-WEEKLY Four Dollars per annum, iuvariubly in advance All paper ore discontinued at th expiration of the time for which they have been paid. Bates of Advertising in the Semi-Weekly Standard. Our regular rates of advertising are as follows : One square, ( 14 lines or less) first insertion, - fl 00 Each subsequent insertion, ----- 25 Longer advertisements in proportion. Contracts will be made with advertisers, at Ike above regular rati, for six or twelve months, and at the close of the contract per cent, will be deducted from the gross unioimt. Professional or business Cards, not exceeding five lines, will be inserted in either the Weekly or Semi-Weekly, tor $o tor six months, or $10 for twelve months; or in both pa pers tor $10 for six months, or 15 for twelve months. Terms of Advertisings the Weekly Standard. One dollar per square for the first insertion, and 25 cts. for each subsequent insertion. Jib deduction todl be tuade on U'eelly iidcertixemeuU, m matter how long Ihay mt y run. Only a limited numberof advertisements will be admitted into the Weekly. All advertisements, not d reel ed are inserted "in the So ei-Veekiy,and charged accord, rg Iv. When the number of insert ions is not marked on the advertisement it- is inserted until toi bid. Moiiev sent us by mail is at our risk. February 27, 1857, My Father. BT nOX. HENRY R. JACKSON, OF GE3BGIA. As die the embers on the hearth, And o'er the floor the shadows fall, And creeps tbe chirping cricket forth, And ticks the death-watch in the wall I see a form on yonder chair, That grows beneath the waning light There are the wan, sad features there, The pallid brow, and locks of white! My Father! when they laid thee down, And heapi-d the clay upou thy breast, And left th e leeping all aloii. Upon thr narrow couch of rest, I know not why I cou.d njt weep The soothing drops refused to roll ; And oh ! thai grief is wild and deep. Which settles tearless on the soul ! But when 1 saw thy vacant chair Thine id'e hat upon the wall Thy book the peuciilfd passage, where, 1 hi ne eyes hud rested, last ol all ; The tree beneath whose friendly shade. The trembling feet hud wuudered lorth Tue very prims those feet had made When last they feebly trod the earth ; And thought, while countless ages tied, Thy vacant seat would vacant stand Unworn thy hat, thy book unread. Effaced thy footsteps from the sand And widowed, in this cheerless world. The heart that gave its love to thee Torn, like a vine, wbtse tendrils curled More cluseiy round the lulling- tree! Oh ! Father, then, for her and thee, Gushed madly forth the scorching tears, And oil, and long, and bitterly. Those tears have gushed in later years; For, as tlie world grows coid around. And things take on their real hue, 'T s sud to learn . hut love is found above tbe stars with vou. A Bov th t had a Heakt. A French paper says, that Lucil.e iioiiie, a pit-tty girl with blue eyes ai.d fair hair, poorly but neatly clad, was brought before the SixlU Court ot Coireclion on the charge of vagrancy. "Does any one claim you?" asked the magis trate. " Ah 1 my good sir,' said she, " I have no longer any friends; my father and mother are dead I have only my brother James, but he is as young as I am. 0, sir; what can he do tor me?" " Here I am, sister ; here I am ! do not fear !' cried a childish voice from the other end of the court. At the same instant a little boy with a live ly countenance started from ao.idst the crowd and stood before the judge " Who are you?"' said he. "James Rome, the brother of that poor little girl." Your age ?" " Thirteen." ' Antl what do you want ?" " I came to claim my Lucille." " But have you the means of providing for her V Yesterday I had none, but now I have. Don't be afraid, Lucille." ' 0, how good you are, James !" Well, let us see, my boy," said the magistrate, " the court is disposed to do ail that it can fur your 6is;er. But you must give us some explanation." " About a fortnight ago, sir, continued the boy, mr poor mother died of a bad cough, tor it was very ald at home. We were in great trouble. Then 1 Said to myself, I will become an artisan, and, when I know a gix d trade, will support my sister. I went an apprentice to a brushm.aki.-r. Every day I used to carry her half my tOnner, and at night 1 took her secretly to my room, and she slept on the bed while I slept on tue floor. But it appears she had not enough to eat. One day she begaed on the Boule vard, and was taken up. When I heard that, lsaid to myself, Come, my hoy, things cniinol last so ; you must find something better. I soon found a good place where I am lodged, led, and clothed, and have twenty francs a month. I have also found a good woman, who, for those twenty francs, wiil take care of Lucille, and teach her kuecdle-work. I claim my sister." " My boy," said the. judge, "your conduct is very honorable. However, your sister cannot be set at liberty till to-morrow." "Never mind, Lucille," said the boy, "I will come and fetch you early to-morrow." Then turn ing to the magistrate, be' said, " I may kiss her, may I not, sir?" He then threw himself into the arms of his sister, and both wept warm tears of affection. Dewdrops of Wisdom. Troth, by whomsoever spoken, comes from God. It is, in short, a divine essence. The mere imitator is no more an artist than the mere chronicler of events from tbe gazette, is a his torian. Perfect love reposes on the object of its choice, like the halcyon on the wave, and the air of heaven is around it! Contentment gives its own complexion to every day occurrences, and imparts light where otherwise there would be darkness. Fine art has nothing to do with imitation, its prin ciple is to produce in the mind the same ideas which the things sought to be represented produce, but al ways in another way. the only books we really learn from, are those which we are unable to judge of, understand and ctiticise. The author of a book which we can appre c;ate and criticise, is our scholar, not our master. The perversions of the best things can be turned into the worst, a in the most wholesome roots and herbs there is some component part which can be extracted and subtil zed into a deadly poison. I was said, and very beautifully said, that " one man's wit becomes all men's wisdom." Even more true is it that one man's virtue become a standard liii h raises our anticipation oi possible goodness in all men. A man of a weak, complying disposition, whom no one fears, no one will be at the troub'e to oppose; "liile a man of strong and tixed character will be liable to opposition, at least from those who expect to deiive a certain kind of importance from tbe dig nity of their adversary. 'Jimmy, are your folks all well ?" 'Yes, ma'am, all but Sally Ann?" 'Why, what's the matter with her ?" ()h, nothing, particular only she had the hoopin' c iugli once, and she haint never got over it The c 'igh ain't any account now, but she has the hoop de-perate.' He who receives a good turn should never forget it; aud he who does oue should never remember it Vol. VII. Franklin Asking fob Work. When quite a youth, Franklin went to London, entered a printing office, and and inquired if he could-get employment as a printer. " Where are you from ?" inquired the foreman. 1 Amei ica," was the reply. " Ah," said the foreman, " from America ! a lad from America ' seeking employment as a printer! Well, do you really understand the art of printing ? Can yon set type r" Franklin stepped to one of the cases, and, in a very brief space, set up the following passage from the first chapter of the Gospel of John : " Nathaniel saith unto him, ran any good thing come out of Nazereth ? Philip saith unto him, come and see?" It was done so quickly, so accurately, and con t 'ined a delicate reproof, so Appropriate and power ful, that it at once gave him character and standing with all in the office. At a political meeting in Pike county, Pennsylva nia, while the committee were out writing resolu tions, a sturdy old farmer, rose and addressed tbe chair : . Mr. PresiuVnf, mout I say a word?' asked he. The meeting will be proud to hear from you, Mr. Subsoil.' Well, Mr. Presi7i, endnrin of the time the com mittee's out awhVnl you tell all how you've, bed ded yotir 'taturit ?' There was a great laugh at Subsoil's expense, but this question involved a matter of more practical importance than such as often come before political uieelings. TiikBoys. A writer ol the Independent has been devoting an essay to hoys. He says: "Tbe real livis of boys are yet to be written. The dialogues of our great publishing societies.resem bles a real boys life about as much as a chicken pick ed and larded upon a spit and ready for delicious eating resembles a free fowl in the fields. With some few honorable exceptions, they are impossible boys, with incredible goodness. Apples that r ipen long before their time are either diseased or worm bitten." The following resolutions were passed by the Board of Council nun in Canton, Mississippi: '1. Resolved by this Council that we build a new jail. '2. Resolved that the new jail be built out of the materials of the old jail. '3. R solved that the old jail be used until the new jail is finished.' Could Dublin or Cork beat that ? It is told that when Minister Miles prayed for rain, he lett nothing uncertain. He said : "0. Lord thou knowest we do not want thee to send us rain wh chshali pour down in fury, and swell our streams, and sweep away our hay-cocks, and fin.-es and bi i 'ges, but, Lord, we want it to come drizzle, droz zie, Urvzzte, lor about a week Amen." " I remember," says the celebrated Wesley, " hearing my father say to mother, 'How could you have the patience to tell that block-head the same thing twenty times over?' ' Why,' said she, ' if I told him but nineteen times. I should have lost all my labor." Ccriois Mode of Introducing Liquor. The Tar tars pull a man by the car w hen they want him to drink in J keep pulling until he opens h 8 mouth, when they pour down the liquor. We know some folks whose ears would not require much pulling. Great Invention. A Yankee down in Maine has invented a machine which, besides hoeing potatoes, driving the cows to pasture, nnd curing consump tion, tells the exact ages of Adam and Eve at the time they received " notice to quit Eden," "Sam is my cofTee hot?" cried an old bachelor to his servant. " I guess not massa I spit in h'.m, and be no sizzle," replied Sam. "I am going to the post office. Bob; shall I en quire for you ?" ' Well, yes, if you have a mind to, but I don't think you will find me there." " Is them old fellows alive now ?" said an urchin to his teacher. " What old persons do you mean, my dear ?" " Wh, Paul and Luke, and Deuteron omy, and them." Splendid qualities break forth in dark times like lightning from a thundercloud. Too much sensibility creates unhappiness ; too much insensibility cteates crime. Farmers, remember, it will cost less in the end to make a good fence than a poor one. Great Ort and Little Wool. An Ethiopian in fant, just born. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. KEMP P. BATTLE, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Fatetteville St., Raleigh, N. C. Will attend the Courts of W ike and Frauklin, and the Terms of tbe Supreme and e ;ral Courts. Jnlv 1. 1858. 60 tf. t" Register copy. WILLIAM J. SAUNDERS, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Raleigh, N. C. Office on Fayetteville Sfeet. immediately in the rear of the office of Kemp P. Battle, Esq. Aug. 1, 1857. QUE NT. BUSBEE, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Fatkttevillk St., Raleigh, N. C. Will promptly attend to any business intrusted to him in tbe United Stipes and State Courts; and with the Ex ecutive or other departments of the State Government. July 1, 1856. 66 tf. HAVING ABANDONED ALL PURPOSE TO REMOVK FROM THE STATE, SH U.L AT TbD, regularly, the Courts of my Circuit. Also, the Federal and Supreme Courts. Tkose wishing to see me on business, will please call at my residence. J H. W. MILLER. September 18, 1857. , 86 tf. . ED. GRAHAM HAYWOOD, Counsellor and Attorney at Law, EALEIOH, X. C, Will attend the County and Superior Courts of Wake, Johnston and Chatham ; the Superior Courts ol New Han over and Sampson, and the Terms of the Federal Courts, and Supreme Court of North-Carolina at Raleigh. . ' Office, the one formerly occupied by the late Hon. Will. H. Haywood, Jr. Raleigh, May 22, 1857. - 62 aw. J. W. JOHNSON, ' Attorney at Law, Raleigh, N. C. wjTILL ATTEND PARTICULARLY AND PROMPT ff lj to the collection of all kinds of claims, renewing and discounting notes in Bank, hiring and renting proper ty, and buying and selling real estate on commission. Re fer to Charles Dewey, Cashier Bank of the State, and W H. Jones, Cashier Bank of Cape Fear. -; All letters enclosing money ronst be registered. Office on Favetteville St., opposite the Market Square. 7 . Sept. 22, 1857. - " 87 tf. JAMES ; bV AVERETT, ' Attorney at Law, NEWBEBN, NORTH CAB0L15A. , -.itaansw I a. I a. " . i l- 1 a Ia f OTIkiii ftt Til RALEIGH, N. C. WEDNESDAY, SEPT'R. 30, 1857. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. SIDNEY A. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SMITHFIELD, N. C, Will attend regularly the Courts of Pleas A Quarter Ses sions of Wake, Johnston, Cumberland and Harnett. Smithheld. Feb. 20. 1856. 28 tf. B. R. MOORE, 7" ATTORNEY AT LAW, SALISBURY, N. C. rnrriLL PRACTICE IN THE COURTS OF ROWAN w w and adjoining Counties. Collections promptly made. April Z4, 18.X. 44 swtf. W. J. Houston. W. A. Allen. HOUSTON & ALLEN, Attornies and Counsellors at Law. Ke.nansvillk, N. C. WS71LL ATTEND THE COUNTY AND SUPERIOR ww Courts ot Duplin, New Hanover and adjoining Coun ties, and also the Courts of Wake. April 4, 157. 39 swly. WILLIS L. GREEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Memphis, Tenn. (Office, eaxt ide Main, Strtet, Xn 16S.) WILL PRACTICE IN THE SEVERAL COURTS of Shelby, Tipton, aud Fayette. All business en trusted to his care will receive prompt attention. t3f Special attention given to collection of claims. February 24, 1h.i7. 27 swly. BUSINESS CARDS. . H. MCPUEETERS, H. CHISELIK. J. W. MARTIN A. M. McPHEETERS, Jk CO. Wholesale Grocers, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WiW l'arehoue. Norfolk, Va. REFERENCES: Thomas P. Devereux, Esq., Halifax, X. C. Geo. W. Mohiiecai, Pres't Bank of the State of N. C C. Dewey, Cashier " " W. H. Jones, Cashier Bank of Cape Fear. L. O'B. Branch, President Raleigh and Gaston Road. Messrs. Reid & Snutter, i Dr. N. C. Whitehead, V Norfolk. Pres't Farmer's B'k of Va. ) Alex. Bell, Esq. Messrs. Speuce A Reid, Baltimore. ' " B. Blossom A Son, Xew York. September 16, 1S--3. . 78 HENIiV V. NIEMEYER, FoTSMOI-TH, Va., COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND DEALER IN LUMBER, PROVISION'S, LIME. COAL, SALT, AND NAVAL STORES, Will sell, store or ship Tobacco, Cotton, Flour, Gra'n, Na val Stores, Lumber, and General Merchandise, on ilio best terms. September 1, 1S07. 81 3m. LEWIS KING, f-k. Commission Merchants,' MOBILE, ALABAMA, ti. B. Lewis, formerly of Franklin Co., N. C. Dr. Peyton King, of' Pickens Co., Ala. A. M. Lewis, our authorized agent of Raleigh, N. C. June 6, 1S-t4. 58 J. M. STEVEXSON. GENERAL. AGENT, For the sale 01 all kinds of produce. All orders promptly attended to Office No. 34, North-Watkr St., WILMINGTON, N. C. October 20, 1856. MS swlypd. Barron C. Watson. Gaston Meases. WATSON A ME ARES, GENERAL COM M MISSION MERCHANTS. 34 Burl ins Slip, NEW YORK. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO SALE OF SOU . thern produce. Dec. 12, 1856. , 7 swtf. JAMES II. STRUM, General Agent and Collector, OXFORD, N. C. RKKRENCKS: Joseph H. Gooch, Granville Co., N. C; Hon. A. W. Ten able, Brownsville. N. C; R. N. A D. C. Herndon, Oxford, N. C; R. A. Young, Petersburg Va. February 14, 1867. 24 swly. WOLFE & CAIRNS, MAXt FACTt ERS A HEALERS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL, IS BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, CARPET-BAGS, Ac, Ac. 15 Bollingbrook Street, PETERSBURG, VA. July 14, 1S57. C7 -ly. DR. J. A. GEOGIIEGAN, LATE OF CLARKSVILLE, VA , Has Located in Franklinton, N. C. March 3, 1857. vy gwly. DR. CLOPTON'S INFIRMARY. DR. JAS. CLOPTON, WHO HAS VISITED RA leigh, and all 1 lie principal towns in Carolina, for sev eral years, practicing his prolession, has permanently loca ted at Hnnisville, Alabama, where he is prepared to treat, miint iiccr'ftdl y, the following diseases, to-wit: Asthma, Diseases of the Throat, Scrofula. Glandular Swellings, Tu mors, Scrofnh'iia Cancers, Ulcers on the face, and all dis eases of the skin, eyes, &c , arising from an impure state of the blood. Testimonials of the highest character can be given, from the most respectable families of Carolina. All communications must contain a three cent stamp to pav for the returu letter. Nov. 2.-1, 1S'. 4 swtf. PERCIVAL & GRANT, ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS, Goddin's Hull, Richmond, Va., respect fully offer their services to the public With a thorough professional training, and a combined practical experience of more than thirty years, they hope to give satisfaction to those who may favor them with orders. Tbey williu'rnish designs for Churches, Public Buildings, Town Houses, Stores, Villas, Ac, and for Ornamenting and Draining Grounds, with full and clear Working Drawings, Specifications and Superintendance. A targe variety of Original Design for Churches, Villas, Ac, suitable for the South, can be seen at their of fices. Letters on Professional Business promptly attended to. August 14,1857. 76 tlJ INSURANCE COMPANIES. FIRE INSURANCE. McGEE A WILLIAMS, Agent FOR RALEIGH, N..C GREENSBORO' MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Such has been the care and economy of the officers of this Company, that we are free from debt ; have made no assessments, and have now on hand a large capital, viz: in premium notes $4n7,o5! 03; in cash $13,--845 89 making a total of $470,514 92, to meet any losses that may accrue ; we therefore have no hesitation in saying to the public, that there is no safer Company in the South ern country. The most of the Risks in this Company be ing in the Western part of the State, where the danger from fire is much less. DIRECTORS: James Sloan, J. A Mebane, C P. Mendenhall, D P. Weir, W. J. McConnel, John L. Cole, Jed. H. Lindsay, James M. Garrett, E. W. Ogburn, D P. Gregg, David McKnight, Green sborough ; Alexander Miller, Newbern; E. F. Lilly, Wadesborough ; S. G. Coffin, Jamestown; W A. Wright, Wilmington ; John I. Shaver, Salisbury ; T. McGee, Raleigh; H. G. Sprnill, Plymouth; R. E. Troy, Lumberton; Thomas Johnson, Yancey ville. -OFFICERS: ' ' JAMES SLOAN, President E. W. OGBURN. Vice President. C. P. MENDENHALL, Attorney. PETER ADAMS, Secretary and Treasurer. WM. H. CUMMINGS, General Agent. W. J. McConnel, I J. A. Mebane, V Executive CommRtee. ' J. M. Garrett, ), . - .' ' ; All communications bn busine-a connected with this of fice, should be addressed to . PETER ADAMS, Becretary. Greensboro', N. C, July 81, 1W7. t tt jOTICE.--THE CAS WELL. MUTUAL FIRE. IN iH surance Company wish to secure tbe services of good Travelling Agent for the State. . '. ' Address, j N. L. WALXKR, President, ! : , . ? , Milton, N. C. Sept.,2, 185V .2 : ,. I...-,, fSt INSURANCE COMPANIES. mjORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL L.FE IN- IH SURANCE COMPANY, Office, Raleigh, N. C This Company insures the lives of individuals for one year, a term ot yearsfor for life, on the Mutual riuNciPLB, the assured for life participating in the profit of the Company. For policies granted for the whole term of life, when the pre mium therefor amounts to $3n, a note may be given for one half the amount of the premium bearing interest at 6 per cent without guaranty. The prompt manner in which all losses have been paid by this Company, together with the low rates of premium, present great inducements to such as are disposed to in sure. Slaves are insured for a term of from one to five years, for two-thirds their value. All losses are paid within 90 days after satisfactory proof is presented. N DIRECTORS. Charles E. Johnson, Wm. D. Cooke, Wm. W. Holdkx Wm. H. Jones, Jno. 0. Williams Quixtex Bdsbee, H. W. Ht'STEn, ' K. P. Battle, Wm. H. MjKeb, D. G. I owle. P. F. Ptsciin, R. H. Battle, Charles B. Root. OFFICERS. Dr. Charles E. Johnson, Pret'uUnt, William V. Uoluex, Vice President. R. H. Battle, Secretary, William II. Jones, Treasurer, II. W. IIcsteo, Atttmey, W. H. McKee, Medical Examiner. Q Bb'SBEE, 1 Ciiarles B. Root, JEeecutice Com- W. H McKek, ) mittee. Charles E. Johnson, M. D. ) Medical William H. McKeb, M. D. Hoard of Ricuu. B. Haywood, M. D. Lbnsultation. For further information, the public are referred to tbe pamphlets, aud forms of proposal, which may be obtained at the Office of the Company, or any of its Agencies. Communications should be addressed, (post paid,) to R. H. BATTLE, Secretary. Raleigh, June, 1857. 26 N. C. MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. AT THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE NORTH CAR olina Mutual Insurance Company, held on the lit h inst. the following persons were elected Directors and Offi cers for the ensuing year: DIRECTORS: Henry D. Turner, Raleigh. J. R. Williams, do. T. H. Selbv, do. C. W. D. Hutchings, do. Kemp P. Battle, do. - George Little, do." James M. Towles. do. James E. Hoyt, Washington " Alex. Mitchell, Newbern. Joshua G. Wright, Wilmington John M. Jones, Edenton. W. W. Griffin, Elizabeth City. F. F. Fagan, Plymouth. J. W. Han-ell, Murfreesb'iro. H. B. Williams, Charlotte. Geo A.Smith, Milton. O. F. Long, Hillsboro.' Joseph White, Anson County. Josh. Boner, Salem, A T. Sumniv. Asheville. OFFCERS OF THE COMPAN 1 . T. II. Selbv. Prebient. H. D. Turner. I'U-e Prenuleni. John II. Bryan, Attorney. llaiuiien S. Smith, Stcritaryand Treasurer. T. II. Selbv, tjr officio. J John R. Williams, Executive Cbmmittoe. C. W. D. Hutchings, 1 This Company has been in successful operation over 10 years, and continues to take risks upon all classes of pro erty in the State, (except Steam Mills and Turpentine Dis tilleries,) upon favorable terms. Its Policies now cover properly amounting to 4,S37,4S, a large portion of which is in Country risks ; and its present capital is ovei Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars, in bonds, properly secured. The average cost .f Insurance upon the plan of this Com pany has been less than one third of one per cent, per an num, on al grades of property embraced in its oierations. All communications in reference to ii nurance should be addressed tt- the Secretary, post paid. 1IAMDEN S. SM TH, Seo'y. Raleigh, Jan. 20, 1857. IS RKE.-VS1IOROUGH MUTUAL LIFE IN JSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY. This Com pany offers inducements to those wishing to effect Insur ances for lite, rarely presented by similar institutions. Those who take Policies of Insurance for Life, and those only, are Mtmiitr of the Cumpany entitled to such profits as may be realized from an accumulated Premium Fund, and from the large amount of Deposits in the Trust De partments of the Company, which are kept astively em ployed. Policies of Insurance issued on the applicants' own life, or on the lives of slaves, for a year, or term of years, at a moderate rate of premium. Deposits of money received in the Trust Department the operation of which is that of a Saving's Bant and the depositois allowed interest at the rate of 3 per cent, per annum for any time not exceeding four months ; 4 per cent, over four and not exceeding six months ; and 5 per cent, for any time over six mouths. Pamphlets containing full and particular information forwarded to anv required address. D. P. WEIR. .Sew. t Treat. Grecusborough, K. C. September 1, 1854. 87 Iy. NEW PUBLICATIONS. jfATEW SCHOOL BOOKS. Ll Manukville's Primary Reader. " Second" " " Third " Fourth " Perkins' Primary Arithmetic " Elementary " " Practical " " Higher " " Elementary Geometry. " Plain and Solid " " Elements of Algebra. " Treatise on " Comings' Class-Rook of Physiology. Quackenbos' F:rst Lessons' in English Composition. " Advanced Course of Composition and Rhetoric Gillespie's Land Surveying. ' Youmans' Chemistry. " Chart of Chemistry. " Atlas of Class-Book of Botany. By F. H. Green. Primary Class-Book of Botany. " Easy Lessons in Landscape Drawing. By Otis. ' Coe's New Drawing Cards. Harkkess' Arnold's First Latin Bonk. " " Second Latin Book and Reader. " Greek " Kuhner's Greek Grammar. New French Instructor. - Shaksperean Reader. By Prof. Hows. Youth s Grammar. " F.-W. Ricord. Covell's Digest of English Grammar. Cornell's Primary Geography. " Intermediate " " High School " H. D. Turner, will furnish any of the above at the pub lisher's prices. Send in your orders. Raleigh, July 14, 1857. 67 BOOKS WHICH ARE BOOKS.-THE Child's Book of Nat-ire; by W. Hooker. M. D. Reading without Tears; by author of " Peep of Day." What I Know ; or. Hints on the Daily Duties of a House keeper, containing nearly 5flo Receipts for Cooking, Ac Jaufrey, the Knight and the Fair Brunissincle. A Tale of the Times of Prince Arthur. Tbe Lady's Kquestriau Manuel ; in which tbe Principles and Practice of Hoisemanslnp, for ladies, are thoroughly explained. 50 illustrations. Smiles and Frowns. Hand Book ot Iowa ; by Parker. " " Minnesota, " Household Edition of ibe " Waverly Novels." Two Years Ago ; by Charles Kingesby. " Hansford," A Tale of " Bacon's Rebellion ;" St. George Tucker. The Days of my Life; by tbe author of Margaret Mait land." Isabel ; The Young Wife and the Old Love; by John C Jeaffrison. Monarchs Retired from Business ; by Donm. Biographical and Historical Sketches; by T- Babington Macaul v. Things Not Generally Known ; by D. A. Wells. The Americans in Japan ; by Robt. Tomes. Dr. Antonio ; A Tale of Italy. For sale by H. D. TURNER. Raleigh, April 24, 1357. n 44 awtf. FORM BOOR. THE .NORTH-CAROLINA FORM Book; containing all the most useful Forms which oc cur in business transactions between man and man, as well as in official stations; together wifh the Constitution of North-Carolina, and of the United Slates; the act fixing tbe fees of Clerks, Sheriffs, Ac Calculated for the use of tbe Citizens of .North-Carolina, and made conformable to law. Compiled by a member of the North-Carolina Bar- Price $1. For sale by H. D. TURNER. H Dv T. will send the above work by mail, postage free, upon the receipt of 91. ? - .. -1 ftaleigb,Apri414,1857. iffrtm. No. 89. NEW PUBLICATIONS. ABBOTT'S ILLUSTRATED niSTORlE. KING PHILIP; CYRUS THE GREAT; DARIUS the Great; Xerxes the Great; Alexander the Great ; Romulus; Hannibal the Carthagenian ; Pyrrbns; Julius Cossar; Cleopatra; Nero; Alfred the Great; William the Conqueror ; Richard the First ; Mary Queen of Soots ; Queen Elizabeth ; Charles the First ; Charles the Second ; Jose phine; Maria Antoinette; Madame Roland; Henry the Fourth ; Hernando Cortex. For Sale by H. D. TURNER. II arp;:r's selected comicalities, price twenty-five cents, for sale by 11. D. TUK-Mitt, 0. J. ttoonstore. . ANEW NOVEL.-GUY LIVINGSTONE; OR, xa. 1 uunuuun. ror oaie ot 41 . . x FT. 1 1 XT I -1 il ' Tk r T" 1 . . l Ll. V. 1 U1V.E.K, 01. M. JMJOKSIOFB. BARTH'S TRAVELS IN NORTH AND CENTRAL Africa, with Map aud numerous Illustrations. For Sale by H. D. TURNER. Sept. 26, 1857. 88 Swaim's Justice Revised. THE NORTH-CAROLINA MAGISTRATE, a practical guide to tbe Laws of the State, and the de cisions of the Supreme Court, defining the duties and juris diction of the Justices of the Peace, out of Court, under the Revised Code of 1854-55, together with full instruc tions, and numerous new Forms and Precedents. BT EDWARD CANTWELL, Esq., LL. B. dansellorat Law. The above is the title of a work which has been recently published by the undersigned at the North-Carolina Book-, store, Raleigh, N. C, and is now for sale iu One Vol. of nearly 600 pages, at tbe low price of $3 60. Postage to any part of the Slate, or of the United States 36 cents. Upon, the receipt of a four dollar N. C. Bank Bill the work will be mailed to address and the change' enclosed in United States post office stamps. . HENRY D. TURNER, N. C. Book Store. Raleigh, N. C, 18th Sept., 1857. 86 Household Edition of the Waverly Novels. row PUBLISHING A BEAUTIFUL HOUSEHOLD 1 Edition of the Waverly Novels, in forty-eight lfinio volumes, of portable size, combining the advantages of a clear, readable type, and uniformity with other standard English authors. The work will be illustrated with steel plates, newly engraved in tbe best manner, after paintings bv tbe most eminent artists of Europe, and will contain all tfie latest corrections of the author, with some curious ad ditions, especially in 'Guy Mannering," and the "Bride of Lammermoor." It is the intention of the Publishers to issue two volumes every month, until tbe whole series is complete. The price will be 75 cents per volume. Six volumes already published. For sale bv H. D. TURNER. Raleigh, June 5, 1857. 66 THE NEW NOVELS. MISS SEDGWICK'S MARRIED OR SINGLE. Borrow's Romany Rye. lever's Fortune's of Gle'ucore. James' Lcanoro D'Orco. Currer Bell's Professor. Mrs. Oiiphant's Athelings. Mrs. Muloch's Nothing New. Mrs. Marsh's Hose of Ashurst. For sle bv H. D. TURNER. Raleigh, August 28, 18 8. 80 NEW MAP OF N. C. c OOKK'S NEW MAP OF NORTH-CAROLINA FOR sa.e by H. D. TURNER. N. C. Book-Store.-August 18, 1857. 77 'EW BOOKS. THE STAR CLOUD; BY A. S. line, author of I've been Thiuking; To Love and be Loved. LENA RIVERS, by Mrs. Mary J. Holmes, author of Tempest and Sunshine. THE ARCTIC EXPLORATION and Discoveries during the Niueleenth Century; being detailed accounts of the Ex jiedit.ons conducted by Ross, Parry, Hack, Franklin, Mc Clure, aud the Grinnell and Kane Expedition; by Samuel Smncker. AUTUMNAL LEAVES; being Tales and Sketches, in prose and verse ; bv L. Maria Child. THE AMERICAN CITIZEN ; by Bishop Hopkins. At POMEROY'S. EW BOOKS. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER, BY LM Charles Knight. History of Texas. By Youkum. The Hills of the Shattemuck. By tbe author of the " Wide, Wide World." Tuckerman's Essays. By H. T. Tuckerman. Literary Criticisms. By Horace Binney Wallace, Esq. Art Seenery in Europe, with other Papers. By Horace Binney Wallace, Esq. The Bible in the Woodshop. By Mears. Autumnal Leaves By L. Maria Child. Aurorab Leigh, a New Poem By Miss Browning. The Forum By David Paul Brown. For sale by W. L. POMEROY. REVISED CODE, PRICE $4 00. POSTAGE when sent by mail 45 cents. For sale bv W. L. POMEROY. Also, the Revised Code interleaved. A few copies only in this form- remaining. $5 50. W. L. P. keeps also constantly on hand Jones' Digest, Eatou's Forms, Iredell on Executors, and Law Books gen erally, particularly those required to be read for County anil Superior Court License. January 17, 1S56. 17 BOOKS RECENTLY PUBLISHED, WORTH READ iug. Literary Ciiticism, by Horace Binney Wallace. Art Scenery iu 'Europe, and other Papers; by Horace Binnev Wallace. Violet; or the Cross and the Crown ; by Miss Mcintosh. A urora Leigh ; a Poem, by Elizabeth Barret Browning. Chesterfield's tatters to bis Son ; new edition. John Halifax, Gentleman. At POMEROY'S. CANTWELL'S JUSTICE THE NORTH CARO LIN A MAGISTRATE. This is an improvement upon and designed to take the place of Swaim's Justice. Price $3 50 postage 36 cents. For sale bv W. L. POMEROY. August 29, 18515. 81 mjORTH-CAROLINA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, BY X Prof. Emmons, being the Report of tbe Geological Survey of the Midland Counties. Price $3. Postage when sent by mail 27 cents. For sale by W. L. POMEROY. March 27 1857. 26 Read, read. A New Political Work. THE POLITICAL TEXT-BOOK, OR ENCYCLOPEDIA. Bt M. W. CLUSKEY, or Washington Citt, D. C. T1 IHIS WORK. A ROYAL OCTAVO, CONTAINING 640 pates of matter, conveniently indexed and hand. somely bound, is now out. No political speaker or editor should be without it. Alphabetically arranged in encyclo pedia style, it is a book or most convenient reference. It contains, amongst other things, the Constitution, Articles 01 uonteaeratton, tue various farty P.atforms, tbe Ameri can Ritual, the Full Opinions on the Dred Scott Case, a History of ti e Various Tariffs, a History of the Congres sional Legislation on tbe United States Bank, a Complete History with all tbe rotes sectionally classified on tbe Mis souri Compromise, a History of the admission of the sever al States, a detailed record of the Legislation of Congress relative to Kansas and Nebraska, tbe KansavConvention net, Uovernors Stanton and Walker's inaugural addresses ; in tact, every thing appertaining to the present excitement in Kansas, the Reports of Senators Douglas and Collamer on Kansas affairs during the last Congress, arid the Special Message of President Pierce on the same sub ject. ; a History of Party Conventions in the United States; a History of Alien Suffrage; tbe Letters signed Malison in defence of the American Party, and that of Governor Wise against it ; the Alien and Seditiou Laws and their his tory; the Compromises of luMK -with the several votes thereon; the Naturalization Laws; Extracts from the Speech es of noted Abolitionists and Republicans, illustrative of the position of their parties, as also from tbe Speecheffof Southern Men, indicating Southern sentiment; a History of the subject of the Distribution of the Public Lands, with Mr. Clay's report thereon ; an Extract of Mr. Grundy's report aud Mr". Faulkner's letter on the same subject ;a History of the several Railroad Grants nuide by Congress Mr. Toombs' Lecture on Slavery ; the Virginia aBdKen tucky Resolutions of 17 WO and TV ; the Ordinances of 174 aud 7 ; Mr. Calhoun's Fort Hill address; a History f De poaite, Bargain and Intrigue; nd many other things fart numerous xo mention. Lb fact, it is a single volume with tbe matter of every political subjec compressed into it. that is now a subject of discussion, or likelv to be. Price three dollars. Can be had by addrWimr r3' 1 M. W. CLUWferV v-. Box 116 Post OffHe Wwhimrton; tt. Cvpr JAMES ft SMlTH A CO., . 610 Chesnat Street, Philadelphia. The trade, to whom liberal inducements will be offered, will please address the Philadelphia agents.' ' " "''- Persona acting as agents will be paid liberally fotv&sfc. scnbeM obtained. . . j , September 10, 1867. ,;iL5' JAS. WCAPEHABT COsf BOOK.SELLERS Ac BCrOfciACjHITB. . Merrv. Hill. Bertfe If C DULD RESPECTFULLY CALL OT it-fc TION of th nnhlifi ta tha fact that fee Will SVfWZ. the following named books, and any othf the awelew, for; Immediately after receiving the Nw Y erfe r Vmwmt" PMapritM tut any where free of poaUget'i ; ',u.-irya Abedoego,tbe MoneT-tender, 1" -.'.' .,' -u 4fJ The'Man-of-Waf'a Man, " . ' .. .U ThelUbyWrB-IlUiIwen-- ''''.'ftst The Pirate's An-H intareating book,- The Seven Brothers of Wyoming, Jack Rann ; Or, Sixteen String Jack, Jack Jnnk, tbe Tar for all Weathers, Gallopina Qua j Or, Purse and PntoV Latin Language without Taacher, , Agnes Grey an AuUbiog.raphy, . : Monroe Edwards, he Great Forger, , Tbe Rebel Bride and other TaJesy. ' . W t "96l ',.1.". : Life of Dick Turpin, tbe Kobber, "The FortuuerHunter; Or. New York SoewiJV i a-W'!? Miriam Alroy the Wondrous Tale of Alroy, ,-tb ,ips. J! Contarani Fleming, by R. D. D'Israeli, , .. , j;': J Wf The Lover of the Harem of Turkey, ' " . V:..' f V J2t Ellen Perev, by G. W. M. Reynolds, ' 1 Greatest Plague of Life, only . - - ''T JV Also, bound books of every description, which itW iMMTI t . 1 for sale at the same priees as in New York or PhiMelnhia.'? - ovuu iu juur uruera booh auu y vu win v ... -1 tenuon snown you, ' Hooks, ; bv us free of nostaoe to anv i 4 AS. Merrr HilL V.0. August 28, 1857. STEDMANS SALEM MAUAZINE? IS to bk the title or A . ; 5rI litebast pebiodical, r t '! :&' .ft TO BE TOWN OF PUBLISHED MONTHLr; THE . ' -r - NORTH-CAfcOLiNA, SALEM BT ANDREW J S T E D MA N A MEMBEB OF THE XOBTH-CalOUKA BAR. ' ir' , . IN OFFERING TO THE PUBLIC MY MAGAZINE," Ir claim for the Editorial Chair no superiority over Mat: department of other like Periodicals; but I do claim for tbe a talent of North-Carolina, and the South generally, that will; be brought to its support, Southern patronage, . And I ajeo, as a Southern man, and the Editor of a Sontbern Magazine, claim at the ban Is of tbe Southern. oouatry; and espeoiaJly of North-Carolina, that aid and sapport that will Were, ai ' home, establish, upon a firm basis, a fountain of Literature, f and exclusively a Home Literary Magacine. . ' I Many are tbe Magaxines now published in tbe Northern States that are flading tbe whole Southern c entry. There 1 is not (it is probable.) a county in any Southern Stat that f is not visited by "Harper." " Graham,'' "Peterson,, " Godey ;" while here, in North-Carolina and the South, where genius unsurpassed and nnequaled reigns, the litera ry talent that is brought into exercise is dedicated to the ' support of Northern Magazines, while Souther enterprise taste and talent bow in humble submission to such suicidal policy of Southern contributors. -.' Why, I ask, canuot r North-Carolina. the South send greeting to our Southern clime, a Magazine eoeptablefor the . many qualities that adorn the pages f taettoat chaste, ele gant and polite Periodicals It is true that thntSonth has her Magazines ; but few in number are ibraad nknewn, , compared to tbe publications of the Nortk.'wbiob every mail brings to our homes, filled with tbe rflrtut ef hired la- ' bor, and teeming with unpardonable seditioni-'' - : Then I appeal to North-Carolina and ether Southern States to aid me in my enterprise, and in pAmoting lite' rary taste amongst those upon whom, aa a Soathern man, f I have claims. -X' -- ' ". My Magazine will be of the usual size; and nothing will i be admitted to its prigca but such articles' as will meet the approval of tbe most fastidious. It shall bel .1 Illastrated with Eragravlags ui Platea ' j of tbe most elegant texture, equaling in beauty and style anv executed at tbe North. A My price of subscription is THREE DOLLARS per year, which is required to be paid in advance, aa the expense to . be incurred in establishing such a publication will not ad mit of a credit system. 1. - r 1 "; .: '' tSg The First Number will be issued 1 -.4 t8S8. ' ,i A- J.STKDMAH,, J ' ; ''- '' . Editor a ou i r yinv. N. B.W Address until the 1st of November wilt be Pittsborongb, N. C after that time it will be Salemi N.C C September 18, lt57. - fft- .. 1 .' i'l- PROSPECTUS or TBS ' ,jA7T:: N. C. JOURNAL OP EDUCATION 'v" AT THE RECENT MEETING OF THE N. & KW)- CATIONAL Association, in Warreaton. the ander. signed were appointed a commit ee to make tbe arrangements fur publishing a monthly journal,"wHh the above title. " -rr i Having made arrangements for issuing the first No. in September next, they call, with confidence, upon the frieods of Education throughout the State, and especially poa 1 Teachers and Schiail Officers, to send anbaenptibna4mttaei dintely. that they may be enabled to go on with the' work. ' Tbey feel assured that, if those who have the educational interests of our State at heart will exert themselves the number of subscribers requisite to insure completnMoees cm be secured within one week after the publication : oft th!s prospectus. The Journal is to be devoted entirely to the interests of Edncatinn, and will be published under the auspices of the ' State Educational Association. It will be tbe organ of the ' Association and of all affiliated or subordinate A aaonialhw in the State. It will labor to promote the great eaoae !, Education, in all its grades, as one cause and to foster a , general sympathy between teachers and officers of Common ' Schools, Academies and Colleges, as co-laborera in that on' great cause. It will strive to advance the interestaof the' Common School system of tbe State, aa underlying all other interests, and sustaining, on its vaat granite Jmuml our great educational structure, and will furnish a channel of communication between the Genera1 Superintendent of ' Common Schools and those who feel an interest in their welfare. The Journal will be edited by a Board of Editors, composed of C. . Wiley, Superintendent of Commoa Schools, and a number of the leading Teachers of tbe State, ' and one local Editor, who will receive all communioatioaa 1 and superintend th publication. -- S All communications should be addressed to tks Ediitr' ft. ,.f f.i. ...,: n......t. 1 r --. C. H. WILEY, C. C. COLE. G. W. BROOKS. "nT vsr urn Ti?mr' WM. RllRIVjnM t ' TERMS: . i..'V-;: The Journal will be publ.shed m-athlTi fl' naiiaihm' form, in handsome style, and will jMVtain 48 pagea. at tbwt following rates: .r. v t-, . . ' On runi' niuvu, ' - . , j , , rix copies,- " (to one addresa)j;. . -10 suoscnptions required invariably in mdvanot, Ml I ccipts sent in the first 1 YEAR 6 MONTHS 8 MONTHS 1 MOKTK. One page, Half " 40 $2i ' -ta 40 22 12 5 22 12 ., ' -, 7 . 12 7 4. 16 lines. Aarenisemenis ny ine year piyabie quarterlv. ' All .lh... n. . U I ... " Teachers sending '$50 for 25 subscribers will be entitled f to advertisements of their Schools, of 10 lines, for ooa' Ai. vinculo UJiillluiT. year. use tneir aesires and wants in naners not exnrsaal v An-rnim r to the cause of Education. If all such, by general eonaant. would keep standing notices in the Journal, it would bean '1 easy matter for teachers to find out all vacant situation. 4 and for Committees and Trustees to learn the'addrBttoft all teach ;rs wanting places. .. . , v rv It is, therefore, the desire of the eonduetora of the Jour I nal to publish a Directory of thia kind, and to all who wig , furnish standing notiees of their wants very liberal deduc tions will be made from the usual advertising rates. -- - " RT.l we ' - 1 Mk, 0 -(W'fiTN THE FOLLOWING BLANKS ABE FOR SALE AT. r 'be Standard office, at the pr'ces annexed, via : Blank Warrants, 7S cents per qu'ie; Superiorand County 1 Court witness and jury tickets, Sul-poenaa, Writs, FvFee, Appearance Bonds, FortbcomiLg )onda, Baratardy ftnsfc. I Apprentice Bonds. Sheriffs' Deeds, Marriage Lisesses, fce f Ac, each fl per quire. -i. When any of toe above are orders! by mail, 10 eetataad on each quire must be sen to prepay nosings, Any bianK will ne printed to order when -not leas 1 six quires are oraerea. . . . May 15, 1857. , ' ',' SOLICITORS BLANKS. ' " ' - T HE FOLLOWING BLANK FORMS OF mntrrrJ ments, just printed and for sale at the Standard ef&ee. to wit Retailing without License, Assault and Battery, Affray, Selling Liquor to a Slave. Trading with Slaves, 1 Cohabiting with a Slave, Fornication and Adultery, Carryintr Fire-arma. Mi- : , 4:.-?.t (vol noe i per quire. 'order. June 26, 1857. " All blanks not on band, pvthted ' ' ' " : Mi l lU.'fl ' . I ?- ; iijl.f tw in. A VIT A PT A tf-tnwa.wu. ' .. ''! IS, t. IT-7E HAVE JUST PUTHTED'"A (HIANT1TT Or w w blank attachnienta. aeoordino- ir. c. ---- Tj! B- ?:2i"OT.. E"k .u "Vubtleas tbe bast form ia, e state. We will send them free of postage for 1.60 per aire Blank ooUce. to those supposing hmf rnmfvt? le effceta of the attaches m their pneVSaAm, will a snTSu . isbedVst SI per quire our uaaal price for blanks,, f v-'r e nave m hand a large assortment of Cur.bfankv. eeda. Forthcoming bonds, ' Witness and Jury ticketer- riant, Ac , te. - HOLDEN 4 WILSON. ' May 87th, lew..? ' .. . . . ti.:iji BLANlC LAND DEEDS, OF THE LATEST ARtt r mst approved form, jnst printed, and for kale at tha i -Srandai-d-omce. . '-.-. .- - Alas Writs, Subpoenas, Warrants, aa.d a variety of other t'ou mnst rememoer, are wtj artof the UnitedMte. J W. CAPEHARt, or ?tin 1 here are at all times a number of Schools of all grades,'1 needing teachers, and of teachers who want situations ; and 1 it is not at all uncommon for nartiea thus aitnmbwf tnjM..i